April 16, 2011

A 14-year-old girl speaks at the Tea Party rally in Madison and is drowned out by chants, boos, and cowbells.

This video — shot by Meade and edited by me — begins with a little boy banging on a plastic bucket "drum." A man with a guitar is performing — amplified — on the stage, but we can barely hear him over the crowd noise. There is incessant ringing of cowbells. Then, we can hear that a young woman is speaking from the stage to the Tea Party crowd as the protesters do what they can to drown her out. She finishes — "God bless America" — and the tea partiers cheer but the protesters overwhelm them with boos. The emcee comes to the mike and we hear that the speaker was only 14 years old.

ADDED: One of the chants during her speech is "Go home! Go home! Go home!"

UPDATE: Another angle on the heckling of this girl, at 1:07 in a montage of video that I shot yesterday.


Beta Rube said...

I have enjoyed the new Meadeia immensely throughout this ordeal, but after today I have a deep respect for what it takes to move among these vile, obnoxious whiners and keep a steady demeanor.

I wanted to smack the guy next to me for verbally bullying a 14 year old girl. I stared at him instead and he calmed down a bit, but couldn't resist booing at the end.

Do any of these dopes know how awful they look to everyone but themselves?

Beta Rube said...

The emcee actually announced that she was only 14 when introducing her, so all the union tough guys knew they were doing the thug thing to a little girl.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, Sarah Palin had the courage to go on Saturday Nite Live, and LAUGH.

She goes to Madison, here, even though we're told Madison is a bastion for the left.

And, Sarah Palin draws a crowd, who came out on a rainy day. Many without even carrying umbrellas.

I'm impressed that Sarah Palin goes in where other presidential hopefuls would fear to tread.

Where's the downside?

David said...

Go home little girl. (And such pretty hair you have . . . . )

Grackle said...

I am glad to live in Texas. Not only do our schools outperform those of Wisconsin at a fraction of the cost, but we have less tolerance for verbal abuse of girls. Oh, it was 76 degrees and sunny here in Galveston, today.

Shouting Thomas said...

The sense of entitlement of the public workers in Wisconsin is horrifying.

It's time for a house cleaning.

How do you go about firing these people? Let them find out what it's like to go without a job, or to have a job in the private sector.

The cushy job and perks has made them into godawful spoiled children.

Take away their jobs and perks.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Must be the New Politics of civility I keep hearing about.
No really, when you don't have anything to say YOURSELF, God forbid you allow anyone else to say something.

Synova said...

They boo "God Bless America?"

"Do any of these dopes know how awful they look to everyone but themselves?"

I donno. Several commenters here are trying to change the subject, but I don't think they'll admit the awful behavior. Maybe they really don't think that it is repulsive. Maybe they're all, "You go girl!" to the obnoxious sorts.

Shouting Thomas said...


The politics of civility have been canceled.

Read Krugman today. No longer serves the purposes of the left.

Because Republicans are beasts who want to throw the elderly out into the cold and starve children to death.

So, any tactics are justified to defeat the Republicans. Civility was yesterday.

Chef Mojo said...

Man, the Tea Party commercials are just writing themselves, thanks to the government union thugs. Booing down a 14 year old girl! Classy.

Hey, government unionistas! What are you afraid of? Words from the mouth of a 14 year old girl, who has the courage to face you, and stare you down.

You're losing, unionistas. This is all getting out there. You don't control the signal anymore.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LakeLevel said...

Does anyone really believe any more that the left is for free speech? That idea is laughable. Sure there are some on the left who stand up for it (hi Anne). But does anyone of any authority in the Democrat Party ever speak out against this kind of behavior?

bagoh20 said...

Lovely people.

I moved from liberal to conservative a long time ago, but if I had not, I know the behavior of liberals recently would have embarrassed me into it by now. "Shame" indeed.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to ask Ann: what percentage of these yellers were teachers?

MikeR said...

Wow! Vile - and clueless. Do they understand how bad they look?

Chuck66 said...

Meade and Ann. I have so much respect for you, as you two are able to keep your cool around these douches. I am pretty mild, but when someone really crosses the line, I can lose my temper. I could not be amoungst these people and maintain my composer.

shiloh said...

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger ...

She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals.

take care

Chuck66 said...

I think a lot of this is due to an extreme lack of diversity in Madison. They have no clue that there is an entire country out there that is split 50/50. They only see people who think just like them.

Synova said...

"She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals."

Well, the chance for questioning her parent's wisdom and doing some teen-time rebellion just got neatly circumvented didn't it.

Paddy O said...

"what percentage of these yellers were teachers?"

Of course this would make sense. Most teachers of 14 year olds spend a lot of time telling them to shut up. So, maybe it was just classroom habit.

shiloh said...

Well, the chance for questioning her parent's wisdom and doing some teen-time rebellion just got neatly circumvented didn't it.

Regardless, you can "blame" the parents for putting her in that position in the first place as surely they were payin' attention to what was happening in Madison the past couple mos.

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!

Politics can be a contact sport, or so I hear ...

le Douanier said...

So what Fox show will book her first?

I'm putting my dough on Greta.

Greta can leverage her Palin connection to reach out.

Chuck66 said...

Have to get going, but did you kids hear about the break-in in Green Bay this week? The Brown County Democrats are taking a page from Nixon.

Synova said...

I generally think that any youngster who is interacting in an adult sphere should be treated like an adult. I've no problem with that. So they boo'ed a teen, so what. She's a teenager, not a child. I think it's more important that they boo'ed at "God Bless America."

But you see, Shiloh, that you made some remark about her parents teaching her to hate liberals. I think that liberals are teaching her to hate liberals. And saying that, well, it was her fault anyway for getting up there and speaking, is just making an excuse for no reason. What does it matter? The boo'ers boo, and anyone can make their own judgment on their behavior.

"Do any of these dopes know how awful they look to everyone but themselves?"

The question stands.

shiloh said...

