To get close to a five minute slot is a big deal. You did very well. You seemed a little nervous at first but got into the give and take flow with Meg real quick.
Mom also recounted that she, as a student in Soviet-occupied Lithuania, was told by school officials that she would be from her program if she failed to show up and carry a red flag at a "May Day" parade.
12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Gawd, Megyn seems so totally fucking stupid. (And "Megyn"... what kind of San Fernando Valley name is that?)
What's wrong with teaching about the history of collective bargaining? All the historical points she enumerates are true. There is no political message being sent to the children by teaching that history.
It's nice to see you, Althouse, maintaining dignity and composure and sensibility in that cesspool atmosphere.
You come off as intelligent-- the polar opposite of that seemingly brainless, uninteresting ditz who is interviewing you.
You come off as intelligent-- the polar opposite of that seemingly brainless, uninteresting ditz who is interviewing you.
You've got to be kidding me, Julius.
Megyn Kelly is one of the toughest interviewers I've ever seen.
You should take a look at her interview with that lame police chief who wanted to lay the Tucson massacre on Republicans.
Kelly is one tough, smart woman.
And Kelly did her job in this interview. She challenged Althouse. What do you want her to do? Give Althouse a free ride? Althouse doesn't need it.
I'm no feminist, but I've got to poke you in the eye for that porn star bitch. Kelly is a beautiful woman, no doubt. What are you saying? All beautiful women look like porn stars? All beautiful women are stupid?
Her porn star eyes seemed to be saying "really, this is it? couldn't you at least have recorded children swearing or name-calling?!"
You know, I'm not a regular viewer of Fox News. I like the O'Reilly Show and I watch it when I can. I'm a musician and I'm out most nights, so it's not that often.
But, Fox actually does what it says. On its hard news shows, it always gives both sides. That's what the left bitches about. They like the old fashioned network way, where only their side is aired.
So, Kelly is doing her job here. She's challenging Althouse by offering up another side. She's not just falling over for what Althouse says.
And, yet, Althouse is able to say what she wants to say.
Shouldn't it be pointed out that the last governor (who signed this atrocious law), was a democrat who LOST?
Ya did great! And, unlike TV of old, that required 3 cameras, and professional cameramen, you got this little video onto national TV!
Meanwhile, I think young kids pay more attention to the banana, and how a condom is slipped on top; than they do to "labor laws."
I always thought "labor" meant what my mom went through to give birth. Do kids also learn that to get around you needed to have a horse? Which meant you needed to have housing for horses?
Will our teachers always be this lame? (They are not lame, here, where I live! And, our public schools has 100% parent participation, too.) PTA
Althouse stayed cool when Megyn threw out the info on the textbook teaching, and Althouse replied that teaching about the history of unions was okay, but indoctrination of kids isn't.
@ ST - you really think fox gives it to you straight? It explains a lot about our prior conversations. MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEws are awful. As Althouse requests...think critically.
My problem, right off the bat was that the caption of the news segment read "WI teachers seen leading students in chant..."
Immediately, Althouse says she thinks they might be teachers because of what they are wearing. The caption stays, though, and the message is sent to folks that teachers took students to the capitol.
That being said, I regret saying "porn star eyes" and will try to be open-minded to fox news commentators based on this interview and your analysis, too.
I read somewhere that Howard Zinn's book on American history is the most frequently assigned book in high school. God help us all....I give Althouse high marks for composure, wit, and intelligence, but any woman wishing a career in broadcasting better look like Megyn Kelly except younger. Think of that poor woman who got kicked to the curb by Eliot Spitzer. If she looked like Megyn Kelly, she would still be alive today.
@ ST - you really think fox gives it to you straight? It explains a lot about our prior conversations. MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEws are awful. As Althouse requests...think critically."
What's your formulation? Your 'porthole' to events? Do you sample a certain cross-section of news 'products'? How much weight or consideration do you give to each? How do you adjust your views? Polls? Election results? Workplace dynamics? Personal experience?
That's a great question. It should be asked more often.
First, I believe they have an incentive to be as provacative as they can be - it generates ratings.
Second, they will attempt to report news in a manner which placates their base (even if that fundamentally misrepresents the issue reported). As proof, turn on fox news and msnbc at the same time and watch their headlines for the same story.
Third, I'm sure, as with most people, if you sit down and read an article/watch a segment, you can pick out attempts at bias. (again, speaking neutrally as I feel all news organizations are guilty of this). For example, in the Althouse clip - the interviewer mentions "being taught unions in the history". Then emphasis its the law. Then, in case the viewer didn't get it, says they are being indoctrinated in and out of the class. Althouse, to her credit, points out that history is history, its how its taught.
Finally, there are numerous books, studies, examples where the fallacy of reporting are noted. If you want, I can link a few, but just googling will bring you to plenty. My favorite is the entire book devoted to O'Reillys lies (sweetjesusIhatebilloreilly), but that's probably because I know the author.
I'll leave you with a quote from my brother: American Media has failed us. All red-blooded Americans should watch Al-Jazerra.
Ah, I also misread your question. Personally, I read CNN, Fox News, and the AP-Wire stories for American news sources. I also read BBC and Le Monde to get less biased views. (no dog in the fight, so to speak)
I'll leave you with a quote from my brother: American Media has failed us. All red-blooded Americans should watch Al-Jazerra.
There's a plethora of news media and opinion media out there.
So, there are people you don't like.
So what? Doesn't mean shit.
This is the great era of awakening of media. Anybody with 10 bucks for a hosting site can put up their stuff.
And, it's up to the reader or viewer to choose. This is good.
And, what has happened (and this is what pisses you off) is that the major media like network TV and the New York Times can't dictate just because there are no alternatives.
You're a narrow minded jackass. You want to go back to the days when a few media outlets dominated everything.
OT Story about WI grad Kim Hughes /blog/ball_dont_lie/post/ Players-chip-in-to-save- coach-8217-s-life-after? urn=nba-wp184
I haven't read the Milwaukee press extensively during all this shit, but I did read it from time to time.
And, Althouse appears to be right. The major media press in Wisconsin seems to be very heavily tilted to the left.
So, look what Althouse is doing. I don't really see her as the righty that our nuthouse commenters do, but she is definitely providing a different, more questioning point of view of the demonstrations and recall effort.
And, Althouse has a big audience.
So, this is a good thing. The major media can keep on shilling for the left. Althouse can be critical. You can read what you want.
Remember kiddies, when you make that impulse buy of soda bread and you don't wanna crack a tooth gobble it all down toot suite unless you're partial to day old cement.
You have a voice for NPR. Very sedate. It contrasted sharply with the seizure-inducing motif of Fox's general production style. You also seemed dubious of Kelly inferring that kids are indoctrinated with pro-Union propaganda, which was nice. And I did enjoy how it ended with a fun hypothetical about kids turning their protesting lessons against their teachers. As always, an enjoyable appearance.
My problem, right off the bat was that the caption of the news segment read "WI teachers seen leading students in chant..."
Immediately, Althouse says she thinks they might be teachers because of what they are wearing. The caption stays, though, and the message is sent to folks that teachers took students to the capitol.
She also said she talked to them.
That being said, I regret saying "porn star eyes" and will try to be open-minded to fox news commentators based on this interview and your analysis, too.
Appreciate the honest, non-hostile dialogue.
No you don't regret it. Your honesty and lecherousness has shown through. To late.
Any way, what's wrong with a douchenozzle? Don't dochenozzles go where we all want to be?
Trust me, if a douchenozzle has to be used in the place you want to be, then there is an oh so not so fresh feeling thing happening that you might not want to be a part of. Just sayin.
Trust me, if a douchenozzle has to be used in the place you want to be, then there is an oh so not so fresh feeling thing happening that you might not want to be a part of. Just sayin.
I have about as much respect for public employee unions as I do for NFL unions. As far as I'm concerned, both can quit and let more capable people apply for the jobs.
Its pretty pathetic when unions went from protecting workers and ensuring workplace saftey to making sure they can get an ever larger chunk of the tax revenue while everyone else pounds sand.
Hoosier Daddy said..."I have about as much respect for public employee unions as I do for NFL unions. As far as I'm concerned, both can quit and let more capable people apply for the jobs."
