৩ মার্চ, ২০১১

"Please pardon this brief departure from my normal folderol, but every so often..."

"... a member of the chattering class issues a nugget of stupidity so egregious that no amount of mockery will suffice. Particularly when the issuer of said stupidity holds a Nobel Prize."

The Nobel Prize reference is to Paul Krugman. If you want something about the Obama Nobel Prize, there's this:
Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.  A lot of his critics didn't think he deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize, but he's got a shot now at showing the world he does deserve it by what he could be doing in the Middle East and North Africa.  Is he on a track to winning the Nobel Peace Prize again...?  What do you think?

Again?  These guys are taking bets on whether Obama is gearing up to win the Nobel Peace Prize again?  I mean you can arguably say that the world's imploding because of Obama.  The stabilizing force of the world has always been the United States of America, but nobody fears us.  There's no respect or fear of the United States, and he doesn't project any abject respect and love for this country.  These guys are speculating on whether he's qualified to win a second one?

২৩৯টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   239 এর 201 – থেকে 239
chickelit বলেছেন...

From that brash analysis provided by Cook:

TRUTH: Eliminating dues check-off would cripple unions, which would have to rely solely upon voluntary contributions.


PS. So good to hear Chomsky weighing. LOL

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

...his winning it does not make a mockery of the prize, as that was well and handily accomplished when earlier American mass murderer and war criminal Henry Kissinger was awarded the prize.

I guess that explains the precedent for mass murdering terrorist Arafat winning it then.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

TRUTH: Eliminating dues check-off would cripple unions, which would have to rely solely upon voluntary contributions.

You'd think with the 'massive outpourting of support' for maintaining thier union rights union members would cheerfully pay their union dues.

Scott M বলেছেন...

You'd think with the 'massive outpourting of support' for maintaining thier union rights union members would cheerfully pay their union dues.


Shanna বলেছেন...

Are they supposed to love us or fear us? Are they supposed to love and fear us?

Machiavelli thought it was preferable to be both, but if you had a choice, go with fear.

I don't care of somebody that lives thousands of miles away and I've never met hates my guts, but I care very much if acts upon it. The action is what we need to prevent. Especially since, as you may have learned in middle school, there are always going to be people in life who dislike you based on things you can not control.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Especially since, as you may have learned in middle school, there are always going to be people in life who dislike you based on things you can not control.

You learn it much, much earlier if you're a red-head with freckles.

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)

You learn it much, much earlier if you're a red-head with freckles.

I think that would depend on sex and breast size as well…I mean red-heads…..roowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrr!

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)

Of course the resident Leninist, Cookie, doesn’t mention the OTHER mass-murdering war criminal who shared that Nobel Peace Prize, Le Duc Tho…admittedly once these two shared the prize I must admit the prize sank, a bit, in my estimation…..but let’s don’t let Z’Ole Le Duc off just because he supported land redistribution and the unitary party state, Cooke.

Scott M বলেছেন...

I think that would depend on sex and breast size as well…I mean red-heads…..roowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrr!

Well, sure, later on and, even in your example, AFTER middle-school. Beforehand, though, it's pretty much the same for both sexes. Worse for the boys, though, I think. I don't think girls get really mean and catty until around middle-school. Boys can be brutal at 15 months...as I've found out by not evading various attacks (with weapons, standard headbuts, etc) from my son. He's NOT a red-head, thank God.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oh, as to Obama's Nobel Peace Prize...his winning it does not make a mockery of the prize, as that was well and handily accomplished when earlier American mass murderer and war criminal Henry Kissinger was awarded the prize.

Kookie, you are the standard wild eyed Stalinist.

Don't you ever get tired of being a megalomanic lunatic?

You are a very tiresome Stalinist. How does your type of ignorance continue to survive?

Shanna বলেছেন...

My cousin was telling me that girls “try on” personalities and friendships in middle school and that’s why it’s such hell. (although usually it's psychological hell, not so much hitting and punching)

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Why do you always come in at the end of the comments with your Stalinist stooge routine?

