February 19, 2011

What's your sign? "I feel that people really like my sign."

The sign says "Please don't teabag our children."


And I confront her about that:


MayBee said...

She knows what "teabag our children" means. I wonder why she isn't disturbed by it.

I wonder if she's a teacher.

jayne_cobb said...

I imagine most of the kids could teach the so called adults a thing or two about slurs and sexual innuendo.

knox said...

"Well... like, I think ... like... like ... like ... like..."

chickelit said...

Other side of sign reads "More cowbell Walker"


Anonymous said...

I can't look.

Really... Teabag our children? I don't want to listen to someone try to defend that. I'd read it in transcript but there is something about the idea of watching a real person speak that puts me in full aversion mode.

I can't/don't watch reality television or morning talk-shows either.

Anonymous said...

She thinks she knows what it means.

Like Tina Fey with the Palin skit, Anderson Cooper nationalized what "teabagger" meant.

Palin is stupid, teabaggers are anti-American.

Pop-pop-pop culture....

Learning is smart...smart vote democrat.


Unknown said...

There's a word for her.

Several, in fact.

And I'm sure she's a big fan of civility.

jill said...

If this young woman is a teacher she's showing incredibly bad judgment. Wow.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Its a shame so many cute girls are fucking morons.

Synova said...

Tahl was me... that will teach my kid not to log out!

OneLifeLiveIt said...

Make mine an Earl Grey!

rhhardin said...

To teabag our children means to take away by political action government benefits that the children need.

You have to be fair about signs.

It's certainly playing on a historical insult, but that's what signs do.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Speaking of really cute dumbass liberals. There was this really hot girl I dated for awhile in college. Total bleeding heart leftard but hey, I was 20 and she was smoking hot but dumb as a chair. How dumb?

One day we were sitting in my room and listening to a well know Peter Gabriel song and she gets this real serious look and says to me. "Why does he call the monkey Shock."

Thats when I knew that no matter how good she was in bed, she's never meeting the family.

Fen said...

Typcial liberal. She's using children as a prop. A moment's reflection and it would occur to her that:

1) it will be worse "for the children" if local school districts are forced to layoff teachers

2) her out of control entitlement gorging will leave the children in massive debt with a broken economy and no pension or health care of their own

3) she is exposing children to lewd sexual behavior

She doesn't give a rats ass about "the children".

DADvocate said...

In the Cincinnati area, there seems to be a lot of potential teabagging of students by teachers going on. I suspect man high school students know the meaning. This woman may be lusting to teabag someone herself from the looks of it.

rhhardin said...

The sign would be out of place at the local diocese though.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

I bet that woman is like a chipmunk, and has had her mouth filled with nuts on many an occasion.

And by "had her mouth filled with nuts", I mean "gorged herself like a tick on the body of the taxpayer", just to be fair and all.

10ksnooker said...

The image of a teacher with a sign like this is interesting ...

chernevik said...

Looks like the legislature has some time to kill. How about holding some hearings on vouchers?

BTW, who's funding the hotel and food bills of the leg-evaders? Any conflict of interest / campaign finance law violations in there?

Trooper York said...

Hey maybe when she teabags our children she will get a Dose of Sanity.

Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Wisconsin, these are your teachers.

You should be proud.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Must resist the cute girl... I stand with the governor.. must resist.. I stand with


Walker is Hitler.

Alex said...

Just reinforces my notion that ultra lefty libtards are vulgar creatures. They have no problem issuing out the worst sexual innuendos, bragging about sexual escapades, using swear words at will, etc...

le Douanier said...

I thought Althouse was in favor of tough political talk. Free speech and all. Now she's a prude?

BTW, the 'what if the children see' argument is 100% certifiable BS, coming from the blogger (who sometimes publishes equivalently blue material to the child accessible tubes) Althouse.

And, of course there's the point that if the kids already understand that term, how is this gal's sign teaching them what it means? And, if they don't get it, what's the harm? Is Althouse against all double entendre in the world, or is this rule only for libs? Sheesh.

