February 25, 2011

Protesters at the Wisconsin Capitol disrespectfully have taped signs on and piled junk against the Veterans Memorial.

Meade and I confront them, and we're told we're the first people who've had a problem with it. I try to explain how that attempted defense of the behavior is only going to make it look worse. It means that of all these crowds of people in the Capitol, no one else has noticed or cared enough to say anything.

AND: Here's a video made by Democracy Now! that features the young woman Meade talks to in the end of our video.

UPDATE: Our interaction with the protesters continue here.


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shiloh said...

Meade and I confront them, and we're told we're the first people who've had a problem with it.

AA, it really is all about you ...

take care

virgil xenophon said...

Ann, see my 3 comments on just this phenomenon at the previous post, below.

MathMom said...

Thanks for standing up, Ann. And I'm glad you have a bodyguard. These people seem more than a bit dangerous to me.

PaulV said...

Shiloh, speaking truth to power makes you so pissy

shiloh said...

speaking truth to power

Whereas I am speaking the truth, the "power" part is quite debatable ...

sakredkow said...

Is there anyone more on the beat against uncivil, disrespectful people than Althouse?

Lincolntf said...

Hey Shiloh, what was your MOS? When did you serve? Where?

AlanH said...

"AA, it really is all about you ..."

No, in this case, it's really all about the veterans and the respect they are owed by all of us.

Lincolntf said...

13-Mike, USAREUR, 1991-1994.
It takes about that long to answer.

Reagan said...

It was awfully nice of "Meade" (what is it with people trying to market themselves with one-name trademarks? Madonna, Beyonce, Althouse, Meade, it just goes on and on...please stop!) telling them that they had to move their stuff since he is the maintenance engineer at the Capitol. The stuck some shit on the blank backside of a memorial. I'm sure they meant no disrespect at all, despite what "Meade" says. You could see the actual memorial just fine. I'm sure most veterans with a brain would be happy to see folks exercising the rights they fought for rather than sitting at home watching American Idol.

Nice try. I'm sure everyone there has tried to remain as peaceful as possible but the place has been packed. Chill out.

I'm also glad Ann has a bodyguard, all those crazy out-of-state union thugs can't control themselves.

David said...

Hey, it's become a party, a big social event happening that for some of them will become the biggest thing in their lives. In the year 2065 they will be boring the stuffing out of their grandkids over the great moment in Madison, or it would have been a great moment if someone had listened because now its all corporate and though it's ok that we became a part of Canada it really was better in some ways when we were called the United States because the Canada deal looked better before the glaciers expanded and the new ice age began and that's the fault of the corporations too.

Irene said...

Wisconsin Board of Veterans Affairs

Lincolntf said...

Reagan, you inaptly monikered pissant, please don't guess what Veterans think.
We're largely disgusted by the selfishness and disregard for American ideals displayed by the Swastika-wielding, apocolypse-proclaiming shitbags up in Madison.
As for you, nobody gives a shit.

m stone said...

Way to go, Meade.

Did you serve in the military, if I may ask? Such genuine passion.

Unknown said...


I've been reading your blog for several years and I finally feel compelled to comment. You are doing a great job. Thank you for balanced, well thought out and respectful reporting of what is occurring. And also thanks to all your commenters. They are a quality crowd and provide an amusing backdrop to your posts.

Meade said...

Gotta love pony tail guy at 3:55 checking his hair and pony tail when AA asks him if they aren't concerned with the way their group will be portrayed.

PaulV said...

Shiloh, still trying to make it all about you? LOL! Meadhouse is speaking truth to your beloved union power. Why do you disrepect those veterans who sacrificed for you?

mike said...

"I'm sure they meant no disrespect at all, despite what "Meade" says."--Seriously? These are Democrats. They have zero respect for war veterans. They loathe the military, just like their hero BJ Clinton does. Remember how you and your hero Moulitsas cheered when those Blackwater contractors were burned and strung up in Faluja a few years back? Remember how happy that made you? Yeah, those guys were military veterans. I know, embarrassing for you. Now get on back to DKos or PufHo before your feelings get hurt, libtard. (Geez, no wonder you people are losing so badly if it's this easy to pwn you).

Automatic_Wing said...

This is all good because one of fls's great uncles was in the service and he was a union guy. Something like that. He explained it over on the other thread.

AlanH said...

"Way to go, Meade.

Did you serve in the military, if I may ask? Such genuine passion."

You don't have to serve in order to know that veterans deserve our respect. It should be obvious to all that appreciate our freedom.

KCFleming said...

I actually detected a little shame in them young folks.

And here I thought shame was d-a-i-d dead.

Dody Jane said...

Thank you Ann, Meade. Thank you.

Meade said...

I'll be back tomorrow to make sure they followed through on Harriet's assurance that they will move their material away from the memorial. I've also emailed my Assembly representative, Brett Hulsey, 77th District assemblyman, and asked him to personally see to it that none of the memorials and monuments in the Capitol building are disrespected.

JAL said...

@ Reagan It was awfully nice of "Meade" (what is it with people trying to market themselves with one-name trademarks?


You, mononame who has no profile.

Are you there in the Capitol?

In some ways you're right about the vets. And my son goes to work every day so you can have your say.

But disrespecting the people who have put their lives on the line for that right is shallow, and tasteless, and wrong.

TS said...

You just know Shiloh was sitting there hitting refresh over and over again...

Anonymous said...

I think they were embarrassed to be caught, not embarrassed to be jerks. I think the whole point of the rotunda occupation was to take it over and paper over civilization with their crap...er, disapproval, just like young, unthinking radicals in times past--another exercise in reactionary political shtick.

I feel like I must sound like "get off my lawn" to them, but they should get the hell out of there and salvage what dignity they have left.

Nancy said...

Did they ever remove their stuff from the memorial? It didn't look like they were in any hurry to do so.

LakeLevel said...

shiloh and Reagan and these idiots in your video really are who the Democrat Party has become. Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for making such a big show that for once, people will see who you really are. This can not end well for your side. Ha

Reagan said...

I think they shouldn't have taped that shit on the back of the memorial, but I disagree with the claim/faux outrage that they intended to disrespect veterans at all. The agreed to move it away, so no big deal. Considering how gross it must be down there, I'm surprised how peaceful and non-problematic the sit-in has been.

You probably don't care, but my father was a Korea vet and my bro is a Marine who has served in artillery units in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He also is very pro-union and worked as a union mason for 5 years. I've never been in a union. for what it is worth.

OctaneBoy said...

This is vile. I've never seen such self-absorption. "We had to put it somewhere?" What insufferable children; just children playing protest, and planning for meaningful careers as unaccountable community organizers.

Kelly from Georgia said...

Thank you for your outstanding coverage of this event.


sybilll said...

Had I known I would wake up in Eastern Europe, I wouldn't have second guessed eating the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. FUBAR is not sufficient.

Luther said...

A little too late for mea culpas, 'Reagan'. You're a left loving loser whose words I trust not at all. Though you're correct about one thing. I don't care about those around you who did something they believed in as it is obvious you are the black swan in that group.

