February 7, 2011

Obama: "Over the first two years of my presidency, we had a complete disaster. Right?"



Daniel Fielding said...

I guess him getting elected to the office of POTUS was the first major disaster.

The Drill SGT said...

"Over the first two years of my presidency, we had a complete disaster. Right? We had a complete crisis,"

And here I thought that techically the recession ended about the Time the Won came to power.

I know that recession typically last 18 months and that the upside afterward is normally 5-8% GDP growth for a couple of quarters.

so regardless of why we had a recession in the first place, the Won ought to understand that many of us hold him accountable for screwing the pooch on the pull-out from it. All the busines uncertainities, the destruction of the bankruptcy laws, high pissing away our taxes, huge debts, new costs and regulations on the horizon have turned his presidency into a complete disaster alright.

Hagar said...

I think this administration has been, and is, practising a kind of crony socialism rather than crony capitalism. The MSM still is going on it as a given that "Big Business" is Republican, but that has not been true for a long time. Money goes where the political power is, and the Democrats have been the majority party since 1930. That Obama is now talking to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce largely means that he is talking to "fat-cat" Democrats, not Republicans.

Anonymous said...

A complete disaster, right, and that's why I increased the EPA spending by 50%.

MadisonMan said...

Dear President Obama, a disaster is something like this. For whatever reason -- dumb luck, intelligence, whatever, that hasn't happened in the first two years of your Presidency, thank God.

A little perspective please.

ricpic said...

Obama...has called for a freeze on most federal spending.

But not investing!

madAsHell said...

Did they not share the questions ahead of time??

I love it when he has to create answers in real time. All my perceptions are validated.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Uh oh- has President Obama lost voters like Mad Man? Heh.

Peter V. Bella said...

The only true words he ever spoke.

Original Mike said...

President Obama is RIGHT!

Original Mike said...

Here's your perspective, MM.

Original Mike said...

A question for MM. So we can wait to reduce carbon emissions until the ocean has covered Battery Park, right?

You're the one who needs some perspective.

MadisonMan said...

OMike, I don't believe estimates. Mostly because I don't believe Economic Modelers. They're worse than Climate Modelers.

I don't see Congress allowing that to happen. Call me Pollyanna.

Off Topic, but there was really very little on NPR this morning re: The Glorious Packer Victory. I can't help but think that Super Bowl coverage *might* have been a little more pronounced if the Redskins or Giants had won (as if that would ever happen). The real media bias is both coasts against the middle. We'll see the same thing happen in October when the Brew Crew takes the World Series :)

Calypso Facto said...

MM said: "when the Brew Crew takes the World Series"

Much as I'd like to see it, now I KNOW you're a Pollyanna...

Original Mike said...

"I don't see Congress allowing that to happen. Call me Pollyanna."

I can spit ten times farther than I trust Congress, Polly.

But I don't think China will let it happen. Unfortunately, when imposed from the outside, it will be a disaster.

Larry J said...

Obama saw the recession as such a disaster that he spent the better part of his first two years in office working to pass health care reform. Oh, and passing big spending bills that propped up bloated state government payrolls (especially jobs held by women) when more men were losing their jobs.

Obama's first two years was the disaster.

MadisonMan said...

I just have lots of confidence in the American Spirit. Best spirit in the World, Baby!

Maybe I'll have a big wake-up call, maybe not. American know-how makes me think not.

Original Mike said...

MM: If the House forces big budget cuts, you think Obama signs them?

The Drill SGT said...

re: The Glorious Packer Victory. I can't help but think that Super Bowl coverage *might* have been a little more pronounced if the Redskins or Giants had won (as if that would ever happen)

some of us on the East Coast (DC) or maybe you should consider me a West Coast guy. (full disclosure here, I've got 2 degrees from UC and Rogers and I share the same hometown (Chico) and trust me, Chico isn't SF or LA).

anyway lots of folks were rooting for the Packers. The Only ownership in the NFL that's worth a damn.

Kirby Olson said...

The market collapsed when it looked like he might get in.

The market recovered when it looked like he might get phased out.

Unknown said...

No, he turned a disaster into a catastrophe. And wants to stretch that into a cataclysm.

And then there's foreign policy...

MadisonMan said...

Dear President Obama, a disaster is something like this.

No, a disaster is an Act of God. What MadMan shows is an attack by a bunch of crazed fanatics.

MadisonMan said...

If the House forces big budget cuts, you think Obama signs them

I think he has to.

The cuts would have to be across-the-board, though, none of this cut all the Democrats' pet projects and leave the Republicans' projects alone. It'll be interesting to see if the Republican and Democratic budget watchers will prevail in such a bill, or if more traditional bring home the pork and stick it to the other guys politicians will.

If the House passes a bill that only cuts Democratic-type projects, and not Republican ones, I'd think the Senate would effectively stomp it so Obama wouldn't have to sign.

Phil 314 said...

That situation required his administration to take a number of “extraordinary steps” to avoid a severe economic depression

So Mr. President if the economy is, as you say, "moving the right direction", when do you take your foot off the spending gas pedal?

William said...