Scott M বলেছেন...

Why do you always come in at the end of the comments with your Stalinist stooge routine?

Just a guess, but the creche probably lets out around 2pm and it takes him 21 minutes to get to the nearest public library.

ricpic বলেছেন...

My Nipples Are Hard by Mickey Spillane was the sequel he never wrote to My Gun Is Quick.

sunsong বলেছেন...

I mean you can arguably say that the world's imploding because of Obama. The stabilizing force of the world has always been the United States of America, but nobody fears us.

Wow. I guess it depends on whether you like humankind or you don't. I don't want my country to scare the world. Fear is not the best choice we can make. Nor do I think the world is imploding! The world is changing - and rapidly. That's why vision and imagination are vital now. We are in unknown territory and chavinistic thinking wont' cut it anymore. Chauvinsism says that there must be a singular authority - a pecking order - a top dog. And if you aren't on top - someone else will be. That's best personaified by Saddam Hussein. If you can scare people enough - you can control them.

But trying to control the world is a futile endaevor. It cannot *be* controlled. Better to have powerful, trustworthy reliable friends who work together than to try to be the biggest baddest guy on the block.

kent বলেছেন...

Why do you always come in at the end of the comments with your Stalinist stooge routine?

Those fry vats at Hardees don't just magically clean themselves at the end of lunch rush, you know.

ricpic বলেছেন...

What's your vision, sunsong, Sharia for all?

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)

But trying to control the world is a futile endaevor. It cannot *be* controlled. Better to have powerful, trustworthy reliable friends who work together than to try to be the biggest baddest guy on the block.

Well doodette, trustworthy and reliable friends expect, in turn, the US to be trustworthy and reliable…something noticeably absent in the last few weeks in Re: Middle Eastern Policy.

kent বলেছেন...

Shorter Sunsong: "I'd like to teach the world to sing... in perfect harmonEEEEEEEEEE..."

Revenant বলেছেন...

Wow. I guess it depends on whether you like humankind or you don't. I don't want my country to scare the world.

Nobody is saying "the world" should fear us.

There are, however, a lot of political actors in the world who will cause serious trouble if not held in check by fear of reprisal.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

Hoosier Daddy,

I guess if the vast majority of those polled believe public employees can continue to negotiate for more unsustainable wages and benefits at the expense of the taxpayer, I suppose the rest of us will just need to STFU and write the checks.

And the really lovely part is that currently, in Wisconsin, public-sector union members don't have to literally "write the checks"; dues are withheld by the state and passed to the unions. Writing a check for $1000 yearly to your union might just cause you to wonder whether it's done $1000 of good to you that year; spread it out into little sub-$100 deductions that you don't even see unless you routinely scrutinize your pay stub, and it's a lot less likely that you'll pay attention.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

sunsong: Better to have powerful, trustworthy reliable friends who work together with you to be the biggest baddest guys on the block.


Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Of course the resident Leninist, Cookie, doesn’t mention the OTHER mass-murdering war criminal who shared that Nobel Peace Prize, Le Duc Tho…"

I believe Le Duc Tho declined to accept the award. Am I mistaken?

shiloh বলেছেন...

I believe Le Duc Tho declined to accept the award. Am I mistaken?

You are correct ie Kissinger was a hypocrite and Le Duc Tho was not.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Kookie, Why do you always come in at the end of the comments...?

Because I'm often busy at work and don't see the blog threads until late. (We're kept pretty busy at the Reeducation Camp!)

And sometimes I just don't have the energy to wade through the jejune chatter or to try to provide some sensible remarks amidst the flood of inanity.

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)

Lê Đức Thọ and Henry Kissinger were jointly awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in negotiating the Paris Peace Accords.[2] However, Thọ declined to accept the award, stating that there was still no peace in his country.[3]

Meaning they hadn’t conquered the INDEPENDENT NATION of South Vietnam….

sunsong বলেছেন...

