March 9, 2011

Protesters are locking the Capitol doors shut from the inside using metal handcuffs, Meade reports from the scene.

He told me that just now, by phone. He got out, and is warning others not to go in. Obviously, it's a terrible fire hazard to make it so people cannot get out of the building easily. Presumably, protesters think it's a good idea to keep the police out, but it is dangerously stupid.

ADDED: Meade called back to say, some of the doors are handcuffed shut and some are wide open. "ANYBODY CAN GET IN AND ANYBODY CAN BRING ANYTHING IN. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY WHATEVER."

AND: Meade — who just got home at 9 CT — says the police have the "fairly calm jocose" attitude that they've had all along. They have no riot gear, he said. The place is "swarmed" with protesters. Photos and video soon.


chickelit said...

This could easily become the Madison Left's collective Sterling Hall moment.

Watch out Meade!

Anonymous said...

The Francis Fox Pivens moment has arrived!

Mr. Bingley said...

Well, it's just like those rethuglicans acted every time votes didn't go their way...right?

Jason said...

New tone.

Remember...all for the kids. And "working families".

Revenant said...

Remember when ObamaCare passed, and Tea Partiers reacted this way?

Yeah, me neither.

mike said...

Any idea what they expect to accomplish by this? Are they planning on not allowing the legislators to leave the building i.o.w. is this a hostage situation?

Anonymous said...

I guess that this means the new civility bullshit is officially over?

Kevin said...

They intend to physically keep the legislature from assembling tomorrow to vote.

Mob rule...

James said...

They are probably trying to prevent the Assembly from meeting tomorrow and voting on the bill that passed the Senate earlier tonight.

Christopher said...
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kate said...

is meade safe? saying a prayer for him.

DaveW said...

This makes me want to support unions and vote democrat.

chickelit said...

Mob rule...

Trash Wednesday!

wv = filth

Christopher said...

Dangerously stupid is their brand.

wv: rehypers.

Kevin said...

It would be interesting to know Wisconsin law - can the legislature assemble elsewhere to vote?

If I were Walker, I'd be having a chat with the commander of the Wisconsin National Guard - given the attitudes of the local police, I'd bet that using the Guard will become necessary before this is over.

Almost Ali said...

Turn on the "Ed Show" (MSNBC): He's got the 14, and they ain't happy.

Oh, there they go... running their mouths.

North Dallas Thirty said...

This is now officially a riot.

And Obama owns it.

Barack Obama paid for, organized, and is putting on this riot.

Repeat ad nauseum. This is what Barack Obama wants. This is what Barack Obama believes. Barack Obama thinks that, if laws don't go your way, you form a violent mob and riot.

Look very closely, America. The pictures you see from Madison tonight are of Barack Obama's worldview. If you oppose him, your family, your friends, your business, your home, and your children will suffer the same fate.

Make your choice.

Chennaul said...

Ed Schultz Show MSNBC just showed ten of the Badger 14 in a studio somewhere-wow-the gal that was tweeting about her absentee ballot-



Bryan said...

Can the Senate vote somewhere other than in the Capitol if there's a security/fire hazard issue ongoing there?

Hank Rearden_WI said...

Welcome to Obama's America

tree hugging sister said...

is meade safe? saying a prayer for him.

Oh, yes! And for the capital and for democracy itself, as well.

Stupid fools. When the first one falls they'll all be wailing and gnashing their teeth, while pointing fingers in every direction but the right one.

Jason said...

Teachers from Madison Teachers Inc. are trying to organize a walkout tomorrow. No school likely in Madison tomorrow.

But yeah...these people are underpaid.

Anonymous said...

Are they chanting, "This is what democracy looks like"?

Brian said...

Tea partiers would not behave like this, but realistically, they could not have done so even had they wanted to, given the difference between security in our national capital and security in Madison, WI.

Brian Hancock said...
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FloridaSteve said...

So what is it about these jackasses that inspires reasonable people to follow them? anyone? Buehler?

Chennaul said...

Risser: He broke the rules.

It's disgusting!

Mark Miller: It is a sad,sad day and Walker should be ashamed of himself!

Anonymous said...

a protester saying 'walker is making us do this'

Almost Ali said...

Now they want to vote present.

From Illinois.


Brian Hancock said...

Why aren't they chanting "this is for the children", but "union power"?

Reaction says a lot . . .

Glad Meade is safe

Thurken said...