Curtiss said...

I don't really know what to say, except that the level of cluelessness among the peoople that were interviewed is shocking.

They really don't know what they don't know.

Althouse, you and Meade deserve a medal for your work this week.

Michael K said...

I disagree with the claim/faux outrage that they intended to disrespect veterans at all.

I tend to agree. They have no idea what veterans are or what they might have done. Ask a college freshman about the wars we have fought. Who was on what side ? What decade was the Civil War fought ? Telling them why it is offensive to tape crap on the veterans memorial might be a teachable moment, if of course they were teachable.

Anonymous said...

What are a bunch of dead soldiers when there are real issues at stake, like whether I have to pay part of my health insurance costs?

Bob Loblaw said...

I'm happy to see this. The public needs to see what these people really are.

Anonymous said...

I think you would have gotten a better response if you didn't initially approach the protestors who defaced the memorial in such a demanding and aggressive way.

I understand that you feel strongly about it. But especially at beginning, Meade comes off as a prick, an aristocratic elite in his own mind. I think the protestors you spoke to are reacting defensively to your tone more than to your reasoning.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Do you think the people who died would be sympathetic to our cause?"

Incredible. I mean, really, just off-the-charts stupid.

Ann/Meade - thank you - you did good here, guys. I'm with you 100% this time.

Damned good job.

Luther said...

Just a test.

Luther said...

Just a test.

AlanH said...

"I think you would have gotten a better response if you didn't initially approach the protestors who defaced the memorial in such a demanding and aggressive way.

I understand that you feel strongly about it. But especially at beginning, Meade comes off as a prick, an aristocratic elite in his own mind. I think the protestors you spoke to are reacting defensively to your tone more than to your reasoning."

That's right...it's all about their precious feelings. Can't we all just get along?

Unknown said...

Clueless and couldn't care less. The worst thing that can happen to those clowns is what will happen - they will become the face of the slobocracy trying to impose itself on this country.

FWIW, Wisconsin has a hallowed military heritage. The eagle in the patch of the 101st Airborne is Old Abe, mascot of the Iron Brigade, which fought in the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. The 101 began in WWI as a reserve infantry division.

The 32nd "Red Arrow" Infantry Division was manned by men from Wisconsin and fought in New Guinea and the Philippines in WWII; it was the first US division to see action in New Guinea in November 1942.

They deserve better from their own people.

Reagan said...

I'm also glad Ann has a bodyguard, all those crazy out-of-state union thugs can't control themselves.

Yes, she could have been beaten like Tabitha Hale.

BJM said...

They just keep digging, faster please.

The Crack Emcee said...


You probably don't care, but my father was a Korea vet and my bro is a Marine who has served in artillery units in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He also is very pro-union and worked as a union mason for 5 years. I've never been in a union. for what it is worth.

Public or private unions? That's the question. These guys are protesting to steal OUR money. Is your "bro" in favor of that?

BJM said...


You just know Shiloh was sitting there hitting refresh over and over again...

Yes, and we know what he was doing with his other hand too.

Writ Small said...

I think the kids were clueless and not being deliberately disrespectful.

That said, it says an awful lot about the worldview of the protesters that it occurred to absolutely no one that this was an issue.

The lady at the end, however, clearly understood the harm the unthinking symbolism could do.
I'd be extremely surprised if she doesn't address it.

Njall said...

me: USN, 1988-1994 (Desert Storm)
father: USA, 1961-1981 (RVN 1968, 1970)
g-father: USNR, 1946-1973 (Korea 1951, RVN 1968)
g-uncle: USAAC, 1943-1946 (WWII-E)

Thanks, AA and Meade, some things are sacred.

TosaGuy said...

As a veteran, sometimes I just think that people don't know how wonderful we have it in this country and most of the stuff we fight over is beyond petty and selfish. I don't think most of it comes from being malicious but, rather, from being clueless.

Peano said...

The protesters are pigs. I'm not surprised to see them behaving like pigs.

TosaGuy said...

Thank you A and M for the good work that you do.

sakredkow said...

I think you are completely right TosaGuy. I think it all comes back to our good will towards other people.

vnjagvet said...

Thanks for your persistence Althouse and Meade. That there are commenters here trying to defend the indefensible is astonishing. Even Harriet the enthusiastic UWM organizer realized her gang had blundered.

garage mahal said...

Swastika-wielding, apocolypse-proclaiming shitbags up in Madison.

Hundreds of cops join protests and sleep in the Rotunda

Swastika-wielding, apocolypse-proclaiming shitbag cops and firefighters eh?

I think the authors feel it all slipping away, so I would expect to see many more of these types of posts. How's that vote for Walker looking like these days?

opfor311 said...

I'd also like to thank you, Ann and Meade for trying to teach those people why disrespect (even when one didn't mean to) for a War Memorial hurts their cause.

98C USA 1984-1992, 311th MI/101st Abn. , Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Son - 91W USA 2004-Present, 4th ID, Iraq

virgil xenophon said...

FWIW edutcher the line bisected by the red arrow in the 32nd Div patch is derived from the prowess of the Div in WW I where it was said it "pierced the lines of the Boche like an arrow." Hence the inclusion of the red line representing the enemy line being pierced..

Dust Bunny Queen said...


I'm having a 60's flash back!

Seriously. The superficial posturing of the self absorbed, indulged, forever juvenile adult children ....trampling upon the lives of those who gave of themselves at great sacrifice. Spiting on the graves of brave men and women. The stupid Vietnam protesters who were cravenly safe at home and who were clueless about the world.

Sometimes I wonder...was it…is it really worth the sacrifice. Why did they die to save these worthless slime balls. Maybe we should just stand aside,….protect ourselves and our families…. and LET these slugs just die.

I swear...it is the 1970’s reincarnated. Carter, Oil Embargo, Inflation, Stupid Hippies. I hated the 70’s then, (except for some of the music which was pretty good) even when I was in the midst of it… I don’t want to see it happen all over again.

Please, God, do NOT bring back the polyester leisure suit. Spare us.

Unknown said...

Shame shame shame on us for devastating our educational system. Bring back the draft, these simpering, pampered clueless children.

BTW did you see the Koch-head poster in the background? Childish. We're broke, and the children still want to fingerpaint and hang their feces on the walls of our magnificent Capital building.

Fen said...

I think the kids were clueless and not being deliberately disrespectful.

Irrelevant whether it was deliberate.

When I go to the cemetary, I don't need to be asked to not walk on the graves.

BJM said...

My, my look who's using the police and firefighters to further his agenda now?

Keep digging, faster please.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Young people are generally not big on symbolism..

I'm not excusing what they did but.. Its apparent they are so caught up in the moment (tunnel vision) they are not stepping back and looking at the whole picture.

Part of the whole picture is the idea/trend of underdogma.

The idea that there is intrinsic good in being an underdog to the point of practically trumping all other values and virtues.

Revenant said...

Swastika-wielding, apocolypse-proclaiming shitbag cops and firefighters eh?

