February 5, 2011

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says "I am certainly not going to retire before I get my Albers back."

(Via CNS.)


The rule of Lemnity said...

Now, thats what I call a perk.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Shock video: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg secret pre-confirmation hearing video..

Please make sure the children leave the room ;)

mc said...

Oddly I think that may be the only time I have really liked her and seen her as an endearing human figure.

I must be tired or something.

What an awesome perk though, I never knew!!

That is a very cool little deal-io for the supremes and I have no snotty or negative thing to say about it whatever. I would like to know which pieces each justice has and maybe even why they chose them, it would make a nice little article.

William said...

Mubarak, Franco, and all those other decrepit dictators have had nothing on our Supreme Court Justices.....I can udnderstand the seductions of wealth and fame, but power (as opposed to autonomy) not so much. I understand that people kiss the ass of a Supreme Court Justice more than they do so for a retired Justice. But is the differential worth spending the last days of your life listening to arguments about the Commerce clause and reading endless mego drivel?

JAL said...

Actually pretty funny.

CachorroQuente said...

She's a tough one. Battled colon cancer without missing a beat. Recently battling pancreatic cancer while missing very few. She lost her husband to cancer not long ago. No many get through all that.

Peter Hoh said...

Which Albers?

One of my favorite postage stamps uses an Albers painting.

This afternoon, I mailed some packages to faraway lands. Wish that I had covered them in postage stamps instead of the printed label that the machine spits out.

Oh, well.

Palladian said...

"Which Albers?"

I wasn't able to find a citation of which Albers she has (had) hanging in her chambers, but I did find a photograph of her chambers that shows one of the "Homage To The Square" series paintings hanging above a bookshelf, though I don't know if this is a print or an actual painting. She has several other abstract paintings hanging in her chambers that may be Albers, but it's hard to say without better pictures.

virgil xenophon said...

Agree w. William here. There are roughly a 1000 islands to visit in the Agean Sea. Were I her I'd be spending my last days on a 32' Sloop hitting as many as I could before my liver exploded from all the "mass quantities" of rum, tequila and/or gin I would be consuming while in transit out on the bounding main--either that or Bora Bora.

jr565 said...

Someone send her a poster of an Albers painting.

roesch-voltaire said...

Charmed by her affection for art.

MadisonMan said...

Many people seem to loathe ancient USSC justices -- especially when they're on the opposite side of the aisle, so to speak -- but I have a certain fondness for their institutional knowledge of the way things once worked, and how that compares to now.

There's nothing wrong with having someone around who can say -- this lawsuit reminds me of something from 1982 -- why is it coming up again?

Anonymous said...

She seems to have beaten back the pancreatic cancer, so good for her.

Kansas City said...

Willaim makes a great comparison that our Supreme Court Justices unwilling to voluntarily forego power are very similar to the old dictators around the world cling to their power (and whom people like Ginsburg would be the first to criticize). I have never been much impressed by Ginsburg's personality or her intelligence.

Kansas City said...

I should add that as an opponent off liberal justices, I was pleased to hear that she intends to stay at least until 2012. I wonder if Obama could get a replacement through in 2012.

But it further shows the how Ginsburg, supposedly the committed liberal, is more dedicated to preserving her personal power than allowign Obama to place another far left person on the bench.

Hagar said...

I think Ginsburg is straight; and she has a wondeful voice.

Henry said...

Brigham Young University has a very nice permanent art collection and -- at least when I was there -- allowed faculty and department officers to request and display pieces. There was a scandal about some pieces that got lost, which is why I added my caveat above. But it was still a cool program that got the art out of the catacombs.

coketown said...

I loved her answer. The whole exchange was the courteous way of saying this:

"Please tell me you're going to retire before 2012 so we can guaranteed a Democrat will nominate your replacement."

"Nope. STFU."