Not having heard back from Hulsey's office about the promised rescheduling, Meade dropped in today to see what was going on. I edited his video to make it very short...
First, Meade encounters the papers-on-the-floor lady. She's no longer plunked down in the center of the rotunda, but relocated off to the side. Why? "There's a blogger...." She denies that anybody ever slipped on her posters, but the blogger — me — stated that somebody slipped on papers in the rotunda — not specifically her papers. And here's the video (at 0:37). It's a big old legislator man who took a fall... and Brett Hulsey was right there when it happened.
Next, Meade goes with the woman as she walks into Hulsey's office to store her things. She doesn't speak to the office assistant or ask permission. She just makes the place her own. Unlike Meade, she is not one of Hulsey's constituents. He's simply facilitating the protests, even as he avoids Meade, who would like to talk to him about things like that.
In the office, Meade briefly encounters Hulsey, who admits he has "a beef" with Meade. Meade is told again to schedule an appointment with the office assistant, but she won't do it.
Basically, our assemblyman has cut off access. The reason that's interesting is that the protesters — to whom he gives super-access — have made a big deal about how the Republicans aren't listening to them and how democracy requires legislators to listen to everyone, even those who are their vehement opponents, even when they are not from their district. But Hulsey is resisting a man who has sought politely to speak with him, who is in his district, and who even voted for him.
Why did Meade vote for him? He had a strong challenger to his left. We live in Madison.
AND: Here's the email Meade sent to Hulsey tonight. (I had no role in drafting this letter. It's 100% Meade.)
Dear Brett,
As you know, I have tried to have a constituent/representative meeting with you for some time. I have emailed you, you have not replied; I've phoned, you have not returned my calls; I've come in in person to your office, I've been polite and friendly, left messages with Terri, and you have not responded. When I've run into you - in the rotunda (twice), on State St., outside on the Capitol grounds - you have brushed me off time and again. Meanwhile, I have witnessed numerous occasions when you have had time, time, and more time - for protesters, lobbyists, and union members. That is my beef with you - that, as my representative, you don't seem to want to give me more than 30 seconds of your time. Why?
What I want to know is: what is your beef with me? I'm not a Democrat. But neither am I a Republican. I have always, since 1972, been an independent voter. In the last election, Nov. 2010, I voted for you, I voted for Ron Johnson, and I voted for Scott Walker. I still consider all three to be good choices. I know I live in an extreme left district (30% voted for Manski) and I know you were challenged from the left and I will admit that I voted for you primarily because I viewed you as the most reasonable choice. By far the most reasonable.
I like the budget repair bill and you don't. I accept that. You are still my representative and I believe, in our free democratic system, you have an obligation to meet with me and address my concerns. You tried to school me in freedom of speech after encountering me in the rotunda two days ago. Do you remember? What about my freedom of speech? Am I not allowed to express my concerns and opinions to my elected representative, to dissent in a legal, civil manner? I know I have the constitutional right but it seems to me you are trying to block my opportunities to do so.
I have spoken with a number of Democratic senators and assemblymen over the past month. More than one has described the budget repair controversy as "war." So, Brett, I want to ask you straight out: Do you see it as "war?" And if you do - because I am in dissent with your position - do you see me as your enemy?
I am absolutely not your enemy. I am your constituent and I am a citizen.
As you know, I have also become a journalist/blogger because I want to report, as accurately as I can within my own acknowledged biases, the truth of what has recently been happening in Wisconsin government and politics.
So please consider making an effort to have a civil exchange with me. You know that I know that this is a slow time for you, deadlines notwithstanding. I expect to be treated by my elected officials with the due respect and neighborliness of a fellow Wisconsin citizen who treats them likewise.
Very truly yours,
Laurence Meade
The reason that's interesting is that the protesters have made a big deal about how the Republicans aren't listening to them and how democracy requires legislators to listen to everyone
Fen's Law. It explains everything you need to know about Democrats.
/via google: Owner of energy and environmental consulting firm.
And he's pushing the scam of biofuels to solve AGW. Go figure.
I smell a documentary: Brett & Me.
@Peter Yeah, we've been making the "Roger & Me" comparison, and I wanted to watch that movie again, for fun, encouragement, and to get some tips on how to do videos like this. But Meade didn't want the influence (or maybe he doesn't want to think of himself as being like Michael Moore).
Meade should challenge him next election! Ha.
@Fen We've thought of that but...
1. This district is way left.
2. Holding govt office would crimp our style!
Being a law professor crimps our style.
Wow, annie, that's quite a letter from meade -- congrats to meade on his impact on journalism and new media reporting. He's competent and driven, and persistent. Whoo Hoo.
To be fair, isn't this the guy who kept the Union Thugs from beating down the Republican Congressman who was trapped outside the Capitol doors?
Obviously Hulsey is monitoring this blog...that was evidenced by the fact that he cancelled Meade's appointment after the initial comment.
Really like the letter and the approach you guys are taking. Both stand out in stark contrast to the way the left has been treating this whole ordeal.
Ya, actually it is.
As to Michael Moore well almost everyone is out of Detroit now.
DETROIT (Reuters) – Detroit's population dropped 25 percent over the last decade to its lowest level in a century, according to Census figures released on Tuesday.
The city's population fell to 713,777 last year from 951,270 in 2000 when the last census was taken as the region suffered from a struggling automotive industry, plant closures and job losses.
In the same period, the state of Michigan's population dropped 0.6 percent to 9.88 million.
Detroit's 2010 population compares to 1.85 million people living in the "Motor City" in 1950 and was the lowest total since the 1910 Census showed a population of 285,704.
Plus he edits his films in Canada.
[...] and I am a citizen.
... and an infinitely better representation of what that actually entails, push come to shove, than Hulsey, himself.
Wow. They're following him with cellphone cameras. He is obviously viewed as an enemy. GREAT LETTER! Will it get in the papers?
Of course he won't meet with you. You goddamn peasants don't know your place.
O/T (but only marginally so): Portuguese Government Chooses to Collapse Rather Than Implement Austerity
A nasty, unvarnished glimpse at Wisconsin's possible future via Portuguese proxy, financial solvency-wise.
Meade thinks he has a Constitutional right to meet with his Representative?
That seems like an odd thing to believe.
If you look at just a few days of posts to this blog you can quickly ascertain that Meade (and Ann) is a belligerent, grand standing clown with a camera. I am shocked that Representative Hulsey does not want to entangle himself with your escapades. Afterall, you have demonstrated that you are interested in a fair and balanced discussion of the issues. Including going on all kinds of fourth tier news shows across the full political spectrum from Andrew Breitbart all the way over to Fox News.