Greta can leverage her Palin connection to reach out.

Damn, the conservative $$$ is probably already rollin' in lol ~ her college tuition is now paid for.

Hey, if palin can make a lot of money, why not a clueless (14) year old.

No good deed goes unpunished er unpaid for ...

Mark said...

All about the indoctrination, Shiloh.

Give the girl credit for guts. Her peers and (more importantly) her teachers will probably ream her for this.

A different point of view will not be tolerated in the perfect society.

shiloh said...

Again, as she was underage, her parents had to agree for her to appear.

Interesting dichotomy ie palin sayin' to the press to lay off her children as they were/are off limits and at the same time her oldest daughter, who had a kid out of wedlock, makes a lot of $$$ preaching abstinence and appearing on Dancin' w/the Stars and mama grizzly has her own reality show at her home in Alaska, complaining about her family's privacy at the same time.

And of course Greta going up to Alaska to fawn all over the palin clan.

Farcical fraud ?!? you decide.

Synova said...

I'm pretty sure that the either or you're suggesting is unsupportable, Shiloh.

Either children are kept entirely out of public life OR it's acceptable for loving and tolerant liberals to abuse them.

Either women wear body concealing clothing OR it's acceptable for moral and upstanding men to rape them.

How is one of those statements any different from the other.

Children are people and have a *right* that is far more real than any imagined right for government workers to "collectively" demand control over their employer's budget decisions, to exist. In public.

Making their sequestering a condition of treating them with normal decency is entirely hostile and self-serving.

All abusers blame the abused. Always. There will be some way that it is someone elses fault that an abuser does what they do. There is never responsibility taken for what is freely chosen.

It's a sad thing, Sarah Palin forcing people to pick on her kids and then having the gall to complain about what she *forced* them to do.

And complaining about what this girl's parents forced the counter-protesters to do, against their will, is just as unjust.


Stop the injustice, and keep those young people out of public view and out of public participation.

I don't think I'm willing to sigh on to that, but I do understand the basis of the argument.

jimspice said...

Wait, a couple of weeks ago weren't you all saying using children as pawns at a rally was a BAD thing?

Steve Koch said...

Denying conservatives freedom of speech is quite common for lefties. If they think this helps their cause with independents, they are sadly mistaken.

What is amazing is that there appear to be virtually no lefties condemning this behavior. I guess it is a combination of some thinking it is OK to behave this way and the rest being afraid to speak up lest they be criticized for supporting freedom of speech for conservatives.

It is great to get this video out where it can get picked up by Drudge, InstaPundit, Fox, and the (real) WSJ.

shiloh said...

Synova, congrats on your rather long, pointless deflection er red herring.

But again, it's always amusing when conservatives "try in vain" to defend palin.

Chip Ahoy said...

I don't hear you laughing.

Synova said...


I understand that you really do not want to see that you just suggested several ways why it was someone elses fault that people were excessively rude to a 14 year old, and you're the one who brought up Palin's kids.

Now either she's participating in the adult sphere and doesn't get special treatment, in which case, why the excuses? Or people really ought to take responsibility for their own behavior instead of blaming it on others. Or both.

So why don't you trot out another excuse for why it's okay after all to pick on someone's kids.

Synova said...

"Do any of these dopes know how awful they look to everyone but themselves?"


Chip Ahoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jefftopia said...

I'm ok with this; the girl new what she was signing up for and the protesters were protesting her MESSAGE not, necessarily, her.

Also, stop straw manning the protesters.

Chip Ahoy said...

It's always so amusing seeing people show up out of nowhere trying desperately to support the unsupportable. That is, the behavior being discussed here.

Did I just say amusing? Sorry, I meant to say fucking annoying. And that's all it is.

And for your information, you little pip-squeak, Sara Palin doesn't need any defending. But I can see she scares the living shit out of the likes of you.

hombre said...

shiloh projected:

She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals.

You really are confused, aren't you? Who are the people behaving abusively and doing the hating there?

Synova said...

"I'm ok with this; the girl new what she was signing up for and the protesters were protesting her MESSAGE not, necessarily, her."

I doubt she knew what she was getting into, but I'm sure she got a whole lot of positive feed-back and the people up front were certainly supporters. I'm not worried about *her* at all. But none of that changes the nature of the protesters and their anti-social behavior (or the excuses given for it).

And I don't think it's accurate to say that the people were protesting her message. Do you think they heard or cared what she said? Really? I doubt they cared what she said any more than they cared how old she was.

Synova said...

To protest what someone says, you have to listen to what they say so that you know what you disagree about.


hombre said...

Jeffrey whined: the protesters were protesting her MESSAGE not, necessarily, her. ... Also, stop straw manning the protesters.

Really? You mean the message they didn't hear because of their screaming, etc? That message? LOL

And Jeffrey, videotaping isn't "straw manning."

Zachary Sire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zachary Sire said...

A few weeks ago, Althouse went on Fox News to criticize and ridicule the kids who went to the Capitol in support of Unions.

Today, Althouse tries to make a hero out of a kid who supports the Tea Party and presents her as a sympathetic figure.

Remind us when it's OK to use kids in a protest and when it's not OK, would you Althouse?

Classic, hypocritical Althouse at her best!

Conserve Liberty said...

@Shiloh: I've written this often recently, and I'll keep writing it.

These side discussions are a tired device you use to divert the discussion from the main topic. You use it often and well.

None of these topics would ever appear if your comrades would simply behave as ladies and gentlemen.

Then we could debate with you these important decisions as adults - and teenagers - rather than as adult to child.

VanderDouchen said...


All I have to say is, "wow."

You and your bought and paid for buddies (you know of whom I speak) can't control your keyboard. This 14 year old was put out there to identify the people who would raise their heads. That would be you. I hope you feel fine tonight. I hope your daughter feels fine in twenty years. She probably won't survive the abortion, however, so you can rest easy.

Nighty night, sleep tight.

Mark said...

