March 3, 2011

"University of Wisconsin Police Chief Susan Riseling says 41 rounds of .22-caliber ammunition were found Thursday morning scattered at several locations outside the Capitol."

"The revelation came as state attorneys asked a Dane County judge to order the Capitol closed for a security sweep.... Union attorney Peggy Lautenschlager suggested in court that the ammunition could have been planted by someone other than a protester."


Anonymous said...

Are there no security cameras on the grounds?

-er, nevermind. They're probably union controlled, on strike.

-er, nevermind. They're probably Capitol Police controlled, protectorates of the unionists.

-er, nevermind. Anything disparaging to the unionists would be buried from the public by State-run media (Hands-off NewMeadia!)

Clearly scare tactics by Walker Brownshirts.....

Hagar said...

Or someone dumped a box into his jacket pocket not knowing that it had a hole in it.
Lots of people are careless with .22 LR ammunition, though .22's are not toys.

kent said...

"Union attorney Peggy Lautenschlager suggested in court that the ammunition could have been planted by someone other than a protester."

"... or... you know... pixie faeries, maybe. Or elves, even! ELVES!!!"

YoungHegelian said...

You see!? This is what happens when you have a tea partiers and right wing NRA thugs take over your capital!

They're just crypto-fascist goons, I tell you!


Nevermind. Forget I said anything.

PS: If it were right wingers, they wouldn't have used no pussy-ass .22 caliber slugs.

R.L. Hunter said...

I will make a prediction.

50 rounds total will be found.

Why? Because a 50 round box of .22LR is the cheapest box of ammo you can buy.

Someone is trying to incite fear.

As to who, could be anyone

Superdad said...

Unless they also found a gun and someone holding it, I really don't see this as a big security threat.

Turns out the bullets don't do much on there own. Not saying its a great idea to just toss them about, but really there is not that much in the way of a threat here

MadisonMan said...

41 inverted is 14. There are 14 Senators on the lam.


Henry said...

How many rocks did they find?

And not one of them thrown through a window.

Beth Donovan said...

I will bet you that they were planted by the union protesters so they could blame the Tea Party.

James said...

I wonder if Peggy Lautenschlager was sober....

Did she drive to the court appearance at 15 m.p.h?

JUNEAU - Wisconsin's top law-enforcement officer, Attorney General Peggy Lautenschlager, was arrested for drunken driving early Tuesday morning after she ran her state-owned car into the ditch on Highway 151 in Dodge County.

Lautenschlager, who refused to speak to reporters, acknowledged in a written statement that she was cited for drunken driving after she "fell asleep" while behind the wheel. The attorney general was not hurt, but the car received minor damage from hitting a snowbank just north of Columbus.

In a preliminary breath test given at the scene, Lautenschlager's blood-alcohol level registered 0.12 percent, or 50 percent above the 0.08 legal limit, according to a report from the Dodge County Sheriff's Department. However, Lautenschlager refused a blood test.

The Democratic attorney general was handcuffed and placed in a
sheriff's squad car. She was released to the custody of her husband, William Rippl, a Neenah police officer, who came from their home in Fond du Lac to pick her up shortly after 1 a.m.

Triangle Man said...


41 is also 50 rounds in a box - 8 in the magazine - 1 in the chamber.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Remember, guns don't kill people, bullets kill people.

Chip S. said...

This story is the perfect political Rohrscach test.

traditionalguy said...

I bet the 22s found next to the kotex pads.

Calypso Facto said...

When did Peg take the AFSCME job? I hadn't heard of that prior to today. Thought she was teaching at Ripon.

How cozy, of course, to move from political office to supporter consulting. And yes, I know it happens all the time, still...

retire05 said...

It is only a matter of time before those sleep deprived sqatters in the Wisconsin State Capitol melt down.

Wisconsin is rapidly becoming the Charlie Sheen of the lower 48.

traditionalguy said...

If the stupid Demonstrators left the 22s, they will probably ask for them back.

Christopher said...

I suppose that if we are still blaming rhetoric for violence, or threats thereof, then this is clearly the fault of the union supporters.

Granted I think that that idea is bullshit, but goose/gander.

Calypso Facto said...

"Multiple rounds" found at the city-county building now too.

Like, 9, maybe?

E Buzz said...

Well, I'm sure if it were a bunch of Tea Partiers, we would really understand the core meaning of ammo strewn all over the place. See, if some Republican got shot in the face, it would be his fault because he didn't pick up the ammo those evil Tea partiers left all over the place, stuff like that.

Of course it's a plant.

