February 3, 2011

"My Christian faith then has been a sustaining force for me over these last few years."

"All the more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time. We are reminded that, ultimately, what matters is not what other people say about us, but whether we're being true to our conscience and true to our God."

ADDED: "CLINGING to his religion. And perhaps even a trifle bitterly."


Anonymous said...

Oh, God, another kissing movie.

Unknown said...

Did he get that one from Rev Jeremiah before he laid it on us?

Well, I guess he can add Christian apostate to Moslem apostate on his resume. It's the only field of endeavor where he beats Sarah Palin.

Automatic_Wing said...

I still think he's a Keynesian.

The Crack Emcee said...

So now he's got a separate God, too?

TeamOSweet said...

Now lets see some reporters ask President Obama if he thinks the earth is only 6,000-some-odd years old, like his Bible says.

Phil 314 said...

I'm no going to question a man's faith.
However, this:
All the more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time. We are reminded that, ultimately, what matters is not what other people say about us, but whether we're being true to our conscience and true to our God.

seems a little "off key"

Big Mike said...

Did you see the picture Drudge posted with this Obama quote?


Gordon Freece said...

Clinging to his religion, eh?

What a hypocritical jerk. He's no more religious than I am and everybody knows it. The only reason he's spooning out this sticky, sentimental bullshit is to address the people who apparently think he's a muslim, and I doubt they'll be convinced. Oh, Jesus, and now he's into prayer breakfasts: Wasn't Jimmy Carter big on those? That kind of public-peformance Christianity irritated me then, and it irritates me now. But at least Carter might have been sincere, the limp little weasel.

The only people who'll really think Obama's sincere are his loyal fans -- all of whom understand perfectly that his religiosity has never been more than a dishonest and cynical exercise in political pandering. They're a little funny like that. It's empty posturing, and they think empty posturing is the only reality.

Gordon Freece said...

...and if Obama is religious, that's even worse, because his church for 20 years was that ugly little Klan knockoff in Chicago. The only reason he got away with that was the universal belief that his attendance was purely cynical.

Somebody ought to ask him about Wright again. It's a shame we don't have any journalists in this country. A few of those might be fun to have around right now.

prairie wind said...

ultimately, what matters is not what other people say about us, but whether we're being true to our conscience and true to our God."

He just can't help himself. His conscience comes before "our God." And, yes, he and Michelle have their own God.

Couldn't bring myself to watch the video. Two more years of hearing that sanctimonius prick, no sense in making it worse.

john bord said...

The religion of Hussien Obama is "Big Government." The god of big government is hussien obama, all bow before the almighty government.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We are reminded that, ultimately, what matters is not what other people say about us,

Didn't Obama have a 'War Room' style response team during the campaign?

If I remember correctly Clinton's war-room took credit for the 92 election of Bill Clinton.

1775OGG said...

So, dual citizenship? Well, when does he have to declare or what are the rules for situations like this? Really!

We'll be talking about Obama's dual citizenship, and possible dual religious affiliation, for years. This will provide years of fun over and make for heated hotstove league discussions and even a few fist fights too! Hot diggity!

Roux said...

Sheesh.... How much longer do we have to endure this crap.

The Musket said...

Keynesian! No doubt!

Faith is belief in something you can't see. Keynesians have much faith.

wv epayere: what we are under the keynesian religion

SteveR said...

"our God" ??

prairie wind said...

Yes,Steve. Not yours. Theirs is better because their god lets them believe that they are infalible.

FloridaSteve said...

Bullshit. Pure unadulterated bullshit.

gadfly said...

"I still think he's a Keynesian."

Althouse should be banning these "birthers" like Maguro.

As for me, I don't think Maguro goes far enough. There is simply no doubt that he is Keynesian.

Anonymous said...

" ... our God ..."

Not God. Not just God. "Our God."

Keep in mind that the person speaking requires that people do not call him by his born Christian name - Barry Sotero - the name on his long-form birth certificate that is being kept secret.

No, he requires that people call him by a Muslim name.



prairie wind said...