Obviously, when Althouse takes something personally, the rules that are meant for other folks change for her. Lameness.

For the record, I've never used that TBer term when referring to TPers.

But, more important than all that stuff, thanks for finally showing someone who's pretty hot.

I was beginning to lose hope for Madison.

le Douanier said...

"How dumb?"

I can out-dumb that music related story.

I went out w/ a super hot lib who looked for a Harry Connick Junior cd at the store. She was looking in the 'J' section.

kurt mueller said...

That sign is incredibly offensie . . .oh wait, she's really hot. never mind.

Automatic_Wing said...

LOL, Lem.

Anonymous said...

Althouse is a prude because she objects to this sign?

If the sign had read Dont Educationally Sodomize Our Children would you see a problem with that? Or would Althouse still be a prude for objecting?

But, since you are obviously not a prude, let me the first to say you are clearly fucked in the head.

Rose said...

Maybe someone should make a sign that graphically depicts what "teabagging" means, and then stand right beside her, so it's clear that she knows full well what she is saying.

That, and introduce her to Ace of Spades, and the cups of pudding. Right back in her face.

MamaM said...

Better to feel liked
Really liked
By people
Than consider
The implications
Weigh ideas,
Wonder about
Regard children
As thoughtful
Or at the very least
Because really
When I think
For myself
It's all about ME

Roman said...

It doesn't matter what it means, people seem to like it, and that's all it matters. When she opens her mouth, I hear the ocean.

le Douanier said...


Rush talks about bending over and taking it very regularly on his radio show. Which is exactly an allusion to the example you're referencing.

And yet, Althouse, who is a regular listener, has never posted a complaint about Rush's language. Does Althosue believe that, relating to children, the reach of this girl's sign exceeds that of Rush's radio show?

Double standard.

We live in a world of double entendre that is targeted to give adults a little chuckle while the point flies over the heads of kids.

If today's kids are more in on these "jokes," it's probably because the internet and right wing radio stars are spewing filth.

I blame Limbaugh and Althouse.


Such signs would be easy to create in Bhutan. If you go you'll see that they've already got a lot of the work done. Seriously, these things are very common, and impossible to miss.

Alex said...

How can you tell if she's hot beneath that huge coat? She might be a total anorexic or missing a boob.

MayBee said...

Rush talks about bending over and taking it very regularly on his radio show.

Does Rush ever talk about children bending over and taking it?

Anonymous said...

Does Rush analogize about sexual acts among or with children?

Although I probably shouldn't have said you are fucked in the head because it is also clear that you are not particularly adult in the analytic skills department.

le Douanier said...

MayBee and ThomasD,

So, saying that folks were trying to anally rape (among others) Sarah Palin is, in your opinion, fine and dandy.

But, saying that someone is trying to TB our children is unconscionable.

Some of you cons are sick. If party loyalty trumps everything, you're nothing but nothing. Grow a spine. Be against all crude allusions, or be accepting, even when it hurts your political cause.

To come up w/ a formula that dodges and weaves so that you're appalled when "your side" is taking the hit, but you're a total apologist in the reverse circumstance is....lameness.

But, whatever floats your boat.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

or, you know, adults can make all the double entendre and innuendos they choose, and draw the line at making them in relation to children.

But maybe that is too simple of a concept.

le Douanier said...

Right shaaaaaaaaaaaark.

Because no cons have a problem w/ this.

Fen said...

Libtard: If party loyalty trumps everything, you're nothing but nothing. Grow a spine. Be against all crude allusions, or be accepting, even when it hurts your political cause.

To come up w/ a formula that dodges and weaves so that you're appalled when "your side" is taking the hit, but you're a total apologist in the reverse circumstance is....lameness.

Is there a doctor in the house?

We have another case of Projection, Stage 3.

le Douanier said...

"Is there a doctor in the house?"

I think they're all hanging around the streets in Madison.

I'll book a flight STAT.

Fen said...

Yes, threatening to gang rape Palin if she comes to Manhatten. Classy.

