February 22, 2011

A professor is forced to resign after making a racist remark: Is he more likely right-wing or left-wing?

"A political science professor at Murray State University has resigned after telling an African American student that she didn't show up early to class because slaves were always late."

I see that the first commenter there says: "Another asshole, undoubtedly a Republican/TeaPartier."

My guess is exactly the opposite. What would possess a professor to say something like that? From my long experience with  professors, I think it is the left-wing professors who: 1. Feel confident in their own goodness on racial issues, 2. Analyze events in terms of race, 3. Think up "critical theory"-type explanations that explore ideas about racial difference, 4. Imagine that it's clever to express these ideas out loud, and 5. Are capable of making the mistake of thinking that the students will know that they are good people who do racial critique that is supposed to be understood as an attack on white people.

A "Republican/TeaPartier" is much more likely to be strongly committed to color-blindness. Ironically, that's something that, in academic circles, can quite easily get you called a racist. (Try asking a lefty lawprof about Chief Justice Roberts's statement that "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.")

Anyway, the professor in this incident is named Mark Wattier. The school is Murray State University. I haven't checked into what his actual political propensities are or what he really had in mind when he said whatever he said that is being reported the way you see it in the linked article. My motivation to write this post was the commenter's reflexive assumption that Wattier displayed right-wing ideology. That is absurd.


I noticed that story because John McWhorter and Glenn Loury are talking about it on Bloggingheads. Their discussion centers on whether the student is "lowering" herself by requesting an apology.


Scott M said...

Given the percentages of left-wing/right-wing faculty, doesn't simple math favor a left-wing prof? I mean, I do appreciate the spot-on analysis, but simply to answer the question, the odds are on the prof from the party of "inclusion".

Henry said...

A "Republica/TeaPartier" wouldn't have been late.

The Snow Plow said...

Sorry I'm late to the thread, I run on Indian Time.

Scott M said...

Is that Murray State University in Kentucky? If so, it's a dry county in what was, when I started radio in Paducah years and years back, a very red area. I don't know if that increases or decreases the odds for left or right propensity, but it is state-funded...if that has any bearing.

tim maguire said...

You know he's liberal because his political leanings weren't mentioned.

Unknown said...

What a surprise, AA being the biased, unreasonable person that she is immediately moves to pin this guy as a lefty. Murray State is in a conservative region and the school's political leanings tend to go to the right as well. Until we know more, it's impossible to say who he supports politically. In my view, all signs point to the opposite of what Ms. Insanity suggests.

Fen said...

"kerry was sure to lose the election and a very sad, angry dr. wattier took it out on all his psuedo- classes."

Remark left on page 5 of "Rate My Professor"


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wattier also provided the paper with a doctor's note that explained he had generalized anxiety disorder and depression

So, did he go up to Wisconsin and get one of those "doc in a box" notes from one of the two dollar whore doctors on the street corner?

Fen said...

Libtard: AA being the biased, unreasonable person that she is immediately moves to pin this guy as a lefty.

Its hardly unreasonable.

Conservatives are rountinely falsely accused of racism, so they learn to be very careful (esp in academia) with their words. Even the most benign remark can create a firestorm.

Liberals tend to have huge blind spots re this sort of thing, because they are not accustomed to checking themselves.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Sorry Bob, looks like you're wrong again.

virgil xenophon said...

Late? Who cares? I'm retired--I run on Barbancourt 5-Star time. (AKA Dean Martin time: "Dean, when do you sleep?" Dean: "I pass out a lot.")

Fen said...

Do I win anything? A new car maybe? Or a scratch behing the ears?

Triangle Man said...

So, did he go up to Wisconsin and get one of those "doc in a box" notes from one of the two dollar whore doctors on the street corner?

Those are apparently only for people who aren't sick.

roesch-voltaire said...

He played basketball at Baylor, likes to ride horses,and his syllabus reflects a social democratic lean, so he is probably leans liberal ,but really I suspect the remarks are more a result of burn-out, and it was time for him to go.

MadisonMan said...

Late students always really peeved me, especially if they are disruptive when they come into class. That is extremely rude to fellow students who are there trying to learn material. Now that my class is on-line, I don't care if students are late.

But it's counterproductive to lambaste a student coming in late. It disturbs things even more. I suspect very little got done class-wise in the minutes after this Professors remark. I think you have better success with a carrot - like a quiz first thing that you can't make up.

If I were a student coming in late, and a professor laid into me, I think a more effective strategy would be a Whatever and an eye-roll. Unless this guy is a real a-hole, she's just looking like she can't stick up for herself.

There's a lot of this story that I don't know, so my off-the-top-of-my-head reaction might be completely wrong.

Unknown said...

Fen, as usual, you base your assumption on a single comment. None of the others even mention his political-leanings, which most likely means he keeps them out of the classroom (as he should). Do you even have a life...or a job for that matter? Besides the seemingly endless stream of comments from you which are completely devoid of intelligence, you biases scream ignorance. Please, stop watching Fox News...I know it's tough, but Glenn Beck really doesn't have all the answers

Anonymous said...

