March 2, 2011

"It's all political."


Is it? Really?


Even the snowmen are picketing.


And Jesus Christ is telling the governor off...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's some strange politics, legislators fleeing the state.

Chris said...

Now they hunker down to subvert, sabotage and take their slow, corrosive revenge.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

So, while Governor Walker has the smelly hippies distracted...

Ohio State Senate Passes Bill Curbing Union Powers

The Ohio state Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would curb the collective bargaining rights of public workers and strip away their power to strike.


The bill, known as Senate Bill 5, is supported by Republican Governor John Kasich. It would curb a 1983 Ohio state law that affords collective bargaining rights to public employees.


The bill now moves onto the Republican-controlled House where lawmakers are expected to take up the measure on March 10.

Mark O said...

We all know that The Christ can kill trees and clear out a Temple. I've read some of his stuff. Wow. Man, like, heavy.

Anonymous said...

10But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government.Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
11Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
12But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
13And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; 2Peter 2

When I read this today I couldn't help but keep thinking of the protesters in Wisconsin. For some reason I don't think Jesus would be "telling off" Gov. Walker.

Dose of Sanity said...

Nothing makes me laugh more than people finding a bible quote to support their side.

I think a supreme deity would pick sides here?

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

I just have a hard time believing that Jesus would be cool with the whole "Feed the poor, heal the sick" thing if it is done under duress, ie by the government taking your money under threat of penalty/law, but instead would want it to be a voluntary act - a choice. But then, He and I have not spoken in a few years, and He may have changed hjs mind in the meantime.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Good point, Dose. In actuality, WE choose whether to take HIS side or not. Big difference :D

bagoh20 said...

I'm sure the son of God is in a union. It's all about who you know.

Jimmy Hoffa sits at the right hand of God.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

I don't know about that. I think it would be easier to find God than Hoffa.

Anonymous said...

I have always wondered how Jesus got to look the way Jesus looks -- long locks, well-maintained beard, straight and stark nose, chiseled cheek bones, hazel eyes.

That's a book waiting to be written.

Anonymous said...

If "it's all political," don't the goddam dirty hippies lose? They lost the election, didn't they? It's just a matter of time before the political majority works its will.

Anonymous said...

Did the asshole who accosted the lady yesterday and then talked at Meade also accost the dude with the "It's All Political" sign?

I certainly hope so.

Once written, twice... said...

Walker wants to kill recycling in Wisconsin. How crazy is that?
You can just feel the tide turning against Walker. That is why he needs to ram this bill through.

Anonymous said...

Jay -- Walker also wants to eat babies and force the elderly to do hard labor. Don't even get me started on his plan to forcibly evict everyone from the cities and start back at Year Zero on collective farms.

Walker must be stopped.

Penny said...

"Nothing makes me laugh more than people finding a bible quote to support their side.

I think a supreme deity would pick sides here?"

I don't quote the Bible, and I hardly ever pick sides, Dose.

This is Althouse's classroom, and when she's the BEST at what she does, she has my full attention.

I may comment, and then again, I might not. This online space isn't about "me".

I get "around" enough to know that.

Will let you put the emphasis where you will, Dose of Sanity. It matters little to me, unless you do one of three things.

* First, make me giggle.
* Second, make me scream.
* Third, make me half as great as those I truly admire for being the VERY BEST at whatever they do that I haven't figured out how to do, or choose not to do....if only because I am too busy giggling or JOY.

Althouse is "top tier".

I know it. You know it.

It's why we're here.

Anonymous said...

In other words, Penny would like to be brought to orgasm. Tall order, given the medium. But I am game.

kent said...

You can just feel the tide turning against Walker.

Yeah. That must be why the Failed 14 are scrambling frantically to negotiate the terms of their own surrender even as we speak, obviously.

You're just precious. Really.

Penny said...

A medium?

May I offer you my palm, Mr.Macho?

Original instructions said "read only", but perhaps I can be convinced to "write" something on your medium?

A little pressure seems to go a VERY long way in Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

So, Penny, what's your sign? Come here often?

kent said...

SEVEN: "In other words, Penny would like to be brought to orgasm."

