March 2, 2011

"There's six, seven, eight, nine of them that are starting to say, ‘Listen, we're starting to look like we're out of touch with what's going on in Madison, and it's time to get back.'"

"I think some of them feel like they're boxed in and they can't come back to the Capitol right now."

Said Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald about the "Wisconsin 14."

Did the absconding senators themselves adopt the label "Wisconsin 14"? To my ear, it suggests yippies or lawless revolutionaries. Is that the image they want?


chuck b. said...

They can deploy a prodigal son narrative to return. Prodigal perhaps being entirely appropriate.

Triangle Man said...

The form of the label is meant to evoke victims of the system.

Michael K said...

When you chain yourself to the gate, you have surrendered control of the story. You are now just another part of the story. This will be a national story until November 2012. Scott Walker is in control.

kent said...

Negotiating the terms of their inevitable surrender. ;)

TWM said...

They just need to come back. Walker has won. During the next election let the voters decide if they are happy with the result.

I suspect they will be . . .

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you plan a quick, tactical victory and it turns into a long-term struggle.

Never get involved in a land war in Asia.

Scott M said...

I think the Wisconsin 14 is sort of along the same lines as the Texas/Oklahoma situation a few years ago.

Cullen, the minority leader, looked somewhat ambushed last night on Gretta's show. After interviewing the GOP about the "secret meeting", it almost sounded like Cullen had just found out about it. He also admitted to having to borrow from his parents in order to stay in Illinois for the duration of this situation.

Chennaul said... refers to them as

wait for it-I know you're going to gag


The "Fab 14".


Automatic_Wing said...

Garage insists that everything is going according to plan.

Wince said...

Like they say, follow the Money.

I wanna go Back

I was listening to the radio
I heard a song reminded me of long ago
Back then I thought that
things were never gonna change
It used to be that I never
had to feel the pain
I know that things will
never be the same now

I wanna go back
And do it all over again
But I can't go back I know
I wanna go back
Cause I'm feeling so much older
But I can't go back I know

Chennaul said...

The “Fab 14,” as they have been referred to by admirers for their decision to bolt south, realize media attention is one of the few weapons at their disposal. Their desperate gambit has helped to focus national attention on Walker’s efforts to strip public employee unions of their collective bargaining powers, all in the name of balancing current and future budgets.


1775OGG said...

If this turns out to be true, it's all because of the AA and Meade Press coverage on these protesting atrocities in WI's capital building. Also, because of the protesters, WI's capital building has been declared unfit for human habitation and needs to be de-stinked and cleansed of all the stinky filth left inside.

Cheers and ciao.

SteveR said...

At some point it became clear Walker wasn't backing down so its up to the voters, next chance they get. That's the way it works.

ThreeSheets said...

I don't see what is so hard about coming back.

1) Announce that you only walked out to provide time for debate and to bring this issue to the public's attention. That has been accomplished.

2) You know you can't stay out forever and you don't want the state to miss out on $165 million or thousands of layoffs and therefore, you are choosing to return today.

3) Announce that the fight over collective bargaining is just starting. There will be an election in two and four years and you will do everything in your power as a party to regain control of the Governorship and assembly to undo this tragic and unfortunate bill, blah blah blah.

4) Thank the people for coming out in support and showing the world blah blah blah...

5) Declare victory (only politicians can do this with a straight face, but they do it all the time).

6) Return, have the vote quickly and move on using this issue as a fundraising/get out the vote issue over the next few years.


Kev said...

(the other kev)

Garage insists that everything is going according to plan.

Be nice. It's not easy being the resident Baghdad Bob.

Besides, Walker will be gone any day now. Any day!

MayBee said...

"what's going on in Madison"?

What about in their home districts?

Econophile said...

Anyone else thinking of the "Gang of 14" Senator squishes from a few years back?

chickelit said...

chuck b. said...
They can deploy a prodigal son narrative to return. Prodigal perhaps being entirely appropriate.

More like a profligate sons narrative.

Mr. Forward said...

The Wisconsin 14 year olds?

MadisonMan said...

They can deploy a prodigal son narrative to return.

I don't think that's a good analogy, given how the prodigal son was treated on his return.

chickelit said...

The Wisconsin fourteen, missing now for more than a fortnight...

Anonymous said...

Yes, do come back because....