I notice you missed your first opportunity to live up to your own standard. Typical.

MayBee said...

But, saying that someone is trying to TB our children is unconscionable.

re-read that and think about what you are saying.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Weird, PBaJ - I don't recall saying anything about any particular political viewpoint. But thanks for playing.

wv: exting - when they just can't take 'it's over' seriously

MayBee said...

I notice you felt comfortable writing out 'anally rape Sarah Palin' but only wrote "TB" our children.

I suspect you know what is wrong with that statement.

rhhardin said...

Just reinforces my notion that ultra lefty libtards are vulgar creatures.

Wm. Empson:

I remember a Chinese student who put in an essay on the Scotch ballads "The ballad must be simple and vulgar." Most of the essay was spent in laborious priase of the Scotch ballads, which he felt to be required of him, but I gather he felt they were like popular works in China which a proud scholar would despise. That is, he knew the word had two meanings, and wanted to use it to drop an insinuation. The mistake was, therefore, an extremely marginal one; it was merely that he took "of the common people" to be the head sense, under which "coarse" could insinuate itself as an Implication (equated to the head sense, perhaps). But this is a definite mistake; whatever the political or literary views of the reader, he will feel that there has been a ridiculous collapse of an attempt at tact.

_The Structure of Complex Words_, p.404

The Musket said...

The sign is inappropriate because it's really about name calling and lack of civility. Personalize it and then destroy it, right?!

Not the character of any teacher I'd want for my children.

wv: tards -- too easy

AST said...

I had heard "Suck my balls" on South Park, but until last year, I'd never heard the term teabagging, let alone know that people actually did stuff like that.

I think I'm ready to die now. I don't belong in this society.

le Douanier said...


How does your political viewpoint apply to abortion:

"and draw the line at making them in relation to children."

Many cons feel w/ metaphysical certitude that abortion is the taking of an innocent life, i.e. it is premeditated murder. By your standard should these folks be silenced from stating this view? Or, is it okay to imply that women who've had abortions are at least accessories to murder, if not murderers? And, can abortion docs continue to be implicated as murderers? What about the pharmacists who dispense the abortion pill, they're implicated if a con says that abortion is the taking of life? Presumably implying that people murder kids is just as bad as implying that they sexually abuse them. And, the folks throwing around the kid homicide implications are way more serious about their beliefs than this hot girl is, w/ her tongue in cheek TB sign.


a) I use a fair number of abbreviations.

b) When I wrote the Palin thing I couldn't come up w/ a better euphemism. In retrospect I could have thought of something.

c) I technically have never said or written 'teabagger' in any way related to the TPers, even in a non-accusatory way. [But, now you've made me break that streak.] So I was being consistent.

BTW, I am a self professed prude, regarding language. I find all of this sort of language (i.e the hot girl w/ the sign and Limbaugh's back "door rape" fantasies) obnoxious and wrong. Unlike many here, I have no reason to be cute by saying that Limbaugh is just fine, but the hot girl is horrible.

RightKlik said...


Other side of sign reads "More cowbell, less Walker"

A very lame attempt at ironically stale hipster humor.

Methadras said...

I feel, I feel, I feel... A leftard who doesn't know why they are a leftard.

MayBee said...

BTW, I am a self professed prude, regarding language. I find all of this sort of language (i.e the hot girl w/ the sign and Limbaugh's back "door rape" fantasies) obnoxious and wrong. Unlike many here, I have no reason to be cute by saying that Limbaugh is just fine, but the hot girl is horrible.

OK, you are a prude.
I am not a prude.
Sexual innuendo in general does not give me the vapors.
My limit is at sexual innuendo directed toward doing something to children.
I especially don't like to think of any one in education thinking it's ok to make jokes like that.
And I don't think that girl is so hot. She has horrible eyebrows.

Harry said...

There was a pro-Walker demonstrator with a sign that read "Walker--Keep Your Pimp Hand Strong."