I don't think Obama did himself any harm in the O'Reilly interview. Obama is a likeable enough human being. He's wrong about a lot of things, but he doesn't grate. Hillary would have dragged her fingernails across every single one of Beck's blackboards.....I can see why he did not speak out against the Muslim Brotherhood. If the American President opposes them, their approval ratings go up twenty percent in Muslim countries.

Roger J. said...

Mr Obama is IMO the worst president ever to be elected--he will get thru his first term--and he may even win a second term--but the country will be set back 30 years because of his ham handed and incompentent handing of anything that looks like affairs of state. The dude is simply a major loser as are the people that voted for him.

Shanna said...

Dear President Obama, a disaster is something like this. For whatever reason -- dumb luck, intelligence, whatever, that hasn't happened in the first two years of your Presidency, thank God.

A little perspective please.

Seriously. Exactly what I was thinking MM. Kindly get over yourself, Mr. President.

Scott M said...

He's wrong about a lot of things, but he doesn't grate.

...the hell you say...

Blair said...

I think what has happened since the November trouncing is that Obama is now getting the pity vote. He is out of his depth and people feel sorry for him. They want him to do well and learn and improve, because he is likeable enough. They want to justify the fact that they voted for him. Unfortunately for them, I suspect he will continue to be not very good at the job.

Lincolntf said...

It's really all our fault. We should've given him a practice country first.

Scott M said...

It's really all our fault. We should've given him a practice country first.

Credit where credit is due. That's pretty !@#$ing funny, sir.

Original Mike said...

"It's really all our fault. We should've given him a practice country first."

We usually do. It's called a state.

Calypso Facto said...

I do like that, in the more complete quote, attempting to sidestep the "Socialist" question,

"I mean if you are talking about the Wall Street Journal editorial page, you know that is like quoting the New York Times editorial page."

Pres. Obama confirms that the NYT editorials are the gold standard for ridiculous opinion.

le Douanier said...

"We usually do. It's called a state."

This must explain the glorious W record.

Lincolntf said...

"This must explain the glorious W record."

Deficit was a fraction of what it is under Obama. Ditto Unemployment. Obama's biggest project, "Health Care Reform" has driven millions of people to desperately seek waivers from the Govt. Gitmo remains open, drone strikes have increased dramatically, the Patriot Act is now permanent and allies around the world are now abandoning or ignoring us.

Yes, I think most people would agree that things were a lot better under W.

Original Mike said...

"This must explain the glorious W record."

Uncharacteristically perceptive of you.

Scott M said...

Uncharacteristically perceptive of you.

...hey, now...

Trooper York said...

First of all congratulations to the Green Bay Packers and all of their loyal fans. You should be proud that your glorious team held on for the win. Good show, I salute you.

And to MadisonMan's point, the Giants never got the proper coverage for their glorious victory. They beat a previosuly undefeated team and ended their dynasty which was one of the greatest in NFL history. The Giants never get the kudo's they deserve because if Wellington Mara didn't agree to the socialistic revenue sharing set up in the early 1950's teams like Green Bay wouldn't even exist. So when you get down to it.....Green Bay actually owes it's Super Bowl win to the New York Giants. Just sayn'

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

I think the President has confused "had" with "caused".

Original Mike said...


Rich B said...

I know he is a bad president and obviously unqualified for the job, but I am beginning to think his worst quality is that he is excruciatingly tiresome.

A state? How about mayor of a small town, like Wasilla?

le Douanier said...

"Yes, I think most people would agree that things were a lot better under W."

"Most people" must not be very good at comparing what W started w/ at the beginning of his presidency vs what he left to BHO.

W inherited a strong economy w/ federal surpluses, and he left an economy in free fall that was losing three quarters of a million jobs per month, and a health care system that desperately needed to be reformed so that it would closely conform to Bob Dole's previously suggested health care reform.

And, what's wrong w/ drone strikes? Are cons back to saying these are bad, as they did when BHO suggested them during the 08 election. Since then W increased the drones, so I assumed that cons were in favor of them. If y'all don't like the drones, you must really dislike BHO's CIA contractor army of 3,000 forces working in Pakistan. I'm in favor of drones and the mercenaries. But, I do hope that we've figured out how to un-hire the mercenaries such that they don't end up as tomorrow's enemies.

Trooper York said...

Now if Big Tim Mara had lived none of this would have happened. He was a George Steinbrenner type and would have made sure that the Giants would have got their just due. Along with the other big markets who were pulling the wagon.

He was a big time bookmaker and knew how the real world works.

Daniel12 said...

Knee, meet jerk.

This blog is boring now. I got bored last year (after about 4 years of reading). I quit for a bit. Came back one or two times in the last couple of weeks. Boilerplate knee jerk conservativism, catch-phrasey, some tea party, some libertarian. Not even contrarian anymore, which was the whole point of the blog (which was frustrating but entertaining). Just absolutely standard, smack dab in the middle of the totally conventional right blogosphere.

Boring. Later.

Original Mike said...

The New York Giants? New York has two football teams?

That hardly seems fair.

Scott M said...

Boring. Later.

Well...it is a pretty slow day so far.

Original Mike said...

"Boring. Later."

Door, meet ass.

le Douanier said...

