March 4, 2011

Why did the Capitol police wrestle state Representative Nick Milroy (D) to the ground?

Interesting, but missing context. I don't know what to make of it at this point.


Calypso Facto said...

He had obviously watched Meade's video and thought he could shoulder his way past the cops without having to wait in line...

Lincolntf said...

Watch the first 6 or 7 seconds a few times. It kinda looks like the Rep. has his hands on the cop's neck/shoulder area before the cop grabs at him. Drunk, maybe?

kent said...

They'd received advance warning that he had a bar of soap and some deoderant concealed somewhere on his person, and they were atempting to protect the unsuspecting protesters.

le Douanier said...

Obviously he's one of the violent, pigsty protestors. He should have been head-footed*.

Don't call it 'head stomping,' when if the stompee is a lib.

Tibore said...
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Fred4Pres said...


Scott M said...

Possession of .22 shells with intent to distribute?

KCFleming said...

The cop thought Milroy was an angel, and wanted a blessing.

Fred4Pres said...

Repressed homosexual attraction?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

A call to Milroy's office was not immediately returned.

The first rule of fight club is "Don't talk about fight club."

KCFleming said...

Because the cop finally had it with yet another doofus yelling, Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

kent said...

The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to snag himself one of those gargantuan truss-like, gem-encrusted World Wrestling Council belts.

ricpic said...

Let the Greco-Roman Games begin!

Simon said...

TPM's video—and given the source, if there's any sleight of hand in the editing it's going to be in Milroy's favor—shows a man getting in the face of a cop, yelling at him and initiating a physical altercation. It's right there in the first two seconds of the video. So "[w]hy did the Capitol police wrestle state Representative Nick Milroy (D) to the ground?" Well, watch the video, go up to any cop, emulate Milroy's behavior, and see what happens. That's why.

kent said...

"Ha!" Holmes exclaimed, grabbing the other man and throwing him to the ground with a sudden wrench of his powerful forearms. "You thought to fool me with a pitiful disguise such as that, Moriarty -- ?!?"

Scott M said...

Because the cop finally had it with yet another doofus yelling, Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

Just before the altercation captured on video, Milroy had approached the officer and asked, very politely, if he could see the violence inherent in the system. The officer obliged, screaming, "Bloody peasant!"

madAsHell said...


CONTEXT!?!?! We don't need no stinking context!

We have a narrative to maintain.

All kidding aside....I'll guess that alcohol was involved, and he was trying to tell the cop how to do his job.

He was having a Cynthia McKinney moment.

AllenS said...

Milroy yelled: "Don't tase me, bro!" So, the only other thing that the cop thought of was a take down.

KCFleming said...

Best two out of three, by the rules.

kent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lincolntf said...

Howie Carr of the Boston Herald would no doubt cast suspicion on "a bad ice cube". Massachusetts pols have an inordinate number of such episodes.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Why did the Capitol police wrestle state Representative Nick Milroy (D) to the ground?

Good question, except the first few moments of the video show why.

MY question is, "Why did the cop not beat him about the head and shoulders with a nightstick or baton?".

Calypso Facto said...

Time for another Beer Summit!

kent said...

"It was a brief affair, based solely on mutual brute, animal need... and ended, ultimately, the same way it began: with tears, and Streisand albums, and sweaty, disturbingly prolonged full nelsons."

Henry said...

The police thought he was a Democrat Senator returning to make a quorum. "Get this punk on the first boxcar back to Illinois."

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

"It was a brief affair, based solely on mutual brute, animal need... and ended, ultimately, the same way it began: with tears, and Streisand albums, and sweaty, disturbingly prolonged full nelsons."

They have arranged to continue their blossoming bromance later, with a 6-pack of Natty Light and some Jack Johnson CDs...

Alex said...

A good head stomping was in order.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

Ohio: Union Goons Led by SEIU Director Storm Restaurant Where GOP Lawmakers Were Dining…

The volatility surrounding the collective-bargaining debate spilled into the night Wednesday when police were called to a German Village restaurant after a group verbally accosted a gathering of Senate Republicans.


The commotion eventually led to pushing and shoving with the restaurant staff and owner, before police arrived to calm the situation as a police helicopter hovered overhead. No senators were involved in the physical altercations, and no charges have been filed.


LaRose said it didn’t take special intelligence training to notice that while the lawmakers were eating, a woman walked past the window several times, poked her head in the door and got on her cell phone.

