March 27, 2011

"I think she probably was raped, otherwise I can't see her having the courage..."

"... to put herself at such risk to let us know what the regime is doing. We see the fear in people all the time. But this is the most blatant example of the vicious way the regime treats the Libyan people."


The Drill SGT said...

She probably was raped, but by press designated bad guys (e.g. Gadafi), so her victimhood will be in the news.

The rape of the US Journalist in the middle of Cairo's largest public square was covered up by that same press because her attackers were designated good guys.

vet66 said...

I believe she was raped given her statement about her honor being violated. Until proven otherwise, it is obvious that women in muslim countries who "violate" muslim male interpretations of Islam are subject to violent and oft times deadly repercussions for their alleged sins.

The disgusting silence of the so-called feminists and misogynist progressives who fail to report any story that doesn't fit their narrative is criminal. The female victim in this rape/torture/murder act puts paid to the hypocrisy of the left who are beyond shame and deserve to be shunned.

Further, Bill Maher and the other verbal rapists in our own country who reduce females to their sexual organs are enablers and encouragers of the Islamic extremists who are emboldened by sexist subjugation in words and deeds.

Bartender Cabbie said...

I agree with The Drill Sgt

Bartender Cabbie said...

and also vett66

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm going to remain a skeptic.

Don't know anything about this case in general. Wouldn't be surprised at all if the woman was telling God's truth.

But, the use of rape as a propaganda tactic is dispersed among every political faction.

Don't forget that feminists in the U.S. became hysterical about rape after the publication of Against Our Will, with some of them even proclaiming that the U.S. is a "culture of rape."

Feminists at U.S. colleges progressively dumbed down the definition of rape to include kissing without first obtaining verbal consent.

Every political movement tries to create rape martyrs to prove that the other side is inhuman. This makes it terribly difficult to sort out one incident from another.

AllenS said...

I don't believe anything that comes out of that part of the world. From anybody, from any side, from any political group, from any religious group.

Automatic_Wing said...

But was it "rape rape"?

vet66 said...

You deniers are helping to perpetuate the subjugation and brutalization of females on a global scale. Female genital mutilation, misogynist laws that condemn women to penury and death for being raped, and a deranged group of mullahs in the ME who condone this behavior on a scale that rivals Chairman Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Hitler and various tip pot dictators in Africa that kill their own with virtual impunity. NATO forces in blue helmets preying on females of all ages is a story all by itself.

Shame on you. You should visit the rape rooms in Saddam Hussein used and the bowels of Lubyanka where the Russians did their dirty work destroying dignity and personal freedom.

Anonymous said...

You deniers are helping to perpetuate the subjugation and brutalization of females on a global scale.

You see, there's the problem.

You are an ideologue with an agenda to push.

So, the specifics of any individual incident are of no interest to you. Everything has to be massaged to advance your agenda, whatever it might be. (In truth, your agenda is incoherent.)

Which makes you completely unbelievable.

AllenS said...

I'm not a denier. I'm well aware of what goes on in this world. In this particular part of the world, misogynist laws a part of the area's religious views. They will never change, but try and change the views and ideas of free countries.

rhhardin said...

Terrorizing the population is the way such a regieme works.

You want to avoid that in Madison.

This is a bad reading though

Further, Bill Maher and the other verbal rapists in our own country who reduce females to their sexual organs are enablers and encouragers of the Islamic extremists who are emboldened by sexist subjugation in words and deeds.

It's a figure of speech. Metonymy and synecdoche.

Maher was right about Palin and most of all about her attraction to her supporters, not noticing that there might be somebody else who might be a little smarter. Nothing about that enables sexist subjugation; if anything it mentions that you might want to consider your sexual attractions a little less in your political choices.

Wince said...

Notice in this video its the female waitstaff that tries to silence her with a hood.

Gaddafi Dangerfield:

I knew a girl so unservile that she was known as a two-bagger. That's when you put a bag over the press in case the bag over her head breaks.

I'm here all week.

Anonymous said...

My late wife, Myrna, a Filipina, believed that the status of Western women, and of Arab and Asian women, at their extremes were just as crazy.

She wasn't in favor of restricting the freedom or opportunities of women, so don't get started on that one.

She just believed that there is a God given difference between men and women that you ignore at your peril. The West refuses to believe this.

