March 20, 2011

At the Hugs-and-Fists Café...


... you might enjoy the afternoon in Madison, Wisconsin.

IN THE COMMENTS: Chip Ahoy says;
Chip: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

Father Nets: What'd you do this time?

Chip: I perverted a perfectly innocent photograph without permission and posted it here.

Father Nets: Well, say ten Hail Marys and kick yourself in the ass.


Trooper York said...

Typical white people.

Trooper York said...

Except for Crack standing in the middle with the poster about Yanni.

Trooper York said...

The liberal douchenozzles in Wisconsin make me laugh.

There is more diversity and interaction between races and classes on one car of the "F" train going two stops then there is in the entire state of Wisconsin for a fuckin year.

Get over yourselves and get a fucking job. And take a bath. And wash you greasy hair.

Filthy hippies.

GET OFF OF MY LAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rube said...

Thank's Trooper Your, three times.

Rube said...


Wince said...

Not surprising that people seem much more interested in the free pasteries than free hugs from that pasty-looking guy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

When are these people going to go home?

Don't they have, like, you know, jobs or something?

Carol_Herman said...

Not enough people to count. Is one woman blowing a whistle? Gosh, they're on a street corner, and they're not even impeding pedestrian traffic.

Another beautiful day in Madison.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm going to plant a bunch of Pacific Shore Juniper along the sunny, sloping top of a high retaining wall. If one of you gardeners reads that and thinks it's a bad idea, please tell me. I am a beginner.

Also, I finally bought a tiller. It is so fun that I would like to tear up the whole yard with it.

Wince said...

Tax the Rich: Madison Protest Time-lapse (Full Length)

You got some nerve, coming here
You got some nerve, coming here
You stole it all, give it back
You stole it all, give it back

Good Morning, Mr. Magpie
How are we today?
And now you stole it, all the magic
took my memories

The Millionaire Cop Next Door

It's said that government workers now make, on average, 30% more than private-sector workers. Put that fantasy aside. It far underestimates the real figures. By my calculations government workers make more than twice as much. They are America's fastest-growing group of millionaires.

Doubt it? Then ask yourself: What is the net present value of an $80,000 annual pension payout with additional full health benefits? Working backward the total NPV would depend on expected returns of a basket of safe investments--blue-chip stocks, dividends and U.S. Treasury bonds.

BuzzInvestment pros such as my friend Barry Glassman of Glassman Wealth Services say 4% is a good, safe return today. But that's a pitiful yield, isn't it? It's sure to disappoint the millions of baby boomers who will soon enter retirement with nothing more than their desiccated 401(k)s--down 30% on average from 30 months ago--and a bit of Social Security.

Based on this small but unfortunately realistic 4% return, an $80,000 annual pension payout implies a rather large pot of money behind it--$2 million, to be precise. That's a lot. One might guess that a $2 million stash would be in the 95th percentile for the 77 million baby boomers who will soon face retirement.

That $2 million also happens to be the implied booty of your average California policeman who retires at age 55. Typical cities in California have a police officer's retirement plan that works as follows: 3% at age 50. As the North County Times of Carlsbad, Calif. explains: "Carlsbad offers its police and firefighters a '3-percent-at-50' retirement plan, meaning that emergency services workers who retire at age 50 can get 3% of their highest salary times the number of years they have worked for the city. City officials have said that in Carlsbad the average firefighter or police officer typically retires at age 55 and has 28 years of service. Using the 3% salary calculation, that person would receive an annual city pension of $76,440."

Who are America's fastest-growing class of millionaires? They are police officers, firefighters, teachers and federal bureaucrats, who, unless things change drastically, will be paid something near their full salaries every year--until death--after retiring in their mid-50s. That is equivalent to a retirement sum worth millions of dollars.

Trooper York said...

"Also, I finally bought a tiller"

Don't you need a boat for that? I mean why else would you have to steer?

YoungHegelian said...