Shiloh, parents positions notwithstanding, the girl had guts.

You have insinuations.

Maybe the parents and you both have evil intent. Doesn't matter.

The girl has guts.

Fight like a girl, dude.

hombre said...

shiloh prattled:

Regardless, you can "blame" the parents for putting her in that position in the first place as surely they were payin' attention to what was happening in Madison the past couple mos.

You are one sick puppie. Do you blame the victims for the crimes too? Never mind. Of course you do.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Conserve Liberty said...

@Shiloh: Certainly it is logically OK to bray, "She entered the adult sphere, so she should be treated like an adult - shouted down like any other adult.

Gentlemen treat ALL others with dignity and respect, regardless of what they think internally.

Teenaged girls are accorded a special brand of deferential treatment by gentlemen, especially when they rise to a challenge such as did this young lady today.

But then you wouldn't know that, because you, sir, are not a gentleman.

Mark said...

ZPS, done much public speaking?

I have. It's different from carrying a sign.

hombre said...

Zachary PS wrote: Remind us when it's OK to use kids in a protest and when it's not OK, would you Althouse?

Sure Zach. It's okay when the protest and the protesters are civil, behave lawfully,respect public property, and seek the common good.

It's not okay when the protest and protesters are crude, deface public property, trespass and seek only to benefit their unions.

Hope that helps.

shiloh said...

My veracity "appears" to have struck a nerve w/AA's lemmings ~ go figure!

And yes, AA is a tiresome hypocrite as she "tries" to straddle the fence and gets shit on from both sides. But her dedicated/loyal conservative flock will defend her ad nauseam, so she can remain above the fray at her own blog.

solo estoy diciendo

gk1 said...

Wow, the leftys here just don't have their heart into this madison thing anymore. Who can blame them? They've had their ass handed to them for 4 months straight now. Now they have to defend booing a 14year old girl. Sucks to be you.

Mark said...

Your "vericty" isn't. Keep stirring up the opposition, it's always a good strategy for the minority.

Lombardi Chick said...

She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals.

Because liberals can be as shockingly profane, vulgar, aggressive, and rude as they like, but the only reason someone might be inclined to dislike them is if they were brainwashed.

I am in some kind of mood tonight, because I just got done watching the lefties in Portland with their F this and F that, "God sh** on America" bile. It's like they're children, constantly testing to see how far they can push Mommy and Daddy before Daddy finally kicks their ass.

Sometimes I think that's actually what they want.

shiloh said...

Keep stirring up the opposition, it's always a good strategy for the minority.

Yea, passive/aggressive conservatives posters at a political blog should always be feared lol.

btw, as previously mentioned, I enjoy being in the minority "here" as being in a never ending majority winger circle jerk at Althouse, who agree w/each other 24/7 must be a lot of fun, eh.

take care, blessings

Laika's Last Woof said...

First they put our children in debt, then they take away school choice (in the one place they allowed it in the first place), now they hiss and boo a 14-year-old girl. Trig Trutherism was just the tip of the iceberg.
Meanwhile MSM runs interference as they have since the happy peasants of Walter Duranty's imagination filled their tables with the bounty of unrestrained liberalism. Thank you to Meade, Breitbart, Reynolds, Althouse, Malkin, O'Keefe, Maloney, and anyone else I might have missed for finally showing us the truth about these people.

VanderDouchen said...

@ shiloh

Sei solo merdaciatoro.

Grazie di niente, merdacico.

E, se non l'hai capito quello que ho scritto, va fa un 'ullo di quello che e stranzutto.

Nighty night. Genius.



ambisinistral said...


You hear a lot of 14 years old kids say things you think are stupid when they step onto the stage of adulthood.

Most adults encourage those kids rather than boo them. You pretty much paint yourself as a jerk if you heckle them.

shiloh said...

VanderDouchen again, as long as you're payin' attention to my every word!


VanderDouchen said...

and my apologies to the remaining Thouse posters. I just felt the need to slam on Shiloh, who does not deserve that name.

WV: typer:

Shiloh was nothing more than a typer at the battle of Shiloh. He couldn't stand the insane temper of battle, and ran like the little muscrat we know he is.

Muscrat will now become a gay slur. Arrest me now, please.

Mark said...

btw, as previously mentioned, I enjoy being in the minority "here" as being in a never ending majority winger circle jerk at Althouse, who agree w/each other 24/7 must be a lot of fun, eh.

Just so we are clear, you would rather feel good about your moral standing than make a defense (or attack) that might reinforce your case in the general polity.

We've been here before. Your stance is basically "I wank, therefore I am." I can't say it's disprovable.

shiloh said...

I just felt the need to slam on Shiloh

Indeed, as that's what AA's lemmings do here ie slam the minority opposition ad nauseam w/ad hominems, expletives, profanity!

It's really quite endearing ;) in a kindergarten kind of way.

And please continue as words typed on a keyboard can be quite forceful and demonstrative! lol

especially in Italian ...

take care

Revenant said...

Classy bunch, those public union members.

VanderDouchen said...

Ms. Shiloh,

Mr. and Ms. Obama are on my side in this keyboard foray. You really need to sop bullying. It might make all of the Thouse posters skurd and frightenedened.

In fact, I'm skurded and frightenened. Leave me alone beofre I report you to Ms. Obama. She is with the gubment, and is hia to hep.

Or did I make a missteak and I think I meant Mr. Obama. I don't no witch won eye mint. eyez kneed the hep uv da gubmint.

WV: perporid:

Quello que e' fatto, e' fatto perprid. Id, si va come si va.

shiloh said...

VanderDouchen is now sadly just embarrassing himself!

Your Obama obsession will surely be your undoing.

rhhardin said...

This is the passive-aggressive use of niceness.

Let them drown out a 14 year old girl.

The actual messages are that the union isn't going along on one side, and that the unions are despicable people on the other.

Both sides are correct, but this is all better done in essay form.

Winding down said...