The nice thing about being a libertarian is that lefties can't pull that whole "hah! let's see you criticize COPS AND FIREFIGHTERS, Mr. Conservative" schtick on you when this sort of union crap comes up.

Revenant said...

The vast majority of the military men and women who died in service to this country did so while public sector unions were (a) illegal and (b) frowned upon by the leadership of both political parties.

It is silly to think most of them would have given the thumbs-up to a bunch of overpaid state workers marching for a bigger suck at the government tit. That was how communist countries worked -- not America.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So when you are an underdog - or so the dogma goes - you are allowed greater latitudes and so on.

The irony of course is that w/o meaning to they are asking government, a big overdog, to grow, to get bigger..

Republican said...

It would appear the taxpayers of WI have not had their money's worth in education since none of them seem to know simple protocol regarding memorials.

Does the State issue refunds?

Anonymous said...

Under-Dogma = Ressentiment ???

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It also seems apparent to me, and I don't have any qualms with what Meade and Althouse where complaining about.. I just want to make an observation that is crossing mind..

The "disrespectful" currency has been devalued so much by trivial usage.. that now when it is used hardly anybody seems to notice much less actually do something.

Gone are the days of the duel, thank God for that, but you could say the pendulum has swung to where it is currently at its most opposite zenith.. if I'm making any sense.

Fen said...

Meade, hat tip to ya.

Thank you for taking a stand.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It wouldn't surprise me if some of these protesters see a veterans monument as a clinging (to use Obama's words) to an oppressive past that we need to brake away from..

When somebody says something like Walker is Hitler the healthy thing to do is to lower expectations.. I'm sorry to say that.. Its obvious the MeadHouse love Madisonia.

Fen said...

Union Brat: "but if you take a picture from the back, you can't tell its a war memorial"

what a putz.

Fen said...

Union Brat 2: "I make memorials for a living"

so its okay if I trash this one.

kimsch said...

DBQ - they won't bring back polyester leisure suits, on "Fernwood Tonight" Barth Gimble (Martin Mull) told us studies had been done to prove that leisure suits cause cancer - so we're safe now...

wv: fanstsma

Fen said...

I'm not going to watch anymore. I've got a nice buzz going and I don't want to ruin it.

But I'm struck by how casually these two punks revert to making excuses for their actions.

If I made such an honest mistake and was clueless as to its implications, my face would have fallen with shame as soon as someone explained to me what I had done. I wouldn't be arguing about it or trying to justify it, I'd be moving my shit off the memorial.

Anonymous said...

Typical Leftist attitude – no Wellstone Memorial moment – yet... I like the Lem’s comment on Underdogma . Given the bizarre, child-like behavior of the protesters, I fear when the whole deal comes crashing down around their feet they are going to take it badly and do bad things.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

But I'm struck by how casually these two punks revert to making excuses for their actions.

I was struck by how emotional the professor got.. its not just brain matter flowing thru her veins ;)

Fen said...

Garage: Swastika-wielding, apocolypse-proclaiming shitbag cops and firefighters eh?

Well, if you're going to claim that the Governor is Hitler, it follows that the Police are his Brownshirts.

Own your hyperbole, Garage.

BJM said...

What the hell is wrong with the teachers? None of them thought piling crap between the flags and using the back of the war memorial as a bulletin board/desk was inappropriate?

I don't buy that Harriet is "just a student", her narrative skills are too polished, and she knows how to work an eye line...of course she might be a communication major, but I'd guess that this is not her first time at the community organizing rodeo.

Watch her body language with Meade, how she reads him, she's trying to handle Meade.

Good luck with that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I fear when the whole deal comes crashing down around their feet..

You know they talk about sustainable meaning green, pro environment's future and so on.. but when we talk about unsustainable budgets and unsustainable borrowing it seems to go over their head.

Or maybe it doesn't and they just refuse to see it.

Rose said...

Whoever said it above - they don't care that it's a memorial, they don't care what it means, they were mystified by your question - was right.

I'm actually surprised they stayed civil, usually they would have tried to shout you down and intimidate you.

Good post.

AST said...

If the national press were to cover this as well as Ann has, I don't think the unions would dare show their faces anywhere. And they have the gall to talk about "incivility" on the part of the right. They talk about worker's rights, but show no respect for anyone else's.

William said...

Maybe it's because I come from NYC where even little girls making their first communion do it in an obnoxious way, but I just can't get my hate on for these kids. They sounded apologetic and promised to do the right thing. I don't think there was any real intent at disrespect. They are heedless and self dramatizing but, as the crimes of youth go, it's nothing to make the blood boil. You were in the right to call them out, but they did not respond in an inappropriate or defiant way.....In the other tape, I got as far as the nurse proclaiming that "genocide" was being inflicted on the middle class. That annoyed me a lot more.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

but they did not respond in an inappropriate or defiant way

Union Brat: [wiiiiiiiiz]

William: "Hey man, do you realize what you're doing? That's MLK's headstone you're pissing on. Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is?"

Union Brat: "Dude [wiiiiiiz] you don't really think [wiiiiiiiz] that we don't respect MLK?"

Union Brat 2: "I make headstones for a living, so its okay for me to" [squats]

Union Brat: "Besides [wiiiiz] MLK would have marched with us [wiiiiiz] so he wouldn't mind us pissing on him"

Union Brat 3: "And if you're going to get snarky about it... wait... what was my point... nevermind... poorly formed sentence..."

Robert said...

Hey, Althouse, don't you need to do an update and admit you were wrong that PETA would not comment on The Daily Show's abuse of the camel?

They did respond. Correct the record.

But what was your post about that camel abuse really about, Althouse?

Quite clearly it was just a personal vendetta you had with the person who filmed that footage.

Althouse and her commenters never gave a shit before about animal abuse. I used to be trolled in these comment sections for even mentioning a care about an animal.

For example, they were perfectly okay with Sarah Palin's aerial wolf hunts in Alaska. Talk about obscene disrespect of animals!

Yeah, in case anyone didn't understand that, that was just another one of Althouse's grudges against someone who had previously committed some offense against her.

She didn't do a post about Peta's response to the camel incident because she actually didn't give a shit. All that mattered was feeding Instapundit something to make people believe that Pata doesn't really care about animals.

Now, as for these protests in Wisconsin, we have seen that Althosue and her ultra-right-wing husband have been looking hard for any pictures and video they can take that they can feed to right-wing blogs such as Gateway Pundit. They seem to spend their entire days looking for shit to smear people over at these protests, even going so far as to trail salt trucks to see if they can get them in trouble for honking their horns to the protestors.

Althouse was so obsessed with this agenda that she photographed some signs with sticks and some flags with sticks laying outside the capitol building, trying to paint it as some huge disrespect. Actually it was because the authorities told people they couldn't bring anything with a stick attached into the building.

In this latest video, Meade musters up all the fake outrage he can, and Althouse rants and raves and starts shaking, over some supposed massive disrespect to a memorial.