Really--his arrogance (our God, our consciences) just has no limit, does it? He has no idea what he sounds like. Not an inkling. He should talk more. The more he talks, the more people can see and hear who he is.

I miss W.

Marica said...

I don't believe it. It's as simple as that.

We can talk about belief and wax epistomological & all but i don't believe it.

Anonymous said...

This post is obviously interchangeable with the previous one. Why this theme, Althouse?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Is arrogance the greatest sin? I recognize it immediately when I see it or hear it. I heard it today when the Eagles fathead coach hired his offensive line coach to be the team's defensive coordinator! ,

I'm Full of Soup said...

That Drudge pic was a Reuters pic from an Obama news conference the previous day.

TeamOSweet said...

18% of Americans think Obama's a Muslim; 30% of Democrats think Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened. Conclusion: A significant percentage of people will say whatever will make political figures they detest look as bad as possible, regardless of truth-connectivity.
P.S. Barack Obama, obviously, is atheist, or agnostic, doesn't believe in God, as don't many just-go-along b.s. Christians of his ilk.

David said...

"All the more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time."

The man has rabbit ears. He's sure not hearing his faith questioned by anyone he sees personally, so he must have someone reporting faith challengers to him.

No Obama enemies list, but a faith challenger list.

Christian faith requires humility, and a willingness to overcomel doubts. Doubts of others as well as your own.

Sorry, I'm not buying any of this.

William said...

OK, it's bs. But it's the kind of hypocrisy that a lot of other politicians practice. The revealed facts of his life indicate a man who is a better Christian than the Clintons, the Edwards, Giuliani, Gingrich, and a long list of other politicians. He is hypocritical but, if you criticize him more than the others, you are indulging in your own hypocrisy. So also are Bill Maher and Jon Stewart who will not make fun of him for this suupremely mockable piece of bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Obama's Reverend Wright prayed God would do something to America.

And judging by the last two years we've endured, I'd say the good Reverend was heard and answered.

Now we need redemption from the hell we're getting from the administration.

Chip Ahoy said...

I read once in Years of Upheaval IIRC that when things were getting really deep, personally deep not SALT deep or shuttle diplomacy deep or Cambodia expansion deep, Nixon made Kissinger kneel by the fireplace to pray and Kissinger was all, "Oh shit."

MathMom said...

Obama goes to a prayer breakfast, at which normal people would pray. He, however, uses the forum to pout, and complain that people question his faith. So, the prayer breakfast becomes about him, not about Him.

Is it 2012 yet?

G Joubert said...

I like the way he casts himself as a persecuted victim. It's a nice touch.

Alex said...

Obama is so full of SHIT as usual. I swear he's so backed up with SHIT it's coming out of his oversized DUMBO ears.

Alex said...

He's sustained by critics of his faith instead of GOD????? That's the direct opposite of Dubya who put his FAITH in Jesus Christ and didn't need critics to reinforce his FAITH in the lord & savior!

Methadras said...

He may be a 'christian' but he clearly is a Muslim sympathizer to a very large degree. When NASA's new defining mission is to reach out to Muslims to celebrate their achievements to science, astronomy, etc. (which they never really did by the way unless they were Arab) and to have his state department reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood in secret negotiations or to lend his weight and support to the Mosque near ground Zero, When he slipped in front of Snuffleupigus and said "my Muslim faith..." and Snuffleupigus actually corrected him in reference to McCain questioning his faith, "your christian faith..." (ooopsie).

When he went to Egypt and gave his speech and was elected president, Muslims there quite plainly said that they know he is a Muslim and they are waiting for him to act out his Muslimhood around the Muslim world. His father was a Muslim, his Indonesian dad was a Muslim, his roommate at Columbia was a Muslim and he went to Pakistan for reasons unknown. When Minash Amir heralds Obama's presidency as "Allah's will to conquer the heart of the American nation through Islam.” you've got an image problem.

If it walks like a Muslim sympathizer, quacks like a Muslim sympathizer, or looks like a Muslim sympathizer, well, then it's an Erkle.

Methadras said...

Quayle said...

Obama's Reverend Wright prayed God would do something to America.