You pick the appelation for THEM..

Bottom line---- they are ZERO FOR TWO..


damikesc said...

A child at a rally is fair game...but what is up with the consistent desire to silence dissent?

MarkD said...

I thought Madison had more class. I expected debate on the substance of the argument presented. I was wrong.

Toad Trend said...


"A child at a rally is fair game..."

Damikesc, look at your hands...did you really type that? You can't mean it. If you really did, you are saying that their really are no rules of engagement for public discourse. Of course, we all know the left believes this.

Tell us, what would you be willing to say to this female child? Would you assume they were their of their own volition? Or dragged their by a parent questing to provide the experience?

Triangle Man said...

I thought Madison had more class. I expected debate on the substance of the argument presented. I was wrong.

Protests or rallys are rarely about open debate. They are reminders of the scope of the responsibility that elected officials have to the people and the potential consequences on election day.

LakeLevel said...

The attempt to hijack the discussion here by shiloh et al is just another symptom of the Left's prediliction to crush freedom of speech. They are on record here saying that they are indeed just trying to train wreck the conversation. These lefty orcs (small minded trolls) do not want anyone to talk about left wing rudeness, intimidation, corruption, and general facist behavior. Blogger really needs an ignore function so we adults can talk without rude, malicious interruption.

Unknown said...

The editing says it all.

Showing a kid mindlessly beating a drum (the "parents" were probably across the street getting a beer) and cutting to an "adult" ringing a cowbell in equally mindless fashion is a devastating commentary on the fine, upstanding unionistas.

And, yes, they haven't even guts enough to fight like a girl.

PS shiloh trolls with inane non sequiturs, calls anyone who rebuts him one of his admirers (he should live!), and then wants them to go to his blog.



AllenS said...

Monday, the parents of the 14 year old girl can go to the gun store, and purchase a small pistol for her. Tuesday, they can go to the gun range.

traditionalguy said...

The benefit of free speech is the exposure of the speaker's ideas and plans that let's folks plan for a coming events. So allowing speech is a tactic also. The sheer cowardice of the public employee Union members has attempted to shut down the benefits we may have gotten here. They are proudly kidnapping freedom and offering it back for a ransom. That teaches us that money is ALL they are about all of the time.

Shouting Thomas said...

This fight over Palin is all about race. That's why the left keeps calling the Tea Party racists.

When the Democrats praised McCain for being "moderate" and "reasonable," they meant that he refused to go after Obama for being a race hustler and associating with terrorists.

Obama, the left is arguing, is above criticism because he is black. Criticizing Obama is racism.

Palin represents the interests of middle and lower class whites. These people are supposed by the left to be so racist and reprehensible that they cannot be represented by any "respectable" politician. Middle and lower class whites are supposed to just shut up and accept their status as political untouchables.

So, it's all about race.

The reason that Palin is "stupid" is because she represents the interests of the untouchables.

rhhardin said...

Teachers are supposed to maintain an interest in what 14 year old girls say, if those were teachers there.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, the choice for Republicans, I think, is this:

1. Nominate another bland moderate and lose "respectably." That is, refuse to really go after Obama as a race hustler and America hater.

2. Nominate a candidate who will go after Obama, like Palin. Lose big or win.

At least one of these alternatives offers the potential for winning.

rhhardin said...

I'd say that the left likes Obama because he's not very bright, not because he's black.

There are plenty of black people that the left doesn't like.

Brian Brown said...


Because Republicans are beasts who want to throw the elderly out into the cold and starve children to death.

So, any tactics are justified to defeat the Republicans. Civility was yesterday.

Yep, I agree wholeheartedly. Then note:

She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals.

It is funny how shiloh showed up right on cue...

Shouting Thomas said...

I'd say that the left likes Obama because he's not very bright, not because he's black.

Obama, the individual, barely matters to the left.

The fact that he's black puts him above criticism. As Dowdy says, he has (according to the left) unchallengeable moral authority.

This is what the left likes about Obama.

AllenS said...

I thought that the reason the left likes obama is because he's AWESOME.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've got to go play with a band today, so I'll wrap up my contribution.

The obsession on internet boards with IQ and intelligence is not what politics are about.

Politics are about competing self-interests.

Obama represents the interests of blacks, single women and gay, along with the various welfare cheats and union thugs. They vote for him because he represents their self-interest, not because he's smart.

Palin represents the interests of middle and lower class whites, married women, and those blacks and gays who stray off the reservation. The country club elite of the Republican Party will vote for her while it holds its nose.

Politics is not about IQ and intelligence. I'll repeat this again. It's about the competing self-interests of different constituencies.

PaulV said...

bunch of union cows who ring so they cannot hear anything that is detrimental to their flawed world view.

SGT Ted said...

Leftwingers have always been intolerant assholes. Its what they are and is necessary to their Walter Middy worldview of themselves as Hero's of the Revolution.

damikesc said...

DT2012 , if you are going to put your child up there to speak at a political rally, it does not make your child offf limits. She/he is a political speaker and is fair game. I loathe it when the Left used kids as a prop and loathe it when the Right does as well.


LilyBart said...

Politics is not about IQ and intelligence. I'll repeat this again. It's about the competing self-interests of different constituencies.

I'm pretty sure this is not what our founding fathers invisioned.

As we walk away from the idea of individual rights and private property, we'll see more of this 'fighting in the streets' over the 'booty' (booty defined as others' private property and earnings).

Anonymous said...

Fair point to anyone suggesting a 14 year old shouldn't speak at a political rally.

But look at the language from the left on here: "politics is a contact sport," etc. The "intellectual" left isn't about the rightness of its ideas; it's about its ability to mobilize the mob to shut down the opposition. He who shouts the loudest and threatens the most wins.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm pretty sure this is not what our founding fathers invisioned.

Gotta go, but I disagree.

Look at the division of Congress into House and Senate.