And we all know that isn't going to be you.
Think of this the next time you have your fat ass sitting in front of the tube on a Sunday watching the NFL:
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
I have about as much respect for public employee unions as I do for NFL unions.
I don't remember many people running into the World Trade Center when it was on fire. I do remember hundreds of public workers going in though. And dying.
I don't remember many people running into the World Trade Center when it was on fire. I do remember hundreds of public workers going in though. And dying.
Megyn Kelly has a law degree from Albany Law School, and practiced law for ten years before going into reporting. This was two women lawyers talking about what amounts to child abuse. They were both correct to focus on the fact that the children couldn't consent to what they were being asked to do since they couldn't understand what they were being asked to do. It was an appalling abuse of them. Kelly was the director of the Albany Law Review. The difference between the Tea Party children and the use of children here is that Tea Party children at least have the consent and permission of their parents. This gave the impression at least that they were using other people's children to push their political points. It wasn't clear whose children they were: if there was one point I wish I had been clarified in the vid, it's that one. Who kids were these? I think it's acceptable to use your own children to make political points. It's abhorrent to use other people's children like that, especially if you're on the public's dime as you do so.
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
I don't remember many people running into the World Trade Center when it was on fire. I do remember hundreds of public workers going in though. And dying.
I know you're not the brightest light in the harbor but I don't have problems with public workers. I have problems with public employee unions that bargain for unsustainable wages and benefits that fall on the taxpayer who has no input.
If and when you ever pull your head out of your asshole, you might come to the conclusion that practically every state is looking at pension plans facing insolvency and there isn't any fucking money to pay for it.
Cops and firemen also make use of collective bargaining (for better or worse). Maybe the macho-men of Aynhouse might like stop bullying the schoolteachers (mostly female) and take on the cop unions--disrupt some of their meetings, or take away their pensions. Jay the tough guy,
"...the macho-men of Aynhouse might like stop bullying the schoolteachers..."
You really have no semblance of a brain do you?
Nobody here is bullying teachers. Its just not nice.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. The message IS there, HAS BEEN there, and has been repeated many times. Lets try again:
Courtesy of @Hoosier Daddy:
"If and when you ever pull your head out of your asshole, you might come to the conclusion that practically every state is looking at pension plans facing insolvency and there isn't any fucking money to pay for it."
Aynhouse might like stop bullying the schoolteachers (mostly female) and take on the cop unions--disrupt some of their meetings, or take away their pensions.
Don't need to. We're out of money. The pension obligations simply can't be met because, and I'll say it again.
When you are interviewing someone, the questions should be about something that the guest is concerned with. Otherwise the questions are just rhetorical...
Megyn Kelly talks with Althouse about the video for about the first two minutes of the clip, and for the last half-minute or so.
In between, she goes off on a tangent about a Daily Caller piece, which Althouse has absolutely nothing to do with. And Kelly's wording during this non-interview part of the interview is inappropriately strong and certain:
"It just seems clear that there is some sort of message being sent to Wisconsin's children..."
How is Althouse supposed to respond to this since it is a conclusion based on something that she has nothing to do with? It seems to be put in there just to give the show that extra rhetorical oomph-- a bit of political fresh meat being thrown to the right-wing audience. It is bad, bad interviewing. Still, Althouse handles it well.
Then Kelly goes off on that ancient Obama propaganda video from... what?... one year ago? two years ago? Why bring it up in this interview? Is Althouse an expert on propaganda and children because on Monday she shot a video of children engaged in a political demonstration in the Wisconsin Capitol three blocks from where she lives? Does Althouse moonlight in child psychology? No! But I'm sure Althouse has a lot of other things she could say about the Capitol protests, having gone there personally every day for a month, having shot videos and photos on most of those days, and having blogged it all. Kelly wasted the opportunity to tap into Althouse's knowledge, experience, and perspective. Or, if it was indeed heavily edited, then Fox News wasted the opportunity to present those things to its audience.
Mindful awareness of the person you are talking to is not just good interviewing technique, it's also common courtesy. The person being interviewed is not a political too. Unfortunately, that's how Kelly treats Althouse here-- like a piece to flesh to be used and then Fox News moves on to the next body. It's nonetheless impressive that Althouse comes off so well under these circumstances. Althouse's reservoir of virtue seems to be an order of magnitude deeper than a flake like Kelly's.
Ann, you've made an excellent point about brainwashing. While I'll venture to guess that these kids came from a local day care. (For how long a drive can you keep such little kids on a bus?)
Now, to take kids off campus, would the same rules apply that would apply to public schools? For a kid to participate in a field trip, the parents must sign consent forms. Has anyone asked for these to be produced?
I also notice that the age group varied by more than one grade. (The kids in the center don't even reach the height of the railing.) And, the ratio seemed to be way more girls than boys.
Again, it's better when kids play. And, when school's not in session, that's when kids used to play all day.
Oh. And, finally. Those people leading the chants. Obviously, union people. Were they paid to be there?
Oh, yes Good blog discussion! Among other things, I learned that Megyn Kelly went to law school. Didn't know that.
I knew the world before women were given access. Things changed around 1967, with the passage of Civil Rights.
6:30--say grazi to GOP/BushCo era TP tax slashes for that. In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda. Cut taxes on wealthy, privatize, then slash programs, education, etc. And this is probably the first step of anti-unionism. First, take on the teachers--softies. Then go for the tradesmen unions--won't be so easy then .
Either way ...the point remains--the typical anti-tax Teabugger has gone on ad nauseum about the teacher unions but has said little or nothing about cops and firefighters. Porque? Spinelessness
My first reaction was "if my kid's teacher did this to/with my child I would be so ticked" - but on second thought it's quite possible these kids their parents are good lefties who supported this.
I can't see the video out here in Afghanistan, which is a pity. Meghan Kelly has the most incredible eyes that make you want to swim in them. I don't much care what she says, I just love watching her eyes. When you add that she's a pretty smart lady makes her even more appealing. I hope they pay her more, no matter how much they're paying her.
Havingn said that, can someone describe what happens in the video?
In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda.
This is especially funny when former Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry was berthing his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying half a million in sales tax and $70K in annual excise tax.
Not trying to be an ass or anything, but do you do anything scholarly anymore? Or do you spend most of your time chasing interviews with "journalists" on Fox News?
When Ulysses S. Grant was president, he was debating whether or not he should go for a 3rd term. And, decided against it. Rutherford B. Hayes, the Ohio governor ran. And, won.
Back in 1875 the issue that Hayes ran on had to do with schooling. (Where the Catholics had fits because the King James Bible was a popular textbook. And, the Pope used a different translation, from the Vulgate.)
Wouldn't surprise me that taxpayer funding of our schools will be another hot topic, come 2012. (Only one side wins.)
In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda.
The five richest US Senators are all Democrats.
In order: Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Additionally, Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.) owns an NBA team worth more than $250 million.
That is so typically a Sodbuster straw man fallacy. Kerry's not a role model of mine but I suspect he would agree with raising taxes at Fed and state levels to assist with education, paying teachers, training, so forth.
when GOPers/teabuggers whine about not having the money to cover education and other programs, they have only their own supply-side libertarian policies to blame. And Im not convinced all the educators in Madison are card-carrying Demos. Many are people just fighting for a job, and the pension they agreed to. And if Walker/GOP do start cutting state jobs, be sure the local WI economies will take a dive as well--but business cycles are a bit beyond the usual Teabug.
Cut taxes on wealthy, privatize, then slash programs, education, etc.
Yeah, damn that "slash programs"! Agenda!
Federal spending is outstripping economic growth at a rate unseen in more than half a century, provoking some conservatives to complain that government under Republican control has gotten too big.
The federal government is currently spending 20.8 cents of every $1 the economy generates, up from 18.5 cents in 2001, White House budget documents show. That's the most rapid growth during one administration since Franklin Roosevelt. ... Spending on social programs, from education to veterans health care, has risen faster than at any time since the 1960s.
Kelly has the most incredible eyes that make you want to swim in them. I don't much care what she says, I just love watching her eyes. ~~~~~
I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think she just winked at me." And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, she's got it.
Rich Lowry, National Review measured, intelligent, in-depth reporting on mama grizzly ...
