March 22, 2011

A protester sits in the center of the Capitol rotunda floor, day after day, with posters spread all around, facilitated by Democratic Assemblyman Brett Hulsey.

The last few times we've gone to the Wisconsin Capitol, we've encountered a woman who sits on the floor, right in the center of the rotunda. You can see her in this picture from March 15th [and at 1:39 in the video here]. She spreads posters (and a display of buttons) right where visitors are most likely to want to stand to gaze up into the dome. Children love to lie down there for dome-gazing. But this woman has appropriated the spot — not just for sitting, but for a display of anti-Walker signs.

Now, there is a list of rules about what you can't do in the Capitol, and one thing is: post signs. This is perhaps a good law school exam question: Are signs arrayed on a horizontal surface posted? Meade — Flip camera in hand — started to interview the woman about that. No sooner does the questioning begin than WI Assemblyman Brett Hulsey shows up to ask the woman whether Meade "is behaving himself"....

The woman tells Hulsey Meade's question, and Meade amplifies the issue by asking "What's to stop you from getting, you know, 100 times this number of signs and spreading out into the whole rotunda and spreading out into all the hallways?" She says: "I don't think there's anything with that except I have to pick them up at the end of the night."

Hulsey answers: "Personal restraint." Meade says: "Is that it? Personal restraint?" We see that Hulsey has turned his back and is walking away (as Meade is in the middle of thanking him). Then, hilariously, the woman volunteers: "Brett is nice that he told me that when I bring these in, I don't have to take them with me at night. I can go store them in his office overnight."

The camera pans to Hulsey, who has turned back toward Meade. Hulsey has a sheepish frown-grin on his face. Meade says "Truly?!" The woman says "yes, yes" as Hulsey nods his head a few times. Hulsey says: "We believe in free speech."

Meade: "So, you're not only approving, but you're facilitating?"

The woman: "He's not facilitating. I only just asked him if I can, I said, I come here with signs. I just asked him if I could store the signs in his office overnight and he told me I could."

There's overtalking as Hulsey says "We believe in the First Amendment, freedom of speech" and Meade is asking her if she's in Hulsey's district and the woman says "I'm in Madison, but not his district. I have friends in his district."

Now, we are in Hulsey's district, and Hulsey knows it, because Meade has talked to him on several occasions. Meade goes after Hulsey, who is turning again to walk away, and asks him, "Do you have 5 minutes?"

Hulsey lets out a long "uuuuhhhhhh" then says: "Actually I... t-t-t-to discuss what?" Why should the subject matter affect whether our assemblyman has 5 minutes to talk to Meade? Especially if he's big on free speech, the subject shouldn't matter.

Meade: "I wanna ask you questions and, uh, get your thoughts and opinions..."

Hulsey interrupts to say that Meade should make an appointment with "Terry" — "because I'm on deadlines with a couple things." The deadlines didn't stop him from darting right out to protect the rotunda-sitting lady from Meade's questioning, and indeed, when Meade goes into the office to make the appointment, Hulsey's assistant says "This is a slow week."

So... deadlines... slow week... What's the deal?

UPDATE: So, in the video you see Hulsey's assistant scheduling his appointment for 2 days later. Today, Hulsey's office called to reschedule and canceled the existing appointment (without giving him a new one). Evasive? But he's was right there when papers-on-the-floor lady seemed to need help answering Meade's questions. And, he was also right there — in video Meade took — when another legislator fell flat on the floor of the rotunda after slipping on papers protesters had put there!


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well he's obviously a lying politician. But, I'm being redundant.

Carol_Herman said...

I think the wrong video is embedded, because it's Meade at Heg's statue, talking to the gum-chewing lawyer fella.

As to the seated woman ... inside the Rotunda ... THIS TIME I saw it as an impediment to those who want to walk inside. Her leg's extended way out. If she did this in New York City, doctors would be amputating what's left of her broken leg.

Uncle Frank said...

Bring your own signs to Hulsey. Ask to leave them in his office.

TMink said...

What's the deal?

Same old deal.

Manipulation and control with a heaping helping of lies.

Have you not been to this establishment before? The menu is permanent.


MadisonMan said...

Not a fan of Hulsey. I would have voted against him, if he'd been on the ballot (Berceau is my Rep)

wdnelson93 said...

Sounds like a scene straight out of "Yes, Minister"

Meade said...

"Bring your own signs to Hulsey. Ask to leave them in his office."

Let me guess what his answer will be: "[U]uuhhhhhh" [...] Actually I... t-t-t[that is NOT exactly what Democrat-cy looks like]."

Lincolntf said...

Ha ha ha ha... that was priceless.
I swear, Meade, if it was practical I'd fly up to Madison myself to do a walk-around with you. The looks you get from people, and their obvious discomfort in your presence, just cracks me up every time.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
granmary said...

Typical union bought and paid for Democrat politician. He has plenty of time for the protester who doesn't live in his district, but none for one of his constituents who may not agree with him.

Ann Althouse said...

@Carol_Herman ... that's some kind of computer glitch about how it displays for you. It's coded right. Here's a work around: click here.

Headless Blogger said...

Meade has stones. Are you offering that on a t-shirt?

Not me, I choose to avoid confrontation and will not go to Madison until this occupation has ended. No Farmer's Market or eating tours of State Street with Nichole & JM this year. My loss, but I will survive.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

If the signs are not "posted" then walking over or wiping your feet on them would not be defacing them.

lawyapalooza said...

Yet another lame attempt to drum up controversy where none exists. It's a public building. It's the First Amendment. Not an interesting exam question at all, because the answer is so simple. Perhaps if you spent more time teaching rather than constant blogging and self-important trips to the capitol, you could come up with something better.

Toad Trend said...

The fix is in.

Elected officials, whether they like it or not, represent ALL of the people in their district.

I'd put this guy to work, Meade.

Mr. D said...

Meade continues to kick butt and take names.

Painting Tips said...

LOL! I don't think Meade is ever going to top James O'Keefe! This presentation is meaningful or significant.... how?

vbspurs said...

I think of all the video encounters, this is the one which is the most worrisome. So we have an Assembleyman who is not only in sympathy with the protesters, but is actively colluding with them. But his partisanship doesn't stop there; no, he also plays favourites with voters, denying the ones he doesn't agree with, his time, his attention, his courtesy.

This is disgusting because it hits home with me, sitting several thousand miles away.

I hope some enterprising full-time journalist picks up this story, and goes to interview Mr Hulsey about his behaviour.


Sal said...

I'm going to sit on the rotunda floor all day with a sign saying, "Brett Hulsey is a fascist tool"

And I'm going to sit right next to this woman, on one of her signs.

And I'm going to eat lots of beans the night before.

(Ok, not really. I live in Washington state)

Lincolntf said...

As for the horizontal posting question, I'm thinking of the wheelchair icons painted on the ground to indicate handicapped parking spaces. While they're usually complemented by traditional signs, I don't think a Traffic Court-type Judge would let you claim that it was "unposted" if only the painted symbol was present.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Run Meade run! against Hulsey of course.

vbspurs said...

The camera pans to Hulsey, who has turned back toward Meade. Hulsey has a sheepish frown-grin on his face. Meade says "Truly?!" The woman says "yes, yes" as Hulsey nods his head a few times.

You can see, though he's nodding and politician-like, thinking of a comeback on his feet, that he's biting his lip, thinking:

"Oh crap, why did that dim woman have to mention that I help her out with the signs"

Meade said...

"I hope some enterprising full-time journalist picks up this story, and goes to interview Mr Hulsey about his behaviour."