This division was intended to accomplish two different goals. (1) Allow for true individual representation. (2) Preserve the status of each state as a separate bargaining unit.

In other words, the very organization of our republican government is an attempt to balance direct individual representation against the competing self-interests of differing constituencies.

Beta Rube said...

Comparing shouting down a 14 year old girl to criticizing parents and teachers who use kids as rally pros is idiotic.

If the commentators on this blog had screamed at the lefty kids, rang cowbells, and shouted "go home" en masse to the little lefties, we might have some correlation.

But only the left finds entitlement trumps manners and common decency.

PaulV said...

shiloh proves that leftist are as dumb and mean spirited as the video shows.
BTW, anyone with intelligence would know that a 14 year old does what she wants to do. The 7 or 8 year olds do what their mommy wants them to do or they are punished. Will shiloh's mom feed him today?

Lincolntf said...

Can't watch the video of the Madison skidbags shouting down a child. I've actually been semi-succesful in allowing humanity to restore my faith in it over the last couple days (by avoiding news stories like this). Not gonna ruin my Sunday over a bunch of overstuffed hysterics getting their hate on.

LilyBart said...


Sure, we've always been competing interests. But this is not what I was talking about.

We're way beyond that. We've come to a point where the government and a good portion of the people think they have a right to their neighbors' property. And now we're fighting in the streets over it.

Competing interests have become you fighting to get the fruits of my labor, and my fighting to keep it. I can't believe the founders would look on this and feel they've accomplished their goals.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the Vuvezela Left, teaching their young the key principle of Democracy: to scream down opinions you disagree with.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maybe it's a good thing all these selfish, greedy, brown-shirt, corrupt, unionist, collectivist, socialist, taker, progressive, leftwing, fascist democrats reveal their behavior and actions for the world to see.

It's disgusting to watch and it makes the pit of my stomach sick, but in the end leftists will LOSE.

Michael Haz said...

I was there, and I witnessed adult men, so-called protestors, screaming vile obscenities, and giving the finger to all of the female speakers, including that courageous young woman.

If there is a silent majority of moderates on the left, they need to take a hard look at the kinds of people to whom they have out-sourced their protesting, and why there is such a tolerance of the misogynistic behavior of radical progressives, anarchists and socialists by those in the mainstream left.

foxtrot said...

Shouting Thomas says:

"So, the choice for Republicans, I think, is this:

1. Nominate another bland moderate and lose "respectably." That is, refuse to really go after Obama as a race hustler and America hater.

2. Nominate a candidate who will go after Obama, like Palin. Lose big or win.

At least one of these alternatives offers the potential for winning."

While I'm not a huge fan of Trump, he might be, with Palin, the only people ballsy enough to attack the Obama regime like it should be when election time comes.

Romney is too much of an unlikeable jackass (so is Trump, but at least his no bullshit attitude could appeal to many), and Huckabee won't stand a chance.

What the hell, put Trump in, and see what happens.

Jim Howard said...
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damikesc said...

I'm not saying it is a good thing to shout down a child. I'm saying parents shouldn't have their kids give political speeches period. It will usually not be a pleasant experience. Let a kid be a kid.

Jim Howard said...

I'm ok with this; the girl new what she was signing up for and the protesters were protesting her MESSAGE not, necessarily, her.

Yes, our liberal friends find 'God Bless America' to be offensive.

Their message is 'God Damn America'.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals.

More likely her parents taught her to love the liberals, but hate the liberalism.

ron nord said...

The 'New' Democrats are really something now, The Pigford Scam, The Brazilian Oil Scam, spending our country into insolvency for the Piven Plan and Marxism. Harry Truman fought corruption and the 'New' Democrats have joined it. Obama Democrats have morphed into gangsters.

The Dude said...
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xWerkz Studio said...
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rhhardin said...

and giving the finger to all of the female speakers, including that courageous young woman.

When I was 14 the finger was pretty commonly given all around, and the student class president got no respect.

Children may be more delicate today.

garage mahal said...

AFP/Breitbart/Palin came to Madison to say fuck you, we won. Protesters said fuck you back. That was pretty much the story of the day. But they didn't say why they picked Madison.

windbag said...
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damikesc said...

Wow, the Dems are actually running the guy in charge of Abu Gharib for the US Senate out of TX?

Beta Rube said...

So is this the new standard of behavior when confronted with speech we don't like. We decide what they are really saying is "fuck you", and we shout it down?

Was the 14 year old girl saying "fuck you" also? I was there and didn't hear that spoken, but the cowbells were pretty loud so I may have missed something.

Will this apply when Obama comes to town for a 2012 rally as he surely will?

bagoh20 said...

The issue isn't the girl. The issue is that adults chose to treat her that way, simply because they disagree with what she has to say. It's about them and their entitlement rage. We don't need to worry about the girl, but these large children need to be taken out behind the wood shed. Then they need to be told that they are old enough now to help around the house with chores and will be expected to not embarrass the family in front of company.

rhhardin said...

AFP/Breitbart/Palin came to Madison to say fuck you, we won. Protesters said fuck you back.

The union didn't try the right's passive-aggressive niceness back, though.

Nice state here, it would be a shame if anything happened to it, is the union message instead.

I'd say that's because the left hasn't got old fashioned cause and effect on their side of the argument.

Anonymous said...

She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals.

Or not. It is possible to disagree with someone without hating him or thinking he is evil. Some of us know that.

Toad Trend said...


"AFP/Breitbart/Palin came to Madison to say fuck you, we won."

No. But its a good example of leftist projection. Thanks.

"Protesters said fuck you back."

I believe you when you say this, also very telling. Thanks again.

garage mahal said...

The union didn't try the right's passive-aggressive niceness back, though.

Oh please. They came to Madison to GET booed, so they could play the poor us victim card. Nothing says passive-aggressive niceness quite like a billionaire sponsored rally to rub noses of union supporters and tell them to go to hell.

It sounded a little quieter where Althouse was. Where I was, it was a little louder Surprised that video I took with my phone has 24,000 hits already.

test said...