Don't believe it, people. It's just like how she was trying to get the salt truck drivers fired. Just like how she acted like she wanted a federal investigation into the camel incident.

It's bullshit.

Meade and Althosue are simply two tea-baggers trying to make mountains out of molehills so Gateway Pundit and Instapundit link to them.

Althouse has already shown she will defend birthers and those who support torture by the U.S. government just to stay in the good graces of ultra-right propaganda blogs she makes money from. She's not in a position to lecture anyone else.

Michael The Magnificent said...

All these years, I thought Meade was a chick.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's a good point Fen.

I guess not all memorials are created equal.. and endowed by their creator with respect and dignity.

Fen said...

Another day, another libtard, another meltdown

Libtard: Althouse was so obsessed with this agenda that she photographed some signs with sticks and some flags with sticks laying outside the capitol building, trying to paint it as some huge disrespect. Actually it was because the authorities told people they couldn't bring anything with a stick attached into the building.

Because when the authorities tell you not to bring sticks inside, the only alternative is to trash the capital grounds.

Union Brats.

John Cunningham said...

these Lefty scum are typical military-hating poseurs.

Mark said...

Garage, I guess you're implying that agents of the state who aren't elected or even subject to the elected have absolute moral authority in things like this.

There's a word for that.

Mutaman said...

You mean in the past week the only thing you two have got to complain about is a salt spreader that blowing his horn, and some kids taping signs on the back of a statute?

Mutaman said...

You mean in the past week the only thing you two have got to complain about is a salt spreader that blowing his horn, and some kids taping signs on the back of a statute?

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the poster above who cited the history of the Wisconsin Red Arrow Brigade, the 32nd Infantry. My son currently serves among that fine group of soldiers, and is awaiting his third deployment. He had a great education from the schools he attended in Wisconsin. All of them private church-run institutions.

I myself am a former teacher from the Wisconsin Public Schools, who left back in the '90s when the Union had a case of the vapors because they were asked to start paying prescription co-pays for the very first time. Pay $5 for their own medications? How beastly! How abusive!

There is a rally in my town to recall State Senator Bob Wirch today. I plan to be there with bells on.

Unknown said...

It isn't intentional disrespect. That's the most disturbing element of all. It's one thing to know how something as sacred as a memorial to American war dead is expected to be treated and to then disregard that. But no be completely unaware of something so basic? Something so central to the exercise of free speech? Sad. These particular protesters a just the useful mush brained foot soldiers of greedy union bosses and Democrat pols. They know as much about war memorials as they do about the impact of public sector unions.

Ned said...

I must say, it is fascinating (for some reason) to read this blog. A liberal actually running face first into the irrational insanity of liberalism! This week alone...The NYT is an unreliable source for news, Liberal jurists completely warp their reasoning to support their cause and now...liberals have absolutely NO respect for the Military and monuments honoring them!
What next???

Those Who Can't Do said...

I think they shouldn't have taped that shit on the back of the memorial, but I disagree with the claim/faux outrage that they intended to disrespect veterans at all.

How could the outrage be real if you don't share it? Other people's thoughts and emotions aren't real.

test said...

"Julius said...

I think you would have gotten a better response if you didn't initially approach the protestors who defaced the memorial in such a demanding and aggressive way.

I understand that you feel strongly about it. But especially at beginning, Meade comes off as a prick, an aristocratic elite in his own mind."

Julius, the idiot who makes outlandish accusations far beyond those he criticizes is now lecturing on tone and reasonableness. Unbelievable.

Those Who Can't Do said...

I think the authors feel it all slipping away, so I would expect to see many more of these types of posts.

Of course. It's all slipping away. You got us on the run. Think I'll flee to Rockford, IL.

Those Who Can't Do said...

You mean in the past week the only thing you two have got to complain about is a salt spreader that blowing his horn, and some kids taping signs on the back of a statute?

You can say that again!

Those Who Can't Do said...

You mean in the past week the only thing you two have got to complain about is a salt spreader that blowing his horn, and some kids taping signs on the back of a statute?

You can say that again!

AllenS said...

Nitwit says...
I'm sure most veterans with a brain would be happy to see folks exercising the rights they fought for rather than sitting at home watching American Idol.

No, I don't think so. Just because you've got your so-called freedoms, doesn't give you the right to enter a cemetery and piss all over the graves.

B/2/325th 82nd Airborne Division
A/3/503rd 173d Airborne Brigade

GMay said...

The fact that the usual suspects here are unable to see the gaping chasm of a distinction between public sector unions and private sector unions is indicative of the modern liberal's cluelessness.

This incident is a wonderful visual aid for this phenomenon.

The sad thing is that pensions for those veterans who devoted 20 or more years of their life - while working 5 times as hard, being away from their families for totals of years, facing violent dangers, risks, and stresses - don't really compare to those of public sector employees.

TWM said...

Not surprising that clueless leftists would do something like this. The upside is it's just another PR disaster for them.

James said...

It ought to be clear by now that Capitol Police and the people who run the buildings are siding with the protestors. Why have they been allowed to sleep in the Capitol for over a week now? Why have they been able to tape signs and deface public property?

As I pointed out several days ago when the Tea Party had their rally on April 15, 2010 they weren't allowed to bring signs into the Capitol. In fact the police only allowed a representative few to enter the building; the rest of the Tea Party had to remain outside.

traditionalguy said...

The clueless drum beating and chanting to create an "energy" around them is a good imitation of the boys in the book/movie Lord of the Flies. Ann and Meade are like the adult authorities showing up and bringing civilization's point of view back with them.

Triangle Man said...

Time to dust off the constitutional ammendment against flag burning Althouse?

MadisonMan said...

You know, there's that Police Officer monument down at the corner of the square, built just perfectly for sitting on, with signs all around it saying Don't sit here, and I always have thought if you don't want people to sit on your monument, then design it so people don't sit on it.

I'm not sure I'd confront someone about this Outrage! I'm not watching the video here in the Coffee Shop, but if you're just explaining that you find what they're doing offensive or foolish, well, that's what I might do. But you can't teach someone to have respect in a minute.

Anonymous said...

Lincolntf said...

Hey Shiloh, what was your MOS? When did you serve? Where?

Funny thing, shiloh never answered or came back.

Thanks for that Lincolntf.

And thank you for your service.

James said...

@pogo if you're reading this thread....We talked about this briefly in the thread on the VP of Diversity and Climate Change. My son got his acceptance letter to Madison yesterday; I wasn't expecting to hear from them until March. I'd still prefer he'd go to Hillsdale though.

MadisonMan said...

@James, my daughter is still waiting for an acceptance to UW. It's nigh on impossible for kids at West High here in Madison to get into UW, however, so I'm not holding my breath.

Congrats to your son. It's great to have choices.

Unknown said...

What till you see the mess these idiots leave, when they are thrown out of the building on Sunday. You never see messes like this from the Tea Party or conservative rallys!!!

MadisonMan said...

Notice the tape that is being used to hold up the signs. What does that tell you?

Anonymous said...

Liberals are generally hateful, ignorant people.

