March 11, 2011

Today's throng at the Capitol — with signs, costumes, and desecrated song lyrics.

Meade got there at around noon:


Enlarge to see lots of printed Union Pipetraders signs and a handmade "Take your ANGER into the street."

Closeup to see the 18th century costumes:


Enlarge to read the limerick:
Scott Walker's depressive & manic,
With brain damage likely organic.
The son-of-a-bitch
Helps only the rich.
Leaving everyone else in a panic!

Enlarge to read the lyrics in the orange booklet: "We Shall Overcome" with a "Walker won't be Governor" verse.


Lincolntf said...

"Take your ANGER into the street."

Spoken like true peacemakers.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Weren't the Tea Partiers ridiculed for adopting 18th-century dress?

Yeah, thought so.

kent said...

Cripes... even the friggin' Seattle Mariners have sense enough to leave the field, after the final scoreboard tally has evidenced a loss.

Unknown said...

Looks like "Walker" was pasted over another name on the big Shame On banner - must have used it before. And where is that little "Union" label thingamajig that should be on it. Boy - some union boys are messing up big time.

chickelit said...

The throng remains the same.

Triangle Man said...

Oh, it's a thRong. Neve mind.

Carol_Herman said...

Everybody has a right to be heard.

Governor Walker has not stopped anybody from coming along into the Rotunda.

That they wear costumes? So what?

Yes, what the union thugs want is a riot.

Isn't it like Nancy Pelosi walking with her thugs, which was also designed to set off a riot?

Maybe, riots aren't the easiest thing to set off?

My heart goes out to the people in Japan.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. . . . The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them."

Please help set them right-- if you are capable of doing so.

If all that these folks are wrong about are some song lyrics and limericks, then it looks like we have a real problem.

Inconsistency is your hobgoblin, Professor. Rise up.

Amy said...

The more I watch this, the more it seems like a big childlike tantrum. Is this who is teaching our children? Or are they learning FROM our children and becoming more like them?
They do make nice posters though. I guess that comes from making all those bulletin board displays.

Anonymous said...

What exactly did these people get taken away?

Their jobs?

Their houses?

The vote?

Their families?


kent said...

If all that these folks are wrong about are some song lyrics and limericks

Ipse-dixitism noted. Fail.

Next contestant, please...?

Anonymous said...

BTW, Prof. Althouse. I am glad to see that you removed the word "neutral" from your byline.

Good call, and it is to your credit.

MadisonMan said...

I've been more interested today in the Tsunami. Some amazing footage.

Awesome in the worst sense of the word.

Crescent City Harbor.

Anonymous said...

Kent used a latin phrase! Please explain to the "game show" what you mean, Kent.

Peano said...

Amy said... The more I watch this, the more it seems like a big childlike tantrum.


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for someone to water ski through the capital dome and jump a shark in the rotunda.

Cause that's the only thing left here.

kent said...

Please explain to the "game show" what you mean, Kent.

If you're genuinely illiterate enough not to have stumbled across the common, educated adult phrase "Ipse-dixitism" prior to this -- nor clever enough to accurately Google for yourself that which you do not know -- then I'm not about to cut your steak into bite-sized chunks for you, kiddo.

Your self-confessed ignorance is, rightfully and thankfully, your own problem... not mine.

Again: try an argument not based on a justly notorious logical fallacy... or sit down, and quietly finish your sippy cup.

Methadras said...

Leftards and their ridiculous parade of idiocy. These fools have finally lost their public patronage and all the citizens got was a mob of whiners.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kent, you just called me "ignorant."

I guess your name-calling just ended the debate.

I am not going to waste any more time on you . . . unless you demonstrate the ability to engage meaningfully.

Peace be with you.

PaulV said...

What would Jesus cut?

Luke 2:21 On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived.

kent said...

Oh Kent, you just called me "ignorant."

Oh, Chris: you worked so hard for it, my ineptly passive-aggressive little dear.

Peace be with you.

Fuck off, troll.

Anonymous said...

Aren't these Leftists-- with their throng and costumes and signs-- starting to get really annoying?

Maybe soon we'll have a good, conservative solution to this problem, with a noble Republican finally standing up and demanding that they all be rounded up and shot.

kent said...

Maybe soon we'll have a good, conservative solution to this problem, with a noble Republican finally standing up and demanding that they all be rounded up and shot.

"I think Walker should get shot."

Failed Leftist Meme: 0
Reality: 1

Cripes, losing so definitively has really and truly driven you poor saps right around the proverbial bend, hasn't it...?

PaulV said...

Liberal fascists round people up & shoot them. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Ho Chi Menh are examples

Geoff Matthews said...

The only thing missing from these pictures is perspective.

Lincolntf said...

Leftists always fantasize of eliminating their political enemies (read: intellectual and moral superiors) so they assume that's what conservatives would do.
Little do they know that all we really want is for them to shut the fuck up about how hard their life is while they're sucking on a cappucino and upgrading their smartphones.
If they could quit telling everyone else how to live, while charging them big bucks for the privilege, that would be a bonus.

