March 19, 2011

"I didn't have a sign and she was like 'Take this one'" says a lady with a "Hi, Everybody/Fuck You" sign.

In case you wonder why people carry the signs they carry.

Maybe they just got that from a friend.


David said...


ricpic said...

Oh the men that have done her dirt!

Third Coast said...

Classy dame. She'd probably pick her nose on camera if asked politely.

Irene said...

The globalizationy music in the background almost makes it hard to "heeer" what she is saying.

Anonymous said...

You've got a bad case of Woodstock in Madison, Althouse.

We've got the same trash right here in Woodstock.

madAsHell said...

I've never understood "Fuck You" as an insult.

Although I will admit, asking a woman to "spend the night" always trumped the more direct "I wanna fuck you".

Maybe that's where it comes from....

Unknown said...

The sign perhaps says more about the holder and the cause than either want to admit.

Lincolntf said...

All sheep and no shepherds?

chickelit said...

Maybe they just got that from a friend.

Like herpetic lesions?

Palladian said...

That's a man, baby!

William said...

I said elsewhere that most of the protestors look like decent folk. It's the exception that proves the rule.....I think all her life she has wanted to carry a big sign that says Fuck You. In a way she has, but this finally makes it explicit. She would love to have it in neon with bigger letters, but this is a start.

Anonymous said...


The other side said "only $5, group rates available."

vbspurs said...

First, that lady looks like she's been around the block more than the sign.

Second, I rather got the impression she didn't want to f-bomb out loud, didn't you? She's probably the beta female to her friend's alpha.

wv: juvative (when juveniles talk jive)

vbspurs said...

OMG! I think we all picked up on the same thing. (re: being around the block)

David said...

Although I will admit, asking a woman to "spend the night" always trumped the more direct "I wanna fuck you".

Always? Jeez, I'm sorry it worked out that way for you.

madAsHell said...

Wow! I watched the video. I thought she was misplaced until she opened her mouth, and spoke. She didn't sound very happy....kind of an Eeyore vib.

rhhardin said...

You should have asked if the "fuck" in "fuck you" is a verb, and then debated it.

Impart some knowledge.

Michael K said...

Her mother must be so proud.

vbspurs said...

Breaking: US Forces fire 122 Tomahawk missiles into Libya.

And Russia scolds us for coalition strikes, urging us to stop.

Also, France (FRANCE) were the first to engage and shoot enemy forces in Libya, a few hours ago.

To recap, US President is in Rio being snubbed by its first woman, ex-guerilla president; Russia glowers; and France is Top Gun.


ken said...

That's funny. Google French Victories. Amazing that Sarkozy and Hillary have bigger stones than The Messiah. I wonder how all this will poll. So the cheese-eating surrender monkeys are down with dissing Ghaddafi. How do MonkeyBoy Chavez and ImADamnNutJob feel about that? Amazing the French Euroweenie Greens could not stop France from using nuclear plants to produce 78% of their electrical energy and meanwhile here the environmental wackos have free rein. Windmills anyone? Oh, bad idea if it spoils Fat Teddy's family's views.
If Lady Gaga and Bieber are every prepubscents' dream idols and Madonna was so starting nearly 30 years ago, are the current protesters mostly flower childs from the 60s teaching and influencing our yoots now?

coketown said...

I'm getting the sense that not many protesters know why they're there. Like the anti-Walker protest was the tentpole for a general airing of grievances, but for the demonstrations to appear coherent they had to work Walker into their signs regardless of how tenuous the connection.

I'll add my vote to that being a man, baby!

Anonymous said...

So do you think Obama will put Gaddafi in Guantanamo?

Anonymous said...

"I didn't have a sign, so she gave me her sign."

"We spend a lot of time making signs."

[and, apparently, dropping acid, still.]

Phil 314 said...

Distilling the message down to its essence.

Sharing signs; what else are they sharing?

Like I said yesterday, its time for the protest to go on hospice. These folks need comfort; I see no likelihood of meaningful recovery.