Conservative males, especially pundits/politicians are soooo damn repressed. ;)
You guys need a chat room. Maybe on AOL. You could call it the Althouse of Mirth. That's where the heart of fools is. You could bicker with abandon there.
6: 50. Jay, you mormon piece of shit--I Find ya Ill kick yr byatch teeth in. Capichay scum?
You're mistaken as well, jay byatch. The DoD budget increased greatly under BushXo. And taxes were slashed, especially on wealthy (ie estate;/capital gains).
So even if some programs were expanded, there weren't enough revenues to cover it. The key point which yr little white trash mind can't fathom.
6:30--say grazi to GOP/BushCo era TP tax slashes for that. In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda. Cut taxes on wealthy, privatize, then slash programs, education, etc.
Yes, we've seen what a great job throwing money at teacher's unions has done.
And this is probably the first step of anti-unionism. First, take on the teachers--softies. Then go for the tradesmen unions--won't be so easy then .
These people (Lefties) really are idiots. the tradesmen's unions are mostly private industry. They destroyed themselves years ago
Don't need to. We're out of money. The pension obligations simply can't be met because, and I'll say it again.
You can say it again, but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck. Why you guys constantly shill for this shit is mind boggling. Why?
You can say it again, but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck.
So there is a line on their paycheck showing the amount being deducted out of their base salary and put toward their pension? Can each teacher opt to have a different % deducted?
CNN should hire New Meadeia / Althouse for a weekly show and mabe call it The Sanity Check. Thinking people would love how Althouse actually observes stuff and asks great questions. If you get an offer, I have a good agent you could use.
Actually Jay byatch, given your paranoid ranting you sound like.... you got something to hide (apart from yr racism, and pathetic Ayn Rand meets Greenspam biz major Econ 101)--sort of like, really paranoid? JAmes O'Keefe style. Or is it..... Ted Bundy Mormon style . Bundynomics! Ted was gop as well,and a racist. Jay Bundy. sad, little man. Stick to, puto
but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI.
You are a drooling imbecile.
These facts:
State Pension. Teachers belong to the Wisconsin state pension plan. That plan requires a 6.8% employer contribution and 6.2% from the employee. However, according to the collective-bargaining agreement in place since 1996, the district pays the employees' share as well, for a total of 13%.
•Teachers' Supplemental Pension. In addition to the state pension, Milwaukee public-school teachers receive an additional pension under a 1982 collective-bargaining agreement. The district contributes an additional 4.2% of teacher salaries to cover this second pension. Teachers contribute nothing.
I knew the world before women were given access. Things changed around 1967, with the passage of Civil Rights.
I'm just wondering access to what? My father's yearbook from 1948 at the University of Tennessee shows women students. At least one of his professors was female. UT went coed in 1892.
The marketing research company I work for was started by a woman in 1931.
Yes, there were more barriers to women then than now, but the extent is exaggerated. Blacks had it much worse. I imagine the corporate world produced more barriers for women than governmental bodies.
During my childhood, born 1951, I don't recall hearing a single woman complain about not working and being able to stay home with the kids (except when the kids acted up). Maybe they were so oppressed they were afraid to speak up. But, I got the impression they liked their lives. My mother chose not to work even after getting her M.A. and being offered a job to teach as a small local college.
J: I expect you rent so you might not have an opinion on this. But why is the Federal govt involved with "education." Where do all my property tax dollars go? What does the fed have to do with educating kids in my neighborhood?
No Jay stupid byatch the increase in Fed spending was due to something called the ...DoD . Iraq war ring a bell? Maybe like finish yr remedial pie graph course (most AAsters should take it as well). Anyway the discussion was about tax slashes at Fed and state levels in regard to lack of funds for education , not spending across the board, dimwit
I thought Kelly could have been on point and less tangential in her approach.
The Obama video has slight merit, in only that it represents teachers directing students in political theater ... but yes, it's old news, and the two videos aren't directly related.
The Professor did a good job with what she was presented.
7: 17-- I expect you rip people off people, Mikey, given that yr in finance, but like maybe youve heard of the US-COn? Taxation was in the original doc, and ...added to via Amendment. Actually the relation of Fed and state taxes (including property) to education spending is a bit more complex than many realize, including the Ayn Rand-posse comitatus sort. But the fact remains that insufficient tax revenues for state employees is a bit part of the problems.
But who the f*ck cares? The AynRand style social darwinist such as you Mikey has no interested in like democracy, or public education, or Justice, but in saving a few shekels a year. The AA boards aren't about rational discussion but for loudmouth Beck wannabes such as Jaybird here to indulges their crypto-klan rhetoric.
That is so typically a Sodbuster straw man fallacy. Kerry's not a role model of mine but I suspect he would agree with raising taxes at Fed and state levels to assist with education, paying teachers, training, so forth.
Its not a fallacy but a documented fact. I'm quite confident that Kerry has no problems rasing my taxes since he's shown his adeptness in avoiding paying his own.
7: 15. Jay the Klansman--that doesn't change the fact there weren't sufficient tax revenues at Fed and state levels, for years. Or are you just saying state workers should be fired, just because?? Like Posse comitatus style, as yr white trash queer daddy taught ya. Tell that to the cops too, basura
This blog used to be more fun. I went back through a couple of postings from 2007. Ann was more varied in her interests, fun, daring, and yet
calm. Now it's more sharp elbows to the eye area from all involved. Get back to that mellowness !
Still, as an advocate for AA branching out into televisionland, it's my hope she decides not to hunker down at Fox and make that her home. I always envisioned her as more independent than that (but God forbid if she comes out for yet another Democratic candidate for prez this year - she just could NOT - I will puke. There. There's my sharp elbow. I just couldn't take any more dramatic backpedaling).
But maybe there's not a market for the kind of thing I have in mind, her niche in TVland. Maybe Fox is the inevitable.
Beclown - Verb. To make a complete idiot of oneself in public. To behave or speak in such a way, or to make a comment or express an opinion that is so profoundly witless, senseless and obtuse, that you have forever after defined yourself as a person of comical value only. Never to be taken seriously again. Of worth only as an object of ridicule and derision.
Not about yr teabagger spending paranoia, which was due to DoD expenses mainly at Fed level. About insufficent tax revenues at both Fed and state levels. There's not one state. THere's 5o, dimwit
You can say it again, but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck. Why you guys constantly shill for this shit is mind boggling. Why?
That's fantastic. I had no idea that Wisconsin public workers were paying 100% into their own pension funds out of their own paychecks.
which was due to DoD expenses mainly at Fed level.
This is a lie.
You can produce not data, stats, charts, or information showing this.
About insufficent tax revenues at both Fed and state levels.
$2.1 trillion annually is not "insufficient" (something you can't spell) it actually is a staggering sum of money and the federal government collects that much every year.
"Do you suppose Ratmo's trying on a new sock puppet for size?"
Well you never can tell. I will say I do think that Ritmo rather likes his 'Conservatives for Better Dental Health'/Buckley avatar too much to really drag the chain through the sludge as 'J' does. I've seen alot of flaming posters but J is the hands down master of sheer douchebaggery.
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1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»I hope Video makes a full recovery.
I'd love to hear what those kids have to say about merit pay.
Video killed the radio star so he deserved to die.
Now you need your own gig on Fox. Even if it is a part time gig like Hewitt does all the time.
You did great, by the way.
Terrific. Lots of face time. Fox should give you your own show.
These five minutes segments and having to compete with a host, however nice, can be tough to pull off but you did a good job. Expect more.
"Meade shot a video in Madison just to watch a fun blog die."
(Johnny Cash, Madison Blues 1957)
That ending was priceless!
Guess it's time to sit back and see who shows up here now.
To get close to a five minute slot is a big deal. You did very well. You seemed a little nervous at first but got into the give and take flow with Meg real quick.
Nice! Mom and I watched together. She even stopped knitting so that she would pay full attention.
Someone needs to tell Megyn Kelly to tone done the faux outrage.
I mean, she gets paid to deliver the news no matter what the segment is.
Mom also recounted that she, as a student in Soviet-occupied Lithuania, was told by school officials that she would be from her program if she failed to show up and carry a red flag at a "May Day" parade.
insert "expelled".
