Come, hang out at Meadhouse.
UPDATE: Packers win the Super Bowl!!!!!!
UPDATE2: It's 28° outside, but guys are opening their doors to yell to each other what everybody already knows: Packers win the Super Bowl!
UPDATE3: I must say I enjoyed seeing George W. Bush there. George and Laura and Condi.
i will bring the sweet potato biscuits!
Sorry but I am going to stick with Jerseylious.
Most of the family will be in the house, but likely only the wife and I will watch the game. I will bring the beer. Yazoo Dos Perros will work very nicely I think.
So, do you think Ezra Klein's head exploded during that extended recitation of the Declaration of Independence? I mean, it's even older than the Constitution.
What no (pictures of) chips and dip?
Now for the ritual slaughtering of Our National Anthem.
BTW, i'm in my hotel room in Manhattan with a large meat-lovers pizza and plenty of Coke Zero. Go, Steelers! (Actually, my heart's with the Packers, but my wife lived in Pittsburgh as a young girl - she already whacked me for rooting for the Jets over the Steelers a few weeks back).
I hope Ben got the hookers I sent.
Now for the ritual slaughtering of Our National Anthem.
Duly slaughtered by Miss Aguilera.
it was excruciating. why oh why do singers today feel they have to bend notes to excruciating lengths..just sing the song.
Our flame was still there?
Who PICKS these singers? When will they stop torturing us and our national anthem?
wv: "supedp," which means all suped up (except for u).
We're starting it late, because my husband has to work. But I have beer chilling and a fabulous chili in the fridge just waiting to be turned into a most unhealthy and delicious dip.
Hopefully, we'll catch up by fastforwarding through the actual game a bit.
- Lyssa
Favorite Natl Anthem celebrity performance: Jose Feliciano in the 1968 Word Series. Not for his performance, but because - as my friend Alan pointed out the next day at school - no one appeared to consider the obvious pun.
Jose Feliciano was blind.
"Jose, can you see?..."
That was bad. Funny, but bad.
So Christina Aguilera managed to skip a whole line of the Star Spangled Banner? That should cut her fee by 20%.
That's gonna leave a mark.
I hope McCarthy doesn't call off the dogs like he did against the Bears.
The Zero has sort of picked the Steelers. Given his track record last election, Meadhouse can start celebrating now.
I didn't know McFadden played for the Packers. He is a local sports hero.
Steelers and packers are appropriately masculine occupations to be the mascots for this game.
Woodson! Baby!
Here's and interesting Super Bowl related story. Sort of.
I'd be willing to go through another dot-com crash and take the hit to my portfolio if we could just get rid of this time.
No shutout.
By the way the ads suck.
Like this Bud ad.
I didn't think I cared enough to have a favorite in the Superbowl yet now, every time Ben Rothlisberger throws the ball, I want to see an interception.
Hey it's the BMW Advanced Diesel ad. Tax credits for rich people!
Here is how the National Anthem should be sung.
@Paul Zrimsek -- Couldn't agree more. I'll pay the extra buck to avoid them.
And for good reason.
I have one client that uses them and they are relentless upsellers of stuff their customers don't need.
@Deb: Wow, thanks for that link! I agree with you that that was VASTLY better. But -- speaking as a trumpeter who's played the National Anthem at countless events from seventh-grade football halftimes through college bowl games -- in that arrangement, they either should have brought in the descant trumpets and percussion sooner (near the end of the first run-through), or not at all. I'm not sure they actually added to the elegant simplicity of the choral voices, and I hate hearing that sort of eight-bar repeat tacked onto the end.
Too bad they couldn't have had Tommy Loy today instead. He was also terrific, as old-time Cowboys fans will surely recall.
Bush interception. Coulda been a pass interference penalty.
It was "all Steelers all the time" on ESPN for the past two weeks. I imagine they are scrambling now to revise their scripts.
Glad to see the Steelers making a game of it.
I need advice on alternatives to the Black Eyed Peas.
I like owls well enough, but at what level of quality does one become "Superb" and who is doing the judging?
To say that one owls is the "Superb Owl" and another isn't seems very subjective. I would like to know about the biases of the so-called owl arbitrator.
I read an article that suggested bringing in Spinal Tap for the halftime show. It's looking better all the time.
Hines Ward, damn he's tough.
Halftime - time for more pizza.
Halftime--A Spielberg movie on acid. Costumes!
Hines ward has his head in the game. If the rest of the Steelers join him, then this game is not over.
Wow, it's gonna be tough for the Steelers to make up an 11 point deficit, especially considering how well Rogers is playing.