(Given this woman's affect maybe the protest IS ALREADY on hospice)

Anonymous said...

"I'm getting the sense that not many protesters know why they're there."

That's because you really don't understand what's going on behind the scenes with the Democrat Party.

Many of the protesters are there because they are being paid $7.50/hr to be there. Democrats are too rich to actually protest themselves. They've outsourced that task to the poor.

The protesters don't really give a fuck what their sign says ... just whether the checks bounce or not.

Dope ain't cheap.

KCFleming said...

She looks like she's been sitting there since 1971.

Phil 314 said...

I note one can read the words from a distance. You need to get up close to see the cut out picture of Walker.

Easily misinterpreted from afar as a Walker plant

Phil 314 said...

Could this woman be an example of this?

Anonymous said...

Didn't seem to be angry at all to be carrying that sign, no message...

roesch-voltaire said...

Yes there was this sign, but so much more. I attended the capital today in support of the students raising money for the victims of the Tsunami in Japan and what I observed was this wonderful Bakhtin- like carnival. A Koto trained drummer was helping a five year old keep rhythm, young kids on stilts dressed in customs wobbled by as fire fighters marched in parade with drums and bagpipes leading the way while Vietnam Vets looked on, and several women from up-north were gathering signatures to recall a Republican. And yes there were Walker as Hitler signs, along with other more generic ones, and the crowds of folks came and went talking of politics and weather and the NCAA game the Badgers will play tonight.

Anonymous said...

Didn't seem at all angry to be carrying that sign...must have been some pretty good whatever

Trooper York said...

Hey so that's what Dose of Sanity looks like?

Conserve Liberty said...

Breaking: US Forces fire 122 Tomahawk missiles into Libya.

Don't those puppies cost about $800,000 each? That'd be $97,600,000.

Carol_Herman said...

Do you know back in the 1960's the word "fuck" wasn't in the dictionary. Books that had it got banned (at first.) Then? Read by a lot of people.

I noticed on this sign that a "padding was added" ... so I guess just hold the stick by itself, was uncomfortable.

And, WOW! Meade said "I thought, at first, you were a teenager." A sentence like this makes a woman plotz inside. But the exchange made me laugh.

The man sitting next to this dame didn't seem interested in her, either. And, except for the few people you see around the Capitol, I'm going to guess there are more people going to the malls. And, the local bars for Happy Hour, and karaoke.

But whatever adds visuals to this story: WHOOPIE!

vbspurs said...

OT: Well, I subscribed to Globo TV to keep you guys informed about Obama in Brazil. They're showing the limosine cavalcade live -- and guess what, our President and First Lady will be staying at the palatial and historic Hotel Copacabana, where Robert F Kennedy stayed once. And me too! :)

Palladian said...

The BGM-109 Tomahawk cost 569,000 per unit in fiscal year 1999, so yes, they probably do cost about 800,000 dollars today. Compared to Obama and the democrat's overall spending, that's pocket change!

Carol_Herman said...

For some reason the "Bush-Hitler" meme is what the democraps credit with taking Dubya down.

They've got nothing, if this is all they've got against Walker!

And, the "Bush-Hitler" meme is NOT what made Dubya unpopular. That is something he managed to do to himself.

America even has hollywood history where Charlie Chaplin spoofed hitler.

The left has no sense of humor.

Hitler took germany down the toilet! In a dozen years, he ended up in the bunker, 3-stories down. And, he shot himself. Rather than coming out and signing a surrender.

Meanwhile, Mel Brooks took hitler into the Producer's. Where a story revolved around "Springtime For Hitler." Which Brooks also set to music.

Anonymous said...

"Didn't seem to be angry at all to be carrying that sign, no message..."

That's what the Democrat Party figured out ... they don't need an actual message.

They have the media writing the narrative. The narrative is that unions are protesting ... and so what the media needs are props.

The media needs there to be humans with signs who seem to be protesting. That way, they can write that there was a protest ... even though there really wasn't a protest ... just a bunch of very low-paid actors carrying signs.

