February 9, 2011

O'Reilly interrupting Obama 48 times — in 3-minute montage form.

ADDED: This, of course, make O'Reilly look very rude, but I didn't watch the interview and I don't know how rude it actually was. To some extent, I like interruptions. I like the back and forth of overlapping conversation with someone who does it well and isn't actually trying to dominate. Overtalking can be an important component of flowing conversations. It's no good when one person holds forth and the other one, instead of listening, is distracted thinking about when it's going to be his turn.

That said, an interview of the President is different. He commands respect. But he can abuse that. Obama could have pursued the strategy of running out the clock, blathering tediously and preventing good pointed probing by the interviewer he perceived as an opponent (if not an enemy). He'd have played O'Reilly, I suspect, if O'Reilly hadn't broken in with questions. The YouTube montage is effective at making O'Reilly look brutish, but that's not necessarily so, and if O'Reilly had patiently waited for Obama to bring each meandering answer in for a landing, it would not have been possible to make a YouTube montage that would show Obama's running out the clock to avoid serious questions.


Moose said...

Uh, well O'Reilly is kind of known for this, isn't he?

Do you think that maybe Obama choose this venue to make himself look more sympathetic (look! I'm letting the Fox guy be rude to me!)?

Do you think this maybe benefited O'Reilly as he got to interrupt alot (making him look tough) but all the while lobbing softballs?

Just sayin'

Hoosier Daddy said...

Uh, well O'Reilly is kind of known for this, isn't he?

Indeed. The title of the post could have been Water is Wet.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Do you think this maybe benefited O'Reilly as he got to interrupt alot (making him look tough) but all the while lobbing softballs

Presidential interviews are for the benefit of both parties. When the interview questions are provided in advances and agreed upon by both parties, you can be assured of watching a softball game. This isn't new and anyone who thought they were going to see some hard hitting interview probably believed the hyped Superbowl half-time show was actually going to be the best evah!

Roman said...

Ettiquette and O'Reilly is an oxymoron. He is just a tabloid pseudo-populist milking his act for all its worth.
Pitching "Factor Gear" and self-promotion to the hilt.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Not that he is known for it or would do it but I think a back and forth between Obama and Krauthammer would be worth pay-per-view.

Scott M said...

I noticed the interruptions too, but not as much as I noticed Bill not pressing the President as he was going Gregory-Heinz-level tap dancing. I would have liked to see some more thorough follow up on, in particular. I just want to know if the President bummed a smoke afterward. The single most valuable tabloid picture right now is catching him with a smoke and being able to prove the date.

Shouting Thomas said...

The interview was good for Obama.

He got to be Average Joe talking with center-right O'Reilly.

Made Obama look very reasonable and accessible.

He ventured into the den of his supposed enemy and handled himself well.

Big win for Obama, in my opinion.

Scott M said...

He is just a tabloid pseudo-populist milking his act for all its worth.

What, pray, makes him pseudo?

Drew said...

Obama does have a tendency to blather on and on in increasingly meaningless rhetoric, and usually interviewers just let him. But this wasn't a press conference, and O'Reilly did exactly what you have to do when you're interviewing someone who tends to babble.

sakredkow said...

"...but I didn't watch the interview and I don't know how rude it actually was."

How convenient then for all your speculation that Obama was at fault for being rude or trying "to avoid serious questions."

Fred4Pres said...

It is perfectly okay for a journalist to cut a politican off (even the President) to avoid the interview becoming a Barbara Walters event. Bill O'Reilly has interviewed Obama before. I did not bother to see the actual interview, but I did not hear it was particularly bad either way (in O'Reilly being a toady or O'Reilly being rude to the President). So it is not fair to judge it by a youtube edited excerpt. How about a link to the actual interview or parts of it?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ta bueno que le pase al O'Reilly ese.. I'm sick of his conceited pompous ass.

He looked like a dam fool.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

O'Reilly is rude and constantly interrupting his guests. I can't stand it when they are all talking over each other.