Is there no law or rule of common sense these idiots won't violate? Locking the doors is a glaring fire hazard, and they'll be the first ones screaming bloody murder about how unfair it is that a fire threatened/hurt them. Idiots.

Is this what the Democrat party in Wisconsin is reduced to? Running away from their responsibilities, padlocking doors to public buildings (violating those laws Ds love to put in place, not to mention common-sense safety), calling people names???

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that Rs won last November so overwhelmingly, if this mob/chaos is all the Ds can collectively do.

Clue to Ds: gather peacefully. Protest peacefully. Clean up after yourselves, like we tell our children to do. Go on record during the debate (which they skipped) opposing the measure. Build momentum for the next elections, win, and fix it. Or lose, and realise that the voters don't agree with you.

What you should not be doing is getting violent, calling people names, locking up buildings, etc.

Chennaul said...

wait...did one of them just mention the "ballot box"?

roesch-voltaire said...

Local news reports one window broker, no arrests so far, and a great deal of anger. Along with the thousands who have already been organized to collect recall signatures, there is talk of a general strike.

Anonymous said...

So are the "jocose" police on the protesters' side?

The Occupationistas are planning to be there all night. I don't see how it is possible to maintain this level of anger for more than a few hours. They're gonna burn out.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a bad feeling about these crazy people and their behavior. Seems almost like somebody wants them to get hurt. or something....

MayBee said...

Weren't we just hearing about people getting locked in a building is what happens in right-to-work states?

Triangle Shirt Waist Capitol Building.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sounds like Walker is going to have to call the Nat Guard to restore order..

Its the 1968 Democrat Nat Convention all over again.. if you remember it helped the GOP.

I don't want anybody to get hurt.. but these tantrum helps illustrate to the non protesting voters the craziness of their demands.

Anonymous said...

Glad Meade is safe.

The tantrum continues...

Of course the Tea Partiers acted like this - Fox News and the Koch brothers covered it up.

tree hugging sister said...

Video inside the rotunda from a local reporter.

Methadras said...

Can I haz teh new civility?

Methadras said...

roesch-voltaire said...

Local news reports one window broker, no arrests so far, and a great deal of anger. Along with the thousands who have already been organized to collect recall signatures, there is talk of a general strike.

You do understand that if there is a general strike, they will be fired and replaced.

Automatic_Wing said...

Public sector workers of the Wisconsin unite! You have nothing to lose but your cushy job and generous fringe benefits!

Anonymous said...

"You do understand that if there is a general strike, they will be fired and replaced."

One can only hope . . .

AFG said...

Chennaul said...
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Issob Morocco said...

Is it too late to have the Tea Party come in and clean?

David said...

"I've got some handcuffs and my doors are wide open."


MayBee said...

Reposting this now irony-rich warning from FLS

former law student said...
Unions got us:


Are you living in the past?

As unions disappear, the bad old days for workers come back.

In 1911, before the ILGWU, 146 women sewing clothes in a burning New York factory either died from the fire or leaped to their death because their management had locked them in.

Couldn't happen in modern times, right? No need for unions in current America.

Except that in 1991, in a "right-to-work" state, 25 people processing chicken in a burning North Carolina factory, died from the fire, because their management had locked them in. Although the plant had had three previous fires, the building had neither sprinklers nor fire alarms.

But why have a union? Surely individuals can negotiate individually for better working conditions. Surely today's management is concerned for the welfare of its workers.

3/9/11 4:15 PM

tree hugging sister said...

Greta Van Sustern was just asking a WI-D in undisclosed location: "How did they 'steal democracy from the people' if you just got outmaneuvered?"

chickelit said...


wv = arret


j'accuse le jocose!

Tom Royce said...

"I do not seek the good of others as a sanction for my right to exist, nor do I recognize the good of others as a justification for their seizure of my property or their destruction of my life." - Atlas Shrugged

Chennaul said...

Wait...what the hell...

Our governor is a LIAR...blah, blah...

My favorite candy as I always say is Nowalaters!

Oh wait it gets better-

(sweatshirt guy)

Pearl Harbor!

Anonymous said...

Does this make Gov. Walker a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination?

I say, yes.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Can't the protesters come up with something interesting for a change? Doing the Capitol thing again is boring. It's like watching reruns of Amercian Idol.

JAL said...

Is it safe to suggest that the Wisconsin Dems -- left in general -- the union -- have jumped the shark here?

I just went back and looked at your (Meadehouse's) picture of the ceiling of the rotunda.

