Meade, who is in the building now, tells me, by phone, that he saw a window on the Wisconsin Avenue side of the building opened and protesters entering through that window.
He thought it seemed as if someone in one of the Democratic legislators' offices had opened a window to let them in, and — once they were in — many doors have been opened all around, and people have streamed into the building. He says he counted 3 "troopers" — I'm not sure what the official job title is for these security people — and that they were absurdly overwhelmed by the crowd.
Meade said that he wasn't afraid that these people would become violent, and indeed many of them looked happy — or dazed — perhaps out of success in taking over the building. He didn't see any damage or dangerous behavior. Meade is taking video of what he is seeing, and I will have that for you later.
AND: Meade said that he didn't see how the security officers could possibly clear out the building and that there was nothing to stop any number of individuals from entering the building right now.
We should have done this when Obamacare passed.
Pass the popcorn.
I am reading reports that windows and doors have been broken at the capitol.
People are going to get hurt.
I honestly hope Meade is safe there. Scotch tape on the marble is probably going to pale compared to what the hooligans are plotting for the night.
"We should have done this when Obamacare passed."
Wisconsin has a loooong progressive reform tradition. Farm Labor
Cue Skeeter Davis...
Can we haz RIOT now plz... k? thx!
Glad to see AP on the job. NOt sure if he's being funny, snarky or what, but his predictions have a way of being 180 degrees off the mark. Cool.
Union goons showing their asses to the world and reminding us what a bunch of brutes they really are. Only the warm feeling I get when I contemplate the impending loss of Democrat Party dollars and foot soldiers makes me happier.
"I honestly hope Meade is safe there."
Thanks. Meade can really blend into the group. (Unlike me.)
I hear sirens.
I'm about 3 miles from the Capitol.
Oooooooohhh !!!!
Wisconsin Shithea,er, Cheeseheads Union Slaves!
Did you know this: One THIRD - ONE THIRD! - of all the workforce in the United States is paid by the taxpayers.
I wonder if Meade is going to complain about having to stand in line to enter the building this time? In any case now Walker,and the Republicans has clearly revealed what many critics have point out-- this bill is not about balancing the budget but breaking the middle class through union busting, and defunding monies for the handicapped, women's health, and education
Recess time in Madison.
I wonder if Meade is going to complain about having to stand in line to enter the building this time? In any case now Walker,and the Republicans has clearly revealed what many critics have point out-- this bill is not about balancing the budget but breaking the middle class through union busting, and defunding monies for the handicapped, women's health, and education
Don't forget about the beating up on puppies.
You left that out.
Somebody was watching too much Sergei Eisenstein.
Jane said...
We should have done this when Obamacare passed.
In that case, The Zero would have gone all Bonaparte and given the crowd the little Corporal's famous whiff.
Don't you know only designated representatives of the Leftist Establishment have permission to break the law and deface public property?
We should have done this when Obamacare passed.
I was too busy working for a living at the time.
DOA spokesman has confirmed windows and doors are broken. And reporter says he has seen protestors attempt to take pins out of the doors to take the doors off.
These idiots - who are protesting that the taxpayers arent giving them enough - are destroying the capitol building.
"It seemed as if someone..."
Now, there's some great journalism.
breaking the middle class through union busting, and defunding monies for the handicapped, women's health, and education
live stream, baby!
looks like a half-way riot
so any of you all living in Wisconsin -- any feel for the odds of a general strike?
I would have said very very unlikely. Now not too sure. Any thoughts?
Supposedly Michael Moore and Madow are both twittering away to demand action.
This will not end peacefully.
WISC TV in Madison seconds the report that windows have been broken. As if destroying the most beautiful state capitol building in the country is going to change an election.
The city of Madison should be ashamed of itself.
"so any of you all living in Wisconsin -- any feel for the odds of a general strike?"
Based on how the unions have acted so far - which is stupidly - I would say they sure are seriously considering it.
These idiots - who are protesting that the taxpayers arent giving them enough - are destroying the capitol building.
Echo the sentiments - hope the reaction to this is peaceful too and Meade & all in Madtown will be safe from harm tonight.
The sun will come up tomorrow . . .
Did you know this: One THIRD - ONE THIRD! - of all the workforce in the United States is paid by the taxpayers.
That's not true and Rush was incorrect in repeating it ad nauseum earlier today.
One-third of incomes in the U.S. comes from the U.S. Treasury...that's not the same as one-third of the workforce is paid by the U.S. Treasury.