And judging by the last two years we've endured, I'd say the good Reverend was heard and answered.

Now we need redemption from the hell we're getting from the administration.

Erkle sat in Wright's church which basically heralded the likes of Malcolm X and Louise Farakook.

Methadras said...

OSweet said...

P.S. Barack Obama, obviously, is atheist, or agnostic, doesn't believe in God, as don't many just-go-along b.s. Christians of his ilk.

His father was a muslim, his step-father was a muslim, he went to a madrassa in indonesia and was a practicing muslim, his roommate was a muslim, and he travelled to pakistan for reasons unknown. So you are telling me, that he is the christian son of a two muslims and an atheist (his mother) or you think he's agnostic or atheistic himself? So sitting in the pews of Rev. Wrights church of whitey hatred didn't cement some level of belief or faith in him at all? please.

bgates said...

Conclusion: A significant percentage of people will say whatever will make political figures they detest look as bad as possible, regardless of truth-connectivity.

You manage to fit quite a lot of fail into a short comment. For one thing, we don't know how many of the 18% even oppose Obama, let alone "detest" him. For another, it's a lot easier to keep a secret about one's religious beliefs than it would be to maintain a decade-long conspiracy that led to the murder of thousands of people.

Speaking of which, how is it that the two examples you chose to illustrate "look as bad as possible" are (A) a conspiracy to murder thousands of people and (B)...being a Muslim? Does one of those seem a bit more severe to you?

Finally, "truth connectivity", by which I suppose you mean "evidence": for the idea that Bush had thousands murdered, there isn't any. For the idea that Obama is a Muslim, there's the family connections and time spent in multiple Islamic countries that Methadras listed, the fact that his pastor of 20 years spent time "dabbling with...Islam", his hostility to Israel, the bizarre assertion that NASA exists to improve Muslim self-esteem....

TeamOSweet said...

Nobody, really, believes in God, in the BS Judeo Christian concept of God. Not Barack Obama, not nobody!!

Revenant said...

"Our God" is a weird phrase for a Christian to use, but not an unusual phrase for a member of Wright's church to use. After all, in their version of Christianity God's primary concern is black people, not people in general.

TeamOSweet said...

People read my comments!! They like me! They really like me!!

TeamOSweet said...

Nobody believes in God, really.

jimspice said...

Personally, I'm convinced that AA is just setting you guys up to sound as idiotic as possible. Oh, please, let that be the case. Elsewise, I'm not sure why this feed remains in my syndication.

Alex said...

jim - GTFO then. We eat intellectually inert brats like you for breakfast.

TeamOSweet said...

In the dregs here of the godless comments, does the blogger herself here observe? Nobody belives in god, really.

coketown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

"our God" ??

Yes. Black Liberation Theology, as practiced at Obama's church:

"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy." - Dr Cone, Obama supporter and champion of Rev Wright and Trinity United Church.

Chip Ahoy said...

Speaking of things that are ridiculous -- aren't we? -- did you happen to see the homemade Egyptian helmets posted on Weasel Zipper?

Kevin said...

Bullshit. He's the epitome of a post-Christian academic. He only attended Rev. Wright's church because a half-white Ivy League carpetbagger needed some street cred when running for political office on the South Side of Chicago.

RRC Raj said...

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rhhardin said...

"I thought you didn't believe in God."

"I don't. But the God I don't believe in is a good God, a just God, a merciful God. He's not the mean and stupid God you make Him out to be."

Catch 22

Jennifer said...

"Our" God sounds like a PC nod to other religions to me, not a proprietary claim.

Fen said...

He only attended Rev. Wright's church because a half-white Ivy League carpetbagger needed some street cred when running for political office on the South Side of Chicago.

Dear Barak,

Please pardon me. I only joined the Jihad to get much needed street cred.

Mohammed Hussein Mohammed

lucid said...

Obama often complains about being treated unfairly, and he is right.

He was given the most powerful job in the world without any real qualifications (apart from editing the Harvard Law Review).

That is unfair.

Toad Trend said...

The Zero has confirmed himself to be a moby with his ridiculous statement.