Althouse on Red Eye. I can see it, its a match made in the deepest pits of hell.
E.M. Davis.
No one in the business expresses outrage with her eyebrows with the same sublime subtlety as Ms. Kelly.
I could watch her do that all day.
Althouse on Fox... (the humanity ;)
12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Matthew 9:12,13
Very well done!
When they asked you to be on TV, did they say to wear/not wear certain colors or whatever?
I was sad that you were only credited as "Blogger."
You looked great, sounded great.
Think you were a little nervous a first, but you made a very good finish.
I'd like to see you go a couple of rounds with Judge Napolitano
Outstanding Ann, your points were cogent and you had the welfare of the kids as individuals (not programmable robots) at heart.
An 'Althouse & Co.' segment would be a hoot.
Fred, I'm feelin' ya on the Megyn thing.
Way to nail the close.
Fantastic job, Professor! I would definitely watch a show which featured you.
I was sad that you were only credited as "Blogger."
Yeah, they didn't even go with Blogress.
Now if we can get Meade to play Chuy.........
I was sad that you were only credited as "Blogger."
Althouse is not speaking for the school.. (at least I think not)
Good job!
I think you should have held out for your official title of "Evil Blogger Lady."
And you didn't even wear your coat made from Dalamation puppies!
You looked awesome! Loved your choice of jacket. You looked very hip and beautiful!
WOW! Great job, well done :)
Was Megyn Kelly a porn star? She sure has that porn star look.
Good closing - Thanks
"Ann let me challenge you on this..."
Gawd, Megyn seems so totally fucking stupid. (And "Megyn"... what kind of San Fernando Valley name is that?)
What's wrong with teaching about the history of collective bargaining? All the historical points she enumerates are true. There is no political message being sent to the children by teaching that history.
It's nice to see you, Althouse, maintaining dignity and composure and sensibility in that cesspool atmosphere.
You come off as intelligent-- the polar opposite of that seemingly brainless, uninteresting ditz who is interviewing you.
You come off as intelligent-- the polar opposite of that seemingly brainless, uninteresting ditz who is interviewing you.
You've got to be kidding me, Julius.
Megyn Kelly is one of the toughest interviewers I've ever seen.
You should take a look at her interview with that lame police chief who wanted to lay the Tucson massacre on Republicans.
Kelly is one tough, smart woman.
And Kelly did her job in this interview. She challenged Althouse. What do you want her to do? Give Althouse a free ride? Althouse doesn't need it.
I'm no feminist, but I've got to poke you in the eye for that porn star bitch. Kelly is a beautiful woman, no doubt. What are you saying? All beautiful women look like porn stars? All beautiful women are stupid?
It's nice to see you, Althouse, maintaining dignity and composure and sensibility in that cesspool atmosphere.
Julius getting the dignity vapors right after calling Kelly a porn star. excellent concern trolling dude. 9.2
I was sad that you were only credited as "Blogger."
Well that's a lot more important than, say,
law professor, right Trooper?
PS Good job Professor. I appreciate you staying "fair and balanced"
And, Julius, I know that bitchy thing about women is par for the course in gay circles.
Try to remember. Kelly isn't a woman in drag.
She's actually a woman. I'm, pretty sure of that.
Go find her interview with the Joe Dubnick, or whatever the fuck his name is. Kelly quietly and methodically tears that SOB a new asshole.
Very nicely done. You addressed the key issues and didn't get drawn in by the attempts to bait you into saying a lot more than you should.
I think there's a lot more of this to come.
Personally, I'd love to see a Meadehouse show. It'd be a mix of topics like this blog, with more outdoorsy interaction.
So, Julius, I got to ask you.
What's that cesspool atmosphere you're talking about?
You've got the Fox News bitch?
Painful to watch. Nothing like watching a couple folks try to make something out of nothing midday on FOX
Good luck in your race to the bottom.
LOL - Did you register at Blogger just to make lame posts like this?
I don't know, I think Megyn Kelly seemed like the more reasonable one that segment.
Her porn star eyes seemed to be saying "really, this is it? couldn't you at least have recorded children swearing or name-calling?!"
She even said aloud "isn't this what democracy looks like?"
Could it be that I just developed a trickle of respect for Ms. Kelly?? Stranger things have happened, I guess.
Megan looks hot and pregnant which makes her even hotter.
The blogger lady already blew it when she lost the chance to be a judge on American Idol.
She had it right in her hands. I mean last year they had Ellen for God's sake.
Now J-Lo has her big beautiful ass in that chair she ain't leaving any time soon.
"Good luck in your race to the bottom."
I mean you can't win in a race with J-Lo's bottom. Just sayn'
Her porn star eyes seemed to be saying "really, this is it? couldn't you at least have recorded children swearing or name-calling?!"
You know, I'm not a regular viewer of Fox News. I like the O'Reilly Show and I watch it when I can. I'm a musician and I'm out most nights, so it's not that often.
But, Fox actually does what it says. On its hard news shows, it always gives both sides. That's what the left bitches about. They like the old fashioned network way, where only their side is aired.
So, Kelly is doing her job here. She's challenging Althouse by offering up another side. She's not just falling over for what Althouse says.
And, yet, Althouse is able to say what she wants to say.
What's the problem here?
You look like you have been doing that all your life. Very professional.
wv: ingest.
Bottom line.
Shouldn't it be pointed out that the last governor (who signed this atrocious law), was a democrat who LOST?
Ya did great! And, unlike TV of old, that required 3 cameras, and professional cameramen, you got this little video onto national TV!
Meanwhile, I think young kids pay more attention to the banana, and how a condom is slipped on top; than they do to "labor laws."
I always thought "labor" meant what my mom went through to give birth. Do kids also learn that to get around you needed to have a horse? Which meant you needed to have housing for horses?
Will our teachers always be this lame? (They are not lame, here, where I live! And, our public schools has 100% parent participation, too.) PTA
Wonderful~ I saw you on Megyn Kelly today. Good job!
YOU are the one whose videos have been on my FB wall a couple of times!
I finally went to youtube to watch one of the Madison videos, and found your website on your page. I'll be back...
God bless!
Julius said...
Was Megyn Kelly a porn star? She sure has that porn star look.
You've graduated from being an ass, to becoming a dick. At this rate, you will jump from boob to douchebag.
ok, Kelly may have actually been more "fair and balanced" than AA in this drivel of meaningless minutia.
Although AA does set a rather low bar re: political media bias ...
Lukedog said...
Good luck in your race to the bottom.
Why? From your vantage point, all you and your kind do is look up.
She's not just falling over for what Althouse says.
There was a little 'leading the witness' by Kelly.
However, she did try a little Devil's Advocate on for size.
I'd like to reiterate a point I've made before:
Why shouldn't student be able to bargain collectively for their grades?
Students today are such cheese-eating conformists.
Real student provocateurs would ask their teachers to support a bid for students to collectively bargain for their grades.
Think about it. Teachers are demanding the right to collctively bargain for the compensation and benefits they receive for their work.
Why shouldn't students demand the same rights for the grades they receive to do the work they do?
Suggestion: I'd like to see Althouse interview some students on this concept to see how they differentiate the two situations.
Althouse stayed cool when Megyn threw out the info on the textbook teaching, and Althouse replied that teaching about the history of unions was okay, but indoctrination of kids isn't.
Although AA does set a rather low bar re: political media bias ...
Your usual absolutely empty statement, shiloh.
Do you have anything to say except:
Ew! You're all nasty right wingers!
You said nothing else on this blog. Are you an idiot?
Just told my neighbor, "Hey, 'I' am an Althouse commenter!" My stock in the world is rising!
Curious about how FOX found/selected Ann?
You've graduated from being an ass, to becoming a dick. At this rate, you will jump from boob to douchebag.
And perhaps, with enough work, to douchenozzle. Trooper York is the judge of that.
Great work!
Dunno if they've used your other videos, as I don't watch anything but Snapped and Holmes Inspection anymore.
If not, they shoulda.
He has a long way to go before he can be a true douchenozzle.
He is sort of like Leon Russell or Neil Diamond in that regard.
"...from being an ass, to becoming a dick. ...from boob to douchebag.
And perhaps, with enough work, to douchenozzle."
