February 18, 2011

"Lazy Protesters Straight Ahead"...


... says the sign stuck in the snow.

Straight ahead, at the protest, protesters chide the lazy voters...


"This is what happens when nobody votes." Who's she calling nobody? Well, the good people didn't vote, and look what the hell happened:


"Adolf Walker/Union Buster."

One of the main chants in the Capitol is: "This is what democracy looks like." And I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy? [ADDED: I mean November!]


Fen said...

I now support Union Busting. Thanks for the push.

Fire them all.

Drew said...

One of the main chants in the Capitol is: "This is what democracy looks like." And I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?

I thought Democracy was when our elected officials showed up to cast votes instead of running off to the Hooters in Rockford.

TWM said...

"I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?"

Well, don't keep us on pins and needles . . . what are their answers?

TJ said...

SO much at stake here.....hope the Governor hangs tough.

The people of WI are really getting an eyeful.

These parents who work have got to be wanting to tear off a piece of these parasites.

Kevin said...

"I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?"


Unknown said...

I think we're looking at photographs of the lazy voters.

As evinced in the phrase, "I just vote for whoever the shop steward tells me to vote for".

TWM said...

"I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?"


I voted in October. Early voting - maybe Wisconsin has it as well - LOL

Lincolntf said...

The Hitler fixation among the Teachers/Democrats is remarkable.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wander could it be a source of aid and comfort to the Gaddafi's of the world to hear that somebody like Walker is compared to Hitler?

By the worlds superpower educators.. no less.

Freeman Hunt said...

That first sign indicates that there is at least one sane person in Madison besides Althouse, Meade, and the various Madison-based commenters here.

Good because my mother is moving to Madison in the fall. She doesn't care about or follow politics.

BJM said...

Oh, the civility!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

These union workers live in a bubble. Millions of people are
out of work and our retirement savings are dwindled or gone.

Don't these selfish people care about the children? Don't they care about the state budget?

No - the rest of us are all Hitler.

madAsHell said...

Dear Professor,

Can you estimate the size of the crowd? Please try to overlook the gawkers, and rubber-neckers. I just want a count of the sincere protestors.....please.

Is it more than a tea party protest?

cubanbob said...

I don't understand why the state republicans have a party and pass every single wish list of legislation that only requires a simple majority? If they do that, the democrats will first freeze in shock, then go howling mad in session and a that point the republicans just slap them again with the spending cuts (as there will be the required quorum) and that will put the icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember when Tea Party demonstrations were held in contempt for being sooo white, here not so much,eh?

As an aside, as I'm writing just saw AFL-CIO pres. Trumka giving an impassioned speech to the crowd. This Wisconsin episode has all of the makings of a true watershed event.

Obama and all of the power at his disposal along with organized labor on the one side, pitted against the taxpaying public on the other.

There is no more money, nationwide. According to Drudge these protests have now spread now to 4-5 states.

q12345q6789 said...

@ Ann Althouse:
Good luck asking these protesters thoughtful questions! Make sure they don't know where you live or follow you home...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When these people call Scott Walker "Hitler" - they are calling everyone who voted for him "Hitler".
Good luck with that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is it more than a tea party protest?

I don't believe Althouse has been to a tea party protest.. Meade has.. but I could be wrong.

traditionalguy said...

These protests look more like a big spring festival, while the moon is full, with the dumb saps rising and preening in public for possible sexual partners. It seems to be a version of the running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain, braving Adolph Hitler's hot on their heels. It must have been a long cold winter.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

This is what community organizing looks like.

Despite what some here may say, community organizing can serve the ends of democracy. If it motivates people to get out, get educated, and vote, then it's democracy, even if I disagree with their votes.

But this is about community organizing as a form of mob rule, in an effort to usurp the democratic process.

Anonymous said...

I thought I read reports following the election that there was a near record voting turnout in 2010. I guess by "Nobody" she means, nobody who agrees with me.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This just in - Milwaukee public school teachers are paid an average of $100,005 including salary and benefits.

Triangle Man said...

"Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?"

Trampling your own principles of anti-obviousness? It's all democracy.

roesch-voltaire said...

I've been stuck all afternoon working with students so it nice to see that Althouse and Meade can get away to take all these pictures keeping me up to date on the latest signs.

galdosiana said...

One of the main chants in the Capitol is: "This is what democracy looks like." And I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?

I asked my colleagues this same question. Their response was: "Well, if so many people support this bill, then where are they? Why aren't they here showing their support?"

To which I responded: "They're working. At their jobs."