We seem to be headed toward a world war over the status of women (and gays), and I'm mostly on the side of the West, although I can see some purpose and intelligence on the side of the Arab and Asian societies.

ricpic said...

A CNN camera was smashed? At last something for the Fourth Estate to be outraged about.

somefeller said...

The rape of the US Journalist in the middle of Cairo's largest public square was covered up by that same press because her attackers were designated good guys.

How was it covered up? The story of what happened to Lara Logan was provided to the press by the network she worked for within days of what happened. Presumably, that time lag was so she could get out of Egypt, get the medical attention she needed and to clear the details of what was to be said with her. Also, that story was one of the biggest news stories that came out of Egypt at that time, it was all over the media and was discussed as the atrocity it was. You're an idiot if you think that story was covered up or that the mainstream media portrayed her attackers as "designated good guys".

somefeller said...

The disgusting silence of the so-called feminists and misogynist progressives who fail to report any story that doesn't fit their narrative is criminal. The female victim in this rape/torture/murder act puts paid to the hypocrisy of the left who are beyond shame and deserve to be shunned.

Another one. Again -- where is the silence? This story has been widely publicized by the mainstream media and it's been discussed as an atrocity by feminists and progressives as well as by conservatives. All you have to do is look around a few websites to notice that. As correctly noted you are an ideologue with an agenda to push. Or maybe just another word that starts with the letter i -- idiot.

Anonymous said...

I find it very interesting that male on male rape is seldom of any interest to the press or political ideologues.

My reading of the tactics of secret police and terrorists in the Middle East suggests to me that the rape of males is common in that part of the world.

But that doesn't seem to get people quite as excited.

bagoh20 said...

Count your blessing free people. This how you are treated by those you give power to, if you give them enough, or let them take it. It doesn't matter where or what language is spoken, it always looks the same, and this is the mild version - the one you get too easily. Power dissolves all the principles you value, even the one everything else is sacrificed for - security.

Anonymous said...

EDH, from what I've read about countries like Libya, waiters are often spies and government informants. What better place to find out what people are thinking than a restaurant?

rhhardin said...

Waitresses with knives sounds bad.

(US: that's servers of the serverette variety)

Terrye said...

Drill Sgt:

Mubarak ran rape rooms for years and I don't remember the press making a big deal out of that.

PaulV said...

rdhardin, explain why Maher goes so bat shit crazy in attacking Palin. Are you a moby who supports the women haters club. Do you find jokes by Letterman about the rape of one of Palin's children acceptable? Do enjoy enjoy Leno joking about a Portugese waterhead dog. aa reference to Palin's son funny? Obama thought it was. Are you upset that Palin has nshown herself smarter that Obama and Biden. Can you joke about Biden ignorance of the constitution or would that show how indefensible your opinion of Palin is? Grow up and stop attacking a better person than you.

Terrye said...


Women all over the world are raped every day. You don't have to be a Muslim..I do think that it is as used as a weapon by certain regimes in order to keep people in line...however, I myself have been a victim of sexual assault..and it happened right here in the USA. And no one went to jail either. I was too young and too scared and believed the young men in question when they said they would just call me a whore.

Rape is one of those crimes that can happen anywhere.

bagoh20 said...

Whether this incident is real or faked is irrelevant unless you believe what she claimed isn't happening anyway.

It happens every time in every place where such regimes of wolves wander around their flock picking out what they want and keeping it's memebers in a tight coil. It's one of the many reason we know that freedom and respect for human rights are the values worth fighting for. Do we really need proof every time that women are being raped? Do we ever doubt it?

PaulV said...

somefeller, they released the story of the sexual attack only after it was leaked elsewhere. Why? Maybe they are covering up what really happened to protect access which is what CNN did to retain access to SH.
Terrye, I think it was SH who ran the rape rooms.

Unknown said...

When I first saw the story (on Power Line), my first thought was, "A little too convenient, too dramatic. False Flag?".

If I wanted to stiffen the resolve of Western countries in support of a time-limited kinetic military action, an Edith Cavell vignette might be just the thing.

Paranoid? Maybe. But the thought hit me.

somefeller said...

The rape of the US Journalist in the middle of Cairo's largest public square was covered up by that same press because her attackers were designated good guys.

