March 27, 2011

Photography, yesterday.

Women in purple...


Meade, among the women...


Meade, in the rotunda...


Meade's subjects, the lounging protesters...


(Can you really do the fist salute while seated, slumping, on the floor?)


Anonymous said...

Bottom pic really shows the beauty of the black marble.

Nice work.

Meade--don something purple; then, and only then will they tell you their secrets.

Chip S. said...

It looks like everybody there is New Media, except for the old guys on the floor of the rotunda, who look like they got left behind in Paddington Station a few decades ago.

Michael K said...

This suggests it's getting harder and harder to turn out a crowd.

Walker can out wait them unless, of course, the supreme court flips.

Deb said...

Should that lady in the first photo be wearing plaid? Just sayin.

traditionalguy said...

More and more NEA Union troops are being landing in Madison to join in the 2012 campaign's offensive to retake Wisconsin for the Empire of Obama. But there stands New Meadia Meade like the stonewalls of the Capitol Building that he is protecting.

Anonymous said...

There was a young lady from Brewster
Whose ass was so nice that I goosed her,
But her panties were thin
And my finger slipped in
And it still just don't smell like it used ter.


Unknown said...

Tell me again about astroturf...

PS Remember the French and Indian wars. If you got captured by the Indians, they tortured you. If you got captured by the Indians and they didn't like you, they let the women torture you.

Ann, get Meade out of there!

He may be a good scout, but Rogers' Rangers, he ain't.

vbspurs said...

I read the poster as "Out of Shape Protester" and thought, here's something I can finally agree with.

vbspurs said...

Ann, get Meade out of there!

Poor Meade! In between a refugee from every demo since 1967 and a dead ringer for the very dead Jennifer Paterson, one of the Two Fat Ladies chefs.

Where does Madison GET these types?

TWM said...

"Can you really do the fist salute while seated, slumping, on the floor?"

You can if you're a union member. They require extra pay for standing.

Alex said...

Germany Green soaring after latest elections

Germans have gone batshit insane...

Carol_Herman said...

Oy, a very fat person, who clips a drink to her belt. This is like watching someone addicted to cigarettes. (If it was a guy, and his beer, I think he'd stay seated on his couch.)

Love the pictures of Meade.

It's wonderful that you don't tire of doing this. It's like somebody with a house at the seashore.

ricpic said...

Women who wear purple are very spiritual. Which they tell you more than once. Many times more. Alright already but can you make a good brisket? Crickets.

David said...

I knew it. The Minnesota Vikings are behind all of this.

vbspurs said...

My money is on Brett Favre, David. His purple hands are a dead giveaway.

KCFleming said...

Modern panhandlers shake a fist, not a cup.

Unknown said...

"Do not go gentle into that good night."

Just sit your lazy asses down and quit.

Steve Burri said...

Whatever happened to that guy in the rotunda that was on a hunger strike until the law was repealed?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Is this another Rotunda Cafe?

Steven said...

I mixed up a word in the title with a word in the first line and thought you had mentioned the title of a song by a band known only to Cambridge nerds and Guitar Hero players.

I moved away from Cambridge a few years ago and miss their shows.

vbspurs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

Whatever happened to that guy in the rotunda that was on a hunger strike until the law was repealed?

He's now working at Ian's Pizza.

vbspurs said...

T-minus 18 hours to the President's address to the nation about KMA, woo!

I might be stretched, as I intend to live-comment elsewhere, but I'll be here.


lemondog said...

I assume wearing purple is to signify SEIU association and that photographing the photographer is meant to intimidate.

Issob Morocco said...

They look like AFSCME members, so it is acceptable to fist salute from the sitting position.

KCFleming said...

Proposed Union recruitment sign:

AFSCME about rent-seeking.

sane_voter said...

I didn't know that stting on your ass is what democracy looks like.

TosaGuy said...

I've noticed lots of protestors walking with a sign in one hand and a coffee in the other. The governor should open a coffee shop and protest supply store on the capitol grounds.

The profits from this store can be applied to the budget deficit. You can even have the customer earmark which part of state gov't they would want to support with their purchase.

Tully said...

You know, if those signs on the reclining rotunda floor furniture read "Will work for food", those folks would be right at home at any exit ramp.

Which may be where the union hired them.

jp said...

Maybe those purple women are Viking fans.

Sigivald said...

... what's with the shofar?

The symoblism there is somewhat opaque.

Velocon said...

Fat, balding, middle-aged parasites on the workers/producers unite!!

Methadras said...

No, that was fist pumping for socio-economic justice...