Urban Dictionary: Be able to "Back slap yo bitch within a moments notice for the purpose of keeping her in line."

Guess that's a little offensive too, but I guess we conservatives want to show we can get down with the vernacular as well.

The Crack Emcee said...

I would've liked that clip more if, after she said, "I feel that people really like my sign" you had slugged her.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Go Althouse! Protecting our children from teh bad sexs!

You must be one hell of a bore in bed.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Here goes Mr Fen again. Now I see what the problem is:

she is exposing children to lewd sexual behavior

Who said that children are the intended audience for the sign?

You guys really are this stoopit, aren't you?

SukieTawdry said...

pbAndj: "Bending over and taking it" is an allusion to teabagging? I think maybe you're sexually confused allusion-wise.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

They have no problem.... using swear words at will, etc...


The 1950s called, Alex. They want their boredom and repression back.

Fen said...

Who said that children are the intended audience for the sign?

Watch the vid, Libtard. Children are in the audience.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

What's wrong with not wanting your children to be teabagged?

The Tea Partiers are the morons who took up the term in the first place, only to object when it was pointed out to them the vulgar usage. That's their own fucking problem, but for them to object to a reluctance to make kids suffer for their bad policy choices, while appropriating the self-ridiculing name that they chose to go with?

Right wingers are very special when it comes to getting arrogant after their stupidity stops working for them.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Ok Fen. Go and cover their eyes now.

/Fallacy of composition.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Fen is about as inspiring as Sally Struthers when it comes to his efforts to save the children.

Toad Trend said...


Hello asshole.

"Go Althouse! Protecting our children from teh bad sexs!

You must be one hell of a bore in bed."


You are a fucking prick of the highest order. And a lousy speller, I might add. Didn't I tell you the other night to lay off that bottle?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Like the true Tea Bagger that you are, you obviously don't know a joke when you see one, Don't Tread.

mike said...

C4BDH: Sigh, for the umpteenth time, no, tea partiers never referred to themselves by that term. It was first used by liberals (who, like you, were very, very familiar with the term) like Keith Olbermann and Gloria Vanderbilt's boy over at CNN. For some reason you libs keep using it without thinking about the fact that if we're the teabaggers, then who are the teabaggees? That's right, you libtards. For some reason, you people have this fantasy about having conservatives insert their genitalia into your mouths as you savor the fermunda. It's just weird that you keep bringing up this fetish constantly. I don't know, maybe it's the only thing you have left since you are losing so badly. And you are losing really, really badly.

Toad Trend said...


Teh libs seem to have a teabagger fetish...sick puppies aren't they?


I did like the Sally Struthers reference in your volley to Fen.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

There you go obsessing about dominance-subordination and fetish behavior, mike. You righties are real big on that crap, aren't you?

For the last time, the joke is on them (Tea People, whatever their "preferred" noun) for their stupidity and lack of knowledge, both when they used the term themselves and when others used it in discussing their movement with them.

When you become this indignant about your own side's ignorance, I think you're losing credibility on the "concern for education" issue.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Famous sign that "refudiates" mike's BS claim.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

BTW, how old does the kid holding that sign look?

Toad Trend said...


"both when they used the term themselves

Really? Tea Party people, and they are people, do not refer to themselves using the word 'teabagger'. Thats your word, and whatever filth is on your mind when you use it is yours too.

and when others used it in discussing their movement with them. "

Really? You think bringing up the word 'teabagger' in a 'discussion' with a Tea Party member about their 'movement' is a good move? You are an idiot.

Toad Trend said...


So, supplying a link to someone who chose to shoot back makes you mad? You whining bitch.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The kid holding the sign "refudiates" your claim, 2012.

The Baggers are less than a third of the electorate, at most. They are the right wing of the Republican party, plus a few lost libertarians, and they got out the vote in a midterm election in a bad economy under a president that the right portrayed as, er, "different" and strange.

They are fiscal frauds who talk on and on about how they're going to balance budgets and get us out of debt by doing anything other than what the numbers would add up to for that to happen.