How was it covered up? The story of what happened to Lara Logan was provided to the press by the network she worked for within days of what happened. Presumably, that time lag was so she could get out of Egypt, get the medical attention she needed and to clear the details of what was to be said with her. Also, that story was one of the biggest news stories that came out of Egypt at that time, it was all over the media and was discussed as the atrocity it was. You're an idiot if you think that story was covered up or that the mainstream media portrayed her attackers as "designated good guys"

Apparently Black Rock did everything it could to keep the full story quiet. It wouldn't be PC to spoil the meme and allow the Moselms to be portrayed as a pack of cutthroats.

They're known for that sort of thing. It's why nobody in his/her right mind doesn't go on 60 Minutes without their own recorder running.

bagoh20 said...

"Terrye, I think it was SH who ran the rape rooms."

They both had franchises. I suspect identical equipment and customer service.

Anonymous said...

Pakistani Actress Defies Mullah Accusing Her of Immoral Behavior on an Indian Reality TV Show

(If anyone can make the link clickable, feel free)

This is one of the powerful videos I've ever seen.

It strikes at the heart of the topic.

somefeller said...

somefeller, they released the story of the sexual attack only after it was leaked elsewhere. Why?

First of all, it's my understanding that CBS broke the story before any leaks, though there were concerns that other news outlets were going to go to press with the story. In other words, the mainstream media wasn't suppressing the story, it was just a question of who was going to publish it first. Also, you're implying that the story was going to be suppressed by Logan and CBS but for the fact that other media outlets were going to press with it. That's a serious and frankly repulsive allegation, and unless you have some citations to support that, I'm calling bullshit on it. Further, the dumb comment I was referring to was claiming that the press was covering up the Logan story because the attackers were "designated good guys". That is belied by the simple fact that (a) the story came out from CBS and (b) if CBS didn't come out with it, someone else was about to. And in either case, it was much discussed. Some cover up.

rhhardin said...

rdhardin, explain why Maher goes so bat shit crazy in attacking Palin.

He's a leftist playing to a leftist audience.

I'm insisting on a correct reading of the material, though.

Bad readings are offensive.

To the extent he a comic, the material has to make sense.

As often happens on the left, sometimes they have a point. I'd say at random. It's not that they're useful by being always wrong or something, so you can just believe the opposite.

Here the material combines in two words stupid cunt (if I may put the Maher-censored original back so as to recover the actual idiom in question) the two points: Palin isn't that bright, and people that like her like her because she's a sexual dish.

It's an insult to Palin by saying she's stupid, and to her supporters by impugning their motives, both more or less correct.

It pleases the left to hear that, but it's also true.

I'm not saying that Palin is dumber than Obama or Biden; probably she has the intellectual edge by believing some of the right answers to Federal problems instead of the wrong answers.

But there's 150 million people on the right, and Palin isn't at the top of best choices by a long long way.

Freeman Hunt said...

Brave woman.

rhhardin said...

As far as talking goes, Chris Christie is far and away the most attractive candidate for the right.

He gets the right answers, can explain them, and the right answers happen in response to the right questions.

The other supposed bright lights all are worried about offending somebody more than explaining something that (you'd hope) they actually believe, which is not attractive.

rhhardin said...

Brave woman.

Extraordinarily pissed off.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think shoutingthomas is probably right that male on male rape is common in some Middle Eastern countries. The ones that most repress women seem to have a prison-like sexual culture based on what I've heard from servicemen.

Quaestor said...

vet66 wrote: You should visit the rape rooms in Saddam Hussein used and the bowels of Lubyanka where the Russians did their dirty work destroying dignity and personal freedom.

And you have visited these places?

Perhaps the woman was raped. If so the person(s) responsible ought to be brought to trial and perhaps receive punishment. However, these attempts to indict Colonel Quack as the instigator or enabler of this alleged crime is both unfair and unwise.

Firstly, a leader should not be held responsible for all crimes committed by soldiers under his command. The limits of personal responsibility were nicely explored by the Nuremberg tribunal. If this were not true then several US presidents would be in jail for rapes committed by US armed forces personal. We need a lot more evidence before Qaddafi can be blamed. He may well be at fault, but so far nothing persuasive has emerged.