So who is surprised by this?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No word from Democracy Now! on the 8 million jobs lost in the private sector.

I guess that "genocide" doesn't count.
No matter, public unions must get whatever they want on a silver platter hand delivered by the Democrat Party.

KCFleming said...

Great news for your son. Mine hasn't heard fro UWM but I doubt he'll get in.

In this case that may be preferable, as I am afraid the same race discrimination will occur when he applied to the business school there in 2 years.

That would be a wasted 2 years, I think, as he has no chance of becoming un-caucasian in that time.

Mick said...

Bravo for standing up to the Relativists. As if the fact that you were "literally the first" to protest their disgusting disrespect meant that their actions were right.

It shows how their minds work though.
The usual "johnny did it too" mentality and morality of the little children of the Left in full view.

Mick said...

I applaud your coverage professor. You are exposing the lawlessness and immorality of the Left that the media continually ignores. The pics and film speaks for itself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thank you, Ann and Meade. Thank you.

GMay said...

Madman asked: "Notice the tape that is being used to hold up the signs. What does that tell you?"

That these people don't think far enough in advance or of the consequences of using adhesive material on public memorials and monuments?

(Not thinking ahead or considering consequences. Imagine that!)

Since leftist protesters have a history of trashing their little stomping grounds, I wouldn't bank on these guys having brought soap and water to remove adhesive residue.

What do I win?

James said...

@MadisonMan. Thanks...although it appears we're more excited than he is. Why is it a problem for West High kids? I hope it works out for your daughter.

We didn't expect to hear from UW so soon since he applied in late December. Plus his high school, Racine Park, is known more for producing running backs for UW like Brent Moss and John Clay. :)

But he and his best friend have done well so far. They have been inseparable since kindergarten; his friend won an appointment to West Point and my son has several excellent options to chose from.

Issob Morocco said...

Thanks Meade and Ann for doing what is right. I find it rather telling the lack of reponsibility on all of those you spoke with including the Harriet babe, who gave Meade the "yea, yea, yea..." blow off answer.

She is the savvy leader, the others are the useful idiots. Trying to justify what they did or act as if they just showed up and they didn't realize, is shameful.

This is why they will lose in the end. For them the amazing Drum circle is more important, than proper respect for those who have given their lives in defense of this great nation of ours. A nation where we can have spirited debate and unfettered protest.

These 'yutes' are the result of affluenza, the offspring of uncaring or unknowing parents who instead of teaching and educating their kids as to proper decorum and respect, instead gave them everything they wanted. Now they feel entitled.

Their desecration of the memorial is like having a beer and brat bonfire on a veteran's grave.

Thanks again for your efforts and engagement to do what is right.

J Lee said...

The action feeds the narrative, whether what this group did was intentional or not.

Were they happy about Ian Murphy punking Walker with the faked Koch phone call? Probably, but you have to admit at the very least, the call was done by someone who ideologically is on their side.

Was it done by the same Ian Murphy who wrote an article entitled "Fuck the Troops", where he all but said the U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq deserved what they got? Why, yes it was.

So Murphy wasn't one of those at the statehouse, and you can't say what he thinks about the troops is what they think about the troops. But treating the memorial that way is really bad public relations, especially when one of your highest-profile supporters produces stuff like that which reinforces the idea that the left hates the military.

James said...

@Pago; one never really knows... I didn't expect my kid to get in to Madison but it seems that he has some things working in his favor. Both my wife and I migrated here as young adults so this is new for us.

Has your son looked at Michigan? I went to b-school there and its always been the highest ranked b-school in the Big Ten.

Dusty said...

So Harriet Rowan had been there since everyday the February 14th rally and tells the interviewer she's been there nine days. That would put the interview taking place on 22 February.

In Democracy Now interview, at and a little before the 5 minute mark, one can see the War Memorial behind Rowan adorned with their taped on signs.

That puts some more perspective on the one protester's comment that this is the first complaint he's heard of them using Memorial as a pamphlet station and the monument as a poster board.

SGT Ted said...

US Army 1983-2008.

No union whatsoever.

Leftists don't give a shit about service to the USA. They only give a shit about Marxist/socialist causes. This isn't in dispute; leftists have always trumpeted their contempt for the US military, despite their "support the troops, stop the war" propaganda bullshit.

They are commies for all intents and purposes; they say the same shit the commies say.

All. The. Time.

You leftist assholes can go fuck yourselves. Shiloh and garage in particular.

Public Employee unions are money laundering tax dollars into campaign donations for Democrats. Thats the issue here. Thats why the commies are losing their shit.

You cannot take an oath to protect and serve the people and then support the union over the peoples elected representatives. That's called "Oath Breaking".

You can take your oath-breaking, union goon cops and firemen with you.

Lincolntf said...

Great job, Meade and Ann.

Kelly from Georgia said...

First of all, I can't wait to see the Part II of this today and see if the Memorial is cleaned up.

Secondly, after reading the comments, I'm trying to remember where I learned my respect for the fallen. Most likely it came from my parents, not something taught in school.

It is something in my core, though. I'm with Meade and Althouse. This disrespect is visceral for me. I ride with the Patriot Guard Riders and when we are escorting a young man or woman who was killed in action in Afghanistan, it boils my blood when people disrespect the funeral procession.

Of course, being from small town Georgia that generally doesn't happen. Most of the time cars are stopped on the side of the road and people are out of their cars with their hand over their heart.

My bf and I have a goal of visiting all the state Capitol buildings. We went to four this past year and the war memorials are something we both take the time to read and to respect.

Once again, thank you for your coverage.

Thank you for your willingness to stand for those who stood for us.


DADvocate said...

My bf and I have a goal of visiting all the state Capitol buildings. We went to four this past year and the war memorials are something we both take the time to read and to respect.

Be sure to visit the Tennessee state capitol if you haven't already. It's the oldest one in use as a capital and has two people buried in the walls. Plus, Pres. Polk buried right outside.

HT said...

As a liberal who was educated conservatively in the South, I was taught in school (Dad of course served 1945-1950, but did not make a big deal about it) to respect the flag and probably war memorials, but my memory of that is not as strong as how to treat a flag. I'd like to add that it is not just soldiers who protect our right to free speech. Even lawyers do that. And they never get the respect and even recognition that is their due. Everyday people including lawyers go out and re-demarcate the lines, and for them just as for soldiers I am thankful. I am especially thankful because they can explain its importance to me.

Dusty said...

Considering that your and Meade's 8 minute and 51 second video pointing out out that they should move their literature station, and kept getting hemming and hawing and talking about needing to find someone in authority to, I guess okay moving it, I got a big chuckle out of Rowan's comment at the 7:48 mark in the DN video about how this protest event has made people "really feel empowered, individually, to accomplish things, to do things. They see something not being done and they do it."

Unknown said...

1) AA, you are an instigator. No doubt about it, you are certainly not neutral. Oh, and Meade seems like quite the douche. Does he even have a job?!