"The fact of the matter is, the president told us at the White House that he had unilaterally frozen spending for federal employees. Federal employees don’t have collective bargaining rights,” Barbour told reporters during an event at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Wednesday. “The idea you guys have given the country is it’s just like there’s some constitutional right to collective bargaining. About half the states either don’t have it at all – my state does not have collective bargaining – or they limit it. The federal employees are not allowed to have collective bargaining for pay, for pensions, for health care.”

-Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour-

Scott M said...

The husband of the pregnant senator has got to be very unhappy about this situation.

chuck b. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark Larson said...

Whatever happened to the Republican bill to require photo ID to vote? I have not seen that mentioned for quite some time now and it was tossed about as one of the things to vote on while the Fab14 were on the run.

chuck b. said...

MadisonMan: Doesn't the prodigal son apologize when he comes home? Your representatives are going to apologize, aren't they? :)

Chicelit: I had to Google the difference between prodigal and profligate. I found this:

Can you synthesize it in a tweet for me? I have to get back to work.

kent said...

"The Wisconsin 14"... refers to their aggregate I.Q.

garage mahal said...

Garage insists that everything is going according to plan.

I sarcastically said it was all going according to plan for Republicans. Which it is not. Oh, looky here:

Breaking: Sen. Schultz Repeatedly Scolds Walker, Calls Union-Busting "Classic Overreach," Says GOP Sen Colleugues Unsure

"All I know is that we're not talking, we're wasting valuable time about collective bargaining, which I don't ever remember being a part of last election's discussion what so ever."

"You know, to me, this just looks like the classic overreach."

Uh oh. They must be looking at the dreadful polling that is coming out.

MadisonMan said...

They probably wouldn't let them in the Capitol anyway when they get here.

I'm not sure why the blockade is still ongoing. What ever happened to yesterday's hearing?

To disallow entry into the Capitol building by Wisconsin citizens is shameful.

madAsHell said...

I guess I'm wondering for what outcome were they looking?

I'm several hundred miles away, and I assumed that they had some trump card to play in the end....but all they have is to come home defeated.....and responsible for forcing the Governor hand-out the pink slips.

Of course, the media will make them out to be heros, and the EVIL Governor will be.....well....EVIL

Unknown said...

I think the Fleebagger monicker had something to do with it, not to mention constituents not overly impressed with their exploits at places like The Tilted Quilt.

zbogwan99 said...

This Gang of 14 made their bed, so to speak, when they fled/shirked their duties and their state, and they apparently had no end game plan? Now, no matter how they spin it,they'll have to come slithering home, losers in so many ways?

kent said...

Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill to Fine Fleebaggers $100 For Each Day They Miss


MadisonMan said...

Why can't they just say We've been in the Queue to get in the building since Tuesday!?

I poked around, and found a capitol access blog: link.

Widmerpool said...

Extremely lame Garage. It looks like this guy has been on the fence for awhile and has been floating compromise proposals for a number of days. The problem is that no other Republican senator has signed on and his vote is not necessary for passage. You are really grasping.

kent said...

Why can't they just say We've been in the Queue to get in the building since Tuesday!?

I readily grant you the assertion that a Democrat's instinctive, initial response to any potentially adverse situation is baldfaced lying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Every poll I see - the fine print indicates all sorts of union employees were polled. Many of these "polls" are not accurate mathematical measurements of the balance of people in / not in unions.

Chennaul said...

Walker is also taking it to the road.

He's going to travel to the outlying areas of the state-good move I think.

Robert Wirth looks like a good candidate for folding-in his area -the local papers are reporting what looks to be a stronger than average recall effort.

I haven't looked into the political persuasion of his particular district yet.

Gotta catch a flight.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chennaul said...

April Apple pulls me in.....

Ya did you see that -the supposedly first independent WI state poll-showed that out of the 800 participants-

23% were union or had family members in the union.

Sounded high-Cripes I can't remember if that was all unions are public sector unions.

Still 23% for all unions sounds high IIRC the national union percentage of the work force is


Chennaul said...

edit:all unions *or* public unions.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

madawaskan, I've heard that Jim Holperin is also a prime recall candidate. I don't know if it's true but I've heard reports that his district leans red.

Carol_Herman said...

Won't stop until Spring Break.

When is Spring Break? Out here in California, schools will be on Spring Break shortly. (So, if I had to guess?) The "mob leaves when Spring Break comes.)