Secondly, tarring the Libyan dictator with such a broad brush makes the West seem inordinately hasty to damn Colonel Quack as the lowest of human scum. This kind of desperation makes tends to push uncommitted observers into the opposite camp. Qaddafi's actual record is quite sufficient, so don't get all riled up. It's unbecoming of a liberator.

Freeman Hunt said...

I agree with rhhardin about Christie.

In fact, if Chris Christie runs, I will devout an absurd number of hours to getting him elected.

I got an appreciation award from the local GOP after the 2004 election for setting up a bunch of call center sessions for Bush campaign volunteers. (Easy.)

If Christie runs, I will be willing to do that times ten along with doing things that are actually hard, whatever they may be.

Terrye said...


Mubarak did have rape rooms, it was one of the reasons he had such a crappy human rights record. His regime was also accused of torturing people to death, including a blogger who was quite well known.

He did not allow for freedom of speech or press or assembly either for that matter..and that was okay fine with a lot of the people who like to assume that every single protester who turned out to call for his removal is just a rapist or a jihadi or whatever.

The truth is Mubarak was a dictator.

bagoh20 said...

"It's an insult to Palin by saying she's stupid, and to her supporters by impugning their motives, both more or less correct."

"But there's 150 million people on the right, and Palin isn't at the top of best choices by a long long way."

So, not top of 150 million = stupid and those millions of supporters all have the same motives, which are all bad.

Very carefully thought out, or is it really that you just liked Maher insult and simply repeated now a couple more times?

Stop digging.

Rialby said...

Drill Sgt - couldn't have said it better myself.

Just 9 1/2 years ago, after 9/11, I would have suggested that there are good Arabs and bad Arabs. That the good Arabs needed our help in order to have a chance at Jeffersonian Democracy. Unfortunately for the Arabs, I think that I, and many like me, no longer feel that way.

bagoh20 said...

Who do you think is more likely to behave like these Cutoffy goons, a pack of Maher fans or Palin's

Terrye said...


So, you think everyone in that part of the world is a bad person? Well, guess what...a lot of people over there feel the same way about people in the west.

And it is wrong, on both sides. For years we said the people of the region should rise up against the dictators and then when they do...we assume they are all liars and frauds, even the women who say they have been raped.

Well, lucky for Lara Logan there are some decent people over there because it was Egyptians who came to her rescue, not her own crew.

The Drill SGT said...

somefeller said...
How was it covered up? The story of what happened to Lara Logan was provided to the press by the network she worked for within days of what happened.

The operative word there is "Days", not minutes. It took them 4 days, from Feb 11 when the rape occurred till Feb 15th when they reported it. You don't think that was a huge gap?

Google "lara logan rape coverup" for more than 400,000 hits.

I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Has Lara Logan complained about a cover up?

Hagar said...

This certainly was one angry woman, and I do not see her getting that angry if she was not speaking the truth.

As for Lara Logan, I do not think that I have seen any account that stated she was raped; just that she was subject to "sexual assault." That probably was rough enough, and despicable enough, but it is unlikely she was raped in the middle of that crowd.

Terrye said...

Drill Sgt:

Why call that a cover up? Women often times do not want to make things like this public, even here in the United States.

My understanding is that Lara Logan herself did not want to talk about it. Maybe that is what it is about...and considering the amount of attention it did get, I would have to say that was a pretty crappy cover up. We all know about it. So, they gave her time to get out of the country and get medical help? So what?

Quaestor said...

Rialby wrote: I would have suggested that there are good Arabs and bad Arabs.

Remember that not all Libyans are ethnic Arabs. It used to be that an Arab was just somebody who spoke the language as his native tongue, but from around 1915, when it was militarily convenient for the British to stir up (or invent) Arab nationalism, we’ve had that Arab identity thing going on which has shed much more heat than light in that region. The Arabs themselves have had more failure than success with that canard, and usually fall back on Muslim fellowship or Shi’a, or Sunni, or Alawi, or Druze, or Sufi, or whatever serves the strategic interests of the ruling clique. Also remember that not all Arabs are Muslims, thus I suggest your post ought to be edited to read “good Muslims and bad Muslims.”
This quandary has a parallel in the history of Nazi Germany. In the summer of 1945 there were good Germans everywhere one looked. There were so many that one could not be faulted to wonder how Hitler and his minions were able to do the things they did. After 1947, when it was clear the West would need allies against Soviet Russia, the good German became a more creditable commodity.

