March 24, 2011

Obama locked out of the White House.

Talk about photo ops. This is another occasion for my "Obama is like Bush" tag. Remember....

But Bush wasn't at his own house, and of course, Bush was endlessly derided for looking like an idiot.


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Jeremy said...

Bush not only "looked" like an idiot, he is an "idiot."

And what would make you think the doors would be unlocked at all times?

The Queen: Teabagger dumb.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Where was Joe Biden when this happened? Glad to see Obama is back home safe and sound.

vbspurs said...

This is another occasion for my "Obama is like Bush" tag.

It's uncanny how similar these two are. Although in Bush's case, he was in China. Everyone knows their stuff doesn't work.

Chennaul said...

The liberal media is making this argument; down in Brazil Obama has the technology to be kept abreast of everything.


Thing is if he has all that brilliant technology to keep up with being President....

that same technology could have helped

President Obama beam into America's living rooms and consolidate public support for the US military's mission in Operation Odyssey Dawn.

It's not like President Obama has been shy about getting on television to sell other things to the American public.

Jeremy said...

"Everyone knows their stuff doesn't work."


Take a cruise through your house and see how much of what you own comes from where "stuff doesn't work."

Irene said...

He was really out on a smoke break, and he was trying to sneak back in without being noticed.

Phil 314 said...

Bush was endlessly derided for looking like an idiot.

Well, he does have one of the better
shit eating grins

but I'll take that over the Il Duce pose

Fen said...

Libtard: Bush not only "looked" like an idiot, he is an "idiot."

but still more intelligent than you or Kerry or Obama.

I have a question for any serious Democrats and liberals here:

Reports are in that the French just downed a training plane in Libya, claiming it was in violation of the no-fly zone.

IF (this is an IF) it turns out that through some technicality, the French jets wrongly and/or "illegally" killed the passengers... do you want them tried for War Crimes?

(Alpha, JayRetread, Jeremy, Ritmo, Shiloh, et al... libtards can promote their status by actually addressing the issue wihout namecalling, rhetorical fallacies, talking points, trolling, etc)

David said...

O must be mellow today. He sizes up the situation in an instant, and moves on when the first approach does not work. May he continue in that vein.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phil 314 said...

And isn't the narration on the video clip a bit ominous

Apparently nobody warned the staff that he was coming home

Is that a symptom of:
-poor team communication such as we've seen with the messaging around Libya?
-not actually being in close communication while in South America?
-how the Secretary of State actually feels about him?

kent said...

The Queen: Teabagger dumb.

Oh, muffin... just come right out and ask for a hug next time, all right?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Bush not only "looked" like an idiot, he is an "idiot."

but still more intelligent than you or Kerry or Obama.

What Jeremy STILL can’t grasp is that his “idiot” beat the “Brilliant” AlGore AND the Brilliant, if French-Looking, John Kerry. So how does an idiot’s @rse taste Jeremy?

And get on down to the store and get Mommy her smokes and lottery ticket…

vbspurs said...

He was really out on a smoke break, and he was trying to sneak back in without being noticed.

We may have a winner.

...although if my wife were Michelle Obama and I were sneaking a smoke, I'd surely not walk so nonchalantly with a mini pimp roll.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama is not trusted with the keys to the oval.

SteveR said...

Jeremy clearly provides the proof that "it takes one to know one"

Carol_Herman said...


But Dubya's popularity slid downhill. While, Obama, alas, still stands a very good chance of rehabilitating his image.

Even here. So people laugh.

There's also a lesson that could be learned from the way the unions made their "label" look cheap. With hippies. And, assorted losers.

What if going after Obama, without any appreciation that Independent voters still need to be won over. And, instead get turned off. Heck, you might as well just hand a picture of a dead fetus on the republican party.

And, I do remember from my history lessons, that Theodore Roosevelt's BOLT from the republican party, to show how angry he was ... by setting up a BULL MOOSE run ... Only had him come in 2nd to Woodrow Wilson. While Taft finished 3rd.

vbspurs said...

Obama is not trusted with the keys to the oval.

You're not kidding. I'd be surprised if he got security clearance.

Hoosier Daddy said...

And what would make you think the doors would be unlocked at all times?

If I had a couple dozen heavily armed elite security patrolling the grounds and in the house along with rooftop snipers and a huge iron gate surrounding my house I'd probably leave my patio doors unlocked.


Jeremy said...

Fen - "but still more intelligent than you or Kerry or Obama."

Wow, you're grouping me in with a current president and another who's honorably served the country's military and senate for decades?

Thanks, I knew you were interested in that ball sucking thingie, but this is over the top flattering.

*And, NO...even if you are enamered with are NOT touching my balls.

Chennaul said...

You know, I never thought I'd have to read Le Monde to try to figure out what the US military objective might be.

Fen said...

I like Obama's approach of using air assets only to stall the dictators advance. My only complaints are:

1) it took to long for America to make an appearance on the FEBA. We should have been there 2 weeks ago.

2) the multi-lateral angle is a joke. The Germans opted out. The arabs have second thoughts now, and China is calling for a cease fire. This is why you want America to fill the power vacuum. If not, then any effort is either paralyzed by in-fighting amoung the 2nd-rate powers (Euro) ... OR ... China or Russia fill the gap. If America does not lead, China will.

3) very stupid to not attack the dictator directly. Imagine all the blood and treasure America would have saved if we had simply targeted Saddam with a cruise missile...

Jeremy said...

Corn Cob - So you think the doors to the oval office are always unlocked?


Fen said...

Libtard_Jeremy: Wow blah blaw spew crap blah blah

Jeremy ignores my question for serious Democrats and liberals.

Jeremy consigned to Libtard status.

Bob said...

The difference between Bush and Obama is the MSM will fixate on Bush's mistakes and Obama's successes.

And Bush's popularity didn't tank until 6 years in. Gas prices and unemployment continue to rise and we slide into a double-dip recession and his numbers will unexpectedly tank too. His behavior and choices this month have not helped his image.

Lucien said...

Two non-events that don't tell anybody anything significant about either man.

I suppose if Obama had stopped at the first door, pounded on it and demanded that someone let him in, then that could be read as some sign of a sense of entitlement.

But he did what any reasonable person would do, he walked over to the next door and found out that it was unlocked.

wv: enstst -- Werner Erhard's seminar for Ents

Fen said...

Next libtard?

We take drive-by Moonbats too. Soros will even provide you with a psyche voucher if you turn in your hours.

Original Mike said...

"Obama locked out of the White House."

Hmm, could it be that simple?

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

The narrative should be how calmly and decisively he adapted his strategy to accomodate this unforseen event. No Drama Obama did not panic. Without missing a beat, he very quickly realized the right thing to do was to try another entrance. Impressive.

I remember a pic floating around a few months ago where he was holding an umbrella when he came to a gate in a fence, and he looked perplexed about how he should navigate the gate while holding the umbrella.

His reasoning skills have clearly matured and he's grown into the job of the presidency since the umbrella incident.

Carol_Herman said...

Karl Reiner, in writing about himself, talked of his early days as an actor. Where he was cued to come on stage. But the stage door, through which he was supposed to come, didn't open.

He was needed in front of the audience. So, he came in through the window.

Dubya comes off as funny. Good retort. Jet lag. And, of course, the one that always makes me laugh: President WHO.

Obama is seen whistling.

This whole thing where the president is displayed for all to see, all the time, DOES remove some of the magic.

Which, in the wonderful movie THE KING'S SPEECH, is exactly what the King says to his sons. Before technology even showed up with radio broadcasts. He warned that it would hurt the British Monarchy. Because? It's all a magic show.

Jeremy said...

It appears this huge "doors are locked" tragedy will have little effect on our president's future...and of course the local teabaggers chance to whine and bitch...