Have the missing 14-"badgers" thought of that? Will someone run in and call for Spring Break at the State House?

Jon said...

garage says: "Uh oh. They must be looking at the dreadful polling that is coming out."

You mean like today's Quinnipiac poll?

To reduce state budget deficits, collective bargaining for public employees should be limited, 45 percent of American voters tell the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll, while 42 percent oppose limits on collective bargaining.

Efforts by governors to limit collective bargaining rights are motivated by a desire to reduce government costs rather than to weaken unions, voters say 47 - 41 percent.

Toad Trend said...

"There's six, seven, eight, nine of them that are starting to say, ‘Listen, we're starting to look like we're out of touch with what's going on in Madison, and it's time to get back.'"

Inversely proportional to 'protesters losing their grip'.

wv - ranplevi

Unknown said...

I think "the F.I.B. 14" has a nice ring to it.

Toad Trend said...

Meade, any evidence that any of the protesters left 'Peaceprints' anywhere inside the capitol???

wv - hypee

chickelit said...

@chuck b.
In a nutshell: Robert Downey, Jr. is prodigal; Charlie Sheen is profligate.

ic said...

"Wisconsin 14" or fleebaggers or fleabaggers

Garage M: If the poll is so positive for the 14, shouldn't they just come back and have a show down to see how many Republicans vote against Walker/ their constituents and seal their fates in the next election? There is nothing to fear but fear itself, no?

chickelit said...

Isabel said...I think "the F.I.B. 14" has a nice ring to it.

Wicked good!

mrp said...

According to Byron York, the Wisconsin Ethics Board issued a ruling allowing the out-of-state senators to pay for their expenses with campaign funds (h/t Hot Air Headline link)

Henry said...

Fourteen is just an ungainly number. The Wisconsin Seven has some ring to it. The AWOL Eleven would work. The Derelict Dozen.

But it had to be fourteen, didn't it.

Scott M said...

But it had to be fourteen, didn't it.

Fab Fourteen works. Flee All Bills.

kent said...

Fab Fourteen works. Flee All Bills.

True, true. And "Fleebagger 14" is nicely alliterative, as well.

Jason said...

First off - regarding Sen. Schultz: I live in his district, and I can tell you first-hand that there is only one reason Schultz is against this bill: he had no part in putting it together. On the outside he comes off as a gentle, affable man, but in reality, he can be an attention whore and a man who thinks nothing is good enough if it isn't his idea. Schultz is merely waffling because he had no core beliefs - he changes his mind as the wind blows. The fact that his wife is an administrator at Richland Schools plays a part as well.

Second - the GOP taking pay away from these 14 Dem senators is a bigger deal than most think. Most of these people aren't "rich", and missing out on a paycheck or two is a big deal, especially for those living in the Madison or Milwaukee areas. Its something that should have been done as soon as they left.

Chris Phelan said...

It seems to me the best way for the dems to save face is for one of them to "accidentally" get caught visiting home and dragged to the Senate by a trooper. Then all the others come home because the gig is up, and no one can blame the one that got caught because he or she didn't mean to get caught, he/she just got unlucky. It can all be pre-arranged.

Bob Ellison said...

'Did the absconding senators themselves adopt the label "Wisconsin 14"? To my ear, it suggests yippies or lawless revolutionaries. Is that the image they want.'

People on the left yearn for labels, slogans, chants, and the like more than people on the right. This is a cultural separation that I find fascinating. Why does it happen? I'm on the right-- I'm not a joiner; I like the Grouchian notion that a club that would take me is unfit for membership. So I don't understand the leftist yearning for membership.

If rightward people could understand what makes leftward people want to shout "Hey hey, ho ho", and why that makes them feel good, those rightwards might understand much more about politics. Similarly, if leftwards knew why even agnostic, libertarian rightwards tend to dislike anti-Christian attitudes, those leftwards would be wiser.

Henry said...

They could have taken a page from Chad Johnson's book and named themselves the Wisconsin Unoquatros.

Their egos would approve.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

FUBAR 14 is my favorite.

A "Shotgun" Gold said...

Flatulent Fourteen?

Scott M said...

Failsauce Fourteen.

kent said...

"Futile 14!"

Toad Trend said...

Feckless fourteen.

mariner said...

They ARE lawless revolutionaries.

It's the image they should have, regardless of whether they want it.

Unknown said...

garage mahal said...