Carol_Herman said...

... And, all because Q-Daffy threatened to release bank records showing he bought Sarkozy for billions, and billions of dollars. And, his note included the threat: "Brother stay bought."

Next thing ya know Hillary tosses in 112 Tomahawks into Tripoli. While the OBamas are in Rio, dancing their nights away.

Sort'a like the "War with Cuba," where Hearst said he'd provide the commentary. Theodore Roosevelt was their with his Riders. Spain lost.

rhhardin said...

"But there's 150 million people on the right, and Palin isn't at the top of best choices by a long long way."

So, not top of 150 million = stupid and those millions of supporters all have the same motives, which are all bad.

Very carefully thought out, or is it really that you just liked Maher insult and simply repeated now a couple more times?

In the context Palin talks in, she's stupid compared to what you expect. In the 150 million, probably 75 million are ahead of her.

A large fraction of the right thinks this, as well as everybody on the left.

Maher's line wasn't aimed at me; it was aimed at the left. I just wanted a better analysis than Maher is a misogynist, which is typical leftist stupidity, as Maher found out.

If the right mostly thought Palin was in fact smart, say up there with Christie, the Maher line would make no sense other than as abuse, like Bush is stupid was.

Which ought to be beneath a comedian.

Automatic_Wing said...

I don't know if you'd say the Logan incident was covered up, but it certainly wasn't hyped relentlessly the way it might have been if the story had fit in better with the media's narrative of noble, freedom-loving protesters vs the evil, thuggish Mubarak regime.

If Logan had been assualted by Mubarak's troops and rescued by a group of protesters, the story would have recieved wall to wall, 24/7 coverage.

Lgbpop said...

I used to vacillate on the issue of good Muslims versus bad ones, believing both flavors existed but anguished about where to draw the distinction without being politically incorrect. After the Twin Towers and mosque being built nearby, the increasing encroachment by militant Muslims upon their neighbors both here and in Europe, and the appalling behavior in northern Africa toward the Copts and the Nubians I still believe it although I have redefined my dichotomy. The secret is to stop trying to be politically correct, and then the answer is crystal-clear....

The good Muslims are the dead ones.

Jason said...

Justice, Mubarak style:

Jason said...


Some of those Muslims are risking everything for a better life for their families. Some of those Muslims have died working with American troops. Some of those Muslims have braved being assassinated, or kidnapped and tortured to death for working with Americans as translators, informants, or even laundresses.

There's no doubt that there's a significant virulent element in Islam - one that has spread its tentacles well into the Muslim community in the west.

There's also no doubt that you're an idiot.

Want to beat terrorism and Al Qaeda? We need Muslims to help us.

Anonymous said...

The Drill SGT --

Google "lara logan rape coverup" for more than 400,000 hits.

I rest my case.

That was a meaningless measure there, SGT.

Google "ufo sightings" for 2,150,000 hits.

I rest my case.

William said...

In a room full of reporters, this woman was hooded and dragged away. The evil in that country is pervasive and shameless. If and when Gaddafi falls, I would hope that those people who are filmed participating in this disgrace are tried and convicted. When evil is this blatant, it makes onlookers feel like participants......@somefeller: I don't know if there has ever been any kind of cover up, but some events are publicized more than others. Rendition, Abu Ghraib, John Yoo's memoes: these are featured endlessly in major motion pictures, front page NY Times stories, law review articles. My best guess is that this story will fade in a few days and that no one who participated in this crime from the rapists to the waitress will ever be punished. There is a certain amount of racism to this. We westerners are infinitely perfectable. But with those Arabs, rape and brutality are a cultural norm.

Unknown said...

The point is : the journalists did nothing to prevent the woman to be detained after denouncing been raped by the Libyan forces. Bravo to those brave men

Unknown said...

Sort'a like the "War with Cuba," where Hearst said he'd provide the commentary
That is a myth.
It is not the same rape in the USA, by criminals ( that usually end in jail) than by the State agents

Lgbpop said...

Jason, how do you I didn't used to be a Muslim myself? How do you know I don't speak from experience?

It didn't take you ten minutes to zero in on that one post with triumphant glee, just looking for the chance to show how enlightened you are and stick up for a bunch of misogynous murderers. You are one of what al-Qaeda calls useful fools. Your mouth will still be open in shock when they decide it's your turn to be beheaded, after helping destroy the evil Wwest from within on their behalf.