These references to different racial and ethnic outlooks on arriving at a specified time are a source of humor in just about every group that has a sense of humor.

I spend a lot of time with my Filipino side of my extended family.

"He's on Filipino time," is a usual response by a Filipino when somebody is late to an appointment.

Don't know whether the prof was trying to make a joke. Could be.

Blacks now occupy the position of exalted victim in the liberal/academic world. They can destroy you with any assertion of offense.

Maybe it's time for that to stop. But, it won't, because blacks vote Democratic as a block, and Democrats will do anything to maintain that.

MadisonMan said...

He played basketball at Baylor, likes to ride horses,

Is this from match.com?

Lincolntf said...

Fen @ 2/22/11 9:29 AM

Good find. Not definitive or anything, but it certainly points one way.
Anyway, if the guy turns out to be a Lib, his politics won't matter. He'll be "troubled" or "seeking help" and then the story will just disappear.

Triangle Man said...


One of the peculiar things about this story is that the student and her friends were not late. They were on time, but apparently this guy starts his class 15 minutes early when he is showing films. According to the student, that fact is not in the syllabus.

PatHMV said...

I've been over to Wattier's faculty page. While his scholarship that I skimmed through seems pretty basic, straight forward (if very dry) academic political science analysis, his association with horses and a couple of other minor factors make me betting he's more likely to lean politically more to the right. Of course a right-leaning person within academia would be considered a socialist in every other context...

Fen said...

Bob: Fen, as usual, you base your assumption on a single comment.

Are you serious? He was pissed that Kerry lost... and you need *more* evidence that he's not right-wing?

None of the others even mention his political-leanings, which most likely means he keeps them out of the classroom (as he should).


Do you even have a life...or a job for that matter? Besides the seemingly endless stream of comments from you which are completely devoid of intelligence, you biases scream ignorance.

And yet, you're STILL wrong. That must really suck for you, getting your ass handed to you by a feeb like me.

Please, stop watching Fox News...I know it's tough, but Glenn Beck really doesn't have all the answers

Can't stand Glenn Beck.

But I'm thrilled to have given you another meltdown. All before 11am EST too.

Triangle Man said...

Unless this guy is a real a-hole, she's just looking like she can't stick up for herself.

The guy is an a-hole. His clarification of his statement outlines his theory that black students like to show up late because slaves used to show up late or work slowly as a form of protest against their masters.

Anonymous said...

This belongs alongside the lilly white union protesters in Madison trucking in Jesse Jackson.

Parading a black into the fray proves that these lilly white union employees are authentically suffering.

The white union employees are just like blacks in the Jim Crow south facing down the crazy white sheriff. (Although it was actually the Democratic Party that enforced Jim Crow.)

AF said...

Whether or not you agree with Judge Roberts views on discrimination, his line that "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race" is a piece of class-A sophistry.

He's responding to school districts' professed desire to reduce de facto segregation in schools, which they consider to be a form of racial discrimination. That's the "discrimination on the basis of race" in the first part of the sentence. His response is that the way for the school districts to address their concerns is to end affirmative action; that's the "discriminating on the basis of race" in the second part of the sentence. So literally what he's saying is that the way to end de facto segregation is to end affirmative action, which is obviously not true.

What he means is that, in his view, de facto school segregation is that not racial discrimination but affirmative action is, so school districts are not allowed to use affirmative action to address de facto segregation. A perfectly respectable point of view. But his line buries this real disagreement in clever rhetoric, magically makig the question of de facto segregation disappear and completely obscuring the issue.

Anonymous said...

The guy is an a-hole. His clarification of his statement outlines his theory that black students like to show up late because slaves used to show up late or work slowly as a form of protest against their masters.

In some circles, this would be attributed to a sense of humor, which Triangle man doesn't seem to have.

Humor is not allowed in relation to hyper-sensitive blacks. We must always bow down and kiss the asses of hyper-sensitive blacks.

Fuck that.

LordSomber said...

Maybe she was late because of "future time orientation."


Anonymous said...

He's responding to school districts' professed desire to reduce de facto segregation in schools, which they consider to be a form of racial discrimination.

Ah, the ever popular "de facto segregation" scam.

Translated from bullshit to English: white people prefer to live with white people, and black people prefer to live with black people.

This produces black neighborhoods and white neighborhoods.

Liberals think something needs to be done about this. They are full of shit.

Unknown said...

You haven't "beaten" me at anything. Still, I am going to go ahead and assume you have no job since you fail to address that. It actually is quite relevant that only one comment mentioned his leanings, especially because there are over 10 pages of comments. It leads me to believe it was some PO'd student who threw random political leanings in there on a whim. Without actual proof, it's nothing.

And here's my random, unfounded accusation meant to instigate: I bet you're also in favor of allowing citizens of a state to impose term limits on their [federal] Congressmen and Senators, right? I'm referring to how many times they can be reelected.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

He played basketball at Baylor, likes to ride horses,

"Is this from match.com?"