Why wouldn't Hulsey not want to be part of the Althouse circus? In fact how dare he not jump into the middle ring when you give him the command! Who does he think he is!
RETREAD (today): "[...] Meade (and Ann) is a belligerent, grand standing clown [...]"
RETREAD (yesterday): "I will acknowledge that I only use Althouse as a place to get my kicks in."
Mote. Eye. Beam. Some assembly required.
... *yawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnn*...
Yes Kent, I don't bother posting in a serious manner here because this is not a serious blog. Ann is an Andrew Brietbart butt sniffing conservative. I should take her seriously because?
I don't bother posting in a serious manner here
Acknowledging your problem is only the first step in solving it. Keep us posted on how that all eventually shakes out for you.
Strictly speaking - you don't have a federal constitutional right to meet in person with your rep.
You have a right to petition.
I don't blame Hulsey one whit. The sheer EFFRONTERY of Meade in even daring to ask to meet..
There ARE, after all, certain standards which must be maintained..
Jay Reterad: If you look at just a few days of posts to this blog you can quickly ascertain that Meade (and Ann) is a belligerent, grand standing clown with a camera.
"Assholes" are the largest group, by far, in any politician's district. If they don't want to deal with us they have no business being in politics.
Jason, Rep. Hulsey is dealing with Larry. He is appropriately brushing the clown off.
Ann is an Andrew Brietbart butt sniffing conservative. I should take her seriously because?
Ok..Now I am curious. How many other "butt sniffing Conservatives" voted for Obama in 2008?
The leftards here are only interested in ex-communicating Ann from the Church of the Holy Liberal because she doesn't march in lock step with their Marxist union goons. that and practicing their 'concern trolling' is what makes them stand out.
that and practicing their 'concern trolling' is what makes them stand out.
I must confess to finding this particular troll's peculiarly... errrrr... well, idiosyncratic, let's say, exercise in strained self-justification intriguing, in a failed, flatulent sort of way:
Yes, yes, I'm a pitiable little online anklebiter, absolutely, granted... but it's only because "Ann is an Andrew Brietbart butt sniffing [sic] conservative!" She's FORCING me to be an asshole, dammit! Can't you people even see that? Well, CAN'T you -- ?!? [::Insert Pause for Labored, Ragged Breathing Here::]
Now, that, kids'n'kiddettes, is one freakishly ballooned and gargantuan sense of entitlement, by God and by damn!
I didn't realize Meade had a first name.
We had a similar problem when my senior year class (all 66 of us) went down to DC. The head of the History Department arranged some time with Carl Albert, then House Speaker (this is Spring '66).
He began to get questions about the level of spending for the Great Society and prosecution of the war in 'Nam (as this is a boys' school we're talking about, a prime concern, the latter) and the first thing Albert requested was that the teacher turn off his portable tape recorder.
Sounds like Meade is doing what citizens should do - comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Ann Althouse said...
@Peter Yeah, we've been making the "Roger & Me" comparison, and I wanted to watch that movie again, for fun, encouragement, and to get some tips on how to do videos like this. But Meade didn't want the influence (or maybe he doesn't want to think of himself as being like Michael Moore)
Then, again, Meade is sexier.
So is Sherlock, for that matter.
Meade said...
Being a law professor crimps our style.
We are the law professor! (you, too, could have a future as Secretary of State...)
DEMOCRATS - Out of touch, out of control, out of their minds. Last night I watched the Racine Mayors candidate debate... "What is the City doing to address infant mortality?"...and turns out, this is a rather big issue here, lots of government agencies/money involved, people...Well, I suppouse you could start by taking the infants away from the crackhead/drunk/whore mothers, but then this would be violating their rights. (can't openly discuss this)
The approaching economic collapse will be a blessing.
sarge here now this meed or mede is not a wisconsinite nor is this bleachblondie website blogger is that what the kidoes say blogger? so i sez to myself why should ol bret talk to these two stawkerish forigner hombres ok annie greenspring only looks hombresish could be a mujure i guess id hafta look in her pantalones to be sure thar seem like a nice gay couple to sarge tho nuthin wrong wiv that nuthin wrong atol sarge just wount be alone wiv eever of em where pictures might eb taken especially ifn sarge wuz unconsious wich is often the case har har if yar know wut sarge meens an i knowd you did
It's not just Detroits population that is shrinking. They are closing 50% of their schools and increasing class size to 60. Detroit - leading the way for Wisconsin.
"[...] stawkerish [...] forigner [...] mujure [...] pantalones [...] wiv [...] wount [...] eb [...] unconsious [...] wich [...] yar [...]" (ad infinitum)
Joe Biden, ladies and gentlemen. Let's all give a big, Althouse blog round of welcoming applause for Barack Obama's hand-selected VP, okay? Joe "Choo-Choo" Biden. Give it up, now.
Obviously, Meade needs a job. Do you do yard work Larry? I am starting to think about what needs to be done to spruce up the grounds at my business.
"[...] Andrew Brietbart butt sniffing [sic][...]"
Oh, my. Huffington Post backs up Breitbart
... and on this (HuffPo), which Politico readily concedes is "regarded as a liberal website," no less!
Obviously, Meade needs a job. Do you do yard work Larry? I am starting to think about what needs to be done to spruce up the grounds at my business.
Note that no matter how awful an asshole Jay makes of himself, his posts still appear on this blog and people respond to him.
That appears to be the difference between the two political points of view, doesn't it?
And, you'll notice the class snobbery behind his comment. A guy with a blue collar job has no right to involve himself in the political process, right Jay?
Those Democrats are certainly the party of the people.
Shoutingthomas-I am a libertarian anarchist. I am here to break things.
Shoutingthomas-I am a libertarian anarchist. I am here to break things.
I note that you didn't respond to what I said.
You're a condescending asshole, here to make an condescending asshole out of yourself.
Libertarian anarchist = brain dead poseur.
Do you have any positive characteristics?
I live in Woodstock, NY.
I've met pretentious assholes like you by the dozens.
You've got a business? More likely, SSI.
Do you have any positive characteristics?
Much to the not-inconsiderable relief of all the little angels at Mary Crest Elementary -- just a quick hop and a skip and a lurk from his crawlspace -- it's been a full six weeks since that last unfortunate, ummm, "misunderstanding" regarding the judge's restraining order.