That, of course, started a big fuss.

Anonymous said...

Do you not understand that Wisconsin neens quality teachers?

le Douanier said...

"One of the main chants in the Capitol is: "This is what democracy looks like." And I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?"

Why doesn't Althouse just go around kicking dogs and stealing lollipops from kids?

I'm all for taking shots at folks who are inconsistent and/or foolish. But, show some humanity. You've got to take it easy on the especially weak minded. And, a lot of those folks seem quite "special."

Really, the more I see of this, the more certain I am that the Rs in WI are totally wrong.

They shouldn't be throwing out the contracts that relate to health care and retirement. They should be throwing out the contracts that relate to seniority, teacher/principle evaluations, hiring, and firing.

Keep the pay high, get rid of the loser teachers (presumably Althouse's images are representative of WI teachers) and replace the losers with quality/effective folks, who, rightly, expect to be well compensated.

The WI Rs are totally screwing this up. Obviously, they're just as dumb as these protesters, that Althouse sadistically enjoys slapping around.

Beth said...

Elections are "what democracy looks like" - in 2010, sure, and in 2008, and every cycle. Protests are also what it looks like, when the folks who didn't prevail react to health care legislation and budget cutting and whatever motivates them.

Triangle Man said...


Nope, Milwaukee district in 2010 is $56,095 average salary and $30,202 fringe.

The only district with an average total compensation of $100k or greater is Nicolet, which is a district comprised of a single high school. Teachers there also have an average of 20.5 years of experience.

Rumpletweezer said...

"Lazy?" When did our discourse get so unpleasant?

BJM said...

keeping me up to date on the latest signs.

Yes, R-V, your peeps are doing you proud.

Fen said...

This just in - Milwaukee public school teachers are paid an average of $100,005 including salary and benefits.


Milwaukee Teachers Fight for Viagra Coverage. "Despite facing budget cuts and layoffs, Teachers fight for taxpayer-funded erectile dysfunction drug"


Dust Bunny Queen said...

"This is what democracy looks like."

Actually, this is what temper tantrum from those who are now out of power look like.

For year and years the Unions and the workers have been coddled and treated with kid gloves by the Democrats who use them as a source of votes.

Now that the Democrats are no longer in power, the unions have lost their deep pockets Sugar Daddy and with the Republicans in the majority, the adults have entered the room and going to discipline the children.

The Unions and the union workers are in stunned disbelief. What??? we dont' get our way????Waaaahhhh!!!!

Fen said...

"Board and union negotiators reached a deal in 2002 to cover six tablets per month for erectile dysfunction drugs in health plans that insure 10,000 employees, dependents and retirees. They quickly became popular.

By 2004, the number of claimants receiving prescriptions skyrocketed to more than 1,000 per year, costing the district $207,000. During negotiations in 2005, the board proposed eliminating the benefit and an arbitrator adopted the plan."

Michael said...

R-V: But Althouse, like you, is a professor. It is not like she, or you, work 60 hour weeks. She, like you, has plenty (and I mean plenty) of free time. Time to think. That is why you are so smart you let union people negotiate for you.

Lincolntf said...

How anyone could send their kids to a Wisconsin public school knowing what kind of cretins will be teaching them is beyond me.
Can't afford a real school?
Try home-schooling.
Anything woulod be better than having these hateful ignorami influencing your children.

TJ said...

Walker may not be vicious enough - fire 10,000 of 'em!

Scipio said...

Remember, Pauline Kael couldn't believe that Nixon won: she didn't know a single person who voted for him.

Michael said...

Beth: Agree totally. But protesters ought to do so on their own time (not time paid for by the taxpayer), not call in sick to make time to protest, and should pick up after themselves. Otherwise knock yourself out.

Original Mike said...

We always go downtown to eat dinner before going to the Friday night hockey game. I'm thinking that wouldn't be a great idea tonight, however.

ricpic said...

Only in America are the suffering masses so well fed.

Michael said...

I fondly remember the Eastern Airlines Pilots picketing outside airports even as their airline was going broke. They walked back and forth with their pathetic signs. And then they, and Eastern Airlines, were gone. Remember Eastern? Few do.

DADvocate said...

This is what democracy looks like.

As I said yesterday, no, this is what mob rule looks like. Public employees being asked to make the same sacrifices the rest of us make and they can't take it.

Even more of us will vote next election. It's time for citizens to reassert themselves, to remind the governing class who is in charge in a democracy/republic.

galdosiana said...