The hugs and the clenched fist signs in close proximity reminds me how for years I've seen the smarmy "You can't hug your kid with nuclear arms" bumperstickers around town.

Now, I want a bumpersticker that says "You can't hug your kid with clenched fists".

I doubt the humor will be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

"If one of you gardeners reads that and thinks it's a bad idea, please tell me. I am a beginner."

That's a perfect application for that species of ground cover. It's very hardy and about the only downside is that it grows so fast you may end up having to occasionally cut it back.

Freeman Hunt said...

Great! Thanks, Ut.

Unknown said...

That post title does paint a picture.

I have a feeling some of the unionistas are beginning to question which side they should be on.

The Crack Emcee said...

I thought about this yesterday:

How you have all these people, and signs, talking about peace while saying (and doing) the most vile things imaginable.

The cognitive dissonance is striking.

Carol_Herman said...

Certainly not a flash mob.

AllenS said...


I planted Blue Rug Junipers on top of my retaining wall, with red cedar wood chips over the ground. Looks real good.

Freeman Hunt said...

That sounds good, AllenS. I'll get the red cedar mulch.

AllenS said...

I also laid down a fine cloth mesh screen before planting the Junipers and the wood chips to stop the grass from growing. That was easy to work with, and I think a good idea. I also put a plastic edging to separate the chips from the lawn.

Michael K said...

"I also laid down a fine cloth mesh screen before planting the Junipers and the wood chips to stop the grass from growing."

You can also use old newspapers for this and the mesh can be a pain a couple of years later when it catches in rakes, etc. You do have to reapply the newspapers every year if the ground is not covered with chips.

Here we are in the southern California mountains awaiting a one to three foot snowfall. I should move to Madison where it's spring.

Irene said...

A few moments ago on "Fox News Sunday," Senator Lindsey Graham, responding to the decision to take part in the Lybian action, said, "Thank God for strong women in the Obama administration."


Scott said...

I haven't been posting much recently, but I still try to follow the blog when I can. Had been working on a really frustrating software project. The ill-will between me and my boss had also been growing. She is basically a pretty crappy manager; and the stress of this project eventually pushed her into micromanagement mode. When that happened, my focus shifted from completing the project to trying to make her happy. (That never works.) Eventually I was told on March 8 that I would be terminated on March 15.

Not a bad situation, as it turned out. Over the past year, I had interviewed at other companies. And on March 11, I got a phone call from one of them asking if I was available. Mirable dictu, I have a new job starting on March 28, same salary, better benefits!

Since this past Thursday, I've been in Minnesota visiting family with my partner, and will be returning to beautiful New Jersey tomorrow. We saw the Guthrie's production of "A Winter's Tale" on Thursday. (Go see it! Great fun.) The Wurtle Thrust Theater looks nearly identical to the old Guthrie Theatre that used to be next to the Walker Art Center. Brought a tear to my eye.

We also went to the Walker. Favorite exhibit: A room full of projectors showing Merce Cunningham's choreography of John Cage's 4'33" . The films consist of the late Mr. Cunningham sitting in a chair. Cage's piece was a joke; Cunningham's performance was a joke, and the Walker's exhibit was a joke as well. I loved it.

knox said...

Freeman, I had v. good luck with juniper as a groundcover in Knoxville... don't know how that climate compares to yours. I planted it all around my mailbox, and it even crept out onto the street a bit in an attractive way. Low-maintenance, too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The house speaker has a boner?

Click on Listen

Chip Ahoy said...

Chip: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

Father Nets: What'd you do this time?

Chip: I perverted a perfectly innocent photograph without permission and posted it here.

Father Nets: Well, say ten Hail Marys and kick yourself in the ass.

Rob said...

In Madison they really know how to rally the American people. Blue fists with stars on them! Work every time.

Why not just make the fist and/or the star red and quit even trying to pretend?

Automatic_Wing said...

Man, that is one angry Smurf.