There are, however, a lot of political actors in the world who will cause serious trouble if not held in check by fear of reprisal.

I don't know if there are *a lot*. And if you're talking about actors like North Korea - it isn't fear of reprisal that motivates them. And I grant you that it is wise to have a powerful military - just as we would want our friends to have as well. That does not mean, though, that is wise to behave like a bigger bully than bad actors behave.

And more importantly - there is no evidence that the world is *imploding*. The world is changing. The idea that one country can be *in charge* of this new world is delusional. We are much better off making strong friends and allies - a better, more elegant deterent.

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)

And more importantly - there is no evidence that the world is *imploding*. The world is changing. The idea that one country can be *in charge* of this new world is delusional. We are much better off making strong friends and allies - a better, more elegant deterent.

What you seemingly can’t or won’t grasp is to HAVE friends, you must BE a friend…to have STRONG friends, you need to be STRONG…hanging back waiting for others to act, isn’t the same thing as being a good or strong friend, and hence one is less likely to have friends, strong or otherwise.

sunsong বলেছেন...


I don't agree with you. I don't share your beliefs. I believe on another thread you suggested that Egyptians don't *deserve* more freedom. That is very different than I what I believe. I believe that all human beings have the the same value - the same worth - 100%. It cannot be diminished or increased. It's 100% *because* they exist. If you exist you have 100% worth and deserve all good things.

So we don't agree.

What you seemingly can’t or won’t grasp is to HAVE friends, you must BE a friend…to have STRONG friends, you need to be STRONG…hanging back waiting for others to act, isn’t the same thing as being a good or strong friend, and hence one is less likely to have friends, strong or otherwise.

If you are arguing that being a friend means treating others badly - then, again, I don't agree :-) It is time to question a friendship, imo, if they are asking you to look the other way as millions suffer. What kind of a friend does not value human life?

Being a friend means telling the truth - the highest truth you know, without deliberately trying to harm. Siding with a dictator, like Mubarack or Gaddafi , cannot be argued, imo, as an honorable act. I understand the concerns of Israel. I am a supporter of Israel. But that is not my highest priority.

I am not moved by arguments that say that millions of lives don't matter.

William বলেছেন...

Please note that the late Jane Russell worked tirelessly to loosen up the red tape surrounding overseas adoptions. As a direct result of her efforts more than 40,000 children were adopted. I believe that this is a far greater accomplishment than anything Obama has yet achieved. But there was no Nobel Peace Prize for Ms. Russell.....If you think about it, no woman with fabulous tits has ever been adwarded the Prize. Even their good will ambassadors like Audrey Hepburn and Angelina Jolie were not significantly overboobed. I think we are destined to live in darkness and confusion until we confront our prejudices. "Fascist nipples"--how cruel those words sound and how many lives have been ruined by such dismissive hatred.

kent বলেছেন...

Oh, my. Purest leftard hypocrisy, in action: Pro-Wisconsin strikes website, Huffington Post, deletes posts by contributors calling for strike against it.

Oh, my.

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)

I don't agree with you. I don't share your beliefs. I believe on another thread you suggested that Egyptians don't *deserve* more freedom. That is very different than I what I believe. I believe that all human beings have the same value - the same worth - 100%. It cannot be diminished or increased. It's 100% *because* they exist. If you exist you have 100% worth and deserve all good things.

So we don't agree.

One has the “value” one can take and maintain….do Egyptians “deserve” anything…NO. No one deserves anything. Can the EGYPTIANS TAKE something and make something of their nation, they might…but more than likely Egypt will sink into an Islamist state….

If you are arguing that being a friend means treating others badly - then, again, I don't agree :-) It is time to question a friendship, imo, if they are asking you to look the other way as millions suffer. What kind of a friend does not value human life?

Being a friend means telling the truth - the highest truth you know, without deliberately trying to harm. Siding with a dictator, like Mubarack or Gaddafi , cannot be argued, imo, as an honorable act. I understand the concerns of Israel. I am a supporter of Israel. But that is not my highest priority.

