He may well be from farther away than Illinois. I think I read somewhere that SEIU is bussing people in from New York, and believe the appeals have gone out nationwide to go to Madison, WI and protest!
I hope and trust that Meadhouse is making duplicate copies of all they have and storing them in different places.
"He may well be from farther away than Illinois. I think I read somewhere that SEIU is bussing people in from New York, and believe the appeals have gone out nationwide to go to Madison, WI and protest!"
I heard people talking about coming in from San Francisco.
This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off. The ones with the least seniority. And yet young people, yearning to be good, protest the most. It's rather touching... in a weird, perverse way. Especially after a good head-fucking.
"This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off. The ones with the least seniority. And yet young people, yearning to be good, protest the most. It's rather touching... in a weird, perverse way. Especially after a good head-fucking"
Call me you-know-what in the head, but if this were my blog, I'd front-page that one. Just sayin'
Ever wonder what these people think, once they're childish, vulgar, racist, etc. statements are played all over the net at YouTube? Are they embarrassed? Ashamed? Have a moment of self-awareness?
One would like to think so but we all know better . . .
It's rather touching... in a weird, perverse way. Especially after a good head-fucking.
That's actually how I see liberalism now. I understand where they're coming from, having been amongst them for so long in San Francisco, but it's perverse how they'll twist reality to fit the meme.
"Ever wonder what these people think, once they're childish, vulgar, racist, etc. statements are played all over the net at YouTube? Are they embarrassed? Ashamed? Have a moment of self-awareness?"
In my first Veterans Memorial post, you can see me in the video asking them to think about how this will look to people outside of Madison, and they don't seem to get it, or, I think, they would take the opportunity to speak right into the camera about how much they respect those who serve, that they're terribly sorry, and then proceed to move all their stuff, on camera.
It's really weird to me that I, a 60-year-old woman, am explaining YouTube to 20 somethings.
This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off.
You wouldn't trade your cushy taxpayer paid job with any of these people that were out yesterday. Get real. And we know from the KOch call that the layoff threats are just political payback becuase he isn't getting his way. He admitted it.
The sign carrier was Frances Fox Piven in drag. He knows what civil unrest means, he just couldn't look Meade in the eye and say it.
Ann Althouse said...
"He may well be from farther away than Illinois.
I think I read somewhere that SEIU is bussing people in from New York, and believe the appeals have gone out nationwide to go to Madison, WI and protest!"
I heard people talking about coming in from San Francisco.
I'd heard California was sending a contingent and, as I said earlier, Mrs Rude sounded as if she was from Gotham. But, apparently, that was how they were able to mount any kind of a turnout.
Once the Republicans began ramming through bills that only needed a majority, the game was up.
It really is all just a big game by now and one that only the protestors are playing. Most people who aren't really partisan or don't have any skin in the game are rapidly losing interest.
In a sense, the protestors are playing with themselves.
Meade, have you gotten a job yet? Or are you content to join Ann Althouse and sponge off the taxpayers to the tune of $160,000.00 a year? You two should get some self knowledge and realize that you might not be the best people to get in the faces of working people who make a quarter of what Ann makes for barely working.
"It's really weird to me that I, a 60-year-old woman, am explaining YouTube to 20 somethings."
But isn't that the way with most college kids - and I use the word "kids" purposefully, because really that's what they still are despite their age - mostly because they are living in their soft world of college dorms, liberal lectures, and over-priced coffee shops blissfully unaware of what the real world has in store for them.
They know about YouTube, of course, but they simply cannot imagine anyone viewing their actions in person or in a video thousands of miles away, disagreeing with them. And especially feeling ashamed of or for them.
How that translates to the older guy who wanted to head-fuck Meade I don't know.
AA said: "This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs."
I'll second Meade on that one.
And this is what kills me. With U-6 unemployment at something approaching 20%, these spoiled children not only fail to realize they're lucky to have jobs, but have to invent so-called "rights" they're being deprived of to generate sympathy.
Speaking from personal knowledge, here in Jersey on Friday we counted at least 6 superliners that seat 120 each that came in from New York to swell the ranks of the AFL-CIO protest in Trenton.
And let me tell you, on four separate occasions the CWA Red Army marched down the street between their protest and our counter-rally itching for a fight. State troopers and Trenton cops ended up just making a wall in the middle of the street.
Hired headcrackers know only one thing...cracking heads.
It is an amazing coincidence that these protests have been carried out in parallel with the much more fearsome and significant protests in the middle east.
Our lakeside protesters have tried gamely to leverage that fact, but to no avail. They never lead the news, which must depress them. And they are never physically attacked or persecuted, which must confound them.
Queeny - What does your "benefits package" or the fact that "law students pay tuition" have to do with Walker trying to eliminate a collective bargaining agreement?
Are you saying you'd lose the entire package...or that law students would no longer have to pay tuition?
A couple of years ago, there was an outfit renting an office in New Richmond, WI, and making phone calls for some police association. They were eventually busted, because not one fucking dime went to the cops.
This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off.
As a matter of fact, these protestors are in direct competition with poor people who depend on government services. There's just not enough money to pay everyone, someone's going to lose out. These people want to get theirs, which is understandable, but not exactly noble and selfless.
I suspect that Meade is compensating here for being kept by Ann who is sponging off the WI taxpayers for basically not working. Meade feels the need to pretend that he is the big independent dude because in reality his manhood is shriveling up inside.
"I suspect that Meade is compensating here for being kept by Ann who is sponging off the WI taxpayers for basically not working. Meade feels the need to pretend that he is the big independent dude because in reality his manhood is shriveling up inside."
I don't know if Meade works or not. Don't care, none of my business. But isn't it interesting how the leftists here show their lack of tolerance for other lifestyles?
I guess all liberal households have the traditional marriage thing going - John Wayne-type male goes out to some manly job, while the little woman stays at home and bakes cookies. Screw this feminist crap they say. No other types allowed, except gay marriage of course.
Shame on Meade and Ann for not following tradition.
As to whether Meade's manhood is shriveling from marriage . . . how would that differ from most marriages?
By Bill Glauber, Patrick Marley and Amy Hetzner of the Journal Sentinel Feb. 27, 2011 12:12 p.m. |
The Wisconsin AFL-CIO released a statement Sunday that said "hundreds might risk peaceful arrest" as police prepare to shutdown the Capitol by 4 p.m.
The Capitol has been the site of mass demonstrations, with many people spending the night inside the rotunda. The Capitol was due to close Sunday afternoon and open for regular business Monday.
The statement quoted Wisconsin Professional Police Association Executive Director Jim Palmer, who said:
"Law enforcement working at the Capitol has been impressed with how peaceful and courteous everyone has been. As has been reported in the media, the protesters are cleaning up after themselves and have not caused any problems. The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public. Security cannot come at the cost of conflict."
Their salary raise over the past 10 years was 21.5%
And look what WI taxpayers got for it:
In the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests administered by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009—the latest year available—only 32 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned a “proficient” rating while another 2 percent earned an “advanced” rating. The other 66 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned ratings below “proficient,” including 44 percent who earned a rating of “basic” and 22 percent who earned a rating of “below basic.”
The test also showed that the reading abilities of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders had not improved at all between 1998 and 2009 despite a significant inflation-adjusted increase in the amount of money Wisconsin public schools spent per pupil each year.
Oh well, they "work hard" so they deserve the raise I guess.
Jeremy requested: "You might want to explain that one..."
Dependent on the government you silly little teabagee.
You libbies are helping to control their population through the highest rates of abortion. Can't have 'em overbreeding on their liberal massas can we? Gotta get keep that literacy down too by shitting on the public education system in inner cities.
Looks like you little libbies haven't quite gotten over the Repubs freeing the slaves. That just pisses you off doesn't it J-boy?
TWM - "But isn't it interesting how the leftists here show their lack of tolerance for other lifestyles?"
That's rich.
So are you saying you and the other teabagging crew here have no problem with a woman having a choice or gays being in the military or gays getting married?
Hey J-Boy, looks like you didn't tally up the benefits package to add on to the nice little salary WI teachers get for working 9 months a year while they fail to do an adequate job educating their charges.
I'm sure there are plenty of qualified teachers who would be pleased to have those jobs right now.
Wait, a second.. isn't this precisely the role of a police officer?
So, if someone wants to steal from a store, the police won't chase after him, because 'security cannot come at the cost of conflict'? Or if I am speeding and an officer tries to pull me over I can just keep going, because 'security cannot come at the cost of conflict'?
GMay - "Dependent on the government you silly little teabagee...control their population through the highest rates of abortion...can't have 'em overbreeding on their liberal massas can we?"
What are you a fucking Nazi?
And you feel that only the blacks are dependent on the government?
Assuming you're not black, are you saying you aren't dependent on any government services?