HOWEVER----> quite often, especially with the Liberal/Democrat guests, if you don't interrupt them and stop the diarrhea of the mouth, they will just run the clock out and bury you in a steaming pile of meaningless platitudes and pre programmed talking points.

Sometimes it is the only way to get a word in edgewise.

If I were the host of any of these shows, I would have a mute button for each guest and shut them up when they.

A. Don't answer the question and instead start spouting off about something else.

B. Continue to repeat the same talking points, no matter what the topic of discussion is

C. Talk for more than their allotted time so that they can shut out the other guests.

In fact. I wish I had a mute button in real life.....that would be so cool.

Anonymous said...

Ta bueno que le pase al O'Reilly ese.. I'm sick of his conceited pompous ass.

He looked like a dam fool.

Can't say I agree.

O'Reilly and Fox have changed the basic paradigm of broadcast news.

O'Reilly did it by being brash enough to take on the networks. This is not a job for the shy and meek.

O'Reilly and Fox have blown the old media paradigm out of the water. It's no longer a one-party game for a few lefty executives in NYC.

Did you think that somebody who blasts the hell out of the basic structure of broadcast media was likely to be humble?

Pastafarian said...

The interview was fawning, obsequious, and stultifying. But apparently not fawning enough for some.

Had O'Reilly waited for President Bullshit to finish every answer, and had he not asked his next question until President Bullshit stopped talking, the hour-long ordeal would have consisted of 3 questions.

And one would have been "Who do you like in today's game."

Fred4Pres said...

Off topic but definitely a hmmmmm sort of event.

The US Navy does not normally hang out in the Canal. Think about it, ships are vulnerable in a narrow confined space like that (the area where Debka is describing is a salt water lake connected to the Canal, but Lake Timsah is smaller in surface area than ake Mendota in Madison to give you some idea of the scale here).

Something is up.

Kirby Olson said...

Obama said he knew everything that there is to know about football and basketball and that he would use a fullcourt advantage to press Obamacare and nobody on earth could defend against his headlong attack because he was going to stuff it through and that was that.

Charlie said...

I thought that (according to liberals) the media was supposed to "speak truth to power"? Interesting that the lefties are now complaining that this is "rude".

Calypso Facto said...

Scott: "What, pray, makes him pseudo?"

Because he doesn't work for The Nation?

Kirby Olson said...

Obama is the victimizer. O'Reilly is watching out for the folks. Obama is going to cost us trillions and wreck the country. Obama is some kind of mad socialist train wreck. O'Reilly tried to get him back on track, but Obama is hellbent on destroying the country. I guess to some it seems aggressive to challenge that.

J said...

Uh oh time for the Kirby Olson stupid generalization hour--WASP crypto-racist moralism, served up ...Hallmark style.

Really little man, you're even too pathetic for a WF Buckley act

J said...

Mormons are Satan. Beckzlebub!

Topic du jour.

Anonymous said...

J, you're not wickedly insightful.

You're completely incoherent.

This incoherent babbling you're bringing to this site is not improving the discussion.

You're admiration of your own cleverness has blinded you to the reality that, most of the time, you just don't make a fucking bit of sense.

And this has nothing to do with your political stance, whatever it might be. Who can tell? You're basically typing jibberish.

Kev said...

(the other kev)

Fred, the Kearsarge is an amphibious assault ship with a lot of helos and plenty of deck space. A good vessel to have around if evacuations become necessary. Might be nothing more than that. And like the commenters at PW point out, the Egyptian military has to be aware of their presence.

Richard Dolan said...

Well, it's just a verbal version of what Ann does when fisking someone's op-ed. She interrupts the text at various points to do a little skewering, and then back to the text for more. It's also a bit like an oral argument at the SCOTUS -- lots of interruptions, with an occasional smack-down by a justice who didn't want to be interrupted (usually by a more junior justice).