You should get a badge for each level, like in Girl Scouts.
I got promoted early by Trooper.
@ ST - you really think fox gives it to you straight? It explains a lot about our prior conversations. MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEws are awful. As Althouse requests...think critically.
My problem, right off the bat was that the caption of the news segment read "WI teachers seen leading students in chant..."
Immediately, Althouse says she thinks they might be teachers because of what they are wearing. The caption stays, though, and the message is sent to folks that teachers took students to the capitol.
That being said, I regret saying "porn star eyes" and will try to be open-minded to fox news commentators based on this interview and your analysis, too.
Appreciate the honest, non-hostile dialogue.
I like it, of course the left's response would be along the lines of 'well that's ridiculous'.
How about collective bargaining for taxes? School lunches? Food stamps?
DMV fees? etc etc
Now, you've done it, Trooper.
You've insulted Leon Russell. How the fuck can you do that? Leon Russell is nothing like Neil Diamond.
Neil Diamond has tits, doesn't he?
Any way, what's wrong with a douchenozzle? Don't dochenozzles go where we all want to be?
What are all these fucking strangers doing on the blog? Who invited them?
Blogger Julius said...
Was Megyn Kelly a porn star? She sure has that porn star look.
Why do you hate women?
I read somewhere that Howard Zinn's book on American history is the most frequently assigned book in high school. God help us all....I give Althouse high marks for composure, wit, and intelligence, but any woman wishing a career in broadcasting better look like Megyn Kelly except younger. Think of that poor woman who got kicked to the curb by Eliot Spitzer. If she looked like Megyn Kelly, she would still be alive today.
Hey I didn't insult Leon Russell. I think he is great. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame insulted him by skipping him all these years.
Neil Diamond sucks though, I grant you that.
If the freakin Red Sox use one of your songs at that toilet Fenway Park you should kill yourself. Just sayn'
Only unions will save us from a meltdown, kids!
Oh and Julius doesn't hate women.
He is a scared of them Norton.
"I got promoted early by Trooper.
@ ST - you really think fox gives it to you straight? It explains a lot about our prior conversations. MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEws are awful. As Althouse requests...think critically."
What's your formulation? Your 'porthole' to events? Do you sample a certain cross-section of news 'products'? How much weight or consideration do you give to each? How do you adjust your views? Polls? Election results? Workplace dynamics? Personal experience?
Just askin'.
@ ST - She was on fox news. We'll have to deal with the fox news people for a few days. :)
Don't sell yourself short Dose of Sanity.
You are a first ballot Hall of Famer douchenozzle.
Sort of like Ty Cobb without the racism. Wait I take that back. You are racist against white people. But that doesn't count right?
@ DT
That's a great question. It should be asked more often.
First, I believe they have an incentive to be as provacative as they can be - it generates ratings.
Second, they will attempt to report news in a manner which placates their base (even if that fundamentally misrepresents the issue reported). As proof, turn on fox news and msnbc at the same time and watch their headlines for the same story.
Third, I'm sure, as with most people, if you sit down and read an article/watch a segment, you can pick out attempts at bias. (again, speaking neutrally as I feel all news organizations are guilty of this). For example, in the Althouse clip - the interviewer mentions "being taught unions in the history". Then emphasis its the law. Then, in case the viewer didn't get it, says they are being indoctrinated in and out of the class. Althouse, to her credit, points out that history is history, its how its taught.
Finally, there are numerous books, studies, examples where the fallacy of reporting are noted. If you want, I can link a few, but just googling will bring you to plenty. My favorite is the entire book devoted to O'Reillys lies (sweetjesusIhatebilloreilly), but that's probably because I know the author.
I'll leave you with a quote from my brother: American Media has failed us. All red-blooded Americans should watch Al-Jazerra.
@ Trooper
Would that even be possible for an Irish (or half-irish, at least) guy to be?
I'd have some serious issues and probably would need to set my blogger pic to someone I wished I was in order to compensate.
"Would that even be possible for an Irish (or half-irish, at least) guy to be?"
Of course it is possible. Half don't count buddy boy.
Why do you think Barry hates typical white people? Self hatred is a very common thing.
That explains the drinking, guilt and step dancing.
@ Don't tread.
Ah, I also misread your question. Personally, I read CNN, Fox News, and the AP-Wire stories for American news sources. I also read BBC and Le Monde to get less biased views. (no dog in the fight, so to speak)
I'll leave you with a quote from my brother: American Media has failed us. All red-blooded Americans should watch Al-Jazerra.
There's a plethora of news media and opinion media out there.
So, there are people you don't like.
So what? Doesn't mean shit.
This is the great era of awakening of media. Anybody with 10 bucks for a hosting site can put up their stuff.
And, it's up to the reader or viewer to choose. This is good.
And, what has happened (and this is what pisses you off) is that the major media like network TV and the New York Times can't dictate just because there are no alternatives.
You're a narrow minded jackass. You want to go back to the days when a few media outlets dominated everything.
However, she did try a little Devil's Advocate on for size.
Trooper can get you that in a plus size if needed.
I think Roseanne Barr wore just such a size in She-Devil
@ York
I thought my guilt came from being Catholic. My mother does use the phrase "irish guilty" a lot though.
@ ST
That quote from my brother was a joke. Just to clarify. As I mentioned to Dont Tread, I get my news from all over. Obviously, I come here as well.
Calm down and stop juding in advance. I'm upset because today's news sources care a lot less about the NEWS than they should.
OT Story about WI grad Kim Hughes
I haven't read the Milwaukee press extensively during all this shit, but I did read it from time to time.
And, Althouse appears to be right. The major media press in Wisconsin seems to be very heavily tilted to the left.
So, look what Althouse is doing. I don't really see her as the righty that our nuthouse commenters do, but she is definitely providing a different, more questioning point of view of the demonstrations and recall effort.
And, Althouse has a big audience.
So, this is a good thing. The major media can keep on shilling for the left. Althouse can be critical. You can read what you want.
Remember kiddies, when you make that impulse buy of soda bread and you don't wanna crack a tooth gobble it all down toot suite unless you're partial to day old cement.
Kim Hughes was a terrible player when he was on the Nets.
And, for that guy roech-whatever the hell, who complained that the fix is in and only corporations with big money can get in the game...
Althouse's blog is the proof to the contrary. She didn't start with big money.
She has some money, and that helps.
She's got a big enough audience now that major cable TV news is calling.
But, she's mostly done it by plugging away diligently and providing a good forum.
As I said, anybody with the 10 bucks a month for a web hosting site can put up their stuff. This is good.
@ ST
Blogger is free. :)
Wisconsin media tilts left because the two major news sources in WI are in Milwaukee and Madison. Not suprising, given their base.
You have a voice for NPR. Very sedate. It contrasted sharply with the seizure-inducing motif of Fox's general production style. You also seemed dubious of Kelly inferring that kids are indoctrinated with pro-Union propaganda, which was nice. And I did enjoy how it ended with a fun hypothetical about kids turning their protesting lessons against their teachers. As always, an enjoyable appearance.
Lukedog said...
My problem, right off the bat was that the caption of the news segment read "WI teachers seen leading students in chant..."
Immediately, Althouse says she thinks they might be teachers because of what they are wearing. The caption stays, though, and the message is sent to folks that teachers took students to the capitol.
She also said she talked to them.
That being said, I regret saying "porn star eyes" and will try to be open-minded to fox news commentators based on this interview and your analysis, too.
Appreciate the honest, non-hostile dialogue.
No you don't regret it. Your honesty and lecherousness has shown through. To late.
shoutingthomas said...
Any way, what's wrong with a douchenozzle? Don't dochenozzles go where we all want to be?
Trust me, if a douchenozzle has to be used in the place you want to be, then there is an oh so not so fresh feeling thing happening that you might not want to be a part of. Just sayin.
So ricpic what do you vant we should order challah bread?
Trust me, if a douchenozzle has to be used in the place you want to be, then there is an oh so not so fresh feeling thing happening that you might not want to be a part of. Just sayin.
You've never heard of sloppy seconds?
You can of heard of them but you shouldn't call dibs. Just sayn'
I have about as much respect for public employee unions as I do for NFL unions. As far as I'm concerned, both can quit and let more capable people apply for the jobs.