"She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals."

People don't have to train children to despise liberals. Children recognize nastiness, hatred, and bullying quite well, and have an instinctive dislike for each.

Automatic_Wing said...

AFP/Breitbart/Palin came to Madison to say fuck you, we won. Protesters said fuck you back. That was pretty much the story of the day. But they didn't say why they picked Madison

Yeah, cause Madison is liberal turf, baby! Don't you dare exercise your First Amendment rights in this town unless you toe the progressive line. It's simply unacceptable to voice a non-conforming opinion in this bastion of thoughtfulness, tolerance and nuance. If you're not with us, you're against us!

You betcha.

test said...

Back on the payroll garage? Why do they keep you on given your demonstrated inability to sway a single vote? Is this workfare, a la ACORN employment?

Mr. D said...

When I was 14 the finger was pretty commonly given all around, and the student class president got no respect.

Same here. But adults didn't give me the finger when I was 14.

James said...

Hmmm...I wonder what the message was when the Tea Party held similar Tax Day rallies in Madison in 2009 and 2010.

Anonymous said...

Surprised that video I took with my phone has 24,000 hits already.

Why surprised? There are 80,000 public employees in Madison.

Appears that number needs to be dramatically reduced. Garbage, I'd say you should be the first to go.

You're an absolute savage. A monster. A horrifically spoiled brat. You are a worthless human being.

You need to be fired and learn some of the realities of life in the public sector. You've been living on the public tit for too long.

garage mahal said...

You're an absolute savage. A monster. A horrifically spoiled brat. You are a worthless human being.

And a good morning to you too!

I work in the private sector though pouty.

Shouting Thomas said...

I work in the private sector though pouty.

On top of your other vices, you are a liar.

The Dude said...
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garage mahal said...

On top of your other vices, you are a liar.

So if I proved it to you and Shitty Grit, are you going to apologize here on this blog?

Shrikeback said...

foxtrot said:
"So, the choice for Republicans, I think, is this:

1. Nominate another bland moderate and lose "respectably." That is, refuse to really go after Obama as a race hustler and America hater.

2. Nominate a candidate who will go after Obama, like Palin. Lose big or win."

The problem is that Independents won't take Sarah Palin seriously, because she quit her job as governor to pursue her show biz career while she still had momentum. I doubt she'll run anyway.

The only hope for Republicans is that an unforeseen candidate will rise up. Maybe Trump will drag Obama down to his level, and leave him wide open for a serious candidate. We can hope.

The Dude said...
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dbp said...

GM: "Oh please. They came to Madison to GET booed, so they could play the poor us victim card."

So the protesters played right into their hands then? Not bright, if so.

garage mahal said...

You don't have to prove anything to me - I know you are a communist.

And I know you're a miserable racist bitter old fuck. And of course, most likely on disability, social security or some other sort of social safety net.

The Dude said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Garage you are such a typical leftwing liar.

Sarah Palin never said FU. The brownshirts on your side did.
The 14 year old girl never said FU.

The Dude said...
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shiloh said...

The attempt to hijack the discussion here by shiloh et al is just another symptom of the Left's prediliction to crush freedom of speech. Blogger really needs an ignore function so we adults can talk without rude, malicious interruption.

As AA's self-righteous lemmings rail against shouting down free speech at the same time wanting to rid this blog of all liberal free speech.

Typical, again does AA truly want a 24/7 conservative circle jerk w/wingers agreeing w/each other ad nauseam. hmm


btw, as AA has not appeared in this thread, she must agree she is indeed a hypocrite on Reps using children as a shield, eh.


Liberals are like muslims - they hate women.

And please, let the inane winger generalizations continue.


Indeed, it's very wise for hypocrite, Althouse, to avoid this this thread and let her lemmings do her bidding. lol.

Repeating, (((it's very wise for hypocrite, Althouse, to avoid this this thread and let her lemmings do her bidding!)))

'nuf said!

TosaGuy said...
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garage mahal said...

You're a lost cause, Shitty.

TosaGuy said...

The unions would have been better off to let her speak uninterrupted and then shout a consolidated "we don't agree with you". It would have been a chilling display of their numbers, showed respect to an opposing point of view and eliminate video fodder for those who don't agree with them. But the goons instead devolved to their base impulse, which is why they are getting played.

The Dude said...
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Brian Brown said...

But they didn't say why they picked Madison

Actually, Palin said quite clearly why.

You obviously were too busy shouting "f-you" to 14 year old girls to hear...

Brian Brown said...

If there is a silent majority of moderates on the left,


Those foul mouthed goons are the left.

MadisonMan said...

Think of the Children!!

garage mahal said...

Actually, Palin said quite clearly why.

It wasn't clear at all to me. Couldn't hear.

Milwaukee said...

Did the counter protesters show her the same discourteous behavior that they showed all the other speakers? Her gender and age may not be the salient points here. Not being in Madison, it seems the news reported small numbers of protesters supporting Walker, and countering the vast numbers supporting the protests, and occupation of the capitol building. Why can't the left let the conservatives protest one day, and they can protest another? Because the left isn't interested in allowing speech from a different point of view. They simply are not very nice people, which is a pretty mild description since they have no morals, no integrity and no honor.

Anonymous said...

shiloh --

"Hey, if palin can make a lot of money, why not a clueless (14) year old."

I'm a little late reading this morning, so if this is redundant, I apologize.

Fuck you asswipe.

BJM said...

WI + union/liberal echo chamber = shark.

hoyden said...

"She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals."

Classic libberal projection; he sees libberal parents teach hate, and so he believes conservative parents teach hate. It's an interesting peek into the libberal mind.

JorgXMcKie said...

You know, I just discovered that I'm actually a bit of an optimist. I kind of keep expecting one or another of the various Lefties who post here to put up an actual argument or something, instead of merely spewing invective and bile. Hasn't happened yet, but I guess I'll keep hoping.