That back and forth is the only way to make progress in these things. Obama and O'Reilly and everyone else ends up the winner -- a perfect capitalist transaction.

Anonymous said...

Mormons are Satan. Beckzlebub!

Calling someone Satan: the last refuge of a failing Pharisee.

Joe said...

O'Reilley even interrupts people he agrees with. To agree with them.

I heard one interview where he agreed with the person so strongly, it sounded like he was disagreeing with them. It was very disconcerting and one reason I can't stand him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I guess I'm a throwback to the days of McNeil Lehrer and William F Buckley Firing Line.

I cant stand how interviews are conducted now days.

Scott M said...

Don't feed the troll. It will eventually look for food elsewhere.

J said...

You're incoherent Thomas.

First, mormons are Satan (at least 98%).

Secondly, Obama extended Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, praised capitalism, organized the Bailout with Paulsen, increased DOD spending. That does not a socialist make. It's just the usual Pathos and Fox-pundit hype of AA---, fact free, hysteria packed, with boo-coo crypto-racism.

Kev said...

(the other kev)

And to the original topic, O'Reilly's always been a terrible interviewer in regards to interrupting people and tossing in non-sequiturs. I agree the President deserves some deference, but it's just as likely that Obama's people were hoping to generate a little sympathy from this kind of treatment, the same way the elder Bush's advisors did when they set up that interview with Dan Rather back in 1988.

w/f - 'worde.' to yo mama.

J said...

You're the troll Scotty. Trolls ...spread misinformation , which is to say Lie (look up the definition, pendejo).

Just the usual klan-lite hicks of AA

J said...


Yes, aztecs spoke...Hebrew and Egyptian!!! Per Joe Smith. Printed on the Golden Plates, carried by....the sacred newts.

See Augustine on Mendacity for starters, perps

Anonymous said...

J, are you at least 15 years old?

J said...

That's a couple years older than you, Tommy Klansman

Note----reference to Augustine De Mendacio, great holy man. Not yr favorite Fox pundit. And....the documented lies of Joe Smith. Of course, lying's generally the MO of fratboy demopublican scum

Word! This is phunn

Anonymous said...

Yes, aztecs spoke...Hebrew and Egyptian!!! Per Joe Smith. Printed on the Golden Plates, carried by....the sacred newts.

J, don't obscure the major claims by hiding behind minor implication.

Ol' Joe Smith said he saw God and Christ, and they told him that Christ's church had become corrupted since its inception.

Then an angel appeared to him and commissioned him to find and translate into English, gold plates on which a scriptural record had been made.

When blasting Mormons, please use the driver, not a 55 degree open-face wedge.

Unknown said...

When The Zero said he hadn't once raised taxes, at that point, O'Really (and he didn't) was obligated to interrupt.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...


Well, many claim to know God.

They don't however claim to have met an Angel (Mister Moroni, as in Romneyoni) who handed them Golden Plates inscribed with ancient languages, and a bunch of other ...BS. The old ..sodbusters knew the score on how bogus Smith was (tho' his ...execution perhaps a bit much)

Anonymous said...

"Big win for Obama, in my opinion."

This really is not a win or a loss, it's just a wash.

Anyone who regularly watches O'Rielly knows he interrups and doesn't have a real problem with it. And his average viewer also isn't a fan of Barry's so they aren't going to care if he is interrupted. And liberal viewers - all 10 of them - are gonna hate O'Reilly and lover Barry no matter what happens.

That leaves Independents who probably had something better to do than watch this.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricpic said...

"We are five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

Doesn't matter what Obama said to O'Reilly. That statement, never repeated, let the cat out of the bag. All the rest is blather.

SteveR said...

Please ignore the troll

William said...