2) I'm against eliminating the collective bargaining rights, but this is getting absurd. From the billions of signs to the assembly Democrats screaming "Shame" and acting like a bunch of children...I've had enough. The senators need to come back and just get this over with.

Yes, a statement has been made, we get it, but enough is enough. The controversial ID Bill was passed, which probably could've been stopped had the Democrats been here. Just get this crap over with, please.

Lincolntf said...

I think the real douches are the shit-for-brains students, as well as the parents and teachers who failed to instill the tiniest bit of respect into them. Sniveling, snot-nosed and stupid is no way to go through life.

roesch-voltaire said...

Those young liberals are even more dangerous and ignorant than the Governor who was thinking about sending disruptive agents into the crowd and risking public safety. I look forward to the next expose of the disrespectful graffiti posted in the public johns.

Unknown said...

I'm sure you'll all be pleased to know that tonight's the last night the protesters can be in the Capitol--the police are kicking them out tomorrow. Hopefully (And I'm *really* hoping), things can finally return to normal. This Democrat is beyond weary of what's transpired in this state.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I wonder if we could find out just how many of these 'protesters' are tax paying citizens of Wisconsin.

I'm guessing not that many.

Most are either idiot students who don't work, don't understand work or have any plans to work in the State of Wisconsin. They are only protesting because it is super cool and makes them feel like their useless pampered lives have some sort of higher purpose. It is the idiot Vietnam protesters all over again.

Useful idiots.

jkmack said...


The union/democrat axis has spent all week publicly defecating on the democratic republic form of government. What makes you think they care about a silly war memorial?

Why are they even allowed to gather in the edifice? They are obviously interfering with elected officials conducting their duties.

bagoh20 said...

Roesch, I'm sure your mind is an especially clean place where no ill thought ever enters, but if one ever does, please be sure to call the cops on yourself. It's for the children.

Anonymous said...

They left is having a big, fat baby-tantrum at the capitol building.

It's just like the kids kicking the back of the seat in the car because mom didn't stop at the ice cream store on the way home.

What a bunch of pathetic babies.

Lincolntf said...

Yeah, R-V, Gov. Walker is the worstest, meanest meanie in the whole wide world!!!
Let's ignore the fact that you're referencing a prank call and misrepresenting what Walker said and concentrate on the fact that importing troublemakers would've been redundant. The Libs made asses of themselves without any help. From the charlatans passing out fake Doctor's excuses to the screaming maniacs waving Hitler signs, they showed the nation what Public Employee Unions are all about.

garage mahal said...

There is a large veterans march today. Maybe Althouse or Meade could get some opinions from them.

test said...

"Jim said...

1) AA, you are an instigator. No doubt about it, you are certainly not neutral. Oh, and Meade seems like quite the douche. Does he even have a job?!"

If being an instigator makes one a douche you shouldn't your moniker be Jim the Douche.

And what's the stupid criticism that anyone isn't impartial? We're supposed to be impartial about government corruption? Some people have so self awareness.

The Balloonatic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

This is clearly something these kids needed to learn, so thanks for telling them. I don't think they intended disrespect, but they are just kids who at that age have not yet formed respect for such things.

Now, what will they take away from this long term? When embarrassed like this some people get it and grow, and some will resent it and become permanently blind. We may have just watched the birth of the next Alinsky mind, but it needed to be done. Thanks guys.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
There is a large veterans march today. Maybe Althouse or Meade could get some opinions from them.

Will you be in it garage?

Peano said...

Lem said... I'm not excusing what they did but.. Its apparent they are so caught up in the moment (tunnel vision) they are not stepping back and looking at the whole picture.

Oh, please. This is precisely the same mentality that trashed Grant Park in Chicago after Obama's election, and trashed the National Mall at his inauguration.

You can show them the "whole picture" a thousand times, and they still won't care and won't change. They're pigs.

MadisonMan said...

Pres. Polk buried right outside

Only because his original burial site -- his house -- was torn down and the body moved.

GMay -- they're using Painters' Tape, so you have it exactly backwards. They DID think about the consequences of adhesive on the beautiful walls of the Capitol, and used something with a small impact. Imagine if they'd used Duck Tape!

I don't know anyone, left, right, or center, in Madison who does not consider the Wisconsin Capitol the most beautiful one in the Nation. It's truly breathtaking and a great sense of understandable pride. No matter who comes to visit you in Madison, you take them up there so they can, for example, look straight up in the middle at the beautiful dome.

Quilly_Mammoth said...

Between Desert Storm and the current campaigns I have lost three friends; men I served with. Thank God they all come from states where if there is a memorial for the heroic and honored dead it won't be defiled by a bunch of union thugs and their neo-hippie groupies.

I seriously do not believe that the protestors and their supporters understand how close they are to losing much of their moderate support.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Duck Tape

DUCT Tape!!

Sorry. Personal peeve.

Fred4Pres said...

I bet the protestors smell bad too.

Jason said...

You know, I'd love to say that the public crapping over the war memorial can be simply chalked up to the indescretion of youth. Young people do dumb things, and then they grow up. It's just part of being young.

But then, you never see Young Americans for Freedom crapping on war memorials. Or Young Republicans. Or Eagle Forum Collegians. Or Tea Party Students.

It's always, always, always libtards.

And it's not like they're even that young. Ask professor "Million Mogadishus."

Jason said...

By the way, I'm a veteran, too. It's against the law for military personnel to organize.

And I've never met a soldier who has a problem with that. Why? Because allowing public servants to organize into unions to oppose the interests of those whom they serve is manifestly a stupid idea!

Anonymous said...

This is clearly something these kids needed to learn, so thanks for telling them. I don't think they intended disrespect, but they are just kids who at that age have not yet formed respect for such things.

You aren't serious? My children knew not to disrespect soldiers, the flag, their elders, and sacred spaces when they hadn't yet entered the first grade.

For folks who supposedly are there in support of education, how much slack should one allow them in the face of this monumental ignorance of common decency?

garage mahal said...

Will you be in it garage?

Not a Veteran, but sure, I would march with them. They might be hard to find in the sea of an anticipated 100k protesters though.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I seriously do not believe that the protestors and their supporters understand how close they are to losing much of their moderate support.

No they do not understand.

They live in a bubble. Surrounded by people exactly like themselves who all believe the same things, say the same things, wear the same things, drive the same cars, drink the same kool-aid.

When you meet them, they automatically assume that you TOO must also believe what they believe. When they find out that you do not, they are shocked and angry.

They cannot handle a challenge to their world view and react in childish or agressive ways. Instead of trying to understand any other thoughts or views, instead of learning....they shut down.

Their assumption is that, because they only know people like themselves, that they are in the majority. They think that there are no others who have valid points of view and if they do recognize that there might be others, they deem the others stupid.

They don't understand and they never will.....AND they are dangerous.

TWM said...

"There is a large veterans march today. Maybe Althouse or Meade could get some opinions from them. "

Why, do you think that any of them are going to be in favor of what these leftists did?

Lincolntf said...

Is it only for large veterans, or can regular-sized ones march, too?

GMay said...

