There was this Planned Parenthood rally. It looked like this:
That's Hulsey standing in front just behind the woman in the white jacket. (Enlargement here.) That's Risser in the red hat just below the speaker's upraised fist. Hulsey noticed Meade. Meade waved at him and he looked away. A bit later, Hulsey was talking to some women who had come to the rally. And Meade was video-recording. Actually, this was a set-up photo-op, and Meade positioned himself so he had the ideal vantage point. Then, when Hulsey starts walking back toward the Capitol, Meade calls out in the hope of finally getting a few words....
Suffice it to say: The conversation is aborted.
1 – 200 of 236 Newer› Newest»Kind of ironic, Planned Parenthood wants to stay on the government teat while keeping others from being on the teat.
Meade is becoming become a one man Paparazzi in Madison.
"I've seen your stuff."
That's code, friends.
My guess is that Hulsey is seriously sucking on that public employee campaign fund tit.
Planned Parenthood: the KKK in bloomers.
Planned Parenthood: Know Nothings in knickers.
Planned Parenthood: Nazi doctors in panty hose.
Update: A member of Assemblyman Hulsey office staff called me two hours ago and we set up a meeting between Mr. Hulsey and me for March 29 at 12:30 PM. Hulsey's rule: no video recording. I accepted.
You have to admire him - he's focused on dissing Meade...
So, Meade, what do you plan to ask Hulsey?
Meade: bring a stenographer. See what he does then.
shouting t: My main question is How do you propose we balance the state budget if the Budget Repair bill fails to become law?
Senator Risser very forthrightly answered that question by proposing tax increases.
Hulsey: "There are many right-wing journalists that I do not give permission to tape me."
Um, ok.
How long until you start believing your own lying eyes and ears? You think you're doing good, but all you're doing is electing liars, thieves, and whores. You justify it by saying, I did the best I could with the best of a bad lot, and I hope for the best.
Hope is not a strategy. The Repocrats and Depublicans have got the game rigged. All they want is your money, so they can give it to their friends. They care about what they care about, and it ain't Wisconsin.
The game won't change until you do one of two things: en masse either never vote for an incumbent, or vote for 3rd party candidates. They won't do good for <yourState> until you really put the fear of God in them. Until and unless that happens, they will continue to treat you as what you are: just pay up suckas!
The arrogance and contempt Hulsey displays toward someone he knows is a constituent illustrates why I have a higher regard for convicted pedophiles than most elected officials.
How do you propose we balance the state budget if the Budget Repair bill fails to become law?
Raise taxes on the rich and corporations
Looks like Hulsey has been in an axe fight without an axe. In the process he seems to have a missing tooth. I guess nobody has told him about the fine dental plan available to Wisconsin officials. They also didn't tell him that only WV legislatures can attend rallies without their partial plates.
WV: toofers. two missing teef.
Raise taxes on the rich and corporations
If he says that as an answer get his permission to publish it.
A man of the people who's afraid of the people.
A representative to won't represent, himself or others.
What a bunch of crap politicians we have allowed to prosper.
Misspelled legislators - sorry
Meade--what will you do if Hulsey also tells you, during your meeting, that you do not have his permission to quote him on this blog?
More taxes is the answer!
You realize of course, if you raise taxes, rich people and businesses start fleeing your state. They move to Texas or Indiana. Or they close their doors, because they can no longer make a go of it. You raise taxes, and then collect less revenue, while simultaneously increasing the social-services safety net costs, because you now have a bunch of newly-unemployed citizens who aren't rich enough to flee.
You know what that's called, don't you? There's lots of names. Death spiral, perhaps? Hey Wisconsin, meet Detroit, you'll soon be best buds.
Mencken said it best: Americans get the government they deserve. And they get it good and hard.
He looks likes a young boy who was told by his mother not to talk to strangers. By "mother" I mean union bosses.
How embarrassing that you actually voted for this guy. I know the other guy was worse, but that this is the level of person that wins is embarrassing.
I used to be naive and believed that politician were regular people like the rest of us. God, I hope not. Most people I know would stand there, and tell you what they think, and answer politely asked questions like a decent human being, EVEN IF IT WASN'T THEIR JOB.
More taxes is the answer!
You realize of course, if you raise taxes, rich people and businesses start fleeing your state. They move to Texas or Indiana. Or they close their doors, because they can no longer make a go of it. You raise taxes, and then collect less revenue, while simultaneously increasing the social-services safety net costs, because you now have a bunch of newly-unemployed citizens who aren't rich enough to flee.
You know what that's called, don't you?
If he says "more taxes", then you have to ask him how many people need to pay more, and how much.
Then, of course, the question comes about why it's right to ask people to pay more in taxes but not more into their own pension funds.
Interesting update Meade.
This change of heart might reflect his realization that your wife's blog is very popular and he may be hoping to score points with some of the more liberal readers of this blog. Maybe he is concerned about same party competition during the next election.
shouting t: My main question is How do you propose we balance the state budget if the Budget Repair bill fails to become law?
The "budget repair bill" doesn't balance the budget. Unless of course you can show us how passage of it does just that, which I'm assuming you cannot do. What you might think about doing is chase down one of the Fitzgeralds and ask them how passage of the "budget repair bill" balances the budget.
Great, Meade.
I'd go to the meeting with an open mind and a cordial attitude.
Good luck!
Look up tool in the dictionary and there is a picture of Brett Hulsey.
Maybe Hulsey can be Couric's last interview, now that she is out by June. 'I can see Meade from my house'.
Like Code Pink, the friends of Himmler's pen pal and BFF fall back on the sexist, patriarchal stereotypes of women (soft, fluffy, PINK) when it suits their purpose.
I thought they were equal to men and didn't need any artifice to win.
Then again, I've been asked by more than one "liberated woman" to run out into a parking lot during a driving rain and put down her car top so she wouldn't get her hair wet.
Raise taxes on the rich and corporations
Are you serious?
Corporations don't pay taxes. They simply pass it on to their customers, you for one. Of course, to remain competitive, they may relocate to a state with a more favorable tax structure, like my dear ole Tennessee.
The rich can leave Wisconsin just as easily, much more easily than the middle class.
I think that no video-taping is a reasonable request. He may be worried about being misrepresented (not that I think that Meade or Althouse would do that).
But if he demands that the meeting be off the record? Unacceptable.
I'm sorry, but there's more of them, than there are of you. Every single time.
This is bad reality TV.
Is Hulsey in his dinky, orange "Solidarity" for Unions T-shirt?
My gosh, what a tool!