Since Jay was enough of an asshole to put down Meade for working at a blue collar job, I'll address an issue I've been leaving alone.
I'd attribute Althouse's political transformation to being involved with a blue collar man. That's my guess.
Over time, living with a blue collar man is going to change all of her beliefs for the better.
And, I've gained a lot of respect for Althouse for marrying Meade. I can see that he is a standup guy, an old fashion man of honor.
Shoutingthomas wrote "You're a condescending asshole, here to make an condescending asshole out of yourself."
Well, DUH.
Your not to swift Shouting, are you?
Meade: Is there a reason for that (moving posters from the center of rotunda off to the side)?
Polite floor poster woman: Well, kind of, but there's a blogger who had said - all this stuff in the middle - somebody had slipped on it and fell, and I said, "I know that's not true."
If there was any doubt this blog is being read by people who work in that building, her statement clears that up. Although, clearly the nice protester woman is not one of the readers or she would have seen the video of the slip & fall victim.
Your not to swift
You flatter yourself, L.E. You're just a run-of-the-mill dickhead.
Yes, that is priceless. Corrected:
You're not too swift Shouting, are you?
Two grammar errors in one sentence? For a deep intellectual like you?
Libertarian anarchist, my ass. You don't know the meaning of either word.
When's the SSI check coming in?
Back to the issue at hand.
I'd imagine that Hulsey is most concerned with keeping those campaign contributions flowing from the public employee unions.
I'd also imagine he knows that the Althouse blog is not on his side.
So, he doesn't want to be seen consorting with the enemy.
Shouting wrote "Since Jay was enough of an asshole to put down Meade for working at a blue collar job, I'll address an issue I've been leaving alone."
Dude, Meade got no job. He is loafing on the taxpayer's of Wisconsin dime while his wife engages in tenure abuse.
(The above was typed on a Iphone. So, save your typo flames. You Althouse Hillbillies can do better than that. Well probably not.)
Walker supporters are a minority in Madison. That is a City where the majority group uses mob actions to support the NEA Union's war. The NEA Union has a National agenda. So Hulsey is no more interested in getting Meade's vote than Obama is interested in getting an unborn child's vote.
The above was typed on a Iphone. So, save your typo flames.
"... because, as everyone absolutely, positively knows, already: it's simply flat-out, all-existing-laws-of-the-physical-universe IMPOSSIBLE to compose and post in anything even remotely approximating a literate fashion on an Iphone, by golly!"
Pffffftt. Weakest. Troll. Ever.
You Althouse Hillbillies can do better than that.
Contempt for middle and lower class white folks.
That's become the standard fare of the Democratic Party, too.
And, the asshole is proud of that. Go figure.
Real man of the people, aren't you Jay?
After he's acted like such a weasel, I don't know why I'm inclined to give Hulsey advice, but here goes.
The next time he sees Meade, he should politely ask, "Do you want to speak to me as a citizen or as a member of the press? If you're a member of the press, I'm not doing interviews right now. If you want to speak to me as a citizen, please turn off the camera and come into my office."
Seriously, the guy has little to gain and a lot to lose by speaking on camera. So far, everything he's done in front of Meade has made him look foolish.
@Jay you so ably demonstrate here...
Proverbs 18:2 A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind.
<@Peter Yeah, we've been making the "Roger & Me" comparison,>
I think I need to go back and read "Lord of the Flies"
Great letter.
But it will be ignored. Hulsey isn't "listening" to the out-of-district lady with the signs, he is using her to do what he cannot: protest in the rotunda and put up signs.
That's why he won't speak to you. He wants compliance and assistance, not discussion. All his decisions about policy were made ages ago.
So you are merely an irritant. His only constituency is power. You're not helping him there.
Remember that democracy is what the left uses to gain power, then they stop its use because, now that they run things, further changes are not needed. The proles are too stupid to see that their saviors can handle it from here on.
Their views are a grotesque amalgamation of Marx and feudalism. Think of a plantation in the Old South, where Massah spouts Rousseau, even while buying slaves.
That is, the history of the Democratic Party.
BTW, Ann shares Amazon residuals with me to slap around you hillbillies so you don't get too lethargic.
Now stay on the porch and don't pee in the flowerbeds!
@Jay Retard (pardon the typos) - What and where is your business that you would be offering Meade a job?
Poor Retread. If his postings get any weaker, not even Peter Pan's getting all the boys and the girls in the world to clap their hands in unison will be able to save him.
LE Lee/Retread, Jeremy, and Ritmo/MUL/C4BDH are best left without response.
Retread and Ritmo have both proudly stated they come here just to ruin threads.
They leave when their posts are ignored.
They do return under new names, but it's just lipstick on a pig, so not hard to tell.
I admit failing to follow my own advice in the past repeatedly.
It's like quitting smoking. Try, try again.
They leave when their posts are ignored.
Well, it does seem a little bit on the cruel side, doing the exact same thing to him that his horrified parents did, all those years ago (minus the triple-locked steamer trunk and their panicky, high-speed racing out to the city reservoir at midnight, I mean)... but: as you like it, Mister P. ;)
DAMN you guys feed the living hell out of the trolls here.
Not that I"m complaining. It's just remarkable to me. He's not even a creative troll. You should hold out for better trolls.
I suspect Mumsy (no Dad at home) let little LE Lee do whatever he wanted, mostly gaming while high, which led to a basement 'apartment' until he was 30.
His only traumas have been when Mom briefly refused to pay for his ganja. His meltdowns got the dough quickly enough.
Great lefty training, actually.
Not that I"m complaining. It's just remarkable to me. He's not even a creative troll. You should hold out for better trolls.
I think Jay is a very revealing troll.
Contempt for blue collar working men. Contempt for lower class whites.
Aren't those now central to the Democratic Party platform?
Jay's a Dem in good standing. Spouting the party line.
I sur do luv slappin' a-round dim Althouse Hillbillies! Make'm squeal!!! Easy too!
Squeal little piggies! SQUEAL!!
Retard (et al) should not be engaged on anything they troll about. Rather, we should reframe in another direction or ignore in toto. He is bufoonish and does not deserve comment in return.
If "Democracy" looks like the protesters in the rotunda, it seems to me "Democracy" is in need of a bath...
Okay. I am done with my Althouse Hillbilly slapping for the day. (How did I do Ann? Did I get them jumping or what?)
