February 28, 2011

New Media Meade to venture beyond Madison city limits to sample opinion in non-Madison, Wisconsin.

He wants to take the Flip camera and go where he can interview the Wisconsinite on the street about what they think of the doings in Madison.

If you're familiar with the area within an hour's drive of Madison, help NMM pick some good places to go. Name towns or spots within towns, and he may get there today.


Anne said...

Great idea. Get out of Dane County. Can't wait to see what Meade captures on tape.

Kevin said...


Scott M said...

Has anyone quipped "Meade-Stream Media" yet?

Irene said...

New Glarus, Monroe, Dodgeville, Boscobel.

Ipso Fatso said...


Pete said...

Lake Mills, Mukwonago, Pewaukee, Oregon, Sun Prairie...might be interesting to see what peiople in larger cities and towns think versus folks in small towns and hamlets

Scott M said...

might be interesting to see what peiople in larger cities and towns think versus folks in small towns and hamlets

Given that it's Wisconsin we're talking about here, aren't they called cheeselets?

Dad29 said...

One hour and 20 minutes east from the Capitol, door-to-door: Brookfield Square shopping center.

Great idea, BTW. I've told several Madison acquaintances that merely stepping across the Dane County line produces a near-reverse in 'public opinion' over the issue.

ricpic said...

Look out Edward R. Murrow!

Anonymous said...

This weekend I waited on two young men from Wisconson here in Florida (they are working here, couldn't find jobs in WI); I asked them what they thought, they looked afraid to answer, but finally one said "Well, I have to PAY for my health insurance."

Donald said...

Baumgartner Cheese Store Inc
1023 16th Ave
Monroe, WI 53566

Good beer and locally made limberger cheese. Try a sandwich.

CachorroQuente said...

I'd be interested in how the people in Janesville view this whole thing. One of the cities hardest hit by recent economic events, I'd guess. Go hang out at the Hedberg Library.

Triangle Man said...

Beaver Dam. Just be careful. They have sharp teeth.

Drew said...

You probably have to go a little farther out to get away from the influence of Madison.

Leslie Graves said...

He can run the loop up 14 to Spring Green (going through Cross Plains, Black Earth, Mazomanie), and from Spring Green, either cut up south on 23 to Dodgeville looping back to Madison through Barneveld and Mt. Horeb or at Spring Green, cut up north on 23 to Plain, and loop back to Madison through Reedsburg and Baraboo.

Calypso Facto said...

You probably have to go a little farther out to get away from the influence of Madison.

Yeah, it's a start, but at an hour you'll still be in the penumbra...

Triangle Man said...

If he wants to "sample" opinion he's going to have to do a little work to balance the political spectrum of his interviews.

galdosiana said...

Wisconsin Dells and Baraboo

SarcastiCarrie said...

Appleton, Wisconsin Rapids, Portage,

sane_voter said...

Scott sorta beat me to the punch, but I was thinking Meade New Media, similar but different from MSM.

Lincolntf said...

Good luck, Meade. Find us some real winners.

Calypso Facto said...

I like just: New Meadea

Lincolntf said...

"Meade New Media,"

Should we call him Eminem?

Anonymous said...

How about Janesville, home of Paul Ryan?

roesch-voltaire said...

I guess Meade really is an outsider if he still doesn't know which cities are within the hour radius of Madison. Do not go to Mineral Point as I spoke with several of the farmers at the market this weekend and they were all anti-Walker. I would recommend Oconomowoc, where I lived for a few years, as a solid Republican community that supported Walker in the last election, just don't try to push you way into the interview as you did with the Madison Police on Sunday and all will be cool.

The Crack Emcee said...

Look out Edward R. Murrow!

"New Media Meade"

That's cracking me up! Go, boy!

Michael Mirer said...

I bet this project is going to result in an even-handed picture of opinion outside of Madison.

Anthony said...

Whitewater, Fort Atkinson and Elkhorn.

Anonymous said...

Love to have Meade come to LaCrosse - even though we're 2.5 hrs away.

Would the promise of free beer get him to venture to the West Coast of WI?

jbell said...

Hold forth at the TeePee in Tomah. Lot's of opinions there, for sure

MadisonMan said...

The Blue Spoon in Prairie du Sac. And then that Outlet Mall up in the Dells. That would be an interesting cross-section of people.

former law student said...

Agree with Appleton.