He has the power to stop Meade from recording, but he didn't use it. It's a little rhetorical trick known as saying "please don't". I think it would have worked, but he never thought of it, because his head is so full of warning messages telling him "Danger, Enemy, Meade will expose you!", but he IS being exposed.
Simply answering Meade's questions would be smart and honorable, but he does not chose to. That says it all.
Is there any doubt that this guy would use force to restrict speech if he could?
if he says tax the rich, ask him to define rich and what kind of tax.
"Brave Sir Hulsey ran away;
Bravely ran away, away..."
Oh, cool! It's the Margaret Sanger Eugenics Club! Sorta like the Micky Mouse Club with the addition of shiny medical implements, but without the nice singing and dancing!
And pink is such a nice color! Like foaming blood!
Planned Parenthood: the KKK in bloomers.
Planned Parenthood: Know Nothings in knickers.
Planned Parenthood: Nazi doctors in panty hose.
Indeed AA, be damn proud of your conservative echo chamber!
'nuf said!
Your Assemblyman, Brett Hulsey, has one of the widest gaps between his two front teeth. Just like Alfred E. Newman.
As to his remark, now, that "you're a journalist" and you "don't have permission to record him," in a public space; only means he's getting legal advice from that cud chewing lawyer.
(Good that you got a phone call from Hulsey's office, with an appointment time. And, he requests no recording devices. An opportunity almost made for James O'Keefe to show up disguised as Groucho Marx.)
Meade, you are way better than a journalist. Tell these bastards you are a Pitbull Muckraker. In fact, get some cards made up with that on it.
The country needs 1,000 tenacious take-no- bull, but courteous, muckrakers like you.
Btw- I thought the color pink was used for breast cancer campaigns not for abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood.
Senator Risser very forthrightly answered that question by proposing tax increases.
that is forthright. it correctly states there will be a price paid by taxpayers.
tax the rich is a weasel answer because 1. it implies no cost to the middle class and 2. it wouldn't be enough and 3. they never do limit it to the rich, they tax the middle class.
Indeed AA, be damn proud of your conservative echo chamber!
Althouse is an independent and the commenters present a wide variety of views.
'nuf said!
Nothing said at all, which is par for the course with you.
Do you have any thing to say? You've commented here frequently, and you've never written a substantive comment.
Let me summarize your comments:
You're all a bunch of right wingers!
Fox News! Faux Noise!
I doubt if you have anything substantive to say, but you could at least try.
Whoever owns the poster board business in Madison must be loaded! Raise that guy's taxes -- that will solve your budget problem.
If Prosser wins re-election to the Court on the 5th, you are going to see a scene like that you see when you turn the light on and scare the roaches.
The Democrats and unions are assuming they are winning this hearts and minds battle.
If they lose that confidence, anything can happen, including violence.
I thought Brett was playing for Minnesota now?
At the Meade-Hulsey meeting:
Meade: "Do you mind if I set my potted plant on your desk?"
Outside the window, in the bushes: "Achoo!"
Hulsey: "What was that?"
Meade [whispering into the potted plant]: "Ann, abort."
Why don't you ask him why he is texting photo's of his junk to protestors in the Capital rotunda?
Well, Meade, the hostile approach, the finger jabbing, the ambushing, the approaching with camera rolling is all a bit unusual and hostile.
We all know there's a whole genre of these self-made cyber paparazzi such as Meade who just try to make people look bad on the net. No sense being petulant and accusatory just because people won't help you make them look bad. Come on, lighten up. Relax, have a home brew.
Ironic that the security screen nipped the conversation.
Re: Risser the Pants-Pisser proposing tax increases:
Can this fool even drool out a coherent sentence anymore?
The Pants-Pisser is a mediocre man clinging to a mediocre career.
Althouse is an independent
Indeed, she has her delusional sheep well trained lol.
And no need to add anything to AA's continuous, ad nauseam meme of Obama/Dems suck!
It would just be redundant, eh.
We all know there's a whole genre of these self-made cyber paparazzi such as Meade who just try to make people look bad on the net. No sense being petulant and accusatory just because people won't help you make them look bad. Come on, lighten up. Relax, have a home brew.
Not my sense that Meade wants to make Hulsey look bad. What made Hulsey look bad was refusing to meet with a constituent. Hulsey looks better now, doesn't he.
I don't remember Meade being petulant and accusatory. You made that up. You have a tendency to make things up.
In any event, I'm willing to suspend judgment and wait for the results of the confab. It's a good thing that Hulsey has decided to meet with Meade. Hulsey has an obligation to hear his constituents.
Once again, shiloh, you've said nothing.
Apparently you have nothing to say and you've exceptionally proud of it.
Go away for a while and think of something to say.
You're a waste of bytes and time.
You're making an ass out of yourself.
shoutingthomas, if I'm a waste, as you say, why do you keep replying ?!?
take care
shoutingthomas, if I'm a waste, as you say, why do you keep replying ?!?
Because this is generally a good forum and the commenters are generally very intelligent.
I'm hoping that you might eventually have something of substance to say, and that you'll get over the childish shit you're doing.
Who knows? Maybe you do have something to say. Right now, you're just tossing turds.
You'd think pink signs would be out.
shoutingthomas, if I'm a waste, as you say, why do you keep replying ?!?
It's called many things, shiloh. Charity. Sympathy. Attempting to educate the mentally disadvantaged. I know; it's a lost cause in your case, but shouting is just doing the polite thing
All that pink makes me think breast cancer.
Funny how the color pink has become so politicized now. Breast cancer, aborted babies, it's all under the pink, girlie umbrella.
Because this is generally a good forum and the commenters are generally very intelligent.
Totally disagree, it's a typical Goggle political blog w/a 100% political slant ie conservative. If AA wanted to be taken seriously, she would upgrade her blog and require membership.
AA has definitive Rep meme, which is fine, but most political discussions here end up going nowhere, like every other political blog, legitimate or otherwise. Just fools yellin' at each other ad nauseam.
shoutingthomas, do you expect to change anyone's mind about anything here?
just wonderin'
hey meade, REAL cool reporting. He's canned sardines if he doesn't open up. Wear silk.
By definition, most folks who post at political blogs have their political ideology chiseled in stone ...
carry on
Indeed AA, be damn proud of your conservative echo chamber!
'nuf said!
If this were a "conservative echo chamber", would you and your fellow moonbats be allowed to speak your minds on this blog? Wouldn't your posts be deleted?
Is this a difficult concept to grasp or something?
There should be some kind of warning that when you click on the "enlargement" link, that guy in the green jacket, front row,
3rd from left gets enlarged too. Man, that guy looks huge!
There is a woman holding a child in her arms.. behind a very large man.