Now, who's an idiot?

PaulV said...

rdhardin, why make excuses for those sexist perverts like Maher and Letterman? Democrats have been lying for years about the intelligence of Eisenhower, Reagan and Bush. Why do you beclown yourself by accepting the lies about Palin from the left. Look at what Eisenhower, Reagan & W have written. Their writings prove that leftists are the stupid ones. Leftist attacked Palin because they fear her intelligence. Would she have been so effective in exposing the problems with the left wing agenda if she was not intelligent? Go back to first principles and try to support your opinion rather than repeating leftist proproganda. Read what Pagila wrote about Palin and perhaps you may learn something.

Jason said...


now, who's an idiot.

You are.

You can be an idiot and still be a former Muslim. My point stands without regard to your background. I'm referring to your stupid conclusion, not your history, which is not relevant.

Jason said...

By the way, Pop... if you think I'm "sticking up for rapists and muderers," you're an even bigger turdwad than I thought you were.

rhhardin said...

Why do you beclown yourself by accepting the lies about Palin from the left. Look at what Eisenhower, Reagan & W have written. Their writings prove that leftists are the stupid ones. Leftist attacked Palin because they fear her intelligence. Would she have been so effective in exposing the problems with the left wing agenda if she was not intelligent? Go back to first principles and try to support your opinion rather than repeating leftist proproganda. Read what Pagila wrote about Palin and perhaps you may learn something.

I'm going on what I've heard Palin say, not what the left says. You only have to hear a few sentences from her to react as I do, anyway if you're going to react as I do.

It's cliches and platitudes.

Paglia's Sexual Personae is magnificent. Unfortunately thereafter her stuff starts depending on your being interested in Paglia herself.

Jason said...

Unless Reverend Sharpton speaks up on her behalf, I am inclined to believe her.

mariner said...

They could always fly in a black man and have a group of purple-shirted Libyans beat him up.

Oh, wait ...

PaulV said...

rdhardin, I noticed you avoid the question of why Palin has been so effective informing the People that Obama is a clown. How can you ignore how effective Palin has been in framing the issues. She has demonstrate more intelligence than 99+% of your overclass

PaulV said...

Questrator, The US executed Japanese general for not controlling soldiers under them who committed crimes against POWs.

Fred4Pres said...

So why aren't the very pro feminist Western press talking about this story? Reminds me of this scene from Ghostbusters when Rick Moranis is crying for help outside of Tavern on the Green.

traditionalguy said...

In the middle east, the tribal customs require that a defeated tribe's women be raped by the victorious soldiers. It is a fringe benefit of being on the the winning side. Most of the Russian Army men reverted to this tribal custom in Berlin after the German defeat in April 1945. It is one more reason that the Arabs wanted so bad to defeat Jews in a battles in the 1948 War of independence, and it still excites their lust. The IDF to this day includes armed Jewish women so that they will have a fighting chance.

Beau said...

The point is : the journalists did nothing to prevent the woman to be detained after denouncing been raped by the Libyan forces. Bravo to those brave men

What an idiot you are. That out of this horrible event you think that's the point.

Charles Glover of the Financial Times tried to wrestle one of the Libyan minders away from her and was driven to the border immediately.

Beau said...

So why aren't the very pro feminist Western press talking about this story?

They are, watch something other other than CNN or Fox.

Cedarford said...

Shouting Thomas -

"Every political movement tries to create rape martyrs to prove that the other side is inhuman."

Agree, and the media pays more attention to salacious rape charges than they do to far more eggregious acts. As part of journalists being beaten and roughed up, Lara Logan got groped while she was being roughed up. This became bigger to the media and hysterical feminists than the dozens of murders.

Same old crap. Villages in Sudan being raided, men massacred, babies spitted on bayonets, crops burned, lifestock slaughtered, people left to starve...Yawn!
Report the Gangaweed are raping Sudanese??? Stop the presses! Crime against humanity, feminists joining Neocons in demanding that troops go in to Save the Women.