It looks like a fabulous jewel.

To treat the elected representatives in a democracy in this mob rule way is appalling.

The tea party certainly have lots of material for 2012 between NPR and Wisconsin Dems.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh BTW.. NPR executive..

How do those tea partiers look to you now?

Chennaul said...

No way!

You got "arret"...


Skyler said...

This reminds me of how the Bolsheviks assumed power in Russia.

wildswan said...

CNN is reporting that the building is empty

Showing how New Media Meade has scooped them

Jason said...

"The tea party certainly have lots of material for 2012 between NPR and Wisconsin Dems"

Needless to say, they wont have to do much to make a whole bunch of commercials for the next election cycle.

jr565 said...

Meade called back to say, some of the doors are handcuffed shut and some are wide open. "ANYBODY CAN GET IN AND ANYBODY CAN BRING ANYTHING IN. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY WHATEVER."

Isn't this the level of security that libertarians want on airports? People can bring anything in. Isn't that the whole point? Sounds kind of unsecure.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I tell you so far..

Cristie has been mostly talk.. while Walker is Walking the Walk.

Walker Palin 2012

Terrye said...

And what are they chanting?

Gimme Gimme Gimme

gimme free stuff.

screw the people

screw the voters

gimme gimme gimme.

Brian said...

I wonder if there's any rule that requires the Assembly to meet in the capitol building. As against, e.g., meeting in a conference room somewhere in Madison and broadcasting it on Ustream just as Mr. Sheen does.

David said...

Note to Walker: Do not bring in the national guard. Or the state police. Or any such.

Let them do their thing. If they trash the capitol, so be it.

Tomorrow, members of the legislature should show up to do their business.

If they are turned away by a mob, they should go back the next day. And the next. And the next.

Then take some more polls and see if opinions are shifting again.

Honest to God, if these people want mob rule, let them have it. The voters will tire of it quickly.

Do not give them the violent confrontation (some of) them want. The rest are being used as tools, and they will be the ones hurt.

Anonymous said...

So what's the lesson here, kids?

I think it is that protests mean nothing. Maybe the influence of the Sixties has finally come to an end.

All the loudness, the theatrics, the posturing... all the Leftists blogging and tweeting and ranting and raving... it all has no effect whatsoever; it's just feel-good group therapy.

The only thing that matters is winning elections.

Obama won in 2008 by lying about what he would do, making strongly-worded promises that he didn't keep. That's the path to getting what you want.

Chennaul said...

tree hugging sister

Thanks for the link.

Almost Ali said...

Walker Palin 2012

Ah, getting warm.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mutaman said...

I'm glad Larry made it home. I know he has to get up early and go to work tomorrow.

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, I guess the "show must go on." Glad Meade got out safely. And, always wondered (because I know this is true at Caltech), that you could walk underground from one building to another. And, I just can't imagine this isn't also true in Madison. (You know. Buildings have basements.) BELOW the basements are other ways of access.

While the "big bill" will be when the Wisconsin "runaways" return. And, try to present a bill to cover their out-of-state expenses.

As to Governor Walker, he already has to know he doesn't have the local police watching ANY republican back! (Perhaps, just shut down the building?) Why provide a circus tent? The story is KNOWN.

There's nothing left that is "unknown."

le Douanier said...

I love, absolutely looooove, how we're supposed to be simultaneously apoplectic that the doors are both locked and wide open at the same time.

The minds at Meadehouse are cracking.

[At least they're not alone, in Madison tonight.]

Anonymous said...

Time to go to bed.

The endgame hasn't entirely played out yet.

Chennaul said...

Honest to God, if these people want mob rule, let them have it. The voters will tire of it quickly.

Do not give them the violent confrontation (some of) them want. The rest are being used as tools, and they will be the ones hurt.


Almost Ali said...

Note to Walker: Do not bring in the national guard.

I would not only bring in the National Guard, I'd supply 'em with free beer. Lots and lots of it.

Anonymous said...

bumper sticker on Walker's official car:


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wonder if there's any rule that requires the Assembly to meet in the capitol building.

There was something about fleabaggers inside the Capitol..

So Walker should probably fumigate before starting the session again.. for the safety of the lgislators ;)

traditionalguy said...

This riot shows how desperate, dazed and defeated the Union Bosses will be in the White House during their daily visit tomorrow. Obama will have to pass around his cigarette pack and lighter to all of them who will be taking up smoking again.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shanna said...