Uh oh. They must be looking at the dreadful polling that is coming out.

Do you mean the PPP one where Walker supporters were underweighted by 6%?

This is starting to look like all the polls that said how popular ZeroCare was.

kent said...

Barbour to Obama: Why don’t you let federal employees collectively bargain?

Heh. ;)

Anne said...

Basically, they can't come back because they're unable to figure out a way to look good while doing it.

They need to accept the ineluctable end and drag their sorry selves back to Madison and brave the protesters like the rest of their colleagues have had to do.

Almost Ali said...

The husband of the pregnant senator has got to be very unhappy about this situation.

Highly unlikely. They're liberals.

You know: When the cat's away...

kent said...

O/T, but absolutely too frickin' deranged not to share:

Michael Moore: Wealthy Americans’ Money is a ‘National Resource’ [VIDEO]

Anonymous said...

How about "The Feckless Fourteen"?

Or "The Feculent Fourteen".


Carol_Herman said...

Spring Break is coming. (Here, in California's State schools, Spring Break comes with St. Patty's Day. (March 17th.)

My guess is that all the students just evaporate.

While the crowds seem to be turning violent. (Saw it at InstaPundit, that Meade had his camera taken out of his hands. When he grabbed it back the man who took it practically called him a thief.)

The "next ploy" may be to in fact hurt Meade. While I gather you go places, Ann, with a security detail. Isn't it time to make sure Meade's NOT ALONE. And, someone with a back up camera is also there?)

Maybe, too, the "missing 14" want some mayhem, so they can take "credit" for coming back in?


former law student said...

The husband of the pregnant senator has got to be very unhappy about this situation.

Why, is he under house arrest? Did Walker take him into protective custody? Set up roadblocks at the IL border?

Almost Ali said...

Oil: $102.40

Qaddafi rules. Obama fiddles.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ali, by me on Long Island gas is $3.70 a gallon and not a peep from the MSM.

Anonymous said...

As soon as these missing Senators are absent from their desks for 30 days, Wisconsin law says Walker can declare their seats vacant and call special elections to fill them. While those seats are vacant, the Republicans will have a quorum and be able to pass anything they like by 100% votes. And anything that doesn't require spending money they can pass today. Where's voter photo ID and concealed carry? The Republicans are wasting a tremendous opportunity.

traditionalguy said...

They seceded from the Legislature, and voila, they lost their vote in the Legislature. Dumb move. That was how Lincoln got everything he wanted in the US Senate after 1861. I suggest that they be required to pledge not to do it again.

Scott M said...

Why, is he under house arrest? Did Walker take him into protective custody? Set up roadblocks at the IL border?

Not worth debating someone that doesn't have children on this. If you do, in fact, have spawn, please correct me and we'll continue.

That being said, even if he's being a dutiful supportive husband about her decision to flee her job's responsibilities, he's not happy about the pregnancy aspect.

bgates said...

""There's six, seven, eight, nine of them that are starting to say, ‘Listen, we're starting to look like we're out of touch with what's going on in Madison, and it's time to get back.'""


"look like"??

Anonymous said...

I have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or so things to say about this.

First there's more options than just a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, or even i. or j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u or v. or w, x, y.

Almost Ali said...

by me on Long Island gas is $3.70 a gallon and not a peep from the MSM.

Well, the MSM is busy trying to turn yet another Muslim shooter into a prototypical Methodist.

Henry said...

Why, is he under house arrest?

No, he's worried about paying for private school tuition.

Alex said...

garage is spinning the idea that lack of 100% GOP unity = disaster for GOP.

ricpic said...

All garage's post shows is that Walker's biggest headache will not be Democrats, it may be squishy Republicans.

Calypso Facto said...

"FIB 14"

Love that, Isabel! It will definitely be my new moniker of choice for that group.

Real American said...

time for Bounty Hunters to go in and get these fleebagging union tools and bring them back to work!

former law student said...

As soon as these missing Senators are absent from their desks for 30 days, Wisconsin law says Walker can declare their seats vacant and call special elections to fill them.

Do you have a cite to this interesting provision of Wisconsin law?

Not worth debating someone that doesn't have children on this.

We used to go on family outings from Illinois to Wisconsin, so I presume the same is possible in reverse. If not, I see that her parents are still alive, and hale and hearty enough to farm. Their kids could spend some weekends at Grandma's as we did as kids.

