March 30, 2011

Schumer overheard: "I always use the word extreme... That is what the caucus instructed me to use this week."

NYT reports.
Moments before a conference call with reporters was scheduled to get underway on Tuesday morning, Charles E. Schumer of New York, the No. 3 Democrat in the Senate, apparently unaware that many of the reporters were already on the line, began to instruct his fellow senators on how to talk to reporters about the contentious budget process.
It's funny to hear it being done, but you already knew it was done. Will they be embarrassed into putting a little more effort into varying their language? I doubt it. They like to pick one label and stick it firmly on. It's pretty effective.


Lincolntf said...

I posted that story on my FB page last night (along with some choice words). This morning I had two responses from Libs practically apologizing for being such scuzzbags. They were genuinely surprised and offended. It's amazing how clueless the rank-and-file can be.

Scott M said...

Will they be embarrassed into putting a little more effort into varying their language?

Probably, but it will be transparent because, just like anything else like this, a small set of talking points will be produced and circulated. The sheer number of left or left-leaning outlets echoing the same terms will expose it for what it is.

AllenS said...

Schumer could care less what anyone thinks. Libs don't get embarassed.

MikeR said...

That was a funny article.
"Then the conference call began in earnest, with the Democrats right on message." No wonder the reporters involved were amused.

The Drill SGT said...

They have no shame.

- bottom line

The Drill SGT said...
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Toad Trend said...

Liberals and the concept of shame are complete strangers.

This is the 'ends justifying the means' part of the playbook.

Goebbels would be proud.

The Drill SGT said...

BTW: It's very rare to get such honesty from the NYT. Do they have it in for Senator Schumer?

Triangle Man said...

Hilarious! Both that this was caught "on tape" and that anyone would pretend that this isn't business as usual on both sides. Staying "on message" is a crucial element of partisan politics.

Beldar said...

Look, the Left is absolutely committed to the notion that the Right has this "enormous echo chamber" -- or sometimes it's a pipe organ or sound machine or whatever -- telling all conservatives what to say.

It's the Left, though, which names its own blogs things like "Talking Points Memo," and that's a phrase that really became popular among its practitioners in the Clinton Administration.

What's funny now to me is watching the talking points pop up like carefully planted mushrooms among my liberal friends on Facebook. It's better than being on those mailing lists myself, for sure.

Uncle Frank said...

Spew adjectives rather than demonstrate facts. It's easy to get away with when a compliant press is involved.

Lincolntf said...

It's not just that they have a co-ordinated message. It's that the message they're co-ordinating is dishonest and designed to smear half of America as "exremists". It's the same bullshit the Dems have always relied on, ginning up hatred and fear so that they can panic the ignorant masses into voting against their own best interests.

Scott M said...

It's the same bullshit the Dems have always relied on, ginning up hatred and fear so that they can panic the ignorant masses into voting against their own best interests.

The GOP used this playbook to get GW re-elected in 2004 with the gay marriage thing. It's despicable regardless of which side uses it.

Lincolntf said...

Really? I remeber the 2004 election very well and I certainly don't remember the GOP leadership spreading the message that extremist homosexuals were bent on destroying the economy.

Scott M said...

I said "playbook", not "specific play". You have to admit we're talking about similar ground here. The GOP needed to gin up it's base and used the gay marriage issue to do just that, regardless of the bigger issues confronting the country at that time.

DADvocate said...

I wonder how many of the Dem senators are brave enough not to be Schumer's boy. What's it take to become "made" in the Democratic mob?

Christopher in MA said...

"The GOP needed to gin up its base and used the gay marriage issue to do just that."

Speaking of talking points. . .

Drew said...

What's funny now to me is watching the talking points pop up like carefully planted mushrooms among my liberal friends on Facebook.

Though it's nothing new, it does seem like the ObamaZombies are absolutely brazen in the way they parrot the talking points. The most obvious recent examples I noticed were how quickly the Madison Mob began blaming everything on the Kochtopus. That and the Fox News-Palm Tree "scandal" that suddenly popped up everywhere on the leftosphere.