Pew Research Center - 3/23/11:

"More Americans would prefer to see Barack Obama re-elected than would prefer a Republican to win in 2012, according to a new poll released today by the Pew Research Center.

In total, 48 percent of respondents said they would rather see Obama re-elected, while 35 percent said they would prefer a Republican and 16 percent didn't know. Among registered voters, 47 percent favored Obama and 37 percent preferred a Republican."

lemondog said...

Voter vibes?

re: Michelle, any of his belongings scattered on the front lawn?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Internet trolls have been around since there was nothing but Usenet and DOS.

Which type is Jeremy?

I think either number 7 (Self feeding troll. God knows he has plenty of sock puppets) or 8 (Bored Hater) or perhaps both.

Or we could try to classify according to this more extensive list.

Ritmo is probably this version

Don't feed the trolls.


Jeremy said...

Carol_Herman - So you think Obama, merely moving on to another door is in some way, indicative of something really, really bad?

What would you have done?

Kick in a window?


vbspurs said...

Fen wrote:

3) very stupid to not attack the dictator directly. Imagine all the blood and treasure America would have saved if we had simply targeted Saddam with a cruise missile...

We did. The problem with Saddam, now Moammar, and Osama in his caves, is that they have labyrinthian tunnels and palaces in which to hide.

Sure, we can flatten their cities into ...wait for it... pancakes, but they'll still escape, and live to fight another day.

My guess, though, is that Moammar won't be found cowering in a spider hole like Saddam was. First of all, his robes would get all rumpled. Second, he's not all that popular even amongst his own supporters.

Quick shot to the head by one of his 'guards'. Mark me.

Chennaul said...

Well if we are going to fold in the French and some Arab fighter pilots....

That takes more co-ordination than usual.

We do more Red Flag exercises with the top tier countries that we trust intel wise...

Guess who is not on that usual list?

Even in Iraq after the flying was supposedly easy near the end of the damn NFZ we shot down our own Army helicopters one of the reasons (-of many) "possibly" being that the "squawk" signaling was not correctly co-ordinated between our own AF and our own Army....


Fen said...

Really, its not a bad foreign policy for the ME: if you target your own civillians with tanks, America will deny you access to your airspace with our air assets.

Just be sure to include Warthogs to target tanks on the ground. Navy/Marine Air is PERFECT for the task.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Corn Cob - So you think the doors to the oval office are always unlocked?

I would think so. I don't believe you can get to the Oval Office itself from the White House grounds.

Rick said...

Locked though it was, at least it was
a door

AllenS said...

obama: "Michelle, open the door, this isn't funny."

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...


I guess our resident libtards are dialing Media Matters for further instruction.

take 30, grab a beer and start the popcorn

kent said...

I think either number 7 (Self feeding troll. God knows he has plenty of sock puppets)

Bingo! (... and, yes, consider your wise counsel duly taken.) ;)

Hoosier Daddy said...

It appears this huge "doors are locked" tragedy will have little effect on our president's future...

I agree. I believe 10% unemployment and another Mid East war on his watch will have a bigger effect. Unless of course he can extract us from the first two like he promised on the campaign trail.

I must say that I am pleased that he is willing to help Brazil exploit their massive oil fields so that we can remain dependent on foreign oil. The more we can do to diminish domestic BIG OIL the better.

vbspurs said...

Original Mike wrote:

"Obama locked out of the White House."

Hmm, could it be that simple?


wv: egres (How can he, if he can't enter!)

Jeremy said...

Joe - who had more votes?

Gore or Bush?

The court handed it to little Georgie.

People who actually read already know this.


Carol_Herman said...


Libya is ALL coastline! The country doesn't even go in ten miles!

Yet, because of the "cult of crazy personality," with terror added in, "Q-DAFFY" got to put all the oil profits into his own pockets. And, he bought off "our" leaders. From the UN. To Tony Blair. To Sarkozy. The Clinton's. Obama. Just giving away billions in "prize money."

No tourism, in Libya. No middle class. No schools. Just secret police, everywhere. Men didn't even trust congregating at Mosques.

Oh, yeah. And, Libyans are tribal. Haven't seen people coming in, the way "coast line" usually provides. They also. besides hating Q-Daffy" but not being allowed to express this out loud ... HATED the Saud's, and the Egyptians. For different reasons.

While tribal people, just like our American Indians of old, could tell right away a member of one tribe, from another. (I'm soon to meet my accountant's receptionist. Her name is CREE). And, I can't figure out the Cree from the Algonquins.

Going into Libya after waiting, while other parts of the Mideast are erupting. AND, Iran salivates. Has a good upside to it.

Include in this that Americans have become disgusted with ALL arabs, after the stinking Iraqis showed such disdain for our soldiers.

Without La Monde, I figured out the potential of CATNIP. Obama can divorce himself from "Bush's Wars."

Using a few Tomahawks. And, providing Libyans with a new sense of freedom. Because Q-Daffy's secret police have been degraded.

I doubt the Saud's or the Iranians get to send Al-Kay-Duh in! You're not in Irak, anymore.

Fen said...

3) very stupid to not attack the dictator directly. Imagine all the blood and treasure America would have saved if we had simply targeted Saddam with a cruise missile...

vbspursWe did. The problem with Saddam, now Moammar, and Osama in his caves, is that they have labyrinthian tunnels and palaces in which to hide.

True. Thats why you need STA Teams on the ground. And why Obama's position of "no ground troops" is short-sighted.

I like that Obama is only using air assets, but its limiting without putting boots on the ground.

You' think America would get that by now...

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I think Carol Herman is America’s Politico’s Mother, really it’s only a variation on a theme, Obama WILL be re-elected because the GOP has doomed itself to defeat…That’s America’s Politco right there, only Carol doesn’t try the “I’m a serious pollster and campaign adviser” shtick.

Oh BTW, No Carol being Pro-Choice WON’T net GOP votes…it’s obvious why, it’s just you don’t want to see it.

X said...

and another who's honorably served the country's military

this assumes facts not in evidence

SteveR said...

One of Michelle's BFFs was in charge of scheduling and was busy trying on clothes so missed giving instructions to some lowly staffer who undoubtably is getting grief today.

vbspurs said...

Rick linked:

Locked though it was, at least it was a door

Ahh. The Daily Telegraph offers up this reason for the previous occasion:

Mr Obama, who was returning from meeting Congressional leaders, may have been distracted by the Republicans' icy reception to his $825 billion (£600) economic stimulus package.

What reason could he have for this latest gaffe?

- Thinking of all those girls in string bikinis back in Brazil.

- Wondering what time he should pick up his holiday snaps from Walgreens?

- Michelle said to be on time. Fool.

Jeremy said...

Bob - Little Georgie rolled out the door with a whopping 25% approval from the American people.

Why you and others here continue to defend the worst president in our nation's history illustrates just how desperate you really are.

Two wars, an economic collapse, a massive deficit...and you continue to act as if he was some kind of great leader.

Chennaul said...

Basically when Robert Gates says it's complicated it is.

He isn't bullshitting.

(I'm reading all kinds of "experts" over on other blogs...saying that Gates the civilian doesn't know what he is talking about. They are wrong.)

And hell while we are at it-Althouse posted about a doctor in Libya complaining we need a-

No Drive Zone.

Well it's readily apparent to anyone with even a precursory interest that we are doing that.

I'm seeing shelled out tanks and trucks that look like they belong to Kadafi....

The UN resolution does cover that.

Finally Kenneth Anderson who does some excellent blogging at Volokh from an adult perspective says that the UN resolution does look like it permits the targeting of Kadafi and links to another prominent international law expert who interprets it likewise.

Although that isn't to say that our government and the British government are all over the map on that subject.

Jeremy said...