But that's exactly what I'll be doing on Wednesday afternoon 3:30.

Ann Althouse said...

"Perhaps if you spent more time teaching rather than constant blogging and self-important trips to the capitol, you could come up with something better."

Uh... I wasn't there. You'd have gotten a much better view of the dashing Meade if I'd been wielding the camera!

In any case, it's full of law. There's a very interesting rule interpretation question and an important First Amendment issue.

How can I spend more time teaching? My classes are at particular times. Should I barge into some other classes at the law school and take over? Should I accost law students in the library and pepper them with questions?

Seems to me I'm teaching law right here, but you are a bit of a slow learner!

vbspurs said...

Uncle Frank wrote:

Bring your own signs to Hulsey. Ask to leave them in his office.

Bingo, Uncle Frank! YES YES.

Drew said...

To quote one of the lefties' favorite chants: "The whole world is watching," . . . and it steels our resolve to vote out [i]more[/i] Democrats next time.

Anonymous said...

What happens when someone slips on the signs and gets injured. Who is at fault the protester and Hulsey?

Drew said...

I hope some enterprising full-time journalist picks up this story, and goes to interview Mr Hulsey about his behaviour.

They won't, . . . which is why we need citizens like Meade to do the job.

raf said...

The big deal is that Meade had a video camera.

wv: brotr. Blogger is exasperated.

Toad Trend said...


Enlist some friends in your district and request and keep as many appointments with Brett Hulsey as you can.

As long as the appointments are legit it will make it difficult for him to dodge.

This is one good tactic that can be employed to engage the Alinskyites.

Drew said...

What happens when someone slips on the signs and gets injured. Who is at fault the protester and Hulsey?

That's the point at which the protester gets thrown under the bus.

vbspurs said...

Lawpapalooza wrote:

Perhaps if you spent more time teaching rather than constant blogging and self-important trips to the capitol, you could come up with something better.

My God, it must absolutely drive your side to distraction that there is a citizen who is taping these things for the world to see how the protest went down in Madison, WI, and how the Left behaved.

All the childish, petty, deranged attitudes displayed by both professional protesters and your average American will be there forever, unable to allow you to point out in future harangues: "you're lying, that never happened", like you do whenever you're caught out.

And to this, you can only muster frustrated cries of "go back to teaching!", you absolute sexist person.

Who are you to tell a woman what to do?

Because don't doubt for a minute that you would've told Ann to "go back to the kitchen", if she had been a housewife.

You're just a more restrained version of the kid who threatened her with "WE WILL F*CK YOU UP", and don't you mistake it.

Unknown said...

The woman sounds nice, at least, but don't all those signs present a hazard in terms of slip and fall (don't know how good the footing is, but a lot of paper and junk underfoot can't be helpful...)?

Ann Althouse said...

"Perhaps if you spent more time teaching rather than constant blogging and self-important trips to the capitol, you could come up with something better."

Uh... I wasn't there. You'd have gotten a much better view of the dashing Meade if I'd been wielding the camera!

"the dashing Meade" - they're still honeymooning.

You love it, right?

PS Assuming I'm right and you took my suggestion for one of the T-shirts, I'm honored.

wordsmith2 said...

The point about posting of handicapped spaces on the ground is well taken, but those have a permanency that this protester's signs do not (in that they are taken up at night). In a commonsense definition, "posting" would imply affixing signs, which this woman evidently is not doing.

However, if these are loose signs on the ground, that would make them a safety hazard (if people choose to walk on them) and, alternatively, a means of restricting access to the public space (if people sensibly choose to walk around them). Particularly in the center of the rotunda, their placement infringes the rights of other users to appreciate our beautiful capitol building.

So if Meade is going to ask Hulsey some questions, perhaps the safety and restricted-access issues should be included in the conversation as counterpoints to Hulsey's "free speech" meme.

Cedarford said...

Great piece. I'd say that story needs to be widely circulated in media and in the Republican ranks.

Does that mean that next time anti-abortion activists show up they can spread hundreds of signs across the floor, unbothered by cops and store them in sypathetic Republican assembly reps offices each night?

What if someone steps on a sign walking by doing other business, slips on it and falls to the hard marble floor - cracking ribs, breaking an elbow or hip. Or, like a pal, rips his ACL in half and had to sue the store.

Maybe if Meade ever gets his 5 minutes with Hulsey, he can ask him who is liable if someone slips on one of the dozens of posters she's scattered about. The Woman? Her facilitator Hulsey? Or "the vast resources of The State of Wisconsin".

Carol_Herman said...

3:30 Wednesday! And, national attention on this Hulsey character's "LUV" of free speech!

At least, Meade. because you live in his district, he's gotta know you won't be voting for him, ahead. I guess some union member will have to counter this with stuffing the ballot box, hm?

Are there odds you get to use your camera if this dude keeps the "appointed time?"

Polite people walk around signs.

I wouldn't. Oh, and I might like to say, "sorry, but I just stepped in dog shit," as I roll my foot over one of the "pieces of paper."

These people are certifiably crazy.

Oh. And, among the questions I'd like to see asked of Assemblyman Hulsey: "When he stores this paperwork overnight, is that the reason she hasn't got enough signs to spread throughout the Rotunda?"

And, I'd like you to ask him about his "flight." Did he have a good time in Illinois? Did he run out of underwear?

Just in case you can't bring your camera in, wouldn't it be sweet if you could pull a James O'Keefe. That kid has a way of getting video without looking obvious.

lawyapalooza said...

"Seems to me I'm teaching law right here, but you are a bit of a slow learner!"

Maybe. But I did very well in your classes when I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican. Took a couple weeks. maybe that's slow.

Irene said...

3:30 tomorrow? If only I could get a hair salon appointment that soon.

Steven said...

Your use of the phrase "day after day" makes me think of the Beatles. But the Wisconsin Capitol isn't on a hill, is it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like garbage on the floor - obviously not "posters".

So they should be walked over, picked up or she should be charges with littering.

Anonymous said...

The safety concern alone is enough not to allow this to happen. The protester and Hulsey are complete morons when it comes to common sense.
If she's there for my next visit I intend on walking on every sign on the floor.

Carol_Herman said...

@MarkG. I thought you lived in Utah.

vbspurs said...

Children love to lie down there for dome-gazing.

This is what struck me as the video started. You can see the sneakered feet of the kids, as they approach the posters.

You see, this lady isn't mean. She sounds well-meaning.

But the thing about these kinds of protesters is that they show in a hundred little ways how thoughtless they are for the rest of us. Just small things, like coopting a space that perhaps others could enjoy too, if not for their presence.

And if questioned, some of the more militant ones would bark out that their cause is more important than citizen comfort.

The slur of being 'self-important' that Ann received is nothing more than projection -- a very common trait with the Left. In fact, you can depend on it being used.


Carol_Herman said...

By the way, in the commercial world, where you see magazines dying on the vine, it would be a pretty good guess that some forms of "getting the word out" really doesn't work.

Yet, again, I am learning how polite the people in Madison really are. If I lived there, I'd come by with a ream of paper. And, I'd make paper airplanes. And, I'd toss them around. Hey, if it needs a political message of some sort, I'd run the ream of paper through the Xerox first. So there would be the appearance, if you chose to pick up a paper airplane: "Hulsey is a jerk who knows nothing about business modeling successful campaigns."

Not that I expect much from flee-baggers.

Christopher in MA said...

"But I did very well in your classes when I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican."

It must have taken all your strength to keep from standing up and screaming "BURN HER!" musn't it, you poor dear?