Is this like a tribute to "Tron" or something?
Well, this is a great night for people who enjoy men in yellow pants.
Seriously, there should be a rule against both teams wearing the same color pants.
The injuries on defense for the Pack will determine the outcome. I sure hope Woodson and Shields return.
This halftime show is awful. Fergie should limit herself to her lovely lady lumps.
Long song,but bad.Clearly they are not lip syncing.
Meade is making pizza. Pizza and beer. That's what we're consuming.
Slashness . Whoa
Is that part of that KIA ad, or are we at half-time wit' Guns and black eyed roses. Stupor bowl dystopia zone
"Seriously, there should be a rule against both teams wearing the same color pants."
There is. Entire first half is void and must be replayed.
No team has ever come back from more than 10 behind to win the Super Bowl, so...
But I'm fretting about the injuries. They'll patch Woodson and Shields back together, right
ricpic said...
Wow, it's gonna be tough for the Steelers to make up an 11 point deficit, especially considering how well Rogers is playing.
Do you think he can play defensive back?
We're only at the first down (or something), so reading the comments here is neat. It's like looking into the future.
BlacK Eyed Peas sound terrible. I guess they aren't lip synching. Their silly hats are sort of cute.
Lots of green in the show. Must be for the Green Bay Packers.
Please let Autotune die.
Why does the stage spell "LOIE"?
How about some old Sinatra records next year. Could it be any worse?
The Chinese kicked our ass again.
Their amazing synchronized drums at the Olympics.
Us, the Black Eyed Peas half time at Super Bowl...hideous.
The light in the V of LOVE wasn't working.
Rolling blackouts in Texas, I guess.
Is it just our TV setup, or is the music mixed way, way too soft so the vocals stick out awkwardly?
Do you think he can play defensive back?
Har Har
He's gonna put more points on the board. That'll seal it.
The black eyed pea is also called the cow pea. They must be Packer fans.
That halftime show made me think for some reason of the last vignette in Woody Allen's "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex*" -- the part where Allen was in the sperm suit.
Of course they would have a bimbo slaughter the National Anthem. Shame there was not a "wardrobe malfunction."
He's gonna put more points on the board. That'll seal it.
Here's hoping.
Why were there people with old-timey TVs on their heads on stage?
Was it a Laurie Anderson tribute?
The Black Eyed Peas have done the impossible: they are boring barbarians.
where's the rest of the MUTHA-F-ING solo to sweet child of mine?
Turn on your "Love" light.
Let it shine on me.
The "Love" stage actually spelled Loi 'e.
I hate the sound of the music, but having dancers covering the entire field is pretty cool.
Collins will play, needed an IV. Shields looked fine walking through the tunnel. Not sure on Woodson. Jordy Nelson is killing that DB for the Steelers. McFadden I believe. They will go to that until it dries up.
Woodson is out.
Poor guy. It must kill him.
Pack starts with a hold. Bad.
Fergie's a peacemaker, y'all. Sister rep-resentin'
Hold, then false start.
Composure issues.
Jones drops a TD pass.
Then another penalty--composure.
Pack gonna lose.
No Woodson.
No composure.
I had to turn it off five minutes after I made my last comment. I kept drifting away from it, and it was annoying the children. Oh well.
Gotta catch those passes...
My mother informs me that she is watching Puppy Bowl VII.
Sorry for being so late to the party. Second worst national anthem ever. First was Roseanne's "interpretation" at a baseball game. But it was close.
Ok, the Groupon commercial was funny, especially since I was thinking, "Wait, where's Richard Gere?"
Gotta tackle those runners, too.
Watch the Super Bowl with us!
I would have to be strapped to a chair with my eyelids taped open.
passing through Georgia, now in Atlanta listening to 93.7. Does anyone know if reception will last till South Carolina?
Why is it that right after they say that Big Ben hasn't been sacked yet, he gets sacked?
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiide left.
Good field position. Gotta score, Pack.
HT said...
passing through Georgia, now in Atlanta listening to 93.7. Does anyone know if reception will last till South Carolina?
We only allow AM radio in South Carolina. We're traditionalists.
That's why he doesn't kick for Dallas anymore....
Pack have lost Driver, Shields and Woodson. Shades of the regular season. Their two most mature and stable players out.
Where's Raji? Mr. Invisible.
Very interesting advertising strategy by Stella Artois: a commercial that I suspect most American men find almost unendurably cloying and effeminate and French -- used to sell beer, traditionally a product purchased at the whim of and mostly consumed by men. So this would seem to be some self-destructive advertising. Except that they make it sell by surrounding the foppish singer with women who seem to all be on the brink of some simultaneous orgasm. As for the foppish singer, he's played by Adrian Brody; or is that supposed to be Adrian Brody in character, moving on from concert pianist to West Bank French lounge singer?
wv: "rertedr" which looked to me like "rented doctor" at a glance.