Fen - The resident military "expert" is now calling for troops on the ground.


Anonymous said...

Two wars, an economic collapse, a massive deficit...and you continue to act as if he was some kind of great leader.

Obama... three wars, massive bailouts to Wall Street, trillion dollar per year deficit... and you continue to act as if he is some kind of great leader.

And, not incidentally, Obama has adopted the Bush doctrine vis a vis Gitmo.

kent said...

this assumes facts not in evidence

But they were "seared... SEARED!" into his memory! Just like all the harrowing details of his super-duper-Double-Secret-Probation Christmas Day "black ops" mission, deep in the very heart of Cambodia!

Chennaul said...

Gawd my grammar flipped all over the place in my last comment.

Meant to say that it does appear as if our government and the British government opinion on targeting Kadafi is all over the place.

Blue Ox said...

Maybe Brett Hulsey can let him in through a bathroom window.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Fen - The resident military "expert" is now calling for troops on the ground.


Do you mean the sort of troops who can call down fire in ambiguous situations that neither pilots nor ship crews can sort out at a distance. The sort of folks who could provide a stiffening of professionalism to the planning and tactics of the rebels whom we support? You mean the very sort of troops that won Afghanistan for us in 2001? Well D’Uh….just because he’s a DEMOCRAT doesn’t make Obama a genius, pal…the rules of war are the same for the Smartest Guy Ev-Uh POTS and the dim-bulb Booooosh.

Jeremy said...

Joe - So you support our putting troops on the ground in Libya?

Have you run this by your teabagger cohorts?


Jeremy said...

Kent - It's a tad late to be whining about John Kerry, but since you've decided to take a shot at his, would you care to run your military history by us so we can compare it to his?

The Savage Noble said...

There is something very....Sasquatch about Obama in that video...The way it is shot and the way he is filmed through the foliage.

Jeremy said...

shouting dolt - "Obama... three wars, massive bailouts to Wall Street, trillion dollar per year deficit... and you continue to act as if he is some kind of great leader."

It's actually only two wars, both started by little Georgie.

The bank bailout was signed by little Georgie, not president Obama (Duh - no newspapers delivered to the trailer?)

The surplus left behind by Clinton was blown by little Georgie, replaced by a massive deficit and collapsing economy...the recession began in DECEMBER OF 2007 - DUH.

Defending little Georgie at this stage of the game is nothing more than a popular form of teabagger drivel.

Jeremy said...

The Savage Noble - I wondered how long it would take for a racist prick to rear his ugly head.

Just couldn't resist, huh?

X said...

Duh, Jeremy, you were the one tossing Lt. Kerry's salad over his "honorable" military career. where are those military records?

bgates said...

And what would make you think the doors would be unlocked at all times?

Hoosier and I not having been there for much of the past two years, we can perhaps be forgiven for not knowing which of the doors are locked. What made Obama think it would be unlocked?

This post is another occasion for my "Althouse is like a painting of Charles de Gaulle eating a slice of fudge" tag. As vpspurs says, the resemblance is uncanny.

Jeremy said...

Corn Cob - "I agree. I believe 10% unemployment and another Mid East war on his watch will have a bigger effect."

Actually unemployment has dropped month after month, and unless you know something we don't know...where is this thrid war you and shouting dolt speak of?

*Oh, and by the way, wasn't it Newt, McCain, Kristol and other GOP wingnuts who were screaming to high heaven about establishing the no-fly zone...hell, even John Kerry called for it.

So what exactly is your point? (And I'm not referring to one on the top of your little head.)

Are you for or against trying to save the innocent civilians in Libya?

kent said...

It's a tad late to be whining about John Kerry, but

... you're giving it your very best shot, regardless.

would you care to run your military history by us so we can compare it to his?

The only relevant comparison, re: my earlier posting, is that I, at least, never baldfaced l-i-e-d about being on a secret Cool McCool-type super-spy mission in Cambodia, on any Christmas Day.

Which, if we are keeping score, puts the total at 1-0, Me, thanks for asking.


vbspurs said...

The Savage Noble wrote:

There is something very....Sasquatch about Obama in that video...The way it is shot and the way he is filmed through the foliage.

Considering he's so rarely seen in the Oval Office these days, I'd say it was more like a Nessie sighting.

Joe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RuyDiaz said...

About our beloved Jeremy....

The thin-skinnedness of angry trolls is a continous source of amusement. Teh heh.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Joe - So you support our putting troops on the ground in Libya?
I support *WINNING* or should that be D’uh *WINNING*? And a No Fly Zone ain’t go to produce *WINNING*
And Yes we TEA Baggers HAVE run it by and we support leader Sarah, “In it to Win It” or “If there’s Doubt, Pull Out.” We can prolong the agaony, risk US lives, and run up a large bill and damage US credibility OR we can kill the Good Colonel, insert Special Forces Teams into the area, and attempt to take Tripoli and uproot the current regime.

What follows may or may NOT be a good thing…I don’t know. But what I DO know is that the current policy is confused, half-hearted and not likely to succeed.

Jeremy said...

Comrade Chickenhawk - John Kerry's military records:

"After the election, on May 20, 2005, he did sign a Standard Form 180 allowing full release of all his military service records, including his reserve and discharge records, as well as his medical records, to the Associated Press, the Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times."

Relying on the Swiftboat assholes?

The Savage Noble said...

Good Lord, it was an observation about the way it was filmed. Geeze.

Of course, this is Jeremy, not really a serious commenter.

Jeremy said...

Joe - How do YOU already know what will or will not produce the results we and other nations want?

Are you in on the discussions among our allies?

Were you also against Newt, McCain, Kristol and other who called for the no-fly zone, but not troops on the ground?

You're just spouting the usual teabagger bullshit we can all hear on a regular basis via Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and other wingnut talking heads.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

he did sign a Standard Form 180 allowing full release of all his military service records, including his reserve and discharge records, as well as his medical records, to the Associated Press, the Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times."

Relying on the Swiftboat assholes?

But NOT to the General Public, Notice Jeremy? Now get off your @rse, and out of the basement and go get Mommy’s cigarettes and lottery ticket! You pathetic little leech….

X said...

and yet the records were never actually released. some leftwing reporters got to look at them briefly. no one else has been allowed to see them. why so scared Kerry? did you get disciplined for illegally meeting with the enemy during war? or lying to Congress about what you had "personally seen"?

Alex said...

Really it's become very easy now to scroll right past Jeremy, Alpha Libtard, Ritmo, garage and all the other nasty libtards.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Joe - How do YOU already know what will or will not produce the results we and other nations want?

Are you in on the discussions among our allies?

Were you also against Newt, McCain, Kristol and other who called for the no-fly zone, but not troops on the ground?

You're just spouting the usual teabagger bullshit we can all hear on a regular basis via Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and other wingnut talking heads.

So now it’s the “You can’t know what is really going on” Argument…OK, sweetie-pie…it’s a Goat-F&ck…and you can’t say otherwise, “Because you don’t know what’s being said.” How’s it feel to receive the same useless argument?

A month ago a NFZ might have allowed the rebels to advance on Tripoli, convince the military to change sides, and would have prevented Colonel Gaddafi from having the time to hire African mercenaries to support him. A month later the facts on the ground have COMPLETELY changed, and not for the rebel’s betterment. Or have you missed that in your need to fellate the Democrat in office?

X said...

gotta go. later Gene

Jeremy said...

Savage Racist - "There is something very....Sasquatch about Obama in that video..."

So, you just happen to link the video image of our black president, walking up to a door, then contnuing on, behind a cluster of trees, to another Sasquatch...but say it was just "an observation about the way it was filmed?"


Anonymous said... think this post was more of a comment on MSM treatment of similar events than a slugfest for who's the worst President in the last 10 years. Libs immediately hijack the thread to fling poo.

wv = taxed

enough already.