There are already rumors floating around campus that if the bill passes, there will be university-wide strikes...or at least, that's what some TAA members are saying. As someone who doesn't know law well at all, would that even technically be legal?

Original Mike said...

Sure is nice to be on the far west side of campus where life goes on as usual.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Triangle Man:
Believe it or not, the $100K is a quote from school board's financial analyst in a meeting held last night. I would link it but am too much of a dumb dinosaur.

But the video will get around very soon and I am sure you will see it.

DADvocate said...

Do you not understand that Wisconsin neens quality teachers?

Are you serious? Unions protect incompetent teachers rather than promote quality teachers? Want quality teachers? Give vouchers and let parents pick where their kids go to school.

Triangle Man said...


I believe you saw or heard it, I'm just saying that the data from the State say something very different. I bet those Milwaukee teachers drive Lamborghinis or Escalades too.

Ann Althouse said...

"Dear Professor, Can you estimate the size of the crowd? Please try to overlook the gawkers, and rubber-neckers. I just want a count of the sincere protestors.....please. Is it more than a tea party protest?"

It's 10 times the size of the (impressive) Tea Party protest here last April, and it goes on all day, not just for a few hours, and it's been going on for 4 days, so hell, yeah!

Brian O'Connell said...

Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?

Not when you consider false consciousness and What's the Matter with Kansas? In that light, I'm sure these folks have no problem believing that the only real democracy is that of activists and the street theater of protests.

test said...

It's about time someone told these pampered candy asses to pound sand.

So far private sector employees have shouldered the entire burden of this recession. When times were good public employees were first in line demanding increases in return for their votes. Now that the economy is worse they demand everyone else sacrifice because they believe the sale price for those votes is somehow inviolable. Not only do public employees believe private employees should sacrifice extra so public employees don't have to, the sacrifice should be spread to future generations.

There is truly no limit to their greed and self-absorption.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm stressing outdoor photos, but I have (less well lit) indoor video, and I can't get through the crowd into the rotunda, which is the center of the protest. The whole capitol is packed! On 3 levels, all around, by chanting people. It's huge.

Michael said...

Campus wide strikes?! Holy shit, not that.

roesch-voltaire said...

Michael the faculty does not have union representation, but we do have a faculty senate that in theory acts to preserve certain academic rights. Just how many hours a given professor works is hard to judge Between teaching, running labs,writing grants to get more money for research, and publishing articles and books, the faculty that I know in the College of Engineering generally works more than forty hours a week.

Triangle Man said...


Don't forget the service work! Committees!

Dark Eden said...

"Do you not understand that Wisconsin neens quality teachers?"

Yes. Unfortunately Wisconsin is stuck with these losers.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Triangle Man:

I got some spending data from the state once which was used by the MSM to report spending by district. It turned out the MSM and the state did not include 100% of the spending for PC reasons. IOW, they massaged the numbers which meant they under-reported the per pupil spending by district by a material degree.

So I choose to believe my own eyes and always consider the source when believing "facts and data".

Geoff Matthews said...

I'd say that this is mobilizing the base for 2012.
The tea party (or some proto-tea party) did the same thing after Obama's victory.
I'm not a protesting sort-of-person (I do work at a University as staff, and while cuts hurt me, I have a hard time criticizing the cuts with the pain that everyone is dealing with). I'd sooner gawk at protesters than join them. But group actions like this solidify social bonds and strengthen groups.
They also polarize groups and strengthen divisions, so I'm inclined towards the "screw'em'" perspective given the more mounting problems that we have to deal with.

Almost Ali said...

Hey, Annie got her gun!

Keep shootin', lovely lady.

Chennaul said...

Althouse said...

It's 10 times the size of the (impressive) Tea Party protest here last April, and it goes on all day, not just for a few hours, and it's been going on for 4 days, so hell, yeah!

But, perhaps more importantly what does it smell like?

Smells Like Teen Spirit.

How many are college students?

Sofa King said...

AJ -

I believe the $100K figure is the average *cost* to the district per teacher. But this includes things like the employer portions of taxes and bennies, so it is more than the figure that Triangle Man is talking about, which is wages and benefits to the employees

Almost Ali said...

Advice to all Wisconsin teachers:

Ignore all lawful orders, disregard all lawful agreements and enforceable contracts. Just have fun. Please.

Caroline said...

Public sector unions end up pitting public servants against the very public they are supposed to be serving. If anyone had any uncertainty about what that means, they just need to look at what is going in WI.

As this drags on I don't think it helps their cause. All they are doing is convincing other states to vote to bust public sector unions.