None of these idiots knew who the Koch Brothers were on Monday. But on Tuesday they were supposedly causing the Fall of the American Empire.

That, my friends, is what the left does very well.

Original Mike said...

"Will they be embarrassed ...?"

Chuck Schumer is incapable of embarrassment.

traditionalguy said...

Civilized warfare (politics) is shamelessly aimed at confusing the minds of the Public by a mantra of deception. A great political leader can personally connect at a level where the public trusts that they are shooting them straight and have the right targets. The essential ingredient are personality and guts. Give me a Reagan, or a Palin over a Stephenson or an Obama anyday.

Lincolntf said...

I completely reject the "both sides do it" canard. If the Republicans were even half as skeevy as the Dems, I wouldn't be one.

Robert Cook said...

I guess the Dems have decided 20 years after the fact to follow the Newt Gingrich playbook in how to discuss Democratic policies, candidates and elected officials provided to the cadre of right wing extremists who were freshmen Congresscritters back in the early 1990s.

Of course, when referring to contemporary Republicans, the descriptive "extremist", without further elaboration, is dry understatement.

Original Mike said...

I was listening to Brett Hulsey (D - Wisconsin Assembly) on a radio call in debate recently, and I swear 25% of the words he uttered that hour were "millionaires and billionaires." You'd think they'd be coached to mix it up a little, but it appears they are not smart enough to do that.

Original Mike said...

Hey, Cookie got the extremist memo.

Scott M said...

Of course, when referring to contemporary Republicans, the descriptive "extremist", without further elaboration, is dry understatement.

Cook, when did you start writing abstract comedy? What you're not saying here is hysterical. Sad, but funny nonetheless.

If you think the Dems have waited until now to use this tactic, you're high. If you think this current crop of Dem leadership isn't extreme, you're higher.

george said...

There you have it. The Dems admit that they view fiscal sanity as being extreme. In a sane country they would cease to exist as a party tomorrow.

There aren't two sides to this issue. There is sanity and reality and then there is whatever the Dems are telling each other to say in their little fantasy world.

Lincolntf said...

Yeah Robert, the GOP is packed with brain dead and/or evil extremists like Sheila Jackson Lee, Van Jones, Bill Ayers, oh wait... that's not the GOP.

Robert Cook said...

"If the Republicans were even half as skeevy as the Dems, I wouldn't be one."


Oh, the Democrats are skeevy, all right, but the current crop of them (as opposed to the hard-nosed bunch from mid- last century who at least knew how to get things done)are fumbling, scared-shitless,wide-eyed virgins fresh off the farm compared to the gaggle of frothing lunatics, dim true believers, grandiose ignoramasses (sic), larcenous schemers, and Junior Fascists who comprise the Republican cohort in Congress and their spokesbots at Fox News and in most of the mainstream media.

Original Mike said...

My first reaction to this was to shrug. Who doesn't know this is how it's done?

But on reflection it's damn depressing. These Senators have no interest in fixing our budget calamity. All they care about is their own partisan advantage. What will it take for them to care about the country rather than themselves?

Scott M said...

These Senators have no interest in fixing our budget calamity.

If they did, they would have passed a 2011 budget when they were supposed to. Instead, they made then entire thing an election issue.

Stan said...

The most recent commnts by Schumer and Dean have both effectively emphasized the fact that Democrats KNOW they have the MSM in their back pockets and can always count on the story being presented in a way that favors the donkey.

Robert Cook said...

"Democrats KNOW they have the MSM in their back pockets and can always count on the story being presented in a way that favors the donkey."

Obviously, you're one of those Americans who haven't paid attention to anything published or broadcast by the MSM in about 20 years. Or else you're functionally illiterate, blind and deef (sic).

Bayoneteer said...

Schumer being a loud mouthed obnoxious New Yawker fits the GOP narrative of Dem leadership too. Now if they'd only use it in their agit-prop.

Lincolntf said...