Its pretty pathetic when unions went from protecting workers and ensuring workplace saftey to making sure they can get an ever larger chunk of the tax revenue while everyone else pounds sand.
Thank you for your contribtion.
Who knew Wisconsin was so entertaining? I'm loving every minute of this.
Thank you for your contribtion.
Funny how what the left says is "true" despite the fact the message must be ingrained into 6 year olds.
fast-talkin' Blondes on Fox, dissin' the Dinkocrats.
Make you feel nearly ..patriotic, like Brigham Dung patriotic.
"did they say to wear/not wear certain colors or whatever?"
For some reason I remember that a long time back Barbara Bush stated that she learned women look best on TV when they wear bright colors.
Of course, Althouse pulled off dark colors. But, if this happens again, she could try something brighter.
With all of the teabagger signs being held by children...this is suddenly an issue?
Get real.
Hoosier Daddy said..."I have about as much respect for public employee unions as I do for NFL unions. As far as I'm concerned, both can quit and let more capable people apply for the jobs."
And we all know that isn't going to be you.
Think of this the next time you have your fat ass sitting in front of the tube on a Sunday watching the NFL:
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
What's the big deal? Them kids ain't gonna indoctrinate themselves.
shoutingthomas said..."I haven't read the Milwaukee press extensively during all this shit, but I did read it from time to time."
C' don't know how to read.
All you now how to do is bitch and whine.
I have never seen so many hissy fits from a bunch of supposed men.
So jealous because a sometimes Conservative blogress gets a little air time.
I'd say, "Grow a pair", but these guys have spent too much time sitting down when they pee.
And the suckfest continues.
I have about as much respect for public employee unions as I do for NFL unions.
I don't remember many people running into the World Trade Center when it was on fire. I do remember hundreds of public workers going in though. And dying.
And Scott Walker sure knows how to draw crowd.
Washington D.C. GOP Fundraiser Edition
School must let out later on Daylight Savings time. Just sayn'
Jeremy said...
With all of the teabagger signs being held by children...this is suddenly an issue?
You couldn't provide 2 examples of this, bozo.
I don't remember many people running into the World Trade Center when it was on fire. I do remember hundreds of public workers going in though. And dying.
And then what?
Oh, it has nothing to do with being in a union.
Never mind.
Megyn Kelly has a law degree from Albany Law School, and practiced law for ten years before going into reporting. This was two women lawyers talking about what amounts to child abuse. They were both correct to focus on the fact that the children couldn't consent to what they were being asked to do since they couldn't understand what they were being asked to do. It was an appalling abuse of them. Kelly was the director of the Albany Law Review. The difference between the Tea Party children and the use of children here is that Tea Party children at least have the consent and permission of their parents. This gave the impression at least that they were using other people's children to push their political points. It wasn't clear whose children they were: if there was one point I wish I had been clarified in the vid, it's that one. Who kids were these? I think it's acceptable to use your own children to make political points. It's abhorrent to use other people's children like that, especially if you're on the public's dime as you do so.
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
Actually, they did no such thing.
But you're not that bright and easily misled.
So you have that going for you.
Unions gave us weekends
Was that the calendar union that came up with Saturday and Sunday?
That explains the drinking, guilt and step dancing.
Nothing explains step dancing.
Think of this the next time you have your fat ass sitting in front of the tube on a Sunday watching the NFL:
Indeed. Now that those wonderful benefits are ingrained in Federal law, I guess we don't need unions anymore.
You looked and sounded like a pro. All those hours doing bloggingheads have seasoned you well.
You looked and sounded like a pro. All those hours doing bloggingheads have seasoned you well.
I don't remember many people running into the World Trade Center when it was on fire. I do remember hundreds of public workers going in though. And dying.
I know you're not the brightest light in the harbor but I don't have problems with public workers. I have problems with public employee unions that bargain for unsustainable wages and benefits that fall on the taxpayer who has no input.
If and when you ever pull your head out of your asshole, you might come to the conclusion that practically every state is looking at pension plans facing insolvency and there isn't any fucking money to pay for it.
Jeremy said...
With all of the teabagger signs being held by children...this is suddenly an issue?
Get real.
And the other human pustule shows up.
Some say that segment was heavily edited.
Media Matters will no doubt uncover the Althouse conspiracy against the middle-class.
To paraphrase Wodehouse, Is this a time for Douche or any other kind of nozzle?
Cops and firemen also make use of collective bargaining (for better or worse). Maybe the macho-men of Aynhouse might like stop bullying the schoolteachers (mostly female) and take on the cop unions--disrupt some of their meetings, or take away their pensions. Jay the tough guy,
"...the macho-men of Aynhouse might like stop bullying the schoolteachers..."
You really have no semblance of a brain do you?
Nobody here is bullying teachers. Its just not nice.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. The message IS there, HAS BEEN there, and has been repeated many times. Lets try again:
Courtesy of @Hoosier Daddy:
"If and when you ever pull your head out of your asshole, you might come to the conclusion that practically every state is looking at pension plans facing insolvency and there isn't any fucking money to pay for it."
Yeah, maybe the Army and the Navy should have unions too. And the air traffic controllers, too, yeah, the air traffic controllers.
Aynhouse might like stop bullying the schoolteachers (mostly female) and take on the cop unions--disrupt some of their meetings, or take away their pensions.
Don't need to. We're out of money. The pension obligations simply can't be met because, and I'll say it again.
There. Is. No. Money.
When you are interviewing someone, the questions should be about something that the guest is concerned with. Otherwise the questions are just rhetorical...
Megyn Kelly talks with Althouse about the video for about the first two minutes of the clip, and for the last half-minute or so.
In between, she goes off on a tangent about a Daily Caller piece, which Althouse has absolutely nothing to do with. And Kelly's wording during this non-interview part of the interview is inappropriately strong and certain:
"It just seems clear that there is some sort of message being sent to Wisconsin's children..."
How is Althouse supposed to respond to this since it is a conclusion based on something that she has nothing to do with? It seems to be put in there just to give the show that extra rhetorical oomph-- a bit of political fresh meat being thrown to the right-wing audience. It is bad, bad interviewing. Still, Althouse handles it well.
Then Kelly goes off on that ancient Obama propaganda video from... what?... one year ago? two years ago? Why bring it up in this interview? Is Althouse an expert on propaganda and children because on Monday she shot a video of children engaged in a political demonstration in the Wisconsin Capitol three blocks from where she lives? Does Althouse moonlight in child psychology? No! But I'm sure Althouse has a lot of other things she could say about the Capitol protests, having gone there personally every day for a month, having shot videos and photos on most of those days, and having blogged it all. Kelly wasted the opportunity to tap into Althouse's knowledge, experience, and perspective. Or, if it was indeed heavily edited, then Fox News wasted the opportunity to present those things to its audience.
Mindful awareness of the person you are talking to is not just good interviewing technique, it's also common courtesy. The person being interviewed is not a political too. Unfortunately, that's how Kelly treats Althouse here-- like a piece to flesh to be used and then Fox News moves on to the next body. It's nonetheless impressive that Althouse comes off so well under these circumstances. Althouse's reservoir of virtue seems to be an order of magnitude deeper than a flake like Kelly's.
Ann, you've made an excellent point about brainwashing. While I'll venture to guess that these kids came from a local day care. (For how long a drive can you keep such little kids on a bus?)
Now, to take kids off campus, would the same rules apply that would apply to public schools? For a kid to participate in a field trip, the parents must sign consent forms. Has anyone asked for these to be produced?
I also notice that the age group varied by more than one grade. (The kids in the center don't even reach the height of the railing.) And, the ratio seemed to be way more girls than boys.
Again, it's better when kids play. And, when school's not in session, that's when kids used to play all day.
Oh. And, finally. Those people leading the chants. Obviously, union people. Were they paid to be there?
Oh, yes Good blog discussion! Among other things, I learned that Megyn Kelly went to law school. Didn't know that.
I knew the world before women were given access. Things changed around 1967, with the passage of Civil Rights.
6:30--say grazi to GOP/BushCo era TP tax slashes for that. In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda. Cut taxes on wealthy, privatize, then slash programs, education, etc. And this is probably the first step of anti-unionism. First, take on the teachers--softies. Then go for the tradesmen unions--won't be so easy then .