Cedarford said...

johnvert said...
The safety concern alone is enough not to allow this to happen. The protester and Hulsey are complete morons when it comes to common sense.
If she's there for my next visit I intend on walking on every sign on the floor.

If there is any justice, it will be a "look the other way!" cop that skids on a poster and has a lost time accident. Or a busy Dem staffer.

Seriously, this is nuts. It is one thing to put posters, paper signs on lawns, rough texture sidewalk away from normal traffic and another to have cops and legislators and protestors condone strewing dozens on an already slick floor in a high traffic area in a working building with thousands of employees and visitors around.

An accident and lawsuit waiting to happen...especially since regs saying no posters, signs allowed (in part for THAT VERY SAFETY REASON) are being flouted by Reps and law enforcement.

Dan from Madison said...

The look on Hulsey's face is priceless when she drops the dime on him. If a face could say "oh shit" without muttering the words, that one did.

Ann Althouse said...

Remember, we have video of a Democratic legislator walking into the center of the rotunda and slipping on papers people had put on the floor (ironically, a pile of peace signs).

vbspurs said...

Ann Althouse wrote:

Remember, we have video of a Democratic legislator walking into the center of the rotunda and slipping on papers people had put on the floor (ironically, a pile of peace signs).

And if you were truly the meddling person you and your spouse are accused of being, you could heighten the situation by pointing these two videos out to Capitol staff.

"These posters on the floor pose a hazard. If you doubt that, look at this legislator slipping, previously".

Instead, you're just videotaping scenes for the world to come to their own conclusions. And for this, you must be shamed into silence.

Caroline said...

It's amazing how easily common sense is trumped by ideology these days. I mean really, what if everyone wanted to lay their crap out on the floor like that? What an idiot that guy is for encouraging antisocial behavior. He is right to look sheepish.

Someone should stage a slip and fall just to make a point that what this representative is encouraging is potentially dangerous.

Steve Ducharme said...

I don't man to be overly snarky here but...

DUH?? What the hell do you think it means.

galdosiana said...

Surely if Brett Hulsey is such an advocate of free speech, he would equally protect the rights of people who want to spread out their pro-Walker posters and signs throughout the Capitol Rotunda. Maybe on his trip there tomorrow, Meade could take a few signs and ask Hulsey to allow him to store them in his office during the overnight hours and to make sure that they are allowed to be on display right next to that woman's signs.

Anonymous said...

You guys up in Wisconsin are having all the fun. My daughter works for the Florida Legislature and I'm sure she could use some excitement! But Florida cops aren't the sweet dumpling that Madison cops appear to be. If that had taken place in the Florida Capitol Retunda it would have been mass chants of "Don't tase me bro!"

traditionalguy said...

We should cut the Democrat guy some slack here. He is being a friend to retarded person. Like Alito, we need to have more empathy with the pain of these hungry losers sitting down helplessly awaiting a few free pizzas. The Scalia rules seem harsh.

lawyapalooza said...

"But I did very well in your classes when I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican."

"It must have taken all your strength to keep from standing up and screaming "BURN HER!" musn't it, you poor dear?"

Actually, no. Instead of having to think through various sides of an argument like I had to do in other courses and as an attorney, all I had to do was take the obvious route. Kind of like most of you here, except my approach had a purpose. You guys tend to believe everything she says, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary (take a look at random shots of the protesters, and tell me how many Hitler signs you see, as a simple example). It's very, very easy to show you a tiny slice of the pie and allege that it is representative of the whole. It is sad that so many of you drink the Kool Aid without quesitoning it. But hey, like in law school, that makes things easier, doesn't it?

DADvocate said...

Meade needs to take over 60 Minutes.

AllenS said...

Here's aquestion for Hulsey:

"One of the rules about what you can't do in the Capital, is post signs. Do you consider that rule a violation of free speech?"

If he says, yes, ask him what the Capitol would look like if every square inch of the building was covered in signs.

flenser said...

I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican.

One of those people, eh? And infiltrating a law school too! Perhaps Ann should be required to have a yellow "R" sewn to her clothing to aid you in identifying the enemy.

Lincolntf said...

Lawyapalooza, you're either stupid or dishonest. We have gotten all the other news from Wisconsin and it's been fawning, fraudulent and fake. (and a few other sites) has actually sent people to see what's happening rather than relying on the partisan media. The death threats, the mob violence, the vandalism, etc. have all been documented despite the best efforts of people like you to distort reality and project a placid, reasonable image of the protesters.
They're the worst that America has to offer, and the sooner people realize it the sooner their grubby asses will be hauled out of the Capitol and they'll be sentenced to cleaning up the garbage and spray-paint they left behind.

Anonymous said...

I stand partially corrected. I called a Florida Capitol Police Officer that I know and he said as long as she wasn't blocking any exits or entrances they would allow her to sit with the caveat that her signs would become part of the floor and subject to be walked on. So I guess a single protester would not be run off.

Christopher in MA said...

"All I had to do was take the obvious route."

Are you saying that instead of "think[ing] through both sides of an argument," you merely shut your mind off and pandered to what you believed was Althouse's bias? Rather a waste of tuition, I'd think, but to each his own.

"Take a look at random shots of the protestors and tell me how many Hitler signs you see, as a simple example."

Ah, but WHOSE random shots? Those taken by the Make-Believe-Media or those taken by New Meadea? The first have an obvious agenda in portraying the union goons as born again Tom Joads. And I suspect you believe Althouse's agenda is just as easily identified - she's a "closet Republican."

And, again, it's the obvious, blatant double standard that's being protested. One Hitler sign at a Tea Party rally (even if it is carried by a LaRouchie) smears the entire movement (res ipsa loquitur, as my old granddad used to say), yet Hitler signs at an anti-Walker rally are supposed to be considered in isolation and not used to make an assumption about the whole.

Sorry. I don't buy it. You are screaming "burn her!" even if it is couched in pretty words.

Michael said...

Lawyapaloza: Did you provide answers that you thought pandered to your professor's political beliefs? What kind of person would do that instead of writing on the matter as you saw it, as you had studied it? Do you believe that the law is plastic, that it can be twisted this way and that to please a political point of view?

So, are you one of those lawyers who determines his client"s or his opposition's politics before you take a position? Or do you always blow off conservatives as dumber than you?

Derve Swanson said...

NewMedia needs to hire a kid -- a big kid -- to just kick her papers out of the way, and lay down gazing up at the ceiling.

See if Hulsey comes out, either to protect the woman from the child, or the child's right to enjoy his Capitol too.

Tell me they're still not banging drums and chanting?

ps. Your new husband looks kinda grey around the gills. Think of all the bugs he's picking up there, and the lack of sunlight, and maybe get him a new assignment? Poor pallor, fwiw.

JorgXMcKie said...

"Seems to me I'm teaching law right here, but you are a bit of a slow learner!"

That's very generous of you. Especially when he goes on to make unsubstantiated claims about taking classes from you.

Unfortunately for him, it didn't take any of us long to figure he's not only a Lefty but a moron.

KCFleming said...

Ha ha ha.

Lawyapalooza got absolutely played in law school.

He believed that by giving Althouse the answers he thought she wanted , he was 'winning', when she almost certainly recognized a student who was schmoozing rather than thinking and wasted none of her time on you.

Gawd, I woulda paid to see that.

vbspurs said...

Surfed wrote:

If that had taken place in the Florida Capitol Retunda it would have been mass chants of "Don't tase me bro!"

As another lady wrote to me once, VOUCH!

Florida cops are not to be messed with. Sure, they're union, but we're a Right-to-Work State, which makes ALL the difference in law enforcement taking no crap from any protester.