"Well...it is a pretty slow day so far."

I think the scope of the problem exceeds just one day.

Just sayin.

Big Mike said...

The Obama-Biden ticket was trailing the McCain-Palin ticket until the financial collapse occurred inSeptember 2008 (you can look it up if you don't believe me). That was the turning point in the election of 2008.

Somehow it seemed to have escaped Obama's notice that the electorate basically hired him to fix the country's economic problems. Instead he blew the "stimulus" dollars stimulating nothing. He made it more expensive and more risky for businesses to hire additional staff. The heavy borrowing that the US must do to fund the deficit means that businesses must compete against the federal government for scarce investment dollars, and then Obama has tried to compound that by raising taxes on the people who actually have the money to invest.

Not only does this guy not get it, economically speaking, he doesn't even get that he doesn't get it.

In the closing years of his presidency liberals pushed the meme that George W. Bush was the worst president "ever." Barack Obama is vastly worse than Dubya, and he doesn't seem to care.

Trooper York said...

There is only one real football team in New York. There is also a bunch of big mouth jerk losers who haven't won anything since 1969.

If Big Tim Mara had lived he would have strangled the AFL in it's cribe. He was big time friends with Albert and Lepke and everything would have been way different. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Did I tell you lately that the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl?

On a stupid personal foul that was a lot of bullshit that stopped the game winning drive dead in it's tracks. Just sayn'

Original Mike said...

When the foul comes on the kick off, I don't think you can say "stopped the game winning drive dead in it's tracks."

Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Fair enough.

Potential Game Winning Drive.

Plus the Pittsburgh quarterback was distracted when a college girl walked by and he couldn't get over the center with a hard on.

MadisonMan said...

This blog is boring now.

Spoken like an Philadelphia Eagles fan.

Trooper York said...

Fair enough.

Potential Game Winning Drive.

Plus the Pittsburgh quarterback was distracted when a college girl walked by and he couldn't get over the center with a hard on.

Trooper York said...

Don't be mad at Dan. He is a sociologist and looks at us as monkeys to be studied. We just haven't been throwing enough poo.

MadisonMan said...

The NFL owes the Pack a huge debt of gratitude for knocking the dog killer and alleged rapist out of the spotlight.

All you're left with is worthy role models (glad Chmura isn't there :) ) like Donald Driver and dreamboat Aaron Rodgers.

I have a friend from PA who thinks Big Ben's off-field behavior is congruent with Closed Brain injuries. (She works with returning vets) The man has had 4 major concussions. Impulse control, judgment issues and hypersexuality are classic signs.

Trooper York said...

At least they didn't play the dog ass Jets because then they would have to beat a bunch of dog rapists.

Original Mike said...

"The NFL owes the Pack a huge debt of gratitude for knocking the dog killer and alleged rapist out of the spotlight."

It took me a second to get the last panel of this cartoon.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

W inherited a strong economy w/ federal surpluses, and he left an economy in free fall that was losing three quarters of a million jobs per month, and a health care system that desperately needed to be reformed so that it would closely conform to Bob Dole's previously suggested health care reform.

Wishful thinking revisionism. The economy was starting into a recession at the time. The "surplus" never actually occurred, but coming close was much more because of the Republicans in the House, and the "peace dividend" of massive downsizing the military - all just in time for 9/11.

And, the most amazing part of the misinformation and revisionism is the blaming ObamaCare on Bob Dole. Sure, he may have thrown out a couple of the small parts of it, but the whole 2,000+ pages - you have to be on acid to believe that.

le Douanier said...

Bruce you do know your revisionism.

No doubt about that.

BTW, it is precisely because y'all are always making excuses for R failures that your votes are taken for granted over and over and over and ove..........


Trooper York said...

Although I am starting to have my doubts about Big Ben.

Trooper York said...

Talk about your revisionists. Liberals are like Jet Fans who will tell you they are a better team than the Packers.

Barry is just like the Jets. Hasn't done jackshit but is happy to tell you he is the Champion.

I bet he likes feet too!

PaulV said...

He embraced the tax cuts for the rich, which may curtail the diaster

Toad Trend said...

You can't make this stuff up.

This tragic presidency will go down in history for sure.


@Big Mike

Good cartoon.

wv - axing

Better, thanx for axing.

Original Mike said...

Fifteen yards for that avatar!

damikesc said...

I thought the proper phrase was "These first two years, I really shit the bed, didn't I?"

Toad Trend said...

Make that 6 points...

@Original Mike

Sorry I butchered that and called you Big Mike ;)

Paul said...

Well we have to more years of this 'disaster' and like a slow-mo train wreck it just keeps going on and on from a disaster to a gaff to a blown opportunity to a diplomatic flux to....

Alex said...

yes because Althouse doesn't worship Obami 24/7 that makes it a right-wing blog. How fucking retarded.

The Dude said...

Just so we are clear, which team went deeper into the playoffs this year - the Jets, dog ass though they may be, or the Giants, who hardly reflect their team name? Well? Troop, I'm lookin' at you.

lounorm said...

Pres. Teddy Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Guess which Pres. said "Jigaboo loudly and carry a basketball."

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