“It was planned,” LaRose said. “They gathered as a group and waited until they had about 10 people before they caused a disturbance.”

When the group burst into the restaurant, the woman, Monica Moran, deputy director of public affairs for SEIU District 1199, raised her hands in the air, yelled “Can I have your attention?” and then shouted “something nasty,” LaRose said. Soon after, the rest of the group of men and women joined in with a chant.

“They stormed through my dining room,” said George Stefanidis, owner of the Easy Street Cafe. “I told them they had to leave, and they wouldn’t.”

KCFleming said...

Brokeback Madison.

Fred4Pres said...

Capitol police need to learn new techniques...

Alex said...

Oh oh! I was listening to Thom Hartman or Randi Rhodes or whatever last night. They were so LIVID and ENRAGED about the WI-R Rep who called the union protesters "slobs"!!!! They practically wanted to murder the guy.

traditionalguy said...

It was a pure WWF faked wrestling match with choreographed moves and a faked pin to rouse the dumb and deluded rabble.

Wince said...

Obviously, you need to show your pass to get in, even in Madison and Milwaukee.

Wayne Campbell: So, do you come to Milwaukee often?

Alice Cooper: Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers were coming here as early as the late 1600s to trade with the Native Americans.

Pete: In fact, isn't "Milwaukee" an Indian name?

Alice Cooper: Yes, Pete, it is. Actually it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."

Wayne Campbell: I was not aware of that.

Alice Cooper: I think one of the most interesting things about Milwaukee is that it's the only American city to elect three Socialist mayors.

Wayne Campbell: [to the camera] Does this guy know how to party or what?

kent said...

Oh oh! I was listening to Thom Hartman or Randi Rhodes or whatever last night.

Randi Rhodes is the one who slurs her words and falls down a lot.

Meade said...

Little do the unions/protesters/Democrats know, not all of the police are in on the collusion of the unions, protesters, Democrats.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Union supporters disrupt GOP state senators' restaurant meal

And by "disrupt", they mean "storm in, start yelling and chanting, and get in a pushing and shoving match with the owner and staff of the eatery...".

At least the stuff in Madison, as ugly and loud as it has been, has remained more peaceful than elsewhere.

Alex said...

Meade - but most of them are.

David said...

This is gonna get ugly.

I thought the cops were with the protestors.

Must have thought he was a Republican.

Lincolntf said...

Classless and clueless in Columbus.

garage mahal said...

Great point Meade. Maybe a few of these cops like Walker, therefore tackling a state rep was in order.

I can just hear the ear piercing shrieking of all the Malkin cry babies if this were a Republican.

Henry said...

Great point Meade.

As you might see, I offered an alternative theory above.

Or the guy initiated the contact. Maybe the drumming drove him crazy.

traditionalguy said...

Meade has a point. Police officers are under laws and must spend their days keeping laws. To analogize to an obedience school trained dog, they first do what they are trained to do. Any sudden switch over to join the Lawless Crowd would make them schizophrenic.

mRed said...

garage-you've been a cry baby for years

Lincolntf said...

Gateway Pundit has the same footage, but (unless I'm going crazy) with an extra couple seconds in the beginning. Sure looks like the Rep. initiated contact with the cop. We'd all be in jail for that, never mind the scuffle that followed.

Anonymous said...

Kinda like "Not ALL muslims storm buses and shoot U.S. servicemen"


Tank said...

Everyone wants to be on the wrestling team these days.

WV: facestop - How does it do that?

Triangle Man said...

Gateway pundit's video has an ad at the beginning. Too long didn't watch.

X said...

to answer your question, he's a union member with very little accountability and a cop which means even less accountability. it's more a question of why not.

why was the politician provoking this exemplar of the working middle class who protects your community and children? does the politician hate the children?

Meade said...

garage mahal said...
Great point Meade. Maybe a few of these cops like Walker, therefore tackling a state rep was in order.

I can just hear the ear piercing shrieking of all the Malkin cry babies if this were a Republican.

Your desperation is showing, garage. A Republican would: 1. show his ID, 2. obey a police order, 3. not initiate contact with an officer, 4. not resist arrest, and 5. would not put on the stunt you see in the video in the first place.

sakredkow said...

Yes, I'm glad some haven't forgotten how helpful rank speculation about a drinking problem is when you're trying to sort out an altercation like this.

People should think more highly of their personal reputations before they get involved with the police.

Fred4Pres said...