That woman is obviously a Walker plant.. she did not abort that child..
Is that what abortion looks like?
I dont think so.
This is what democracy looks like for Democrats...when confronted with something you don't like, run.
And no need to add anything to AA's continuous, ad nauseam meme of Obama/Dems suck!
As I'm sure has been pointed out to you numerous times, Althouse voted for Obama.
I don't know what the hell she was thinking (that was rhetorical, I'm aware of at least some of her reasoning), but she voted for him.
Even though it's obvious you love to snipe at people you perceive as conservative, you could at least be fair about it.
There should be some kind of warning that when you click on the "enlargement" link, that guy in the green jacket, front row,
3rd from left gets enlarged too.
We have a resident photoshop guy named Chip.. he just might do it.. if he's around.
Meade, I don't think Hulsey likes you. Just a hunch. LOL
Why do "liberated woman" always want everyone else to pay for their crap?
A lot of women recognize Planned Parenthood for what it is. A political cash cow at best and a eugenics/murder cult at worst.
It has nothing to do with "women's rights" and myself and many other women are not fooled.
"I've seen your stuff."
Hulsey used to work for the TSA?
By definition, most folks who post at political blogs have their political ideology chiseled in stone ...
So, you've got to change people's minds or you'll start throwing turds.
The success of this forum speaks for itself. It didn't become successful by being a one horse pony.
If this were a "conservative echo chamber", would you and your fellow moonbats be allowed to speak your minds on this blog? Wouldn't your posts be deleted?
Yes, otherwise it would be a 100% conservative circle jerk ie a total :::zzzz::: er waste.
At many political blogs/forums, thread starters are allowed from both sides of the political spectrum and many political sites publish "guest" articles w/opposing viewpoints, otherwise you just get ad nauseam ITA posts.
But I do find it amusing when AA's sheep "try" to defend her constant conservative viewpoint, sayin' she is open-minded and not a strict ideologue.
AA definitely needs an Op-Ed page, so to speak ...
I yield back the balance of my time.
Other than throwing turds and characterizing this blog, you've still said absolutely nothing, shiloh.
Do you have anything of substance to say?
This blog is open to liberal commenters. If you have something to say that supports your political ideas, say it.
I suspect you have nothing to say. No matter how many times I challenge you to say something substantive, you can't do it.
@Lombardi Chick:
If this were a "conservative echo chamber", would you and your fellow moonbats be allowed to speak your minds on this blog? Wouldn't your posts be deleted?
Thank you for pointing that out. It can't be said enough. I can't remember how many times I've been kicked off of leftoid blogs for daring to disrupt their little circle jerks.
Althouse is a great place to hang out, read and comment. She doesn't kick you off because you dare to disagree with her. It's a genuine free-for-all, which is something leftoids have trouble with.
Shiloh, when have you ever been banned here?
So, you've got to change people's minds or you'll start throwing turds.
Non sequiturs notwithstanding, I just post what I think and my very first impression of this blog after (1) day was that it was a totally conservative blog. Which is fine ~ different strokes for different folks.
And the truth shall set you free!
Fox news also has a large audience, signifying nothing!
Fox news also has a large audience, signifying nothing!
Fox New has a large audience, signifying the audience's dissatisfaction with the one sided, leftist bias that was all that was previously available.
The U.S. is a center-right society in its political outlook. The mass media, which is the old network TV stations, and the major metropolitan dailies, were overwhelmingly leftist.
Fox has won the marketplace by presenting conservative viewpoints. Of course, Fox does exactly what it says on its hard news programs. It presents both sides of the story. This drives leftists like you to apoplexy, because you prefer the old system under which only your views were published.
And, shiloh, this is really what your turd throwing is about, isn't it?
You just hate the fact that conservative ideas are even presented in the marketplace.
In fact, what you appear to be complaining about... is what you are.
WWE RAW has a larger audience than foxnews.
It all comes down to "entertainment" value and fixed does have some hot looking babes!
Again, this blog is slightly entertaining by default.
'nuf said!
Don't forget Code Pink. Maybe that is where PP got the pink idea.
Let the record show:
shoutingthomas, who said You're a waste of bytes and time.
Now appears to be fixated on my every word!
To address the question of budget repair alternatives, I suggest offering Brett Hulsey 3-5 minutes of uninterrupted airtime. Then post the video here, his response unedited - an exclusive Althouse/Brett Hulsey thread, with an invitation for Brett to respond to the subsequent comments.
It is my impression that Hulsey is a fair man, and would respond favorably to a fair offer - especially one that allows him to project his message beyond the chanting choir.
Fox news also has a large audience, signifying nothing!
Actually, it signifies that CNN, MSNBC, etc., have much less significance than Fox.
Hurts, doesn't it, shiloh?
It's terribly obvious that your beau ideal of blogging is Kos and Huffpost, both of which have arbitrary standards of posting and commenting; namely, if you agree with the editors, you're welcome.
Guest posters? Are you kidding me? Look how that turned out at Huffpo with Breitbart! The leftoids pissed themselves yellow with rage, and Arriana, ever the whore, prostrated herself before the howls.
Shiloh, you're a punk, a troll, a knucklehead. But, I could forgive all those things. What I can't forgive is a generic liberal coffeehouse poseur.
Now, get back in the corner and suck on your latte...
I've read left leaning comments on this blog. I've even seen civilized discussion as a result. Sure, there might be some poking fun when someone makes a really crazy statement without backing it up, and sometimes the discussion gets a little nit picky, but on the whole it seems pretty tame. I don't understand why someone would repeatedly claim, comment after comment, how this blog is ultra conservative and everyone here are sheep. It seems kinda trollish. I read this blog for entertainment and to listen to (read, yes I can read) other people's opinions. I look forward to opinions from the left and the right, weak and strong. That's why I keep coming back to this blog.
Shiloh, do you have anything to say besides calling me a conservative blind follower?
I'm just curious. I'm sure you have some interesting opinions.
So, we've really discovered the one idea you have, Shiloh.
Any conservative opinions are so toxic that they should not even see the light of day.
People aren't even allowed to have some liberal opinions and some conservative opinions. Any intrusion of any conservative thought must be disallowed.
So, you feel that insulting and throwing turds is your right.
That's about it. Right?
You would think a legislator would know the difference between say a hidden recording or telephone conversation recording, which he can ask about and request it be stopped from a public encounter in which the recording is known and he could just reply appropriately.
Seems to me the more he puts it off the more publicity he will get. Having the discussion would have most likely meant a one time blogging event and Meade moves on. Now he is scared, hence his phony authorization comments. Notice how politicians like Hulsey, react when faced with a situation they cannot control?