Either way ...the point remains--the typical anti-tax Teabugger has gone on ad nauseum about the teacher unions but has said little or nothing about cops and firefighters. Porque? Spinelessness
My first reaction was "if my kid's teacher did this to/with my child I would be so ticked" - but on second thought it's quite possible these kids their parents are good lefties who supported this.
Just an hypothesis.
It still stinks.
I can't see the video out here in Afghanistan, which is a pity. Meghan Kelly has the most incredible eyes that make you want to swim in them. I don't much care what she says, I just love watching her eyes. When you add that she's a pretty smart lady makes her even more appealing. I hope they pay her more, no matter how much they're paying her.
Havingn said that, can someone describe what happens in the video?
In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda.
This is especially funny when former Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry was berthing his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying half a million in sales tax and $70K in annual excise tax.
Cut taxes on wealthy, privatize, then slash programs, education, etc.
Except for the fact that federal domestic spending increased under Bush & the Republicans at the highest pace in the past 40 + years.
You really are an idiot beyond parody.
the typical anti-tax Teabugger has gone on ad nauseum about the teacher unions but has said little or nothing about cops and firefighters.
The police & fire fighter unions should be disbanded in every state, immediately.
Absent that action, they should be forced to contribute 55% of their health insurance premiums and 95% of their retirement costs.
Why? From your vantage point, all you and your kind do is look up.
Lukedog getting lonely down there and wants some company.
Not trying to be an ass or anything, but do you do anything scholarly anymore? Or do you spend most of your time chasing interviews with "journalists" on Fox News?
When Ulysses S. Grant was president, he was debating whether or not he should go for a 3rd term. And, decided against it. Rutherford B. Hayes, the Ohio governor ran. And, won.
Back in 1875 the issue that Hayes ran on had to do with schooling. (Where the Catholics had fits because the King James Bible was a popular textbook. And, the Pope used a different translation, from the Vulgate.)
Wouldn't surprise me that taxpayer funding of our schools will be another hot topic, come 2012. (Only one side wins.)
In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda.
The five richest US Senators are all Democrats.
In order:
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.)
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.)
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Additionally, Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.) owns an NBA team worth more than $250 million.
And you're a clown.
That is so typically a Sodbuster straw man fallacy. Kerry's not a role model of mine but I suspect he would agree with raising taxes at Fed and state levels to assist with education, paying teachers, training, so forth.
when GOPers/teabuggers whine about not having the money to cover education and other programs, they have only their own supply-side libertarian policies to blame. And Im not convinced all the educators in Madison are card-carrying Demos. Many are people just fighting for a job, and the pension they agreed to. And if Walker/GOP do start cutting state jobs, be sure the local WI economies will take a dive as well--but business cycles are a bit beyond the usual Teabug.
Cut taxes on wealthy, privatize, then slash programs, education, etc.
Yeah, damn that "slash programs"! Agenda!
Federal spending is outstripping economic growth at a rate unseen in more than half a century, provoking some conservatives to complain that government under Republican control has gotten too big.
The federal government is currently spending 20.8 cents of every $1 the economy generates, up from 18.5 cents in 2001, White House budget documents show. That's the most rapid growth during one administration since Franklin Roosevelt.
Spending on social programs, from education to veterans health care, has risen faster than at any time since the 1960s.
That was in April 2006, you ignorant bozo.
Kelly has the most incredible eyes that make you want to swim in them. I don't much care what she says, I just love watching her eyes.
I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think she just winked at me." And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, she's got it.
Rich Lowry, National Review measured, intelligent, in-depth reporting on mama grizzly ...
Conservative males, especially pundits/politicians are soooo damn repressed. ;)
You bet'cha!
You guys need a chat room. Maybe on AOL. You could call it the Althouse of Mirth. That's where the heart of fools is. You could bicker with abandon there.
whine about not having the money to cover education and other programs, they have only their own supply-side libertarian policies to blame
Scott Walker took over for a Democrat.
Again, you are beyond parody.
6: 50. Jay, you mormon piece of shit--I Find ya Ill kick yr byatch teeth in. Capichay scum?
You're mistaken as well, jay byatch. The DoD budget increased greatly under BushXo. And taxes were slashed, especially on wealthy (ie estate;/capital gains).
So even if some programs were expanded, there weren't enough revenues to cover it. The key point which yr little white trash mind can't fathom.
J said...
6:30--say grazi to GOP/BushCo era TP tax slashes for that. In other words, that's part of the GOP Yacht Club agenda. Cut taxes on wealthy, privatize, then slash programs, education, etc.
Yes, we've seen what a great job throwing money at teacher's unions has done.
And this is probably the first step of anti-unionism. First, take on the teachers--softies. Then go for the tradesmen unions--won't be so easy then .
These people (Lefties) really are idiots. the tradesmen's unions are mostly private industry. They destroyed themselves years ago
Shut yr LDS-Beck byatch mouth, Jay. That's what yr gonna do, pronto, liar.
Thank the GOP/TP for no monies to pay state workers (and the demos who refused to right for tax increases on wealthy).
Don't need to. We're out of money. The pension obligations simply can't be met because, and I'll say it again.
You can say it again, but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck. Why you guys constantly shill for this shit is mind boggling. Why?
So even if some programs were expanded, there weren't enough revenues to cover it.
Um, conservatives have long complained about this.
The Democrats defeated the balanced budget amendment.
You have no point, bozo.
nd taxes were slashed, especially on wealthy (ie estate;/capital gains).
Taxes were cut for every single taxpayer.
You're in over your head dum-dum, quit while you're behind.
but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck.
You are so dumb I actually feel sorry for you.
Um, stupid, where, exactly do you think the funds for the "paycheck" come from?
It comes out of their paycheck.
And where does the paycheck come from?
I'm not being facetious.
Julius said...
Was Megyn Kelly a porn star? She sure has that porn star look.
3/16/11 3:42 PM
I just spent an hour googling Megyn Kelly and porn and I got nothing -- NOTHING!
(wonders off muttering to himself)
You can say it again, but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck.
So there is a line on their paycheck showing the amount being deducted out of their base salary and put toward their pension?
Can each teacher opt to have a different % deducted?
CNN should hire New Meadeia / Althouse for a weekly show and mabe call it The Sanity Check. Thinking people would love how Althouse actually observes stuff and asks great questions. If you get an offer, I have a good agent you could use.
Thank the GOP/TP for no monies to pay state workers
Um, WI has been dominated by democrats for decades.
The Democrats took control of Congress in Jan 2007 and Obama was sworn in Jan 2009.
You're not real big on accountability.
Actually Jay byatch, given your paranoid ranting you sound like.... you got something to hide (apart from yr racism, and pathetic Ayn Rand meets Greenspam biz major Econ 101)--sort of like, really paranoid? JAmes O'Keefe style. Or is it..... Ted Bundy Mormon style . Bundynomics! Ted was gop as well,and a racist. Jay Bundy. sad, little man. Stick to, puto
A better question is who shot Liberty Valence?
You can say it again, but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers.
Garage- if pensions are paid for by the workers, why is Walker asking public union members to put more toward their own pensions?
but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI.
You are a drooling imbecile.
These facts:
State Pension. Teachers belong to the Wisconsin state pension plan. That plan requires a 6.8% employer contribution and 6.2% from the employee. However, according to the collective-bargaining agreement in place since 1996, the district pays the employees' share as well, for a total of 13%.
•Teachers' Supplemental Pension. In addition to the state pension, Milwaukee public-school teachers receive an additional pension under a 1982 collective-bargaining agreement. The district contributes an additional 4.2% of teacher salaries to cover this second pension. Teachers contribute nothing.
Have been all over the media the last few weeks.
You've obviously been picking your nose.
I knew the world before women were given access. Things changed around 1967, with the passage of Civil Rights.
I'm just wondering access to what? My father's yearbook from 1948 at the University of Tennessee shows women students. At least one of his professors was female. UT went coed in 1892.
The marketing research company I work for was started by a woman in 1931.
Yes, there were more barriers to women then than now, but the extent is exaggerated. Blacks had it much worse. I imagine the corporate world produced more barriers for women than governmental bodies.