R-V said: "Those young liberals are even more dangerous and ignorant than the Governor who was thinking about sending disruptive agents into the crowd and risking public safety."

Not to mention the elected Democrats who fled the state to subvert democracy. No danger there whatsoever.

Honestly, you leftist shills are beyond parody at this point.

Barbara said...

Jim said: "Oh, and Meade seems like quite the douche. Does he even have a job?!"

I'm laughing. Should we be surprised that Jim also has no comprehension of disrespect toward a veterans' memorial?

Don't invite Jim to your house for dinner. He'll spit on the carpets, paw through your bathroom's medicine cabinet, insult your character and cooking, then belch and leave, sideswiping your car as he departs the driveway.

TWM said...

"Not a Veteran, but sure, I would march with them. They might be hard to find in the sea of an anticipated 100k protesters though."

Not really. I bet one could pick them out easily . . .

joanne said...

Thank you Ann.

GMay said...

Madman said: "GMay -- they're using Painters' Tape, so you have it exactly backwards. They DID think about the consequences of adhesive on the beautiful walls of the Capitol, and used something with a small impact."

Oh sweet, so does that mean I can head on down to the Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln memorials and tape up whatever propaganda I please, or is that just a Wisconsin thing?

Interesting that you admit it makes a small impact. Who is it that gets to determine what is an acceptable impact on public memorials?

I'm thinking it's not me who has things "backwards" here.

"I don't know anyone, left, right, or center, in Madison who does not consider the Wisconsin Capitol the most beautiful one in the Nation. It's truly breathtaking and a great sense of understandable pride."

Yeah, those people sleeping under the beautiful dome and taping up signs all over the place are really classing the place up. It seems you folks up there in Wisconsin have a strange way of showing pride.

Unknown said...

Barbara, you obviously have some serious personal issues that you clearly need to work on. Nowhere have I defended the rights of the protesters; in fact, I've made it pretty clear that while I'm not for the bill, I am against the Democrats hiding out of state and delaying it getting passed, which is inevitable.

You, on the other hand, make incredibly sick assumptions that prove that you've clearly got the "logic" and "intelligence" portions of your brain missing. Here's one for you: Don't invite Barbara to your home for dinner. She'll knock everything over, run around drooling like a rabid dog, and will scream like a banshee for no good reason.

Unknown said...

Thank God Meade and Ann were the ones to confront them...

if it had been I.....

1971 to 1999 United States Army...Grenda, Panama, Somilia, Bosnia, DS 1 and a few other piss pots...101st Abn Div (AASLT)
1938 to 1945..WWII...Dad and Uncles
1906 to 1926..WWI, Pancho Villa Expedition..Grandfather...
Civil War...Great Great Grandfathers and brothers...Bull Run I to Appomattox
Great Great Great Great GrandFather...RW..Valley Forge..

Low life trash...no class

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Barbara has a better sense of humor than Jim.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hopefully when Meade goes back today the memorial will have been restored.

MadisonMan said...

Yeah, those people sleeping under the beautiful dome and taping up signs all over the place are really classing the place up.

Free Speech is ugly sometimes.

Lincolntf said...

"Free Speech is ugly sometimes."

You know what's ugly? The disrespect and ignorance displayed by the UW students and their defenders. Somehow I've managed to vigorously exercise free speech my whole life and never once had to deface a Memorial to do it. Not so with those ignorant ingrates wallowing in garbage inside your precious Capitol.

FloridaSteve said...

This video is a nice illustration of some of the useful idiots of this generation. Both in the video and in some of these comments here. You'll never be cool enough in the eyes of the people who's opinion you're desperately trying to sway, (or is that not your goal?) to get away with this in their eyes.

Reasonable people know that this is NOT OK. It's as wrong for the left to behave this way as it is for the right when they act dismissive of the other sides sacred touchstones. Try growing up a little..

GMay said...

Madman observed: "Free Speech is ugly sometimes."

Oh I agree completely. But it basically disproves your thesis about how much pride Wisonsin lefties take in their capitol.

In your defense however, many of them are probably from out of state.

Derve Swanson said...

When I was a pool manager, I had two rules for myself:
1) No one would drown in my pool.
2) No one would be conceived in my hottub.
(You'd be amazed how many ADULTS -- not the teens -- got frisky in the hot water, right there in public sight.)

Please, please, please tell me...
That despite the nutty sleeping arrangements and party-like atmosphere, nobody is actually fornicating these weeks in our State Capitol building?

FloridaSteve said...

Free Speech IS ugly sometimes. Fine. I actually think that the best part of it myself.

But what is the point of the demonstration exactly? Is it to intimidate the elected officials? Because that's clearly not working. Is it to sway that segment of the electorate that actually votes to your cause? Cause you're losing that one too.

Have you even glanced at the latest Rasmussen pools lately? If this were a focal issue in the run-up to an election cycle, the left wouldn't be able to win a dogcatcher runoff.

In the end this seems to be a chance for this generation to emulate the mythology of the things that occurred in the 60's and 70's. It makes no difference if the cause is jut (or even makes sense) it's the struggle against the "Man"! Truth to power! Our moment as someone mentioned earlier.

In the end though, it's just sort of sad..

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Thanks Meadehouse.

It's sickening that so many consider their own financial self interest and public funding of the DNC to be more important than those that served and died for their country.

wordsmith2 said...

Ann and Meade, have you seen anyone with the recall petition for Fred Risser?

Unknown said...

And to think these pathetic self-absorbed creeps teach children. They have no character. I have NO SYMPATHY in their "cause".

Greybeard said...

AA- Thanks for exposing this.
Meade- Thank you for standing up.
If the majority cannot understand how "ME! ME! ME!" this scenario is, we'll be Mexico soon.

-Fellow Hoosier.
-Chu Lai, VN, 1968-69.
-U.S. Army, Retired.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that in the second video at 5:09 the young woman talking to the Democracy Now! interviewer is IN FRONT of the War Memorial.....COVERED in the same paper as the first video? What did she say about the war memorial in the first video?

Anonymous said...

Ann and Meade show great self-restraint. Thank you both for speaking up.

garage mahal said...

The rallies around the country proves this is all according to the GOP plan.

Scott Walker - "I got this".


hat said...

I love how this post and almost every comment can be summarized by "Kids these days..."

Veterans may deserve respect, but they do not need to be acknowledged every single moment of every single day no matter what else happens to be going on. I know it's amazing to old people such as yourselves, but sticking a sign to a memorial might actually NOT be a deliberate and hateful signal that the person doing it actively hates the veterans and wishes america had lost the war. the veterans memorial is NOT the same as the veterans. The memorial, in and of itself, is NOT important beyond the message it conveys.

Whether or not you agree with the bill, you have to realize that is extremely important to the people who it affects, and it is extremely important NOW. The veterans will still be there tomorrow.

Finally, and to the people saying the veterans would not be in support of this protest I have to say, who cares? The opinions of men 70 years ago, no matter how brave, should not be set in stone as a guideline for america.

Phil 314 said...