I watch O'Reilly all the time. OK, he's a bombastic blowhard, but that is leavened with a measure of self awareness and humor. I think his self importance and irritability are part of his appeal. He seems authentic. I don't trust the warm, fuzzy edges and polished surfaces of people like Matt Lauer, Katie Couric, and all the impossibly nice network people. It's a game of egos and O'Reilly puts his front and center....Plus, O'Reilly always has a lot of good looking women on his show. I'm always eager to hear the opinions of good looking women. If Krauthammer dyed his his hair blonde and got a sex change operation, he'd be a much more interesting analyst.....I agree with shouting thomas. Obama looked likeable and poised in the interview. O'Reilly can be overbearing, but here his interruptions didn't hinder the flow of the conversations. They made it seem more animated and natural. It was a win for both O'Reilly and Obama.

YoungHegelian said...

O'Reilly addressed the interruption issue on Tuesday night's show.

He said that he knew from Obama's behavior with the WH press corp that Obama likes to run out the clock on questions and that the WH press corp lets him get away with it.

O'Reilly said he had just 15 minutes and he had no intention of letting the President get away with running out the clock on his questions.

Like it or not, that's the take from O'Reilly's point of view.

I think both parties were fully aware of each others style and foibles before they ever sat down.

Scott M said...

O'Reilly addressed the interruption issue on Tuesday night's show.

Speaking of last night's show, and not to derail the current thread, but the reaction of Planned Parenthood's PR guy when ambushed by an O'Reilly producer was absolutely both hysterical and sad at the same time. As a former broadcaster myself, I've never been a fan of ambush interviews, even when hosting a morning show. They always strike me as the lowest rung on the interview ladder. That one, though, hit gold.

D.D. Driver said...

"He commands respect."

Blah. I'm sick of "respecting" our public servants that are driving us off a cliff. We don't have royalty in this country. Obama should be treated like anyone else who is bad at his job.

We should be treating our children with respect and reverence. Remember those days when you would personally thank a WWII vet for their sacrifices for their country? I think the time has we should personally thank each toddler that we meet for the sacrifices that they will make for their country. Sacrifices that we are trusting upon them involuntarily. Thank a toddler today.

But for the love of prosperity, let's bury the meme that we need to "respect" the assholes that digging the hole.

All that said, I did watch the interview and thought that Obama came across great. I hate what he is doing, but it is hard as hell to dislike him as a person. And I respect that he sat down with one of his harshest critics.

THAT I respect, but I don't think he should be treated with respect just because he is the president.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yes, aztecs spoke...Hebrew and Egyptian!!! Per Joe Smith. Printed on the Golden Plates, carried by....the sacred newts.


Are you off of your prescription meds? Or are you raiding your parents' medicine cabinet again?

J said...

""""Am I a friend to the Mormon religion? No. I would like to see it extirpated, but always by fair means, not these Congressional rascalities. If you can destroy it with a book, -- by arguments and facts, not brute force, -- you will do a good and wholesome work.""""

Mark Twain (also see Roughing It, for Twain's thoughts on King Brigham and his 30+ wifeys. That is, those who can handle the Twoooth).

J said...

11:43. Not exactly Dust Queen.

That's one of Smith's claims--he walked the Americas. Maybe like read a real book, instead of yr favorite mormon-teabagger slut diaries

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That's one of Smith's claims--he walked the Americas. Maybe like read a real book, instead of yr favorite mormon-teabagger slut diaries

Pressing the mute button.....click.

J said...

that's right--- Truth and Justice--asking a bit much for a whore.

stick to lies-- that's the LDS MO. star maiden of the Nauvoo.

Anonymous said...

BS. The old ..sodbusters knew the score on how bogus Smith was (tho' his ...execution perhaps a bit much)

Yeah, except the book exists, so let's see your factual assertion of its true origin, if not Smith.

And be careful here because Smith's critics are now on their, what, 4th claim revision, the previous 3 having been debunked.

Anthony said...

I've noticed that O'R can be a very good interviewer with some people. I'm not sure what the criteria are. . . .with some of his elder celebrity interviews -- e.g., Barbara Billingsley for example -- he is very pleasant and doesn't interrupt them, but I've also seen him interview scientists that he does well with -- a shark expert from a couple of years ago is one I remember. Maybe it's when he doesn't have a personal issue to pound.