@ Madison Man LOL

My thoughts exactly.

...and he likes long walks on the beach at sunset. Adopts stray kittens.

Lincolntf said...

De facto segregation? Try the ridiculous quota-based bussing programs and what they do to destroy school systems everywhere.
Stop projecting "Racism" onto everything and think clearly for a second.
Nearly every person who lives in Wisconsin has chosen racial segregation as a lifestyle. How much the dearth of diversity weighs on their decision to remain there is a matter for their own consciences. They are most certainly not all racists, are they?

Hoosier Daddy said...

but really I suspect the remarks are more a result of burn-out, and it was time for him to go.

Burn out? There are a lot of people who face 'burn out' in their occupation that doesn't give rise to spouting off racist tripe.

Alex said...

If the guy is a conservative I'd file this under "suicide by racist statement". Sort of like suicide-by-cop.

Ann Althouse said...

The remark, which isn't quoted in the article, had something to do with slaves being whipped for being late. That may sound like the outrageous remark of someone who is saying that the student ought to be whipped like a slave because she is black and late, but the professor would need to be crazy to say that, even if he was a big racist.

The most rational guess about why something like that was said is that the professor meant that black people have longstanding, justified grievances reaching back into slavery times and these grievances have given rise to a justified resistance to attributes of white culture that resonate with the long history of racial segregation. He might have been making a friendly witticism to the effect that as a white person he accepts the student's protest against white culture that still owes reparations for slavery. I'm not saying that isn't stupid. I'm only trying to understand how a professor could say something so stupid. He's not stupid but he said something that is really stupid. It's a puzzle to figure out what was in his head. That's my guess.

--G. said...

He played basketball at Baylor, likes to ride horses,

>>Is this from match.com?<<

Depends. If he says he likes to ride horses in rain forests or along wind-swept beaches, yes, it's from match.com.

Hoosier Daddy said...

In a broader context, does it really matter what his political leanings are? Only a dumbkopf would believe that only racists exist on the right. The Obama campaign made great hay out of painting Geraldine Ferarro and Bill Clinton as racists and I don't recall seeing those two at any CPAC rallies.

bagoh20 said...

Regardless of who said it, this is, for once, actually a racist statement. It is insulting to imply that someone is like a slave, or late or, lazy because of the color of their skin. It's the content of her character that made her late... or traffic jams caused by freakin slow driving Asians.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

As a minority myself, I've dealt with/seen/experienced racism from the Left and from the Right. It my own personal experiences, it has mostly been from the left in the past decade or so.

"Racism" is not the purview of only one side, but some of the most vile, nasty, and hateful things I've experienced have been from those on the left because I disagree with them. If you are a minority who disagrees with the Leftist ideology, it gets bad. Real bad.

Lincolntf said...

If he was Irish, we could just blame a wee bit o' the creature...

PaulV said...

The fact that no mention was made of his political leaning proves he was not a conservative. Q.E.D., The link was to a left wing site.

WV: caners
Caners make the canes liberals use to beat minorities who stray from the plantation.

PaulV said...

Snow Plow, were you late because you drove around block tooting your horn?

Hoosier Daddy said...

...but the professor would need to be crazy to say that, even if he was a big racist.

I don't know professor. I had some pretty crazy professors when I was in college. One in particular seemed to take great delight in disparaging certain ethnic groups. I distinctly recall one kid of Serbian descent who was roundly criticized on day in class to the point the guy told him to knock it off. The professor in question remarked that 'in the real world you're going to have to get used to that kind of criticism from people' to which he responded, 'in the real world I would have kicked your ass all over the street.'

Of course tenure protected that professor from any adverse actions whereas the student received a visit from campus security for his 'implied threat' (this was in 1989). Its not hard to imagine the kind of envrionment that creates when profs think they can just say anything.

Tibore said...

Who gives a fuck if the professor is a leftist or rightist? The fact is that he was an asshole for saying that. He should be criticized for what he said regardless of whether he leans Dem or Rep.

It's stupid to fall into the trap of trying to blame one side or the other for this. This is an individual being a jerk. It's nothing more than stupid knee-jerking to try to pin blame for that on his political leanings in the absence of knowing what those leanings are. Bravo to one of the other commenters responding to that first idiot:
"Again, your line of thinking is consistant with that of racial bigotry. You've simply swapped out labels to make your hatred and intolerance more palatable. "


Scott M said...

It's a puzzle to figure out what was in his head. That's my guess.

Maybe he was having a migraine, not a stroke.

Drew said...

Based on the headline alone, my instant thought was that he was right-wing and the remark wasn't really racist.

Now that I've read the remarkably racist remark, I'm convinced he's a left-winger.

Schorsch said...

We saw a similar incorrect rush to judgment here in Tucson. A firefighter refused to go to the shootings at the Giffords event. Right-wing nut, right? Nope. He voted for Giffords and was a registered Democrat. People do strange things for reasons outside of the tired red/blue trope.

The Snow Plow said...