Doesn't matter what the signs say. In fact, the less coherent the better.

You're being hoaxed.

Wake up, sheeple.

Anonymous said...

"For some reason the "Bush-Hitler" meme is what the democraps credit with taking Dubya down."

Yeah, it wasn't the constitutionally dictated end of his second term. It was the crude Hitler signs that took Dubya down.

m stone said...

I had to look up "Bakhtin" again R-V, but your Walden-like description of Madison today nearly moved me to tears. Of course, it is contrary to everything we've been seeing in Mad-town these last four weeks. That brought me to my senses.

John henry said...

Someone suggested that Meade ask about union membership and employment.

Another good question might be whether they are getting paid to picket.

Thanks again to both Ann and Meade for all the excellent reportage.

John Henry

Toad Trend said...


"...just a bunch of very low-paid actors carrying signs."

That's about right. Take any two protesters and you might have a 100 IQ.

John henry said...

OT but re the Tomahawks:

I have heard that the military has only 500-700 Tomahawks in inventory at any given time.

That means we just shot off 20% or so of our total supply.

Sure hope we don't need them elsewhere before they can be replaced.

John Henry

roesch-voltaire said...

mstone,well folks have a right to frame things so that it fits their agenda, and I was just giving you a wide angle view of what is mostly over-looked on this blog, but which may fit my agenda--multiple perspectives help.

John henry said...

Why is France so feisty about getting rid og Gadaffy?

Might this explain it?

Gaddafi wants Sarkozy to return election funding
Mar 16, 2011 4:00 PM | By Sapa-AFP
Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam has asked French
President Nicolas Sarkozy to "give us back our money" allegedly used
to finance his 2007 election victory.

Seif al-Islam told Euronews that "we have all the details and are
ready to reveal everything" as Gaddafi's forces closed in on rebels
in the eastern city of Benghazi who France recognised as Libya's
legitimate representatives.

"Sarkozy must first give back the money he took from Libya to finance
his electoral campaign," Gaddafi's son said when asked about France,
which has along with Britain been leading calls for military
intervention in Libya.

Carol_Herman said...

Meade, it amazes me how you find great stuff to photograph. Most people would have looked around, today, and not seen this. Let alone captured the lady and her sign so well, just bey asking her questions. Starting with "you thought she was a teenager."

Oh, and the wrapped stick! To make it easier to hold. I wonder how she got up on her perch. Didn't she have to use two hands to get up there? Did someone have to hold her sign for her, while she climbed up?

Is she local to Madison?

It's just like the "bullhorn nurse." You just have an art with a camera.

I think you and Ann should win a Pulitzer. (Meanwhile, I saw, today, that Cameron and Sarkozy may be recipients of Nobels, for taking action against Ghaddafi.

Quaestor said...

Might this explain it?

In a word, no.

Hagar said...

NEA - 3.2 million members.
AFT - 1.5 million members.
AFSCME - 1.6 million members.

But I still think there should be more mention of AFSCME in this. I suspect that the salary and pension benefits generally are more egregious there than for the teachers around the country.

And AFSCME cannot claim "it's for the children!"

vbspurs said...

OT: I don't know if this is any interest, but Dr Kimberly Shankman, Jim's academic mom, seems to lean...Right or Libertarian (unless I completely got the wrong end of the stick after reading her essays).

Resenting the Heartland's Success, The Claremont Institute


Reviving the Privileges or Immunities Clause to Redress the Balance Among States, Individuals, and the Federal Government, The Cato Institute

Cato and Claremont?? I think we may have a little boy who is transferring his rebellion of his mother's world view, unto Ann Althouse.


vbspurs said...

And I especially like that she may be a Libertarian, as it would poke an effing big hole in Cedarford's little reverie of Dr Shankman being under the thumb of the Jewish Progressive Comintern.

vbspurs said...

(Ah, I think Ann deleted the blogpost I referred to. Never mind)

chickelit said...

vbspurs said...

OT: Well, I subscribed to Globo TV to keep you guys informed about Obama in Brazil.