It does make me wonder, though, if these folks are as nasty and unlikeable in person as they are online. At this point I'm guessing yes.

They could disagree without being all that disagreeable and they would get engaged that way. Evidently the actual case means more to them than that.

And I'm old enough to remember honorable politicians and citizens on the Left who were courteous and adult and who didn't mind discussing serious differences of opinion. I suppose the aftermath of Watergate killed all that. I am trying to think of anyone as liberal as, say, Hubert Humphrey who is also as decent a human being. No one comes to mind. They're all more like Che Guevara. I'm reasonably sure, from reading various rants here, that many on the Left, given the power, would act just as he did. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

shiloh --

I enjoy being in the minority "here" as being in a never ending majority winger circle jerk at Althouse, who agree w/each other 24/7 must be a lot of fun, eh.

Apparently you don't read my posts, do you, you pathetic and vile little asswipe.

shiloh said...

Fuck you asswipe.

you pathetic and vile little asswipe.

A few more reasons why AA, as she says, has the best damn political blog. :-P

You bet'cha!

B said...

shiloh projected:

"She'll be fine as her parents probably already have her trained to hate/despise liberals."

If so, it was a successful field trip as the Madison Marching Morons (Brotherhood of Professional Demonstrators Local #000) went out of their way to reinforce the lessons.

Synova said...

"Comparing shouting down a 14 year old girl to criticizing parents and teachers who use kids as rally pros is idiotic.

If the commentators on this blog had screamed at the lefty kids, rang cowbells, and shouted "go home" en masse to the little lefties, we might have some correlation.

But only the left finds entitlement trumps manners and common decency.

Beta Rube is my favorite poster today. I started catching this thread up at about the time Shiloh claimed hypocrisy and was hoping someone pointed this out.

Althouse and others may have disapproved of the kids being led in protests (kids much younger than 14) but no one shouted at them or were rude to them.

"Do any of these dopes know how awful they look to everyone but themselves?"


Brian Brown said...

It wasn't clear at all to me.

I know, you're stupid.

hombre said...


Between responses to shiloh, take a look at his profile, particularly his "industry" and the blogs he follows.

First among the blogs, of course, is Daily Kos. The others all come with warning labels or have been removed.

His "industry"? "Manufacturing."

Who is he?

Obviously a Kos troll with crude tastes in blogs. Possibly a union shill. Arguably a mentally defective malcontent who indulges in illogical, anti-social rumination. E.g., it's the parents fault that boorish lefty pawns and union thugs are profanely hostile to a 14-year old girl.

I don't believe I'll be responding to his inanity again. Why should anybody?

Anonymous said...

Palin represents the interests of middle and lower class whites. These people are supposed by the left to be so racist and reprehensible that they cannot be represented by any "respectable" politician. Middle and lower class whites are supposed to just shut up and accept their status as political untouchables.

ShoutingT, I get what you're saying about "untouchables", but you really need to back the hell off on your "Palin represents the interests of whites. . ." bullshit. Ms. Palin represents the interests of Americans. I've never seen her give any indication whatsoever that she cares one bit what color they are.

- Lyssa

garage mahal said...

Palin represents the interests of middle and lower class whites

You got a 1/3 of this right.

BoboFromTexas said...

Message to union thugs. Elections have consequences, we won.

Mindless yelling, drumming and bell ringing only makes you look even more pathetically impotent.

Anonymous said...

shiloh --

"A few more reasons why AA, as she says, has the best damn political blog. :-P"

You neglected to include the reasons I think you're an asswipe. Here:

"why not a clueless (14) year old."

"never ending majority winger circle jerk at Althouse, who agree w/each other 24/7"

Anonymous said...

Garage: Palin represents the interests of middle and lower class whites

You got a 1/3 of this right.

Sarah Palin's never said or done anything that would lead you to believe that she represents a certain race over any other. That's bullshit and you know it. Pathetic.

Lombardi Chick said...

Blogger rhhardin said...

and giving the finger to all of the female speakers, including that courageous young woman.

When I was 14 the finger was pretty commonly given all around, and the student class president got no respect.

Children may be more delicate today.

4/17/11 9:01 AM

Are you saying that adults commonly gave children the finger when you were 14? Isn't that what he said - that these were adults, flipping off women and this child?

Toad Trend said...

@hombre @ 11:31am


Anonymous said...

The classy thing for the left to do would have been to let the girl speak. But they are incapable of showing such class.

And the classy thing for the lefties on this blog to do would have been to acknowledge that their comrades were out of line. Again, they are incapable of showing such class.

It's cool though, isn't it? Being on the classy side of the debate?

Anonymous said...

Funny thing, though. For the last two weeks, one of my Facebook friends who is a public school teacher has been posting pics from his Spring Break at a resort in Florida. Looks pretty sweet. All these pictures of him lounging at poolside, dining out, parasailing... all while the rest of us who pay his salary were at work in the cold.

Now, he's back, and posting all the pro-union, "don't let the state cut our benefits" crap he can find.

aikishihan said...

I'm not sure about the rest of the commenters, but I would expect no less from those who kill a baby in the womb...

orbicularioculi said...

A few words for the UNION Thugs and Teachers' Union Members in Wisconsin - vile, despicable, un-American, totalitarians.

As Andrew Breitbart stated directly to these low-lives: Go To Hell!

You lost; get over it. There isn't going to be any sympathy from the taxpaying citizens for these CRETINS.

Unknown said...

Ah shiloh. You are truly a crafty little liberal. An expert at making what seems like nuetral statements, which, when thought about, reveal themselves for what they are. The words of a liberal moron. Tell me, would you consider a 14 year old an "adult" if the situation were reversed and a bunch of conservatives were trying to shut down her right to free speech? Would you claim her parents had "trained her well", which you used to imply the girl had no opinion of her own. Face it shiloh, you are like most of your freeloader tribe....despicable.