*As to your claim that Republicans "freed the slaves":
From Abe Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley:
"...my paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery, If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
"So are you saying you and the other teabagging crew here have no problem with a woman having a choice or gays being in the military or gays getting married?"
I'm not talking about my tolerance or lack thereof. I'm just pointing-out your hypocrisy for making an issue of a lifestyle choice that liberals have championed for decades simply because you don't like the people making it.
I will say tolerance is vastly overrated. Especially since, like civility, the left is only interested in it when it suits their needs.
Living in california and watching this sad spectacle going on in Madison, I can only imagine the tantrum the public service unions here are going to put on. And it will happen. We are out of money folks. Why can't they understand that? Oh right, "pueblac scools"
The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public.
He forgot to add, "or else," like a real union boss would have said, and talk obliquely about his "friends" from Joizee.
"You wouldn't trade your cushy taxpayer paid job with any of these people that were out yesterday."
Garage equates a law school grad's compensation to people that maybe have a high school degree but work for the govt so they are paid way more than those who don't work for the govt.
Garage equates a law school grad's compensation to people that maybe have a high school degree but work for the govt so they are paid way more than those who don't work for the govt.
My wife's friend has Masters degree and makes 62k / year as a schoolteacher, 100k less than ALthouse makes, after teaching for 19 yrs. And I've got to beleive she puts in more hours than ALthouse does. It seems like we pay her to blog.
My wife's friend has Masters degree and makes 62k / year as a schoolteacher, 100k less than ALthouse makes, after teaching for 19 yrs. And I've got to beleive she puts in more hours than ALthouse does.
Do people voluntarily fork over $38K a year to take classes from your wife's friend?
Better yet GM, your friend should quit her job and marry a law prof who is abusing her tenure. Then she can be a freeloader supreme just like Larry Meade!
Interesting the way commenters on the side of civil disobedience use invective and ad hominem attacks that contribute little to the discourse, while those on the side of reason and order attempt to discuss, well, civilly.
Jay Retread (and Jeremy) imply that because Meade describes himself as self-employed, he is sponging off Ann and, by extension, off the Wisconsin taxpayer. Their attitude makes an interesting statement about how liberals conceive of employment.
In Wisconsin, there are 2.8 million people employed, in the most recent data from 2010. Approximately 100,000 of these claim self-employment as their primary or sole source of income. But these self-employed individuals employ 1.3 million individuals (46% of the workforce) in their small businesses.
In Meade's age bracket, the percentage of self-employed individuals is more than twice that of the combined population, partly because of cultural predisposition toward independence and partly because they have acquired more capital and managerial skills than their younger counterparts.
I suspect that Jay Retread and Jeremy fall into the younger portion of the population, if only because they seem to believe that you are only employed if you work for someone else, preferably government.
In contrast with the millions of people who work in the private sector, only 435,000 of Wisconsin workers are employed in one level of government or another. The vast majority of them do not generate income for the state. Rather, they provide a service that is paid for by their employer, the Wisconsin taxpayers, making us all, in effect, self-employed business owners with a shared group of employees.
Yes, Larry Meade is getting in this working man's face in this video because he wants to have a civil debate. Get a job Larry and maybe this man will take you seriously.
Garage: I suggest you stay away from anecdotal examples & look at averages. Or if you want to go with the anecdotal, tell us what her masters is in,what was her GPA, where did she finish in her class? What schooldistrict? What are the metrics of her retirement plan? 2% per year of her last three year'salary and she can retire at age 60 or age 55? See what I mean?
@Jeremy - I take back every kind and positive thing I wrote about you in a previous thread. It appears then when some (on the left) wax reasonable it is a tactic soon dropped thereby revealing true colors?
Hayley Barbour said it best ""When they have collective bargaining in Wisconsin, on one side of the table there's state employee unions or the local employee unions. On the other side of the table are politicians that they PAID FOR in the election of those politicians," Barbour said. "Now, who represents the taxpayers in that negotiation? Well, actually, NOBODY."
If I was a citizen of Wisconsin, I would be trying to form a coalition of my fellow citizens to protest paying my property taxes and sales taxes - ya know, like a refuse-to-pay-in.
They could take their tax bills down to the Capitol and burn them. These a-holes need a demonstration from the people about where the money comes from.
If half the WI taxpayers refuse to pay because they don't support the rip-off, what are they gonna do about it?
I'd also be on the phone every day asking these blood suckers why Johnny can't read.
Crack Head - I walways get a kick out of blacks who whine about "liberalism"...as if it's a bad thing.
Without it, you'd be sitting at the back of the bus.
Nice. You say that, in that way, and I'm supposed to agree you're on my side? You're an idiot.
You want to know what I always get a kick out of? I always get a kick out of liberals who are under the erroneous impression they gave blacks freedom, and we should be grateful to them, when - as MLK's Letter From A Birmingham Jail made clear - liberals weren't around at the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement and, once they started to think about it, began by screaming "slow down!"
Funny, but we blacks didn't listen to them then, either.
And let's not even get into the Black Power Movement of the '70s, when blacks started telling liberals to get the fuck out of our lives,...
"Jay Retread" (if ever there was an apt fake name...) sounds embarrassingly like a jealous, spurned lover. The myopic, personal focus on Meade and his lifestyle makes me wonder if Althouse broke up with someone in order to date Meade...
Here is the "info" they are passing out-from Irene's source.
The Capitol is open to the public during normal business hours, plus extended hours when the people’s business is underway. At any other time—or in the case of an emergency—we may be evacuated.
For your safety, the safety of others, and the safety of the protest, we ask that you plan ahead, consider your options carefully, and get whatever support you need to remain calm and peaceful in the event that we are asked to leave.
Nothing written here is intended as legal advice. We just want every person in the Capitol to make informed choices about if, how, and when to leave.
NONVIOLENCE Nonviolence is a philosophy, a lifestyle, and a strategy. Here we address it as a strategy to: • Keep the public on our side • Inform our interactions with counter-protestors • Inform our interactions with police (who mostly support the goals of this protest)
Strategies that support our ability to practice nonviolence include: • Connecting with others • Planning ahead, visualizing nonviolent responses, role-playing • Staying sober and free of alcohol/illegal drugs • Song, prayer, meditation, compassion—remaining centered, calm, and focused on purpose
CONNECTING WITH OTHERS Affinity groups are a long-standing way of organizing nonviolent protest. Consider forming a small group of people you already know or meet here to: • Watch out for each other • Know each other’s contact information • Help each other stay healthy and safe (food, sleep, medications, mood, etc.) • Have a designated meeting place if you get separated • Decide together what actions you’ll take • Support each other to leave if anyone can’t stay nonviolent • Have a plan for what to do if you are at risk of arrest
BEING WELL One of the biggest health concerns in a situation like this is burnout. Take time to take care of yourself. Use your affinity group to support you. • Breathe consciously. Even a few deep breaths can make a real difference in your ability to think clearly. Make a habit of breathing consciously 10-15 minutes every day. • Rub your feet! At the end of a day at the Capitol, get the blood circulating, then elevate your feet so they’re less swollen in the morning. • Be sure to take all medications as prescribed. See “Being Arrested” (below) for how to prepare if your meds are critical to your moment-to-moment well-being and you plan to risk arrest.
>beautiful wife >intelligent wife >independent thinking wife (in Madison no less) >wife with manifest good taste in husbands (by every account I read of Meade he appears thoughtful, smart, and funny) Mike
Makes me want to "rage against the machine" too in a jealous snit....like Jeremy or Retread
So are you saying you and the other teabagging crew here have no problem with a woman having a choice or gays being in the military or gays getting married?
Mead should know that civil unrest refers to a broad range of activities, but Meade seems excited by the possibility of more than just thousands of Wisconsinites marching peacefully around the Capitol. I wonder if Mead is one of those agents Walker thought of planting in the crowd to stir up violence--just saying.
I don't know if Meade works or not. Don't care, none of my business. But isn't it interesting how the leftists here show their lack of tolerance for other lifestyles?
I think it is a sign that they know the end is near. The fleebaggers will come skulking back to collect their paychecks, the teachers will be back smoking in the teachers' room and the college students in the videos will be back studying whatever they teach in socialist studies programs.
This last outburst of nastiness resembles the scene after all the kids have been chosen for the baseball game and two or three didn't get chosen for a team. That is when you hear the changing voices expressing those obscenities they learned listening to the big boys.
I particularly enjoy the nancy boys making cracks about someone's marriage. Is your right hand seeking a divorce ?
No, but at least I don't have to ask if you're a fucking idiot.
"And you feel that only the blacks are dependent on the government?"
Nope, but you folks have made a higher percentage of them dependent than any other race. I know it was long hard road for you libbies, but you managed to round 'em all back up.
"Assuming you're not black, are you saying you aren't dependent on any government services?"
Yep. Do I use them? Sure. Do I pay taxes for those services? You betcha. Am I dependent? Nope.