Meade's reaction might have been similar to Sam Roxwell's in Galaxy Quest when Tony Shalhoub and "Lalairi" get it on.

Meade said...

The point I was making in my comment above about not all of the police being in on the collusion of the unions, protesters, Democrats was that some of the police don't really care about the politics one way or the other. They are just doing their jobs and they're doing them well: No one enters without proper ID.

A few more stunts like this one and more and more police officers will lose any sympathy they have for the protesters. The troublemakers have arrived but they haven't been planted by Walker and the Koch brothers. They are union thugs, anarchists, and lefty dead-enders. And even, no doubt, a few assemblymen (D).

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The cop thought Milroy was an angel, and wanted a blessing.


I nominate pogo for tread win.

Unknown said...

He had been grazing on a couple of 19 year old Althousesque coeds, complete with glasses, shoulder-length hair, and pout, and was going back for dessert.

In such a situation, most men would take on an airborne division.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How sad that the base guess about this is that the cops are either pro- or anti- Walker. That should not make any difference. It is because of the public sector unions that we now have to consider – will the police serve and protect based on political afflation and if he/she knows ours? That's one creepy left-wing universe I don't want to live in.

Alex said...

How sad that the base guess about this is that the cops are either pro- or anti- Walker. That should not make any difference. It is because of the public sector unions that we now have to consider – will the police serve and protect based on political afflation and if he/she knows ours? That's one creepy left-wing universe I don't want to live in.

Welcome back to the 19th century when all cops were on the take. IT's a recent innovation to have corruption-free police forces. Remember Serpico?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"That capitol policeman needs to step down from power and leave. That is good for his state.. that is good for his people.. that is the right thing to do."

President Obama.

Corre∫pondence Committee said...

Union supporters disrupt GOP state senators' restaurant meal

Typical hard-left. They'd try to pick a fight with some state-level Republicans out trying to eat in peace, but they'd line up and wait to kiss Fidel Castro's saggy, wrinkled ass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


deborah said...

Milroy needed a John Stossel reality check:

DADvocate said...

@I'm a Shaaaaark - Great link to the altercation in Columbus.

These peoplle are claiming to be fighitng for middle class people like me, forget it. Tom Neihaus the rep from New Richmond is about as nice a guy as you find in politics.

The scum thugs from the SEIU care nothing about freedom or democracy, only intimidation and whatever violence they can get away with to get what they want.

Fen said...

Bets that he played the "Do you know who I am?!" card.

Fen said...

And I see that our resident libtards are sleeping in past noon again.

kent said...

And I see that our resident libtards are sleeping in past noon again.

"This is what Mom's basement looks like."

Corre∫pondence Committee said...

Associate Press says he was trying to get in to get some clothes out of his office. Definitely sounds like something worth getting tackled by the cops for.

Corre∫pondence Committee said...

(That would be Associated Press.)

garage mahal said...

The troublemakers have arrived but they haven't been planted by Walker and the Koch brothers. They are union thugs, anarchists, and lefty dead-enders. And even, no doubt, a few assemblymen (D)..

Meade, you don't have to lie to make friends! Didn't your Momma ever tell you about that?

kent said...

Associated Press says he was trying to get in to get some clothes out of his office. Definitely sounds like something worth getting tackled by the cops for.

Probably his favorite pair of "lounging" culottes and lederhosen.

Triangle Man said...

Probably his favorite pair of "lounging" culottes and lederhosen.

Unlike the Republicans who favor smoking jackets and slippers, which they wear while puffing on cigars lit from wads of $100 bills.

kent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kent said...

Unlike the Republicans who favor smoking jackets and slippers, which they wear while puffing on cigars lit from wads of $100 bills.

!.) You left out both the top hat and the monocle. Sloppy.

2.) Only pikers and other hopeless societal parvenus light their cigars with $100 bills. As for myself: naked, shrieking Third World orphan children doused in gasoline, or nothing.

Scott M said...

As for myself: naked, shrieking Third World orphan children doused in gasoline, or nothing.

I settle for the rolled up shoes those kids wore, but then again, I'm a man of simple tastes and not very picky.

Robert said...

Rules apply to Democrats, too.

Who knew?

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

That's why I avoid Fair-Trade coffee whenever I want to drink some.

If the coffee beans haven't been harvested by some poor oppressed third-world serf who gets paid pennies a day (and they should thankful for it but are they? Nooooo...) in the sweltering heat under the watchful eye of a machine-gun-wielding foreman, well, it just doesn't taste right.

ricpic said...