The good thing about you Althouse Hillbillies is that you will totally forget by tomorrow, so I can slap you silly then like I did today.
Hey Brett Hulsey,
if you're lurking, check out JayRetread's posts. Thats the mentality you are defending. He's on *your* side.
Nice letter. Was it sent registered, return receipt requested? It may need to be sent again, as occasionally letters are lost in the mail. When you finally get to talk to him, if you get to talk to him, what are you going to ask that you haven't already asked? Or are we going to be kept in suspense?
I see the protest signs now: "Meet with Meade!"
I just waded through a hundred comments for that? This bog is a complete joke.
"I am a libertarian anarchist. I am here to break things."
Well natch. Breaking things is all anarchists know how to do--or want to do.
Chad, your joke was a complete bog.
There are lingering questions about the protests that need to be asked that have not been asked.
The MSM has very little in terms of hard news about what happened and how did it happened and why.
I want to commend Meade for having the courage to do something the MSM should have been doing all this time.
Go for it Meade.
I remember when President Bush was criticized for not meeting with Cindy Sheehan (again). Shouldn't it be easier to get to talk to your state representative than the president?
Can we request New Media Meade come to Milwaukee for a day and report on our County Executive Candidate, Millionaire heir Chris Abele?
This guy has DWI's, 100's of parking tickets, a suspended drivers license and today a story about a $2.3 million dollar tax lien. And he is the public employee unions candidate of choice on April 5th.
I'd like to see New Media show up at Abele's mansion to ask the question as to why he drove for years with a suspended drivers license.
The MSM have treated Madison the same way they are treating Obama's Libya expirement.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
I remember when President Bush was criticized for not meeting with Cindy Sheehan (again). Shouldn't it be easier to get to talk to your state representative than the president?
I was just thinking the same thing.
@Steve Austin, email me and I'll see what I can do.
@Lem, Pogo, and other friends, thanks for your support. (Uh oh... I AM sounding like a politician!)
Milwaukee said...
"...When you finally get to talk to him, if you get to talk to him, what are you going to ask that you haven't already asked?"
Want to make this a group project? Leave your question ideas here in the comments.
I, too, thought of Cindy Sheehan. But that's always a bad comparison. Meade has no "right" to meet with Hulsey, and he's wrong to use the language of "constitutional right" in pressing his case.
Hulsey of course should meet with Meade, simply because Meade is an important Madison journalist at this point (nationally, the most important one). But that's for Hulsey to decide. Don't be like Moore or Sheehan.
Want to make this a group project? Leave your question ideas here in the comments.
If "this is what democracy looks like" does that include fleeing legislators? and if not.. what exactly does "this is what democracy looks like" mean?.
Does it mean teaching children to chant? handing out 'sick notes'? writing/defacing war monuments?
"Your not to swift"; "This bog is a complete joke"; "stawkerish forigner"; etcetera.
Notice how painfully self-evident it is that it's not the so-called "Hillbillies" regularly littering this site with humiliatingly sub-literate spellings, punctuation and sentence structure?
Me, too.
The only questions that are important, are the ones talking about his ideas on how to solve the deficit/debt that Wisconsin presently has. All other questions are taking on a bad reality tv show aspect.
Not sure what your harrasment of an elected official is about?
What is it that your meeting with your representative hopes to accomplish?
It is pretty clear that you are not working for anything but to grandstand and bring attention to your stunts. What is it that you bring to the table for consideration? What good are you doing for anyone but yourself? Are you proposing any solutions? Are you offering to assist in anyway? No, you troll with a camera hoping to capture some evil that simply does not exist. You are contributing to the noise and not the signal. I think Brett should go to court and ask a judge to issue a restraining order against you and your crew for stalking and harrssment.
Not sure what your harrasment of an elected official is about?
Representatives are expected to be available to their constituents.
In my experience of being involved in political groups, my representatives will make time for any individual or group that requests it.
This is just standard practice.
So, what in the hell are you talking about?
The fact that this representative perceives Meade as a political opponent is not a reason for denying him access.
My U.S. congressman will routinely meet with just about any group or individual that requests a meeting.
To suggest that requesting a meeting with a state representative is "harassment" is just plain stupid. That's what the rep is there for.
I am absolutely not your enemy. I am your constituent and I am a citizen.
Meade, you are the man.
Want to make this a group project? Leave your question ideas here in the comments.
"Is Noodles really a fascist dictatorship?"
Barnaby Films Blog said...
Yeah, dumbass. Essentially criminalize questioning elected leaders. Go take any history class and see what kind of society that produces. Simpleton.
@Allen S, Bob Ellison, Lem, great advice and questions. Thanks.
I am surprised you are surprised by this. There is one Meade but he assumes there are a lot more protestors in his district.
Weak and pathetic, but surprising? Sadly, not at all.
And, to illustrate the stupidity of Barnaby Film Blog's statement that requesting a meeting with your state representative amounts to harassment...
U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords of AZ was holding an open meeting in a parking lot for any constituent who wanted to speak with her when she was shot.
Being available to any constituent who wants to speak with you is the job of a state of federal representative.
It's the rep's job to speak with constituents whether or not those constituents agree with the rep's position.
"Are you proposing any solutions?"
I think he is. Clearly you have not been readin. One is to let the outcome of the most recent election determine the current vote, rather than have the WI legislature be run by whatever mob happens to have the time to bus in shills for a staged strike.
"Are you offering to assist in anyway?"
See above.
"hoping to capture some evil that simply does not exist."
Now I know you haven't been reading this blog. Plenty of evil has been captured. But you call it something else, I'm sure.
"You are contributing to the noise and not the signal."
That is, he disagrees with you. And what "signal" was there in the police whistles, endless drumming and mindless chants?
"Brett should go to court and ask a judge to issue a restraining order against you and your crew for stalking and harrssment."
A restrainig order against the press?
Restraint against a polite request to meet with your State representative?
That's the democratic Party definition of democracy, right?
You advocate slavery, of course.
Where's the beef
Suspect you will be getting more bun than beef from your Rep.... but then, after all, he is a politician.
AllenS said...
" only questions that are important, are the ones talking about his ideas on how to solve the deficit/debt that Wisconsin presently has. All other questions are taking on a bad reality tv show aspect."
Do you do yard work Larry? I am starting to think about what needs to be done to spruce up the grounds at my business.
I am always fascinated by sightings of the left wing entrepreneur. Like Bigfoot, the sightings are rare and usually unverifiable. Their habitat seems to be primarily in blog comments sections for one has never been seen in the real world.