Clairvius Narcisse said...

fur is murder!!!

garage mahal said...

Careful Chris, kent's nipples are full mast. You can tell when he Tourette links, and italicizes every other word. Run! And look out for Chef Mojo too, he's got some weird fetish with sucking on man-boobs. To each his own I guess.

test said...

I see Julius has his head up his ass again. On a day an infamous lefty professor is theorizing that violence may become acceptable for the left he has not one word of condemnation, yet still manages to announce his paranoia on violence from the right.

Some people just aren't worth anything.

kent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kent said...

kent's nipples

I only pray that the site's Functional Illiterate-In-Residence had both hands firmly on the keyboard, while typing that.

garage mahal said...

You italicized something. Wow, you're fucking smart kent!

kent said...

you're fucking smart kent!

I daresay it does seem that way to you, garage.

Anonymous said...

I guess the US Revolutionary garb is a challenge to the Tea Partiers who dress that way, or maybe it's an attempt to fool people into supporting a movement that is actually popular?

Phil 314 said...

For the Pipefitters

You don't know my kind in your world
Fairly soon the time will tell
You...telling me the things you're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot the rules:

The first rule of Althouse Violence Club is: you do not talk about Althouse Violence Club.

The second rule of Althouse Violence Club is: you DO NOT talk about Althouse Violence Club.

The Leftists are still fucking annoying tho'...

Paul said...

What you are seeing is so much bull. They had an election and they LOST. The democratic process spoke.

Sadly they didn't like the answer and freeked out. For there is nothing in the constitution about UNIONS. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

On a day an infamous lefty professor is theorizing that violence may become acceptable for the left he has not one word of condemnation...

Violence only works for regime change. You know: our Revolution, the French Revolution, the Bolshevik thingy, Libya now, Saudi Arabia as it ought to be. The only way to exterminate a regime is to exterminate the people involved.

Short of that being the goal, there's no point to violence and it is counterproductive. You are either all in the violence game or not in at all; or else you are a poser Lefty professor whose insinuation is stupid and uninteresting.

The Leftists in the Wisconsin Capitol are still fucking annoying tho'...

Anonymous said...

Kent, soup will be thin your not leaving anything on the bones!

Ralph L said...

Wisconsin is broke because it overspent years ago on its grand, polychrome Capitol, and the legislators felt they were as rich as Croessus.

The NC Rotunda looks like a crypt in comparison and is nearly as crowded. All that Palladian austerity for 3 times the state's income in 1840.

wv - hediart - exactly.

Automatic_Wing said...

Aw garage, you can figure out how to italicize someday if you keep trying.

Don't give up!

Unknown said...

Interesting how it's always the Lefties who bring up the subject of violence, usually in a lame attempt to accuse Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, or Althouse Hillbillies of fomenting it.

PS Chrissy needs Julie or garage to take him by the hand on orientation. The cruel and kind neutrality masthead (which I liked) disappeared a week ago.

As I say, the KosKids need to do some research before Kos hands them their script and sends them over here.

Toad Trend said...

What a bunch of children.


"Little do they know that all we really want is for them to shut the fuck up about how hard their life is while they're sucking on a cappucino and upgrading their smartphones."

Thread winner!!!

PaulV said...

Maguro, it is just a matter of hitting the keys at the right angle.

SteveR said...

These people don't think they are wrong and have never thought they are wrong. Its the conflict they never consider, its the characteristic of the shallow intellect.

Life is far far more than the books you've read or your grades in school. The immaturity of eternal myopia. Its all about them.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I like the sign

"Shame on:

It looks like the name Walker was attached as an after thought. Perhaps with velcro tabs?

Sort of like

"Shame on:
insert name here"

Very thrifty. A multi use protest sign.

Tibore said...

"Closeup to see the 18th century costumes..."

Oh for the love of God! Is this a serious issue demanding serious discussion, or is this an opportunity for Halloween playtime??

How many people here have already noted the essential juvenile nature of these protestors? Here's another data point for ya.

Sheesh... if they want to be taken seriously, then maybe it's time to think in terms other than "Costume Ball". Talk about a diminution of their argument. Who would you all rather be assembling policy for the state? Soberly dressed people demonstrating professionalism via reassuring sartorial selectivity? Or flamboyant "geniuses" who think that their Paul Revere's Last Ride costume is a great signifier of maturity?

Ok, I'm done. But Jesus, the essential juvenility of the protestors continually leaves me aghast. This is just another demonstration of it. This is playtime for these people; that picture proves it.

TosaGuy said...

I was at UW-Milwaukee today for work.

Pretty quiet there although the teaching assistants are threatening a strike. The Art building was the only one with signs in the windows to which one was "WE ARE THE CRISIS"

First of all, what the hell does that mean? Second, what an entirely over inflated sense of importance.

Spoiled. Brat. Children.

kent said...


Ironically, more accurate than they could ever possibly know. ;)

Revenant said...