Might be time to write a letter to the state's newspaper editors about Hulsey's refusal to meet with a constituent to discuss his role in the recent events.
shiloh said....
Totally disagree, it's a typical Goggle political blog w/a 100% political slant ie conservative. If AA wanted to be taken seriously, she would upgrade her blog and require membership."
Well you see what you want to see. You surprise me dude. You libs are always talking about nuance and you can't see it when it is biting you in the ass.
Generally most of the commenter’s here are conservative. But there are several thoughtful and well spoken liberals such as Madison Man, Beth, somefeller, our pal roachy, garage and Robert Cook for the people who like to sit along the left field line. They often get in interesting and intelligent discussions with even the most rabid of righties. And they are respected if not agreed with for their opinions. Generally people get along.
The idea that commenter’s must be registered and moderated is totally in violation of the spirit of the salon the blogger lady is trying to create. I must say that lately she has been failing woefully because she and New Media Meade have been consumed by the picayune pension dispute amongst a miniscule segment of an obscure Midwestern State. Vital matters such as American Idol, The Celebrity Apprentice and the Real Housewives of Miami have been ignored. Photo’s of dogs urinating and strange sexually shaped fruits and vegetables at the Farmer’s Market have not been taken. I mean we haven’t even had posts praising washed up overrated has-beens like Bob Dylan, Woody Allen or the current members of the Cincinnati Reds. The spirit of this meeting place is flagging and needs to be reinvigorated.
You can be part of that. You definitely have a good sense of humor and don’t take yourself too seriously. You can add an important voice. A liberal voice with a sense of humor is really needed here. It just gets boring hearing about how this is just a conservative echo chamber and no big deal and how this place should be run to your specifications. If you don’t have something fun or interesting or controversial to bring to the table then you are part of the problem not part of the solution.
You don’t have to be a complaining troll. It is getting repetitive and almost as boring as Cedarford hating on the Hymies or Garage telling us that Governor Walker is so hated that his mother is going to try to abort him or something. You can be an elf or something. Enough already.
Your pal,
Trooper York
And I say that with love buddy.
It's also amusing when ideologues like shoutingthomas start putting inane words in your mouth.
ie deflections.
One of many indications you've won the debate/discussion.
Can't stand those hot pink signs.
"I've seen your stuff." What did he see that's so scary? The worse stuff is video of him avoiding Meade. His own unreasonable fear scares him? It is a bad look, but he is in control of the whole thing. Just stop and make your argument. Does he think Meade is a Ninja or what? This guy is a very weak man. I think the term is "punk". Sorry, but it fits.
"You don’t have to be a complaining troll."
Objection. Assuming facts not in evidence.
Real Housewives Of Miami is nothing. I just read in the NY Post that there's going to be a show about mafia wives, not sure of the title unless it's Mafia Wives, but it's gonna be REAL physical. Like knockdown dragout stuff.
@shouting has something called the Apollo project, where plebeians can argue. I would love to see it out between you two. I'm curious if the tension is as palpable on camera.
I met the producer of that show. It is called "Mob Wives" and will be on VH1.
Sammy the Bull's daughter is in it but the real action is with Drita D'avanzo who is a whole nother kettle of fish. Check out the first episode with the fist fight. It is craptastic.
shiloh said...
Althouse is an independent
Indeed, she has her delusional sheep well trained lol.
shiloh/PB&J/some phony folksy always end up defining themselves in relation to Kos more than anyone else.
If this were a "conservative echo chamber", would you and your fellow moonbats be allowed to speak your minds on this blog? Wouldn't your posts be deleted?
If you deleted his or other opposing posts, you wouldn't have evidence of how WINNING!1! your views are! As every good Charlie Sheen wanna-be knows, you can't be a "winner" unless you've designated a "loser".
Don't be ridiculous. Most stodgily ingrained partisan sites allow others to post; they just jump on opposing viewpoints for arbitrary reasons - as is more often than not the case here.
Divide the number of "customary" comments here that are intended to ridicule by the number of comments intended to enlighten, inform, debate or reason. I guarantee you that the ratio will be greater than 1. When attempting that calculation with the opposition's comments, you will not find that to be the case.
People will deviate from time to time from the accepted aim of establishing conformity here, it's just not all that often. Better than on larger political sites, I'm sure (which is why I like it; every now and then a good, well-reasoned opposing argument stands a chance - well, that and the humor). But still not as free-wheeling and open to viewpoint diversity as many good blog sites.
I have a couple of actual Mob wives from the neighborhood who shop in the store.
What they are looking for in paticular is longer dresses that fit just right so that when they sit on their man's lap during visits they can have sex through the clothing even when they are not having an official "Conjugal" visit.
I'm curious if the tension is as palpable on camera.
Again, I didn't hate Nixon, even though there were many reasons to do so lol.
At my first political forum there were epic threads re: cheney/bush's Iraq War, abortion etc. that would approach (1,000) posts. At best, it would get your blood circulating!
Arguing the political ideology of AA and whether her blog is newsworthy barely gets the tension "needle" off zero ...
And the Mob Wives always pay in cash from under the mattress. The only problem is you have to worry that it is funny money. That is a bitch let me tell you.
I think since the abortion happened early on in the conversation that it is probably OK. Even if the conversation was more than 2/3's of the way thru, the planned parenthood group would probably feel it was Brett's right. I mean, why should he be forced to bear with an unwanted conversation with Meade?
But there are several thoughtful and well spoken liberals such as Madison Man, Beth, somefeller, our pal roachy, garage and Robert Cook for the people who like to sit along the left field line. They often get in interesting and intelligent discussions with even the most rabid of righties.
I guess the rabid tone is deafening when put up alongside all the supposed compliments you believe these people are paid.
And they are respected if not agreed with for their opinions.
They are respected for being meek, which amounts to being honorable in their defeat - something righties can respect. They are not respected for putting forward an opinion stated well enough to actually provoke thought and challenge others' viewpoints - which is really what counts. Even if you don't completely agree, allowing for the idea that the challenge could possibly be successful is a much more respected form of dialogue.
The problem is, a polite tone isn't worth much from someone with conviction if you've decided beforehand that they are ultimately supposed to be on the losing side of everything. Even if it's just everything in politics.
Sorry Trooper, but I'm going to have to register a bit of disagreement here. The most vocal of the righties here are the most closed in their viewpoints and for some of us this doesn't seem like a respectable way of going about things - even if you're willing to have more and more Christians being fed to these lions. Respect should entail something more than just mercy or politeness.