Anonymous said...

So, you just happen to link the video image of our black president, walking up to a door, then contnuing on, behind a cluster of trees, to another Sasquatch...but say it was just "an observation about the way it was filmed?"

Oh, now Jeremy is really... really... upset about the black people.

Do they let you use the internet in your room in the board house or do you have to go sit in the library with the street people?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Jeremy said...

Joe - I suggest you pass all of this invaluable military advice on the president, and our allies.

I would assume they're waiting for instructions from someone with such credentials and inside inforamtion unavailable to them.

And you still haven't answered my question relating to Newt and others.

Are they wrong, too?

The Savage Noble said...

Excuse me for making a comment when not even thinking in terms of race and referencing similarities to a famous hoax video. Geeze. My only sin is to underestimate the vitriol of trolls.

Jeremy said...

shouting dolt - Black people don't upset me.

It's racist, homophobic bigoted cretins like yourself and others that bother me.

But I can understand why you can't relate.

Jeremy said...

Savage - Bullshit.

Anonymous said...


Now that you've established that you are a fucking idiot and a race baiter, you might want to retire to your SSI room in the boarding house.

You're making it worse with every posting.

What are your credential... oh, civil rights hero?

Play video games much? How many hours a day?

Anonymous said...

So, Jeremy...

Serious question.

Have you graduated from high school?

Ever actually known a black person? Seeing one on TV doesn't count.

Now, for the really tough question.

Do you live in your mommy's basement? Or in the boarding house on SSI?

Jeremy said...

Windbag - You have the perfect moniker.

And The Queen wasn't just posting a headline and video that was a "comment on MSM treatment of similar events than a slugfest for who's the worst President in the last 10 years."

This is her daily bucket of "we all hate president Obama" chum that keeps the teabaggers coming back for more.

If you watch the video you see the commentators laughing at the awkward situation, not immediately launching into comments relating to what a poor president Obama is.

Chennaul said...



See my comment above.

First they had to see if we had the manning, budget etc.

Answer if you listened to the Generals at the hearing was-


Also if for diplomatic reasons you wanted to make it look multilateral it would take time to talk those countries on board.

Now let's say that those countries are countries that you don't for the most part regularly have participate in...

Do you think it would be prudent to get them all together someplace and make sure the effort was co-ordinated...

Less than a month and they were up and at it.

The NFZ has been going on now for almost a week.

Sarah Palin called for it on Feb. 23.

rhhardin said...

Belmont Club argues for the moron possibility, with respect to Libya.

Jeremy said...

shouting dolt - I've seen eough of your homophic, bigoted rants to know we have nothing to discuss.

And I've mentioned this before: why someone who, according to his website, is a muscician, and loved his wife so much, is so disgustingly anti-gay is very strange. I spent years working with musicians and never encounterd that attitude.

Anonymous said...

And I've mentioned this before: why someone who, according to his website, is a muscician, and loved his wife so much, is so disgustingly anti-gay is very strange. I spent years working with musicians and never encounterd that attitude.

What did you do for the musicians.

Carry their bags?

Certainly, musicians are required to subscribe to your political viewpoint, whatever the hell it is.

How often do you get out of your mommy's basement?

Jeremy said...

shouting dolt - "Certainly, musicians are required to subscribe to your political viewpoint, whatever the hell it is."

Never said that, and I never said there weren't homophobic people in the music industry.

I said that I never encountered such anti-gay hatred among the musicians I worked with.

Why you appear to be proud of it is indicative of your bigoted mentality.

Jeremy said...

rhhardin - INteresting article and various slants on what's happening right now.

I hope things turn out better than presented...

Jeremy said...

madawaskan - So now you're calling for Princess Palin to handle military matters?

WHich is it with you people?

Are you FOR or AGAINST the assistance in Libya?

Or is it just that you're against anything the president does?

Oh, wait...never mind.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I suggest you pass all of this invaluable military advice on the president, and our allies.

I would assume they're waiting for instructions from someone with such credentials and inside inforamtion unavailable to them.

And you still haven't answered my question relating to Newt and others.

Are they wrong, too?

Do think that it’s I haven’t told the ones in charge, I believe it’s they don’t care to listen to experts…you know the sort of people that Obama and your ilk urged the evillll and stoopit Booosh to listen to?

As to Gingrich, as he’s flip-flopped over the course of three weeks, I really haven’t been too concerned with him. Palin, however, has a very good response, I notice you somehow managed to ignore that. And I believe I explained to you why a NFZ might have been useful four weeks ago, but why TODAY, obviously it lacks…..

Unknown said...


G.W. Bush flew several hundred hours in a first generation supersonic jet fighter. He was alone in that cockpit, and no degree of nepotism or influence could save him if he couldn't do it.

It is not possible to be an idiot and do that job. It's just not possible.

Bush is inarticulate, no doubt. But I'd bet next month's paycheck that he's more intelligent than Obama, and next year's pay that he's a damn sight smarter than you.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

First they had to see if we had the manning, budget etc.

Answer if you listened to the Generals at the hearing was-


Also if for diplomatic reasons you wanted to make it look multilateral it would take time to talk those countries on board.

Now let's say that those countries are countries that you don't for the most part regularly have participate in...

Do you think it would be prudent to get them all together someplace and make sure the effort was co-ordinated...

Less than a month and they were up and at it.

No apparently in less than 24 hours, Tuesday Obama flips and decides we’ll fight…and as to coordinated, first the Arab League is on board, then off, then on again, Germany is out of the area, and no one will take the lead on Odyssey Dawn, though the US wants to hand off the reins. Meanwhile apparently we have no clear-cut goals or strategy…Funny if this is the BEST the Smartest Administration Ev-UH can come up with, in a month, give me the Boosh’s….I believe Bush ’41 put together a better Coalition in an equal amount of time in 1991…..

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Do they let you use the internet in your room in the board house or do you have to go sit in the library with the street people?

@ Shouting: this is how I envision Jeremy's computer experience.

Unknown said...

So I guess it's really true that Hillary has taken over.

Chennaul said...

Well Sarah Palin could call for a NFZ and it would not be quite the same thing as a US President saying it.

If you are trying to necessitate other countries' participation a US President might want to play the cards differently.

And again...a NFZ now is safer if they took some time to get it right.

It's not as "uncomplicated' as you think it is.

There are plenty of legitimate angles of attack to take-this isn't one of them.

kent said...

this is how I envision Jeremy's computer experience.

This is how I envision his glorious, celebrity jam-packed "music career."

Scott said...

Why did this somewhat trivial post irritate Jeremy so much?

That's why I don't comment on Althouse much anymore. It's like trying to have an intelligent conversation when there's a screaming two-year-old toddler in the room. Better to find a conversation somewhere else.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

If you are trying to necessitate other countries' participation a US President might want to play the cards differently.

And again...a NFZ now is safer if they took some time to get it right.

It's not as "uncomplicated' as you think it is.

There are plenty of legitimate angles of attack to take-this isn't one of them.

Yeah it is…this NFZ went together, politically very fast, they didn’t use the intervening time to create an effective political /diplomatic front…had they done so, we wouldn’t be seeing the confusion on that front today, about how long the US leads, who takes over, and what the goals are…please reference the reality TODAY, and tell me that the Obama Administration used this time to plan, much less plan well.

As to the military side of it, that was the easy part…the US knew where the SA-5 sites were, where the fixed SAM sites were, and the air fields, and knows what ordnance will achieve the necessary take downs. It didn’t take a month to plan this portion of the NFZ either.

Anonymous said...

Better to find a conversation somewhere else.