$7.5 million worth of damage to the marble in the state capitol building by the forces of enlightenment. Don't believe me? Read the story at American

garage mahal said...

Don't believe me? Read the story at American

Good Lord.

Alex said...

Good Lord.

I could say the same thing about anyone who recommends Mother Jones.

kent said...

I could say the same thing about anyone who recommends Mother Jones.

Or ThinkProgress.

Or Media Matters.

Or CounterPunch.

Or any given MSNBC bloviator/prevaricator.

Or AlterNet.

Or... or... or... [ad infinitum]

G Joubert said...

"Why did the Capitol police wrestle state Representative Nick Milroy (D) to the ground?"

Physical noncompliance with the cop's instructions. Almost always what underlies this kind of stuff.

ricpic said...

Yes garbage, American Thinker. Where thought not insult reigns.

kent said...

Average Total Yearly Compensation For Milwaukee Teachers: $101,000
($60,000 in actual salary plus $41,000 per year in benefits package).

Oh, those poor, suffering, martyriffic little dears.

garage mahal said...

In Wisconsin Walker approval rating 32% with households with children in public schools, (67%) disapprove, including 54% who strongly disapprove. This is great news for Scott Walker though!

So much for that great wingnut laboratory experiment.

Scott M said...

So much for that great wingnut laboratory experiment.

As opposed to that paragon of progressive leadership, Detroit?

Sofa King said...

Ricpic, for what it's worth:

Troubled Voter said...

if this were a republican, althouse would have had NO PROBLEM reading an imagined context into the situation. just saying.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Troubled Voter said...

if this were a republican, althouse would have had NO PROBLEM reading an imagined context into the situation. just saying.

"Just saying" meaning "I have no evidence I can cite for this smear, but I'm going to smugly assume it's true anyway."

Jeremy said...

Here's the latest from the local teabagging crew (and of course, The Queen and Needy's) favorite polling operation:

The survey of 800 Likely Voters in Wisconsin was conducted on March 2, 2011 by Rasmussen Reports.

The report's telephone survey of Wisconsin voters shows that just 39% favor weakening collective bargaining rights and 52% are opposed.

Among those asked about the state budget deficit, 52% supported the Democrats and 44% supported the Governor.

Among those asked about weakening collective bargaining rights, 56% supported the union and 41% supported the Governor.

Jeremy said...

Martin L. Shoemaker - The "evidence" Troubled Voter has is that The Queen and her loyal sidekick, Needy have become full blown teabaggers.

Just like you.

Fen said...

Jeremy, voting ended last November.

Troubled Voter said...

@ Martin L. Shoemaker

building your own context i see?

read her blog, she does it all the time! just saying :)

Troubled Voter said...

@ Martin L. Shoemaker

building your own context i see?

read her blog, she does it all the time! just saying :)

Fen said...

And you still can't suck our balls, perv.

Unknown said...

The story is up online...he identified himself, showed them his credentials and then refused to let him in. The instance is currently being investigated, although the rep said it's been a long couple of weeks for everyone.

And by the way, if you want to talk about misconstruing context, who can forget about the video of Meade trying to go into the Capitol--the police were absolutely right to deny him entry. He had no credentials and everyone else who wanted to enter the building had to wait in line. Meade tried to make something out of nothing and decided to throw a hissy fit in the process.

On another note, the most entertaining video was when they took down the signs (that shouldn't have been up) from the memorial and confronted the cop about them. 1) Hilarious and 2) I guarantee he just threw them in a dumpster.

Anonymous said...

So much for that great wingnut laboratory experiment.

If we're so wrong, why are you losing so badly?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Troubled Voter said...

@ Martin L. Shoemaker

building your own context i see?

read her blog, she does it all the time! just saying :)

Exactly the response I expected: when you can't back up your smear, rather than admit it, you assert it again.

Citations, not assertions, or it's just a smear.

Jeremy said...

Fen "And you still can't suck our balls, perv."

What is it with you teabaggers and your love of sucking on balls?

Have you discussed this with your wives or girlfriends?

Jeremy said...

Why is the teabaggers here constantly bring up how much the teachers will make (including benefits), as if it's a massive amount of money for the work they do...while at the same time, whining about those who make over $200,000 (individuals; with couples at $250,000) being taxed another 3% (of the additional income)...not being fair, because they're not really "wealthy?"