You got Shiloh to post several comments without mentioning Ann's name.
It's difficult to derail that particular type of troll.
News: Collective bargaining bill published despite restraining order
You got Shiloh to post several comments without mentioning Ann's name.
Hey, I've been told many times it's all about "me" not her. ;)
Ritmo said:
"They are not respected for putting forward an opinion stated well enough to actually provoke thought and challenge others' viewpoints - "
The next time you put forward a thoughtful opinion or idea will be the first time.
You're a waste of bytes and time.
When one uses a foolish invective, it reflects more on the user than the receiver. Plus in the above case, it narrows one's options, eh.
never say never
carry on
And no need to add anything to AA's continuous, ad nauseam meme of Obama/Dems suck!
Why not if they DO suck? Reality bites dude.
Thank you for proving my point, AJ.
(Also, if you want to respond to the point: The supposed respectability of "Madison Man, Beth, somefeller, our pal roachy, garage and Robert Cook"'s opinions, you would have addressed THAT. But you didn't.)
When one uses a foolish invective, it reflects more on the user than the receiver. Plus in the above case, it narrows one's options, eh.
You are the master of foolish invective, but keep typing away...
Alex, I never told you or anyone here to fuck off.
take care, blessings
I wouldn't call those people meek Ritmo. Certainly Beth will rip you a new one when you deserve it. And Robert Cook is not meek. A geek maybe but not meek. And how would you call garage meek?
Some of them don't like to mix it up the way you do. But isn't that your personal preferance. I mean I have seen you have great civil discussions with traditional guy and RogerJ. It is all how it strikes you at the moment. You do what you feel at the moment. Like any of us. We are none of us "All of a piece." Not me. Not you.
And that was shiloh's ultimate point. Which I think is wrong. Period.
Why do so many feminist groups adopt that hideous pink color?
For that matter, doesn't it play into gender/color stereotypes?
btw again, at my first political forum, if you told someone to fuck off, you would be instantly banned, end of story as profanity was not allowed.
It was quite helpful actually having "rules and regulations" when you first start posting on the net, as when you move on to forums w/no rules it just makes you smile at clueless fools.
Inept masterbaiting becomes much easier to avoid.
Alex, I never told you or anyone here to fuck off.
Yeah you told it in so many other words.
btw again, at my first political forum, if you told someone to fuck off, you would be instantly banned, end of story as profanity was not allowed.
This is Althouse's blog. She only bans people who advocate illegal things. If you don't like it - I suggest you FUCK OFF and start your own blog.
Well we like fuckin' profanity here.
What you want to be meek?
I take back any assertion that Cook is meek. And garage doesn't mind his cheesy, unobjectionable one-liners. I'll grant you that. OTOH, if anyone baited me with baseless accusations of "jew hater" (or whatever) as much as I've seen him receive, I guarantee I would have fought back much more fiercely on that. Wouldn't the majority of Althousians on the right do the same?
Also, maybe Cook doesn't mind being called a "commie" half the time. But would it be aggressive for me to take strong exception to that if a number of people did that as often with me?
With Beth, I'd guess I'll have to pay closer attention to her warrior nature.
The other side is certainly not all of a piece, and some of them I'm getting to understand better and better. I just don't think there are as many of them who are so willing to concede fallibility or open-ness in their viewpoints, which almost prompts you to find the uncomfortably personal reasons that give them such strong conviction. If their reasons weren't as personal, they wouldn't make them so contentiously or be as defensive.
Hey, I've been told many times it's all about "me" not her. ;)
Sure you have sweetie .-)
Wow Ritmo rushes to the defense of lefties - SHOCKER!!!
The law passed while the missing Dems were still missing has been published despite a TRO that enjoined the wrong Agency. Get ready for another massive uprising at the Capitol.
Alex, it's an art tellin' folk to fuck off w/out actually sayin' the words.
There were a couple posters, who were so good w/words, they could insult you w/out the fools actually knowing they were insulted.
Now that was entertainment!
Pushing the envelope was a fun game at a forum w/rules and regulations. :)
I am consistent. I don't care for any of them either. So why would I defend them or their comments? Most of them act like they are not lockstep libs but their comments say otherwise.
shiloh - you are such a plain lefty ideologue that it took all of 2 seconds to figure out your mission on this blog was to insult everyone not as loony leftwards as yourself. But keep the delusion that you are doing grand, bold, intelligent work here.
Troop, there is only a small, core group who are like that - most of the righties are a lot more civil. But they do form a very vocal group. A very colorful group, as well - which is probably what prompts my equally colorful responses. But your point is valid.
Also, maybe Cook doesn't mind being called a "commie" half the time.
Name callin' just makes 'ya smile and another indication you have won the debate/discussion.
Meade is like sand in Hulsey's metaphorical vagina (assuming he doesn't have a real one, but anything is possible in Madison).
So why would I defend them or their comments? Most of them act like they are not lockstep libs but their comments say otherwise.
But Trooper is defending the respect he says they earn here; he doesn't say it is because they are necessarily open-minded.
So, at this point, I don't know how to answer you because it is not an argument that I, myself, made.
But if you were to conclude that closed-minded people/partisans can be polite, I would agree with that.
I would probably respect a bellicose, but open-minded person more than I would a polite partisan. But that's probably just me. ;-)
Trust me, it's not easy!
what is civil about Le Lee/Ritmo/shiloh coming in here and immediately slamming the host because she didn't put up a GOP bashing post?
It's hard for a pol to control his public image. I wonder if one of the difficulties Meade faces is that his camera is unflattering compared to that of the msm, so that even favorable edits and sound bites may make the man look amateurish. To some degree the very presence of mass media injure politics by making image too literal.
Speaking of echo chambers, I found the similar reaction of police and politician to the camera to be disconcerting. I wonder if the cops concern doesn't stem from experience with manipulation and the false framing of any camera angle, or that the camera is merely a visual distraction, or always feels like some sort of escalation (which I think it is).
I would probably respect a bellicose, but open-minded person more than I would a polite partisan. But that's probably just me. ;-)
So by your definition, shiloh deserves no respect with his polite sounding partisan slams against Althouse.
oh and I always tell lefty lunatics to FUCK OFF, that's all they deserve for trying to FUCK UP my country.
"Why do so many feminist groups adopt that hideous pink color?"
I was thinking that. It may drive men away so that half the audience acquiesces in silence, not wanting to be associated with the color and habituated to avoiding it in most public places.
Alex, when was the last time AA put up a GOP bashing post.
Just wonderin'
Indeed, if AA was fair and balanced, this blog would be less interesting ie billo, hannity, beck, olbermann have/had high ratings because they are over the top partisans, much like this blog.