Yup, Cookie, that's why the GOP leadership gets it's marching orders from a shitbag who spent his younger years arranging the murders of public servants. Ooops, again that's not the GOP. It's just so easy to confuse the two.

Scott M said...

Are you suggesting that there is no left-leaning bias in the majority of the MSM,whether the last 20 years or presently? That's an awfully big dead horse you are trying to beat.

Christopher in MA said...

Yeah, Cookie, that's why the NYT front-paged, above the fold, John Edwards' screwing around on the sainted Elizabeth. And CBS broke the story of Kermit Gosnell. And ABC outed Jean-Francois Kerry evading taxes on his yacht. And why every time the AP mentioned Robert Byrd, they prefaced his name with "former Kleagle."

I applaud you for your performance art, though. I mean, you can't really be this much of a leftist loon on purpose.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DADvocate said...

Oh, the Democrats are skeevy, all right,...

Did you have to get out the thesaurus for that? An awful lot of words to say nothing.

For the Dems paying your bills is EXTREME, very extreme. Racist and bigoted, too.

Original Mike said...

I don't know if MSNBC counts as the MSM, but I was watching the ED Show after Obama's speech. In the lower left of the screen was a graphic of Obama with the caption "Decisive Leader".

I mean, how blatant does it have to be for you, Robert?

Scott M said...

I don't know if MSNBC counts as the MSM

I'd be perfectly happy in a debate on this subject by letting MSNBC and Fox canceling each other out and continuing from there.

Robert Cook said...

"Yup, Cookie, that's why the GOP leadership gets it's marching orders from a shitbag who spent his younger years arranging the murders of public servants. Ooops, again that's not the GOP. It's just so easy to confuse the two."

Dude...I'm seriously concerned for you. It's time to get off the pipe! Crack is Wack, bro! Meth is Death! Don't Eat Stuff Off The Sidewalk! Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!

Emil Blatz said...

Chuck is the biggest horse's pa-toot in the U.S. Senate.

Drew said...

Will they be embarrassed into putting a little more effort into varying their language?

No, of course not. Always remember that for the left, the ends justify the means.

X said...

this story is like a dagger to his man-tits

Lincolntf said...

Gee whiz, Cookie I was under the impression that Obama's mentor and friend Bill Ayers was a founding member of the Weathermen. You know, that charming group that reveled in slaughtering innocents back when yoor ilk was sure the way to save the world was by launching a bloody civil war in the United States.
Must be a different Bill Ayers. Or maybe the Weathermen was really an a cappella group. History is hard.

Unknown said...

The Demos have loved to catch stuff like this on the other side (macaca, anyone?) for years, but what's fun is, more often than not, it's not somebody with a camera or recorder, it's just their own arrogance and stupidity.

Robert Cook said...

I guess the Dems have decided 20 years after the fact to follow the Newt Gingrich playbook in how to discuss Democratic policies, candidates and elected officials provided to the cadre of right wing extremists who were freshmen Congresscritters back in the early 1990s.

Cook missed the orientation at the Daily Worker where they told everybody how they invented this sort of tactic.

traditionalguy said...

Whether it is Soros and friends (a/k/a Democrats) or the Karl Rove's organisation, they say what we will believe based on past tropes learned when they meant something. Today the Dems are the wealthy fascists and the GOP are the party of the people. Today the Dems are the rascists and the GOP are the individual based color blind guys. Today the Dems allied with the Gaia-Greens are the religious cult masters and the GOP is actually liberals when it comes to religion. But we will never hear that unless a speaker has the guts to say the truth out loud in public, or maybe by Facebook and Internet.

PaulV said...

No, Scott M Kerry lost because his cut and run policy was rejected by the People. The Dems tried to bring up Cheney's daughter during the debates. The People dislike using someone's child to make a point. Ds have no shame. Now Obama has his policy of killing brown people to get their oil.

Scott M said...

I wasn't positing why Kerry lost. I was in the GOP up until not long after the 2004 and clearly remember the attempts to rouse the base using gay marriage. It was a non-issue made into a mountain of one.