And now Chrysler: "Imported from Detroit." Cute.
More accurate: "Imported from Detroit, but controlled by Washington, D.C."
Yay! Turnover!
Points. Rogers might as well be playing DB.
No offense.
I'm sure BJ Raji has been called many things, but never invisible.
(I agree that he hasn't been a big visible factor yet, but he's occupying extra help on every play, which helps the cause.)
Gotta block, Pack.
Catch the F . . . . ing ball.
Hey, Rodgers isn't the one dropping the ball.....but at least Nelson caught this one...
Quick make up by Nelson for those dropped passes
I'm glad I went to my AA meeting first.
So glad Green Bay is winning. That's the working man's team.
Great ad with the dogs, and the reviews ad was good too.....
More bad ads.
My wife has left (not permanently.)
Bud Light ad not so bad--I'm always a sucker for dog ads.
Of course, in all this anxiety, it's good to remember that the Pack has led the entire game.
"So glad Green Bay is winning. That's the working man's team."
Green Bay is also a hotbed for AA recruiting.
Way to make the meeting, pardner.
A Border Collie would have herded the guests into a corner....better not having one there...way to hold do you know why we let him go?
The Chrysler ad would have been way better if the guy had come out of the theater to find his car had been stripped.
No pressure, Pack.
Still like the SSK better than the new ones....
Six point game now...
Gotta watch out for Wallace now but Packers defense will win it.
Nice to see a dumb penalty on the other side. Good time for it, too.
This is turning out to be a good game.
You can bet McCarthy will play prevent defense instead of going after the Steelers now.
What a way to end this one...
ahhyeahh. buh bye squeeelers
And there you go. Happy days in Wisconsin.
Woot! 'Night, y'all. Nice hanging with you - made the hotel room a little less solitary.
Congratulations to all the Wisconsinites/Green Bay fans.
There is no joy in the White House, the Steelers have struck out...
David you can come out now.
Packers win!!!!
I can hear people outside yelling...
Packers' best receiver Jennings in interview says "Our #1 receiver goes down," referring to Driver and his injury.
Now that is class.
Meade's going out. Where are you going? I ask. He says, "I'm going to yell back to that guy."
That was me yelling. Tell Meade that I hear him.
Guys all over the neighborhood have open their doors to yell "Woooo!"
Congratulations to the little team that could.
Gotta commend McCarthy for excellent tactics. He could have surcome (h/t Cornel West) to the pressure and attempted a long field goal like the Steelers had done earlier. Instead he opted to punt and that totally changed the momentum.
James said...
"David you can come out now."
My nerves showed, eh?
And I grew up in Pittsburgh.
This means that they'll have to bring back "Giant Spider Invasion" on MST3K!
Staubach has kept fit.
Also become very rich.
I heard you loud and clear AllenS.
"It's a great day to be great, baby" - greg Jennings
It was a good exiting game.. It was a treat watching Clay Matthews.
Rogers got the MVP but it was really a team effort.
Cecil Isbell would be very proud of these Packers. What a legacy.
Very true, Lem. Great watching the game with all of you. Thanks.
What a year. After all of those injuries to key players, and then tonight with more injuries and other players stepping up was an excellent end to the season.
There are fireworks going off out here in the middle of nowhere. The neighbors must have saved them from the fourth.
I don't know waht the record is for Superbowl injuries but I believe there is rule that says when you continuously try to protect against something happening you get more of it.
Its not Murphy's Law.
I'm with the professor -- hey -- why are they wearing the same colors?
Oh. The shirts and helmets are different.
But watching pants. Harder toe tell whatswhat whoswho.
So what does this do for Paul Ryan's presidential chances?
I must say I enjoyed seeing Bart, there.
Congrats, Charles. Take care of that collarbone.
The more the NFL tries to tweak the rules to prevent injuries the more injuries they are going to suffer.
I find James Spaders' pitch voice to be fundamentally untrustworthy. Choosing someone known as a too-slick TV lawyer may not have been a good idea for Acura.
Nevertheless, I like Jeff Bridges' voice for the Hyundai commercials. (Even though he sounds like he's 3/4ths drunk.)
And does Mercedes benefit just from the vocal resonance and good lucks of Jon Hamm? Or do they lose customers who associate him with Donald Draper's less appealing qualities (chief among them, hucksterism)?