While I don't agree with his actions ( or inactions as the case may be), I have to wonder "What's beneficial to Brett Hulsey in meeting with Lawrence Meade?" Beyond the principle of an elected representative meeting with a constituent, I can't see any political benefit. Its a liberal district so "speaking with enemy" will gain him no political capital. Re-election campaigns need dollars and in this district and this political climate the dollars will likely come from the unions, so there's no financial capital to be gained by a meeting with Meade.
Meade, your letter is well written AND I assume it will harden Hulsey's resolve not to meet with you. I suspect that unless you can build a case that this approach weakens his support from moderate Democrats and the Independents and Republicans who voted for him, he will continue this approach. I'd also ask if you've made it clear that you won't be recording in any manner such a meeting?
Wisconsin (and many other states)now has sharply drawn battle lines. There's little benefit and much risk in leaving the trenches and crossing into "no man's land" to try to reach out to the enemy
Thank you,
If he says something to the effect that there is no money problem in WI, you can quit trying to get any answers from him from now on.
How Assemblyman Hulsey views a meeting with constituent Lawrence Meade
You could also ask Hulsey, if you get to talk to him, where we (WI) plan to get the approximately $60 million that we owe Minnesota for the tax reciprocity agreement that we have with that state. Does Hulsey know that MN is charging us interest?
Wisconsin (and many other states)now has sharply drawn battle lines. There's little benefit and much risk in leaving the trenches and crossing into "no man's land" to try to reach out to the enemy
So, Hulsey houses a woman who isn't even a constituent and dodges Meade, who is a constituent.
Benefit and risk shouldn't be considerations in whether a state rep meets with his constituent.
Hulsey is shirking his duty, plain and simple. He's refusing to do his job.
This seems to be a recurring theme with Dems... i.e., the Fleebaggers.
So, we get lectured by the Dems on the fine points of the democratic process, but that process doesn't apply to them.
Please explain how this works.
Benefit and risk shouldn't be considerations in whether a state rep meets with his constituent.
^THIS^, obviously... but how tragic, that it even needed saying in the first place.
Hulsey is shirking his duty
I am absolutely no fan of Hulsey's.
I don't think he is shirking his duty. He is not required to meet Constituents, after all, although I think he should. He seems to be at the Capitol a lot, so I'll assume he's up there attending to the divers tasks a Legislator must attend to.
There is no upside for him to meet with Meade, certainly not the Meade-as-Journalist.
Meade have you tried hooking up with James OKeefe?
Maybe you could get more attention that way.
O/T: White House: This isn’t a war, it’s a “kinetic military action”
Professor, any thoughts on this criminal abuse of the language, in brute service of naked political calculation...?
I don't think he is shirking his duty. He is not required to meet Constituents, after all, although I think he should.
An astonishing statement.
Yes, he is shirking his duty.
So all those "This is what democracy looks like!" chants were just bullshit.
In the Dem's lexicon, democracy means fixing the game so that they always win.
So, what have the Dems been lecturing us about for the past month?
One thing is obvious. Hulsey is completely dependent on sucking the tit of public employee campaign contributions obtained through compulsory dues. He's fighting like hell to keep money flowing into his purse.
That's all this is about.
"...where Massah sprouts Rousseau..."
Nice image, and perfectly fits "intellectual" lefty concepts of superiority and privilege equal to, or exceeding, that of Old-South Plantation owners. Rousseau, after all, was famous for sponging off of the hospitality of the public (useful idiots) while leaving bastard children all over Europe on every door-step on which he slept.
Meade has no "right" to meet with Hulsey, and he's wrong to use the language of "constitutional right" in pressing his case.
Really? Even though Meade is one of Hulsey's constituents?
After nearly a month of screaming, occupations, hysterical hyperbole and gross misrepresentations, I'd think Hulsey would relish an opportunity for a short, to-the- point exchange with a mild-mannered citizen journalist.
It appears he's dodging Meade because he knows his side of the argument is indefensible and Meade intends to hear him defend it.
So all those "This is what democracy looks like!" chants were just bullshit.
They just figured it'd make for a more salable soundbite, ultimately, than the comparatively straightforward: "This is what Ape Law looks like!"
Meade was given 2 names?
I thought rock stars were born with one name.
Prince....ahhh...never mind.
Anyways, you should stick with Meade.
Arguing politics and religion is interesting, because after the dust settles, it's usually fairly easy to point to very few fundamental beliefs that the arguments hinge upon.
My top three questions for the good legislator would be:
1. What difference, if any, exists between entitlements and rights?
2. Can you point to any examples of any individual, corporation, or government that successfully borrowed its way out of debt?
3. Can you explain the difference, if any, between a democracy and a democratic republic?
FWIW, we need more politicians like James Knox Polk, the finest US President to grace the office. He held office hours daily to visit with any and all who wished to petition him. He was the last President to do so. An honorable man who dropped dead from exhaustion shortly after leaving the White House.
re: Brett Hulsey did not realize that he was newly elected. Without knowing anything of his opponents I could have voted for him.
But his stance on ethanol as an energy solution is way off-base.
As a landscaper you might have some common interests and concerns on the environment.
Libtard: It is pretty clear that you are not working for anything but to grandstand and bring attention to your stunts.
Uh-huh. Now shut up or pass that pipe over.
Fricken drive-by trolls can't handle being spotlighted by new media. Like cockroaches.
What's happening with Hulsey is pretty obvious, if you think about it. In his mind he represents interests first, constituents second. As a practical matter the man has to get elected, so he will of course throw bones in the way of projects and influence to those in his district, but those are simply the dues he has to pay in order to do what he really wants to do, which apparently is shill for the unions.
Which, of course, is where the money is, thanks to automatically deducted union dues.
Thinking about it, I'm afraid interests-first-constituents-as-needed is probably the default governing principle of most elected officials of any party.
Meade, thanks for striking a blow for Representative Democracy.
Althouse- it's a kick watching you and Meade "stick it to the man". The spirit of the 60s hippie is strong in you two. I wonder if the irony is lost on the Liberal establishment.
It's also funny seeing the usual suspects go apoplectic in reaction to the two of you. You guys are striking a nerve. It's entertaining as hell.
Libtard: This bog is a complete joke.
Got another one!
What is so hard about openness and honesty? Why can't Hulsey just stop and talk to him. Everyone knows he's a liberal Democrat. Just own it, and say I support and facilitate those who I agree with and not those I don't. It's not a surprise to anyone.