Snow Plow, were you late because you drove around block tooting your horn?

Yes. But I had to stop honking, because the protesters started noticing I was coming and were getting out of the way too quickly.

bagoh20 said...

My guess is that it was a god dammed fence sitting centrist independent S.O.B. They pick on the Blacks to avoid offending the majority.

Unknown said...

if the guy turns out to be a Lib, his politics won't matter. He'll be "troubled" or "seeking help"

Nah, he's just burnt out. Or so I've heard.

Tibore said...

2/22/11 10:00 AM
"I'm a Shaaaaark said...
As a minority myself, I've dealt with/seen/experienced racism from the Left and from the Right. It my own personal experiences, it has mostly been from the left in the past decade or so.

"Racism" is not the purview of only one side, but some of the most vile, nasty, and hateful things I've experienced have been from those on the left because I disagree with them. If you are a minority who disagrees with the Leftist ideology, it gets bad. Real bad."

I hear you. I've seen the same thing occur myself. Thankfully not to me personally, but I've still seen it happen to others.

"bagoh20 said...
Regardless of who said it, this is, for once, actually a racist statement. It is insulting to imply that someone is like a slave, or late or, lazy because of the color of their skin. It's the content of her character that made her late... or traffic jams caused by freakin slow driving Asians."

Piss off, you Asian driver hater. I drive fast... and cause traffic jams by my endless weaving in and out of lanes, causing cars to come to a screeching halt sideways in the street. ;) :D

(For the record, the response to bagoh was a joke. A joke. Waiting for the clueless to chime in and not understand that 1. I'm Asian myself and 2. I was posting a joke. God knows it'll happen at some point...)

GMay said...

The difference will be that most on the right will denounce the guy regardless of what his political leanings. Most on the left will seek to denounce him only if he's a rightie.

And even in red states, universities can still be severely left leaning.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, this parsing of people's statements for imagined or real racism has become the dumbest fucking thing on earth.

Give it a break.

For once, I've just got to say every one of you who takes this shit seriously is a fucking idiot.

This young black woman knows how to play the game. The professor stuck his foot in the cowshit by trying to be funny.

In the lame ass environment of academia, the idiots decided to take what was best left alone for yet another exercise is idiocy.

When will this shit cease?

When will you idiots on both sides of this equation get tired of this silly game?

roesch-voltaire said...

Information found on his faculty page, along with links to syllabus.

Chennaul said...

So basically she's subconsciously demanding reparations and since he's the all knowing white man he needs to point this out to her.

Lucky for her he's the benign type or so he tells her-and acquiesces.

There I'm done going into the Liberals brain.

(btw-my hypothesis is -if you fear you might be racist than you are definitely a Democrat.)

Fen said...

This young black woman knows how to play the game.

Doesn't excuse his comment.

The professor stuck his foot in the cowshit by trying to be funny.

No. I read him as accusing her of playing passive-aggressive games (tardiness) because she has a racial chip on her shoulder. The "I expect you people to be late" seals it.

I don't think he's a racist because he has many associations with black professionals, but this was a stupid racist remark to make.

rhhardin said...

I got a talking-to for a sexist remark at the lunch table once.

A perfectly justified sexist remark, I claim. In fact I made that claim.

Parting line from the lecture-delivering boss: "Well, don't talk to women."

Resignation was not discussed.

Unknown said...

The Lefties like to point the finger of racism at the Right, but, over the last decade, we've seen some images worthy of Julius Schleicher in terms of odious stereotyping come out of the mouths of Leftists concerning black people - Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, and, most recently, Herman Cain.

Of course, we've seen the same sort of thing directed at women.

Those of us Althouse Hillbillies love to invok the specter of projection on the Left, but, aside from the polemical advantages, it seems a valid charge.

PS Just because the school is in a Conservative area has nothing to do with the political bent of the Prof. Some of the farthest-Left women imaginable teach at Bryn Mawr College, in the middle of a fairly sedate and Conservative area west of Philadelphia.

Fen said...

oh strike that, when a Lefty does it, its racial not racist...

Tank said...

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that he starts class for film screening 10-15 minutes early, then is ticked off when people show up "on time." Omigod.

ST is right. We gotta get over this whole "I'm a victim" mode.


Big waste of time.

Chennaul said...

It's a dyslexic twist on Jeff Foxworthy's-

...you might be a redneck!

Unknown said...

Wow Fen, your inability to address my comments tells me that you really ARE unemployed. Not surprising, although I bet you love collecting those unemployment checks. Oh, the hypocrisy...

Also, throwing this [random] question out again: I bet you're also in favor of allowing citizens of a state's citizens to vote to impose term limits on their [federal] Congressmen and Senators, right? I'm referring to how many times they can be reelected.

Chennaul said...

She should have said:

No I was late because it's that time of the-Aunt Hattie is viiiissssiiittttin".

bagoh20 said...

Imagine being stuck behind an Asian-centrist-independent driving to the voting booths. You might miss the election, and the next one.