I still don't understand why they can't just protest outside. This is idiotic.

Steel Turman said...

And so it begins ...

... please don't give Zippy a reason to declare martial law.

Because he will ... protect the Republicans.

MayBee said...

I love, absolutely looooove, how we're supposed to be simultaneously apoplectic that the doors are both locked and wide open at the same time.

You understand what happens to a crowd in an emergency if all but a few doors are locked, right?

Fred said...

Simply move official legislative business to a secure location .. the Wisconsin Capital is now the sovereign territory of the leftists, backed by the union police departments.

MadisonMan said...

I'm curious to see what happens on April 5th.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I still don't understand why they can't just protest outside. This is idiotic.

It's cold out there!

le Douanier said...

"You understand what happens to a crowd in an emergency if all but a few doors are locked, right?"

Is it the "chaos" depicted in a newer Althouse post?

bgates said...

I don't see how it is possible to maintain this level of anger for more than a few hours.

I know I'd have trouble with it, but these guys have been going from Nov 2000-right this second, with a single three month break from Nov 08-Jan 09.

wv 'outandes'. When it came time to vote, the Dems were outandes all over now but the screaming and property destruction.

Steve Koch said...

I'm amazed the good people of Wisconsin put up with this crap.

How can the security be so pathetic? Isn't Walker in charge of capital security, isn't he in their chain of command somewhere?

Security needs to be restored.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, LEM "ARMIES IN THE NIGHT" ... one of Norman Mailer's best books.

This? Not quite the convention in 1968 that gave Hubert Humphrey a chance to fail. And, Nixon a chance to win.

Since this is all being done for its "visual effects" ... What happens in a few hours? Is the drum being designed to keep everyone awake?

Are the windows broken so food can be brought in?

As topics go, how, exactly does this work out, ahead? (Back in the early 1950's, there was ON THE WATERFRONT. Told you all you needed to know about longshoremen being thugs.) Then came container shipping. And, longshoremen couldn't find work, no more.

Thugs need unions.

Politicians? What if unions hamper their exploits?

Will schools really be closed, tomorrow?

Unknown said...

I know some people are saying, "Let them hang themselves", but this is the time to call out the Nasty Guard. Too many opportunities for real trouble. Clear the damned place and secure it. If the cops won't do it (where is the Committee for Vigilance when needed?), the Guard is going to have to.

MayBee said...

Weren't we just hearing about people getting locked in a building is what happens in right-to-work states?

Triangle Shirt Waist Capitol Building.

The word Reichstag also comes to mind.

pbAndj said...

I love, absolutely looooove, how we're supposed to be simultaneously apoplectic that the doors are both locked and wide open at the same time.

The minds at Meadehouse are cracking.

I think he just wet himself.

PS For the benefit of the intellectually challenged (i.e., Lefties), the Committees of Vigilance were formed in San Francisco when the crime rate not only got out of hand (2000 murders in 1 year and 4 arrests), but the police showed themselves unwilling or unable (both, actually) to do anything about it.

The responsible people of the town apprehended several of the worst malefactors, gave them a fair trial, and hanged them. Their point made, the Committee disbanded once it was assured the bulk of the roughs had departed for other pastures.

Shanna said...

I still don't understand why they can't just protest outside. This is idiotic.

It's cold out there!

That might be a problem for a southerner like me, but shouldn't Wisconsin folks be used to it? Psshaw. Wear a coat if it's so important.

Unknown said...

Watched the UpTake stream...I feel like I'm watching a clip from the Bolshevik Revolution, but it's in color, there's audio and the people don't have that funny fast-walk. I'm confused.

Unknown said...

Watched the UpTake stream...I feel like I'm watching a clip from the Bolshevik Revolution, but it's in color, there's audio and the people don't have that funny fast-walk. I'm confused.

rcocean said...

Any Guillotines? Any Big-breasted women waving a flag accompanied by a drummer boy?

I never knew Wisconsinites were so passionate. This would never happen in Minnesota. They're serious people who elect New York comedians to the Senate and obey the rules.

Anonymous said...

the crowds seem noisy rude politically illiterate and probably very smelly, but not dangerous yet

Revenant said...

Seriously, though, I can't even bring myself to get angry at the rioters.

They overplayed their hand, big time. They will be lucky not to go to prison for this. The building will be cleared out, by SWAT teams or National Guard if need be. The perps will be locked up, the bill will be passed -- and everyone's a winner. Well, except the rioters.