White riot, I wanna riot...
so any of you all living in Wisconsin -- any feel for the odds of a general strike?
I would have said very very unlikely. Now not too sure. Any thoughts?
Why do you care? Or is just another of your passive aggressive questions?
My question is the following:
If mob tactics are perceived to work on the legislators in the Capitol building and the police are unable or unwilling to intervene, what is to stop their use at a polling place?
in·tim·i·date /ɪnˈtɪmɪˌdeɪt/ Show Spelled
[in-tim-i-deyt] Show IPA
–verb (used with object), -dat·ed, -dat·ing.
3. to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear: to intimidate a voter into staying away from the polls.
Fear can be induced without actual damages or injuries occurring.
official sounding voice just said no more meetings tonight
angry crowds outside
"this bill is not about balancing the budget but breaking the middle class through union busting, and defunding monies for the handicapped, women's health, and education"
Busting the unions, hell yeah, guilty as charged. More and faster, please. But the rest of this is nonsense.
Why in the h*ll is it that liberals seem to think that the entire middle class is of union orientation? The middle class is also comprised of many other people who don't give a sh*t about the unions' petty b*tching and whining.
Walker's war on the middle class? What about the unions' war on the majority of the population? What part of 3+ billion dollars debt do the liberals not understand?
So, this is what democracy looks like to those on the Left?
That's disconcerting.
But also revealing. If they don't get their way they really do turn to destruction and violence?
Is this what is really at the heart of progressive politics?
Downright Bolshevikian.
what is it about lefties that they so love chanting in unison?
ShoutingThomas what a trite answer to serious issues. I think if you were in the capitol, as I was when I saw a group of handicapped folks wheel in to make their protests, you might just stand back a bit and consider the ramifications of this bill.
This whole brouhaha has been a fascinating bit of pure power politics. I think the Dems had the upperhand going into tonight.
Now it looks like the far left may snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. First they refused to negotiate and reach a compromise. And if these reports are true, they are now behaving like a bunch of vandals.
And if there is a strike, then it will be a disaster for the Dems and unions.
ShoutingThomas what a trite answer to serious issues. I think if you were in the capitol, as I was when I saw a group of handicapped folks wheel in to make their protests, you might just stand back a bit and consider the ramifications of this bill.
No matter low you stoop in invoking treacly sentiment, you can't spend money you don't have.
What part of 3+ billion dollars debt do the liberals not understand?
The facts behind that claim? Both the numbers, and the known, easily provable lying sack of shit of that claim? Huh!? LOL. So two things, at least.
"solidarity forever!" being sung
how is this different from 'workers of the world, unite!"
The facts behind that claim? Both the numbers, and the known, easily provable lying sack of shit of that claim? Huh!? LOL. So two things, at least.
You lost, garbage. Choke on it.
"solidarity forever!" being sung
Yeah. Kind of like when the Butler Pep Band played the fight song after losing to Duke last year.
Are the cheerleaders crying this time too?
I was tongue-in-cheeking when I mentioned Obamacare and our lack of rioting. I really don't have the stomach for it. Sigh. I greatly dislike this behavior. My friend worked for a U.S Senator and dealt with everyone and respected her ideological opponents, but she hates the SEIU because of how horrible they acted when they'd visit.
ShoutingThomas what a trite answer to serious issues. I think if you were in the capitol, as I was when I saw a group of handicapped folks wheel in to make their protests, you might just stand back a bit and consider the ramifications of this bill.
Of course, given how you are now supporting those who are vandalizing the building and handcuffing the doors shut, why should we care what you think?
Why should violent idiots like yourself who damage property when they don't get their way even be EMPLOYED, much less receive lavish pay and benefits?
Do you have an answer?
roesch-voltaire said...
I wonder if Meade is going to complain about having to stand in line to enter the building this time? In any case now Walker,and the Republicans has clearly revealed what many critics have point out-- this bill is not about balancing the budget but breaking the middle class through union busting, and defunding monies for the handicapped, women's health, and education
How about setting fire to babies, drowning puppies, and beating up old ladies with their own purses. Oh dear God, the horror of it all. Are you packed to get ready to go running, screaming into the night?
I just hope they don't start singing "We Shall Overcome".
Film at 11?
AA's tagalong is once again on scene. Does he have a "deep throat" or does he fly solo ...
roesch-voltaire said...
ShoutingThomas what a trite answer to serious issues. I think if you were in the capitol, as I was when I saw a group of handicapped folks wheel in to make their protests, you might just stand back a bit and consider the ramifications of this bill.