Was that it for your stupid questions?
"*As to your claim that Republicans "freed the slaves":
From Abe Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley:"
So are you saying the Republicans didn't free the slaves? I didn't think so.
Crack Head - "Like your screed about blacks, you're just proving you don't know much about anything."
My "screed" as you call it, is absolutely true.
Anybody who is black, and thinks the Republicans have their best interests in mind, is not that bright.
You can show up here on a regular basis, and think that because you suck up to The Queen and her loyal sidekick, Needy...and of course, the rest of the teabaggers, that you're "one of the gang," but everybody here knows that's about far from the truth as one can get.
Most of the far right sycophants here could give a rat's ass about you, and have little if any tolerance for anything or anybody who does not fit into their close-minded perception of what America should be.
Michael - "Jeremy, you are a stupid racist cocksucker, you really are. You are scum."
I have no idea where racism comes into what I said.
My comment relates to the politics, beliefs and track record of Republicans in regard to blacks.
At this point in time, only about 120 African Americans have ever even served in Congress...and of those...an overwhelming number were Democrats.
Oh, and for the first time since 1997, there are a rousing TWO black Republicans serving concurrent terms in the House of Representatives.
And...if the GOP is such a staunch supporter of blacks, how do you explain that fact that ony TWO of the 14 black GOP candidates won in the last election?
Why didn't all of those white Republicans cast their votes for those candidates?
The last black Republican to serve in the House was Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma, who served from 1995 to 2003.
Just for the fun of it, since you're such an expert on race, name ALL of the top flight black leaders in the Republican Party.
Koch brothers pay Meade big bucks for every time a liberal displays his ignorance on this blog. Liberals, make Meade rich by posting racist, homophobic hate messages. He may declare a dividend.
Meade and Althouse: Thank You. From hairdressing to manhood, I've been LOL, appreciating the ability of humor, perspective and insight to disarm and redirect intensity.
Shiloh, Jeremy and Jay Retread getting off at the same bus stop to swagger, kick dirt, and attempt to match humor with sarcasm and innuendo, is evidence of something going down.
TWM - I have no idea where you or this Michael dumbfuck come up with the racism charge.
I actually think that anybody, regardless of color, who supports the GOP is not that bright. It's just that I think blacks, based on what they've seen over the years, would know better.
If you really think the GOP is right for black Americans, explain why so few are elected by your party. (Take your time with that one...you may have to actually read something.)
"If you really think the GOP is right for black Americans, explain why so few are elected by your party. (Take your time with that one...you may have to actually read something.)"
That's easy. A long history of dependency fostered on them by liberals to this day. It's very hard to break out of that when they are told they cannot achieve anything without government help.
But it's changing every day and as soon as the stranglehold of unions is loosened, then even more progress will be made.
Still lots of nasty ad hominem but, if that's what passes for argument in their circles, who am I to complain?
My comment relates to the politics, beliefs and track record of Republicans in regard to blacks.
Yeah, they wasted all that time bringing up anti-lynching bills for 30 years and, sure enough, Democrats like Robert Byrd filibustered them every time.
"Meade and Althouse: Thank You. From hairdressing to manhood, I've been LOL, appreciating the ability of humor, perspective and insight to disarm and redirect intensity."
Jeremy: You racist fuck, you piece of shit, take your idiotic racial ideas elsewhere. You are too fucking stupid to even recognize how demeaning your dumb comments are. Go away.
Journal Sentinel Online article entitled "Protesters Ready to Face Arrests" http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/117011928.html (Feb. 27, 2011 12:12 p.m., copied at 3:51 pm)has this quote: "The Wisconsin AFL-CIO released a statement Sunday that said "hundreds might risk peaceful arrest" as police prepare to shutdown the Capitol by 4 p.m. ... The statement quoted Wisconsin Professional Police Association Executive Director Jim Palmer, who said: "Law enforcement working at the Capitol has been impressed with how peaceful and courteous everyone has been. As has been reported in the media, the protesters are cleaning up after themselves and have not caused any problems. The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public. Security cannot come at the cost of conflict.""
For all you speculating that Governor Walker was not trying to take away collective bargaining from law enforcement is because he is concerned that law enforcement would join the demonstrators. Do recall that the government is supposed to be afraid of the people, not the people afraid of the government. Those public sector unions are public employees, and yes, we need to be concerned about them. The police members AA spoke with are union members. Perhaps that comes first, and protecting comes second.
An article entitled "Protesters ready to face arrests" from Feb. 27, 2011 12:12 p.m. (copied at 3:58 pm http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/117011928.html) said: "The Wisconsin AFL-CIO released a statement Sunday that said "hundreds might risk peaceful arrest" as police prepare to shutdown the Capitol by 4 p.m. ... The statement quoted Wisconsin Professional Police Association Executive Director Jim Palmer, who said:
"Law enforcement working at the Capitol has been impressed with how peaceful and courteous everyone has been. As has been reported in the media, the protesters are cleaning up after themselves and have not caused any problems. The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public. Security cannot come at the cost of conflict.""
The reason Governor Walker didn't attempt to strip the police and fire of collective bargaining is that he feared they would join the protesters. Thus, those union police officers AA spoke with are union members. Too many police officers will be union members before serving the public. They want the demonstrators to win their demands, because they don't want to be next.
The Professor has reacted to two incidents that alarmed her. 1) was the accusation of being a child who is rude if she speaks to adults in authority, and 2) being lined up like a grammar school children that can not enter the adult's door. To me this shows that the Progs are asserting that all people are children under their dictatorship of the self-proclaimed Czar.
Jeremy, you do not read well, I said the racist white democrats will not vote for them. The Bradley effect is a result of the racist white democrats. Why do you hate black Americans who leave the liberal plantation?
Jeremy, you have a lot in common with the KKK democrats who did not think blacks should have a right to vote. You think that do not have a right to vote for whom they think is best. Keep the Black Americans on the liberal plantation. KKKJeremy is your new handle.
The head of the AFL-CIO issued a statement about how the police union would like to see things toned down, and that the problem not lead to conflict. Basically, that the protesters have the sympathy of the police. Swell. Walker didn't attempt to take collective bargaining rights from the police and fire because he was concerned they would stop doing their work. Take care of the union before taking care of us.
PaulV "You think that do not have a right to vote for whom they think is best."
I never said anything of the kind.
I said I do not think they should vote for a party that doesn't "represent them best." There's a profound difference between the two.
Your reading comprehension is lacking.
As for your other inane comment that "racist Democrats" didn't vote for Republicans candidates because they're black...well...that really makes little if any sense. (Unless of course, you think Democrats would vote for Republicans if they were not black...duh.)
TWM - "That's easy. A long history of dependency fostered on them by liberals to this day. It's very hard to break out of that when they are told they cannot achieve anything without government help."
The standard right wing argument.
As for the "history" of which you speak, based on the GOP's record of getting black candidates elected (much less even nominated by their party), it's apparently still alive and well.
The overwhelming majority of blacks and other minorities in America know exactly which party supports their cause...and it sure as hell isn't the Republicans. (Unless of course you want to sidle up to a bunch of mostly white teabaggers on a law professor's blog site...for whatever insane reason.)
Bringing up silly references to things that happened decades ago is a waste of time and makes you look stupid.
TWM - "...as the stranglehold of unions is loosened, then even more progress will be made..."
You really need an education:
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
I notice in your profile you say you work in law enforcement. Can we assume you're not a "unionized" police officer...but some kind of security guard??
Anybody who is black, and thinks the Republicans have their best interests in mind, is not that bright.
Jeremy doubling down.
Most of the far right sycophants here could give a rat's ass about you, and have little if any tolerance for anything or anybody who does not fit into their close-minded perception of what America should be.
On the other hand we Democrats deeply appreciate you and tell you so every four years.
Jeremy: You little racist shit, you think you can get away with your vile characterizations of conservative blacks as stupid? You are the one you little turd who is deeply in need of an education and a little respect for people of color who might disagree with you. You fucking racist idiot.
Jeremy: "Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage."
And you think that public employees need to protect themselves from the government which might reinstall the evils that are now against the law? You know, of course, that public employees are the government. Or do you have some racist slant on that as well?
Shiloh, Jeremy and Jay Retread getting off at the same bus stop to swagger, kick dirt, and attempt to match humor with sarcasm and innuendo, is evidence of something going down.
They're terrified. They have been leeching off the system for their entire lives, and now their lifelines are being pulled.
Didn't the best work of unions happen 80 years ago? Aren't there laws which grant protections to employees, whether they be of union or non-union operations? What do unions want? More.
The right to collective bargaining has not done the Milwaukee Public School students any good.
nions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage."
And I thank them for that. But can I also be pissed when they go too far?
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
That's mostly bullshit. They're foundational myths of organized labor.