I am not moved by arguments that say that millions of lives don't matter.

Being a friend means not returning the bust of Churchill to Britain and giving the Queen an IPod with your speeches on it and Gordon Brown a boxed set of DVD’s on it, that a Blinding Englishman can’t even play in his own home…it’s about not telling your closest ally that there is nothing SPECIAL about Britain, or telling your other ally in the Middle East that they must make concessions to people who hate them and have vowed to kill them…..Being an ally isn’t hanging back and waiting for Britain, France or Italy to act or not…..

As to the rest of the screed it’s emotional maunderings and the creation of a straw man.

sunsong বলেছেন...

One has the “value” one can take and maintain….do Egyptians “deserve” anything…NO. No one deserves anything.

That's the chauvinistic view. Might makes right. Whoever is the scariest, meanest man wins. That is the world-view of the Saddam Husseins of the world.

I repeat: I don't agree with you.

Fortunately - goodness will prevail. Why? because God is Love not fear.

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)

That's the chauvinistic view. Might makes right. Whoever is the scariest, meanest man wins. That is the world-view of the Saddam Husseins of the world.

I repeat: I don't agree with you.

Fortunately - goodness will prevail. Why? because God is Love not fear.

Might DOES make right, do you think the slaves freed themselves? Did we talk the South into freeing them? Did the Jews end the Shoah? No the Krasny Armiya United States Armed Forces and the Forces of His Majesty’s Government ended the Shoah….BTW, it’s not the ScariEST or MeanEST, merely the scarier or meaner…Evolution is about the FIT, not the FitTEST…

Good will prevail, because Yhwh is LOVE???? Child your naïveté is amusing…it would be funny if it weren’t for all the corpses that such foolish thinking has engendered, or in the case of the Jews, to use Kurt Vonnegut’s phrase, “Six Million Charcoal Bricquets.”

kent বলেছেন...

Joe: you're using logic. "Sunsong," in contrast, is relying on nothing more substantial than her/his exquisitely attuned fee-fees.

It's like watching Penn Jillette attempting to explain a card trick to a cocker spaniel, f'chrissakes. ;)

RuyDiaz বলেছেন...

From Former Law Student:

"What was misleading about the statistics Krugman used? Why should it have occurred to Krugman to break student performance down by race?"

Because it is widely known among people who know something about it, that educational achievement varies dramatically by ethnicity. (Children of immigrants from Japan, Korea, China, and India kick everybody else's behinds.)

sunsong বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
sunsong বলেছেন...

Might DOES make right, do you think the slaves freed themselves?

No! That's where you have lost your way. Goodness is not about might or massacre or singular authorities. You may benefit from some real thought about what *goodness* is.

And actually, I do think the South would have freed the slaves in the 1880's or 90's. I think they were obviously moving in that direction.

What this has to do with this new world we now inhabit, I don't know :-) Your argument was about what being a friend means. I don't agree with you. It seems to me we have expressed our views. You don't agree with me. I don't agree with you. You think no one deserves anything. I think everyone deserves everything. We see things very differently. That may bother you. It doesn't bother me :-)

You are, in my view, speaking incoherently. On the one hand you claim that "might makes right" - on the other hand you condemn *might* against Jews. If "might makes right", as you claim, how can you be against it? Or are you now going to tell me that you are God and your values and only your values matter?...meaning "might makes right" in defense of your values but is wrong in any other instances?"

And are you really arguing that a Jews' life is more valuable than a Muslim's. Is it ok with you if millions of Muslims suffer? As I've said, I'm repeating myself - I am unmoved by an argument that says that millions of human lives don't matter...(which is what you seem to be saying)

I don't agree.

I posted a comment here because I don't agree that the world is imploding. I think that having strong friends and allies is a better, more elegant deterent than "might makes right". That's my view, Joe.

There is a quote from Einstein I like:

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will get you everywhere else."

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Well Whattadya know, yet another great site to add to my reader!


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