Rob said...

OR, "works" every time.

ricpic said...

They're standin' on the corner and there aren't even any girls goin' by to watch.

Oh the vacant horror of Sunday in the provinces.

SteveR said...

The old lady with the fist is scaring me

Toad Trend said...

It would be interesting to know what exactly is on the little slips of paper the woman on the left is holding - the kid in the hat and shades sure looks interested.

I see commemorative t-shirts have been manufactured in honor of the the fleebaggers...

knox said...

Scott, congratulations!

Almost Ali said...

Glenn has mentioned (twice) the "trend" in publishing 99-cent books on Kindle: FOLLOWING THE 99-CENT KINDLE BOOK TREND, Michael Walsh’s Exchange Alley.

What do you think, about the trend? Would you read a 99-cent book? And writers, would you publish a 99-cent book?

I'm thinking about it, 'cause I have a manuscript sitting here... doing nothing. And not just any manuscript, but a great American novel!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! look at that photo --

Michael Jackson is alive!

David said...

"Michael Jackson is alive!"

And whiter than ever.

vbspurs said...

Hugs-and-Fist cafe is a gay bear bar, right?

Emil Blatz said...

Hug this!

SGT Ted said...

Do they hug you while fisting you?

Is that the message?

I prefer a kiss on the neck.

Toad Trend said...

SEIU being sued by Sodexo:

vbspurs said...


1) Speaking of Charlie Sheen, the woman wearing the fedora, grunge rocker overshirt and Chuck Taylors is imbibing an imaginary drink. I'd keep my eye on that one.

2) And the red t-shirt lady next to her didn't get her Tiger Blood memo. It's "Wisconsin 14: Winning" not "Fighting".

3) That chalk slogan on the floor in front of them -- can't make it out, can you you?

"What does [something] kill us only me"

4) That's Hugo Chavez wearing the red beret in the back -OR- the lesbian goddess lover of the short-haired, older ladies to her left. Yes, both of them. 'Cause that's how they roll.


vbspurs said...

DBQ wrote:

Don't they have, like, you know, jobs or something?

Rational response: This is their job.
Crazy moonbat response: WALKER KILLED THEIR JOBS!!!!!

vbspurs said...

And on March 11, I got a phone call from one of them asking if I was available. Mirable dictu, I have a new job starting on March 28, same salary, better benefits!

Hey there, Scott, long time! And congrats! :)

Unknown said...

I have a feelin' Father O'Malley will give ya's dispensation on dis one, Chip.

Peter Hoh said...

Freeman, the shrub pick sounds good.

Just don't think that because they are small, you can ignore the spacing recommendations. They will spread.

I vote against some kind of mesh liner/weed barrier/landscape fabric. I can explain more if you need it.

Use a thick layer of mulch, and add a little more every year until the junipers create an impenetrable thicket.

Peter Hoh said...

Freeman, the Renegade Gardener has two posts that address your concerns.

Fertilizing trees and shrubs and weed barrier fabric.

Corre∫pondence Committee said...

OT, but I must:

Looks like Judge Sumi very possibly has a son who has the same name - Jake Sinderbrand - as someone who just happens to work for the AFL-CIO, and SEIU.

It's coming out on Twitter this afternoon.

How about that?

Scott said...

Hey Victoria, nice to see you also! Virtual hugs and kisses.

(How would one do a virtual hug, anyway? Maybe use internet-driven telemetry to operate one of these? Sort of a hug by wire.)

Chip Ahoy said...

virtual hugs XXX
virtual kisses 000

I think. Maybe I have it backwards.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

I second Peter's advice.

Wince said...

Freeman Hunt said...
Also, I finally bought a tiller. It is so fun that I would like to tear up the whole yard with it.

Years ago I bought the Honda FG110 minitiller. Best lawn/garden device with useful attachments, and uses straight gas.

Plus, if you want to do the "whole yard" with it, the most useful attachment is the dethatcher (power rake).

