March 24, 2011

"Can't I just eat my waffle?" said Meade, channeling Obama.

Actually, he was eating a pancake. (Meade makes pancakes nearly every morning. When he gave me mine this morning, he said "Here's your circle of grain for the morning," because the evening circle of grain, Meade-made, is pizza.)

I'd just said: "There's a big civil disobedience event at the Capitol in 15 minutes."

Did Meade continue to eat his pancake or did Meade stop mid-'cake to answer the new media call?


themightypuck said...

If I ate pancakes every morning I'd weigh 300lbs.

Emil Blatz said...

He rolled out - code 3!

vbspurs said...

Pizza, schmizza. As far as non-sexual gratification goes, nothing can beat a good, hard massage.

And my vote goes to the hurried peck on the mouth, flip-cam in hand, out the door.


chickelit said...

Meade is a modern Waffelschmiede -- eager to forge new weapons in the fight for justice.

Lincolntf said...

Wolfed the pancake and headed out the door.

cubanbob said...

No. Now get out there and do the people's work. Remember, no good deed goes unpunished.

chickelit said...

Waffelschmiede = Waffle smith.

vbspurs said...

I will reply to Ronboy here, since he asked me in the Masel thread, what is for breakfast.


(Mwah! Hey, missed you in the Liz Taylor thread, guru mine)

Phil 314 said...

Meade, I've appreciated your video as a "right there one the ground" witness of what a mass protest looks like. But what gnaws at me is What's the rest of Wisconsin think?. I mean this is the action of a conservative Republican Governor and legislature and the reaction of a liberal city. By definition, grand conflict ensues. But what's happening in the less liberal smaller cities of Wisconsin. When I think of Wisconsin, sad to say, I consider Madison an aberration (like Austin in Texas).

Have you ever considered building the NewMeadia empire by getting videographers from the "hinterlands" of Wisconsin?

PS I still think a documentary out of the hours of video would be a great thing to produce.

kent said...

It's not a "pancake"; it's a "Kinetic Batter Action!"

Dan from Madison said...

Looking forward to the footage!

Irene said...
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Irene said...

He decided to stay home and eat his pancake; the decision was easy after Monday's wimpy TAA turnout at the Bascom "Rotunda."

SPImmortal said...

President do nothing is done with his waffle and now he's busy partying with will I am, hitting the links, and sunbathing in foreign countries.

He might return to the white house occasionaly to check up on how things are being run.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Just remember it’s not “Circles of Grain” or “New Meadia” that are important…it’s the Circle of Love you two share….

kent said...

"Smoke me a kipper; I'll be back for breakfast!"

SPImmortal said...

By the way, Meade is the shiznit.

I love how all the butthurt liberal turds come around here to personally insult him. Meade's honesty and forthrightness in exposing the wannabe thug tactics of the far left astroturf are getting to them.

They don't have and arguement or even a rationale, all's they have is a two faced game of pure nastiness/play the wounded victim.

Rich B said...

From Ace of Spades-

Breaking News: President Obama to visit the U.S. this week and is expected to be here for several days.

-Funny headline thanks to a commenter only calling him/herself "MFM" .

If only - Jeremy where are you?

vbspurs said...
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kent said...

From Ace of Spades

He's absolutely on FIRE this morning! ;) Another goodie:

"We've always been at kinetic military action with Eastasia!"

Unknown said...

Meade sounds like a man who abides by his parents' wise teaching, including Mom's dictum that a good breakfast is important.

vbspurs said...

Pizza, schmizza. As far as non-sexual gratification goes, nothing can beat a good, hard massage.

And my vote goes to the hurried peck on the mouth, flip-cam in hand, out the door.


Non-sexual gratification?

Well, Cinnabons are the best this side of Heaven.

And I vote sweep the missus into his arms the way Errol Flynn did to Olivia DeHavilland when he played Custer going off to Little Big Horn, give her a smooch that left her tingling for ten minutes,


"flip-cam in hand, out the door."

You need a little more buckle in your swash, mum.