Long before the auto industry was organized by the UAW in the late 1930s, in the early 1920s Henry Ford first reduced the work week to 5 1/2 nine hour days and then 5 eight hour days. With three 8 hour shifts, he could run his factories 24 hrs a day (and employ more people).
Wages were going up long before unions were successful organizing American labor. Here, again, you see the influence of Ford, who started paying $5/day to keep his workers - he had a 93% turnover rate with new hires and that impedes productivity, so Ford paid people more money to work in his factories (which were terrible places to work). Ford also had a company health clinic for his employees and their families.
Unions take credit for lots of stuff they never really accomplished.
Still, we shouldn't be talking about unions. This isn't about private sector unions, this is about public employees bankrupting society.
You racist fuck, you piece of shit, take your idiotic racial ideas elsewhere. You are too fucking stupid to even recognize how demeaning your dumb comments are. Go away.
You little racist shit, you think you can get away with your vile characterizations of conservative blacks as stupid? You are the one you little turd who is deeply in need of an education and a little respect for people of color who might disagree with you. You fucking racist idiot. ~~~~~
Would like to thank Michael for once again showing why AA said her political blog is the best ...
btw Michael congrats on the irony ;) in both of your posts as you're a f*cking genius! w/words, eh.
I'm a little confused about what unions have or have not given us. Most of the things Jeremy lists were signed into law by FDR during the depression. Certainly one can credit the Democrats, but the role of unions is somewhat debatable. From the U.S. Department of Labor:
Organized labor supported the bill but was split on how strong it should be. Some leaders, such as Sidney Hillman of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union and David Dubinsky of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, supported a strong bill. In fact, when Southern congressmen asked for the setting of lower pay for their region, Dubinsky's union suggested lower pay for Southern congressmen. But William Green of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and John L. Lewis of the Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO), on one of the rare occasions when they agreed, both favored a bill which would limit labor standards to low-paid and essentially unorganized workers. Based on some past experiences, many union leaders feared that a minimum wage might become a maximum and that wage boards would intervene in areas which they wanted reserved for labor-management negotiations. They were satisfied when the bill was amended to exclude work covered by collective bargaining.
It's also interesting that the Fair Labor Standards Act was partially set aside for World War II.
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In his defense, I think he may have been tired and cranky after a long drive.
From Illinois.
Yes, Civil Unrest if Best, unless of course the ones doing the Civil Unrest happen to be Tea Party people.
Now that was rude . . .
He may well be from farther away than Illinois.
I think I read somewhere that SEIU is bussing people in from New York, and believe the appeals have gone out nationwide to go to Madison, WI and protest!
I hope and trust that Meadhouse is making duplicate copies of all they have and storing them in different places.
"Now that was rude . . ."
And yet, somehow, I laugh, every time I hear it, and I've played it 20 times. It's now a stock phrase at Meadehouse.
"He may well be from farther away than Illinois.
I think I read somewhere that SEIU is bussing people in from New York, and believe the appeals have gone out nationwide to go to Madison, WI and protest!"
I heard people talking about coming in from San Francisco.
This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off. The ones with the least seniority. And yet young people, yearning to be good, protest the most. It's rather touching... in a weird, perverse way. Especially after a good head-fucking.
"This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off. The ones with the least seniority. And yet young people, yearning to be good, protest the most. It's rather touching... in a weird, perverse way. Especially after a good head-fucking"
Call me you-know-what in the head, but if this were my blog, I'd front-page that one. Just sayin'
"Egypt, Libya/Madison, Wisconsin"
That's just insane.
Ever wonder what these people think, once they're childish, vulgar, racist, etc. statements are played all over the net at YouTube? Are they embarrassed? Ashamed? Have a moment of self-awareness?
One would like to think so but we all know better . . .
It's rather touching... in a weird, perverse way. Especially after a good head-fucking.
That's actually how I see liberalism now. I understand where they're coming from, having been amongst them for so long in San Francisco, but it's perverse how they'll twist reality to fit the meme.
"Ever wonder what these people think, once they're childish, vulgar, racist, etc. statements are played all over the net at YouTube? Are they embarrassed? Ashamed? Have a moment of self-awareness?"
In my first Veterans Memorial post, you can see me in the video asking them to think about how this will look to people outside of Madison, and they don't seem to get it, or, I think, they would take the opportunity to speak right into the camera about how much they respect those who serve, that they're terribly sorry, and then proceed to move all their stuff, on camera.
It's really weird to me that I, a 60-year-old woman, am explaining YouTube to 20 somethings.
That's not an expression one hears very often.
Is it regional? It's not on Urban Dictionary.
Does getting one's head fucked straighten the person out toward a right way of thinking?
Or does it make them crazier?
Or is it a threat of violence in itself?
This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off.
You wouldn't trade your cushy taxpayer paid job with any of these people that were out yesterday. Get real. And we know from the KOch call that the layoff threats are just political payback becuase he isn't getting his way. He admitted it.
The sign carrier was Frances Fox Piven in drag. He knows what civil unrest means, he just couldn't look Meade in the eye and say it.
Ann Althouse said...
"He may well be from farther away than Illinois.
I think I read somewhere that SEIU is bussing people in from New York, and believe the appeals have gone out nationwide to go to Madison, WI and protest!"
I heard people talking about coming in from San Francisco.
I'd heard California was sending a contingent and, as I said earlier, Mrs Rude sounded as if she was from Gotham. But, apparently, that was how they were able to mount any kind of a turnout.
Once the Republicans began ramming through bills that only needed a majority, the game was up.
Garage, you were so upbeat yesterday.
It really is all just a big game by now and one that only the protestors are playing. Most people who aren't really partisan or don't have any skin in the game are rapidly losing interest.
In a sense, the protestors are playing with themselves.
Last night they were saying that the cops joined the protest.
They had video of some cop on a bull horn inside the Capitol saying-blah, blah-we're on the side of the people.
"Witnesses" said that 600 cops joined.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel was reporting yesterday that they were going to kick everyone out of the Capitol building by 4:00 pm today...
Now how are they going to do that if the cops have crossed over.
Could get interesting.
Please cry into this cup so I can drink your delicious tears of rage.
/Fen being civil
Meade, have you gotten a job yet? Or are you content to join Ann Althouse and sponge off the taxpayers to the tune of $160,000.00 a year?
You two should get some self knowledge and realize that you might not be the best people to get in the faces of working people who make a quarter of what Ann makes for barely working.
Crack Head - I walways get a kick out of blacks who whine about "liberalism"...as if it's a bad thing.
Without it, you'd be sitting at the back of the bus.
Rudeness expert alert!
JayRetread lashing out at Meade in frustration. He's pissed that his Union Brats were outed on camera to a national audience.
Delicious tears. Thank you Jay!
faces of working people
No Freebies, No Peace!
Jay Retread - It's not "Meade"...it's "Needy."
A walking, talking, whining sponge.
Meade, if you were any kind of a man you would get a job.
"That's not an expression one hears very often."
You hear it often at Meadehouse... now. If I need to go to the hairdresser, I say "I'm going to get my head fucked."
Kick them out for "temporary maintenance".
The Capitol suppose to re-open Monday.
There's also a poll going around that is supposedly the first one that was done by n independent; it finds the state of Wisconsin at about a -
50/50 split.
Only thing is if you drill down into the internals they had only 500 participants which of those 500-
23% were public-sector union members or a member of their family was. ( I presume immediate-but it didn't say ...)
23% isn't that high?
Might be they over sampled state workers residing in Madison as opposed to the outlying areas.
Jeremy lashing out at Crack, calling him an Uncle Tom
Delicious tears. Keep them coming pls.
"It's really weird to me that I, a 60-year-old woman, am explaining YouTube to 20 somethings."
But isn't that the way with most college kids - and I use the word "kids" purposefully, because really that's what they still are despite their age - mostly because they are living in their soft world of college dorms, liberal lectures, and over-priced coffee shops blissfully unaware of what the real world has in store for them.
They know about YouTube, of course, but they simply cannot imagine anyone viewing their actions in person or in a video thousands of miles away, disagreeing with them. And especially feeling ashamed of or for them.
How that translates to the older guy who wanted to head-fuck Meade I don't know.
He's just a fuckin' moron I guess.
Fenny Boy - As if you know anything about having an actual job.
Keep on sucking...maybe The Queen and her butt-boy, Needy, will have you over for tea.
If the cops are joining in, I guess I have a new talking point for when their association calls me for a donation to this or that.
John Lennon sang "You need to free your mind instead." It's kinda similar. You need to get your head fucked.
AA said: "This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs."
I'll second Meade on that one.
And this is what kills me. With U-6 unemployment at something approaching 20%, these spoiled children not only fail to realize they're lucky to have jobs, but have to invent so-called "rights" they're being deprived of to generate sympathy.
Fuck 'em.
Meade, that guy whose face you got in is a man with a job. Unlike you.
Fenny Boy - I'm not "lashing out" at anybody.