It also helps if the Progressive Jewish Media and Left can see the rapist as an opressor. A good example is dozens upon dozens of women are raped on and off campus by black thugs. Yawn! But if some crack whore with a history of false accusations says 4 Duke students raped her Nubian Queen self - well that is right in the approved Progressive Jewish Media narrative in place since the 60s. White oppressor rapists, noble black woman violated. Shades of the KKK! Must be true. Even if it isn't, it advances the approved narrative!

The Libyan rebels, just like the Palestinians, know the way the Western Media ticks..any accusation of rape is worth more than photos of dozens of people pulverized into body parts by a Libyan tank firing 115mm shells into an occupied apartment complex.
And the West, while convinced the average Palestinian or Libyan lies whenever their lips are moving...are compelled by the "narrative" to believe any report by any Arab women must be true if her lips are moving and she is charging an American, a Zionist, or some regime people with rape.

William said...

I don't mean this as a criticism of Lara Logan, but she chose to withdraw and seek seclusion after her assault. This woman, Iman al-Obeidi, chose to enter a room full of journalists after her assault and tell the world about it. This was as brave an act as you will ever see. She must have known how the second act would play out but she chose to proceed.....If you compare the plight and the courage of this woman to that of Lara Logan and Valerie Plame, there is no comparison. By entering that room, she tacitly appealed to the protection of the journalists. I understand why they could not physically intervene at the moment. But now she should be a cause celebre. Her picture should be on the cover of Newsweek. Natalie Portman and Naomi Cruise should compete to star in the biopic of her life....There was a recent Libyan press release claiming that the woman was a prostitute, that she had been set free, and that she was now living with her sister. The press sympathized with Valerie Plame and demanded vengeance on those who wronged her. We shall see how they follow up on the case of Iman al Obeidi and judge accordingly.

rhhardin said...

dhardin, I noticed you avoid the question of why Palin has been so effective informing the People that Obama is a clown. How can you ignore how effective Palin has been in framing the issues. She has demonstrate more intelligence than 99+% of your overclass

That's not my reading of Palin at all.

She certainly annoys the left.

On the right, she's nothing special.

The only praise I've read of her that made any sense to me was that she didn't try to take credit for stuff.

That's a mark of good character and the opposite of Obama.

Palin though lets a tone of deep belief carry the load that ought to be carried by explanation.

Cedarford said...

William said...
I don't mean this as a criticism of Lara Logan, but she chose to withdraw and seek seclusion after her assault. This woman, Iman al-Obeidi, chose to enter a room full of journalists after her assault and tell the world about it.

William - that is, if she is telling the truth and is herself not a revolutionary making false rape accusaions to advance her cause.

I mean, the Jewish Progressives, black race card players, and the Left were falling all over themselves in praise of the "courage" of Crystal Gayle Mangum to come forth and accuse the Duke players of savage gang rape. That she was a whore with a record just had them piling on additional praise that a prostitute (feminists favorite "rape victim" of the evil male patriarchy) - had the bravery to "step forth".

Yeah, and like you, they were already talking about which black actress should best play the heroic Mangum in the coming bioptic.

Unknown said...

Aljazira said Eman al-Obeidi has been released

PaulV said...

rdhardin, why do you ignore the impact that Palin has had on the issues. Why would the liberals still be complaining about her unless she has exposed their stupidity on energy, obamacare, porkulus, overtaxation and foreign policy. You cannot cite examples because your attacks on her are not fact based.

rhhardin said...

rdhardin, why do you ignore the impact that Palin has had on the issues. Why would the liberals still be complaining about her unless she has exposed their stupidity on energy, obamacare, porkulus, overtaxation and foreign policy. You cannot cite examples because your attacks on her are not fact based.

Limbaugh has that effect, not Palin.

Palin's effect is to incense the left, and produce a little horror on the right as well.

Limbaugh's position on Palin is that Palin would be better than Obama, which I think we all can agree on.

I have seen zero evidence of Palin's influence beyond that she does have fans that seem sincere but completely foreign to me.

Limbaugh is doing the heavy lifting.

William said...

Worse case analysis: she's a liar and a propagandist. Even so she deliberately put herself in harm's way. She had no reason to believe that the people who arrested her at the hotel would treat her any better than her previous alleged captors. Whatever the back story, she performed a brave act. The courage of the act lends credence to the story that she tells. It is much easier for a Muslim women to be a suicide bomber than to be a self admitted rape victim. This woman deserves to be celebrated and her attackers deserve to be punished.

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