Thanks for the Super Bowl party, Althouse.
My dog (male and un-neutered) watched the game together, although I smoked all the cigars.
Congratulations. Great game.
Hey, thanks to everyone who came to the Meadhouse Super Bowl party!
How sweet it is!
- Ralph Kramden, 1951.
Did anyone see that Tibet/Groupon commercial?? Man, Timothy Hutton is going to get skewered for that one.
I assume when they don't know who deserves the Super Bowl MVP, they just give it to the winning QB.
Rodgers himself gave props to his defense (as he did, correctly, after the Chicago game). He could have mentioned Jennings, too, but I think the defense really did more than the offense. Which seems strange to say when 25 points were allowed, but that was 25 points on 12 possessions, several of which were stopped on turnovers.
What a night. What a team. Wow. Can't wait until next year.
Thank you, Althouse and Meade, for allowing us to share the Super Bowl party with you!
Pack it in the rear
C'mon, kids are watching.
Oh, was "cram it in the rear."
Packers won!
A half-hour halftime disrespects the game. I guess the B-Eyed-Peas were easier on the eye than the late MJ grabbing his package but, really, is there any wonder why 'Great Satan' resonates in Iran...or maybe it should be 'Great Stupid'. Best Superbowl halftime ever was the original (before they were called 'Superbowls') - the Grambling Marching Band. Awesome!
Packers win the Super Bowl! Aaaaagh! "Previously used cheese curds are on sale!" Aaaaagh!
For those that were wondering, I wore the green hat.
We were there, Ann! We came over from Fort Worth to Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. My wife and I are celebrating our 50th birthdays this year, so the Super Bowl was our present to each other. The Packers fans were all around us in their cheesehead hats and green makeup. The "Pack" played great and Aaron Rodgers definitely deserved MVP. Congrats to the Packers; this has been quite a year for all things Wisconsin!
Geaux Pack! Congratulations, Cheeseheads!
And yeah, Jennings shoulda got MVP. 21 points from turnovers!
But Rodgers played well and kept his focus. I don't begrudge him the honor, or the Camaro.
Thanks for a great season, Green Bay.
I'm very happy for Donald Driver. He's one of my favorite players.
Trooper, have I told you lately that...
Eh, never mind.
Althouse and Meade - get out! Get in your car and drive around and yell and cheer!
Green Bay - a city that punches way above its size. Well done to the best run team in the NFL.
Great game. Congrats to the Champs.
To sign the national anthem that way is a felony in the country of origin of the so called singer.
After the boring preliminaries my daughter was screaming , and she is right, why they dont start playing ?
There is no need for two weeks of wrong analysis( At ESPN in spanish, a mexican journalist was insulted by another mexican and a cuban for saying that GB will win) . A useless and boring ceremony( every bit of it) And the"entertainment" in the half time
Go Packers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)
It is good to see a team of good guys win.
Sad to see that my former classmate Charles Woodson was hurt and couldnt participate in most of the game.
I got all the ice off my driveway.
I ended up getting home about an hour or hour and a half after the game started. I expected this, so I had DVRed it.
When I got home and settled in, I started the recording. That and the "ahead 30 seconds" button on my remote made for an excellent viewing. Thirty seconds is exactly the different between plays (for the most part). So, the Superbowl for me was just the plays, one after another, and the commercials. No commentary at all. No filler. Just the football and the creativity.
It was great. The only downside was I didn't skip through the halftime show.
The National Anthem belongs to all Americans and speaks for, not just to, all Americans. Therefore, individual improvisation in the artist singing it is always inappropriate because it speaks for her/him and not for us. Christina and all the rest, just sing it the way it is written. It is so much greater in it's simplicity than you by your improvisation can ever make it. Oh, and learn the words.
What? You mean, "What so proudly we watched at the twilight's last reaming," ain't the real words?
just sing it the way it is written
I don't think they have the skill, that's why they "wobble" notes instead of hold them.
The Packer's O-line had a great day. Gave Rodgers a lot of time.
Raji and the D-line had a great day. Not much yardage up the middle by the Steelers. Pit's biggest gains on the ground came when the LBs didn't keep containment.
The Packers are truly America's team. The Cowboys were never more than corporate America's team
Belkys, what the heck are you talking about? Aguilera's "country of origin" is western Pennsylvania. She was born in New York, and grew up outside of Pittsburgh, up on the edge of the morraine. She went to the same high school as my dad, IIRC. (Checking wikipedia, yup, North Allegheny.)
Which just means she's as ignorant as your average North Hills yunzer.
I watched the game at a friend's place. The Steelers sucked.
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