If those who make $200,00-250,000 are just plain ol' folks, why are the teachers such a greedy bunch?

It's irrational and hypocritical to say the least.

*And by the way; teachers in Wisconsin start at about $25,000.

traditionalguy said...

Another hot under the collar test is the one where the traffic on an overcrowded road starts being directed and stopped by road construction workers, and done in a poor way. Obey them or challenge them? Quick, what is the answer. The solution is for an "Authorized" Sworn Officer in uniform with badge and gun to do the directing.Then everyone is patient and docile. It works for our Church that stops Roswell Road traffic with uniformed Off duty Atlanta Police on Sunday mornings. But what beats all is the Dallas Cowboy's Stadium which uses police officers to completely stop the Interstate going past the stadium to catch a plane at to DFW while the Sunday Game parking lot empties ahead of you.

Emil Blatz said...

A. To get to the other side of the road.

Toad Trend said...


"They are union thugs, anarchists, and lefty dead-enders. And even, no doubt, a few assemblymen (D)."

In Meade we trust.

In case some of the trollers here didn't see my question to Mr. Meade yesterday, I asked if he had seen in his many travels about the capitol this past week, the much-fabled 'Peaceprints' so ably advertised on folks rear bumpers.

Mr. Meade denied seeing any such 'Peaceprints' laying about.

wv - aircedia

Meade said...

Until you mentioned "peaceprints," don't tread, I had never heard of them.

Still looking. Not saying they aren't somewhere at the Capitol but I have not seen any.


garage mahal said...

Count all the Union thugs, anarchists, and lefty dead-enders

Jeremy said...

Needy - "Your desperation is showing, garage. A Republican would: 1. show his ID, 2. obey a police order, 3. not initiate contact with an officer, 4. not resist arrest, and 5. would not put on the stunt you see in the video in the first place."

Sorry, Needy, but according to Mr. Milroy, he did in fact show his I.D.:

Milroy also offered some more context for what happened Thursday.

According to Milroy, he "just wanted to get into my office to get my personal effects."
When he tried to enter the building, an officer approached him. He showed her his ID, but she told him he was not allowed to enter.

"I said that's ridiculous," Milroy said. He walked by the first officer and showed his ID to a second officer, the one who ended up tackling him. According to Milroy, the first officer began to yell that he wasn't allowed in.

"I told [the second officer] I was a state representative and I needed to get to my office," Milroy said. "I think there was some confusion going on. I think I was being a little more aggressive than I probably should have."

Milroy said he sought out the officer who tackled him later on Thursday.

"I told him I'm sorry it got that far, and it shouldn't have gotten that far," he said. "He told me that he was stressed out, too."

Milroy doesn't blame the officers for what happened, and said law enforcement officers "have been doing an exemplary job" since the protests began. Instead, Milroy places the blame on Walker.

Peano said...

Why did the Capitol police wrestle state Representative Nick Milroy (D) to the ground?

Hmmmmm ... because they could?

Fen said...

Jeremy parrots TPM propaganad: He walked by the first officer and

Bullshit. The video clearly shows he used forced to get by the officer.

You're full of shit, as usual.

Fen said...

Jeremy: What is it with you teabaggers and your love of sucking on balls?

You're the one who keeps flirting in seeking out "teabaggers". One can only assume you want my balls in your mouth. Aint gonna happen, sicko.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Why did the Capitol police wrestle state Representative Nick Milroy (D) to the ground?"

Hmmmmm ... because they could?

I was going to say that and I shamed myself for no reason at all.


Fen said...

Jeremy, maybe next time your mommy comes down into the basement, you can have her explain to you the difference between being a "teabagger" and a teabagee".

Jeremy said...

Kent - "Oh, those poor, suffering, martyriffic little dears."

Contrary to your numbers via The Weekly Standard...that bastian of teabagger journalism, here are the statistics from "From the Teacher Portal":

Wisconsin Teachers:

Average Teacher Salary Rank: 20th
Starting Teacher Salary Rank: 49th
Salary raise last year: 4.7%
Salary raise over 10 years: 21.5%
TeacherPortal Salary Comfort Score
28th friendliest state for teachers

Starting Salary: $25,222
Average Salary: $46,390

Adding benefits still doesn't bring the "average" teacher to the $100,000 level.

But of course, you already know that.

Jeremy said...

Fen - If you don't like the moniker, you and the rest of the idiots you hang with shouldn't have come up with it in the first place.