PaulV said...

The democrats want to shut down government because they have run debt up so fast they want to change the issue from their utter lack of competence, They did not pass the 2011 budget when it was due because they were ashame of their overspending. They did not pass the 2009 budget because Bush would have vetoed their overspending and the 2008 election would have been different. The 2010election would have been more of a rbuke if they had tried.

Hoosier Daddy said...

These Senators have no interest in fixing our budget calamity.

Nope and it really doesn’t matter anymore because we’re pretty much done, at least in terms of ever having anything remotely resembling a viable economy. Neither side is willing to make the cuts that are necessary to get us back into some semblance of solvency so we’re whistling past the graveyard. There are simply too many people who will insist that they get their share of the pie and just tax everyone more and more and then one day we’ll be like Greece or Portugal except there won’t be anyone to bail us out.

We can eliminate the entire defense budget and every dime spent in Iraq and A-stan and we’re still sitting on a trillion dollar budget deficit all because the liberal left insists that everyone needs a shiny new pony and if there isn’t enough money for that then let’s take it from the most productive segment of society because damn it, it’s just not fair they have more.

So let’s just cut to the chase and do what will eventually be done and just jack up income tax rates to, oh, I don’t know, let’s say 45% marginal starting at $30K on singles making over $50K annually (hey, that’s big bucks for no one married and no kids) and starting at $50K on married couples making $100K. Actually those aren’t arbitrary numbers but about the rates we need in order to start making a dent in the debt while maintaining current spending (yes because there will never ever be any substantial spending cuts in anything).

ken in tx said...

Rush has been demonstrating this for years. He plays audio montages of Democrat spokespersons, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and others using the exact same words to describe some political event.

Scott M said...

Rush has been demonstrating this for years.

"Gravitas" comes to mind.

Toad Trend said...

@emil blatz

"Chuck is the biggest horse's pa-toot in the U.S. Senate."

Anthony Weiner is worse!!!

Robert Cook said...

"History is hard."

Um..."History is Bunk" if you believe that Bill Ayers has any influence at all on Democratic Party policy or on Obama, who loyally serves the interests of Wall Street and the American Empire as faithfully as have his predecessors.

Alex said...

Of course, when referring to contemporary Republicans, the descriptive "extremist", without further elaboration, is dry understatement.

Prove it.

Alex said...

Robert Cook wants to promulgate the meme that ALL Republicans are birthers and conspiracy nuts.

Robert Cook said...

Scott M. said:

"If you think this current crop of Dem leadership isn't extreme, you're higher."

Oh, I do believe they're extreme. Extreme cowards and lying pretenders to a "progressive" agenda they threw under the bus during Clinton's administration, (if not actually earlier), extreme panderers and lapdogs to the same Wall Street criminals and corporate overlords as are the Republicans, and extreme-ly good at carrying on as Republicans-lite while gulling their base into thinking they can't vote for anyone else because, after all, what other choice is there?

ricpic said...

It's EXTREME to balance the books!

prairie wind said...

the liberal left insists that everyone needs a shiny new pony and if there isn’t enough money for that then let’s take it from the most productive segment of society because damn it, it’s just not fair they have more.


Except that many, many liberals DO have more, much more. This isn't what they really think--they don't really want their own rich to give up anything. This "issue" is only a tool to divide the nation.

Lincolntf said...

Yeah, Cookie, I know. All the mean rich people on Wall Street are responsible for your miserable lot in life. Waaa-waaa-waaa.

michaele said...

I remember how Al Gore in 2000 always worked in the word "risky" whenever he talked about any GOP economic plan. It was so predictable and boring.

Scott M said...

I do remember that. It was punctuated childish moans, groans, and eye-rolling whenever GW was talking.

Hoosier Daddy said...

...extreme panderers and lapdogs to the same Wall Street criminals and corporate overlords...

All that's missing is a reference to imperialist running dogs and someone to cue up the International to complete the trope.

The Crack Emcee said...