I suppose that can be good or bad. You know where he stands and he doesn't just sit there and let them babble on with their pre-recorded answer, but he can also overdo it and it comes of less as interview than an interrogation looking for a confession.

J said...

Do you mean the BoM, or the Golden Plates?? Las Placas??

The BoM's a mishmash of plagiarized Old Testament rhetoric--King James mainly with lots of hebraic sounding names, egyptian hocus pocus, and...masonic stuff as well. Smith may have been a clever charlatan, and probably had some assistance. But it's not divinely inspired. Smith was no scholar--didn't know Logos from Lamanite (And maybe lets look at some of the old LDS-Nephite thoughts on...their plans for the Lamanites--a bit like...Lebensraum, once you figure it out).

The plates? Why, I wouldn't presume to tell you where they are. Maybe they're in like the Pentagon, or ...The Temple of the Illumnati! Not a great idea to look into it too closely, else the Nauvoo Legions decide to off you (as they did a few years ago, when some journalists started to ask questions).

David said...

This is the way OR interviews everyone. So it makes the President look like a normal, average, every day talking head, instead of an elite, aloof talking head.

Trooper York said...

O'Reilly is your typical bigmouth blowhard Irish know it all. The way to handle him is tell him to stop fucking around and cut the bullshit so you can have a real conversation. Otherwise O'Reilly is happy to just be an obnoxious asshole.

Just like me.

Trooper York said...

The problem for Barry is that he can not act like a regular Joe. He has never even met a regular Joe.

He is your typical arrogant elitist Ivy League prick.

Trooper York said...

Clinton who was a hell of a lot smarter than Barry ever was could act like a regular Joe. Even his worst enemy would say he is a good hang.

Well maybe he couldn't quite be a regular Joe.

Maybe he could be a regular Charlie Sheen.

Trooper York said...

W would be fun to hang out with. He seems pretty humble when all is said and done. I bet you could have a lot of fun with W and Bill Clinton out on the golf course.

Barry not so much.

Trooper York said...

Now I have seen a few videos of Hillary when she let her hair down and she has a great sense of humor and a wicked tongue. I bet she would be hilarious if she let herself say what she really thinks.

Trooper York said...

Although I am a fan of Sarah Palin, after seeing her reality show I don't know if I could hang out with her. Her accent is just too much for me.

Waddya youse guys think?

Scott M said...

I bet she would be hilarious if she let herself say what she really thinks.

Yes, because dodging nonexistent sniper fire in order to get elected is hysterical.

Scott M said...

Waddya youse guys think?

I try to avoid the reality tv genre on the as yet unproved theory that it kills brain cells.

Trooper York said...

Who in their right mind would want to hang with Mit Romney?

Well except for his sister wives.

Trooper York said...

Now I don't think I could stand to hang out with Mike Huckabee for more than a couple of minutes.

But then I could only take about five minutes of Hee Haw.

Except of course when Barbi Benton was on.

Anonymous said...

"He commands respect."

He can command all he wants, he's yet to earn mine.

This idea that politicians - at whatever level - automatically command respect is archaic, aristocratic and unacceptable in a society where all people are equal.

SteveR said...

Imagine hanging out with John Kerry or Al Gore. Can't imagine Obama is that bad. I remember watching W before he became Gov, and was part owner of the Rangers, sitting near the dugout at the old Arlington Stadium. I always thought he'd be good to hang out with.

Trooper York said...

I wish Fred Thompson was back in the mix.

Not that he isn't really boring but at least we can stare at his wife.

Cedarford said...

William - "Obama looked likeable and poised in the interview. O'Reilly can be overbearing, but here his interruptions didn't hinder the flow of the conversations. They made it seem more animated and natural. It was a win for both O'Reilly and Obama."