PENNY: "May I offer you my palm, Mr.Macho?"

SEVEN: "So, Penny, what's your sign? Come here often?"

"Dear Penthouse Forum: I am a poster on a small Midwestern blog, and I..."

Toad Trend said...

"It's all political."


Behold, the comments of a retired police officer from Wisconsin. He makes some very good points:

Unknown said...

And who better to cover politics than the Althouse News Network (ANN)?

Listen, given how badly OWN is doing, the Discovery Channel just might be willing to entertain a replacement.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

So, while Governor Walker has the smelly hippies distracted...

Ohio State Senate Passes Bill Curbing Union Powers

So glad I voted for him.

Dose of Sanity said...

Nothing makes me laugh more than people finding a bible quote to support their side.

I think a supreme deity would pick sides here?

Of course, none of the Good Guys in the Bible ever went on strike.

PS Dose of Salts is starting to sound like another PB&J variant.

MisterBuddwing said...

I think a supreme deity would pick sides here?

"A fanatic is a man who does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the case." _ Finley Peter Dunne.

Triangle Man said...

Municipalities will no longer be required to disinfect their water supplies. Let's hope no one takes the Governor up on his farsighted reduction in the historical overreach of central authority.

Anonymous said...

Cemeteries and crematories will be outlawed, so that the dead pile up in the streets. Typhoid will be released over the air of Wausau by Blackwater-owned dirigibles.

M. Simon said...

The snow is melting. Soon there will be no snow men to hold the signs.

The Unions Are Broke

They owe the banks hundreds of millions.

M. Simon said...

The only thing worth recycling is metals esp aluminum. The rest is a glut on the market.

Most "recycled" material is going to the dump at a net loss because it has to be handled twice vs. the stuff we refer to as garbage.

Brian Brown said...

The bill, known as Senate Bill 5, is supported by Republican Governor John Kasich. It would curb a 1983 Ohio state law that affords collective bargaining rights to public employees.

But, but, but, but collective bargaining is so popular!

Why would the politicians jeopardize their careers!?

Brian Brown said...

Jay Retread said...

Walker wants to kill recycling in Wisconsin. How crazy is that?

Actually, recycling doesn't help the environment and it is expensive.

So, um, not too crazy at all.

KCFleming said...

From Commentary:

"The Christian ethicist Paul Ramsey wrote, “Identification of Christian social ethics with specific partisan proposals that clearly are not the only ones that may be characterized as Christian and as morally acceptable comes close to the original New Testament meaning of heresy.

And to paraphrase another section:
'To argue that their form of liberalism has the imprimatur of Jesus — and to argue the necessary corollary, which is that those who want to end collective bargaining for all but wages are being unfaithful to the commands of their Lord — is arrogant and harmful. It reduces faith to a political weapon. In their partisan zeal, they are discrediting the very faith they insist they are defending.'

Toad Trend said...


"And to paraphrase another section:
'To argue that their form of liberalism has the imprimatur of Jesus — and to argue the necessary corollary, which is that those who want to end collective bargaining for all but wages are being unfaithful to the commands of their Lord — is arrogant and harmful. It reduces faith to a political weapon. In their partisan zeal, they are discrediting the very faith they insist they are defending.'"

Thats the thing about the left - they'll use anything as a prop to try and get their way. Children, the elderly, the shiftless, the ignorant - there is no end.

Pretty bad when liberals are arrogant enough (people that have studied Jesus and the Gospel) to use Christ as a prop.

What might be the penalty for that???

Toad Trend said...

Should have read:

Pretty bad when liberals are arrogant enough to try and convince more 'learned' folks (people that have studied Jesus and the Gospel) to use Christ as a prop.

Running out the door error.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all a shakedown. No wonder Jesse Jackson showed up.

The Crack Emcee said...

You know it as well as I do:

It's all Walker's fault.

TMink said...

I do not believe it's all political.

I believe it's all spiritual.

Which makes the lying Jesus poster even more interesting.


JAL said...

Walker wants to kill recycling in Wisconsin. How crazy is that?

Here's a thought -- if you want to recycle? Knock yourself out.

We "recycle." By frugality (necessity) and choice.