His 'god' is government. Period.

A truthful person of Christian faith would not say the divisive things he has glibly said over the last 2 years.

Alinsky has taught him well.


traditionalguy said...

Obama has one thing right: we all need a sustaining force. The question is whether the sustaining force in Obama's life is the God who keeps covenant promises to His People, or whether Obama's sustaining force is a god at war with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. IMO watching his belt buckle moves rather than watching his head fakes leads me to suspect the latter. The Obama that I watch has clearly joined in with the anti-Christ spirit, so popular in the Muslim world, which holds that a continued existence of God's People anywhere is an offense to be expunged rather than a blessing to this world from God. At least Hosni Mubarak was a realist in his dealings with this all important issue.

Lisa said...

So being true to your God explains why you went to an anti-Semitic church for 20 years?

AllenS said...

obama prays every night before he goes to bed...

"Please, God, don't let anyone find my birth certificate and please don't let any more people find out that I'm a complete idiot."

Mick said...

I saw 3 stations at the same time doing this story, so it is definitely a WH/ Journolist strategem designed to fight the perception (correct) that Obama is trying to force out Mubarak so his Muslim Bro. buddies can take over.

It is also done to fight the perception of his "otherness", and he mentions that he only met his father once, probably to fight perceptions of "foreign influence".

The FACT is that his father makes him ineligible for the office. He is NOT a natural born Citizen, no matter if born in the White House.

The most absurd "Journolist" meme is the Obama/Reagan lovefest. This Treasonous malignant Marxist cabal definitely has their ear to the ground.

Mick said...

AllenS said...

"obama prays every night before he goes to bed...

"Please, God, don't let anyone find my birth certificate and please don't let any more people find out that I'm a complete idiot."

He is not an idiot. He has been installed by World Government debt bankers to effect the destruction of American Sovereignty, and to destroy America's economy from w/in, by Cloward/ Piven.

They have chosen him because he has little attachment or allegiance to this country, and because he is not a natural born Citizen (his father was never a citizen), so as to undermine the security of the US Constitution.

He MEANS to do everything he has done.

Mick said...

lucid said...

"Obama often complains about being treated unfairly, and he is right.

He was given the most powerful job in the world without any real qualifications (apart from editing the Harvard Law Review).

That is unfair."

And he is not an eligible natural born Citizen, no matter who his god is, or WHERE he was born (his father was never a US Citizen, and Obama, at best, was born a dual citizen).

Anonymous said...

The basic elements of which he learned at the knee of Jeremiah Wright.

DaveW said...

Is arrogance the greatest sin?

Pretty much, or the original sin anyway, but it's called pride.

Tough one to dodge, pride. As soon as you think you've got it licked your very thinking demonstrates you do not.

Anonymous said...

Heh, keep digging Barry....(hands a bigger shovel)

Anonymous said...

"Heh, keep digging Barry ..."

Please do not refer to the President by his given Christian name.

The President requires that all members of his family and the media refer to him instead by a Muslim name: Barack Hussein Obama.


Unknown said...

That photo is crying call for photoshop: and disc or a cross
Tha Instapundit did it again " clinging bitterly to their religion"

Unknown said...

I guess he can add Christian apostate to Moslem apostate on his resume.
Why not it worked well to Julian

The Concrete Dog said...

not untl
more thn a hundrd yrs
after rome crucifid
its last por sol

aftr the last eywitnes
was gon
the agony n screams
humiliatn n taunts
avertd eyes
th horror
finaly forgotn

not untl thn
did the christns make
picturs of it

from my cornr in th monastry
st jon of zagba
th yr 586
i watchd rabbula
monk and scribe
finish th illumntd gospl

he wd giv me a playfl pat
on th hed
when he walkd by
my fur soon staind
by th drk brown ink
on his aged hands

jayne_cobb said...

I always preferred the term "hubris" instead of "pride".

Anonymous said...

This stuff ain't good to talk about.

Who knows what goes on in the man's heart? I'm not going to pretend I know.

The sum of what a man does over the course of his life, whether good or bad, is solely for God to judge.

We just can't know.

Paddy O said...