And it's an attitude that spills over to others. When Kendrick Meek (who ran for Senator recently and was trounced) staged a sit-in at then Governor Jeb Bush's office, to protest some legislation, Jeb had him and others locked in for the night.

You don't play bully in Florida.

JorgXMcKie said...

I think Meade should find someone with kids around 5-7 years old and take them to the Capitol building and have them ask the "nice woman" to move so they can lie down and stare up at the dome. If she refuses, have the kids call her a "mean woman who hates kids" and start crying. That would make a good video.

bagoh20 said...

"I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican. "

She voted for Obama, dumb ass.

But you did inadvertently reveal a truth: That a Republican needs to stay in the closet on campus at Madison. Opposing views are unwelcome. Like all liberals you have a quite rational fear of the truth. It's incompatible with your belief system. Pick one.

JohnJ said...

Another obvious question for Hulsey is whether proponents of various causes may stake claim to areas of the Capitol. I suppose we could quibble about the size of the areas, but, like the old joke, once we agree on the principle, it's simply a matter of working out the details.

Anonymous said...

How can I spend more time teaching?

Maybe you could start a blog and post videos and links to articles that promote critical thinking skills? Wait, teaching requires students who recognize that they possess ignorance that needs to be replaced with experience, wisdom, insights, or information that the teacher possesses.

Lots of empty chairs on the left side of the room...

coketown said...

When you reschedule your appointment, wear Groucho glasses and use an alias. I picked that little tactic up from James O'Keefe.

PaulV said...

any constitutional law exam questions about free speech, protesters at capital, liability of sovereign state and slip/fall lawsuits?

autothreads said...


Prof. Althouse is posting here under her own name, willing to subject her views to the scrutiny of others.

You, on the other hand, are just another coward using the anonymity afforded by the internet to fling some feces, thinking it will amuse you and the other members of your tribe of chimps.

Of course if you identified yourself, that would expose you to the fact that some of your classmates and teachers quite possibly don't think as highly of you as you do.

Ronnie Schreiber

autothreads said...

a closet Republican

Lawyapalooza implicitly admits that the rest of the faculty are reflexively and openly left wing.

Headless Blogger said...

"I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican."

We don't declare party affiliation to vote in Wisconsin. The only capital-R Republicans in the state are politicians and their ilk. I seriously doubt that Ann is a member of any political party (she would have blogged it, if so).

Althouse may be at times express conservative views, but by the standards of Waukesha or Knox or Maricopa Counties, she might be better labeled as a Progressive. What a myopic Madison view.

vbspurs said...

Lawyapalooza wrote:

(take a look at random shots of the protesters, and tell me how many Hitler signs you see, as a simple example). It's very, very easy to show you a tiny slice of the pie and allege that it is representative of the whole.

You're intellectually dishonest if you believe that's why Ann Althouse, or any other "right-winger" points out the Hitler signs at the protests.

People point out the signs because it has been a mantra of the Left that Tea Party members haul out their Obama-as-Hitler posters in their rallies, which, in turn, lowers the tone of civility of national discourse.

Your lot claims this is representative of the hateful rhetoric used by the Right.

Pointing out the posters of Walker-as-Hitler is just a way of debunking that myth that its only one side, as well as noting the hypocrisy of the claims about wanting civility in politics.

But you don't get that, do you? You're too busy thinking you're so much smarter than your law professor and whomever doesn't share your political point de vue.

You're pompous, conceited, and worst of all, obvious.

vbspurs said...

Bagoh wrote:

She voted for Obama, dumb ass.

That's not all. If I remember she voted for Carter, she voted for Mondale, she voted for Dukakis (after being for Jesse Jackson), she voted for Clinton, she voted for Gore, she voted for Kerry, and then later, for Obama.

But for having had the temerity of having voted for George W Bush, she is labeled a Republican.

Sofa King said...

Hulsey is a coward. A lily-livered, yellow-bellied, chicken-shit little coward. Quoth the Bard, "a most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality."

Meade said...

She did not vote for Kerry.

In fact, her series of posts on "How Kerry Lost Me" were the second thing she did that caused me to develop a crush on her.

Tully said...

Looks like littering to me. And it's creating a pedestrian hazard as well.

Could I walk into the capital and throw, say, old newspapers all over the floor without any penalty?

Drew said...

Wasn't Hulsey also the guy who let the demonstrators in through his window that fateful evening they stormed the Capitol?

MadisonMan said...

But the Wisconsin Capitol isn't on a hill, is it?

It's on a Glacial Moraine, if I'm remembering right.

Toad Trend said...

Why do Fls/lawyapalooza need to tell us that they were lawyers/went to law school???

Do they think it creates an aura of intelligence around their posts?

sane_voter said...

Meade, please go stand in the middle of the rotunda when she leaves her spot, like when you were interviewing her. If she starts whining about free speech being trampled, or goes running off to get Rep. Hulsey, it'll be great video.

sane_voter said...

I would also like to see Meade be first into the rotunda one morning and find out if the kind Rep. Hulsey or his staff have already laid out the signs for the simpleton union member.

Deloras said...

This is "posting a sign" and she needs to be told to pick them up. They are notices, signs, comments all are "posts" if they are left on a wall or left on the floor. No difference. As a Wisconsin resident I am very, very wary of this lack of respect and in your face attitude of the Assemblyman and this person. They keep pushing the envelope and I am sick of it.

vbspurs said...

She did not vote for Kerry.

Ah, I trampled myself in my elephant charge. :P

Alex said...

But I did very well in your classes when I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican.

Even if she were a closet Republican, so fucking what dipshit?

Alex said...

BTW I drink tiger blood & I am WINNING!!!!

jaed said...

In fact, her series of posts on "How Kerry Lost Me" were the second thing she did that caused me to develop a crush on her.

OK, someone has to be the one to ask. What was the first thing?

MamaM said...

Personal Restraint???

I'm unclear as to what personal restraint actually involves and how it is determined.

I see two concentric circles of posters arranged on the floor, with the third circle incomplete. Was it personal restraint that prompted her not to complete the third circle?

Is it personal restraint that impels her to pick them up at night? Not according to the answer she gave.

MadisonMan said...

were the second thing she did that caused me to develop a crush on her.

I feel compelled to ask the obvious: What was the first?

Consider it a rhetorical question.

MadisonMan said...

LOL @ jaed.

AlphaLiberal said...

Yeah, why won't Hulsey just stand still so Meade can throw darts at him?

Bad news for Meade: Legislators are actually busy people and don't meet with people at the drop of a hat. Even if you're Ann Althouse's spouse.

Don't like it? You're free to leave the state! Right? just like you say to public employees who don't want their rights taken away and their take home pay slashed.

AlphaLiberal said...

It's odd. I know how fair-minded Ann Althouse is (in her own mind) and everything. But sometimes she has different standards for the right vs left.

Here's a case of someone stealing and destroying a bunch of recall petitions. This is the kind of story Althouse writes about - but only if it's done against a Republican.

River Falls police were asked to track down and find a suspect who had made off with a batch of Sen. Sheila Harsdorf recall petition signatures late Sunday afternoon. The alleged theft occurred on the sidewalk near EconoFoods. The male suspect pretended he wanted to sign the petition to recall Harsdorf but instead swiped the forms with signatures and drove off.

Ann Althouse, aspiring Fox News reporter (not a compliment).

Meade said...

"Don't like it? You're free to leave the state! Right?"

That is exactly right. But I like it here and I've only just begun my work here.