Tibore, pick a lane and an ideology or you might get rear ended. NTTIAWWT.

Chennaul said...

If you catch me on the down lo, bro.

X said...

if it wasn't announced that class was starting early, why was the rest of the class already there?

Fen said...

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that he starts class for film screening 10-15 minutes early, then is ticked off when people show up "on time." Omigod

His account is that the incident occured after class was over.

But, regardless of whether he's on the left or the right, it was a racist remark.

Anonymous said...

I give up.

You folks really want to indulge in this bullshit.

Go fuck yourselves.

I don't give a damn.

"Colored people's time," is a joke that blacks constantly invoke with one another.

You morons need to get a sense of humor and drop this shit.

I am. I won't humor this fucking idiocy for another second.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

if it wasn't announced that class was starting early, why was the rest of the class already there?


GMay said...

Hey ST,


bagoh20 said...

I'm late all the time. I hope that makes me down the brothers. And yes ladies, it means I'm endowed with more pleasuratiningness than the average racist Whitey... or Asian. Call me: 555-IML8.

Fen said...

Bob: Wow Fen, your inability to address my comments tells me that you really ARE unemployed.

No Libtard. Its simply that my work life is none of your business. I posted my vocation here some years ago and it led to all sorts of mischief from the "tolerant" Left (I also got to bang Maureen, which was kinda cool).

But I'm flattered that you want to stalk me through the thread. I must have really touched a sore spot. Please continue to rant away - I find libtard desperation and rage to be delicious.

Fen said...

"Colored people's time," is a joke that blacks constantly invoke with one another. You morons need to get a sense of humor and drop this shit.

Its all fun and games till someone loses their job.

MikeR said...

Good catch, Fen.

Scott M said...


Now...admit it. It took longer to do that geekspeek than it would to actually type out the sentence :)

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, "professional commenter" is not an actual 'vocation.' I really hate to break it to you...must come as a shocker. And Libtard? Really? You're about as mature as a three year old, which isn't surprising.

Regardless, I pose my question again: I bet you're also in favor of allowing citizens of a state's citizens to vote to impose term limits on their [federal] Congressmen and Senators, right? I'm referring to how many times they can be reelected.

Unknown said...

Bob sounds for all the world like some phony folksy. When you haven't got a rebuttal, just toss out an irrelevant ad hominem and try to misdirect the debate.

Scott M said...

I bet you're also in favor of allowing citizens of a state's citizens

I'll try to answer your question if you can tell me what a citizen of a state's citizens is.

PaulV said...

Comrade X, maybe no one told the young lady

deborah said...

rh, what was the remark they deemed sexist?

GMay said...

Damnit Scott, there was no need to point that out!

X said...

Regardless, I pose my question again: I bet you're also in favor of allowing citizens of a state's citizens to vote to impose term limits on their [federal] Congressmen and Senators, right? I'm referring to how many times they can be reelected.

I'm in favor of a constitutional amendment limiting terms of federal legislators, because not everyone has the character of Cincinnatus.

Tibore said...

"bagoh20 said...
Tibore, pick a lane and an ideology or you might get rear ended. NTTIAWWT."

Why? All the lanes are open for the taking. I just have to move a little bit here, a little bit there...


And if I drive fast enough, I'm the one doing the rear end... wait, wait, that's coming out all wrong... :-S

PaulV said...

Comrade X, everybody else gets there early for the popcorn

WV: mesingra

Open to interpertation?

deborah said...

There was a similar story within the last year, or so. The upshot was that the teacher was making an in-joke with the black girls, but they did not take it that way.

(Lord Somber, your link is broken.)

Unknown said...

Rephrasing (correctly): I bet you're also in favor of allowing a state's citizens to vote to impose term limits on their [federal] Congressmen and Senators, right? I'm referring to how many times they can be reelected.

This question is probably relevant to a select few (AA just may be one of them), although I am quite interested in your answer.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

It doesn't matter that the commenter had no factual basis to say that the professor is "undoubtedly" a Republican/Tea Partier.

The point is to leave readers with that impression whether it's true or not. We've seen the tactic used repeatedly since the Tea Party came on the scene. Loughner in Tucson, Amy Bishop in Alabama, the IRS plane crasher, the Pentagon shooter, etc. were all initially labeled either right-wingers or influenced by right- wing rhetoric by the leftist blogsphere. Once the smear is out there, the damage is done. The left will NEVER apologize or retract the false smear. It's how they roll.

Tibore said...

"Scott M said...
I'll try to answer your question if you can tell me what a citizen of a state's citizens is. "

Hmmm... a citizen of a citizen... given that the sentence construction implies ownership, wouldn't that mean a slave?


mtrobertsattorney said...

AF says Chief Justice Roberts is quilty of sophistry. Not really.
Roberts is saying that if you want to stop all racial discrimination then you stop all racial discrinination.

CJ Roberts is not sympathetic with the notion that some racial discrimination is good if the motive behind it is good.