Just telling it like it is.
Something you're not familiar with.
*Keep on sucking.
I think that the government employees working at the insane asylum are on strike.
Tea-baggers . . . Head-fuckers . . . there's a whole lot of sex going on in Madison right now . . .
"Meade, have you gotten a job yet? Or are you content to join Ann Althouse and sponge off the taxpayers to the tune of $160,000.00 a year?"
Wait. You forgot my benefits package. The one that meanie Scott Walker is trying to take a bite out of.
Also, taxpayers? You realize law students pay tuition, don't you? It's $37,586 a year for out-of-state students, $18,049 in-state.
TosaGuy - "If the cops are joining in, I guess I have a new talking point for when their association calls me for a donation to this or that."
So now you're whining about the cops "joining in?"
And as if you've ever actually donated to any police association...yeah, right.
Speaking from personal knowledge, here in Jersey on Friday we counted at least 6 superliners that seat 120 each that came in from New York to swell the ranks of the AFL-CIO protest in Trenton.
And let me tell you, on four separate occasions the CWA Red Army marched down the street between their protest and our counter-rally itching for a fight. State troopers and Trenton cops ended up just making a wall in the middle of the street.
Hired headcrackers know only one thing...cracking heads.
This is going to get much worse.
"It's $37,586 a year for out-of-state students, $18,049 in-state."
I would love to sit in on a lecture by you, Ann, but not for $37,586. No way, no how . . .
I would pony-up a few bucks for some coffee and a bagel to listen to you talk about search and seizure law though.
He's pretend street-
head should be skull.
It is an amazing coincidence that these protests have been carried out in parallel with the much more fearsome and significant protests in the middle east.
Our lakeside protesters have tried gamely to leverage that fact, but to no avail. They never lead the news, which must depress them. And they are never physically attacked or persecuted, which must confound them.
Queeny - What does your "benefits package" or the fact that "law students pay tuition" have to do with Walker trying to eliminate a collective bargaining agreement?
Are you saying you'd lose the entire package...or that law students would no longer have to pay tuition?
A couple of years ago, there was an outfit renting an office in New Richmond, WI, and making phone calls for some police association. They were eventually busted, because not one fucking dime went to the cops.
This isn't exactly a march of poor people. These are people fighting to keep the benefits of their very good jobs. And if they win, a lot of their co-workers will be laid off.
As a matter of fact, these protestors are in direct competition with poor people who depend on government services. There's just not enough money to pay everyone, someone's going to lose out. These people want to get theirs, which is understandable, but not exactly noble and selfless.
And yet young people, yearning to be good, protest the most. It's rather touching... in a weird, perverse way. Especially after a good head-fucking.
THIS is why I read Althouse! Brave Professor you've outdone yourself. *NOT WORTHY*
I mean to say Brava Professor!
Jeremy said: "Crack Head - I walways get a kick out of blacks who whine about "liberalism"...as if it's a bad thing.
Without it, you'd be sitting at the back of the bus."
Yeah, liberalism got 'em back on the plantation where they belong eh J-boy?
Henry - "They never lead the news, which must depress them."
What in the world would be base that on?
Do you read newspapers?
G-May - "Yeah, liberalism got 'em back on the plantation where they belong eh J-boy?"
Back on the plantation?
You might want to explain that one...
I suspect that Meade is compensating here for being kept by Ann who is sponging off the WI taxpayers for basically not working. Meade feels the need to pretend that he is the big independent dude because in reality his manhood is shriveling up inside.
Alex said..."I mean to say Brava Professor!"
Can you suck any harder?
Can you suck any harder?
J-punk - ask yourself why you care who is praising Althouse or how much they're doing it. Maybe you will find the answer one day.
And we know from the KOch call that the layoff threats are just political payback becuase he isn't getting his way. He admitted it.
You tell 'em garbage!
I just got off the phone with Koch. The plan is to bust up these unions and ship the jobs overseas!
Unions today!
Unions tomorrow!
Unions forever!
The starting teacher salary ranks 49th
in the country.
Their salary raise last year was 4.7%
Their salary raise over the past 10 years was 21.5%
Their starting starting is $25,222
The average salary is $46,390
Wisconsin teacher salaries represent 30% of total education expenditures.
"I suspect that Meade is compensating here for being kept by Ann who is sponging off the WI taxpayers for basically not working. Meade feels the need to pretend that he is the big independent dude because in reality his manhood is shriveling up inside."
I don't know if Meade works or not. Don't care, none of my business. But isn't it interesting how the leftists here show their lack of tolerance for other lifestyles?
I guess all liberal households have the traditional marriage thing going - John Wayne-type male goes out to some manly job, while the little woman stays at home and bakes cookies. Screw this feminist crap they say. No other types allowed, except gay marriage of course.
Shame on Meade and Ann for not following tradition.
As to whether Meade's manhood is shriveling from marriage . . . how would that differ from most marriages?
Alex - "ask yourself why you care who is praising Althouse or how much they're doing it."
I know exactly why you and others here suck on The Queen and her loyal sidekick Needy.
You have no life.
Clearing of Capitol may lead to peaceful arrests
By Bill Glauber, Patrick Marley and Amy Hetzner of the Journal Sentinel
Feb. 27, 2011 12:12 p.m. |
The Wisconsin AFL-CIO released a statement Sunday that said "hundreds might risk peaceful arrest" as police prepare to shutdown the Capitol by 4 p.m.
The Capitol has been the site of mass demonstrations, with many people spending the night inside the rotunda. The Capitol was due to close Sunday afternoon and open for regular business Monday.
The statement quoted Wisconsin Professional Police Association Executive Director Jim Palmer, who said:
"Law enforcement working at the Capitol has been impressed with how peaceful and courteous everyone has been. As has been reported in the media, the protesters are cleaning up after themselves and have not caused any problems. The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public. Security cannot come at the cost of conflict."
Their salary raise over the past 10 years was 21.5%
And look what WI taxpayers got for it:
In the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests administered by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009—the latest year available—only 32 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned a “proficient” rating while another 2 percent earned an “advanced” rating. The other 66 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned ratings below “proficient,” including 44 percent who earned a rating of “basic” and 22 percent who earned a rating of “below basic.”
The test also showed that the reading abilities of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders had not improved at all between 1998 and 2009 despite a significant inflation-adjusted increase in the amount of money Wisconsin public schools spent per pupil each year.
Oh well, they "work hard" so they deserve the raise I guess.
"I know exactly why you and others here suck on The Queen and her loyal sidekick Needy.
You have no life."
Perhaps (although likely not), but what does that say about a guy who "sucks on" the comments of the people he says have no life?
If true, it appears you're a parasite on parasites . . . and that's pretty damn low.
"loyal sidekick Needy". LOL Jeremy!
Jeremy requested: "You might want to explain that one..."
Dependent on the government you silly little teabagee.
You libbies are helping to control their population through the highest rates of abortion. Can't have 'em overbreeding on their liberal massas can we? Gotta get keep that literacy down too by shitting on the public education system in inner cities.
Looks like you little libbies haven't quite gotten over the Repubs freeing the slaves. That just pisses you off doesn't it J-boy?
TWM - "But isn't it interesting how the leftists here show their lack of tolerance for other lifestyles?"
That's rich.
So are you saying you and the other teabagging crew here have no problem with a woman having a choice or gays being in the military or gays getting married?
Hey J-Boy, looks like you didn't tally up the benefits package to add on to the nice little salary WI teachers get for working 9 months a year while they fail to do an adequate job educating their charges.
I'm sure there are plenty of qualified teachers who would be pleased to have those jobs right now.
"Security cannot come at the cost of conflict."
Wait, a second.. isn't this precisely the role of a police officer?
So, if someone wants to steal from a store, the police won't chase after him, because 'security cannot come at the cost of conflict'? Or if I am speeding and an officer tries to pull me over I can just keep going, because 'security cannot come at the cost of conflict'?
GMay - "Dependent on the government you silly little teabagee...control their population through the highest rates of abortion...can't have 'em overbreeding on their liberal massas can we?"
What are you a fucking Nazi?
And you feel that only the blacks are dependent on the government?
Assuming you're not black, are you saying you aren't dependent on any government services?
*As to your claim that Republicans "freed the slaves":
From Abe Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley:
"...my paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery, If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
"I'm going to get my head fucked."
Indeed! ;)
And yes Alex, you truly are not worthy lol
So many AA lemmings, so little time ...
"So are you saying you and the other teabagging crew here have no problem with a woman having a choice or gays being in the military or gays getting married?"
I'm not talking about my tolerance or lack thereof. I'm just pointing-out your hypocrisy for making an issue of a lifestyle choice that liberals have championed for decades simply because you don't like the people making it.
I will say tolerance is vastly overrated. Especially since, like civility, the left is only interested in it when it suits their needs.