They couldn't care less about fiscal issues - they're just using that as an excuse for the usual conservative causes.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The link "refudiates" your claim, asshole. You can't change your argument just because you don't like the fact that evidence against it exists.

I guess what 2012 is saying is that Tea Baggers don't really talk about their teabagging, unless they can somehow make "liberal democrats" the object of it. And also accuse them of being mad and "whining bitch(es)".

Very emotional use of the ad hominem there, 2012.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

"Teabagger" usage timeline.

Plus, more real life clips of real life Teabaggers using their beloved term of endearment in reference to themselves.

Watch 2012 go into conniptions.

Toad Trend said...


Knocking the competition is not the best strategy if you want to win a debate.

There are unlimited examples of liberal failure to point out, and I'll limit that for you to just the last 50 years.

Witness the metro areas, long dominated by the democrat left, crumbling, ridden with crime, abandoned housing everywhere, budget deficits as far as the eye can see...and your party whines about long overdue adjustments needed to prove your 'skin in the game'.

Yes, republicans existed too and took part no doubt. But, if you try to deny the underling role they accepted in order to survive, then...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Haha. Even National Review confirms that Tea Baggers first started calling themselves Tea Baggers before Anderson Cooper et al asked them about their Teabagging.

Now go suck my tea bags and fund my tax break, 2012.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Scratch that last part, 2012. But NRO's confirmation of my point stands.

Maybe Democrats would be as good for ridding red states of their methamphetamine problems, intolerance and social dysfunction as you seem to claim that Republicans would be for urban crime.

Toad Trend said...


As for your Teabagger timeline of course when you read the fine print the folks that unwittingly used the term not knowing that it was a more modern vulgar term stopped using it once they knew about the more vulgar usage. It was the left that pinned the vulgar term/usage to the Tea Party. So, convenient as it is for you to use and assign, the meaning of an original Tea Party member was innocent, not meaning your vulgar preference.

Put that in your pithy pipe and smoke it.

Fen said...

Great logic. You heard a black comedian describe himself as a n*gger back in 1970, and use that to justify your continiued use of the slur.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

So what are you saying, 2012? That ignorance suits the Bagger?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

God only knows what Fen is trying to say at this point, but I presume the ignorance behind it has to do with an assumption that blacks weren't always aware of pejorative uses of the n word.

Does the ignorance ever end? How about the lies?

Toad Trend said...


I think the point is that douchenozzle C4BDH would NEVER use the N word (neither would I) but he WOULD and freely DOES use the term 'teabagger'. Why? Because he is a 2 faced ass-kissing liberal that at the end of the day knows which side of the bread his butter is on.

My money says he's too much of a pussy to use 'teabagger' in the presence of any known Tea Party member.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Looks like 2012 is trying to settle this debate 'Mubarak style.

I can only suppose his definition of "douchenozzle" extends to Mark Twain.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I also love the equating of the plight of blacks to the "plight" of Tea Party Protesters.

Toad Trend said...


How tall are you, Einstein?

Always wondered what the height of ignorance was.

If you have some news or knowledge that I should know about your liberal religion, please, do tell!

After all, when you're a liberal, never is a good time to say you're sorry. Its always someone else's fault! That's the beauty of liberalism - requires no guts, no brains, no spine. Why bother? Someone else will provide, because its just not fair.

Alex said...

Guys, we're witnessing Ritmo's crackup in real time. It's a sight that makes me almost shed a tear.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It all comes down to reason.

Fen said...

Ritmo: I also love the equating of the plight of blacks to the "plight" of Tea Party Protesters.

Not to interrupt another one of your meltdowns, but we aren't comparing "plights".

Note to newbies: Ritmo's MO is to spike threads that make his fellow Dems look bad.

Defenseman Emeritus said...

C4BDH is just having a hissy fit because he knows once those pussy Democrat senators come back from across the border, they're going to get teabagged to within an inch of their lives. They'll be choking on Scott Walker's salty nuts while the WI teachers' union sees its collective bargaining privileges wither to the size of C4BDH's impotent little peenie*.