But you're wrong about legislators being "busy people and don't meet with people at the drop of a hat." Sometimes they are busy but most of the time they are not. Right now, the Wisconsin assembly is not in session. I've met with several legislators "at the drop of a hat" simply by walking into their offices and waiting until they got off the phone or whatever.

Do you want to meet me at the Capitol tomorrow, Alfalpha? I'll introduce you to my senator.

vbspurs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AlphaLiberal said...

Now, we are in Hulsey's district, and Hulsey knows it, because Meade has talked to him on several occasions. Meade goes after Hulsey, who is turning again to walk away, and asks him, "Do you have 5 minutes?"

So, Meade has spoken with the Rep numerous times. The Rep has made himself available (he should no longer).

But that's not enough. Meade wants even more of the Rep's time.

For what? Why to play "gotchya!" And Meade and ALthouse think it's terrible and rude for a Representative not to be a pinata for Meade. Get over yourselves!

No-one is under such an obligation. It is not reasonable to think you have a never-ending claim on a Representative's time. Especially if you're like Meade and Althouse and will just crap all over that Rep anyway.

Hulsey should avoid those two.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, I'm not surprised the 3:30 Wednesday appointment got canceled.

But is Hulsey surprised that this is now flashing about the Internet?

Ann, you said it about Jim Shankman having an Internet reputation, and how sad that made you feel. Do you know, I agree?

So Hulsey has managed to soil himself. He fears another episode where he gets videotaped.

Definitely a politician who cannot handle the spotlight.

Like I've said, before. This story has grown a set of legs just like Betty Grable's.

AlphaLiberal said...

Funny how changing some words around, changes the meaning.

vbspurs, I am referencing a point made by Meade in another of these dumb videos, last week. There were public workers there who were unhappy with their collective bargaining rights being stripped from them and their take home pay being slashed.

Meade's response was that if they don't like it, they should leave the state. A real wellspring of compassion, that guy.

I live here and I lived here before Meade. He bitches about Wisconsin and Madison a lot.

That's why I say if he doesn't live it, he should leave it.

And take the missus!

Meade said...

"public employees who don't want their rights taken away and their take home pay slashed."

Their take home pay is not being slashed. They even agreed to the cuts once they comprehended the more radical reforms that were in the offing. Also, the right they are losing -collective bargaining on benefits - as you know, is statutory, not constitutional. They still have their statutory right to collectively bargain for salaries.

You want to focus on a statutory right that's partially being lost. Fine, but the real story is the radical reform of the collusive, corrupt, and antidemocratic partnership between the public employees unions and the Democratic Party in Wisconsin that has been metastasizing for 50 years.

DADvocate said...

Hulsey should avoid those two.

YEAH!!! Fits right in the Lawyers, Guns, & Money approach.

You're smarter than us, you see through us, we're elite liberal politicians, you're underlings, go away!!

AlphaLiberal said...

Alabama is nice this time of year, Meade. Go tell them how to conduct their affairs.

DADvocate said...

public employees who don't want their rights taken away

What constitutionally protected rights do they have that will be taken away? Or, are public employees entitled to rights that the rest of us aren't?

AlphaLiberal said...

Braniac Meade:

Their take home pay is not being slashed.

Really? How do they pay more for their medical and pension while having the same take home pay?

Explain that to me. Where else will that money come from?

Meade said...

"Meade's response was that if they don't like it, they should leave the state. A real wellspring of compassion, that guy."

You lie. Watch the video again. I don't tell them they "should leave the state." I ask them why they would stay in a job in a state that treats them, in their view, like "peons."

Plus, I've never "bitched" about Madison or Wisconsin. I love it here and will probably end up living here longer than you do.

WV: "pricts" I kid you not.

DADvocate said...

Well, Meade, if you don't like it, you can always leave the state.

Alabama is nice this time of year, Meade. Go tell them how to conduct their affairs.

Alpha's meme of the day. LEAVE, WISCONSIN!!!

Maybe Alpha should go to Alabama. I'm sure he'd love it. They tolerate my liberal, lesbian sister which is more than Alpha can do for someone who disagrees with his political philosophy.

Meade said...

"So, Meade has spoken with the Rep numerous times. The Rep has made himself available (he should no longer)."

Every time has been by chance - walking up State St., Hulsey coming off the floor of the rotunda (X2), outside the Capitol when he came out to try to get protesters in who didn't have proper credentials. Every time he told me to call his office. He has never returned my emails, phone calls, or met with me or giving me more than 30 seconds of his time (2.5 minutes total.)

X said...

Really? How do they pay more for their medical and pension while having the same take home pay?

Explain that to me. Where else will that money come from?

ask garage. he says they already pay all that.

Meade said...

Hey, Alfalpha, why don't you move to Brett Hulsey's district if you love him so much?

sane_voter said...

Nah, Meade should stay in Wisconsin. Alabama is already done stripping the political power of their teachers unions.

AlphaLiberal said...

Meade, you may not have gotten a paycheck for a while so you may not know how it works.

Here's how it goes (the "-" symbol means "minus" as in subtraction):

- taxes
- union dues
- other deductions
- Medical copay*
- Retirement contribution*

* These two things used to be equal to zero as they were part of the overall compensation package that included lower wages than private sector. With Walker's changes they will be go UP, on average 8% (EIGHT PERCENT) of gross pay, but a higher percentage for lower paid workers.

So, if you deduce more from the gross pay, Meade, then the TAKE HOME PAY is less.

This is basic mathematics and I used to be surprised to have to explain such things to modern conservatives. No longer. Whether due to ignorance or partisan stubbornness, they won't even accept basic arithmetic anymore.

Really, Meade, take your own advice. Go already.

Meade said...

AlphaLiberal said...
"Meade, you may not have gotten a paycheck for a while so you may not know how it works... "

You're right - I haven't gotten a paycheck in over 30 years. But I've written hundreds of them. Thousands.

Meade said...

Point is: it's not a "slash." It's a correction.

AlphaLiberal said...

Somehow, I highly doubt it, if you can't master basic subtraction. you're being evasive on your false claim that: "Their take home pay is not being slashed.Their take home pay is not being slashed.

Care to admit your error? Because you sure can't explain it.

And, correcting my post for a typo:

"So, if you deduct more from the gross pay, Meade, then the TAKE HOME PAY is less.'

See, Meade, when you have subtract a larger amount from a number then then result is SMALLER.

So, Meade, in this case, subtracting new employee contributions from the same gross pay will result in a smaller take home pay.

AlphaLiberal said...

Point is: it's not a "slash." It's a correction.

Oh. I see. 8-15% is not a slash in take home pay. Really.

Unless it's coming from some executive, right? Then's it's the end of the world.

Show of hands for everyone who would honestly say it's not a "slash" if it was their paycheck?

never mind.

Georgia even, Meade. Somewhere they can appreciate your keen intellect.

AlphaLiberal said...

During the testimony on the BRP, one young family told of how the wife had to stay home with their Downs child so she couldn't make money.

And the husband, a young science teacher, calculated the impact on take home pay from the Walker pay cuts at 15%. They are making plans to sell their home and don't know where they will live. Especially since their Downs syndrome child will also be losing care and traning at school.

Meade, I hope you will look them in the eye and tell them it's not a slash in take home pay. Just a correction.

Of course, their eyes were brimming with tears as they tried to talk about it. We know you will have no such problem.

Oh, wait, didn't the right wing mock this young family? Yes. yes, they did.

Carol_Herman said...

Actually, the appointment time was set by Hulsey's receptionist! And, the only reason she offered one is that Hulsey, retreating into his office because he "was busy" told her to give him one.