Maudlin much?
The Looters have taken over the building. They want more of your money. How can you be so selfish not to give it to them...
The facts behind that claim? Both the numbers, and the known, easily provable lying sack of shit of that claim? Huh!? LOL. So two things, at least.
Oh really? Who's lying?
Your doofus Obama Party outgoing governor who said it was $1.5 billion?
Or the people who pointed out that your doofus Obama Party outgoing governor was understating it by an enormous amount?
Really, do tell. Please. We want to see how Obama Party puppets like yourself are calculating this.
Garbage is lying again....
Garbage sez....The facts behind that claim? Both the numbers, and the known, easily provable lying sack of shit of that claim?
This started under the last governor....
Gov. Jim Doyle said Thursday that state government faces a budget deficit of nearly $5.4 billion through mid-2011, $400 million more than he estimated only days ago.
The Wisconsin deficit is already projected at a daunting $2.7 billion, but a new report from a University of Wisconsin professor said the deficit is actually at $3.1 billion.
Andrew Reschovsky, UW professor of economics, said previously uncalculated factors could increase the budget shortfall by as much as $400 million.
The Badger State is not in good shape. Like many other states, it is facing a huge fiscal hole over the next two years. Wisconsin calculates its budgets on a biennial basis, and the latest estimate for the next two-year budget is for a $3.6 billion deficit. Sure, that number is considerably bigger than a $2.2 billion deficit projected by the outgoing Democratic administration, and Walker has obvious political reasons for inflating it, but independent analysts do not find the figures out of line.
maybe your delusional political leaders think that we are going to have a screaming recovery to take care of it, but persons not on locked wards realize you can't magic wand income in the midst of obama depression.
New Media Meade -if you get Beaten up, remember Dan Rather. He was beaten up in Chicago by Daly's police and was still talking about 40 years later.
So, you only go around once in life, better grab all the gusto you can.
I am concerned that the liberal Dems are looking at the budget Issues in a short sighted way. Public employees are paid a decent wage and they do get a very nice pension and benefit package.
If public employees do not share in the sacrifice, then budgets for people without a large voice get cut even more.
Look at Illinois. Funding for substance abuse was zeroed out and other budget cuts to marginal groups. There were no reductions in public employer pay or benefits.
"you might just stand back a bit and consider the ramifications of this bill."
Roesch, my mom is handicapped, and I know a lot of handicapped people.
The way you talk is utterly condescending, like handicapped people don't have the same kinds of human opinions of the rest of us, like they can only vote as a block. Indeed, one extremely handicapped person I know is being shoved out of a very well designed facility by the Democratic leaders here in California who are shutting it down.
When budgets burst because of all the graft, corruption, and greed of people who want to have more and more and more they can take from the state, who suffers? The poor. The handicapped. The ones who really do need help.
So shove it. You don't care about those people if you are supporting any form of corrupt entanglement of union bosses and the government. Because you believe and support precisely the sorts of bloat and corruption that are, literally, stealing funds from the actually needy.
You want to support the comfortable on the backs of the desperate and then try to act morally superior? That is the very definition of absurd.
This isn't a fight for those in need. What we're looking at now is the privileged bureaucratic bourgeoisie throwing a tantrum.
We should have done this when Obamacare passed.
The DC Police would have beat us to an inch of our lives and the press would have reported we had it coming, and that we had bombs or something.
"Why do you care? Or is just another of your passive aggressive questions?"
Why do I care? What's happening is interesting and unusual.
"The facts behind that claim? Both the numbers, and the known, easily provable lying sack of shit of that claim? Huh!? LOL. So two things, at least."
Where the hell are your facts? I guess this state's and every other state's lack of debt are a figment of the liberal's stoned imagination...
"He was beaten up in Chicago by Daly's police"
Don't forget that time the guys wearing suits beat him up, all the while asking him what the frequency was (and apparently mistaking him for "Kenneth").
I love that you're equating taking collective bargain away from public-sector unions is "destroying the middle class."
I suspect there are a lot of people in the "middle-class" who aren't government-employed.
and again, this makes the whole argument that Althouse could walk through any doors to be kind of silly. Hundreds of protesters got in the building. No security. BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS A PUBLIC BUILDING! I thought they couldnt lock any doors and you couldn't even wait on lines.
"In any case now Walker,and the Republicans has clearly revealed what many critics have point out-- this bill is not about balancing the budget but breaking the middle class through union busting, and defunding monies for the handicapped, women's health, and education"
The bill is about taking away the power of public employee unions to bankrupt the state. Mitch Daniels did it by executive order the day he was inaugurated in Indiana.