Best is to ignore the trolls. I know, I know, it's hard to resist.

wv = ststs

An insensitive clod would make a Mel Tillis joke here.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Anyone trying to say that the travesty that is Odyssey Dawn is an example of what it takes to produce a multilateral NFZ is saying that the Obama Administration is far less capable than Boosh or Clinton, both of whom managed to produce effective coalition action…..

Scott said...

@Windbag: But Jeremy screams and whines and jumps up and down for the room's attention like a petulent little two-year-old girl who isn't getting Mommy's attention.

Mommy Althouse just pretends the screaming toddler doesn't exist. She won't send the little girl to her room. And the toddler screams more.

It's a cocktail party I just don't like much anymore.

Gospace said...

"After the election, on May 20, 2005, he did sign a Standard Form 180 allowing full release of all his military service records, including his reserve and discharge records, as well as his medical records, to the Associated Press, the Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times."

And we haven't seen them Why? Google Kerry's military records and tell me what you find from his OFFICIAL record. I already know the answer. Ditsquat, nothing, nada. And that is because despite what you wrote, the records have never been released to the PUBLIC. Which is what Kerry promised to do.

Oh, wait, he's a Democrat. He lied.

And not a single person who has told me that Bush is stoooopid has yet to answer yes to the following question: "Can you fly a F-102 Delta Dagger, including taking off and landing successfully, in all weather conditions?" When one of them does, I may admit that they might have some standing to make the comment.

None of them have even flown Piper Cubs.

For the record, I've never taken off or landed. But the pilot did let try a couple of manuevers in the air in an F-4 Phantom on an indoctrination flight.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

It's a cocktail party I just don't like much anymore.

At least it gives you plenty of time to Prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse….

kent said...

Best is to ignore the trolls. I know, I know, it's hard to resist.

In Jeremy's case, it's like force-feeding double handfuls of methamphetamines to a howler monkey. Oh, sure, you know it's just flat-out wrong, absolutely... but... still... ;)

Scott said...

@kent: It sounds like you know what you're talking about. You work for the CIA? :)

Chennaul said...

Well I think we are in agreement there.

I'll also point out that Japan happened and they might have taken a pause to consider that.

Chennaul said...

manuevers in the air in an F-4 Phantom on an indoctrination flight.

You lucky bastard!

kent said...

It sounds like you know what you're talking about. You work for the CIA? :)

If I told you that, I'd have to force-feed you double handfuls of methamphetamines. ;)

Quilly_Mammoth said...

You know Althouse has them on the ropes when they sit like vultures waiting for a post so they can swoop down and cackle. Jeremy posted three minutes after this blog post went up.

Like a crack head peering out a key hole looking for cops Jeremy hits his refresh button. Click, click, click, clickclick, clickclick, clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick.....

Jeremy said...

Scotie - Then why are you commenting on what I have to say?

Just move on, ignore my comments, and stick with your teabagger buddies, whining and bitching about literally anything related to our president.

Oh, and based on the standard "trolls" routine; anybody who says anything that doesn't fit the mode of the regular teabagging crowd would fit that bill.

Very few here ever want to hear anything they don't agree with.

It's a suckfest.

Jeremy said...

Scottie - "That's why I don't comment on Althouse much anymore."

And yet here you are.

Wy not just admit that what you really hate hearing is a form of dissenting opinion, just like the rest of The Queen's teabagger court?

Jeremy said...

Joe - GFL with that Princess Palin thingie.

She's even having a tough time holding onto the teabaggers.

Do you ever read anything before posting?

Milwaukee said...

I've never flown a plane, but I have jumped, or rather, fallen out of one. Very exciting, especially while waiting for the parachute to open. Hard to believe the staff didn't know he was coming home, and to unlock the doors. The door to Number 10 Downing Street doesn't even have a lock on it. Just a couple of guys who mean business standing outside.

There is a lot more to leadership than intelligence. You know, the race is not to the swift, and all that. Heck, if the race was to the swift, Kerry would have been President. He is so swift. Obama may be smart, but that isn't necessarily what the country needs. Bush is probably not given as much credit as he deserves, and Obama too much. My objection to Obama as candidate was that I didn't see any evidence of his ever failing, and having to recover from his failure. That has nothing to do with intelligence, and tons to do with character and integrity.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

She's even having a tough time holding onto the teabaggers.

Were you there? How would you know then? Have you given her your expert advice, if not STFU!

Unknown said...

OT: 400 Marines on the Kearsarge and another 2200 pulling out from Lejeune. Fen will know for sure (not up on USMC TOEs), but it sounds like the whole 26th MEU is headed for the desert.

Jeremy said...

Bob - Little Georgie rolled out the door with a whopping 25% approval from the American people.

Why you and others here continue to defend the worst president in our nation's history illustrates just how desperate you really are.

Two wars, an economic collapse, a massive deficit...and you continue to act as if he was some kind of great leader.

He was. He kept the country safe for 8 years.

BTW, Consumer inflation, real unemployment at 24%, a second dip in housing, and a foreign policy that makes Jimmy Carter look like Douglas MacArthur would tend to indicate The Zero is headed for lower regions than that. Expect him to be primaried like LBJ.

PS Carol, Technically, you're thinking more of Egypt and Alamein when you say Libya is only 10 miles wide. IIRC, a lot of action took place in the interior, 50 is more accurate. Bir Hacheim, about 75 miles inland, saw a big fight where the Free French, marching from Chad, defended against the Afrika Korps.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

edutcher said...

I was CRUSHED when the Germans withdrew from the Mediterranean. I was SO hoping we could entice them to commit ground troops, a few guys in UniMogs, some Marders and Leopards, all with the cute little “Palm Tree” on them…after all they’ve been to Bir Hacheim, Adjidabiyah, Tobruk, Benghazi and know their way around Tripoli like no one’s business…Only THIS time they’d be advancing East, not West and the US would be with them not against them.

In short, after reading and re-reading Carrell’s Foxes of the Desert it’s like an odd dream to see the same, if transliterated names in the news, once again.

John Clifford said...

Kent - It's a tad late to be whining about John Kerry, but since you've decided to take a shot at his, would you care to run your military history by us so we can compare it to his?

Unless Kent was also discharged from the military with a less-than-honorable discharge, he's got a better record than Kerry. Unless Kent was ostracized by nearly everyone in his military unit, and unless Kent was caught lying about being in Cambodia in 1968, then he's probably got a better record than Kerry.

Need I go on?

Anna said...

So will Obama have a press conference on how the staff acted stupidly. And then have a beer summit with them?

Verification word is typto? Wow

Lombardi Chick said...

Bitter, spit-spewing leftist, talking about President Bush:

Two wars, an economic collapse, a massive deficit...and you continue to act as if he was some kind of great leader.

3/24/11 11:51 AM

Oh, the irony.

Automatic_Wing said...

Kerry has the hat. To this day, he has the hat.

jonshore said...

The bias is subtle but SOOO there. The reporter mentions that staff locked the doors since Obama was on a trip (so to not make him look silly).

The guy in the Bush video couldn't care less about the background.

Jeremy said...

Lombardi Chick - Which part of what I said was not true?

Being a teabagger doesn't allow you to act as if what was said was wrong or untrue.

Unknown said...

edutcher said...

I was CRUSHED when the Germans withdrew from the Mediterranean. I was SO hoping we could entice them to commit ground troops, a few guys in UniMogs, some Marders and Leopards, all with the cute little “Palm Tree” on them…after all they’ve been to Bir Hacheim, Adjidabiyah, Tobruk, Benghazi and know their way around Tripoli like no one’s business…Only THIS time they’d be advancing East, not West and the US would be with them not against them.

I said that?

Your HTML may have an error.

Not waxing Jeremiad, I think you quoted me and what I have is your response.

John Clifford said...

