April 3, 2011

"4 Out of 5 Zombies Recommend Neo-Con Brains."

A sign at the zombie protest here in Madison yesterday. Sorry, I missed that one. I have a bad case of protest fatigue.

Nice to see that the zombies appreciate the high quality of neo-con brains. They've done the taste test.


Wince said...

"Send more neo-cons."

bagoh20 said...

The zombies must be stoked, since we are all Neo-Cons now.

bagoh20 said...

4 out of 5 Zombies recommend Neo-Con brains. The other one recommends liberal - he's a vegetarian.

Unknown said...

Protest fatigue? You must have a superior intellect. Only union slugs can do this day after day and not go insane.

WV "fullate" When he's a porn star.

Ron said...

Neo-Con Brains...now, with extra Kristols!

Greg Toombs said...

And progressive brains? Empty calories.

The Crack Emcee said...

Neo-Con brains are bigger, too.

And better for you.

And BTW - Gawd, those people are losers.

garage mahal said...

1000 zombies come out to protest. Is this a fucking cool city or what?

Ron said...

Mirandos: Crunchy legal brain chips...with Zesty Ranch and Dred Scotch flavors!

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1000 zombies come out to protest. Is this a fucking cool city or what?

No... same old boring shit.

Playing to the already committed choir.

What's the scam today, garbage?

garage mahal said...

What's the scam today, garbage?

We're going to take a drive in the beautiful hills south of Madison, drop by a farm and possibly buy a CSA share. How bout you? Working on that daily internet aneurysm?

Anonymous said...

From the WSJ - "We've Become a Nation of Takers, not Makers , More Americans Work for the Government Than in Manufacturing, Farming, Fishing, Forestry, Mining and Utilities Combined."
That is something I did not know, but suspected. I might as well switch sides, and demand my government job or welfare payment until government has a job for me. As long as the Federal Reserve has a printing press, who needs reality.


Jamson64 said...

Mrs. Obama would be disappointed . There are a lot of fat dumb out of shape union/government loving zombies.

purplepenquin said...

Smaller grapes are always sweeter than the large huge ones. I'm guessing it is the same with brains too... ;)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The middle class is out of work. Millions of private sector jobs are gone. The coddled and protected union/government class refuse to take part in ANY shared sacrifice.

"I hate you. Give me it."

Gary Rosen said...

Transliterated ethnic joke:

A cannibal goes into a butcher and asks how much is a pound of brains. The butcher says, "$5/lb for moderate brains, $10/lb for conservative brains, and $100/lb for liberal brains".

Cannibal: "Why the difference in price?"

Butcher: "Moderate brains are pretty good quality so they are $5/lb. Conservative brains are excellent quality so they are $10/lb."

Cannibal: "Then why are liberal brains so expensive?"

Butcher: "Do you know how many liberals it takes to get a pound of brains?!"

DADvocate said...

"Do you know how many liberals it takes to get a pound of brains?!"

Beat me to it.

Chip Ahoy said...

Oh the ironing, it burns.

Workers who support Walker are like chickens who support Col. Saunders [sic].

Actually, taxpayers who support unionized state employees would be even more like those chickens, if chickens destined to be breaded and deep-fried under pressure could be compared to either workers or to taxpayers without being fallacious. But try having that discussion with a guy stomping around in a crowd yelling slogans.

Anonymous said...

We're going to take a drive in the beautiful hills south of Madison, drop by a farm and possibly buy a CSA share. How bout you? Working on that daily internet aneurysm?

Hardly. Got home from last night's gig at 2:30 a.m.

Got a nice bottle of wine, from which I'm willing to sacrifice one cup for a tomato sauce I'll make with fresh basil and parsley.

AST said...

Who would know better about what zombies want that these people?

William said...

It seems to me that the zombies in Madison are becoming increasingly Frenchified. Sweetbreads! What kind of real American zombie eats sweetbreads--especially in Wisconsin where there are so many plump thighs and upper arms to feast upon. If there's one thing I hate, it's a pretentious, cuisine over-achieving zombie.

Known Unknown said...

Do you Wisconsinites ever tire of looking at fat, ugly people?

Phil 314 said...

1000 zombies come out to protest. Is this a fucking cool city or what?


Peter said...

Gawdalmighty, I really miss napalm.