It's really interesting how we are having created for us two entirely different classes, the Democrat class and the republican gets treated entirely different than the other.

I wonder if this is what it was like in the USSR, the decline...

Revenant said...

41 rounds of .22 ammunition scattered across "several locations" sounds pretty meaningless to me.

Drew said...

Union attorney Peggy Lautenschlager suggested in court that the ammunition could have been planted by someone other than a protester."

I'm sure it was those teabaggers. Unionists are peaceful protesters! Didn't you hear them chanting "PEACE! PEACE!" when they cornered Glenn Grothman?

former law student said...

I had the same idea as Hagar. Somebody was out plinking, then went to the Capitol for some reason.

One time I went bird hunting with friends I left a shotshell in my pocket. Luckily this was on the ride over to the airport, so I just gave it to my buddy. I can imagine what happened if it showed up on an x-ray.

Revenant said...

Wisconsin is rapidly becoming the Charlie Sheen of the lower 48.

Come on. Wisconsin is the middle-class white kid who goes to college and gets drunk for the first time on a six-pack of Pabst.

It needs another half-century of serious debauchery before it can challenge states like California and Louisiana for the Sheen title.

Calypso Facto said...

Or someone dumped a box into his jacket pocket

The same ammo at 3 different Capitol entries and now at another building? Nope.

Roman said...

Last time I purchaced .22 rimfire ammo, about a month ago. 41 rounds would be about $0.82 worth.

I don't think I would be too upset.

R.L. Hunter said...


I think it's more likely some idiot with little knowledge of guns bought the cheapest box of ammo they could and scattered it about trying to make it look like things were getting "Dangerous"

Scott M said...

I think it's more likely some idiot with little knowledge of guns bought the cheapest box of ammo they could and scattered it about trying to make it look like things were getting "Dangerous"


Wince said...

They just accidently fall out every time Instapundit pulls a video camera from his pocket?


Calypso Facto said...

They just accidently fall out every time Instapundit pulls a video camera from his pocket?

Hey! Where WAS New Media Meade today, anyways?

former law student said...

scattered it about trying to make it look like things were getting "Dangerous"

Madison's squirrels should certainly be on edge

Triangle Man said...

I hear there are also numerous empty shotgun shells scattered around fields, marshy areas, and lake shores across the state.

Triangle Man said...

"May I have 10,000 marbles please?'

Alex said...

Clearly rabid leftists can't help themselves. They've gone over the edge!

R.L. Hunter said...

Madison's squirrels should certainly be on edge

That's it! The protesters were stealing their acorns so now the squirrels are starting to arm themselves. ;-)

David said...

Who the hell knows how this got there. Pure speculation. But not good news.

Fen said...

Triangle Man: 41 is also 50 rounds in a box - 8 in the magazine - 1 in the chamber.

Nice job. You must be Miss Marple in RL.

rhhardin said...

Somebody's trying to get it all declared a historic site to prevent development.

Fen said...

The protesters were stealing their acorns so now the squirrels are starting to arm themselves.

Don't joke. I saw a squirrel mug a pigeon once. It actually put the pigeon in a headlock and gave it a noogie. Was hysterical at the time, but I've never been the same since.

So whatever you do, don't piss off the squirrels.

JAL said...

Of course it was planted.

The rumor that it might not have been the demonstrators but RRWs, that is.

BTW! Did you hear that Jared Lougher was ...

Whoops. Wrong narrative.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Peggy Lautenschlager

With a name like that you just know she'd be the life of the party.

Anonymous said...

Ann, How could you?!?!?!


Issob Morocco said...

Just remember People don't kill people, bullets do.

former law student said...

Peggy Lautenschlager... life of the party

No, Rubschlager brings your party to life:

Unknown said...

Interesting how, when something is found that was supposed to be the hallmark of the Tea Partiers in the proximity of the Lefties, the first thing the Lefties say is, "It's a plant!".

Joe Friday heard that a lot, too.

Cedarford said...

Hagar said...
Or someone dumped a box into his jacket pocket not knowing that it had a hole in it.
Lots of people are careless with .22 LR ammunition, though .22's are not toys.

.22 ammo sans being in a weapon, is flat out NOTHING as a threat to safety. Finding some though, sans weapon, is a way for The Heroes! of the TSA and law enforcement to raise a public stink about how they will investigate and protect against the menace of stray rounds ammo, and justify their being immune from staffing cuts.

The Drill SGT said...

Madison's squirrels should certainly be on edge

Who in Madison is the biggest Enemy of Squirrels?

Which member of the New Media has demonstrated that he supports 2nd amendment rights?