I for one appreciate your doing that. I'm not sure everyone here realizes how much you know about Brazil and its language.

Maybe they do but they forget to be amazed.

Meade said...

Pogo said...
"She looks like she's been sitting there since 1971."

Heh. And Palladian says she's a he. Could be - I didn't get close enough to lift her/his tail and have a look see, the way we used to do it back on the farm.

But here's the thing: The protest IS over. I've been saying it for over a week. The bill has passed both chambers, has been signed by the governor, and the legislation will, one way or another, move forward. Like it or not, a radical change has taken place in Wisconsin state government.

For most "protesters" now, the Capitol is just a place to party and try to catch a buzz off of what ever fumes linger. People like r/voltaire and garage will go up to the square on Saturdays, take their families, and dream that they are all what democracy looks like. Good for them.

Forty years from now, the teenage girl with the "Wuck Falker" button and the Walker is Hitler sign, will be sitting atop that same perch, holding an incoherent sign, wondering what happened to the last 40 years of her life.

m stone said...

Your post says it all, Meade.

Thank you.

vbspurs said...

Chickelit wrote:

I for one appreciate your doing that. I'm not sure everyone here realizes how much you know about Brazil and its language.

Aww, shucks. *kicks pebbles*

Thanks, Chicken! You know how much I care for you all. In fact, I'm considering naming my first-born "Althouse Commentariat".


vbspurs said...

Meade wrote:

Forty years from now, the teenage girl with the "Wuck Falker" button and the Walker is Hitler sign, will be sitting atop that same perch, holding an incoherent sign, wondering what happened to the last 40 years of her life

In my version, Miss Wuck Falker and Jim Shankman get hitched and live happily ever never.

KCFleming said...

And their child will be called Patchouli.

Palladian said...

Patchouli is a wonderful aroma material, inexpensive, easy to harvest and process, environmentally friendly, and it possesses a unique and unmistakable odor profile, with deep, resinous, woody, earthy, vegetal and even minty notes. Patchouli oil (and derivatives; I'm partial to the super-critical CO₂ extracted product) is also indispensable in many great perfumes, such as Tabu, Diorella and Chanel's Coromandel. Whenever I see the honor of this great material besmirched I have to defend it. I will not allow the dirty hippies to co-opt its grandeur.

And my dear Pogo, have you any idea of the botanical name for patchouli? Pogostemon cablin. Ahem.

roesch-voltaire said...

I am not so smug as to predict how folks will look forty years from now because life is too transient for that, but I do know enough folks are uniting against Walker and the Republicans to cause a re-call for some, and that may bring about another change in Wisconsin politics--no need to dream about that, rather to work together to make democracy work. Hey a team effort worked for the Badgers tonight-- an inspiration not to give up!

Anonymous said...

... but I do know enough folks are uniting against Walker and the Republicans to cause a re-call for some, and that may bring about another change in Wisconsin politics--no need to dream about that, rather to work together to make democracy work.

The Republicans and Walker won the election.

That's democracy.

You need to go home and accept the reality that you lost.

Decent people do that. But, you wouldn't know much about that.

vbspurs said...


Sounds like Pogo came out with a line of Japanese toys.

And Palladian, dear, I love you like the brother I wish I had had, but I loathe the scent of patchouli. I smell it and instantly I feel depressed.

Anonymous said...

"Another good question might be whether they are getting paid to picket."

The Democrats, of course, have thought of this.

One of the terms of your employment agreement is that you will not reveal that you are being paid to anyone.

If you do, you don't get the money.

This is common knowledge among Madison, Wisconsin journalists. All of them - ALL of them - refuse to report these easily verifiable facts. And that is because 95% of Madison journalists are white Democrats.

RobertL said...

...mostly say: Hooray for our signs!

It's all coming back to me now.

madAsHell said...

Patchouli stinks!

Meade said...

"...mostly say: Hooray for our signs!

It's all coming back to me now."

"Signs?" Apparently, it's not quite all coming back to you.

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