And you, a daughter of Sir Henry Morgan and Francis Drake.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Rotunda is not going anywhere..

Kinda like the kinetic military action in Libya.

vbspurs said...

"Kinetic Military Action" is ridiculous verbiage. And a helluva mouthful on protesters' posters:

No more Kinetic Military Action for Synthetic Petrochemicals!!!!!

Chip Ahoy said...

Mead is the very picture of poised equanimity. He was aware of the event beforehand so pancake-planned for it. He finished the pancake at normal the pace then stepped out the door without any apparent haste.

Drew said...

Up here in the hinterlands we watch what's happening in Madison, and reaffirm our committment to vote against Democrats. Or anyone with close union ties for that matter.

vbspurs said...

Edutcher wrote:

Non-sexual gratification?

If one can actually fathom such a concept, yes.

Well, Cinnabons are the best this side of Heaven.

Mmm, love me some cinnabons. Even that crappy, gooey, sugary mess served up by Mickey D's.

(And I have zero sweet tooth, usually)

Unknown said...

All those carbs sound delicious...and yes, I'd weigh 300 pounds too, themightypuck.

Since you are the only reliable media in Madison, tho, you must work it all off running around town scooping the legacy media.

Tank said...

Made a pancake sandwich with the bacon and hit the road while chowing down.

Christopher in MA said...

"Make a pancake sandwich. . ."

OT, but the coffee shop near my house has a "breakfast sandwich" consisting of two pancakes cradling an egg, some bacon or ham and your choice of cheese.

It sounds pretty tasty - but then I look at my waist and realize I'm pretty far down Orson Welles Boulevard already, so I might want to keep my desires in check.

MadisonMan said...

Yum (that's my reaction to rdkraus' post)

David said...

I hope he ate the damn pancake.It will give him strength to return to the war.

vbspurs said...

PatCa wrote:

Since you are the only reliable media in Madison, tho, you must work it all off running around town scooping the legacy media.

Meade looks like one of those thin, wirey men who can eat a freezer-full of food and not gain a pound.

It's Ann's thigh's we have to worry about.

chickelit said...

It's Ann's thigh's we have to worry about.

She wears the chains Meade forged in love?

(all apologies to Charles Dickens)

vbspurs said...

Speaking of chains, Chicken, have you checked Google's main page today? They are celebrating Houdini's 137th birthday!

Anonymous said...

Kinetic military action is heck.

kent said...

"Kinetic Military Action Is Unhealthy For Children And Other Living Things!"

kent said...

"Kinetic Military Action!
Good gawd, y'all!
What is it good for?
Absolutely NUTHIN'!"

Lincolntf said...

The term is Obama's way of saying "Kiss My Ass" to everyone who calls him on his dithering or hypocrisy.

kent said...

"It was a time of Brother versus Brother... Father versus Son... North versus South.

"It was: the Kinetic Military Action Between the States."

chickelit said...

vbspurs wrote:

Speaking of chains, Chicken, have you checked Google's main page today? They are celebrating Houdini's 137th birthday!

Excellent! Houdini was from Appleton, WI, though he wasn't born there.

PaulV said...

I would worry more about the free pizza at the protest and less of the pan cakes.

Dustin said...

How can you not like Meade?

He even makes pancakes most mornings.

Wow. Althouse is a freaking genius. I wish I had married into pancakes.

Dustin said...

BTW, they both look like healthy people. Especially for their age.

I hope Althouse shares their exercise secrets. Maybe they just have good metabolisms?

Ann Althouse said...

The pancakes we eat aren't more than ordinary breakfasts. I'm eating, if you break it down, an egg, a 1/4 cup of whole grain flour, 1/4 cup of milk, and about a tablespoon of fat (oil in the batter and butter on top), and about a T of syrup.

john said...

Again, what's with the waffles, pancakes and pizza? High, high glycemic. Do I need to stereotype? Get on the bike and eat some meat. They're hunters in Wisconsin. No shame in eating Bambi,and I mean the doe, not the stripper at the club in Illinois where the democrats fled to.