Alex said...

Why, is he under house arrest? Did Walker take him into protective custody? Set up roadblocks at the IL border?

The fact that you entertain those things as likely notions speaks volumes about the insane left.

Scott M said...

My understanding, FLS, was that she's very pregnant. That alone would not make a good husband very happy about the situation. Call it an innate desire to protect your wife and unborn child. Secondly, there is a mountain of details to having a baby, as one might guess. Having her hiding out in some hotel in another state complicates all of those plans, not to mention screws up the OB.

Alex said...

Scott - it's a result of modern feminism. The leftist political causes is always more important then the health & well being of a pregnant woman.

ricpic said...

Speaking of $3.70 gas, Bernanke is on record, I kid you not, saying that the run-up in gas prices will have a minimal impact on our, ha ha, recovery and will give us just a wee little bit more inflation, which is almost non-existent in any case. Credentialed up the wazoo and tone-deaf to the roar of the falls straight ahead.

former law student said...

My understanding, FLS, was that she's very pregnant.

Six months pregnant, according to the NY Post. She has a ways to go yet.

Anonymous said...

What you say is true ripic, what I don't understand is with the MSM not mentioning this fact do they really think that the public doesn't know? I filled my tank just yesterday and it came to $80. The economy is in for a world of hurt with this on top of it.

former law student said...

On the other hand, if the 6mo pregnant Julie Lassa went home, would Walker risk the PR nightmare of having state police arrest her and drag her into the Capitol?

MayBee said...

If Democrats hide behind a pregnant woman, that will be truly pathetic.

Alex said...

MayBee - they're no different the Palestinian who hide behind infants while they lob grenades. Democrats and Palis are spiritual blood brothers.

Scott M said...

On the other hand, if the 6mo pregnant Julie Lassa went home, would Walker risk the PR nightmare of having state police arrest her and drag her into the Capitol?

Well, duh, to quote a local troll. That's been on my mind since I heard about her situation. I had originally heard 8 months, though, which makes it a far different thing. Six months is no biggie, speaking as a man.


Trooper York said...

I don't think the governor would arrest her, but since she is a good and very loyal Democrat she should just have an abortion. This way it is no problem for her.

It's no big deal right?

Trooper York said...

They can even give her one of those cool "I had an abortion" T-shirts that are so popular these days.

Scott M said...

It's no big deal right?

It would be interesting to find out if this pregnant senator supported Obamacare. Odds are yes, she did. One would further wonder if she believes health care is a human right. If so, one has to wonder when she think that right is going to kick in for her little unborn human.

Trooper York said...

Or maybe she can get a customized t-shirts.

"I fought that genocidal Hitler Scott Walker and all I got was this t-shirt....and an abortion."

And on the back:

"I did it for the childrens"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Almost Ali said...

Oh, come on, the woman is not a rocket scientist.

Anonymous said...

More interesting facts about Meade from The Awl: he either wasn't really there for Walker's budget address, or he isn't a citizen. Later, a kid barely old enough to shave claims to have built the Capitol.

Phil 314 said...

Palladian and others;

The challenge is make this work for the Wisconsin 14

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

On the other hand, if the 6mo pregnant Julie Lassa went home, would Walker risk the PR nightmare of having state police arrest her and drag her into the Capitol?

No, he won't. The Democrats are looking more foolish by the day. There's no reason for him to step in at this point and save them from themselves.

Michael Mirer said...

Alex, you don't see a little difference between these Democratic Senators and people who aim explosives at civilians? Not even just a little bit of a difference?

MayBee said...

If the pregnant lawmaker does return, Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch should simply visit her home and ask her to return for a vote.

Calypso Facto said...

Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch should simply visit her home and ask her to return for a vote

But only if they bring a casserole!

Phil 314 said...

Slogan for these Senators:

14; its higher than 11!

Anonymous said...

No, he won't.

That's exactly right. When your opponent is digging a hole just stand back and watch.

MayBee said...

From Paul Z's The Awl link:

In a red suit that screamed "Look at me, fuckers" Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch worked the Republican side of the assembly like a brothel's madam

The GOP hates women.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Walker were to "negotiate" under the condition that they come back what is to stop them or any other legislator from any party from pulling that 'absconding card' in the future?

Democrats have put themselves in a box.. in a saving-faceless box.

Fen said...