You are really clueless but we need to see all sides' arguments. Those that are illogical will be exposed.
Good luck.
Garbage is lying again....
You didn't list one thing I lied about.
The 3.6 billion deficit claim by Walker is:
Higher than your own cites.
Told by a known liar.
rhughes91100 said...
My question is the following:
If mob tactics are perceived to work on the legislators in the Capitol building and the police are unable or unwilling to intervene, what is to stop their use at a polling place?
Remember Philadelphia and Eric Holder's people?
It's the Chicago Way.
But before you think I'm siding with the protesters, I'm in fact saying they should have locked the place down and made the protesters wait on even longer lines. And those protesters should have included Althouse and Meade.
Look at Illinois. Funding for substance abuse was zeroed out and other budget cuts to marginal groups. There were no reductions in public employer pay or benefits.
Yeah, exactly. I live in Illinois and it's interesting how little fuss there's been about the Illinois budget cuts, which hurt people who're far less fortunate than our unionized state employees.
Remember that next time some liberal tries to claim that they care about the little people.
I love that you're equating taking collective bargain away from public-sector unions is "destroying the middle class."
He also totally forget to mention Republican plans to poison kittens and cancel Christmas.
You didn't list one thing I lied about.
Sure we did.
You said there was no deficit at all.
We just presented facts that nicely demonstrate a) there is a deficit, b) even your doofus outgoing Obama Party governor admitted there was a deficit, and c) your doofus Outgoing Obama Party governor even lied about how big it was.
And now you're trying to call Walker a liar? Projection. You haven't made a truthful statement yet and you're calling others liars.
Paddy O nails it.
If they go out on strike can you fire them? If the teachers go on strike or continue to call in sick - y'all should homeschool. It's a better education. At least you'll be able to teach your children the basics of math so they'll understand what a deficit is.
The unions leaders are not for the middle class - the unions leaders use the middle class. It appears from their revealed preference that many of the union members are more than willing to use the middle class, too. Either that, or they don't know how to add either.
That's the garbage lie::::
The 3.6 billion deficit claim by Walker is:
Higher than your own cites. --- You didn't read the Salon quote.... Is that the psychosis or poor education????
Told by a known liar.--- Name calling by a totally fact free garbage source. You are having a bad night, why don't you go demonstrate or vandalize something?
Higher than your own cites. --- You didn't read the Salon quote.... Is that the psychosis or poor education????
The 3.6 billion estimate is based of all agency requests, to the state.
Here, educate yourself, fool. Learn how it works, then come back. Every governor before Walker has been able to figure this out, but Walker.
And really, you're citing Salon as a source? ha!
"Michael Moore and Madow are both twittering away..."
That comment captures the smallness of their mission, as well as the fundamentally onanistic basis of this entire "protest" movement.
Thank you for an exquisitely funny visual!
---Every governor before Walker has been able to figure this out, but Walker.
Yeah, Doyle figured it out. He stole 200 million from a fund for the catastrophically ill and didn't pay Minnesota the taxes collected from Wisconsinites for them.
That's how crooks (like Garbage) figure out the budget. Stealing from the ill --- and then calling Republicans cruel. Not paying obligations - just another day in mooching and cheating.
There's nothing like taking over the administration building.
Back to the 60s, the decade that invented the non-negotiable demand.
Next is the 30s, which invented holding your breath until you turn blue.
Ummm. For someone who claims to be a law professor, it seems a huge collapse of logic to bleat, "security is vastly outnumbered."
Unless you're arguing for a police state where numbers of armed minions of the government come closer to equaling the number of citizens, you should know that the number of police officers around the state capitol are ALWAYS vastly outnumbered just with the ordinary daily traffic of people trying to go about the people's business: ya know, citizens, legislators, staff.
Ummm. For someone who identifies herself as a law professor, if one of your students turned in a brief based on the statement “security is vastly outnumbered”, what grade would he/she receive? This is an egregious collapse of logic.
I’m assuming you’ve had reason to be in the capitol on any given day. You’ll have noticed that security is ALWAYS vastly outnumbered by the people coming and going: ya know, citizens, legislators, staffers.
Isn’t that the way it should be? That, in a democracy, armed minions of the government is ALWAYS a distinct minority?
So I have to conclude your statement is driven by ideology and a desire to make a point.
Given the incendiary nature of tossing off such comments, a bit more discretion is advised.
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