I still ask, is there no one in the Wisconsin state government saying "This has gone on long enough, we can't allow squatters in the State Capitol" ?

egb said...

Somehow, the "protesters" in Wisconsin think they are doing something wonderful.

Citizens pay tax 2 Gov
Gov pays union members
Union members pay dues
Dues buy politicians
Citizens screwed

Not hard to see if you think about it.


Meade said...


I have not. He's our Senator (26th district) and I have emailed him some of my thoughts. Have not yet received a reply.

He's 83 years-old, one year younger than my own dear mother, and for that reason alone I hate to think of him being on the run, hiding out, evading state troopers. He needs to be sleeping in his own bed at night.

Plus, he should be showing up for work every day.

AllenS said...

Wait a minute, garage, are you saying that there will be 100k veterans protesting today? Or did you compose a couple of really crappy sentences?

Unknown said...

Meade: Please, do us all a favor and get a job.

For anyone else interested--tonight is the LAST night protesters are allowed to sleep at the capitol (finally). Like I said before--I may be against the bill, but this has dragged on far too long. I'm guessing that, starting next week, we'll finally start to see the beginning of the end, including the senators returning.

garage mahal said...

They're expecting a total of 100k people today. We'll see, but I hear it's filling up already. More surprising is the numbers around the country out protesting in support of Wisconsin. It seems to be spreading.

Those Who Can't Do said...

I know it's amazing to old people such as yourselves, but sticking a sign to a memorial might actually NOT be a deliberate and hateful signal that the person doing it actively hates the veterans and wishes america had lost the war.

No, it just means they're thoughtless children who don't deserve to be taken seriously.

Whether or not you agree with the bill, you have to realize that is extremely important to the people who it affects, and it is extremely important NOW. The veterans will still be there tomorrow.

You should say this sort of thing to as many people as possible. Please.

Finally, and to the people saying the veterans would not be in support of this protest I have to say, who cares?

We know you don't care. That's the point.

Meade said...


I've been a self-employed entrepreneur since 1983. At this point, I wouldn't know the first thing about getting "a job." Plus, at my age and with the economy struggling, it just wouldn't feel right for me to take a job from a young person trying to get himself established.

But thanks for showing how much you care.

GMay said...

hat whiffed: "Veterans may deserve respect, but they do not need to be acknowledged every single moment of every single day no matter what else happens to be going on."

And who was saying this was the case? Oh that's right - nobody.

"I know it's amazing to old people such as yourselves, but sticking a sign to a memorial might actually NOT be a deliberate and hateful signal that the person doing it actively hates the veterans and wishes america had lost the war."

I know it's amazing to young people such as you, but the point was about defacing and disrespect, intentional or unintentional. Like most young people, these kids were clearly unaware of anything happening outside their little self-absorbed bubble.

"the veterans memorial is NOT the same as the veterans."

No one said it was.

Try thinking things through a wee bit more before posting.

GMay said...

"More surprising is the numbers around the country out protesting in support of Wisconsin. It seems to be spreading."

Got a cite for that?

Issob Morocco said...

Hat, without those veterans who died in service of our country, protecing our freedoms, you and your ilk would not have the opportunity to desecrate the memorial to them.

Apply your view of the veterans not being important every day to the crap the leftists are taping up on the memorial.

Tell me which one is more important to the freedom to express viewpoints, even those with which I disagree?

Your disparagement of them is shameful and shows you don't understand our history much less courtesy and respect.

MadisonMan said...

But it basically disproves your thesis about how much pride Wisonsin lefties take in their capitol.

I don't think so.

My one-sentence comment above was too brief. Free speech can look ugly, but it's a beautiful concept. You can look at it and see the signs and clutter, or you can look at it and see expression against a Government's, and the fact that such a thing can happen peacefully is a thing of beauty.

As far as the people in the Capitol being from out of state, I don't think so, and the Truth-o-Meter says that statement is false as well.

MadisonMan said...

@Meade, Risser is a little younger than my parents, and I have the exact same image of him on the run as you do. And how dangerous! He should be home in his own bed.

Lincolntf said...

"He should be home in his own bed."

Yeah, right. Like the Dems wouldn't absolutely pound the shit out of the guy if he went home and fouled up their stupid little Senate-in-exile game.

The General Manager said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The General Manager said...

As a veteran who's repeatedly died for my country, I'm horrified that that people are taping crap on the backs of pedestals in a state house lobby. I gave my life so middle managers have the freedom to kick my kids and grandkids to the curb for contracting asthma, not this shit.

oneIontheroad said...

These behaviors all started when we welcomed change into the political process via the 2008 Presidential election cycle. No doubt President Bush should have executed the war on terrorism in a military manner versus the political manner in which it ended up becoming a national nightmare akin to Viet Nam. That being said, comparing the behavior of the losing side 2008-2010 to the current losers in the political debate, well suddenly I understand why Sean Hannity and Anne Coulter are so popular (along with Keith Olbermann on the other side of the fence). Conservatives appear to have quietly vented out of frustration that was only compounded by Mr Obama's (and the democrat house of rep) behavior while the current liberal behavior is driven, at least in large part, by union money fed to an ignorant youth hungry for power (like we all were stupid at 20 something). What we should do is find commonality - there is much that can be easily fixed - and learn to share a national cause instead of private agendas. The America of 2011 is, in my opinion, in a decline that I offered to die to prevent as a US MARINE (1976-1983).
We are losing the battle for global respect and admiration and becoming a laughing stock debtor nation. Too bad, but as the eagles sang in the Last Resort...call some place Paradise...kiss it goodbye

Fen said...

Libtard: Veterans may deserve respect

So you're not sure about it. I bet if we pressed you, you'd emit some verbal diarrhea about baby killers who couldn't get a "real" job.

Meade said...

MadisonMan: If you haven't been up to the Capitol building in a few days, you should go and see how the walls are nearly covered with signs and papers. Some blue painters' tape is being used but, by far, most of the tape is not cleanup friendly. The cleanup should be an excellent opportunity for the demonstrators to demonstrate their respect and, as you say, pride in our beautiful shared public landmark and center of democratic republican self-government.

TeamOSweet said...

What's absurd is that, while they clearly know they're in the wrong, they won't just say, "Yeah, thanks, our bad, we didn't realize, etc., we'll take these fliers and notices down right now and set 'em all up again a few steps away." Takeaway: It's not about what's objectively right or wrong. It's not about what's good or bad. It's not about standards of reason or propriety. What's it about? It's about the fight. And it's about never ever admitting wrong or giving ground. No matter how absurdly pathetic and ridiculous you're gonna end up looking on youtube.

Fen said...

The General Manager: As a veteran ...I gave my life so middle managers have the freedom to kick my kids and grandkids to the curb for contracting asthma, not this shit.

Ah, another Libtard poser claiming that vets died for the right of Union Brats to shit on the taxpayers.

What's sad is that you think your juvenille argument is actually clever.

You brats at the Capitol need to get some rest. You're marginalizing all the teachers who claim they educated you.

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