No, but the Awl apparently does.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I spotted the part about Kleefisch too. I think Abe Sauer may be the guy who yelled "Iron my shirt!" at Hillary Clinton.

Automatic_Wing said...

That article in the The Awl is all snark and impotent rage. It's like a garage mahal comment, only much longer.

Alex said...

No I don't see any difference between the Democrats who want to tear down Western civilization and the Pali bombers. They're the same shit, just different methods.

Chip Ahoy said...

Unoquatros, that kills me all over the place.

It's like the U2 song Vertigo that starts out uno dos tres catorce, which also killed me frequently.

I'm sticking with fleebaggers whenever it comes up which is almost never.

former law student said...

I had forgotten completely about Lt. Gov. Rebecca "Can I marry this table, or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs?" Kleefisch.

Our gracious hostess never mentions the unblinking Rebecca. I wonder why.

MayBee said...

Yeah, I spotted the part about Kleefisch too. I think Abe Sauer may be the guy who yelled "Iron my shirt!" at Hillary Clinton.

ha ha ha ha ha

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch should simply visit her home and ask her to return for a vote"

But only if they bring a casserole!

Aaaaand ..... a shrubbery.


Brian Brown said...

The idea you guys have given the country is it’s just like there’s some constitutional right to collective bargaining

Only ignorant liberals believe collective bargaining is a "right"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Feckless fourteen, FUBAR 14, Flatulent Fourteen, Failsauce Fourteen, Futile 14..

Foolish fourteen..

Mike said...

One way or another I expect that the Wisconsin voters will whack a good number of the Wisconsin 14 at the polls next time. And I think that Walker will lose a few points as well. The old line about regicide applies here. If you're going to shoot at the King--don't miss. But I think that Walker can hold out longer.

Anonymous said...

Only ignorant liberals believe collective bargaining is a "right"

Jay, Haley Barbour was speaking to reporters, so there's that....

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Get back..

Fen said...

I expect that the Wisconsin voters will whack a good number of the Wisconsin 14 at the polls next time

Recall efforts underway now on 12 of them. They may not make it to the next election.

garage mahal said...

I had forgotten completely about Lt. Gov. Rebecca "Can I marry this table, or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs?" Kleefisch.

Yep unfortunately we have some real winner teabaggers we're stuck with, for at least a while. Could be shorter than they think though.

Fen said...

Garage, no. You can't even suck her balls.

Anonymous said...

Teabagger, the last refuge of a beaten man....

Alex said...

Teabagger, the last refuge of a beaten man....
They wouldn't say it unless it had a cultural resonance. F.e., the Maher crowd eats it up big-time.

kent said...

the Maher crowd eats it

Agreed. ;)

knox said...

Breaking: Sen. Schultz Repeatedly Scolds Walker, Calls Union-Busting "Classic Overreach," Says GOP Sen Colleugues Unsure

If a Senator--of either party--is against what Walker's doing, then he's doing something right.

Senators are pretty much all corrupt assholes. You can only hope they do or say something right as often as a stopped clock.

A Senator--again, of either party--supporting the entrenched system?


Anonymous said...

Kent, LOL

Penny said...

"That article in the 'The Awl'..."

It's now linked in the corporate conGLAMOURate, HuffPo, by none other than paid 'reporter', Jason Linkins, whose name you just gotta love because calling him, Jason Reports would just not suit.

But, I digress...

Trooper York said...

For all of you bored to tears from the chanting cheesheads it is time for the American Idol Report.

This blog is going to lose a lot of readers if it doesn't get back to what make it great.

Penny said...

What caught my eye was that after reading three pages of Huff-Po comments, not only were people upset by not having more on-the-ground coverage from that right wing rag, the NYT's, but there was not one mention of the phenomenal coverage that Althouse and Meade have dedicated to this.

When some pondered where to get their news, beyond the Linkins' link ins, one stated they now relied on Mother Jones while a Superuser opined that Al Jazeera was the way to go.

Satirist in the ranks?

former law student said...

it is time for the American Idol Report.

Not if you expect to be tuning into Glee. And they pushed back Raising Hope another half hour.

I liked American Idol better the first time, when it was hosted by Ted Mack and Geritol.

Shanna said...

Not if you expect to be tuning into Glee.

If you're still around, is Glee on this week? I thought it was Tuesdays, but I gave up my cable and now I don't get any channels and I'm watching everything on the internets so I'm kind of lost if the times change. Help! (maybe I should bop over to troopers place)

Carol_Herman said...