Which new media member was seen at the Capitol recently?

Meade, you better get a good lawyer

former law student said...

.22 ammo sans being in a weapon, is flat out NOTHING as a threat to safety.

I seem to recall some experiments involving a vice and a hammer...

deborah said...

"The Democratic attorney general was handcuffed and placed in a
sheriff's squad car. She was released to the custody of her husband, William Rippl, a Neenah police officer, who came from their home in Fond du Lac to pick her up shortly after 1 a.m."


Kelly from Georgia said...

We target shoot off my front porch all the time. I guarantee you I could go under the porch and find at least 41 live .22 rounds.

Should I be worried that they were planted by Tea Partiers?

What am I saying? One of our middle schools just raffled off a .22 Remington LR to raise money for the cross country team.

.22s are not particularly scary. The nine year old girl up the road just got a pink one for her birthday.


former law student said...

Unfortunately, lawyers have been known to drink more than they should

Supporting Recovery in the Legal Community

Sigivald said...

So, uh, not quite one standard box, or about $5 worth.

What Hagar said, this means exactly nothing, given the available information.

galdosiana said...

...Well, according to the 6:00 news, protesters have broken into the capitol and are storming the building. The police chief has confirmed that police are currently donning riot gear to deal with the situation.

deborah said...

Thanks, fls. (Great name for it.)

deborah said...

Waits for galdosiana to say 'psych!'

galdosiana said...

Unfortunately, it's true. Susan Simon just reported it on the CBS 6:00 news here in Madison. I've looked for an online source to link, but it appears no one has written it up yet...

deborah said...

I'm looking, too. Lets see how fast it takes to get on the twitter breaking-news feed:

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

.22 ammo sans being in a weapon, is flat out NOTHING as a threat to safety.

Very untrue. Give me a cartridge of any caliber, a nail, and a piece of wood, maybe a small length of hollow bamboo or similar - none of them weapons - and a few moments of quiet time, and it could get real dangerous real quick.

Repeat that 50 times...

/Just something I learned from some radical leftists when I was a youngun.

galdosiana said...

I still can't find anything online about it. But I did find this:

The protests at the Capitol have caused an estimated $7.5 million in damage, especially due to the tape staining the different types of marble.

Big Mike said...

@R.L.Hunter and Triangle Man, that's what I thought at first, too. But don't most .22LR handguns carry 10 rounds in the magazine?

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

I still can't find anything online about it.

I don't see anything either.

I did see that a judge just ordered the remaining protesters out though, and Scott Walker is speaking, so maybe a confluence of the two events caused a minor disturbance of some kind?

galdosiana said...

Ok, here it is just briefly mentioned, since it is an ongoing situation:

Just before 6 p.m. Thursday, protesters got through into the Capitol entrance. Police are imploring them to leave or be arrested.

Authorities said crews are putting on riot gear at the Capitol, and it's an evolving situation.

Stay tuned to WISC-TV and Channel 3000 for continuing coverage.

Big Mike said...

Aha! The Smith & Wesson model 617 22LR has a 10 round capacity (standard practice with a double action revolver is to keep the chamber under the hammer empty for safety).

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi

[I will never cease admiring that moniker, btw],

Peggy Lautenschlager

Perhaps one of her ancestors is personally responsible for

the little rift within the lute /
That by-and-by will make the music mute

wv: splintis. Tweezers are good things.

Cedarford said...

I'm a Shaaaaark said...
.22 ammo sans being in a weapon, is flat out NOTHING as a threat to safety.

Very untrue. Give me a cartridge of any caliber, a nail, and a piece of wood, maybe a small length of hollow bamboo or similar - none of them weapons - and a few moments of quiet time, and it could get real dangerous real quick.

Repeat that 50 times...
No, your argument is that .22 ammo is inherently dangerous because someone could construct a weapon and use it. OK, give me 1 gallon of gasoline a cylinder of compressed air, some pipes and plumbing fittings and a lighter and I can show you how to make what the Heroes! of law enforcement are calling a WMD. Or a tank you add 8 gallons of concentrated bleach, 2 of ammonia - another combo the Heroes! are saying legally meets the definition of a WMD.

Sure Shaaark, lots of things are dangerous if you construct them and other material into a weapon.

But a few loose rounds of ammo by themselves are as danngerous as finding loose change on the ground.

Todd G. said...

Also, H & R and other US revolver manufacturers offered numerous 9 shot .22 caliber revolvers models. I've got a couple.

Synova said...

"PS: If it were right wingers, they wouldn't have used no pussy-ass .22 caliber slugs."


paul a'barge said...

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