The only sophistry here is on the part of those true believers who deny affirmative action requires racial discrimination. Their position would be more coherent if they simply argued that some racial discrimination is a good thing and that it is not a good thing to stop all discrimination.

Fen said...

Libtard: ...allowing citizens of a state's citizens...

You shouldn't phrase "gotcha" questions while you're still trembling with rage over your last beat down.

Why don't you sit in the time-out corner and regain your composure, then rephrase your question into something intelligible.

And since you asked, yes, Maureen does this *wicked* thing with her hips thats to die for. If only she wasn't so high maintenance.

William said...

Faulkner said that you could not expect black people to have any respect for private property because they were at one time private property. Was this the shrewd observation of a great writer or an ugly remark by a white southerner?....Racist remarks are those remarks that support or incite racism. This sounds more like a dumb joke that fell flat than the hoisting of a fiery cross. Cannot our tolerance also include not only those of different races and religions but those with a different sense of humor.

Chennaul said...

I also got to bang Maureen, which was kinda cool).

this completely freaks me out.

Have you no standards?

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Hmmm... a citizen of a citizen... given that the sentence construction implies ownership, wouldn't that mean a slave?

And, so therefore the question is irrelevant because slaves can't vote.


Chennaul said...

I mean talk about taking one for the team.

Fen said...


Amanda's next on my list...

Fen said...

10 more minutes Bob.

Try breathing into this paper bag. Better?

Chennaul said...

Oh gaaawwwd.

test said...


When your first post refers to someone as Ms. Insanity why do you later lecture others on immaturity? Does your vast experience as a poseur make your little jibes cute rather than merely immature? Or are you just a typical asshole lefty for whom standards only apply to others?

Triangle Man said...

In some circles, this would be attributed to a sense of humor, which Triangle man doesn't seem to have.

Your mama.

Fen said...

Okay Bob. Your time out is over.

I'll answer your question.

But you have to ask me nicely.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The left will NEVER apologize or retract the false smear. It's how they troll.


AllenS said...

Avoid blacks.

Toad Trend said...

Left wing. I find libbers much more likely to blurt emotionally; besides, most professors in academia are liberals and if they aren't when they are hired, they certainly act that way based on the speech codes that are often present.

The 'shiny happy' people meme was alive and well when I graduated from college in the 80's and I believe it to be worse now.


Bob, spelled backwards, is Bob.

Raul said...

Here's his phone number. Call and find out: (270)809-2695

Anyone care to bet whether he's a lefty or a righty?

Raul said...

AllenS - "Avoid blacks."

Avoid bigots who over medicate.

JAL said...

I didn't think anyone in publically funded academia let conservatives or libertarians teach poli-sci.

That's the first clue.

wv ressess
How WI 8th graders spell 5th graders door time at school.

Jeremy said...

Fen said..."Conservatives are rountinely falsely accused of racism..."

You must be referring to people like this?

AllenS - "Avoid blacks."

Didn't take long, did it, Fenny Boy?

JAL said...

@ deborah There was a similar story within the last year, or so. The upshot was that the teacher was making an in-joke with the black girls, but they did not take it that way.

I'm inclined to think that is what he was doing, making an inside joke (I'm with you on the same page. See? I can make a slave joke!) Forgetting that the ability to make jokes (except about wing nuts) has been taken off the table by lefties to the poinht that it's off *their* table too. At least according to this student.

But yeah -- he was a lefty who got stung. No tears.

wv kingstah
A ruthless monarch

Sofa King said...

Murray State is in a conservative region and the school's political leanings tend to go to the right as well.

In 2002, Murray State was the top donor to the Democratic Congressional candidate.

Of the 8 candidate donors working for Murray State in the last election, only 2 donated to Republicans.

Fen said...

Allen likely says that because his experience is that too many blacks view every slight through a racial prism. They bring race into every confrontation.

I've had similar experiences. Walking behind 3 black men toward a 7-11, watching them because I wanted to get around them without seeming impolite, having one turn on me and yell "what are YOU looking at!". Yes, I made the grave error of looking a black man in the eye...

So yes. In this PCBS climate, if you don't want racial strife, its often wise to simply avoid them. It helps if you are perceptive enough to pick out those who have been carrying a racial chip on their shoulder.

Of course, your experience depends on what part of the country you are in. While I was in the Marines, the culture was that skin color was as irrelevant as hair color. Its too bad that hasn't yet translated to the civilian world.

Not that I expect a race-mongering whore like you to understand, Jeremy. You and your kind thrive on keeping racial wounds open and bleeding.

Scott M said...

Allen likely says that because his experience is that too many blacks view every slight through a racial prism.

I took it as sarcasm building on the anecdote earlier in the thread where the commenter said his boss told him to stop talking to women to avoid sexist situations.

ricpic said...

Slaves were always late? How much of a commute could it have been from the slave quarters to the fields or massa's house?

Fernandinande said...

"He's on Filipino time,"

As a Britannic half-breed, I expect to run on Royal Time when necessary: they stop the clock until I get there.

Steven said...