"Maher's crowd."

A while back my son bought two tickets so we could go to a Maher concert. (This was just before the governor's election; where Schwartzenegger won. Grey Davis had been recalled.)

It taught me NEVER to believe in a local crowd! The way the audience whooped and hollered against Schwartzengger, I remember thinking, "boy, this guy is gonna lose."

DIDN'T. But it taught me a lesson that the liberals weren't focused on what most people were going to do.

MarkD said...

Since there is a quorum for non-financial business, pass a bill. After so many days of absence, unless hospitalized or detained by law enforcement, a member is presumed to have quit. Special election will be held in 30 days to fill the open seat.

test said...

"Maguro said...

Garage insists that everything is going according to plan."

Emperor Palpatine thought that too.

Penny said...

"Emperor Palpatine thought that too."

Marshall? You are either pre-dating or post-dating beyond my personal understanding.


Could you use different words or examples to help me figure out what you mean?

Revenant said...

Breaking: Sen. Schultz Repeatedly Scolds Walker, Calls Union-Busting "Classic Overreach," Says GOP Sen Colleugues Unsure

I'm pretty cynical about the frequency with which politicians flip-flop... but not to the point where I consider it "breaking news" when one of them sticks to the same story for four whole days in a row.

Seriously, garage -- the leftie blogosphere "broke" this story last Sunday, and "Jay Retread" promptly parroted them here. You're a little late to the party with the news.

Florida Gator said...

From Wisconsin2011 Senate Resolution 3 passed March 2, 2011. Ayes 18, Noes 0

SENATE RULE 13n. Imposing penalties on senators who are absent without leave.
(1) PENALTY. A member of the senate who is absent from 2 or more session days without obtaining a leave of absence under rule 16 shall do all of the following:
(a) Forfeit to the senate $100 for each day that the member is absent without leave. Amounts under this paragraph shall be paid exclusively from the member’s personal funds.
(b) Reimburse to the senate the actual costs incurred in compelling the attendance of the member. The chief clerk shall calculate the costs and submit the result to the president. Amounts under this paragraph shall be paid exclusively from the member’s personal funds.

It's a start!

Henry said...

Penny wrote: Could you use different words or examples to help me figure out what you mean?

The Democrats might give up? It's inconceivable.

MadisonMan said...

it is time for the American Idol Report.

I don't get the Pia love. She sounded like so many other singers. Nothing special. She hit all the notes, and I marveled at the whiteness of her teeth, but other than that?

That young Alaina chick bugs me completely. And Thia -- she sings okay, but the song choice (Was that from Fame?) was wretched.

I dug the kid from Milwaukee, and loved the yellow dress that the toilet cleaner wore.

Zorilla -- is that her name -- was trainwreck bad, and I hope she's gone. If you say I've been waiting this for my whole life in your intro, or This is my moment -- or words to that effect -- you should be thrown out immediately.

MadisonMan said...

Forfeit to the senate $100 for each day that the member is absent without leave.

How similar is something like this to a Bill of Attainment, which is banned under the US Constitution? I've seen that mentioned elsewhere, but IANAL.

David said...

"How similar is something like this to a Bill of Attainment . . . "

That's Attainder, not attainment, and there is no similarity. A bill of attainder is a legislative act declaring a person guilty of a crime.

Nice try.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

IIRC, fines imposed against members may fall under the whole state constitutional thingy that says that the legislature "may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide."

But IANAL either.

Revenant said...

How similar is something like this to a Bill of Attainment, which is banned under the US Constitution? I've seen that mentioned elsewhere, but IANAL.

If the subject of the punishment has a means of avoiding it -- e.g., actually showing up for work -- it isn't a bill of attainder. It is just an ordinary fine.

I suspect it would be overturned on the grounds that it imposes additional requirements on legislative service beyond those required by the state constitution. But I'm not a lawyer either.

M. Simon said...

(Chicago 7) * 2 = (Wisconsin 14)

Scientific Socialism vs the Other Kind of Socialism.

EnigmatiCore said...

I don't know. It is such a cliche incorporating the number.

I kind of like The Departed.

Anonymous said...

In fact, the Bureau of Cliches has ruled that anyone who calls the missing Democrats the "Wisconsin 14" must also call their dereliction of duty "Rockfordgate".

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