Don said...

Michael Moore declared this as war.


Where and when you fat ass piece of crap?

To say loathing comes to mind when I see this and hear someone as stupid and incredibly lame as this tubogoo is stating it mildly.

We need to take a lesson from the left. A lot of lessons. And dole them out... one at a time.


The Pathetic Earthling said...

The Governor can always call a special legislative session elsewhere if need be:

Article IV, Section 11: The legislature shall meet at the seat of government at such time as shall be provided by law, unless convened by the governor in special session, and when so convened no business shall be transacted except as shall be necessary to accomplish the special purposes for which it was convened.

Dagwood said...

Who knew there were so many Greeks in WI?

Mutaman said...

"The responsible people of the town apprehended several of the worst malefactors, gave them a fair trial, and hanged them."

Great idea. The responsible people in Duluth did the same a while back. It was after a fair trial too.

Anonymous said...

"Oh BTW.. NPR executive..

How do those tea partiers look to you now?"

Heh, BANG...............ZOOOOOOOM!

Christopher said...

Hey Ann, I wonder if Meade heard anything out there tonight about this disturbing report (just one graf in a long item), posted by a blogger at NRO that I'm not familiar with:

Following the vote on the bill, GOP senators were hustled out of the Capitol via an underground tunnel that takes them to a government building across the street. For the past few days, senators have made this walk and been loaded onto a bus that takes them to their cars parked in a remote area. Yet after the vote, protesters had apparently caught wind of this process and surrounded the bus full of senators. One witness told me he had seen protesters surrounding the bus and trying to rock it back and forth.

Could be a freshly minted urban legend what with the one source, but still...

MayBee said...

Here's an example for you, pbandj-

Chicago's E2 nightclub stampede in 2003.

North Dallas Thirty said...

Barack Obama's paid and purchased mouthpiece Michael Moore is calling for civil war.

Again: Barack Obama is screaming for unions to openly rebel and violently attack their elected legislatures.

Barack Obama wants his union leaders to destroy, damage, and ruin public property.

Barack Obama wants his union thugs to violently threaten, harass, and attack Republican and conservative leaders, tea partiers, and their families.

Barack Obama has called for war. Violent, bloody, physical damage war.

Make him own it. Barack Obama owns this riot. Barack Obama paid for, organized, and fully supports this riot.

MadisonMan said...

They will be lucky not to go to prison for this. The building will be cleared out, by SWAT teams or National Guard if need be.

No one will go to prison for this.

Using a SWAT Team or the National Guard would be a poor choice, IMO, by the Governor. Especially so if the people in the Capitol are just being in the Capitol.

Revenant said...

Barack Obama's paid and purchased mouthpiece Michael Moore is calling for civil war.

The Republicans won the last Civil War we had. Maybe he's hoping for best two out of three.

MayBee said...

Maybe your stampede wasn't deathly, but just caused mass bodily injuries.

Almost Ali said...

After 50+ years, the Marxist cycle has finally been broken.

And tonight I'll sleep like a baby.

Revenant said...

Using a SWAT Team or the National Guard would be a poor choice, IMO, by the Governor.

Letting a mob prevent the Legislature from meeting would be an even worse choice. I'm assuming he took an oath to defend the state's constitution, which does guarantee representative government.

If he lets mob rule overthrow democracy just because it is politically convenient, well... he should be ashamed of himself.

Shanna said...

Using a SWAT Team or the National Guard would be a poor choice, IMO, by the Governor.

But if something did happen and government did nothing they would get blamed anyway...

They broke into the building to be completely obnoxious. They should start calmly hauling them off the premises and establishing order.

MayBee said...

Oh, huh. My post didn't go through.

My last comment was referring to the Madison football stadium stampede of 1993. All those harmless Wisconsites!

MadisonMan said...

Letting a mob prevent the Legislature from meeting would be an even worse choice.

That's a hypothetical that hasn't happened.

The Musket said...

Revenant said "Remember when ObamaCare passed, and Tea Partiers reacted this way?

Yeah, me neither."

And remember Glenn Beck acting like Michael Moore and saying we should all go out and take over government buildings.

Yeah, me neither.

le Douanier said...


I realize that such is a problem. [For some reason, I halfway remember this being a reoccurring problem in India.]

But, come on, you must be able to realize that the meadia is trying to spin the readers here.

DADvocate said...