Thrash, Jeremy, flail.
Now you put the 'e' in Meadehouse?! Make up my mind.
Living in california and watching this sad spectacle going on in Madison, I can only imagine the tantrum the public service unions here are going to put on. And it will happen. We are out of money folks. Why can't they understand that? Oh right, "pueblac scools"
Would the pro big government union protesters be more like the guys who rode the camels in Cairo supporting big government?
Says the guy who earns his living off his "expertise in collective bargaining:"
The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public.
He forgot to add, "or else," like a real union boss would have said, and talk obliquely about his "friends" from Joizee.
"You wouldn't trade your cushy taxpayer paid job with any of these people that were out yesterday."
Garage equates a law school grad's compensation to people that maybe have a high school degree but work for the govt so they are paid way more than those who don't work for the govt.
What a maroon.
Garage equates a law school grad's compensation to people that maybe have a high school degree but work for the govt so they are paid way more than those who don't work for the govt.
My wife's friend has Masters degree and makes 62k / year as a schoolteacher, 100k less than ALthouse makes, after teaching for 19 yrs. And I've got to beleive she puts in more hours than ALthouse does. It seems like we pay her to blog.
GM, Your friend should quit her job and become a law professor. It's apparently quite easy to land a sweet gig like that.
"manhood is shriveling from marriage"
Not that it's anyone's business, and I hope this is not too much information. (So now's your chance to avert your eyes.)
But I'd have to say that in two years of marriage, my manhood has continually expanded to a degree I myself find sometimes quite shocking.
My wife's friend has Masters degree and makes 62k / year as a schoolteacher, 100k less than ALthouse makes, after teaching for 19 yrs. And I've got to beleive she puts in more hours than ALthouse does.
Do people voluntarily fork over $38K a year to take classes from your wife's friend?
Better yet GM, your friend should quit her job and marry a law prof who is abusing her tenure. Then she can be a freeloader supreme just like Larry Meade!
Well, at last, comment flames.
Interesting the way commenters on the side of civil disobedience use invective and ad hominem attacks that contribute little to the discourse, while those on the side of reason and order attempt to discuss, well, civilly.
My head hurts.
Jay Retread (and Jeremy) imply that because Meade describes himself as self-employed, he is sponging off Ann and, by extension, off the Wisconsin taxpayer. Their attitude makes an interesting statement about how liberals conceive of employment.
In Wisconsin, there are 2.8 million people employed, in the most recent data from 2010. Approximately 100,000 of these claim self-employment as their primary or sole source of income. But these self-employed individuals employ 1.3 million individuals (46% of the workforce) in their small businesses.
In Meade's age bracket, the percentage of self-employed individuals is more than twice that of the combined population, partly because of cultural predisposition toward independence and partly because they have acquired more capital and managerial skills than their younger counterparts.
I suspect that Jay Retread and Jeremy fall into the younger portion of the population, if only because they seem to believe that you are only employed if you work for someone else, preferably government.
In contrast with the millions of people who work in the private sector, only 435,000 of Wisconsin workers are employed in one level of government or another. The vast majority of them do not generate income for the state. Rather, they provide a service that is paid for by their employer, the Wisconsin taxpayers, making us all, in effect, self-employed business owners with a shared group of employees.
Yes, Larry Meade is getting in this working man's face in this video because he wants to have a civil debate. Get a job Larry and maybe this man will take you seriously.
As a matter of fact, these protesters are in direct competition with poor people who depend on government services.
Exactly, in Milwaukee, school children dependent on food stamps increased to the highest in the nation in 2010.
The Wisconsin Poverty Report shows an increase in state wide poverty and reliance on public assistance by children and the elderly.
I suggest you stay away from anecdotal examples & look at averages. Or if you want to go with the anecdotal, tell us what her masters is in,what was her GPA, where did she finish in her class? What schooldistrict? What are the metrics of her retirement plan? 2% per year of her last three year'salary and she can retire at age 60 or age 55? See what I mean?
wv =lizes
@Jeremy - I take back every kind and positive thing I wrote about you in a previous thread. It appears then when some (on the left) wax reasonable it is a tactic soon dropped thereby revealing true colors?
Yes, if you mean that Larry gets Ann's car vacuumed out once a week is being self employed then Meade is "self employed". Otherwise, no.
(Link fixed.)
The TAA readies for the Capitol sweep: "Read this handout if you plan to refuse to leave when Capitol is closed today."
Looks like they are ready to get head fucked?
Thanks I'm off to check that link.
But please the *proper* street vernacular is-
Dumb jagoff pissed that the left is losing on so many fronts since November 2010 sez:
"Better yet GM, your friend should quit her job and marry a law prof"
You kidding me? Althouse is beautiful, that fucking Meade is a genius to make a move on her when the chance presented itself.
A stupid fuck like you wouldn't have had the balls to win a woman like Ann.
Don't forget the state patient fund is some $2 million short.
So skull *&^% the Medicaid patients.
The WEA members need their WEA Trust insurance which costs the state an extra $68 million.( source: Wall Street Journal)
Hayley Barbour said it best ""When they have collective bargaining in Wisconsin, on one side of the table there's state employee unions or the local employee unions. On the other side of the table are politicians that they PAID FOR in the election of those politicians," Barbour said. "Now, who represents the taxpayers in that negotiation? Well, actually, NOBODY."
If I was a citizen of Wisconsin, I would be trying to form a coalition of my fellow citizens to protest paying my property taxes and sales taxes - ya know, like a refuse-to-pay-in.
They could take their tax bills down to the Capitol and burn them. These a-holes need a demonstration from the people about where the money comes from.
If half the WI taxpayers refuse to pay because they don't support the rip-off, what are they gonna do about it?
I'd also be on the phone every day asking these blood suckers why Johnny can't read.
Crack Head - I walways get a kick out of blacks who whine about "liberalism"...as if it's a bad thing.
Without it, you'd be sitting at the back of the bus.
Nice. You say that, in that way, and I'm supposed to agree you're on my side? You're an idiot.
You want to know what I always get a kick out of? I always get a kick out of liberals who are under the erroneous impression they gave blacks freedom, and we should be grateful to them, when - as MLK's Letter From A Birmingham Jail made clear - liberals weren't around at the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement and, once they started to think about it, began by screaming "slow down!"
Funny, but we blacks didn't listen to them then, either.
And let's not even get into the Black Power Movement of the '70s, when blacks started telling liberals to get the fuck out of our lives,...
You just don't want to go there.
I wish that I could take paid sick leave and go for a ride in the country (to Madison). It's only a couple of hours.
But I work on Sundays.
"Jay Retread" (if ever there was an apt fake name...) sounds embarrassingly like a jealous, spurned lover. The myopic, personal focus on Meade and his lifestyle makes me wonder if Althouse broke up with someone in order to date Meade...
Did somebunny get their feewings hurt? Awwww!
Here is the "info" they are passing out-from Irene's source.
The Capitol is open to the public during normal business hours, plus extended
hours when the people’s business is underway. At any other time—or in the case
of an emergency—we may be evacuated.
For your safety, the safety of others, and the safety of the protest, we ask that you plan ahead,
consider your options carefully, and get whatever support you need to remain calm and peaceful in
the event that we are asked to leave.
Nothing written here is intended as legal advice. We just want every person in the Capitol to
make informed choices about if, how, and when to leave.
Nonviolence is a philosophy, a lifestyle, and a strategy. Here we address it as a strategy to:
• Keep the public on our side
• Inform our interactions with counter-protestors
• Inform our interactions with police (who mostly support the goals of this protest)
Strategies that support our ability to practice nonviolence include:
• Connecting with others
• Planning ahead, visualizing nonviolent responses, role-playing
• Staying sober and free of alcohol/illegal drugs
• Song, prayer, meditation, compassion—remaining centered, calm, and focused on purpose
Affinity groups are a long-standing way of organizing nonviolent protest. Consider forming a small
group of people you already know or meet here to:
• Watch out for each other
• Know each other’s contact information
• Help each other stay healthy and safe (food, sleep, medications, mood, etc.)
• Have a designated meeting place if you get separated
• Decide together what actions you’ll take
• Support each other to leave if anyone can’t stay nonviolent
• Have a plan for what to do if you are at risk of arrest
One of the biggest health concerns in a situation like this is burnout. Take time to take care of
yourself. Use your affinity group to support you.
• Breathe consciously. Even a few deep breaths can make a real difference in your ability to think
clearly. Make a habit of breathing consciously 10-15 minutes every day.
• Rub your feet! At the end of a day at the Capitol, get the blood circulating, then elevate your feet
so they’re less swollen in the morning.
• Be sure to take all medications as prescribed. See “Being Arrested” (below) for how to prepare if
your meds are critical to your moment-to-moment well-being and you plan to risk arrest.