Say: I don't want to talk to you, Meade, because we don't agree and I think talking to you would hurt my cause and help yours which is in opposition to mine.
What's the big deal? His actions trying to avoid it is what looks much worse than the truth. It's embarrassing and makes him look small and corrupt. How is that good for him. Politicians are dumb.
Leave your question ideas here in the comments.
"Would you have been as steadfastly unwilling to meet with Jim Shankman, had he asked you?"
Meade and Ann: I've been following this daily from Tyler, Texas. It's been fascinating and informative and I want to just say thanks for your good works.
Really? Even though Meade is one of Hulsey's constituents?
I suppose it depends on how you define petitioning to redress a grievance.
Is being unavailable for a face-to-face meeting abridging the right to petition?
Meade it's rather obvious you have touched a raw nerve. The guy is not going to give you the time of day, not ever until he feels he has to. So take a page from Michael Moore and turn this reportage into a Brett & Me. It's rather amusing and insightful at the same time. Soon it will get warm and you will have to get back full time to your day job, earning a living, paying taxes and supporting the parasites that Hulsey is kowtowing to.
There is no upside for him to meet with Meade, certainly not the Meade-as-Journalist.
I disagree. If Hulsey believes he can persuasively argue his positions and defend his actions (vis-a-vis allowing his office to be used as storage space for that protester) he should agree to a filmed interview with conditions:
1. His office be allowed to record the conversation independently. (I think after Palin's experiences every politician should insist on multiple independent recordings of interviews. Mainstream media will balk, but I'm sure new media types like Meade would gladly consent.)
2. The interview should happen in a neutral environment.
3. At any point during the interview either side can call a halt to the recording for any reason.
The Democrats are leaving a real bad taste in independent's mouths by saying on one hand that the Republicans aren't listening to their arguments, and on the other refusing to actually make any arguments other than my-way-or-the-highway-to-Illinois. Hulsey could undo a lot of that damage simply by being civil to the loyal opposition.
Soldier, keep your eyes straight ahead [...]
Be of courage and conviction, hit the mark, and toe the line
Silly Meade.
Brett does not represent you. He represents the unions that gave him money and helped him get elected!
MadisonMan: Is being unavailable for a face-to-face meeting abridging the right to petition?
Dodging your constituents because you have something to hide. You're against that when the GOP does it, so why not now?
Just think about what Meade has done to be so scary to this guy:
1) Ask some basic and obvious questions
2) Cleaned up some messes around the capitol
3) Given Hulsey's supporters a lot of exposure, including asking them what they are about, and often not even arguing with them about it.
This tells you what you need to know about Hulsey.
Benefit and risk shouldn't be considerations in whether a state rep meets with his constituent.
Though an apples to oranges comparison, I believe Republican candidates and office holders have seen little reason to speak to the NAACP. Yes, I know, they aren't necessarily representative of the black community but the underlying political calculation is the same:
What's the point!?
It seems obvious that the Husley camp looks at everyone as a supporter or an enemy. As we have seen repeatedly in these videos, people immediately try to figure out which side you are on so they can attack or marginalize you without discussion. There is no room for independence, moderation, or even asking questions unless they are rhetorical and one sided.
Meade wrote:
You tried to school me in freedom of speech after encountering me in the rotunda two days ago. Do you remember? What about my freedom of speech? Am I not allowed to express my concerns and opinions to my elected representative, to dissent in a legal, civil manner? I know I have the constitutional right but it seems to me you are trying to block my opportunities to do so.
First, excellent letter, with just enough palpable emotion and sincerity.
Second, yes, there are some parallels to Cindy Sheehan, but it should be remembered that Sheehan had at one point, been received by President Bush.
(Meade is not even receiving that basic courtesy)
I am guessing that at this point, Hulsey has dismissed you as a crank; furthermore, one who is not asking for responses to engage the assemblyman, but for the gotcha moments he can relay later to a receptive audience (and not just the commenters on this blog, but the right-leaning Blogosphere and media beyond it).
He is in CYA mode, and it will be difficult to budge him from it.
I would say, should he not reply to this email soon, give it a cooling off period of a week or two, then reapproach.
Having said that openly, I agree with James that Hulsey, staffers, or those sympathetic to him are probably monitoring this blog.
So, you know, it may be useless to speak tactics or to write questions so openly.
The shame is that shunning one of the most good-natured of men, above all, is a very unfortunate thing for this assemblyman to do.
Good luck, Meade.
Conservative candidates talk to Black groups all the time when invited. They are not invited often, get shouted down, and still try to convince them to reconsider. Conservatives know that all they have to do is get people to listen. That's the hard part, as Hulsey demonstrates perfectly.
Kent wrote:
O/T (but only marginally so): Portuguese Government Chooses to Collapse Rather Than Implement Austerity
A nasty, unvarnished glimpse at Wisconsin's possible future via Portuguese proxy, financial solvency-wise.
Wisconsin? No, dear Kent. All 50 States, one by one, in sickening successive order. In a sense, the EU are getting off easy. Only 17 nation-states are in their Eurozone.
Warren Buffet just said today that the Euro might collapse.
Since he is our generation's J. P. Morgan, the world pays attention when the leading financial guru intones such an opinion.
He knows the Euro has no hope of being saved, because all of Europe is made up of people who don't want to have their goodies taken away.
Absolutely brilliant work, you two. I came over to give you guys a hard time, as I'm about to give Glenn, but I'm too impressed to lean too hard.
Give 'em Hell, Meade - and, if that don't work, don't forget The Macho Response.
"Being a law professor crimps our style."
Imagine how many "You! An Elected Representative!" comments you'd get if you went into politics.
Very nice letter, by the way. Respectful and to the point. I think both sides have made emphasized a rhetoric of superlatives for so long that a decent note, albeit with strong opinions, comes off as more striking than yet another angry, deriding missive.
It is forthright and, honestly, it's adult, unlike so much of the back and forth, protest-sign, blog comment screed, type ranting.
You're against that when the GOP does it
Read more carefully. I'm not saying Hulsey is doing something good here, I'm questioning the comments that say there's some Constitutional Right to meet.
Recommended T-shirt:
"If you fear Meade, you just might be an asshole."
I don't think he is shirking his duty. He is not required to meet Constituents,
There is more to duty than what is legally required. Wouldn't you agree?
After my initial comments and then reading the rest of the comments it occurred to me that I was reflexively considering a meeting between Assemblyman Hulsey and constituent Lawrence Meade as one that required confidentiality. I assume that comes from my physician background.