Limbaugh, drudge, et al as this is not rocket science. Find your niche and work it baby for all its worth!
take care, blessings
So by your definition, shiloh deserves no respect with his polite sounding partisan slams against Althouse.
Shiloh is polite and open-minded.
So yes, that's respectable by me. The latter is what counts.
He (and to some extent, I) criticize what we perceive to be a rather arbitrary basis for how Althouse decides how she will side, and for exploring arguments for or against something in good detail, but not in a way that is intellectually honest regarding the position she opposes.
When she gives that much detail, it gives the impression that she has fairly considered the argument she wishes to bash, but it is a hollow impression. It's all about framing - as she must know - and it's fairly obvious to a number of us that she often chooses to frame things in very slanted ways.
It would be more honest if she said that she just didn't care to find the best argument for something that she didn't agree with.
Like many of us, she tends to take a lot of things personally - and that's her right. Of course, it's easy for most of us to identify with. But it would be more respectable to me if she were to allow for some fallibility as a blogger. Commenters have a lower bar to set - but if you want to seem less partisan than authoritative as an actual blogger, it's impossible to let your sense of your own reputation scare you into being too defensive.
shiloh - so tell me ASSHOLE, which GOPers should Althoues be bashing for "fair & balanced" according to SCREWERS like you?
Shiloh is polite and open-minded.
excuse me....
It's all about framing - as she must know - and it's fairly obvious to a number of us that she often chooses to frame things in very slanted ways.
So tell me Ritmo - what kind of horrible framing has Althouse done on the unions in Wisconsin? To me it seems the union THUGS have framed themselves quite fine.
C4 I am forever in your debt ;) for easily baiting Alex into an over-the-top reply which was all about me.
Too funny!
Alex chill ~ this is just one of many garden-variety political blogs on the net ~ no need to shout!
You have a lot to learn about being fair, Alex. When you use words like "THUGS" (all caps in the original) it is obvious that you have your mind made up and that it doesn't get any more complex for you than who are the bad guys. So anyone opposing them must be "good guys".
Listen, if you want to read a fairy tale or nursery rhyme, you will find a lot of commentary on good versus evil and "good guys" versus "bad guys". But when people disagree about simple issues of policy, do you really think that everything comes down to a struggle to save the world of the forces of good from the forces of evil?
Is that really how you look at life and American society?
Is it?
Do you think it's a good way for public officials to lead the country?
shiloh - Althouse gets a huge amount of unique hits per day and a very large commenting user base. It's not a "garden variety" blog by any means. But keep hurling the insults, I'm keeping a database of them.
Ritmo obviously never heard of unions and organized crime tie-in. F.e., using mafia thugs to break the bones of those daring to cross the picket line.
Ritmo - Do you support violence against scabs?
Shiloh you should realize that Alex is a Mobey you takes different sides of an issue depending on how the mood strikes him. If you had followed his comments over the last few months you would realize he is not indicative of the regular conservative posters who are analgous to the liberal ones I cited. People like HoosierDaddy, Dust Bunny Queen, Freeman Hunt, traditionalguy, The Drill Sgt and chickelit are normally calm and reasonable posters. I mean they wig out every once and a while but that's fun don't ya think.
Alex is not your benchmark for conservative posters. Just sayn'
Now let me be clear. I don't claim to be able to discern what the proper way to post or the proper attitude or what rules or regulations there should be. I like the free form where everyone can say what ever they want.
I follow one simple rule when I comment. Act like a dick.
Which brings us back to Brett Hulsey the subject of this post.
The camera doesn't lie. He doesn't want to have his views broadcast. Fair enough. Meade is just using a techingue perfected by ambush mongers like Mike Wallace years ago.
Hulsey doesn't feel he has to answer to Meade. If he were a more nimble liar he would be happy for the chance.
I guess he lacks self-confidence.
I actually have, Alex. What is your point?
I have also heard of corporate crime and companies influencing policy by bribing policymakers in ways that are destructive to the country.
So what? That is not the point, either.
I am of the opinion that breaking unions is a political move to weaken democrats, but more importantly, breaking public unions opens public officials to stuffing positions with lackeys and promises of patronage in a way that is more egregious than you would find nowadays.
I would ask you to read up on someone called "Boss Tweed" and Tamany Hall, a situation that was rampant before the current set-up (which Republicans such as Teddy Roosevelt helped institute). But obviously that would not be as glamorous and exciting and martyrdom-seeking as talk of the mafia and scabs - which is much more relevant to the world of today in which you live.
Earlier I asked you to step outside of a pre-Nietzschean framework. Now I realize that it might be too much for you to go beyond TV-land and look at the actual history of public unions and what is at stake when Walker promises to take us back to the times of 18th century political jobs. -- Not an improvement.
Again, I apologize for asking if you might want to inform yourself of the actual history of corruption in your country before confidently opining on how it should be dealt with.
Trooper, I know Alex aimlessly straddles the fence, which is why I never call him a conservative. Just an average AA, common garden-variety ;) sheep.
Hey, let's rally to give tax payer funding to killing American children in the womb. Hip Hip Hooray. Leftards are sickening death cultists and these rallies do nothing but celebrate their disdain for life, by inversely celebrating death.
Sorry, I meant to say 19th century.
Trooper, Alex is probably just a kid and doesn't take a consistent side because he hasn't been informed of a good reason for taking either. And who could blame him?
However, he does have the loud-mouthed conviction thing down pat.
Isn't that at least as much of a problem? Doesn't that say something about the country that a belligerent sense of conviction has become more important to these kids than actual consistency in how they think about things?
Better yet, should say: "belligerent sense of mindless conviction".
And just then, Methadras appeared.
Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...
I have also heard of corporate crime and companies influencing policy by bribing policymakers in ways that are destructive to the country.
Oh, you mean through the tax code? Of course, wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to pander your typical leftard tripe of how corporate glad-handing of the political process is evil and shouldn't be done. You would rather squelch the speech of others for your own benefit? Because that is in essence what you are advocating, in total antithetical notions for what you allegedly stand for. You're a liar and a fraud.
There goes that belligerent sense of mindless conviction that Methadras is famous for.
I tried reading what he said, but got caught in a fog of bile, hyperbole and ad hominem bullshit.
It was very suffocating. Much like a chemical gas attack of anti-intellectualism.
Methadras is the mustard gas of commenters.
Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...
Better yet, should say: "belligerent sense of mindless conviction".
And just then, Methadras appeared.