The problem with Obama isn't that he's stupid; no one who is stupid gets elected President. No one... not Reagan, GHWB, Carter, Nixon, W, etc.

The problem with Obama is that he lacks sufficient strength of character to be a successful president. For whatever reason, he's never had to develop character. I think it's because he's never been held accountable for his earlier failures in life, so he never had to acquire character. Instead of character, he resorts to thin-skinned arrogance and bluster.

Politically, the bloom is off the rose. You can forget that poll about him being re-electable. All of the people I know who took a chance on voting for Obama in '08 deeply regret their vote. Althouse is a classic example of this; she and the others won't be fooled again. Obama's lost the independents, the conservative Dems, and will probably be primaried from the Left.

I honestly think that Obama would have benefited greatly if he had lost the '08 election, and so would the country. He's young, and if he'd taken the lesson to heart and matured he might have been a great president in '16 or '20... if he had learned to stop thinking he was right and his opponents were ignorant and stupid and start realizing that maybe they have a point, and maybe he needed to understand and represent all America.

It's too late for him now. He'll retire somewhere, maybe Hawaii, and live off of his pension and his book revenues (he won't write another one, no motivation). His defeat will mark the end of Democratic viability at the presidential level for at least another 12 years. And, he did take out Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeremy,

When the President of the United States has just returned from South America and is making his way back to the White House, you'd think someone -- say his Secret Service guards, his aides, his WIFE -- might mention to the Staff, "Please make sure the door is unlocked, because the President will be arriving soon. We don't want him to look like an idiot."

Jeremy said...

John - "Unless Kent was also discharged from the military with a less-than-honorable discharge, he's got a better record than Kerry."

Kerry was "discharged from the military with a less-than-honorable discharge?"

Swiftboat bullshit with no factual evidence of support.

John Kerry was on active duty in the United States Navy from August 1966 until January 1970. He continued to serve in the Naval Reserve until February 1978.

Jeremy said...

John - "The problem with Obama is that he lacks sufficient strength of character to be a successful president."

Based on what?

You and the other teabaggers here?

What the fuck have you (or ANY of the other teabaggers here) ever done that compares to the accomplishments of president Obama?

I suggest all of you post your resumes so we can compare.

kent said...

[...] and his book revenues (he won't write another one, no motivation)

"Heh. Another one," he says.

Mr. Clifford: you are the very soul of charity. My hat, good sir. ;)

Lombardi Chick said...

Jeremy: Do you know what 'irony' means? Say, what's the current rate of unemployment? How is the economy chugging along? How big is the current deficit? How many wars are we involved in?

Still, you have your head so far up Obama's ass, you can taste shampoo.

Now do you understand?


Anonymous said...

Jeremy, you remind me of Don Quixote. At least you're amusing as you rid your mule....

Jeremy said...

mnemosyne23 - Well, I think everybody should be fired immediately. To think a door to the oval office was locked, and the president was not made aware of this glaring, incredible error in judgement. Maybe even some jail time is in order.

But since we're on the subject of a president's staff and their lack of performance...

What are your thoughts on the people who hung the "Mission Accomplished" banner behind little Georgie?


Anonymous said...

"What the f*ck have you (or ANY of the other teabaggers here) ever done that compares to the accomplishments of president Obama?'

now now little boy.

I served in the Marines in time of war & peace and I didn't need affirmative action, hidden pasts, or lies to make me a success.

Game, set, match....

Gospace said...

Quoting Jeremy: "{Relying on the Swiftboat assholes?"

Those Swiftboar assholes were all fellow commissioned officers who served with Kerry. From what I can tell, Kerry had zero support from fellow officers of the same rank who served with him. The MSM obscures this fact. Possibly it is near zero and not absolutely zero.

Bush, OTOH, had most, if not all, of his fellow officers supporting his run for the oval office. Again, it doesn't fit the narrative, so it is hard information to find, but it is out there.

Jeremy said...

jcrue - "Jeremy, you remind me of Don Quixote. At least you're amusing as you rid your mule...."

I would find "ridding" a mule amusing, too.

Lombardi Chick said...

Hey, Jeremy likes polls, so:

(MSNBC)- Only 17 percent of Americans see President Barack Obama as a strong and decisive military leader, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken after the United States and its allies began bombing Libya.

I'm surprised it's that high.

Unknown said...

Kerry & Obama are moronic pieces of shit...Kerry because he turned traitor on his own brothers.

Barry Soetoro because he is just a piece of shit with no redeeming qualities.

Jeremy? The only redeeming thing about him is the dog pics....I just can't tell which one is the wife and which one is the kid. Of course, dogs are all he has.

kent said...

Relying on the Swiftboat assholes?

"It's a tad late to be whining about the Swiftboat Vets... but, since you've decided to take a shot at them: would you care to run your military history by us, so we might compare it to theirs?"

Jeremy said...

Harold - And, as anyone who has actually read anything relating to Kerry's record knows, there were also plenty of others who also served with him that dispute the bullshit lies and innuendos pushed by the Swiftboat assholes.

It was nothing more than a poitical smear campaign, financed by the far right wing.


1. Several members of SBVT served in the same unit as Kerry, but only one, Stephen Gardner, served on the same boat. (Of course, a number of Kerry's later SBVT critics claimed to have been present on accompanying Swift Boats, at some of the salient events of Kerry's enemy engagements in Vietnam...but were not.)

(SBVT's claims about the incident are primarily based on an account by retired Rear Admiral William Schachte, then a Lieutenant.)

2. an interview in 2003, Schachte made no mention of being on the skimmer with Kerry that night; in addition, he described the action as a "firefight" and said of Kerry, "He got hit."


1. Kerry crewmates Bill Zaladonis and Patrick Runyon dispute Schachte's 2004 account. Zaladonis stated that "Myself, Pat Runyon, and John Kerry, we were the only ones in the skimmer."


Navy officials say that there is no evidence that Mr. Kerry's Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts were ever rescinded and that there is no evidence of misconduct in his records.

You're full of shit...just like the rest of the Swiftboat assholes.

Jeremy said...

Kent - I'm not the one disputing a man's military record, it's you and the other teabaggers who are.

I'm disputing the Swiftboat's motives and lies that are not based in provable or objective fact.

There were others on that boat that say different, and the ONLY reason you choose to side with the Swiftboat assholes is because you're of like mind regarding anyting relating to their politics.

Jeremy said...

kirk - "Kerry because he turned traitor on his own brothers."

Swiftboat bullshit.

Kerrey is one of the few who had the guts to tell it like it was, and if you took the time to read about our Vietnam experience you'd already know that.

The truth hurts.

kent said...

Kent - I'm not the one [SNIP]

"None." Gotcha.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, couldn't tell if you were ridding the mule or the mule was ridding you.

Or is that rutting, ya big stud you?

Continue to flail, kiddo....

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Kerrey is one of the few who had the guts to tell it like it was, and if you took the time to read about our Vietnam experience you'd already know that.

You mean like Francis Ford Coppola did in Apocalypse Now? Or do you mean his Winter Soldier Testimony where he repeated lies that many people, non-veterans, many, SAID happened “over-there”? Do you mean the raping, reminiscent of “Jenjis” Khan …not that he saw any, just someone told him about? Do you mean the memory that was seared, SEARED into his memory of Christmas in Cambodia when Nixon was POTUS? D you mean when he threw his medals or SOMEONE’S medals over the White House fence? Or is this going to involve his “lucky hat” given to him by that plucky CIA agent?

Jum said...

Do something for me - well, two things. First, if you haven't already or if you happen to have forgotten it's thrust and tone, please read or re-read the first comment to this post. I'll wait.