People who don't do research or think before throwing out such terms usually end up spending their time trying to beg off or explain (Kind of like the Huckster the last few days trying to back away from bald-faced lies about our president.)

Once again:

The Tea Partiers not only invented the term, they did so in order to inflict a similar double entendre onto the President, the Democrats, and liberals in general.

Now, they’re trying to re-cast the term as a slur, on a par with the “n-word,” hurtful to all the Tea Party members who are just ordinary moms, dads, sons, and daughters.

In emails, protest signs, t-shirts, and online, early Tea Party literature urged protesters to “Tea Bag the White House,” and to “Tea-bag the liberal Dems before they tea-bag you.”

The suggestion is that the metaphoric “tea-bags” be shoved in the mouths of the President, Democratic members of Congress, and even ordinary citizens who identify as liberal Democrats.

The idea that they just didn’t know the term’s only (at that time) meaning is belied by the fact that they obviously knew it was negative (and non-consensual), since they didn’t want it done to them, and also because it only had one meaning.

*Keep on suckin' chump.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If those who make $200,00-250,000 are just plain ol' folks, why are the teachers such a greedy bunch?

I know, don't respond to the troll.

However, the difference is between private industry and public/government employees.

The private industry employees are being paid by the private (non-governmental) company. It is their business how much they pay their executives and employees. If we don't like it, we don't have to patronize the company and they will either go out of business or lower their compensation. If the shareholders of the company don't like it, they can band together and vote out the Board of Directors.

It is a private company and I don't give a crap how much they pay their employees because if they pay too much and try to pass the costs on to me, I probably won't be using their product.

Public employees are paid for by all of us tax payers. We have no choice but to pay for their benefits and wages. We also don't get any voice in how much we think is too much.

The public employees can't go out of business. Government doesn't have to play by free market rules because we don't have any alternatives to government. It is a monopoly. They have us over a barrel and can just continue to raise taxes and fees to get more more more.

The difference is private verus government.

Probably a total waste of pixels to feed the troll, but there you have it.

Jeremy said...

Fen said..."Jeremy parrots TPM propaganad: He walked by the first officer..."

They were "quotes" from the representative, dumbfuck.

TPM merely ran the interview and article.

And for you or any of the other local teabagging crew to whine about "parroting" anything is laughable at best.

99% of what you idiots post comes directly from Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly.

Jeremy said...

For Fenny the ball sucker:

According to Milroy, he "just wanted to get into my office to get my personal effects."
When he tried to enter the building, an officer approached him. He showed her his ID, but she told him he was not allowed to enter.

"I said that's ridiculous," Milroy said. He walked by the first officer and showed his ID to a second officer, the one who ended up tackling him. According to Milroy, the first officer began to yell that he wasn't allowed in.

"I told [the second officer] I was a state representative and I needed to get to my office," Milroy said. "I think there was some confusion going on. I think I was being a little more aggressive than I probably should have."

Milroy said he sought out the officer who tackled him later on Thursday.

"I told him I'm sorry it got that far, and it shouldn't have gotten that far," he said. "He told me that he was stressed out, too."

Milroy doesn't blame the officers for what happened, and said law enforcement officers "have been doing an exemplary job" since the protests began. Instead, Milroy places the blame on Walker.

shiloh said...

As AA's ad nauseam minutia marches on ...

Michael said...

Jeremy: "If you don't like the moniker, you and the rest of the idiots you hang with shouldn't have come up with it in the first place."

No, but homophobic lefties and sneering lefty homos came up with the term which was immediately grabbed by Jeremy who then and now considers it the absolute funniest and insulting descriptive word ever.

Your lie is not even inventive.

Troubled Voter said...

@ Martin anormaler

I'm observing this thread on my phone. It's not my intention to get in a carry comment fight with a complete stranger, much less try and rifle through the site's archives on my phone. But I promise to find some cites when I get a chance!

Until I do, have a nice weekend! I hope it's warm where you are :)

Troubled Voter said...

Haha that was supposed to be shoemaker...German auto correct kicked in

Jeremy said...

Michael - You're as dense as your teabagger buddy, Fernny.


The National Review: The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”


The Tea Partiers not only invented the term, they did so in order to inflict a similar double entendre onto the President, the Democrats, and liberals in general.

Now, they’re trying to re-cast the term as a slur, on a par with the “n-word,” hurtful to all the Tea Party members who are just ordinary moms, dads, sons, and daughters.