So, the receptionist asks Meade, "For when." (She thought he'd mention a date and time ... "Like does 3PM work for you, or is 4PM better." When Meade refused this ploy and said: "WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU." She stares at Meade. She looks at her computer like it is just solidly booked. And, then on her own offers 3:30 PM t'marra. Meade said yes. He gave his name. The slot was RESERVED.

Till the phone call canceling the appointment came in.

Hulsey is a politician up Nancy Pelosi's alley. Crap that works for them isn't the stuff that makes politicians electable.

But it sure gives them "name recognition." Did you know that Nancy Pelosi's "name recognition" in November 2008 ... cost a whole bunch of democrapic Congressional House members to lose their seats?

Besides, now when you see LITTER after people discard their posters ... guess whose gonna get all the credit.

Man, I feel like Casey Stengle when he took over the Mets. And, the Mets couldn't win a baseball game. "Isn't there anyone here who knows how to play this game?"

It's just DeJa Vu all over again.

This Word Verification stuff feels like an eye exam.

AlphaLiberal said...

In an earlier post Ann and her Wingnut Legions were mocking something they did not understand, a sign saying "free hugs."

The "hugs" sign is a joke related to an incident last week when a mentally disturbed, yet peaceful, man hugged that hater Glenn Grothman after Grothman waded into a protest crowd (probably seeking another confrontation).

The police report on it is hilarious.

When Sen. Grothman exited the bank, he was also subjected to angry words, but as he walked away a man hugged Sen. Grothman. An officer reported that Grothman did not appear to enjoy the embrace, and was able to squirm away. The officer came up to the man and told him it is not okay to put hands on people who do not wish contact. The man told the officer he had no idea who Sen. Gorthman was, but that he hugged him because,” I loved him." He added that he loves "everyone," and that he decided to hug Grothman because he was wearing a suit, like the one the man used to wear when he worked in insurance. The man told the officer that he is the "peace walker,” that he had trekked here from Las Vegas, and that he is considering running for president. He also asked the officer if he knew "Snoop Dog." The officer said he did not, and again told the man not to touch people who do not want to be touched.

galdosiana said...

Alpha--Is not one of the jobs of the assemblymen and women to be in continual contact with their constituents? If Hulsey is, indeed, avoiding returning Meade's calls and emails, he is purposefully avoiding carrying out one of his official tasks. I hope Meade is able to meet with him for real and actually have a sit-down discussion with him. After all, isn't that what these protesters have been griping about this entire time? The lack of communication? Well, if it's dialogue they want, then they'll have to learn how to listen as well.

AlphaLiberal said...

Carol, yeah, I know. I can read.

And there's no way the Rep should meet with Meade or Ann, who very clearly have hostile intent.

Anonymous said...

The health care contribution is the only real sacrifice. The pension contribution they get back when they retire. If they cant manage to get by with these minimal contributions then they probably cannot afford to remain in their existing job.

Automatic_Wing said...

During the testimony on the BRP, one young family told of how the wife had to stay home with their Downs child so she couldn't make money.

And the husband, a young science teacher, calculated the impact on take home pay from the Walker pay cuts at 15%. They are making plans to sell their home and don't know where they will live. Especially since their Downs syndrome child will also be losing care and traning at school

Liberals love to use heart-rending stories like this to drive policy.

The problem is, the state is broke. Costs will be cut one way or another. If you look at Dem-run states with strong teachers unions like Illinois and California, they're firing absolutely huge numbers of teachers. They don't have the money to pay them and the unions won't permit across-the-board pay or benefit cuts.

So their compassionate, pro-collective bargaining state governments fire teachers by the thousand. Perhaps if this unfortunate science teacher lived in IL or CA, he wouldn't be facing a pay cut, but would be unemployed instead.

Such are the choices that governments face when times are tough.

AlphaLiberal said...

I think I dumped this post, but it's pretty funny.

Althouse posted a photo before with a guy holding a "free hugs" sign which, of course, set off all the haters around here. You guys missed the joke, so I will share in the even you loosen up.

Last week, there was a protest at M&I bank, where the fire fighters withdrew money. So the walking wart Glenn Grothman, of course, had to wade into the middle of the protesters. He was probably disappointed not to have a major incident, but this did happen:

When Sen. Grothman exited the bank, he was also subjected to angry words, but as he walked away a man hugged Sen. Grothman. An officer reported that Grothman did not appear to enjoy the embrace, and was able to squirm away. The officer came up to the man and told him it is not okay to put hands on people who do not wish contact. The man told the officer he had no idea who Sen. Gorthman was, but that he hugged him because,” I loved him." He added that he loves "everyone," and that he decided to hug Grothman because he was wearing a suit, like the one the man used to wear when he worked in insurance. The man told the officer that he is the "peace walker,” that he had trekked here from Las Vegas, and that he is considering running for president. He also asked the officer if he knew "Snoop Dog." The officer said he did not, and again told the man not to touch people who do not want to be touched.

Hence, "free hugs." It's a joke.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Run Meade Run for Hulsey's seat! Your only campaign promise should be to try and change the legislature to a part-time job of about 16 weeks a year.

AlphaLiberal said...


The problem is, the state is broke.

False. Walker the Liar created the crisis.

If we're broke how could we afford all those trickle down tax cuts Walker and the Republicans passed?

If we're broke how could Walker's Chief of Staff arrange to hire Senator Randy Hopper's mistress for $12k more than the previous earned?

Oh, Ann didn't post on that? You're kidding! A randy senator with the last name of Hopper takes a mistress and his scorned wife goes to the news media and Ann doesn't share that?

Well, allow me!

Even though the state is supposedly broke, top officials in Gov. Scott Walker's team were able to scrape together enough money to give a state job to the woman identified as Sen. Randy Hopper's girlfriend.


I'll be Fox News didn't report that one either!

edward said...

Alpha Liberal.... I read your moving comment and was especially touched by your personal contribution to this family.........

I love it when lefties LIE, if they truly have a Downs Child then there are a whole other set of programs (and yes some are getting smaller) there will be changes to their situation, BUT it is NOT the 5% change in their income that is causing this cascade. Not having union dues stolen from their pay will make up for part of insurance premiums.

Lefty Fraud.... So which union office do you work out of?

The real loser in the change is the union hierarchy and no longer being permitted to confiscate part of the teacher's pay check.

AlphaLiberal said...

The health care contribution is the only real sacrifice. The pension contribution they get back when they retire. If they cant manage to get by with these minimal contributions then they probably cannot afford to remain in their existing job.

Wow that's dumb.

So if they're already supporting children and, say, aging parents you don't think the money's already kind of tight?

Conservatives sure are a heartless bunch.

Anonymous said...

The health care contribution is the only real sacrifice, if they decide to not pay union dues this will be even less of an impact. The pension contribution they get back when they retire. If they cant manage to get by with these minimal contributions then they probably cannot afford to remain in their existing job.

Anonymous said...

Were not a heartless bunch, were a reality bunch. You make up hardluck cases that do not even exist to make a useless point. You have no clue about sacrifice or compromise.

MayBee said...

Alpha Liberal Wow that's dumb.

So if they're already supporting children and, say, aging parents you don't think the money's already kind of tight?

How do you feel about people who don't feel they can pay more in taxes?

SteveR said...

Conservatives sure are a heartless bunch.

And you want to come across as smart? You really need to shut up when you get emotional.

Anonymous said...

If the contributions are so extreme we should see a huge exodus of public union employees the next 3 years. My prediction is that it will not happen.

AlphaLiberal said...


How do you feel about people who don't feel they can pay more in taxes?