Isn't Monroe a little far? But if he goes, see if the Minas Craft Brewery (now owned by Sikhs from Canada) pours free beers the way its previous incarnation as Huber did.

Lincolntf said...

I suppose I should Google it, but where is Eau Claire, Wisconsin in relation to Madison? Years ago, I knew a great guy from up there.

MadisonMan said...

Anywhere along Highway 16 from Oconomowoc to Hartland is reliably Republican and if you want to pre-select based on that, go there. That's an hour drive though.

Johnson Creek -- there's a big outlet mall there, would be plenty of people, but I don't know how many would be in-staters.

Sarah said...

I'd like to see how much of the Madison opinion extends outside of Madison even within Dane County, as well as outside of Dane County. A nice trip out 14 (Cross Plains or Black Earth), then 78 to 12 and up to Sauk City. Same thing out 18-151 (Mount Horeb, then Dodgeville).

Triangle Man said...

I suppose I should Google it, but where is Eau Claire,

Draw a line from Madison to Minneapolis.
Eau Claire
is 2/3 of the way to Minneapolis.


Martin L. Shoemaker said...

If we pitch in toward a tank of gas, can we get him to extend that range and cover more places?

MadisonMan said...

I think EC is at least 3 hours away. But you get (overrated) pie at the Norske Nook.

Irene said...

fls, Monroe is about forty-five minutes from Madison.

There are great buys also at the Alp n'Dell Cheese outlet, and there is a cute cheese-making museum in Monroe, too.

Sadly, the Glarner Stube is closed in New Glarus until March 4, so lunch will have to be had elsewhere.

former law student said...

Fort Atkinson used to be a world center for the poultry incubator industry, till the company was bought up and moved to Canada.

shiloh said...

c'mon AA, "send him" to Iraq as a "one-man mobile uplink unit reporter" like SNL did w/Al Franken

and one day he might become a WI senator!

'cause he's good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, AA likes him ...

apologies to Stuart Smalley

Calypso Facto said...

I think EC is at least 3 hours away. But you get (overrated) pie at the Norske Nook.

3 hours to EC. You'd get a wide variety of opinions there...lot's of mistrust of Madison but lots of university and gov't work as well. The city has voted Democrat pretty reliably until last fall's election.

MM: agree about Norske Nook. Go past EC on Hwy 53 N and stop at the Main Street Cafe in Bloomer for better pie.

James said...

Unfortunately Kenosha is 2 hours from Madison but it the current home of the largest recall effort in the state. It looks like Bob Wirch is in serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

He should, in no particular order, get stuck in Lodi (again); find somebody named Kelly to interview in DeForest; go to Janesville and see if he can find a mud statue (okay I'm really stretching now); I bet he could even generate some interest in Waukesha.

I'll stop now.

Lincolntf said...

Danke for the Eau Claire info.

TerriW said...

First, if he goes to Thorpe, make sure to have lunch at the Thorpedo.

Also, if he's going to be in that area, make sure to check out the Nasonville Cheese shop just outside Abbotsford. The cheese curds are fresh daily, still squeak, and are sometimes even still warm.

Okay, that's more like 2-3 hours away, but that's the part of Wisconsin that I visit most frequently. (I was born in the Fox River Valley, but never get out that way anymore.) And it's farmers all the way down. Well, except for Wausau.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

This should be interesting.

In California, where the attention is always on the liberal enclaves like San Francisco, the rest of the State is generally rather conservative and the voters are Repbulican in the majority of areas.

I would assume that it is similar in Wisconsin.

It would be eye opening if the Main Stream Media ever really covered anyplace other than the 'big cities' and showcased that there ARE other points of view that are widely held.

Unknown said...

I would avoid all of the Dane County communities in addition to those south and west of Madison, especially those in Iowa and Green Counties. The Madison lefty orbit is larger geographically than most people realize, and tends to push deeper towards the hill country southwest of town. My suggestion is to hit the exceptionally republican counties (Jefferson, Dodge, Waukesha) to counterbalance Dane, and then some of the "purple"-battleground counties like Rock, Racine and Kenosha.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in hearing about Appleton and Green Bay. I have in-laws there and the opinion seems to be very split. Most seem to want a compromise by taking the concessions and do away with the union fees and making the unions get rectified every year.

I'm shocked that there is any support in the family for anti-union actions. They are all very pro union.

wdnelson93 said...

reposting for TosaGuy who posted this on the "Pirates" thread:

I would try Kenosha, Green Bay, and Chippewa Falls; places where there are three very vulnerable Democrat senators. Find out what their constituents are thinking.