Exactly how I saw it. That was a fine interview and BOTH O'Reilly and Obama did very, very well in their perspective roles.
And people with some attention diverted to other Superbowl things apparantly liked the snippets they saw between other activities enough, to. in the millions, to want to go back and watch the full interview. They did, on U-Tube and Fox.com. The net numbers nearly pushed 10 million.

I think Obama may return to O'Reilly for more interviews because:

1. He really is an exceptionally
good talker, and he is not served well by fawning interviewers that treat him as some Olympian figure they are just honored to death to be in the same room with pitching him softballs.

2. He gains credibility by appearing with a moderate conservative like O'Reilly. He appears also more human and natural with O'Reillys interview/conversation style.

3. He handled the interruptions with aplomb and I think respected O'Reilly for doing it to knock the President off his canned spiel.

4. Going on Fox gains Obama creds with independents, obviously benefits Fox, and O'Reilly saying afterwards that Obama was excellent in the session makes both O'Reilly and Obama seem more level-headed.

Ankur said...

I just don't think why this is a big deal.

1)An edited youtube video can be made to look EXACTLY like the maker wants it to look, pushing ANY viewpoint.

2) O'Reilly always interrupts and while that is annoying to me, personally, I don't think he should change his style for the president - ANY president. We give too much deference to people who work FOR US. I am even fine with people yelling "you lie".

3) Politicians, specifically, need to be interrupted MORE rather than less because they typically have a bigger platform to speak from, and they all speak - A LOT.

J said...


It's worse, Trooper.

Mormons should not be allowed to run for public office. They're about the same as like L Ron Hubbard followers (L Ron's one of ROmneyoid's heroes as well). Which is to say, APPLIANTOLOGISTS

Trooper York said...

Hey J, did some Mormon dude steal your girl for his fifth wife or something.

Man that would have to sting buddy.

Trooper York said...

You should start a website bitching about that like Crack does with the girls that dump him to join cults and stuff.

Trooper York said...

"J said.....

Aren't those the guys who worship refridgerators?

Anonymous said...

"That said, an interview of the President is different. He commands respect."

This president does not command respect. Here is is in an interview and he doesn't even have enough respect for his office to wear a fucking tie?

How precisely does this "command respect?"

J said...


Nope, Trooper. Perhaps that's your story, snitch.

Those who think the LDS is just another denomination know nothing about US History or the Constitution (or......Christianity for that matter). Really, it's freemasonry for the most part, with a few pseudo-Christian extras.

J said...


Zappa's term for members of the Church of Scientology cult, goomba.

J said...

11: 15, you mean you, Steve?

Looks like we touched a nerve among the mormon-masonic regs of AA.

Alex said...

Obama should crush Fox News. how dare they insult El Presidente.

Alex said...

J - are you with me for re-imposing the Fairness Doctrine ASAP?????? Say you are with me BROTHER!

SteveR said...

Timely riposte there J.

Looks like we touched

Who you calling "we", frenchie?

Trooper York said...

J are you channeling James Ellory because I just can't watch his TV show either even thought I love his books.

The tweaking is just too hard to deal with compardre.

J said...

--Irish not french, Stevie--yet if you think only Frenchmen opposed freemasonry, you obviously never read JQ Adams (or......Euro. history for that matter). Read Twain's account of Mormons for starters. Mormons are like Ueber-masons.

---Re Fairness Doctrine. Some sort of communication controls may be needed. And ..fact based news instead of hype. Yet with the rise of FoxCo , the "liberal media" rant seems rather outdated. It's a corporate media. Katie Couric,Olbermann or O'Reilly & Co? They all suck

J said...

Does Ellroy diss Mormons? Sehr gut.

I have read a bit of Ellroy---. Black Dahlia/LA-Con/White Jazz. Entertaining, if a bit ...over the top at times. Unsavory--I prefer Hammett. Or Jim Thompson. But JE JE understands the nightmare of Ellay

Ta ta TY

Trooper York said...

Try his TV show J.

He has your exact delivery.