Now, the second thing: ask yourself how often, on this blog, as well as any other high-traffic blogs which you consider to fairly regularly take "conservative" or "libertarian" political stances, is the first commenter a contrarian/troll? That is, how often are the first commenters "progressive activists", and how often do they lead-off commentary by insulting, demeaning and just generally trolling?

I'll give you the scientific answer - too damn much for it to be a mere coincidence. It's a phenomenon I observe every single day; and it happens far too often for it to be meaningless. The converse rarely if ever happens at their breeding grounds. I think it's obvious many liberal activists have organized themselves into stinkbombers of the left, trying to upset, override, derail or drown out conservo-libertarian discussion.

It's not like they don't advertise doing it everywhere else: we've just spent two weeks watching Ann and Meade being harassed by lefty union thugs bent on intimidating them into silence...and failing spectacularly, thank goodness. We know how they train each other online in how to pull truly repugnant "dirty tricks" around elections, from pretending to be a caller for a conservative candidate and then making offensive remarks to voters; to attempting to vocally drown out and intimidate libertarian questioners at putative town meetings by liberal officeholders; to intentionally using disruptive poll watchers to unfairly and baselessly challenge voters and procedures in attempts to deprive the right of the ballot and to intimidate less adventurous conservative voters into staying away from the polls.

And they do it here, all the time. And they should be called on it, everywhere they try it.

Jeremy said...

Lombardi Chick - You left out a few things in the polling:

1. "The data suggest he is perceived to be more consultative in his approach, which may distinguish him in the minds of the American public from his predecessor, George W. Bush, who was not perceived to be," said Ipsos Public Affairs Director Julia Clark, with the responses BRREAKING ALONG POLITICAL LINES...there's a real shocker.

2. The poll also found that 60 percent of Americans support the United States and its allies bombing Libya to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians from forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

We've already seen what a "decisive" military leader like little Georgie can do...

Unknown said...

Jeremy -

you forgot to yell FIRST!

Oh, btw Jeremy, can you tell us where you went to college & then grad school?

Also - can you tell us what BHO's grades from college were? I do remember reading that the "idiot" Bush had a higher GPA than Kerry did.

Jeremy said...

Joe - You need to read up on the Vietnam conflict.

What Kerry said has been proven to be true.

And what the fuck does Coppola have to do with any of this?

Jeremy said...

sharon said..."Oh, btw Jeremy, can you tell us where you went to college & then grad school?"

Masters in Business, major university.

"Also - can you tell us what BHO's grades from college were? I do remember reading that the "idiot" Bush had a higher GPA than Kerry did."

I have no idea what Bush or John Kerry's grades have to do wiht any of this.

Would you like to compare Obama's intellect to little Georgie's?

At Harvard Law School, Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which, according to the Havard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students.

Also at Harvard Law School, Obama was accepted as one of 85-90 Editors of the Harvard Law Review, out of an estimated 1,000 students from the 2L and 3L classes that might have sought this honor.

Obama was also elected President of the Law Review

Anonymous said...

"And what the f*ck does Coppola have to do with any of this?"

you all are making jeremy very cranky..... he's gonna go get his blanket if this keeps up.

then again, the facts he's lowered the debate to the vulgar, should be all we need to know about him.

poor kid.

Joe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

You need to read up on the Vietnam conflict.

What Kerry said has been proven to be true.

Which portions the raping, the burning, the mutilating of bodies, the actions reminiscent of Jenjis Khan? Kerry only repeated things people told HIM, not things he’d actually seen. Say Jeremy why don’t YOU read up on Vietnam, and I don’t meanBorn on the Fourth of July. Try The Thirteenth Valley or About Face neither of which are hagiographies…or try Stolen Valor about the myths and lies that are the stuff of “Vietnam” nowadays.

Coppola is in their because he showed us “’Nam” too dood….at least the Hollywood Vietnam, which is accurate as Kerry’s version of events as well.

Oh and did Kerry give the Winter Soldier testimony to the North Vietnamese when he met them or did he give them a different briefing?

Jeremy said...

jcrue - What's your point, Jughead?

kent said...

Masters in Business, major university.

Awesome institution. Fame of their academic excellence precedes them.

Jeremy said...

Joe - Did we or did we not commit atrocities in Vietnam?

Yes or no.

And once again; what do whether you agree or disagree with films about Vietnam have to do with whether Kerry said things we didn't want to hear?

And are you saying Coppola's version or Born On the 4th Of July or The Deer Hunter have no relevance to the truth?

Unknown said...

Masters in Business, major university.

major university - ???

You called Bush and idiot & spoke of Kerry's brilliance.

We have no school records from his undergrad school, no records of any student loans, etc.

Where are the articles BHO wrote for the law review?

Would you like to compare Bush's professional career after college to BHO's professional career after college?

Joe said...

The Crypto Jew)

Yes or no.

And once again; what do whether you agree or disagree with films about Vietnam have to do with whether Kerry said things we didn't want to hear?

And are you saying Coppola's version or Born On the 4th Of July or The Deer Hunter have no relevance to the truth?

Did we commit atrocities in the Second World War, yes or no?

Anonymous said...

It's Jarhead, young lady. A title you most likely were unable to earn and which is taken as compliment considering the company in which it places me.

Do I need to have a point Jeremy? You almost four hours on this thread without one....

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Yes or no.

And once again; what do whether you agree or disagree with films about Vietnam have to do with whether Kerry said things we didn't want to hear?

And are you saying Coppola's version or Born On the 4th Of July or The Deer Hunter have no relevance to the truth?

Did we commit atrocities in the Philippines Insurrection, yes or no?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Yes or no.

And once again; what do whether you agree or disagree with films about Vietnam have to do with whether Kerry said things we didn't want to hear?

And are you saying Coppola's version or Born On the 4th Of July or The Deer Hunter have no relevance to the truth?

Did we commit atrocities in the Civil War, yes or no?

Unknown said...

"Masters in Business, major university."

Ok - My apologies. Phoenix Univ is a major university. So is DeVry.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Yes or no.

And once again; what do whether you agree or disagree with films about Vietnam have to do with whether Kerry said things we didn't want to hear?

And are you saying Coppola's version or Born On the 4th Of July or The Deer Hunter have no relevance to the truth?

Are atrocities the measure of a war, then? How about Obama’s War in Afghanistan, and the troops currently on trial for murder of civilians? I don’t blame the troops, I blame Obama…he has overstretched the US Army, and the troops are merely acting out under the psychological stresses imposed by Obama’s War! And the innocent civilians dying in both Afghanistan and Pahk-ee-Stahn under the hail of Predator Drone Strikes! What atrocities! How can you stand it Jeremy?

Anonymous said...

"'Masters in Business, major university.'

Ok - My apologies. Phoenix Univ is a major university. So is DeVry."

There's also DishNetwork U and DirectTV State....

Unknown said...

One last thing Jeremy - check out the latest Reuters Poll on how Americans view BHO's ability to lead a war,

A whopping 17% view him as a strong military leader.

An E3 in the navy could do better than that.

Anonymous said...

Hamburger University is also major as well I understand.

Jeremy said...

sharon - "Would you like to compare Bush's professional career after college to BHO's professional career after college?"

Every business, with the exception of the Texas Rangers, was a complete bust.

Every one was financed by his daddy's buddies and every one of them failed.

Read more, post drivel less.

*And I don't remember president Obama representing himself as some kind of "business" guru.

Jeremy said...

sharon said..."One last thing Jeremy - check out the latest Reuters Poll on how Americans view BHO's ability to lead a war..."

1. "The data suggest he is perceived to be more consultative in his approach, which may distinguish him in the minds of the American public from his predecessor, George W. Bush, who was not perceived to be," said Ipsos Public Affairs Director Julia Clark, with the responses BRREAKING ALONG POLITICAL LINES...there's a real shocker.