If all that these folks are wrong about are some song lyrics and limericks, then it looks like we have a real problem.

Dodged THAT bullet, thankfully.

Methadras said...

Chris said...

Oh Kent, you just called me "ignorant."

I guess your name-calling just ended the debate.

I am not going to waste any more time on you . . . unless you demonstrate the ability to engage meaningfully.

Peace be with you.

If you can't take being called an idiot and not defend why you or your ideas are idiotic, then this is clearly not the place for you. Guess you sensibilities are on the, shall we say, overly-sensitive side perhaps?

coketown said...

Tyranny is tyranny... I understand the effect hyperbole has on rhetorical presentation but this is insulting both to history and real, present examples of tyranny across the globe. Why not "WI Republicans are gang raping Union workers" or "Walker is committing a Holocaust on the rights of workers, and Anne Frank weeps"? Same effect.

Carol_Herman said...

I still think Meade should take a picture of the parking lot. How do people get to the Rotunda? Especially in costume?

By the way, I think Walker is doing just fine!

I applaud our First Amendment. It is there to let off steam.

Does it guarantee how people will vote? Are you kidding me?

A long while back, by the way, Arnold Scwhartzenegger swooped in and picked up the recall prize against Grey Davis.

The entertainer, Maher, was giving a sold out performance. So I went ahead and guessed, because the elites couldn't stand Schwartzenegger, that he'd lose the election.


I no longer make assumptions on election turnouts.

Wisconsin isn't the only state, now, rolling back on public unions.

vnjagvet said...

Has anyone seen this?

That's a nice business you have there, I hope nothing happens to it.

Methadras said...

Julius said...

Short of that being the goal, there's no point to violence and it is counterproductive.

Really? So say something of real significant violence, like, oh I don't know, let me see, hmm, WW2 perhaps had no point and was counterproductive?

Anonymous said...

Tom Lehrer said it best, long ago:

One type of song that has come into increasing prominence in recent months is the folk song of protest. You have to admire people who sing these songs. It takes a certain amount of courage to get up in a coffeehouse or a college auditorium and come out in favor of the things that everybody else in the audience is against -- like peace and justice and brotherhood and so on. The nicest thing about a protest song is that it makes you feel so good. I have a song here which I realize should be accompanied on a folk instrument -- in which category the piano does not alas qualify -- so imagine, if you will, that I am playing an 88-string gee-tar ...

We are the Folk Song Army,
And every one of us .. cares.
We're all against poverty, war, and injustice,
Unlike the rest of you squares!


If you feel dissatisfaction,
Strum your frustrations away.
Some people may prefer action,
But give me a folk song any old day.


Remember the war against Franco?
That's the kind where each of us belongs.
Though he may have won all the battles,
We had all the good songs!

chickelit said...

DBQ said...
Very thrifty. A multi use protest sign.

Shame and blame are fungible.

Revenant said...

So say something of real significant violence, like, oh I don't know, let me see, hmm, WW2 perhaps had no point and was counterproductive?

Er... didn't WW2 end in some pretty significant regime change? Seems like a good example of Julius' point. Political violence is useless *unless* to actually wipe out the opposition. That's pretty much what we did to Germany and Japan -- the leaders who didn't die during the war got executed after it was over.

The rule for individuals is that you don't point a gun at someone unless you're willing to kill them. The rule for political movements is that you don't kill one of them unless you're willing to kill all of them.

Anonymous said...

That's right, Revenant!

In WW2, we sent Brad Pitt and his team to exterminate Hitler and the entire German leadership, and lo and behold they did!

Or something like that...

vbspurs said...

Leftists always fantasize of eliminating their political enemies (read: intellectual and moral superiors) so they assume that's what conservatives would do.
Little do they know that all we really want is for them to shut the fuck up about how hard their life is while they're sucking on a cappucino and upgrading their smartphones.
If they could quit telling everyone else how to live, while charging them big bucks for the privilege, that would be a bonus.


wv: lustly (I think after reading that, I covet him)

Methadras said...

Revenant said...

Er... didn't WW2 end in some pretty significant regime change? Seems like a good example of Julius' point. Political violence is useless *unless* to actually wipe out the opposition. That's pretty much what we did to Germany and Japan -- the leaders who didn't die during the war got executed after it was over.

The rule for individuals is that you don't point a gun at someone unless you're willing to kill them. The rule for political movements is that you don't kill one of them unless you're willing to kill all of them.

No, my point against what Julius was saying was that violence has a point and a purpose when used properly regardless of whether it was political or not. So do you think without violence to stop an advancing evil regime that the world would be different. Neville Chamberlain's tactics vs. that of FDR/Wilson/Churchill? Even Stalin? These men knew what was on the line and used violence to stop it. Yes, it ended in regime change or in this case, regime defeat, and created other issues that we are still dealing with now, but there is no foresight in these matters when your immediate need to use violence to stop a murderous horde of nazi's and japanese taking over the globe is more imminent.

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