@AF I don't see how a serious argument can be made that race-based admissions don't constitute racial discrimination. Do you think discrimination is an epithet rather than an actual word with an actual meaning?

Similarly, de facto segregation based on race is clearly not itself discrimination (by whom?), though it could be a result of discrimination.

I think it's possible that affirmative action racial discrimination can offset more racial discrimination than it applies. For example, if I were running a large company and wanted the best employees, and my job interviews had (for some reason) to be conducted by a sheriff from 1930 Mississippi who, aside from his racism, is a decent judge of potential employees, I'd be inclined to give him strict quotas to fill -- "hire the best n black applicants and the best k nonblack applicants." In this case, I'm requiring discrimination, but I'm likely to get a better collection of employees than if I say "hire the best n+k applicants," which would get be the best n+k non-black applicants.

I don't think it's often the case, though, that institutions that require racial discrimination are offsetting greater racial discrimination. The people who oversaw the hiring decisions of sheriffs in Mississippi in 1930 were not generally colorblind themselves. In modern America, especially in academia, affirmative action based on race is more likely to accustom people to consider it acceptable to discriminate based on race.

@Fen, if the prof actually was upset that Kerry was going to lose, that's a good indicator of his leanings, though he could be an anti-war libertarian. But if that's just one comment by one student, that could have been the student's assumption of why he's upset, or just a student with a grudge making things up.

shiloh said...

What a surprise, AA being the biased, unreasonable person that she is immediately moves to pin this guy as a lefty.

Indeed, and AA's (5) talkin' pts. are laughable at best ...


Do you even have a life...or a job for that matter?

Ann pays Fen to post at her site 24/7 as it's a win/win for conservatives!

Unfortunately, "professional commenter" is not an actual 'vocation.'

Too funny!


And Ann is wayyy too analytical as she is totally fixated on race as her absurd assertions er opinions indicate. Interesting, as a rule, it's always conservatives who bring up race in a thread even though they swear on a stack of Bibles it's always liberals. Whatever the hell Ann claims to be politically on any particular day notwithstanding, depending on her agenda ...

Yea, not a lot of subtlety, grey area when it comes to bigotry/racism!

Barack Hussein Obama's 2008 election was quite the conundrum for many yahoo wingers, eh.


And speaking of too funny, Fen is now apologizing for AllenS ~ oh the humanity!

carry on w/conservatives/Ann's total fixation on race ...

btw, bigotry is just fear, lack of knowledge/education as is proven daily by political bloggers at Althouse.

Peter denied knowing Christ, not once, not twice, but thrice 'cause of fear of the consequences ~ if one is to believe the Bible.

Fen said...

Did somone just fart?

PaulV said...

Shiloh, since AA instincts were correct, it sucks for you.

shiloh said...

Indeed, as it's quite apparent why Fen is one of AA'a fav lemmings lol.

Paraphrasing Sir John Gielgud in Arthur, You obviously have a wonderful economy with words, Fen. I look forward to your next syllable with great eagerness.

take care

Ann Althouse said...

"Indeed, and AA's (5) talkin' pts. are laughable at best..."

I've lived in academia in Madison, Wisconsin since the 1980s. What is your comparable experience?

shiloh said...

I've lived in academia in Madison, Wisconsin since the 1980s.

Murray State U. is in KY ...

take care

Fen said...

Shiloh: it's quite apparent why Fen is one of AA'a fav lemmings lol.

If you had any clue, you would already know that Ann would prefer I leave her blog. I got into it with her over DOJ's racially motivated enforcement of the law.

Murray State U. is in KY ...

That's your best response? Even our most feeble libtard trolls can muster more than that.

Fen said...

BTW, you are aware that academia also exists in Kentucky?

Confirm that as a qualifier of your intelligence, please.

I know... but we have to start Libtards somewhere on the scale.

shiloh said...

btw, there are bigots everywhere, Maine, Florida, NY, TX, ND, AK, CA etc. as racism knows no bounds. But on the bright side ~ many former racists/bigots overcame their bigotry in NC, VA, IN, FL, OH, PA, MI which was probably passed down to them from their parents/heritage in 2008 and voted for Barack Hussein Obama to be the 44th President of the United States of America!



Fen, you're still here ?!? and totally obsessed w/me, eh.


Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

So you are not sure about Kentucky. Check.

There are toys and playdo over there in the corner. Knock yourself out.

Scott M said...

Are you suggesting, shiloh, that a pragmatist can't be a racist, or more accurately, prejudiced?

shiloh said...

Fen, I did indeed see the exchange last night where AA totally smacked you down as I was being sarcastic when I called you one of Ann's lemmings ie obsessive AA poster.

take care

Anonymous said...

"btw, there are bigots everywhere, Maine, Florida, NY, TX, ND, AK, CA etc. as racism knows no bounds.."

They're under the beds, in closets, just every where. When they are not openly displaying their racism, they talk in a special code so no one but other racists can recognize them. The most brazen of them openly the policies of BHO and the Democrat Party.

shiloh said...