Like the poor people in all these Republican states, like Wisconsin, whose taxes are being raised while taxes on the rich and corps are being cut?

Oh, yeah, that's okay by the righties, judging by their silence. (Not so much by Jesus, BTW, who did not speak well of the rich or of impoervishing the poor).

There is a well-documented, long-term trend under Repubs and conservative Dems toward lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy while increasing the tax load on working people.

And, yeah, that sucks. Especially when people paying more support the pols who are screwing them!

One of the best signs I've seen, from an EMT: "Don't want taxes that pay my salary? Fine. Don't call 911."

Works for me.

AlphaLiberal said...


If the contributions are so extreme we should see a huge exodus of public union employees the next 3 years.

You're probably not often accused of being overly informed, eh?

People are already leaving in droves. Retirees leaving early. It's been reported in the news fairly frequently. Anyone who lives here knows as much.

(Hey, Ann! you could retire and move south with the old man!)

MayBee said...

Alpha Liberal- you didn't answer my question.

I'll make it more specific to your earlier comment:

Would you support someone who is against tax increases if they're already supporting children and, say, aging parents and they think the money's already kind of tight?

Do you have sympathy for that position?
How is someone who doesn't feel they can afford to pay more in taxes different from someone who doesn't feel they can contribute more to their health insurance and pension?

AlphaLiberal said...

I forgot why I came back here. To share this post with a photo of the mistress who got a job with a 35% pay cut.

So, public employees get their take home pay slashed by 8-15%.

Mistress to Republican Senator gets a job with a 35% pay increase. (and probably more once more positions are removed from civil service protection).

Ya, I can see where you guys think "social justice" is a foreign concept.

Anonymous said...

The 2011 retiring public union members will be less than a 10% increase over previous retirement numbers. This will not be the huge exodus that the alarmists warn.
alfalfa, let me guess, you are a college kid with no skin in this game.

AlphaLiberal said...


I feel bad about that - especially, as you ignored, WALKER IS INCREASING TAXES ON POOR PEOPLE SUCH AS YOU DESCRIBE.

Republicans support regressive taxes that fall on those least able to pay the most. Property taxes, food tax, flat tax, etc.

But most people I encounter complaining about taxes are living just fine. Most, not all, are basically whiners who want something for nothing.

The "savings" from slashing pay for public workers isn't going to make an appreciable difference in anyone's taxes, mainly because Walker has already spent that "savings" with big boosts to corporate tax cuts, road building, prisons (new policies will swell population), etc.

Costs for rail improvements, alone, are more than the savings from slashing employee pay. And he invited those costs when he canceled the train grant which would have covered it, with his lies about saving.

So, you put forward a false choice there.

Sofa King said...

That's how many bloody shirts Alpha is waving now? Three? Four?

Christopher in MA said...

"Not so much by jesus..."

Ah, ha. Religion. The last desperate screech of the leftist fool who'd make Christianity illegal if they had the balls .

AlphaLiberal said...


The 2011 retiring public union members will be less than a 10% increase

Really? How do you know? Crystal ball? Time machine?

I just ask because it's only March. Of 2011.

Sofa King said...

The "savings" from slashing pay for public workers isn't going to make an appreciable difference in anyone's taxes, mainly because Walker has already spent that "savings" with big boosts to corporate tax cuts, road building, prisons (new policies will swell population), etc.

All that *and* eliminating a 3 billion deficit without raising taxers? Walker must be MAGIC!`

AlphaLiberal said...

Christopher lies:

The last desperate screech of the leftist fool who'd make Christianity illegal if they had the balls .

You are bearing false witness. And speaking in full ignorance.


flenser said...


These two things used to be equal to zero as they were part of the overall compensation package that included lower wages than private sector

Do you have a cite showing that private sector high school teachers in Wisconsin make more in take home pay, and that this is balanced out by the extra retirement benefits which the public school teachers receive?

Assuming all this is true, the hapless public school teachers have a simple solution to their recent problems. Quit and go to work for one of those high paying private schools.

Anonymous said...

There are more than enough unemployed to fill every public union position several times over. Bring on the huge exodus......
alfalfa, are you on your 10 page of union/liberal talking points now?

MayBee said...

But most people I encounter complaining about taxes are living just fine. Most, not all, are basically whiners who want something for nothing.

So you know this, but you imagine the teacher might be supporting an elderly parent and have other issues that make money tight?

Something for a pension plan that requires no contribution?

vnjagvet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vnjagvet said...


Your rantings have nothing to do with the problem presented by the post. Hulsey facilitated a protestor who is intentionally interfering with the general public's right to free access to one of the more desirable observation points in the Wisconsin's capitol. You haven't said anything about whether you think Hulsey's actions are right and if so, why.

Just more of your ad hominem attacks and changing the subject.

wv: adder. Heh.

Unknown said...

False. Walker the Liar created the crisis.

If we're broke how could we afford all those trickle down tax cuts Walker and the Republicans passed?

-----Boy am I sick of reading this lie.

Broke (1) Current budget, 200 million stolen by Gov Doyle from the Patients fund. Supreme court says its uncontitutional pay it back. Doyle caused this shortffall.

Broke (2) Current budget, 57 million not paid by Gov Doyle to the State of Minnesota. Just another crooked gimmick to paper over the fact that we're BROKE.

Unknown said...

-------So if they're already supporting children and, say, aging parents you don't think the money's already kind of tight?

Conservatives sure are a heartless bunch. -----

So it would be better to have thousands of employees laid off than to spread the pain to many in terms of a minor cut?

Lefties sure are a heartless bunch. They probably guffaw as they pass out pink slips.

Unknown said...

----- To share this post with a photo of the mistress who got a job with a 35% pay cut.

So, public employees get their take home pay slashed by 8-15%.

Ya, I can see where you guys think "social justice" is a foreign concept. ----

How much of a kick back did Crook Doyle take for giving the Half Fast Train to Talgo rather than to an existing Milwaukee company?

A Spanish company that explicitly discriminated against African Americans?

...former human resources manager for Talgo Inc., the Madrid, Spain-based company that received a no-bid contract from the state of Wisconsin to manufacture high-speed train sets, says the firm engaged in racial and age discrimination in its hiring process for its Milwaukee manufacturing operations....

"Social Justice" is just another scam from the left. One of thousands.

Cedarford said...

Alex said...
But I did very well in your classes when I figured out you were, at that time, a closet Republican.

Even if she were a closet Republican, so fucking what dipshit
I echo the dipshit on this brown-noser student/

Would add that it also indicates that moronic partisan labling we have seen so much of recently.

"You have to believe right down the Party Line complete with all the "narratives" deeply believed at the time....PLus all the stuff the stuff you know isn't true, because that is what is expected of true believers..that they lie to fill in the gaps of rebellion and apostay and self-Doubt. Otherwise you are a Closet Republican or an Obama-loving RINO.

Plenty of people in both Parties don't honestly care what the partisans WANT. Nor do Independents. But if you really object to religious fanatics, Neocon Empire, Free Trade at Any Cost, and corporate whores - but like Republicans other policies and constituent factions within a lot - isn't it better to fight them from within and diminish their influence?
And same with Dems - love some Dem ideals - but hate the Gay Agenda, Anti-Americanism, Open Borders, taxing the masses for the Gov't union workers pockets?? And like Dems as a Party more than the Republican culture?? Stay and try to root out the pet peeves and a price of support!

Unknown said...

----Costs for rail improvements, alone, are more than the savings from slashing employee pay. ---

Which railroad does the state of Wisconsin own that it is responsible for improvements?

Lukedog said...