*Apologies for all the vulgar imagery, especially that of C4BDH's tiny genitals. I know it's a turnoff. But some commenters just bring it on themselves.

Off to bed, it's about 11:40 on the East Coast. Have fun flailing around for a clever comeback, C4BDH. I'm sure it will be entertaining reading come morning, though not for the reasons you intend.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Information and reason isn't half the spike that all your misinformation is, Fen. I had no idea you thought otherwise.

Alex said...

Ritmo's thrashing about like a wounded animal because he can see his precious unions are in their death throes.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It's ok, DE. Enjoy your evening masturbation fest and rest up for 'morrow.

Shy Wolf said...

I've always maintained that "cute don't make up for stupid", and this thing verifies all my suspicions. God, I pray she isn't a teacher!

Anonymous said...

You have to be pretty far out on the Left to think that there's nothing inappropriate about that sign.

But she's like totally hot, with that Sasha Grey look and those big sunglasses that scream out her unfulfilled sexual desires.

I'd definitely hit it.

Maybe after a good romp she won't feel the need to carry around signs with inappropriate sexual innuendo around anymore.

rhhardin said...

National Lampoon had a children's sex magazine, "Piddle," in their magazine cover edition in the 70s.

That edition also had "Guns and Sandwiches," a specialty interest magazine.

Jim Howard said...

Its like, you know, people really, you know, like her sign.

You know, its like, kids like you know, me.

Chip Ahoy said...

rhhardin, to buy a gun, Homer Simpson enters a store called Bloodbath and Beyond. Ever since then I cannot pass that store without cracking up.

RuyDiaz said...

Lem said:

Must resist the cute girl... I stand with the governor.. must resist.. I stand with


Walker is Hitler.

Yes, alas. I keep trying to get mad at her, but end up admiring that symmetrical face. The beautiful-woman power is strong in this one.

Unknown said...

She's not a teacher! That's just my girlfriend, and the video was taken out of context. Though I must say, it's pretty darn funny. And to be fair, the sign was in reference to the term used for actions taken by tea party members.

Mon Petit Chou said...

Isn't "Teabagging" a Tea Party term? The POINT of the entendre was so the children wouldn't understand it, which I contend is more tasteful than "Walker/Obama is Hitler" or Palin putting up cross hairs (oops I mean surveyor's symbols). At least this person had the decency to cover-up the meaning (if in fact that really was the meaning. She could have easily meant that kid's don't understand "teabagging", as in, the political move of TPs. Its really up to the person interpreting the sign. Maybe its a matter of getting your mind out of the gutter?).
And if your young children DO understand that, and it is something you do not want them being exposed to, then it seems like the parents have dropped the ball somewhere. It's not as if the sign read "Please don't dip your scrotum into our children's mouths" That would just be gross but MUCH more informative than this sign ever will be to the ignorant.
Could it possibly be that kids have known about this all along and they're just FINE?
If you have such a problem with entendre then you really dropped the ball when you took them to see Shrek or really any Disney movie.

Why are you mad teabaggers? AND he <3 Jesus. If Jesus approves, shouldn't TPs, by default, approve too? (clearly a joke, I know some of you have a problem deciphering between jokes and legitimate causes for the pitchforks)

Also, nice job making the unfounded assumption that the girl is a teacher. I see what you tried to do there. Nice try though!

Anonymous said...

U mad republicants?

Mon Petit Chou said...

@Trooper York

May I remind you that Prof. Althouse is one of the many wonderful teachers we have here at the UW-Madison.

Anonymous said...

Big surprise, conservatives crying about a hot liberal making fun of them.

It's amazing how much "tea-bagger" gets on your nerves. I guess it's a natural reflection of how conservatives in this country have basically become a bunch of whiny religious sissies. I miss the good old days when conservatives thought they were tough guys.

Unknown said...

Not missing a boob, certainly... infact, obviously 3...
It's the aimless noise echoing from the hole in the center one that so disquiets...

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