LakeLevel said...

shiloh:As AA's self-righteous lemmings rail against shouting down free speech at the same time wanting to rid this blog of all liberal free speech.

Wrong again punk. a single post ignore function would allow us to ignore your shouting us down. You are perpitrating shouting down by hi-jacking threads. Get it?... I didn't think so. To much logic for you I know.

Thucydides said...

Start bringing electronic billboards (hardwired to prevent hacking) to broadcast the speeches. Record it at the microphone and send it via YouTube in realtime before these brownshirts can react. Use Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Hell, print the speeches in advance and hand out phamplets.

Brownshirts use muscle; we use our heads.

Lets roll

shiloh said...

Indeed, I really did touch a nerve w/my veracity in this thread.

Hopefully many of AA's lemmings will recover quickly and be back on their feet in a couple days ...

Kendra said...

While I agree with most of the indignance expressed above, I must say I personally am NOT interested in speeches by 14-year-olds and if I'd been at that rally, I'd definitely have gone for a beer break.

Not only is that age-group notorious for sanctimonious pretension, but it's difficult for me to imagine that she'd have had anything of real value to say.

I've sat around the table with children as young as 8 who could actually be spoken with almost as equals but it would be a completely different story to have one of them up on a pedestal.

Have you never seen e.g. the Greenpeace "us kids are gonna get even" video? There are countless more and the political "side" they may be representing is beside the point.

The sanctimony of that age is bad enough, and then given a venue to preachify, with the fawning adoration of adults is something I personally prefer not to witness.

Kendra said...

While I agree with most of the indignance expressed above, I must say I personally am NOT interested in speeches by 14-year-olds and if I'd been at that rally, I'd definitely have gone for a beer break.

Not only is that age-group notorious for sanctimonious pretension, but it's difficult for me to imagine that she'd have had anything of real value to say - what little I could make out were a few conservative catchwords (which I agree with, but substance is also important).

I've sat around the table with children as young as 8 who could actually be spoken with almost as equals but it would be a completely different story to have one of them up on a pedestal.

Have you never seen e.g. the Greenpeace "us kids are gonna get even" video? There are countless more and the political "side" they may be representing is beside the point.

The sanctimony of that age is bad enough, and then given a venue to preachify, with the fawning adoration of adults is something I personally prefer not to witness.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wrong again punk. a single post ignore function would allow us to ignore your shouting us down. z

I find that the scroll wheel on the mouse works rather well for this function.

shiloh said...

I find that the scroll wheel on the mouse works rather well for this function.

DBQ, you probably won't see/read this lol but my AA Groupies: Fen, edutcher, SM, Alex, shouting thomas, hombre, Chef Mojo et al are soooo obsessed w/me they hang on my every word and scrolling is a non-starter to my beloved fans.

It's really quite humbling a few AA lemmings are so infatuated ...

Unknown said...

That is really too bad that girl got yelled at like that. Here is a link to her speech WITHOUT the hecklers:



RightWingNutter said...

Ah! Home schooled. That explains much about her poise and public speaking ability. She is walking rebuke to the public teachers unions before she says a word.

I'll bet a few bucks that her academic test scores are in the 90th percentile of her peers.

Her speech wasn't the Gettysburg Address, but it wouldn't have put Joe Biden to sleep either.

Harry Governick said...

I find it interesting that so many who posted think that just because someone was:

1. 14 years old, and
2. a girl

such a someone should be exempt from public scorn, as though such a someone is somehow an innocent angel by virtue of age and gender.

I prefer to think of the 14 year old girl as too young to really understand the underlying forces at play in Wisconsin, and as someone who is being used to manipulate sympathy for the "cause" BECAUSE she is a 14 year old girl.

Typical Tea Party black magic.

Harry Governick said...

So many comments here about those on stage being denied their "freedom of speech".

No one was denied their "freedom of speech". Those on stage were free to speak their minds, and those in the crowd were free to speak their minds.

Let's not mistake "freedom of speech" with "the right to be heard". Being "heard" is not a right.

Milwaukee said...

Harry that was just brilliant. Of course, justice delayed is justice denied. What sort of drum do you bring to the Drum Circles of Madison? Do you use a 5-gallon bucket, or do you have a real one?

Harry Governick said...

Why all the outrage at the "incivility" of the protesters?

So many of you here seem to have forgotten how you not only gave your bad housekeeping seal of approval but openly cheered and blogged in support when your very ranks disrupted the many town hall meetings convened when attempting to discuss the health care issue.

Hypocrisy is thy name.

Milwaukee said...

Hold on there. What the TEA Partiers wanted in those town hall meetings was a chance to ask questions of their Representatives and Senators. The incivility started when the elected officials either refused to take their questions or refused to answer their questions.

If every time a person attempts to give voice to their opinion, they are shouted down, then yes, they have been denied freedom of speech. A vote to close debate is taken after everybody gets a chance to speak.

Are you the guy with the shiny red snare drum?

Harry Governick said...

@Milwaukee, who stated: "The incivility started when the elected officials either refused to take their questions or refused to answer their questions."

Typical attempted Republican historical rewrite. In more than too many of those town hall meetings, the elected officials were shouted down and booed before they could even explain what they were there for.

You are wrong that shouting down someone - although at times rude - denies one of one's free speech. To believe so is to deny the shouter - however rude - his or her free speech.

Shouting down only denies the target the opportunity to be more easily heard, but not the freedom of speech.

Too bad when the Constitution doesn't always suit your right wing talking points, isn't it?

All you're left with is a feeble resort to insulting me.

Unknown said...

It's too bad that a 14-year-old girl was heckled. She was probably the smartest and most mature attendant at a teabagger rally.

Unknown said...

The real issue here is being lost by paying attention to liberal morons who deflect and sidetrack; it's that conservatives have been and continue to be civil, I.e., weak. It's clearly time to take the gloves off and treat these "takers" the way they treat us. It's the only thing they will ever understand - strength.

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