These people need some perspective. There are plenty of others who would be happy to have their jobs, benefits, civil servant protections, and the benefit of no union dues. In the uncertain economic times ahead, those are luxury items. Collective bargaining rights, on the other hand, are useless when there is no more money to bargain for.

Take what you can get now, and fight the battle later when there is something to fight over; or you may end up with nothing.

ricpic said...

Remember Eastern?

Flew Eastern many times LaGuardia to West Palm Beach and back. The interiors were tacky. Like Tad's Steaks. Remember Tad's Steaks?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Agreed - below is my original comment on the issue:

"This just in - Milwaukee public school teachers are paid an average of $100,005 including salary and benefits."

Paddy O said...

Reminds me of the French protests not too long ago.

The ones that were ignored.

Lincolntf said...

So when the sniveling cowards who fled the State finally do return, is that going to be the end of this shitshow? I certainly hope so, the whole spectacle is nauseating.

Pastafarian said...

"...... says the sign stuck in the snow."

Implying hypocrisy on the part of the sign-maker. More likely: He made his sign, then went to work, to create wealth that could be taken by force to pay the salaries of the lazy surly Teamsters waving their signs and chanting their hippy slogans.

Jesus Christ, I swear this leads me to violent urges. Should this sort of insolent "protest" come to Ohio, my friends and family will have to physically restrain me to keep me from cracking skulls.

"It's 10 times the size of the (impressive) Tea Party protest..."

Proving only that the problem, too many tax eaters for the number of tax payers, is even worse than we thought.

galdosiana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
galdosiana said...

@LincolnTF: I don't think so. Like I mentioned earlier, apparently some people here at the university are already planning to organize campus-wide strikes if this bill passes. I think things here in Madison are likely to be heated for quite some time yet...

Pastafarian said...

AJ Lynch said: "This just in - Milwaukee public school teachers are paid an average of $100,005 including salary and benefits."

AJ, that is a very, very heavy burtation...hapitak grelvnick sploogey.

Sorry, had a little stroke there.

Rialby said...

Walker needs to fire each one of these teachers. Today.

Chennaul said...

Year Prorated Salary Full Name Position Title District (Hire Agency)
2010 $198,500 Daniel Nerad District Administrator Madison Metropolitan Sch Dist
2010 $184,000 Gregory Maass District Administrator Green Bay Area Sch Dist
2010 $180,000 James Shaw District Administrator Racine Sch Dist
2010 $175,062 William Andrekopoulos District Administrator Milwaukee Sch Dist
2010 $170,850 James Rickabaugh District Administrator Whitefish Bay Sch Dist
2010 $166,089 Paul Kreutzer District Administrator New Berlin Sch Dist
2010 $165,626 Thomas Westerhaus District Administrator River Falls Sch Dist
2010 $164,779 Karen Petric District Administrator Whitnall Sch Dist
2010 $163,256 William Hughes District Administrator Greendale Sch Dist
2010 $162,000 Ronald Heilmann District Administrator Eau Claire Area Sch Dist
2010 $159,299 Eric Hartwig Director of Special Education Marathon Co CDEB
2010 $157,926 Steve Patz District Administrator Franklin Public Sch Dist
2010 $156,783 Norman Fjelstad District Administrator Edgerton Sch Dist
2010 $154,993 Daryl Herrick District Administrator Cedarburg Sch Dist
2010 $154,895 Kathleen Cooke District Administrator Hamilton Sch Dist
2010 $154,652 Craig Gerlach District Administrator Monona Grove Sch Dist
2010 $154,463 Stephen Murley District Administrator Wausau Sch Dist
2010 $153,681 Timothy Gavigan District Administrator Cooperative Ed Serv Agcy 01
2010 $153,466 Matthew Gibson District Administrator Elmbrook Sch Dist
2010 $152,256 Robert Crist District Administrator Wisconsin Rapids Sch Dist
2010 $152,250 Blane Mccann District Administrator Shorewood Sch Dist
2010 $152,000 James Sebert District Administrator Fond du Lac Sch Dist
2010 $150,800 Paul Strobel District Administrator Mukwonago Sch Dist
2010 $150,000 Karen Schulte District Administrator Janesville Sch Dist
2010 $150,000 Joseph Mangi District Administrator Kenosha Sch Dist

Almost Ali said...

Remember Tad's Steaks?

Yes, best T-Bones in New York, at least during the 60's. I used to eat in the Village (6th Avenue & 8th St.) - back when the girls were burning their underwear. Needed 2-3 T-Bones a day just to keep up with'em.

God, did they get taken to the cleaners.