The most brazen of them openly the policies of BHO and the Democrat Party.

When one is (((attempting))) sarcasm, try not to leave any words out ...

take care

Lincolntf said...

All these State comparisons, and I don't know where Shiloh is from. Hopefully not one of those nasty below-the-national-average-of-racial-diversity States.

Anonymous said...

"The most brazen of them openly the policies of BHO and the Democrat Party.

When one is (((attempting))) sarcasm, try not to leave any words out ..."

It was a fill in the blank test;-)

shiloh said...

It was a fill in the blank test;-)

ok, that was a somewhat amusing retort :)


I'm from Ohio and was pleasantly surprised when OH went for Obama in 2008, but after (8) years of cheney/bush and (8) years of Robert Alphonso Taft as OH's governor all things were possible, eh.

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lincolntf said...

Ohio is about 84% White, the country is about 74% White. Why the 10% spike toward Whiteness in Ohio? Do you actively drive minorities out or simply prevent their entry?

Scott M said...

because (she claimed) their culture had a different attitude toward time

One of the cogs in the gears that will eventually grind multiculturalism into dust before multiculturalism does it to the rest of society. That VP was doing those kids a horrible disservice. Nobody in the private sector is going to excuse them along those lines when they grow up. She's setting them up for unnecessary angst and practicing the worst sort of lowered expectations discrimination.

Jim said...

Without more to go on, Ann's probably right. About a decade after I graduated from public high school in Illinois, the school board added a vice principal for racial matters (I don't know what her formal title was).

According to stories I heard from teachers there, the African American vice principal did indeed excuse African American students for being late because (she claimed) their culture had a different attitude toward time.

This hard-left administrator lasted only a year, but by her consistently advocating differential application of rules, she did plenty of damage to race relations.

Jim said...

Scott M was quoting and responding to a comment I made that I deleted b/c of a misspelling and reposted with some slight changes and an addition.

Shanna said...

Rephrasing (correctly): I bet you're also in favor of allowing a state's citizens to vote to impose term limits on their [federal] Congressmen and Senators, right? I'm referring to how many times they can be reelected.

I’m pretty sure Arkansas did vote that way a number of years ago and it got thrown out by the courts.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm with ST:

This is just more of the same bullshit everybody loves to wallow in but pretend they don't.

Stupid remark - agreed - but why was the guy "forced to resign"? He's got to lose his livelihood over it? That's wrong.

My black friends sent this to me right after it happened and I didn't think shit of it. (I looked him up and think the guy is a cowboy liberal, BTW) My friends sent this to me saying, "See? See?" like I was going to read the remark, slap my forehead, and say, "Oh, riiight" and change my thoughts on race.

I think the guy got a raw deal from the school.

shiloh said...

African/American % in U.S. ~ 12.4%

African/American % in OH ~ 12%

People go where the jobs are ie over the past 30/40 years many Ohioans have relocated to NC, SC, FL, NM, AZ as the Rubber industry moved South and many manufacturing jobs relocated to other states and overseas.

Good luck to Kasich shitting some new jobs, but like Christie he will benefit from many folk leaving both states as re: to unemployment.


Supply and demand ...

Heard many years ago that 20% of Florida's pop. are former Ohioans.

1960 pop:

OH ~ 9.7 million
FL ~ 5 million

2010 pop:

OH ~ 11.5 million
FL ~ 18.9 million

Hey, the weather is warmer down South ...

take care

AllenS said...

Avoid Raul.

AllenS said...

Avoid Jeremy.

Anonymous said...

Of course that's what McWhorter and Loury are talking about. If they were to examine the politics of the guy who made the comment, they'd have to concede that they are committed to a party and a political ideology that is racist. That would make them look at history and their Republican roots, not something they really want to deal with.

PeteRR said...

Whenever the word "union" is spoken, written, or otherwise communicated, the word "butthead" must immediately follow it.

dick said...


Since the selection of a senator or congressman (federal) is in the hands of the states, then the states can of course impose term limits on their representatives. That is called federalism.

Unknown said...

After reading the prof's comment, a part of me is thinking that there is a way that it could be taken for not being racist. I mean...I'd say something like that to my niece, not thinking of any racial tones--my meaning like, "Why the hell are you so late? Two hundred years ago I could have beaten you for this." No racial overtones involved.

However, it was still unwise, given that people could take it a certain way (since, apparently, we're all far from color blindness).

C.D. said...

Well I went to Murray State and minored in poli sci, and I had Wattier for several classes. I'd say he was probably in the middle politically in that department. Perhaps a Republican (although probably not in registration, as that area remains yellow dog territory), but surely no tea partier. He was always, shall we say, prickly, but I was surprised when I heard the story.

As for a couple of the other points:

As to the 2002 congressional campaign donations, it probably had a lot to do with the Dem candidate being the son of the university president.

MSU faculty are more conservative that UW Madison I'm sure, but far more liberal than western Kentucky generally.

And Murray's not dry anymore. It got restaurant sales about a decade ago.

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