Oh, so the you, the little dead-ending, self-professed thread crapper who constantly and consistently shows up to lie and commit factual fraud while ending up on the wrong side of every argument, would even bother to string your useless, nonsensical words together to form some type of incoherent thought that you think people actually give a shit what you say or think?
Let me paint a picture for you of rubbing my thumb and index finger together to play the worlds smallest violin at your maudlin demonstration.
Ritmo is very good at throwing together large essays on a moment's notice.
Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...
There goes that belligerent sense of mindless conviction that Methadras is famous for.
I tried reading what he said, but got caught in a fog of bile, hyperbole and ad hominem bullshit.
It was very suffocating. Much like a chemical gas attack of anti-intellectualism.
Methadras is the mustard gas of commenters.
Right. So once again you have nothing to contribute. Your brilliance is dulling.
I 'like' how the assemblyman changed his tune from "I didn't give you permission" to "you asked my permission and I don't give you permission" in the video. As if Meade NEEDED to ask permission in the first place, much less get permission to film a public figure in a public place.
It's easy to see the sense of entitlement among those who believe they, not the people, are the best arbiters of what should be done for the people, er, union leaders.
Meade, why don't you run against this tool? That would be entertainment on the scale of Kaus... except you'd be more likely to get some response from your opponent.
Further, its incoherence made me think of the poor state of mental health care in this country.
It was, however, just rambling and paranoid enough for me to believe that its insanity would not go unnoticed. It also reminded of others, more seriously ill than he, who have made astounding recoveries.
There is hope for you, Busy Bee.
people actually give a shit what you say or think?
Let the record show Methadras obviously "cares" what C4 thinks ...
carry on
Here is an break-down of Patient "Methadras'" plea for help:
Oh, so the you, the little dead-ending, self-professed thread crapper who constantly and consistently shows up to lie and commit factual fraud while ending up on the wrong side of every argument, would even bother to string your useless, nonsensical words together to form some type of incoherent thought that you think people actually give a shit what you say or think?
Let me paint a picture for you of rubbing my thumb and index finger together to play the worlds smallest violin at your maudlin demonstration.
I am looking for a word within this manifesto of hatred that doesn't scream out "Zyprexa!"
You know, Meth-Guy, straightjackets and ECT might be of benefit. Have you asked your nurse about these things?
Trooper: Take notice of this little darling and how he fits into what we were discussing upthread.
C4 - explain why in 2011 we need public sector unions. I think the doctors handing out fake medical permission slips to union protestors is all the final proof I needed of their corruption. Yet you want us to encourage unions.
"I have also heard of corporate crime and companies influencing policy by bribing policymakers in ways that are destructive to the country."
Of course, but unions do that AND their thuggery. You don't have to support such a corrupt business except when Obamacare makes you, but unions force support out of every paycheck whether you are in them or not. Members get hit up twice.
Business uses very little of its money for political influence, but it's the Raison d'être for most unions.
Business uses very little of its money for political influence, but it's the Raison d'être for most unions.
That's because business in the business of making profit which most do well at. Unions are in the business of..... breaking legs?
Not just me but Theodore Roosevelt wanted to.
If you think this is such a great country, why are you so opposed to learning from its history to find out what made it great?
You still haven't looked up "Boss Tweed". His was the situation before public unions. Is that what you want?
I will answer you on doctors when you do the basic historical research that the much larger opposition to your position can rely on for support.
C4 - I noticed that the newest, newest, NEWEST meme of the left is to reference 100+ year old horrors like the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. As if Scott Walker is trying to MURDER union workers. Isn't that the subliminal messaging? Oh and the earlier "Republicans are WMDs"? Is that your NEW civility?
C4 - the doctors happened last month, you keep referencing 100+ year old horrors that have nothing to do with today.
Well Ritmo everybody is entitled to their opinion and Methadras likes to mix it up as much as you do. As does shouting thomas. Everybody has their technigue. Far be it for me to critizie.
Which was the point of Shiloh's critque after all. He wants rules and regulations and control and order. The evil blogger lady and I both agree with the free and unfettered utterance of any ideas people want to post.
Different styles are what mades a fight. Some guys are sluggers and just throw haymakers. Other's are techinicans who slice away one jab at a time. Either way can be a winning strategery. So to speak.
Sorry to deny your attempt at threadkill, Bag, but this is not about mandatory contributions. Further, the point about corporate criminals was to show Alex that neither their crime or those of mobsters was the issue.
Although, as an inhabitant of the land of Erin Brokovich, is that the discussion you'd prefer to have?
At some point you can't get around the Boss Tweed sensibility in your support for Gov. Walker's incredibly unpopular approach. Don't tell me you prefer to be as uneducated as Alex on Tammany Hall.
Is American history no longer taught in our high schools? This is a basic staple of late 19th century political history in America and you guys are proudly proclaiming your ignorance of it. It's why public unions exist in the first place.
It's hard to take someone seriously who wants to radically alter the status quo while staking his claim on his ignorance for why that status quo came to be in the first place.
It's ignorance like this that's losing your side's claim to competent governance.
Ritmo - the reason I didn't respond to your Tammany Hall bait is because it's irrelevant to 2011. Unions today are utterly corrupt and need destroying. Scott Walker is a modern day hero and I hope he steamrolls the unions BIG TIME.
Even Shouting Thomas has broken down to me in a very humble display of civility that I found quite touching. I respect him more for it. Even though he still loses it regularly, I can at least respect that there are human things about him that he admits to. It has impacted our interaction in a positive way.
Methadras OTOH is just plain ignorant vulgar spectacle with nothing remotely human or redeeming underneath it.
We should all realize that there is a time and a place for everything. Only robots and rabid dogs are as automatic and single-minded in their frenzied mouth-frothing as Methadras.
I lol@Methadras because he gets under your skin. I don't have his talent for those viscous little jabs he gets in. Maybe one day.
It's not irrelevant to 2011 if you and Scott Walker want to reverse the situation to better resemble what it was under Boss Tweed.
You really do find American history to be this irrelevant, Alex? Why do you have such contempt for your country's history?
Trooper York: "I guess he [Hulsey] lacks confidence."
Successful advocates for causes have confidence, and are (time willing) wanting to meet with citizens and journalists to press their case. People used to say that Clinton could win anybody over in a one-on-one, and he and you both enjoyed it.
So it's obvious then what's going on when you don't want to be meet with your customer, and have your customer record the conversation. Opportunity knocks, and you run and hide.
He lacks confidence that his ideals and actions can withstand the withering disinfectant of sunlight. He can only operate when he keep Us the People in the dark. Hmm, that behavior reminds me of something ...
You really do find American history to be this irrelevant, Alex? Why do you have such contempt for your country's history?