I guess we'll have to punch back twice as hard. Har! Har! Ah, Obama, the left and their language of violence led to this.

Mob rule, unbridled greed, deep corruption. Let's hope no one ends up dead. Given the complete lack of respect for democracy and the rights of others, I wouldn't be surprised if things got much worse.

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. - Robert A. Heinlein

LTC John said...

"I would not only bring in the National Guard, I'd supply 'em with free beer. Lots and lots of it."

If it is New Glarus beer, I'll see if WI will take me, despite being ILARNG...

edutcher - using the term "Nasty Guard" shows something that I don't think you want showing.

MayBee said...

are you there, PBandJ?

Tully said...

Life imitates South Park, with but one single solitary word changed:

Cartman: "Yep, that's what I thought. See that? You've got a drum circle in your rotunda."

Elderly Woman: "Oh, well they showed up a few days ago, but I didn't think they were hurting anything."

Cartman: "Yeah. You know, I had a guy in Jackson County. He had a little drum circle in his backyard. It turned into a drum circle four miles in diameter. You get a few hippies playing drums and next thing you know, you got yourself a colony."

Elderly Woman: "Oh dear."

jr565 said...

Don't bring in SWAT, just put in some stink bombs and wait till people leave.

MadisonMan said...

Just as an aside, the two fb friends I have posting from the Capitol report anger and frustration, but it's as peaceful as ever.

Choey said...

The solution is simple. Lock all the doors except one from the outside. Then turn off the electricity and heat and don't allow food deliveries. Anyone who wants to can leave by the one open door but no one can go in. The place will be empty in 48 hours.

le Douanier said...

"are you there, PBandJ?"

Jeez, I'm a simple country boy. Why get all existential on me?

le Douanier said...

"The solution is simple. Lock all the doors except one from the outside. Then turn off the electricity and heat and don't allow food deliveries. Anyone who wants to can leave by the one open door but no one can go in. The place will be empty in 48 hours."

Wouldn't it be faster if they simply locked the restroom doors?

Marvel Goose said...

nothing that a pair of bolt cutters can't fix

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

All the loudness, the theatrics, the posturing... all the Leftists blogging and tweeting and ranting and raving... it all has no effect whatsoever; it's just feel-good group therapy.

Unfortunately, judging from the MSM headlines and stories, the American people are being told tales calculated to paint the invaders as civil-rights heroes, and the Governor and Legislature as crooks.

This won't be over till it's over, the battle is 80% public relations, and the MSM owns most of the powerful weapons.

Don't give up, bloggers!

The Musket said...

If you live in Wisconsin you might want to think about homeschooling. Here are some links to the Wisconsin law covering homeschooling and support groups.

Revenant said...

And remember Glenn Beck acting like Michael Moore and saying we should all go out and take over government buildings. Yeah, me neither.

I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not. Mostly because neither I nor anyone I know listens to Moore or Beck. :)

DADvocate said...

...but it's as peaceful as ever.

It only takes one idiot to change all that and there's more than one in there already for sure.

Revenant said...

Letting a mob prevent the Legislature from meeting would be an even worse choice.

That's a hypothetical that hasn't happened.

Yes, it is just hypothetical. But that's what I'm predicting will happen. That's why I think the protesters will end up going to jail -- doing that would violate quite a few laws, state and federal alike.

I dunno, maybe they'll just bitch and moan for the next 12 hours and then go home, but I doubt it. But if they do, hey -- so much the better.

Revenant said...

It only takes one idiot to change all that and there's more than one in there already for sure.

The Democratic senators are back already?

David said...

Letting a mob prevent the Legislature from meeting would be an even worse choice. I'm assuming he took an oath to defend the state's constitution, which does guarantee representative government.

If he lets mob rule overthrow democracy just because it is politically convenient, well... he should be ashamed of himself.

They aren't going to overthrow anything. They are going to mill around and cause damage and try to provoke an incident to change the subject. Yes they are a mob. If the mob takes over the legislative house, move the legislature to another house.

It won't take long for the people of Wisconsin to turn on the mob. Plus they are not a real mob. They are playing one on Facebook.

vbspurs said...

I'm paying a flying visit on Ash Wednesday to this old blog HQ of mine -- just to say briefly, but sincerely, how much I have enjoyed the continued Wisconsin coverage by both the Professor and her trusty onscene reporter-hubby, Meade.

They say blogs are dying. The hell I say -- not as long as blogs like this can offer first-hand reportage like NOTHING the mainstreamers have done so far.