In emails, protest signs, t-shirts, and online, early Tea Party literature urged protesters to “Tea Bag the White House,” and to “Tea-bag the liberal Dems before they tea-bag you.”

The suggestion is that the metaphoric “tea-bags” be shoved in the mouths of the President, Democratic members of Congress, and even ordinary citizens who identify as liberal Democrats.

The idea that they just didn’t know the term’s only (at that time) meaning is belied by the fact that they obviously knew it was negative (and non-consensual), since they didn’t want it done to them, and also because it only had one meaning.

Jeremy said...

Michael - Oh, and I love the way you promote your open-mindedness by somehow juxtaposing "lefty" homophobes with "sneering lefty homos??"


Can you say knuckle-dragging cretin?

Very classy...and as usual, very dumb.

Jeremy said...

Bunny - "However, the difference is between private industry and public/government employees."

It doesn't matter where the people comment relates to your whining about taxing the "wealthy" if making over $250,000 is not out of the ordinary for regular middle-class Americans...and that teachers making $50,000 or so makes them some kind of money grubbing assholes. (And many teachers could obviously make more elsewhere, but instead do what they feel is best for themselves and the students they teach.)

If you want to counter, at least stay in the same why you and the other teabaggers here rag on teachers of all people is pretty strange...even for you idiots.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It doesn't matter where the people work

Yes it does. It makes all the difference where they work and more importantly WHO is paying them.

Jeremy said...

Bunny - Not related to my post.

You can bitch and whine all you want about the teachers somehow screwing you over, but it's nothing but teabagger busllshit and you know it.

You bitch about a 3% increase in taxes over $200,000 or $250,000 for indivuduals or couples, and act as if the teachers are being overpaid for the work they do.


Jeremy said...

Why no whining and bitching about the firefighters and police unions?

Selective teabaggery.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You bitch about a 3% increase in taxes over $200,000 or $250,000 for indivuduals or couples, and act as if the teachers are being overpaid for the work they do.

How do you know what I bitch about.

We have never spoken to you and I haven't weighed in on this topic, expecially in the specific numbers that you are quoting.

Quit pulling crap out of your really isn't attractive.

Some teachers are being overpaid. Some are not.

Some teachers actually teach. Others do not.

Unfortunately the Unions prevent us from canning those teachers who are not doing their job or doing a good job.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Why no whining and bitching about the firefighters and police unions?

OK....Those Unions are just as bad if not worse than the teachers Union because they can threaten our safety.

What can the teachers UNION threaten us with. Bad teaching?

Fen said...

Jeremy: The National Review: The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”

Yes Jeremy, one sign said "TeaBag them before they TeaBag you". Is that your defense? That because you heard Chris Rock call himself a n-gger, its okay to call all blacks that?

Its a homophobic slur used to marginalize members of the Tea Party. You know its offensive to then and thats why you use it. This is who you are.

But by all means, continue to do so. Its a convenient disqualifer that you are not to be taken seriously. Beclown yourself with your fanatasies of sucking our balls as much as you wish.

Fen said...

Libtard_Jeremy: They were "quotes" from the representative, dumbfuck. TPM merely ran the interview and article.

Anyone who watched the video can clearly see that the Dem rep used force to get past the Police. He did not simply "walk past" the Police.

Assuming you have seen the video, then yes, your attempt to parrot TPM propaganda here is pathetic.

Although its not like your credibility here could fall any further.

Jeremy said...

Bunny - Oh, bullshit. You and others are constantly harping on why the wealthiest shouldn't have any increase in if they're going to create jobs.

But, you want to tell me right now that you're for more taxes on the weathy?

Tell me.

Jeremy said...

Bunny - "Some teachers are being overpaid. Some are not. Some teachers actually teach. Others do not."


What does that have to do with collective bargaining?

Are you saying that every teacher should be on their own? SHould every cop or firefighter also have to handle it on their own, too?

You and I both know that all you really want is to get rid of the unions...period.

Jeremy said...

Bunny - Try to cram this into your head:

Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.

And I'll bet more than half of the teabaggers here have parents that belonged to unions. Unions that fought for a reasonable wage, and the kinds of benefits that provided insurances and other supportive measures for your family.

Jeremy said...

Fen - Suck my nuts.

Automatic_Wing said...

What can the teachers UNION threaten us with. Bad teaching?

It's not a threat...more like a promise.

Fen said...

Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.

Actually no. Most of that is myth.