Unlike you I don't pick and choose my American history as to what is relevant and what is not. I notice you completely skip over the history of unions + organized crime.
I don't have his talent for those viscous little jabs he gets in. Maybe one day.
You don't want to, either.
If you were as sad as Methadras it wouldn't be hard to take pride in nothing more than imitating a 2-year old.
Ritmo - grow up.
Unlike you I don't pick and choose my American history as to what is relevant and what is not. I notice you completely skip over the history of unions + organized crime.
Who is cherry picking what? How is organized crime more relevant to the right to non-political representation and collective bargaining than the Tammany Hall situation that more closely resembles what political workers would face if you and Scott Walker had your way?
Don't you think there is a reason why this situation is polling so poorly for your position? Do you care to understand why?
Or do you just think it's cool to go on and on about irrelevancies such as organized crime? That has nothing to do with this.
I think it's time to start calling him "Bull" Hulsey.
Bull is the longest serving state legislator?
Take out the "serving" part and that's right.
But deal with it folks. Bull is in office as long as he wants to stay.
Even if Meade runs against him.
I don't like diminutives. Call by his full name. Bullshit. Just sayn'
He wants rules and regulations and control and order.
Now even Trooper is foolishly putting words in my mouth. Again, reading comprehension is not AA's flock strong suit, eh.
Repeating, what makes this blog "slightly" interesting/amusing is its lack of rules and conservatives such as AA, self-righteously thinking they 100% right 100% of the time.
take care
I saw the comment total was at 180 and thought, huh, maybe there's an interesting discussion going on. I'll check it out.
Nope. Just another retard fight between the trolls and their would-be nemeses.
Don't you think there is a reason why this situation is polling so poorly for your position? Do you care to understand why?
MSM. They demonize Scott Walker 24/7 and I'm shocked he gets even 20% approval rating. There is no rationality to supporting public sector unions. Your hero, FDR warned us about them.
"The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service," Roosevelt wrote in 1937 to the National Federation of Federal Employees. Yes, public workers may demand fair treatment, wrote Roosevelt. But, he wrote, "I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place" in the public sector. "A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government."
Repeating, what makes this blog "slightly" interesting/amusing is its lack of rules and conservatives such as AA, self-righteously thinking they 100% right 100% of the time.
More projection.
Dude I am not putting words in your mouth. You said:
shiloh said
"If AA wanted to be taken seriously, she would upgrade her blog and require membership."
That implies rules and regulations and people getting banned and their freedom of speech being controlled by moderators. Anyone who has been on the net for a while has encountered places like that. This is not one of them.
I very much admire the evil blogger ladies devotion to free speech. It is her most admirable quality in my humble opinion. And just about the only thing we totally agree on.
C4 - pwned by his own god.
If AA wanted to be taken seriously...
By WHOM? The lefty cognoscenti? Althouse was on Fox News the other day, I think she's getting taken very seriously without your "help".
My God.
These bottom of the blog comments are stark raving mad.
Doesn't the craziness of this shit make you guys worry about whether you're losing your grip?
FDR had credibility when writing that because he was convinced that every worker should be treated much more fairly than his opponents did.
FDR is specifically referencing striking - not at issue here.
I brought up T.R., Boss Tweed. Public unions don't just protect their members. Why do you think corruption would be less of a problem if every job was just filled with a hand-picked crony of the politician, who could then set the pay and benefits, etc.?
It's not irrelevant to 2011 if you and Scott Walker want to reverse the situation to better resemble what it was under Boss Tweed.
Boss Tweed was a corrupt Democrat who used government to advance both the power of his fellow Democrats and enrich himself. He used bribery to gain support, and theft to take what he saw as his rightful share. He was eventually laid low when his theft was revealed and punished.
The beauty of modern political corruption is that much of it has been legalized. Instead of bribes we have lavish benefits for the favored voting blocs. The theft is legalized through government contracts, subsidies, short term jobs that pay grandly (Rahm Emmanuel, Investment Banker, comes to mind.)
It's all very legal. All it requires is taxation and spending that benefits your pals.
Let the record show Trooper says AA does not want to be taken seriously and of course she has accomplished this mission quite nicely.
Hopefully I'm not putting words in Trooper's mouth.
Implying notwithstanding.
I know that if this was a closed shop like boringheads I would not have met such interesting and diverse commenter’s as Ritmo, Robert Cook, Fen, shouting thomas, garage mahal and our good buddy roachy who is the Larry Fine in this group of stooges.
Even Revenant who is a dirty filthy atheist. Just sayn.
I hate to break it to you shiloh but you are not the arbiter of who takes who seriously. Seriously dude. Get over yourself.
These bottom of the blog comments are stark raving mad.
I know, ST. Methadras is quite the crazy.
But you must have skipped over the part where I had good things to say about you to Trooper. That part must have been worth it, no? ;-)
LOL David. It's funny that the situation is one you only recognize and find relevant when the word "Democrat" is used. Good times.
lots of hits for "Scott Walker Tammany Hall" on Google:
Scott Walker Tammany Hall Google Search
a sort of internet astro-turfing.
Awright. Even Rev is starting to make sense to me now. I think I'm going to have to get a hamburger. Cheers y'all if I don't see you soon. And always my best to the Troop. Usually we do have more to agree on - even when it's NOT just titties and hijinks.
Bueno -
Anyway I am going back to my blog to look at naked photos of Joey Heatherton and to listen to Van Morrison.
Carry on.
MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...
The arrogance and contempt Hulsey displays toward someone he knows is a constituent illustrates why I have a higher regard for convicted pedophiles than most elected officials.
3/25/11 3:48 PM
Sorry, but I must ask. Does this mean your regard for convicted pedophiles is greater than your regard for most elected officials, or does it mean that among all those who are elected officials (which must mean that you are one of them, an elected official) you regard convicted pedophiles higher than other elected officials regard convicted pedophiles?
While abortion is a horrible thing, I'm having trouble seeing how convicted pedophiles fit into this. Are any of the principals involved pedophiles? What are your feelings about unconvicted pedophiles? Or even un-indited pedophiles? Or pedophiles with no convictions? Does being a pedophile with no convictions mean they haven't yet encountered law enforcement, or is that equivalent to having no morals?
Actually, since this is at a Planned Parenthood rally, and abortion in this context means ripping the life an unborn innocent from it's mother's womb, "aborting" the conversation is a rather sick pun. In another context saying "We had to abort the mission" would be fine. But given the setting, a little restraint would have been appropriate. Regardless of Ann's opinion on the morality or legality of abortion, I would have expected less cuteness more gravitas and respect from her.
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