Trooper York said...

The first episode about the murder of his mother is engrossing but tough to follow because of his staccato tough guy style.

BJM said...

Respect? For what? The phony semi-casual jacket without a tie and American flag lapel pin pose for the Fox rubes?

Or the naked campaign ploy of mining Fox's pre-Superbowl audience?


The only reason to watch was the possibility of a train wreck.

The interview was to create some buzz among whatever group(s)of voters Obama is privately polling poorly or trying to shore up.

I'm guessing that the thin skinned WH is doesn't find this mash up funny.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The phony semi-casual jacket without a tie and American flag lapel pin pose for the Fox rubes?

Well, at least Obama wasn't wearing flip flops, that we could see anyhow.

BJM said...


Exactly how I saw it. That was a fine interview and BOTH O'Reilly and Obama did very, very well in their perspective roles.

This is why some of us went in to advertising, it's fun to watch when it's invisible.

Harry said...

I couldn't believe O'Reilly asked the president, "How does it feel to have people, I mean really, really hate you?"

First of all, that's a stupid question. What is Obama going to say?
1.) I like it; 2.) It feels bad; 3.) I don't care because they don't know me. Obama picked #3, big surprise. What answer did O'Reilly think he was going to get that would be worth wasting one of his questions on?

Secondly, O'Reilly should know what it feels like to have people really, really hate him because he's in the same boat.

If you had the chance to question the president, wouldn't you give serious thought to some really tough questions that you knew wouldn't produce easily-predicted answers? I would trust Ann Althouse to come up with some.

Trooper York said...

If I was Bill O'Reilly I would have handed the President my original birth certificate.

The President would have said "What this?"

And O'Reilly would have said "I showed you mine now you show me yours. What say you?"

Trooper York said...

That was the way Nixon got Kissenger to prove he was Jewish.

Well he didn't use a birth certificate but you get the idea.

SteveR said...

--Irish not french, Stevie--yet if you think only Frenchmen opposed freemasonry, you obviously never read JQ Adams (or......Euro. history for that matter). Read Twain's account of Mormons for starters. Mormons are like Ueber-masons.

So what gave you the idea I was in anyway interested in any of that?

J said...

Lo siente, Stevie--I mistook you for a rational human. Historical accuracy's bad for bidness anyway, especially LDS-Co.

Brigham Dung's in Hell (assuming any..,spiritual dimension holds, as most of the AA people regularly suggest).

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Obama does have a tendency to blather on and on in increasingly meaningless rhetoric, and usually interviewers just let him.

I thought you were talking about O'Reilly.

SteveR said...

I never mentioned or responded to anything about Mormons or freemasonry, anytime on this thread or anywhere. WTF? Lo Siento back at ya!

Green said...

Lets face it, Most of the people do not pay much attention to anything to do with politics. Of those that do, about 40% of the people hate Barry and all democrats. About 40% support him and the socialist democratic party. Elections then are won by the 20% that comes from those who pay not attention until election time and then vote for stupid reasons that have little to do with reality. They in essence control the country and the flop around like the lemmings they are. I love this definition of lemmings " a member of any large group following an unthinking course towards mass destruction". So each election we have the spector of both sides trying to find the words to attract these lemmings while firing words to prop up their base hoping the two do not conflict so much that they come off as having no core values. We support this stupidty by making voting access easier. the hard core will get where then need to be when they need to be there and they know how to vote. rather than making it easier for the lemmings, we should be making it harder. If they do not pay attention, they should not vote. Frankly we would have a better country if those who voted had to take some sort of test and or had some stake in the game.

We have about 50% of the people who pay no income tax able to vote to give themselves more benefits. Something wrong with that..

Alex said...

Green - Nobody would ever go for what you're advocating. It's over dude. Time to start your preps for TEOTWAWKI.

Karga said...

Well, it is nice to read Dem and Rep comments on O'Reilly's style. For once the President could not tell it as he thinks it is.

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