Some days, I'm so far ahead of the curve it's scary.

Robert Cook said...

"All the mean rich people on Wall Street are responsible for your miserable lot in life."

I'm fortunate...I still have a job and I can afford to pay my rent, so I have a place to live. My lot in life is fortunate and not miserable.

The millions of Americans, however, who are jobless (or underemployed) or homeless, who cannot afford health insurance, who are hungry or without prospects can lay blame for their circumstances directly at the feet of the thieving swindlers on Wall Street who who have raped this nation of its wealth and who continue to do so.

Lincolntf said...

Yup, the evil fat-cats post sentries at the doors of every poor person in the country, physically barring them from improving their lot in life. What a sad and confusing world you must live in.

The Crack Emcee said...

Robert Cook,

You're as bad as Glenn Reynolds.

Funny, but I never had to mention Wall Street when I wrote this.

I'd say the bigger problem is lockstep liberals like you.

Alex said...

Cook - define to what is wealth and how is it created in a free, capitalistic society.

shiloh said...

blood slander, blood libel, porkulus, Obama care, statist, activist judge, socialized medicine, birther, deather, truther, death panels, they’re gonna take away our guns, illegal aliens, govt. bailout, (((refudiate))) ;), held hostage, ground zero mosque, death tax, marriage penalty, fair and balanced, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, Willie Horton, Hitler, Islamo-fascists, Communists, Socialist, Marxist, wealth distributor, liberal media, pro-business/family/life, states’ rights, civil liberties, strict constructionist, you're either w/us or against us, "we're" makin' progress, America, love it or leave it yada yada yada

ie ailes, safire, atwater, turdblossom's m.o. in their scorched earth hate, fear, misinformation, diversion campaign tactics of the last (40+) years.

AA as a die hard conservative, you should already know you'll always have liberals beat in the meaningless minutiae deflection dept.

take care, blessings

Alex said...

AA as a die hard conservative, you should already know you'll always have liberals beat in the meaningless minutiae deflection dept.

take care, blessings

you see this is what I mentioned yesterday. Lies, insults all done in a supposedly "polite" tone.

Alex said...

2010 New York United States Senatorial Election

Chuck Schumer (D-Inc.) 3,047,775 67%
Jay Townsend (R) 1,480,337 33%

What does it say about the people of New York state that they re-elect this SCUMBAG by 2-1 margin? Draw your own conclusions.

Robert Cook said...

"What a sad and confusing world you must live in."

It's called reality, and for many millions of people, it is indeed sad and confusing.

The Crack Emcee said...


This is what I mentioned yesterday. Lies, insults all done in a supposedly "polite" tone.

I do remember you saying that, word for word.

The Crack Emcee said...

Robert Cook,

It's called reality, and for many millions of people, it is indeed sad and confusing.

Fine, Robert, but if you admit you and they are sad and confused - and we're telling you we're not - then why would you argue with us about the nature of the problem?

shiloh said...

Let the record show, at Althouse, it's an insult to be called a die hard conservative! :-P

and TCE has a good short term memory re: Alex the parrot ...

'nuf said!

Phil 314 said...

I actually think that went rather well for Sen Schumer. He was caught in preparing spin, got a little flak for it and then later in the day said (though a spokesman)
Well, its true

I think its time fore a Chuck Schumer reality show.

Methadras said...

As I said, Leftards and democrats are shameless Marxist shills without an ounce of sincerity or propriety in their shit sack bodies. And conservatives are the ones who have to endure being called wingers, unlike the unhinged dead-bolter leftards. They don't understand the word or the meaning of shame much less experience such an emotion.

Methadras said...

KenK said...

Schumer being a loud mouthed obnoxious New Yawker fits the GOP narrative of Dem leadership too. Now if they'd only use it in their agit-prop.

Schumer/Weiner cut from the same marxist cloth. This is nothing new to either of these human pot stickers. They could care less as long as they keep their seats of power in check and they get their illustrious committee chairmanships intact come next election cycle. They need to be hung high.

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