I hope this is true, and I hope it continues to be both a sustaining and a shaping force for him.

Because he has people around him, as do all presidents, who want his power to be used for their own ends and their own profit. And, whatever his faith has been before, no doubt the weight of decisions in his present office has pushed him to need a sustaining force, especially the last few years.

The Concrete Dog said...

judge not
bout sums it up

Anonymous said...


Neener Neener Neener! I'm not listening to you proles! Neener Neener Neener! Talk to the hand, that's all y'er gonna get! Neener Neener Neener!

And here! To pour some sugar on the wound, let me tell you how I listen all the time to the imaginary God in my head. Not only that... Michelle shares the dream too. Dom Cobb can eat his heart out, and you fuddy-duddy American workaday lackeys can go fuck yourselves.

You are sustaining me and my dream world! Neener! Neener! Neener!

Triangle Man said...

seems a little "off key"

It's the use of "our God" instead of just "God".

traditionalguy said...

ST...That was a profound truth you just offered in humility, and I agree with your opinion that God alone knows our hearts and will judge us by the words of His son.

kent said...

The only higher power Barack Obama even acknowledges (much less worships) is Barack Obama.

MathMom said...

Shoutingthomas -

We don't know what is in his heart. But we can see what he does.

Matthew 7:15-17

7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

knox said...

Whether or not he's a Christian doesn't really matter. What matters is that he has a PC-based grudge against western countries. That's been clear from almost the beginning. The Churchill bust. The Apology Tour. The Saudi Bow. And Michelle made it clear with her "the first time I've been proud of my country" comment.

kjbe said...

I don’t understand the uproar regarding his use of the phrase, “our God”. My own faith practice allows myself and everyone else to define their God in their own way or of their own understanding. It is certainly my belief that I don’t define yours, nor you, mine. Whether it’s a belief in the same single entity for all or a higher power defined on a more individual scale, it seems to me that there is room for both.

Anonymous said...

"Who knows what goes on in the man's heart? I'm not going to pretend I know."

Nobody can possibly know. But we do know this:

* The President and the state of Hawaii are refusing to release his long-form birth certificiate to prove his citizenship.

* He requires that people not use his given Christian name.

* He was raised a Muslim by his Islamic father.

* In Indonesia, a Muslim country.

* He requires that people call him by a Muslim name he chose.

The question really isn't whether Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim or a Christian ... the question is why does this Christian require people to call him Hussein?

That's kind of abnormal behavior, isn't it?

Doesn't matter really. Barack Obama also claimed he was against the individual mandate and that was a lie too.

Anonymous said...

"I don’t understand the uproar regarding his use of the phrase, “our god”."

The term "our God" implies the existence of many gods and that they chose one to follow which might be different from "your God."

If one was Islamic, then the phrase "our God" would make sense.

A Christian would never suggest the presence of many gods from which one could choose.

A Christian would just say: "God."
Not "our god."

Anonymous said...

I'll have to provide a small correction:

* He was raised a Muslim by his Islamic father

He was raised a Muslim by his Islamic step-father

Obama's father deserted him, after impregnating his 17 year-old mother.

Obama's father was a polygamist and a drunk, which I don't necessarily hold against the man. You can't blame a man for the circumstances of his birth.

But, let's be accurate.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Oh, man... Campaign season already?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Nope, no Christian would ever say "our God"...




I could list many more "nopes", but Blogger would flag that many links as spam. You'll have to do your own Googling if you don't believe me.

Oh, that last "nope" is particularly quotable:

For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. Psalm 48:14 (King James Version)

I guess now the King James Bible is an Islamic plot...

Kirby Olson said...

So, he clings to his religion, is a bit bitter, and also is willing to bring a gun to a knife fight. He should move to western Pennsylvania when he's no longer employed.

Revenant said...

Martin... if your goal was to make Obama sound better, you might want to hunt for some better examples.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Revenant, my goal was to show that the phrase "our God" is not uncommon in Christian usage. If you think I failed at that, you're going to have to be more specific. I kind of think the King James Bible seals my case. (New International uses basically the same words, as I recall.)