2. The poll also found that 60 percent of Americans support the United States and its allies bombing Libya to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians from forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

We've already seen what a "decisive" military leader like little Georgie can do...

kent said...

Hamburger University is also major as well I understand.

As is this venerable institution, from what I've been told.

Jeremy said...

Since everybody is terribly upset that I didn't post the name of the university I attended (here's a hint: MU), I think everybody here should post their names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and of course the colleges they attended so we all know everything we can about everybody.

Unknown said...

jeremy - how many entrepreneurs do you know of who have never had a business failure?

You didn't answer the 2nd part of the question. How many people has BHO ever employed in private industry?

Please tell us - what kind of Guru did BHO pass himself off as?

Jeremy said...

kent - funny you should mention the clown university.

I volunteer for an organization that uses humor to help people in hospitals throughout the country.

I'll pass your information on...but I don't think we'd be able to use any teabaggers.

No funny bones in that bunch.

Anonymous said...

"Every business, with the exception of the Texas Rangers, was a complete bust.

Every one was financed by his daddy's buddies and every one of them failed."

And yet, only one success is still more success in business than His Majesty.

There is also honor in failure as Teddy Roosevelt used to remind us:

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

I don't even think O has a failure, because he has never tried anything too risky or he didn't have rigged.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy, I"m not ashamed to tell others I graduated from Baylor and am finally getting around to a grad degree at San Jose State.

I"ll post my other info as long as you are more 'walk' than 'talk'

Lombardi Chick said...

Blogger Jeremy said...

jcrue - What's your point, Jughead?

You're talking to a Marine like that? You are quite the little punk.

kent said...

Since everybody is terribly upset that I didn't post the name of the university I attended

Mistaking outright mockery for being "upset" doesn't speak well of your (undoubtedly) sainted alma mater. A partial tuition refund, under the circumstances, might not be entirely out of the question.

(here's a hint: MU)

Here's my "hint," in return: Vanderbilt. (Seems I'm appreciably less ashamed of where I matriculated than you are, doesn't it?)

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Here's my "hint," in return: Vanderbilt. (Seems I'm appreciably less ashamed of where I matriculated than you are, doesn't it?)

The shame might not be on Jeremy’s part, as a condition of matriculation it’s possible Jeremy’s school placed him under a gag order…..

Jeremy said...

sharon said..."jeremy - how many entrepreneurs do you know of who have never had a business failure?"

Little Georgie was never an "entrepreneur."

His businesses were financed by his daddy's oil buddies and even some of his cronies in the Mideast.

With the exception of the Rangers, they ALL failed.

*Oh, and as for his monumental business prowess, here's some background on his Ranger's experience:

Little Georgie and his daddy's friends bought most of the Rangers, with little Georgie got himself a 2% share by borrowing $500,000, then investing $606,302.

Then...he repaid the loan by selling $848,000 worth of stock in Harken Energy...which went bust within a year of him unloading his stock...with the stock plummeting from $4 to $1.25 right after he sold.(Which started an insider trading investigation.)

Then...after using his family name to get the taxpayers in Texas to build a new stadium...the Rangers franchise was sold for $250 million...and little Georgie walked away with $14.9 million for his initial $600,000 investment.

Oh, and he traded away Sammy Sosa.

Anonymous said...

"Blogger Lombardi Chick said...

You're talking to a Marine like that? You are quite the little punk."

It's ok, an inferiority complex and the jealous epithet are ugly things. But not the ugliest of things...

I'm just here to troll the resident troll today.

John Clifford said...

You're right, Jeremy. I don't measure up.

I haven't thrown my grandmother under the bus. Or my reverend... with a wink-wink-nod-nod.

I haven't had Bill Ayers ghostwrite my autobiography.

I haven't run up a $1.5 trillion deficit annually for the past 3 years.

I haven't had the President of China snub me at the G20 meeting, along with the other world leaders. Of course, I haven't bowed to him either.

I haven't had my political opponent disqualified by having the courts unseal his divorce records to reveal embarrassing but legal aspects of his marital life.

I haven't been placed in charge of a $143 million grant for the Chicago Schools, and blown all that money with nothing to show for it.

So, you're right. I don't measure up. I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Cedarford said...

"Fen said...
Libtard: Bush not only "looked" like an idiot, he is an "idiot."

but still more intelligent than you or Kerry or Obama.

Well, we don't know how Obama would stack up against Dubya because he won't release his college transcripts, SAT and LSAT for scrutiny. My sense is he thinks well, like Dubya, only when forced to.
I do know that Obama is smarter than McCain, Palin, and Biden - but that's not saying much. And Hillary is smarter than Bush and Obama, but that is not saying much.

Not that smarts matters a lot. Truly brilliant Presidents or Presidential candidates are a mixed bag. Jefferson and Nixon were unusually bright. So were Garfield, Wilson, Clinton, and Lincoln. Ron Paul was a superb student and MD before doing politics - where he veers between being a prophet and a loon. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are truly brainy, but so too is Bwanny Fwanks.

Jeremy said...

Lombardi Hick - "You're talking to a Marine like that? You are quite the little punk."

I have no idea what anybody here is or was...and don't really care. My Jughead comment relates to a comic book character...duh.

Are you a Green Bay Packer or relative of Vince's?

Jeremy said...

John Clifford - Whining about president Obama or throwing out the silly bullshit about churches he attended (whay exactly is little Georgie's religious background?) or that he hung with terrorists (little Georgie's family is up to their arses with Mideastern cronies) is no different than me mentioning little Georgie being a drunk or bailing out on his military unit or doing drugs or being a failure in business or even the worst president in our nation's history.

Defending little Georgie makes you look like a fool.

Hanging with the local teabagger crowd here makes you look stupid.

Attacking me...well, that makes me laugh.

orbicularioculi said...

Jeremy seems to be living in an alternative universe where cognitive dissonance is normal for the residents.

Anonymous said...

"I have no idea what anybody here is or was...and don't really care. My Jughead comment relates to a comic book character...duh."

Nice head fake. I almost bought it.

Michael said...

Jeremy: You got an MBA without learning the first fucking thing about business or economics? How was that possible? I have read your posts on a variety of topics pertaining to economics and you routinely butcher the concepts and seem completely unaware that you are misusing the lingo.


John Clifford said...

Jeremy, when you can discuss Obama without discussing George Bush or John Kerry or anyone else, you might be worth having a conversation with.

But if the best you can say about Obama is that Bush did this or that... then you really can't say anything good about Obama, can you.

At any rate, I'm getting tired of feeding the troll just to watch him sit up on his hind legs and beg.

Scott said...

Bad money drives out good.

Shitty commenters drive out the adults.

Jeremy said...

orbicularioculi - "Jeremy seems to be living in an alternative universe where cognitive dissonance is normal for the residents."

Well, I'm apparently part of the "alternative universe" that elected and supports our president.

Where doe that put you and the rest of the teabaggers?

Jeremy said...

Scottie - "Shitty commenters drive out the adults."

And yet, here you are.

So does that mean you're not an adult?


Anonymous said...

"Defending little Georgie makes you look like a fool."

Attacking him makes you look more foolish, Mr. Boilerplate

Jeremy said...

John Clifford - I have plenty to say about the president, both good and bad.

I appreciate his intellect, his even-handed approach to most problems, I agree with most of his policies, healthcare for one, and I disagree with some of the decisions he's made.; staying the course in Afghanistan being one. It is and will prove to be a complete waste of American lives, money and worldwide gravitas.

Most of my comments are in direct rebuttal or contrary to the relentless bashing of literally anything the president says, proposes or does.

*Show me one single comment on this site that is complimentary to the president...ever.

If I wasn't here, aggravating the hell out of many of you, what fun would it be?

Just read through the comments today. Look for any form of disagreement among the locals.


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