We aren't made to do it. We don't get paid to do it ... but it has financial benefits for us (small, but the buck I don't pay the transfer station buys coffee at McDonald's ;-) )

And we are not punished by the know-it-alls for not doing it.

TMink said...

Of course it is heresy. Our culture has become heretical. That is the point. The demise and travails of America are due to her Church turning it's back on Christ. A spiritual turnaround preceeded the political turnaround, and the latter is dependant on the former.

Did you know that China is now the world's most Christian nation in term of numbers of followers of Christ? Estimates range from 85 to 100 million Christians in China who face jail to serve their Lord. That is more than the number of registered communists by the way, so score one for the good guys.


The Musket said...

The snowmen that are protesting are unsustainable, much like the deal that the human protesters want.

wv: humays - the official name of protesting snowmen

Henry said...

The only thing that Jesus said that pertains to Wisconsin is:

"Blessed are the cheesemakers."

"Aha, what's so special about the cheesemakers?"

"Well, obviously it's not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products."

* * *

The real Christ would have walked into the capital and cleansed the temple:

"It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sigivald said...

Fire the lot of them, I repeat.

David R. Graham said...

The difference between "social justice" and Christian ethics is mentioned early in this string of comments. The difference is compulsion in one and volunteerism in the other.

The component of compulsion makes "social justice" neither social nor just. It makes it tyrannical and collectivist.

"Social justice" is a term of art from liberation theology, which started among Roman Catholic professors, clergy and monastics in South America. Liberation theology is communism (socialist tyranny) disguised by the pretense of a Christian ethics mask.

Black liberation theology is a race-specific iteration of liberation theology created in the USA by a professor rewarded for that labor with a chair at a theological seminary.

"Social justice" turns on the element of compulsion. Its nature is socialist tyranny. Its embodiments include Chavez, Obama, Morales, Gaddafi, Fanon, Odinga, Holder, Khamenei, Nasrallah, Jackson, Wright, Cone, West, Jones, Farrakhan.

There is nothing Christian about "social justice" or those embodiments of it.

Grace O'Malley said...

Actually liberal Protestantism and it's walk with socialism is some 150 years old. A good many of the Transcendentalists, who grew out of the Unitarian church, started one of the America's Utopian communities, Brooks Farm. Eventually we come to Washington Gladden and the Social Gospel, as well as Edward Bellamy and his Looking Backwards Utopian book. Not to mention Bellamy's cousin Francis, who wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance. It is no coincidence that the Bellamy's looked to the French Revolution as inspiration more than the American War of Independence. They both described themselves as Christian Socialists.

And let us not forget that Woodrow Wilson informed the head of the DNC, Willam McComb, that God himself had ordained that Wilson would be the next President, and that neither McComb nor anyone else could have affected that. It is possible, of course, that McComb was lying about this. However, having studied Woodrow Wilson for some time many years ago, I am inclined to believe it.
It is, by and large, the liberal side of the Protestant church that brought us Progressivism to begin with. Liberal Protestants are those that kept the belief of Puritan fathers that they have the right to get into any aspect of your life to ensure your moral turpitude while having jettisoned the actual Orthodox belief in God or Jesus. In other words they have substituted man's justice for Gods'.
How Martin Luther must be weeping.

Grace O'Malley said...

that should read AGAINST moral turpitude.

Blair said...

Jesus was a voluntary socialist. These ones are compulsory socialists. There's a big difference.

Jesus believed in paying his taxes. These folk believe in taking more than their fair share of those taxes and spending them on themselves. Again, huge difference.

The Bible tells us that Jesus lived off the voluntary contributions of several wealthy women during his ministry and was not on any Roman government payroll. So I am not sure why the protesters think Jesus is on their side.

dick said...

That sign about Jesus should come down. How dare they proselytize for a Christian religion. You would think the Jews and Buddhists would complain about that and especially the atheists. Why the protesters are obviously trying to install a state religion there, using Jesus to tell the governor what he should do. I would expect better from committed Marxists like the union people. Guess that sign was put up by someone else then.

dick said...

Good for my home state of Ohio. Proud of them and proud of Gov Kasich.

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