(Don't worry, it only pulls up dead stuff.) .

You'll be surprised how much dead matter it pulls up from under your lawn, and even loosens the soil (decent aeration).

madAsHell said...

Free Tookie Williams!
Free Manson!
Free Sirhan!
Free Tibet!

Free Hugs?

Who the hell is Hugs?

I one wants to free Sirhan. He killed a Kennedy.

Freeman Hunt said...

Thanks for all the tips. I like that Renegade Gardener site. I've read it before on another subject when it was linked from here.

I love his tree circle screed. Our house came with circles around the two front yard pin oaks. I would love to rip the circles out, but my fear is that the trees were established that way, with soil about six or eight inches up their trunks, and that I'll hurt them if I remove all of that garbage.

Someone please tell me that that fear is unfounded, and I will be out there with a sledgehammer tomorrow.

Peter Hoh said...

Can you see the root flare? How mature are the trees?

While it's not about correcting problems with existing trees, this page offers a nice primer on trees and roots and planting depth.

Sometimes you can pull off some of the mulch/soil that's been mounded around a trunk without causing any harm.

If the trees were properly planted in the tree circle (and you'd know this if you can see the root flare at the soil line) then I think the best you can do is expand the tree circle into something more like a tree island. Just don't make it a perfect circle.

But there are too many variables for me to feel comfortable offering advice. If I could see photos, I'd be more comfortable offering more specific advice.

And remember, Meade knows more about trees than I do.

Freeman Hunt said...

Thanks, Peter. I'll have to look at them tomorrow. Maybe I can get some pictures. The trees are fully mature, I think. Probably 30-35 years old. Maybe older.

AllenS said...

This was the first time that I used a mesh underlay. It was recommended by a couple of friends. The only places where weeds came up was through the area where the Junipers were planted, and around the edges of the rock/cement retaining wall and the plastic edgeing. I'll use the stuff again.

Meade said...

Peter Hoh is a crack horticulturist. I would absolutely not hesitate entrusting to him my first-born Cercis canadensis (which, as some you know, is a Walker plant.)

Peter Hoh said...

Thanks, Meade.

Allen, wait until it's been 10 years, and then get back to me about the landscape fabric.

AllenS said...


What will happen after 10 years? Will my field stone/cement rock wall fall down? I planted the same Blue Rug Juniper about 1980 in my field stone/cement structure for my flag placement. 10 years, or so, the Junipers froze out. These plants are about 4 feet above the ground. I'm going to say that it was a very cold winter with little or no snow, and that's what killed them. I did not use a mesh underlay. What will kill these Junipers? Tell me.

Peter Hoh said...

Allen, you're right that the junipers should last a long time.

And the junipers should create a dense cover that will prevent most weeds from growing. You may never encounter the negative side of landscape fabric in this location.

In general use, the problem with landscape fabric as a weed barrier is that the mulch above it breaks down after a few years, forming a perfect medium for growing weeds. The roots of some weeds weave their way into the fabric, making them very difficult to pull out.

And removing old landscape fabric is an annoying task.

But like I said, the fabric might work out in this instance. It will suppress the weeds for a couple of years, in which time the junipers will fill in.

AllenS said...

Peter, I've planted these Junipers before and without a mesh underlay. Weeds were a constant problem until the Junipers covered the wood chips. I planted 4 Junipers around 2003 (I have a picture) and now they are hanging down 2 feet over the edge of the field stone/cement. They completely cover everything and there are no weeds. This latest project is 32 inches wide and almost a 100 feet long. There are 34 Junipers. I need some help controlling the weeds and the mesh performed well. I'll use the stuff again.

WV: bunde

TV character

AlphaLiberal said...

The "hugs" sign is a joke related to when a mentally disturbed, yet peaceful, man hugged that hate Glenn Grothman after Grothman waded into a protest crowd seeking a confrontation.

The police report on it is hilarious.

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