I will admit it-I want to be Meade
>beautiful wife
>intelligent wife
>independent thinking wife (in Madison no less)
>wife with manifest good taste in husbands (by every account I read of Meade he appears thoughtful, smart, and funny)
Makes me want to "rage against the machine" too in a jealous snit....like Jeremy or Retread
I avoided "skull" because I know what that is, and I think it has a different meaning (and meaner).
Also. Did the doggie say "Bite Me"?
So are you saying you and the other teabagging crew here have no problem with a woman having a choice or gays being in the military or gays getting married?
Click the subhead on my blog ("If there’s one thing Conservatives deal with, it’s reality.") and I think you'll find a big surprise.
Like your screed about blacks, you're just proving you don't know much about anything.
Seriously-I'm only first generation ghetto-so -I"ll have to contemplate on that-ha!
Speaking of which best laugh all day-the pdf which is linked at that TAA site( which I spammed above)- too funny!
My post to Jeremy about the Civil Rights Movement got stuck in spam. Please release it so I can make a fool of him twice today:
It's me birthday and, along with saying "it's me birthday" like I'm John Lennon, I want to have all the fun I can!
Mead should know that civil unrest refers to a broad range of activities, but Meade seems excited by the possibility of more than just thousands of Wisconsinites marching peacefully around the Capitol. I wonder if Mead is one of those agents Walker thought of planting in the crowd to stir up violence--just saying.
madawaskan, and look at whatwhat I am missing today!
Jeremy said: "Crack Head - I walways get a kick out of blacks who whine about "liberalism"...as if it's a bad thing.
Without it, you'd be sitting at the back of the bus."
Translation, "we can put your black ass on the back of the bus if you don't toe the line boy".
I don't know if Meade works or not. Don't care, none of my business. But isn't it interesting how the leftists here show their lack of tolerance for other lifestyles?
I think it is a sign that they know the end is near. The fleebaggers will come skulking back to collect their paychecks, the teachers will be back smoking in the teachers' room and the college students in the videos will be back studying whatever they teach in socialist studies programs.
This last outburst of nastiness resembles the scene after all the kids have been chosen for the baseball game and two or three didn't get chosen for a team. That is when you hear the changing voices expressing those obscenities they learned listening to the big boys.
I particularly enjoy the nancy boys making cracks about someone's marriage. Is your right hand seeking a divorce ?
Rick67 said..."@Jeremy - I take back every kind and positive thing I wrote about you in a previous thread."
You've ruined my entire day.
It may take me some time to get over this...really.
mishu said..."Translation, 'we can put your black ass on the back of the bus if you don't toe the line boy'."
You probably posted it several days ago but I missed it, so could you please restate exactly what you don't like about this pending legislation?
Collective bargaining will be limited to salary increases?
Union dues/membership will no longer be mandatory?
Pay cuts for some state workers?
All of the above or did I miss something?
J-boy frothed: "What are you a fucking Nazi?"
No, but at least I don't have to ask if you're a fucking idiot.
"And you feel that only the blacks are dependent on the government?"
Nope, but you folks have made a higher percentage of them dependent than any other race. I know it was long hard road for you libbies, but you managed to round 'em all back up.
"Assuming you're not black, are you saying you aren't dependent on any government services?"
Yep. Do I use them? Sure. Do I pay taxes for those services? You betcha. Am I dependent? Nope.
Was that it for your stupid questions?
"*As to your claim that Republicans "freed the slaves":
From Abe Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley:"
So are you saying the Republicans didn't free the slaves? I didn't think so.
Care to make another non-point?
Crack Head - "Like your screed about blacks, you're just proving you don't know much about anything."
My "screed" as you call it, is absolutely true.
Anybody who is black, and thinks the Republicans have their best interests in mind, is not that bright.
You can show up here on a regular basis, and think that because you suck up to The Queen and her loyal sidekick, Needy...and of course, the rest of the teabaggers, that you're "one of the gang," but everybody here knows that's about far from the truth as one can get.
Most of the far right sycophants here could give a rat's ass about you, and have little if any tolerance for anything or anybody who does not fit into their close-minded perception of what America should be.
"Anybody who is black, and thinks the Republicans have their best interests in mind, is not that bright."
And it's your job, along with all the other enlightened leftists, to educate these poor, stupid black people, right?
Oh look, it's a color-blind liberal who can only talk about other human beings based on the content of the melanin.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!
It's much more effective to join the parade with a subversive sign than to hassle them.
What does Ann think of the comments by Peg Lautenschlager about Scott Walker's potential crimes in that bogus phone call?
Jeremy: "Anybody who is black, and thinks the Republicans have their best interests in mind, is not that bright."
Jeremy, you are a stupid racist cocksucker, you really are. You are scum.
TWM - Calling someone out for being a fool isn't quite the same as trying to "educate."
And I never said that ALL blacks are "poor" nor "stupid."
I said that blacks who think the Republicans have their best interests in mind aren't very bright.
You, on the other hand, appear to be stupid.
LOL!.....oy. Cripes that's even weirder than the-
rub your feet, take a deep breath and -
Don't Go Off Your Meds! memo.
Yes, they're quite a bunch.
Everyone knows you don't mix "crocheting" with knitting.
Dearest Lefties:
Why do you wish to restrict the employment options of those people who do not wish to join unions but do wish to teach?
I would really like to know.
Michael - "Jeremy, you are a stupid racist cocksucker, you really are. You are scum."
I have no idea where racism comes into what I said.
My comment relates to the politics, beliefs and track record of Republicans in regard to blacks.
At this point in time, only about 120
African Americans have ever even served in Congress...and of those...an overwhelming number were Democrats.
Oh, and for the first time since 1997, there are a rousing TWO black Republicans serving concurrent terms in the House of Representatives.
And...if the GOP is such a staunch supporter of blacks, how do you explain that fact that ony TWO of the 14 black GOP candidates won in the last election?
Why didn't all of those white Republicans cast their votes for those candidates?
The last black Republican to serve in the House was Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma, who served from 1995 to 2003.
Just for the fun of it, since you're such an expert on race, name ALL of the top flight black leaders in the Republican Party.
Koch brothers pay Meade big bucks for every time a liberal displays his ignorance on this blog. Liberals, make Meade rich by posting racist, homophobic hate messages. He may declare a dividend.
Birkel said..."Why do you wish to restrict the employment options of those people who do not wish to join unions but do wish to teach?"
You think that every member of a union is a lefty?
Jeremy, your racist white democrats refused to vote for those balck republicans
PaulV - So you also don't think Needy has a job, huh?
Be carefull...The Queen is going to be angry...
*But good job sucking up.
PaulV "Jeremy, your racist white democrats refused to vote for those balck republicans."
Yeah, that's it. The Democrats didn't vote for the Republicans...because they were black?
Let me guess: you're nine years old?
"I said that blacks who think the Republicans have their best interests in mind aren't very bright."
No, only the ones who don't think like you do "aren't very bright." Which, when you include blacks who do not support gay marriage is the majority.
You really are a racist, you know. As tolerant and condescending as any KKK member. Only you probably dress better.
It is charming when someone will innocently call crocheting 'knitting.' It makes me feel so intelligent. Hee.
Meade and Althouse: Thank You. From hairdressing to manhood, I've been LOL, appreciating the ability of humor, perspective and insight to disarm and redirect intensity.
Shiloh, Jeremy and Jay Retread getting off at the same bus stop to swagger, kick dirt, and attempt to match humor with sarcasm and innuendo, is evidence of something going down.
TWM - I have no idea where you or this Michael dumbfuck come up with the racism charge.
I actually think that anybody, regardless of color, who supports the GOP is not that bright. It's just that I think blacks, based on what they've seen over the years, would know better.
If you really think the GOP is right for black Americans, explain why so few are elected by your party. (Take your time with that one...you may have to actually read something.)
Does that help out?
MamaM - Good suck job.
Maybe The Queen and Needy will mail you a cookie.
"If you really think the GOP is right for black Americans, explain why so few are elected by your party. (Take your time with that one...you may have to actually read something.)"
That's easy. A long history of dependency fostered on them by liberals to this day. It's very hard to break out of that when they are told they cannot achieve anything without government help.
But it's changing every day and as soon as the stranglehold of unions is loosened, then even more progress will be made.
Still lots of nasty ad hominem but, if that's what passes for argument in their circles, who am I to complain?
My comment relates to the politics, beliefs and track record of Republicans in regard to blacks.
Yeah, they wasted all that time bringing up anti-lynching bills for 30 years and, sure enough, Democrats like Robert Byrd filibustered them every time.
No benefit for blacks there. Yesiree !
I would like an answer to my oft repeated question. To wit:
Why do Leftists wish to restrict the employment options of those people who do not wish to join unions but do wish to teach?
"Meade and Althouse: Thank You. From hairdressing to manhood, I've been LOL, appreciating the ability of humor, perspective and insight to disarm and redirect intensity."
