April 3, 2011

At the Dogwood and Pussy Café...


... you can get along or tangle all you want.


Brent said...

Heh heh

You said "dogwood"

Kirby Olson said...

Why is it that only cats and dogs have become thoroughly domesticated?

Why not bears, and deer, and wolverines, and owls, and worms, and scorpions?

traditionalguy said...

Everybody is starting to notice that Obama's Libyan intervention has done what it was designed to do all along: there is now a total stalemate. WW I trench warfare is the result when tanks are stopped by fighter bombers, and at the same time airpower is forbidden to be used for offensive purposes. So neither side can take up pumping Libya's oil for a long time. Meanwhile, the USA cannot get permits issued to drill and its rigs back while Obama Big Lies his way around that truth. The result will be a few more billions for Soros from the Brazil's oil field investments to be used in part to fund Obama's re-election.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I Taut I Taw a Puddy Tat

Palladian said...

My pussy got soaking wet!

Unknown said...

Please, no tangling with the dogs. Quantum and Quasy have been going at each other all week.

And this is for you, vb,

"Animals are very psychic. The least sign of danger and my pussy's hair stands straight up".

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricpic said...

Only nature thinks to put a scarlet red with dun,
Ten shades of dun and watered background blue;
And what all works together and all works true
Would be a Sartorialist fashionista's hegdish "fun."

hegdish: yiddish for messy

Calypso Facto said...

Kirby, Nat Geo magazine had a great article a couple months ago about a multi-generational effort to domesticate foxes in Russia and the surprising results (like spots!).

Chip Ahoy said...


OOOOOOooh, now I see.

Peter Hoh said...

Pussy willows were part of my New Jersey childhood, but I can't say that I've noticed any since moving to Minnesota. I sort of assumed that we were one zone too cold, but apparently not. Either I'm not noticing them, or they're just not that popular with gardeners in the Twin Cities.

Almost Ali said...

The audacity: Who does she think she is!

They're gearing up over at the Times for an all-out assault on [likely] presidential contender Michele Bachmann.

And I'm still sticking to my prediction that Sarah Palin won't run - but I'm now adding that Palin will campaign, big, for Bachmann.

And collectively they may effectively destroy the Republican Party as we know it. A good thing. A very good thing.

Even better, many lingering questions will be finally settled. Such as redistribution, "moderate" Islam, and open-border immigration - to mention just a few.

Revenant said...

Why is it that only cats and dogs have become thoroughly domesticated?

Horses, pigs, etc? There are dozens of domesticated species.

My personal favorite is the guinea pig.

MamaM said...

After several years of soaking up snow melt, the stick of a Weeping Pussy Willow the MrM brought home from Sam's Club and planted in a low wet spot at the edge of the lawn has turned into a strange looking, compact little tree that now produces thousands of pussy buds. Enough for spring bouquets with branches to spare.

While I don't find its Dr Seuss shape appealing, there is no doubting its ability to produce catkins. The nursery euphemistically describes it as a beautiful tree with a strong weeping habit that will have branches dropping all the way to the ground. Unusual and hard to find, it is sure to be the highlight of your landscape, or even the entire neighborhood

Maybe not the highlight of the entire neighborhood, but surely a mention at the Dogwood and Pussy Cafe counts for something.

James said...

I tuned in to the Bob & Brian Morning Show just in time to hear them discuss the WI SC election.

Bob: "I can't vote for Joanne Kloppenburg...she looks like a cross between Janis Ian and Carole King."

Brian: "You just know she was having sex in a poncho back in the 'Seventies. I bet if you check her closet now she has a few ponchos."

Both Bob & Brian are very conservative so I'm sure their listeners are all fired up. I can almost predict that later they will read e-mails and text messages from listeners vowing never to listen to them again.

Then the discussion turned to the wheelchair-bound woman in the TV ad that says "David Prosser voted to allow companies to fire handicapped people."

Bob: "How do I know she wasn't a bitch?"

Brian: "You mean a bitch on wheels?"

Bob: "And while we're on this, how do I know Shirley Abrahamson isn't a bitch on wheels. Has she submitted some sort of certificate that says she is not a bitch?"

Peter Hoh said...

After a 58 year run on St. Paul's University Avenue, Porky's Drive-in closed Sunday.

Here's a nice photo from Saturday night.

For those of you who prefer quantity over quality, I've posted a bunch more photos (and some videos) here.