Now, I'm wondering, is such a meeting to be considered "confidential" in the same way a meeting between a doctor and his patient or a lawyer and her client is viewed?
What concerns me are constituent services. Besides their legislative roles, legislators provide services to their constituents in terms of help dealing with government agencies. When your garbage isn't getting picked up and the head of the city trash dept won't help you, you call your city council members. When a state agency is not responsive, you contact a state representative or senator.
That's a function that's almost as important as crafting and voting on legislation.
Constituent services are supposed to be provided in a non-partisan manner. I worry whether or not the Meade/Althouse household can get constituent services from Hulsey and his staff.
I write about cars and I've interviewed automotive executives and politicians. I've never had a business person blow off a question (other than declining to discuss proprietary information) or react rudely to a hard question. They may stay on talking points but they are rarely if ever rude. I have had politicians rudely blow me off.
Ronnie Schreiber
Cars In Depth
I'm wondering, is such a meeting to be considered "confidential" in the same way a meeting between a doctor and his patient or a lawyer and her client is viewed?
I'll guess no. Certainly it isn't if the Legislator can in someway benefit from it. You can bet they passed a legal loophole to allow that. Legislators pass laws, then exempt themselves from those laws.
This is Wisconsin, there should be a beer summit between these two men . . .
In the emotionally-charged climax of Roger and Me, Michael Moore finally confronts Roger Smith with details related to Flint's tanking economy and growing crime rate.
I'm sure that when Meade finally catches up with Representative Hulsey it will be equally gripping. I'm imagining something like "Brett, why do you store those posters in your office" or "didn't you think the drumming was too loud?" or "what do you think about those squirrel-killing bullets that were found around the capitol?" Blah, blah, blah, Heg, blah, blah, tea-bagging, Hitler signs, kids protesting, blah blah. I can't wait to see the film.
Maybe Fox would pick up the piece, but after that drama-free footage you produced last time, I don't think Megyn Kelly could even feign disgust (or interest for that matter).
I think you forget that some of us actually live in Madison (just a few us, I'll give you that) and have attended many protests...we know your "journalism" is narrow-minded garbage. You appear to seek out who you think to be the most foolish of protesters and yet consistently you look like the bigger fool.
And Ron Johnson? that rubber-stamp with legs? you voted for him.
You must be really proud of the ill-informed propaganda piece he did for for the WSJ.
Let us all write to Assemblyman Hulsey, on behalf of our correspondent Meade, requesting an appointment for Meade, and enclosing a copy of Meade's letter. We should send our letters registered, return receipt requested, and force his office workers to stop and sign for those letters. Denying receipt of those letters will be impossible. We are just asking for an appointment for our acquaintance, since his requests are going unanswered. We would be very polite. Defending against reasonable politeness is very difficult.
Assemblyman Hulsey:
I write on behalf of Laurence Meade, who has been trying to meet with you. Would you be so kind to meet with him? Thank you,
cc Meade.
My final questions to him would be "What conclusions should I draw about your making this meeting so difficult? Are you not interested in hearing my voice? Do you have something to hide?"
Where should we then send the cc's?
Meade, I don't think you'll ever get a chance to meet Hulsey for a one-on-one interview, but if you do, here's a suggested question:
How much, in actual dollars, should a teacher make per year? How much should we pay for their benefits?
(As a conservative, I don't have to answer this question, because I think it should be determined by the market -- I'd like to see education opened up to competition, where parents have a choice to either pay private tuition or property taxes, not both; and the market would set teachers' pay. But liberals don't agree; they think teachers' pay should be determined by the government. I haven't seen anyone actually give a number here yet. "More than they make now" is the universal answer.)
Shorter Lukedog: [::squirts::]
Lukedog said;
I think you forget that some of us actually live in Madison (just a few us, I'll give you that) and have attended many protests...we know your "journalism" is narrow-minded garbage. You appear to seek out who you think to be the most foolish of protesters and yet consistently you look like the bigger fool.
And Ron Johnson? that rubber-stamp with legs? you voted for him.
You must be really proud of the ill-informed propaganda piece he did for for the WSJ.
Assuming Lukedog voted for Assemblyman Hulsey, this demonstrates my initial point:
Why piss off the majority of those who voted for me to gratify this one constituent?
And sadly yes,
this is what democracy looks like
Hulsey first brought up the right to freedom of speech in an attempt to support the case for him allowing a woman to store her posters in his office. Posters she spread out on the Capitol floor on a daily basis. He said *that* is freedom of speech.
If that is how Hulsey views the right of free speech, then reminding him of that position in a request for a meeting is a great rhetorical point made by Meade.
It's up to Hulsey to decide why he thinks they are different.
"If you fear Meade, you just might be an asshole."
Maybe you think you're a lonely guy...
Phil 3:14,
I'm still a little unclear on your point.
I will say that probably a fair amount of protesters did not vote for Rep. Hulsey, as Ann said, his opponent was considered to be even further left. Rep. Hulsey has actually been criticized by protesters for being too willing to escort protesters out of the building. Go figure, sounds like the guy can't win.
I'm not defending or criticizing Hulsey's actions.
I was merely responding to the bizarre comparison made between Michael Moore and Meade; and the fact that Meade now refers to himself as a "journalist".
Maybe I should write this separately and post a link, but here goes:
One fine Spring morning I stopped by my friend's house to pick up something I left there the previous night for a party. It was the first time I ever saw my friend dressed in a shirt and tie, noticeable because they were poorly matched. I said,
"So what's up?"
He told me he was off to the capitol to receive an award from the governor. He asked me if I'd like to come along. I was dressed in blown-out Levis so it was a bad idea, but I said,
We got to the capitol and waited in the coffered, heavily paneled anteroom whereupon the Secretary of State recognized Frank with some surprise as she was walking by.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Waiting for the governor."
"Oh! You can't wait out here. Come with me and wait in my office."
Her office was in the opposite direction from the governor's, the group of rooms arranged in the shape of a T. So there in the room we waited, Frank and I and the Colorado Secretary of State. I gazed upon all the collected tchotchkes all over the place which indicated an interest in world travel. We chatted it up about entirely unimportant things. I asked her penetrating questions, like "Why do you even do this?" She expounded about being raised in a family that instilled a sense of duty to give back to society, or summat. A man poked his head in and said,
"The Post needs a statement on DIA"
She answered from behind her desk, "Gim'me twenty minutes." I sat there thinking, "You're going to formulate a statement to be published in twenty minutes while we're in here? That's interesting. "
Then a woman poked her head in and said,
"We need to finish the thing on Rocky Flats."