Much love to all my peeps, new and old, on Althouse.


CREN said...

Can anyone confirm this??? It doesn't surprise me, but, I want confirmation.

RT @MaxTwain: #wiunion liberals attempt(ed) to tip over bus carrying GOP senators.

---about 2 hours ago

le Douanier said...

I'm sure vbspurs meant to additionally compliment Althouse for her continued defense of you know who.

You betcha.

jamielandes said...

Good to see you vbspurs!

george said...

I am very disappointed Walker did not take this opportunity to set up a voucher system. Then you would not have to worry about unions gaming the system or about unsustainable pension plans.

And the WI teachers would get to prove how they are worth what they are being paid by their performance instead of by their political contributions. It will take systemic changes like a voucher system to remove the rot from an education system where teachers abandon their charges to protect their political clout.

Freeman Hunt said...

Yikes. I hope they are okay. That is very dangerous. It would be much better to use something that could be easily removed by any random person in an emergency.

The Musket said...

"And remember Glenn Beck acting like Michael Moore and saying we should all go out and take over government buildings. Yeah, me neither.

I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not. Mostly because neither I nor anyone I know listens to Moore or Beck. :)"

The day or two after the health care vote Beck told his listener to not get violent - that we needed to fight it in peaceful, legal ways - at the ballot box. You can't avoid Michael Moore's reaction to this - it's all over, and if Beck had said what Moore said, that would have been front page news for weeks.

Freeman Hunt said...

What if someone has a medical emergency in there?

Alex said...

Notice that according to the polls the people of WI are with these rioters and not Walker.

orbicularioculi said...

If the local police and State Police can't provide security for the citizens of Madison then it's time to fire them all.

Call in the National Guard.

StevenInBrooklynNY said...

Can't the Assembly Members drive to a hotel in Illinois and vote there?

jamielandes said...

"Alex said...
Notice that according to the polls the people of WI are with these rioters and not Walker."

Unless the issue riles them to the point they vote out all the Republicans, even the good ones, in a wave of discontent, it matters not. The only polls that matter are the ones at the ballot boxes every other November.

tyreea said...

In England, in the years before their War of the Roses, the differing political factions refused to peacefully respect the rulings of their judges. The knights and their retinue would camp outside the courthouse and intimidate the judges to rule in their favor. After this breakdown in the rule of law the long dynastic struggle commenced, leading to possibly the bloodiest battles on English soil.
Those on the left have forgotten so much of what should be remembered, and replaced it with half truths, slogans and stickers. And escalating violence. Remember to tell your children who started with the escalating violence.

chickelit said...

Hey Victoria!

Glad to see you here!

Anonymous said...

Why does the word "putsch" come to mind?

Almost Ali said...

What if someone has a medical emergency in there?

There's a First-Aid kit inside the janitor's closet near the south door.

Kristophr said...

When you hear the words "General Strike", you can pretty much be sure there is a wobbly ( IWW member ) talking.

Unknown said...

As our beloved Michelle Malkin would say (if she weren't in the middle of a real crisis of her own) .....


Revenant said...

Along with the thousands who have already been organized to collect recall signatures, there is talk of a general strike.

Oh noes! The entire 6% of the private sector workforce will be thrown into chaos!

Fen said...

Well, I guess thats one way to get less government.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

There are political perils here. Calling in the national guard could result in bad optics for Walker. Better, I think, to hold the vote somewhere else, pass the bill, and then move on. The rioters can't hold out all that long. If a general strike is called (such a silly idea) then just fire them. I imagine that's all it would take. Walker will undoubtedly take a political hit, but the next election isn't until 2012. The Republicans won the election, and like it or not, they have control for now. It's impossible to know what things will look like down the road. It's incredibly likely that balancing the budget and breaking the public unions will be beneficial for the Wisconsin economy--that is, after all, why they're doing this. Short term pain, long term gain. And the state might be split on the impasse, but a vast majority did not like the Dems leaving the state to avoid the vote. It shows that public opinion on this issue is volatile. Fortune favors the bold.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be faster if they simply locked the restroom doors?

Um. No. I don't even want to think about that.

Ragnar said...

This could escalate in a bad way...

Jessica Gray said...

Then why did the Fire Chief tell the CAPITOL POLICE not to handcuff the doors shut, if it's the protesters doing it?

I'm sure this will get posted and won't die in the lunatic echo chamber of lies or anything. *snort*

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