Anonymous said...

Great idea. I have two suggestions. The first is pick a town that had its schools closed during the first days of the demonstration. The second is to pick a Farm and Fleet store to visit. You will find a wide variaty of people to talk to from farmers and small business owners to out of state visitors stopping buy to get a Packer sweatshirt. Beaver Dam has a nice store and it should not be about an hour drive, but any of the stores in the small towns would give you a feel for what people outside of Madison think about whats going on.

MadisonMan said...

No one has suggested Ho-Chunk Casino!

You know what's lousy about Norske Nook pies? The crust. Not flaky at all.

Derve Swanson said...

Why not save the gas money, and have him "interview" all the out-of-towners travelling to Madison for State Tournaments?

(Please tell me this "new career" of his is not tax deductible, done to write off camera equipment and the like...)

Derve Swanson said...

"Wisconsin Dells"

He's likely to find more out-of-staters there than Wisconsiners.

Anonymous said...

I highly advise going to Sauk Prairie. There are lots of bars/grills there, with lots of drunk, or soon-to-be-drunk, people around talking.

One time around 11pm at Turn It Loose, I asked a guy "do you know who William F. Buckley was?" and he shot back "yeah, he was an ambassador for Mexico in the early part of the 20th century."

I nearly shat myself before I explained I had meant to refer to WFB Jr.

Derve Swanson said...

"No one has suggested Ho-Chunk Casino!"

Yeah, that's a real representative sample of working Wisconsin, eh?

I hear they come from all over Wisconsin just to gamble there ... not.

Scott M said...

"Wisconsin Dells"

He's likely to find more out-of-staters there than Wisconsiners.

This time of year? Growing up in Chicago, that always struck me as a summer getaway place.

Derve Swanson said...

And btw, you two missed the Birkebeiner in Hayward this weekend, so busy covering the hippies down there!

I know, I know... "Wait 'til next year!"

Derve Swanson said...

3 words, Scott M:
INDOORS Water Parks.

(It's truly more a winter getaway now.)

Last comment, lest I soon be banned...

former law student said...

you two missed the Birkebeiner

Maybe they didn't want to birke their beinen? I always pass up the Markleeville Death Ride myself, for a similar reason.


galdosiana said...

He's likely to find more out-of-staters there than Wisconsiners.

In the summer, most definitely. However, winter in the Dells tends to be mainly Wisconsinites who go to the indoor water parks and the antique shops.

Trooper York said...

I wouldn't go to Green Bay because they are still drunk there.

I heard they won a big game or something.

Chip Ahoy said...

Es un idea muy buena.

Derve Swanson said...

"Illinois, Illinois..."

Check out the plates in the parking lot, if you don't believe me. Especially in the high-end places, or where they offer business conferences...

Trooper York said...

If I were Meade I would go to Milwaukee and talk to workers at the bottling plant.

I always wanted to pole Laverne.

Known Unknown said...

I always wanted to pole Laverne.

Not anymore.

Known Unknown said...

INDOORS Water Parks.

Mmmm ... bacteria.

kent said...

Walker gives 24-hour deadline to fleebaggers

Heh. ;)

Trooper York said...

"E.M. Davis said...
I always wanted to pole Laverne.

Not anymore."

But Dude....I have a Delorean! Just sayn'

chickelit said...

Head west on Highway 14 all the way deep into God's Country.

Anonymous said...

Dunno much about Wisconsin, but I'd be interested in the views of folks in the areas I do know, an arc from Oshkosh through Fon du Lac over to Sheboygan. Had some delicious, if a bit weird by Texas standards, barbecue one snowy day in Plymouth long ago.


Unknown said...

New Media Meade
Non Mainstream Media
Non Madison Media

Marilee said...

Not having ever been to Wisconsin, this thread is delightful. It's like a travelogue. Makes me want to come..in the summer:)

former law student said...

C'mon: it's New Meadea

jaed said...

I'm seeing a new masthead:

"Althouse: Home of New Media Meade, reporting in and out of Madison since 2011!"

dick said...

What is Sheboygan like. Always loved the name and the high school queen I graduated with lives there with her husband who owns a company making travel trailers (very successful). No idea how conservative or liberal the town is but what I read about it seems like a good city.

former law student said...

Sheboygan is all about the brats.

Dad29 said...

but at an hour you'll still be in the penumbra

But be careful.

There Be Emanations.

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