Regardless, what have you done for me lately? Unions force workers to join their gang if they want to work in that state. Then unions force workers to donate money to crooked Democrat politicans in a kickback scheme that Micheal Corleone would envy.

Imagine that, in order to get a job in your city, you first had to join the RNC and donate $1000 a year to Newt Gingrich. You cool with that?

Fen said...

Jeremy: Fen - Suck my nuts.

said the little man with no balls.

DADvocate said...

Jeremy: Fen - Suck my nuts.

said the little man with no balls.


As we used to say, if you put his brain on the edge of a razor blade, it'd look like a BB rolling down the interstate.

Anonymous said...

Wow... the conservatomanic commenters are really showing their batshit insanity in this thread.

Representative dude tries to get into his workplace with his ID, as Representative dudes are wont to do. Of course he's entitled to enter the Capitol after hours! But he's tackled, clearly because the Capitol police are more than a little stupid.

But, eh, these consevatomanics need to find a way-- any way!-- of pinning the blame on Milroy.

Of course Milroy is not much better since he has now taken pains to pin the blame on Walker.

It's like a ridiculous, childish game of political hot potato. The original incident ends up being just a part of the issue, overshadowed by the blame game.

Fen said...

Julius: But he's tackled, clearly because the Capitol police are more than a little stupid.

You obviously didn't watch the video. He is tackled because he uses force to get past the Police.

Revenant said...

But, eh, these consevatomanics need to find a way-- any way!-- of pinning the blame on Milroy. Of course Milroy is not much better since he has now taken pains to pin the blame on Walker.

Whereupon you realize there is an untapped vein of baseless accusation still remaining, and enter the conversation to blame police stupidity.

DADvocate said...

...the conservatomanic commenters are really showing their batshit insanity in this thread.

We do this every thread!!! If we fail to do so, please point it out so we can go more batshit crazy.
We don't want to disappoint you.

Simon said...

Julius said...
"But, eh, these consevatomanics need to find a way-- any way!-- of pinning the blame on Milroy."

The video pins the blame on him. Damn those conservative video cameras for recording him instigating the incident! And damn those conservatives at TPM for editing it to look like he instigated it!

Toad Trend said...


"Wow... the conservatomanic commenters are really showing their batshit insanity in this thread."

The batshit insanity is yours.

"Representative dude tries to get into his workplace with his ID,"

Not clear that happened from the video.

" Representative dudes are wont to do. Of course he's entitled to enter the Capitol after hours!"

Presumptive at best.

"But he's tackled, clearly because the Capitol police are more than a little stupid."

Obama would be proud. Judge first, sort it out/deflect later.

"But, eh, these consevatomanics need to find a way-- any way!-- of pinning the blame on Milroy."

The complicated make up and mask of Milroy was removed from the conservative imposter shortly after the video ended. Right?

"Of course Milroy is not much better since he has now taken pains to pin the blame on Walker.
It's like a ridiculous, childish game of political hot potato."

Mr. Milroy baked his own potato in this case, Julius.

"The original incident ends up being just a part of the issue, overshadowed by the blame game."

Right. Milroy is the central figure in this incident, then blames Walker. Classic liberal denial of responsibility.

madAsHell said...

Suck my nuts.

It looks like Jeremy is having trouble finding a sex partner....again.

jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jim said...

Funny, I don't have any problem "telling what to make of this" at all. Imagine getting that treatment when you go back to your office to get your personal belongings. Real horrorshow.

I can't tell from the video, but probably Milroy was wearing a large ID badge around his neck, which is easily visible even at a distance. Or at least it would be, if their CO had enough common sense to station someone somewhere where they could see it before he gets to the door. Putting officers on only one side of a revolving door, & choosing to position them on the INSIDE? Yeah, that's some serious epic fail alright ... pray you never have to rely on the mastermind of this set-up for your personal security.

Due to the visible solidarity of many local police with the protestors, Walker has brought in outside LE who don't know him from Adam - so this incident is directly his responsibility. Nobody is forcing him to fight the unions - & his own fellow representatives - tooth & nail. If this was truly a matter of saving Wisconsin money, he could've amended his measure long ago & saved the state & himself a lot of bad PR: the unions have already caved on all of his cutbacks.

PS: note that the methodological template for training new recruits being used by LE throughout North America is now none other than that bastion of orderly conduct, tolerance & moderation, the LAPD. So if you enjoyed the thrilling action on this video, stay tuned: you could be next!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting, definitely going to subscribe! See you on my reader.


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