The Sos responded with another gentle but firm delay of less than an hour. There was a third interruption of some importance, another put time-delay answer by the SoS, but I forget now what the issue was, but it was something of state importance. So I asked her,
"How can you sit here with Frank and me like this chatting it up when all this important stuff is going on?"
She beamed a magnificent smile radiating sincere affection and turning to Frank, answered,
"Chat it up? Because Frank is my hairdresser, that's why!"
↑ That's the point of this story and the bit that is relevant to this thread, but it's not complete until I at least mention what happened next.
The DIA-question guy returned and said,
"He's ready."
We all abruptly got up and filed over to the governor's office which is actually like two huge offices run together. The first portion is a living room and that portion was already filled to capacity with people we did not know. We were the last to enter so the comfortable seating away from the action was taken. The media was there with cameras trained on the governor's desk. The only seating available was another sofa in the second portion directly in front of and facing the governor's desk so that is where Frank and I sat, he in his poorly matched shirt and tie, me in blown-out Levis and T-shirt, proper Colorado attire.
The governor presented my friend, Frank the hairdresser, with an award for outstanding citizenship. I learned there that he had raised the greatest amount of money through the state's Walk for Life campaign, for the third or fourth or fifth year straight, I forget the exact number of years, the point was it persisted for years and he continuously turned in actual money collected and not mere pledges and he was an individual who surpassed all the collected pledges of organizations like Quest. He did all this through his hairdressing shop. As the importance and solemnity of the event began to overtake me and the meaning of the words the governor delivered to the media with his arm around my friend paternally, the emotional pressure built so that I thought I would surely burst. The speech ended. The camera lights snapped off and then the normal light resumed. I sprang with joy leaping from the sofa facing the desk and rushed toward Frank. The governor grabbed my hand and quite nearly shook it off. He positively penetrated me from head to toe as if assessing me completely and it occurred to me in that moment of being scanned so thoroughly that he must have assumed I was Frank's lover which caused me to crack up laughing uncontrollably, which oddly wasn't entirely inappropriate.
I must add I have never been so proud of any of my goofy little friends. Much later I asked Frank what became of all that, since it was an annual thing. He told me he got tired of all the collecting and dropped it, and besides, a Republican governor took office and wrecked it by dissolving that (AIDS-related) state program.
the bizarre comparison made between Michael Moore and Meade
Fair point. Meade is not a mendacious, morbidly obese douchebag.
It's not war, Meade -- it's KINETIC UNION ACTION.
Classy and well expressed letter, Meade. Hulsey is foolish not to meet with you. What on earth could he be afraid of? He obviously has, on occasion, a little extra time on his hands.
It would be fascinating to hear more specifics about how he thinks WI should solve it's budget woes. Do you recall what he advocating during his campaign?
"I suppose it depends on how you define petitioning to redress a grievance.
Is being unavailable for a face-to-face meeting abridging the right to petition?"
Madison Man,
No - the right to petition the government is not a guarantee to face time. (Under the federal constitution - I don't know of any state constituiton that grants as a right private meetings with individuals.) Face time might be granted by a government representative, but is not part of the right to petition. Furthermore, the right to petition is currently understood in the U.S. as a written petition.
The right to petition concerns public matters, not private grievances. Meade asking the Rep if he has a "beef" with him may cross the line from public matter to personal conflict, and might not qualify as the right to petition.
Hey, Meade, climb down off the cross, we need the wood.
Meade, you and the missus have already excoriated this guy on the internet as part of your "press" activities and you've said he's already talked with you.
You've taken a combative approach to him. You're following him around, following his staff around as your own video shows.
Somehow if the shoe was on the other foot and a liberal blogger was not being given a meeting with a conservative legislator to video and edit and post to the intertubes, I expect your reaction would "tough shit."
Write a letter. Send an email. Don't expect someone to sit there while you throw darts at him. Not reasonable.
G Joubert said...
"I'm not so sure Meade ever said that he had the constitutional right to meet with the rep, or that the rep was required to meet with constituents. What Meade said was that he had the right to express himself to the rep, and requested a meeting as a way to do that."
This is exactly correct and I regret that I didn't write it more clearly. I don't believe my constitutional rights are being denied by Hulsey refusing to meet with me but I do believe he is intentionally blocking my access to my elected state representative - him - and that it's a bad political move for him to make.
Chip, great story. I'm continually amazed and delighted by your work.
Brian Hancock, excellent idea!
Ah, yes. The old "flee-bagger trick." Get into your automobile and take off!
I'm surprised Hulsey doesn't outrun you ... when he sees you.
But sure. Come the next election cycle stuff like this pops up. And, Hulsey now has name recognition. Does this make him feel "lucky?"
Keep pressing for an appointment! If for no other reason, that it drives your Assemblyman crazy.
(You know, that space between his front teeth, is supposed to mean he's not trustworthy. But then, I go back to Nixon. And, back then, people made a big deal of the Mad Comics Alfred E. Newman.)
By how many votes did Hulsey carry his district last time?
Hulsey doesn't shake hands! He's like Donald Trump in that department. You can't touch "The Donald's" hand. He thinks you're carrying germs.
But in Politics 101, to be a successful politician, you have to know to shake hands. And, be the first to stick yours out.
Why didn't Hulsey do this?
Seems to me he's defeating himself, here. Not only that, had he stuck his hand out, Meade would have had to do something with his camera.
Now, Hulsey can even say "Thank you for voting for me."
But this guy runs away?
He could have said he was sorry Meade was unhappy with the vote; but, perhaps, there are issues, ahead, where he can please Meade more?
I've never seen this poor display of political skills.
By the way, "The Donald" doesn't stand a chance at getting nominated.
But, yeah. A strange thing when a politician is afraid to shake hands.
Yup, I'm looking forward to "updates."
The MeadAlthouse capitol escapades get more bloggy attention.
I realize that what is going on in Wisconsin is serious, but does anyone really believe that common sense will prevail? Madison has always been run by nuts. I've given up on the place.
We could use Meade and Ann back here in Cincinnati where your talents would make a huge difference. We now have a Republican majority on city council and need to shut down the stupid streetcar plan amongst a dozen or equally idiotic ideas.
Meade come home! Maybe for just a little bit?
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