I have no interest in making President Obama sound better. As should be obvious from my first comment, all I think he's doing here is praying for votes.

Paddy O said...

"(New International uses basically the same words, as I recall.)"

Martin is right. "Our God" isn't uncommon. While not exactly the same, the Lord's prayer starts off with "Our Father, who is in heaven."

Then, there's the shema, which is translated in the NIV (the most popular translation these days for Evangelicals) as "The Lord our God, the Lord is one".

Indeed, there's about 208 uses of the phrase "our God" in the NIV translation. Most in the OT, but some good examples in the NT as well.

Paddy O said...

Martin is right. "Our God" shows up about 208 times in the NIV translation, which is the most popular translation for Evangelicals.

Most are in the OT, with a key one being the Shema, which is translated in the NIV as "The Lord our God, the Lord is one."

Which Jesus quotes in the Gospels.

There's also really key examples in Revelation, where it is used in phrases of heavenly worship.

Meaning, it's a perfectly okay phrase to use and I've heard it used, like Martin, in many other settings. Indeed, it might even denote a familiarity with Scripture rather than the opposite, as we tend to pepper our speech with phrases we pick up elsewhere.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Now if he starts talking about "soda", he's an apostate usurper space alien. All Real Americans know it's pop.

Scott M said...

Now if he starts talking about "soda", he's an apostate usurper space alien. All Real Americans know it's pop.

The hell you say.

Paddy O said...

In Charlotte, they call it all Coke.

At least that's what I hear the rest of the South call's it.

Phil 314 said...

"Our God" is an okay phrase. I still say the speech was "off key".

The temptation to "play to the audience" at the National Prayer Breakfast has to be overwhelming. In doing so, one will likely come off sounding...

"off key".

But again, the quality of his faith is between he and God. I've certainly heard some deeply faithful individuals describe their relationship with God poorly. I mean they're
just words

SteveR said...

Sure "our God" is not that uncommon but he's talking about he and Michelle's God, in a way that is not common.

Its not a definitive call but in view of his overall religious resume, not an reasonable one.

My read is he's not that familiar with the way Christians normally talk, not that he's talking with the OT or Jesus in mind.

Sigivald said...

Remember when it was a sign of coming Theocracy if the President ever talked about religion, let alone "reliance on God"?

Yeah, that was funny, wasn't it?

Revenant said...

Revenant, my goal was to show that the phrase "our God" is not uncommon in Christian usage.

That's my point. You've got an example from 140 years ago, another example from a song from 25 years ago, and a third example from an obscure modern preacher. That actually conveys the impression that the usage IS uncommon.

Ralph L said...

A Mighty Fortress is Martin Luther's God, at least in English.

the rest of the South calls it
Coc-cola, where the Yankees haven't swarmed in.

Pop is your father.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

The King James Bible and the New International are obscure in Christianity. Got it.

Revenant said...

"Our God" shows up about 208 times in the NIV translation

Sure, but if you look at that list you'll see that all of the occurrences are in the Old Testament. "Our god" suggests the existence of either (a) other gods or (b) people with whom God is not concerned. Which was the old Jewish viewpoint, of course.

When it IS used by Christians it is generally used in the sense of "we = humanity" -- "our God" meaning "humanity's God", not "the God of my wife and I".

kjbe said...

The term "our God" implies the existence of many gods and that they chose one to follow which might be different from "your God."

That's not what I hear. I don't hear plural, I hear, someone who like myself (a Christian) and someone who is still defining his God - what that is, what it means and how it fits into his life.

Trooper York said...

The readings and the Gospel this week were all about humility. How the meek would inherit the earth. How the last shall be first and the first shall be last.

Humility is an elusive thing. The people who get the highest prizes in life often cannot step back and find a little humility in their souls.

I bow to no one in my oppisition to this President and all his works, but I think we can find a little humility and hope that he can some peace and solace in his realtionship with God.....whether it is his God or the God the rest of us worship.

I hope he can find some help there for both him and his family.

Paul Stokes said...

What sustained him prior to the "last few years?" What will sustain him in the future? Say, next week?

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