Thank you for appreciating our technique!
Jeremy: You racist fuck, you piece of shit, take your idiotic racial ideas elsewhere. You are too fucking stupid to even recognize how demeaning your dumb comments are. Go away.
"Thank you for appreciating our technique!"
I hear it's all in the wrist . . .
Journal Sentinel Online article entitled "Protesters Ready to Face Arrests"
http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/117011928.html (Feb. 27, 2011 12:12 p.m., copied at 3:51 pm)has this quote:
"The Wisconsin AFL-CIO released a statement Sunday that said "hundreds might risk peaceful arrest" as police prepare to shutdown the Capitol by 4 p.m.
The statement quoted Wisconsin Professional Police Association Executive Director Jim Palmer, who said:
"Law enforcement working at the Capitol has been impressed with how peaceful and courteous everyone has been. As has been reported in the media, the protesters are cleaning up after themselves and have not caused any problems. The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public. Security cannot come at the cost of conflict.""
For all you speculating that Governor Walker was not trying to take away collective bargaining from law enforcement is because he is concerned that law enforcement would join the demonstrators. Do recall that the government is supposed to be afraid of the people, not the people afraid of the government. Those public sector unions are public employees, and yes, we need to be concerned about them. The police members AA spoke with are union members. Perhaps that comes first, and protecting comes second.
We all have great reasons to be concerned.
An article entitled "Protesters ready to face arrests" from Feb. 27, 2011 12:12 p.m. (copied at 3:58 pm http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/117011928.html)
"The Wisconsin AFL-CIO released a statement Sunday that said "hundreds might risk peaceful arrest" as police prepare to shutdown the Capitol by 4 p.m.
The statement quoted Wisconsin Professional Police Association Executive Director Jim Palmer, who said:
"Law enforcement working at the Capitol has been impressed with how peaceful and courteous everyone has been. As has been reported in the media, the protesters are cleaning up after themselves and have not caused any problems. The fact of that matter is that Wisconsin's law enforcement community opposes Governor Walker's effort to eliminate collective bargaining in this state, and we implore him to not do anything to increase the risk to officers or the public. Security cannot come at the cost of conflict.""
The reason Governor Walker didn't attempt to strip the police and fire of collective bargaining is that he feared they would join the protesters. Thus, those union police officers AA spoke with are union members. Too many police officers will be union members before serving the public. They want the demonstrators to win their demands, because they don't want to be next.
The Professor has reacted to two incidents that alarmed her. 1) was the accusation of being a child who is rude if she speaks to adults in authority, and 2) being lined up like a grammar school children that can not enter the adult's door. To me this shows that the Progs are asserting that all people are children under their dictatorship of the self-proclaimed Czar.
Jeremy, you do not read well, I said the racist white democrats will not vote for them. The Bradley effect is a result of the racist white democrats. Why do you hate black Americans who leave the liberal plantation?
Jeremy, you have a lot in common with the KKK democrats who did not think blacks should have a right to vote. You think that do not have a right to vote for whom they think is best. Keep the Black Americans on the liberal plantation. KKKJeremy is your new handle.
I wonder if Head Fuck guy has any kids and if their friends have seen this and what the friends reactions are.
Irene and deborah-
What you think they were doing-
Crocheting handcuff covers?
"I wonder if Head Fuck guy has any kids and if their friends have seen this and what the friends reactions are."
The worst part is the sign itself. Presumably, they all saw that.
The head of the AFL-CIO issued a statement about how the police union would like to see things toned down, and that the problem not lead to conflict. Basically, that the protesters have the sympathy of the police. Swell. Walker didn't attempt to take collective bargaining rights from the police and fire because he was concerned they would stop doing their work. Take care of the union before taking care of us.
PaulV "You think that do not have a right to vote for whom they think is best."
I never said anything of the kind.
I said I do not think they should vote for a party that doesn't "represent them best." There's a profound difference between the two.
Your reading comprehension is lacking.
As for your other inane comment that "racist Democrats" didn't vote for Republicans candidates because they're black...well...that really makes little if any sense. (Unless of course, you think Democrats would vote for Republicans if they were not black...duh.)
Michael - You sound like someone who is need of more meds.
And an education.
TWM - "That's easy. A long history of dependency fostered on them by liberals to this day. It's very hard to break out of that when they are told they cannot achieve anything without government help."
The standard right wing argument.
As for the "history" of which you speak, based on the GOP's record of getting black candidates elected (much less even nominated by their party), it's apparently still alive and well.
The overwhelming majority of blacks and other minorities in America know exactly which party supports their cause...and it sure as hell isn't the Republicans. (Unless of course you want to sidle up to a bunch of mostly white teabaggers on a law professor's blog site...for whatever insane reason.)
Bringing up silly references to things that happened decades ago is a waste of time and makes you look stupid.
TWM - "...as the stranglehold of unions is loosened, then even more progress will be made..."
You really need an education:
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
I notice in your profile you say you work in law enforcement. Can we assume you're not a "unionized" police officer...but some kind of security guard??
Anybody who is black, and thinks the Republicans have their best interests in mind, is not that bright.
Jeremy doubling down.
Most of the far right sycophants here could give a rat's ass about you, and have little if any tolerance for anything or anybody who does not fit into their close-minded perception of what America should be.
On the other hand we Democrats deeply appreciate you and tell you so every four years.
Jeremy: You little racist shit, you think you can get away with your vile characterizations of conservative blacks as stupid? You are the one you little turd who is deeply in need of an education and a little respect for people of color who might disagree with you. You fucking racist idiot.
Jeremy: "Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage."
And you think that public employees need to protect themselves from the government which might reinstall the evils that are now against the law? You know, of course, that public employees are the government. Or do you have some racist slant on that as well?
Shiloh, Jeremy and Jay Retread getting off at the same bus stop to swagger, kick dirt, and attempt to match humor with sarcasm and innuendo, is evidence of something going down.
They're terrified. They have been leeching off the system for their entire lives, and now their lifelines are being pulled.
FOX being hounded
Name him and SHAME him!
Didn't the best work of unions happen 80 years ago? Aren't there laws which grant protections to employees, whether they be of union or non-union operations? What do unions want? More.
The right to collective bargaining has not done the Milwaukee Public School students any good.
nions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage."
And I thank them for that. But can I also be pissed when they go too far?
Jeremy wrote: What in the world would be base that on?
New York Times. I read it every day.
I don't read USA Today or watch television news so I'm obviously basing my comment on a very obscure corner of the media.
Unions gave us weekends, child labor laws, minimum wage, sick days, vacation, collective bargaining and workers having the ability to earn a living wage.
That's mostly bullshit. They're foundational myths of organized labor.
Long before the auto industry was organized by the UAW in the late 1930s, in the early 1920s Henry Ford first reduced the work week to 5 1/2 nine hour days and then 5 eight hour days. With three 8 hour shifts, he could run his factories 24 hrs a day (and employ more people).
Wages were going up long before unions were successful organizing American labor. Here, again, you see the influence of Ford, who started paying $5/day to keep his workers - he had a 93% turnover rate with new hires and that impedes productivity, so Ford paid people more money to work in his factories (which were terrible places to work). Ford also had a company health clinic for his employees and their families.
Unions take credit for lots of stuff they never really accomplished.
Still, we shouldn't be talking about unions. This isn't about private sector unions, this is about public employees bankrupting society.
You racist fuck, you piece of shit, take your idiotic racial ideas elsewhere. You are too fucking stupid to even recognize how demeaning your dumb comments are. Go away.
You little racist shit, you think you can get away with your vile characterizations of conservative blacks as stupid? You are the one you little turd who is deeply in need of an education and a little respect for people of color who might disagree with you. You fucking racist idiot.
Would like to thank Michael for once again showing why AA said her political blog is the best ...
btw Michael congrats on the irony ;) in both of your posts as you're a f*cking genius! w/words, eh.
I'm a little confused about what unions have or have not given us. Most of the things Jeremy lists were signed into law by FDR during the depression. Certainly one can credit the Democrats, but the role of unions is somewhat debatable. From the U.S. Department of Labor:
Organized labor supported the bill but was split on how strong it should be. Some leaders, such as Sidney Hillman of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union and David Dubinsky of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, supported a strong bill. In fact, when Southern congressmen asked for the setting of lower pay for their region, Dubinsky's union suggested lower pay for Southern congressmen. But William Green of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and John L. Lewis of the Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO), on one of the rare occasions when they agreed, both favored a bill which would limit labor standards to low-paid and essentially unorganized workers. Based on some past experiences, many union leaders feared that a minimum wage might become a maximum and that wage boards would intervene in areas which they wanted reserved for labor-management negotiations. They were satisfied when the bill was amended to exclude work covered by collective bargaining.
It's also interesting that the Fair Labor Standards Act was partially set aside for World War II.
All Together Now....
Illegitimi nOn carborundum
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