Wisconsin & Southern Railroad

Lukedog said...

my mistake, Wisco doesn't own W&S, just some of the tracks themselves.

Rick67 said...

The more I think about this the more troubling it is. Because it is a symptom/harbinger of a growing disease which undermines our constitutional democracy.

One rule for me, another for thee. In other words, to heck with the consistent application of and rule of law.

The rep has time for this protester but not Meade. Helps someone not from his district but won't meet with Meade. Lies. Tells one person she can monopolize the rotunda and without any logical or consistently applicable limit.

ambisinistral said...

Looks like a protest to me. If her and Hulsey don't have a permit file a complaint against them.

edward said...

George is the new handle for alpha liberal? Or was there a shift change at the SEIU offices?

Lovely union talking points, so does a cut and paste job count as writing something? IF it does then are you paid by the word or the post? Noting George's three rapid fire posts.....

Francisco D said...

After many years (>5) of lurking, two things inspired me to post on this site for the first time.

First is the MeadeHouse reporting (in the true sense of the word) from Madison (a few miles south of my birthplace). Second is Meade's exposition of the second thing that attracted him to Althouse.

I was tempted to post many times in the past, but the increasing number of Daily Kos trolls annoyed me so much that I demurred.

edward said...

Francisco D
Agree with all of your points especially the Class act and top-notch reporting that Meade and Ann are providing to all of us.

With respect to the trolls... All that is required for stupid trolls to flourish is for good men and women to do nothing.

with apologies to Edmund Burke.

Meade said...

Francisco D,
Thanks. And thanks for introducing yourself. Great having you here.

Lukedog said...


"top-notch reporting?" Seriously?

This comment tells me you one of the following:

1.From out of town
3.Related to Ann or Meade

vbspurs said...

Francisco! No relation to Franco, I trust. ;)

Please accept another warm hug of hello -- you are amongst friends.


MadisonMan said...

BUT it is NOT the 5% change in their income that is causing this cascade. Not having union dues stolen from their pay will make up for part of insurance premiums.

Not all state employees are unionized. So not all state employees benefit from not having to pay union dues.

Big Mike said...

Shorter version of Fen's law: IOKIYAD.

DADvocate said...

...that included lower wages than private sector.

Basically a lie, an unsubstantiated claim at best. At every private high school I've been associated with the teachers were paid no more and usually less than public schools. Most teachers did it for religious reasons or because of better quality students in the private schools.

If your talking about the private sector in general, a B.A. or M.S. in education will probably get your further than the same degrees in many of the humanities but no where near what many technical degrees can get you. That's a personal choice.

Face it, Alpha, you're willing to say anything you think you can get away with, make up things, twist whatever little truth there may be in your arguments because you want to support unions. You see unions as some sort of folk hero movement to fight the big bad rich guys (at least the ones you don't approve of). You're as close minded as any one can be on the subject.

Merny11 said...

I will volunteer to meet you at the capitol with a bunch of pro Walker signs. And then you can take a video of me jockeying for prime space with that "nice" woman. And record the ensueing discussion between. And maybe if we are lucky that loser Senator will join in the fun. Can't wait. i'm two hours north, so give me a days notice. Oh and clear roads. No amount of fun is worth driving in Spring snow storm weather like today.

Largo said...


Welcome! It's good to know you. Don't keep away. Instead, join the fray! Wisdom at play helps keep trollers at bay.


Perhaps Edward is referring to Meade's "top-notch reporting" of items of interest that the MSM is ignoring. By ignoring it, they cede the 'top-notch' label to him.

Largo said...

New Meade Media

Since I was a cub reporter
Protests were my call
From Wyoming to Wisconsin
I must have filmed them all
But I ain't seen nothing like him
At rallies, big or small.
That New Meade Media
Sure films a Mean Town Hall

He's the New Meade Media,
There has to be a twist.
That New Meade Media
Will 'flip' his supple wrist!

He scrubs every statue.
Works like a machine.
Takes trash to the dumpster.
Keeps his city clean.
Others stand on looking.
They don't help at all.
That New Meade Media
Sure cleans a Mean Town Hall

I thought I was
The Rally Cable* king...
But I just handed my
'Top-Notch' crown to him!

(I wanted to do another verse, but I've got to get to work. Go Meade!)
* News

edward said...


This comment tells me you one of the following:

1.From out of town, Now but a Wisconsin Boy
2.Joking, some "tongue in cheek", but certainly better than the national media or even La Crosse
3.Related to Ann or Meade, Not that I am aware of...
4.Ill-informed, perhaps, but I did teach in Wisconsin, and have been battling the NEA since 1985 when I got my license.

Meade said...

Nice, Largo. Laughed out loud. Thanks.

edward said...


I can only speak to the teachers WEA, but I THINK it holds true for most if not all public empolyees. There is a thing called the "fair share" clause. Basically it is union dues confiscated by the state for the union weather you are a member or not. This is actually what the fight is all about. About the time that the Fleebaggers headed out of state, the WEA conceded on all of the proposal except the "fair share clause". This is the life blood of the union, without they would actually have to earn the dues of members and they know that many teachers would rather have the cash themselves than to let the useless WEA have it.
So even if you are NOT a union member you are still PAYING union dues.

Confiscation is too nice a word for that kind of theft.

I hope that clarifies my position.

Carol_Herman said...

One other thing this blogs brings, is that HULSEY has name recognition. No, it won't help him raise money. But if he's a smart fella. And, the republicans put up a candidate that is likeable, in this district, whose to say that money would flow in from outside. In small amounts. That add up.

Hulsey would have been better off keeping the 3:30 appointment, t'marra. And, just say that he "feels Meade's pain." And, he's glad that Meade is working hard on issues relevant to the Wisconsin community.

Hulsey is not worthy of being a politician. Heck, like Nancy Pelosi, he doesn't even understand the art of handshakes.

Seems to me meat keeps falling off this bone. Especially since the mainstream, lamestream, let it drop off their radar.

And, people who come here, not just those who comment, but those who lurk. Have been following this story with fascination.

edward said...

Largo and/or Meade,

Should that be done to the Who's original or Elton John's "Pinball Wizzard"?

Personally I hear the Who....

Francisco D said...


I completely agree with your Burkean sentiments, but mud wrestling with sophomoric trolls like Alphie, Garbage and Lukepuppie feels intellectually and spiritually degrading. I am trying to age gracefully and become a kindler and gentler person.

Then again, getting down in the dirt has its inherent pleasures.

wv = phool. Is any comment necessary?

Sofa King said...

Francisco D -

Have you perchance, ever asked what is the root of money?

SukieTawdry said...

AlphaLiberal said...

Maguro: The problem is, the state is broke.

False. Walker the Liar created the crisis.

From the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel November 19, 2010:

Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle's administration on Friday told Republican Governor-elect Scott Walker that he would have to cope with a $2.2 billion deficit in the state's upcoming two-year budget, but this brighter-than-expected forecast contained more than $1 billion in hidden pain.

To arrive at the favorable estimate, the Doyle administration's estimate assumed that Walker and lawmakers would make spending cuts that have yet to actually happen - two more years of state employee furloughs, no pay raises, a virtual hiring freeze and belt tightening in state health programs. Without that $1.1 billion in savings, the state's projected shortfall rises to $3.3 billion - a significant increase over previous estimates that put the gap at between $2.7 billion and $3.1 billion.

The shortfall and the efforts to close it could affect everything from schools and health care to local governments and taxpayers.

Of all the tedious trolls I encounter on a regular basis, you are hands down the most tedious.

Republican said...

I'm surprised Breitbart hasn't picked this up (already).

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