During my childhood, born 1951, I don't recall hearing a single woman complain about not working and being able to stay home with the kids (except when the kids acted up). Maybe they were so oppressed they were afraid to speak up. But, I got the impression they liked their lives. My mother chose not to work even after getting her M.A. and being offered a job to teach as a small local college.
J: I expect you rent so you might not have an opinion on this. But why is the Federal govt involved with "education." Where do all my property tax dollars go? What does the fed have to do with educating kids in my neighborhood?
but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck.
I guess that is why they have been protesting these last few weeks.
Again, you people are beyond parody.
No Jay stupid byatch the increase in Fed spending was due to something called the ...DoD . Iraq war ring a bell? Maybe like finish yr remedial pie graph course (most AAsters should take it as well). Anyway the discussion was about tax slashes at Fed and state levels in regard to lack of funds for education , not spending across the board, dimwit
I actually agree with you, re: the interview.
I thought Kelly could have been on point and less tangential in her approach.
The Obama video has slight merit, in only that it represents teachers directing students in political theater ... but yes, it's old news, and the two videos aren't directly related.
The Professor did a good job with what she was presented.
J said...
Actually Jay byatch, given your paranoid ranting you sound like.... you got something to hide
You've now degenerated (as expected) into silly name calling because you've been revealed as an ignorant imbecile yet again.
J said...
No Jay stupid byatch the increase in Fed spending was due to something called the ...DoD
Um, there was an 80% increase in education spending in Bush's first 3 years in office.
Was Megyn Kelly a porn star? She sure has that porn star look.
Julie - are you an asshole? You sure sound like an asshole.
Anyway the discussion was about tax slashes at Fed and state levels
The Democratic Governor of Wisconsin raised taxes before leaving office.
J said,
"6: 50. Jay, you mormon piece of shit--I Find ya Ill kick yr byatch teeth in. Capichay scum."
Got that civility thing down pat, and sexist, too! Bonus points for being an illiterate bigot.
All in all, fine lefty work, and a great example of the product turned out by unionized teachers.
Not trying to be an ass or anything...
Oh I think its safe to say you aren't trying. You seem to have it down pat.
Anyway the discussion was about tax slashes at Fed and state levels
Federal revenues are coming in at over $2.1 trillion annually.
The WI Governor raised taxes.
There was no "slashing" at the state level of anything.
The Democrats had Control of Federal spending for 4 years.
You are an idiot.
7: 17-- I expect you rip people off people, Mikey, given that yr in finance, but like maybe youve heard of the US-COn? Taxation was in the original doc, and ...added to via Amendment. Actually the relation of Fed and state taxes (including property) to education spending is a bit more complex than many realize, including the Ayn Rand-posse comitatus sort. But the fact remains that insufficient tax revenues for state employees is a bit part of the problems.
But who the f*ck cares? The AynRand style social darwinist such as you Mikey has no interested in like democracy, or public education, or Justice, but in saving a few shekels a year. The AA boards aren't about rational discussion but for loudmouth Beck wannabes such as Jaybird here to indulges their crypto-klan rhetoric.
"Jay, you mormon piece of shit--I Find ya Ill kick yr byatch teeth in. Capichay scum?"
Jay, this dude lives in the San Fernando Valley. He is a phony hipster who couldn't beat his own meat.
That is so typically a Sodbuster straw man fallacy. Kerry's not a role model of mine but I suspect he would agree with raising taxes at Fed and state levels to assist with education, paying teachers, training, so forth.
Its not a fallacy but a documented fact. I'm quite confident that Kerry has no problems rasing my taxes since he's shown his adeptness in avoiding paying his own.
7: 15. Jay the Klansman--that doesn't change the fact there weren't sufficient tax revenues at Fed and state levels, for years. Or are you just saying state workers should be fired, just because?? Like Posse comitatus style, as yr white trash queer daddy taught ya. Tell that to the cops too, basura
Heh heh. This is too easy
J: Dude, you are so fucking funny and lame.
Jay, this dude lives in the San Fernando Valley.
It appears English is his 2nd language.
Obviously those unionized CA teachers did a bang up job on this clown.
@Old Dad
J's another leftoid that redefines the term 'beclown' every time he posts.
that doesn't change the fact there weren't sufficient tax revenues at Fed and state levels, for years.
Which years?
The state of Virginia has a surplus.
Between FY2002 and FY2009, federal discretionary spending rose 96 percent.
Again, you're an idiot.
7: 27. Step in the street and find out, Mikey human shit.
Yr finito, klan boys. As is Miss Annhouse for her ridiculous alarmist rant on LDs-Fox news.
"Jay, you mormon piece of shit-
I love how "mormom" was just thrown in there.
This blog used to be more fun. I went back through a couple of postings from 2007. Ann was more varied in her interests, fun, daring, and yet
calm. Now it's more sharp elbows to the eye area from all involved. Get back to that mellowness !
Still, as an advocate for AA branching out into televisionland, it's my hope she decides not to hunker down at Fox and make that her home. I always envisioned her as more independent than that (but God forbid if she comes out for yet another Democratic candidate for prez this year - she just could NOT - I will puke. There. There's my sharp elbow. I just couldn't take any more dramatic backpedaling).
But maybe there's not a market for the kind of thing I have in mind, her niche in TVland. Maybe Fox is the inevitable.
"And where does the paycheck come from?
I'm not being facetious."
A stork brings them.
Or are you just saying state workers should be fired, just because??
Not "just because" rather, because of the fact that today's teachers are doing a poor job and are over-compensated.
You could fire 50% of them with little impact.
I think J could legitimately file a domestic violence complaint from getting smacked around here so much.
Beclown - Verb. To make a complete idiot of oneself in public. To behave or speak in such a way, or to make a comment or express an opinion that is so profoundly witless, senseless and obtuse, that you have forever after defined yourself as a person of comical value only. Never to be taken seriously again. Of worth only as an object of ridicule and derision.
7: 30. that ain't the point. scum.
Not about yr teabagger spending paranoia, which was due to DoD expenses mainly at Fed level. About insufficent tax revenues at both Fed and state levels. There's not one state. THere's 5o, dimwit
Now, back to yr posse comitatus site, trash
@Don't Tread 2012:
Do you suppose Ratmo's trying on a new sock puppet for size?
"J" has to be some kind of satire on internet tough guys. His little series of posts talking about his "gat" was classic and this isn't far behind.
You can say it again, but pensions are are paid for by the workers. None of it is paid by taxpayers. At least here in WI. It comes out of their paycheck. Why you guys constantly shill for this shit is mind boggling. Why?
That's fantastic. I had no idea that Wisconsin public workers were paying 100% into their own pension funds out of their own paychecks.
which was due to DoD expenses mainly at Fed level.
This is a lie.
You can produce not data, stats, charts, or information showing this.
About insufficent tax revenues at both Fed and state levels.
$2.1 trillion annually is not "insufficient" (something you can't spell) it actually is a staggering sum of money and the federal government collects that much every year.
Run along dum-dum, you're now a bore.
@Old Dad
"Do you suppose Ratmo's trying on a new sock puppet for size?"
Well you never can tell. I will say I do think that Ritmo rather likes his 'Conservatives for Better Dental Health'/Buckley avatar too much to really drag the chain through the sludge as 'J' does. I've seen alot of flaming posters but J is the hands down master of sheer douchebaggery.
That's fantastic. I had no idea that Wisconsin public workers were paying 100% into their own pension funds out of their own paychecks.
He's so misinformed I'm struggling to find the motivation to smack him around. Come on!
What the hell hit the fan?
Someone capture "J" in the net and shoot him with a tranq dart in the ass.
I don't think "it's" Ritmo/MUL/Hygiene--not wordy enough.
This blog used to be more fun. I went back through a couple of postings from 2007. Ann was more varied in her interests, fun, daring, and yet
Well, it was probably difficult for her to be totally in the tank for the Rep party back then when cheney/bush were FUBAR'ing America.
solo estoy diciendo
AA is still mellow/calm in her ad nauseam self-righteous, sarcastic indignation of Obama/Dems.
btw, did she ask for $$$ in 2007? ;)
Tough love' ;-)
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