Anonymous said...

"Remember Tad's Steaks?"

Ha! I think they're still around, no?

Red velvet wallpaper!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Dear Professor, Can you estimate the size of the crowd? Please try to overlook the gawkers, and rubber-neckers. I just want a count of the sincere protestors.....please. Is it more than a tea party protest?"

I wonder how many of the protesters are actually from Wisconsin, are actual union members.

How many are professional protesters and who have been bussed in at Union or Democratic machine expense.

It was my understanding that the majority, perhaps almost all, of Tea Party people pay their own way and are not paid protestors.

The smell of astroturf is strong.

garage mahal said...

Saw some good signs last night.

"When we're screwed, we multiply."
"Up yours Walker, not ours"
"Scott Walker does not play well with others"
"You're a mean one" [Walker as Grinch]

I'm going with a sign tonight or tomorrow. My first protest sign!

wildswan said...

Can't we start a recall election for the runaway legislators?

Anonymous said...

If I was a parent who found out my kid was dragged off to the protest without permission, I'd be filing kidnapping charges against the teacher. No joke!

And if they sent my kid home to go to the protest, I'd be suing the same teacher for lost wages and my portion of school taxes for that day.

Tomorrow is the day for the Wisconsin taxpayers to show up to take back your capitol. Show up or you're conceding your state to the perennially entitled.

Lincolntf said...

Good for you Garage. Try to spell everything correctly (ask for help)and make sure that you get a video clip of your foray into the mob of seething shirkers. I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Almost Ali said...

Ha! I think they're still around, no?

Yeah, but they're not $1.29 anymore. Imagine, a complete, char-broiled steak dinner for $1.29! Even better, every steak was from some god-forsaken place in Australia. In fact, Tad's used to spend more money on meat tenderizer - than on meat.

Chip Ahoy said...

You know, you can comment on these signs all you want but a protest is judged the shoes. I rue the day sneakers became the footwear of choice.

Anonymous said...

Supposed to be a big Tea Party show tomorrow. Sparks may fly. These are union meatheads, after all, who don't have any argument except a fist in your face. Thank heavens for Flip cameras and cellphones that can show everyone just who the thugs really are.

Almost Ali said...

The smell of astroturf is strong.

So strong, it leads all the way back to the White House.

But let'em have their fun... while they can.

garage mahal said...

Yep, TPers are being bussed in. Buckle up. It may get bumpy.

chickelit said...

There is a livestream of the rotunda here.

Anonymous said...

Jesse Jackson is rallying the protesters in Madison!


That will play well for the far left, but for any rightie or centrist in Wisconsin it just makes Scott Walker seem all of the more reasonable.

Anonymous said...


I used to go to one down on 14 st. by Luchows around 1970 or so.

The dinner at that time was $1.69 for a grizzled steak, a slice of toasted Italian bread and a baked potato with yellow grease poured on it.

I don't remember anything being tenderized at all!

chickelit said...

@garage You're going tomorrow? Why don't you look for Meade or Althouse...maybe they'll put your mug up on the blog or at least your sign for us to evaluate.

Lincolntf said...

Gee whiz, the Tea Partiers waited until the weekend to do their counter-protest? Almost like they give a fuck about their jobs. Not so with the "Teachers".

garage mahal said...

Yea I'll be going tomorrow for sure. Maybe tonight, battling a cold all week. I'll definitely look for them though.

Still debating the wording on the sign(s)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jesse Jackson - bigtime fail for the Dems and the protestors because he will not generate support from independent voters!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Loving the Walker/Obama front page on Drudge.

Almost Ali said...

madawaskan said...
Year Prorated Salary Full Name Position Title District (Hire Agency)
2010 $198,500 Daniel Nerad District Administrator Madison Metropolitan Sch Dist
2010 $184,000 Gregory Maass District Administrator Green Bay Area Sch Dist
2010 $180,000 James Shaw District Administrator Racine Sch Dist
2010 $175,062 William Andrekopoulos District Administrator Milwaukee Sch Dist
2010 $170,850 James Rickabaugh District Administrator Whitefish Bay Sch Dist
2010 $166,089 Paul Kreutzer District Administrator New Berlin Sch Dist
2010 $165,626 Thomas Westerhaus District Administrator River Falls Sch Dist
2010 $164,779 Karen Petric District Administrator Whitnall Sch Dist
2010 $163,256 William Hughes District Administrator Greendale Sch Dist
2010 $162,000 Ronald Heilmann District Administrator Eau Claire Area Sch Dist
2010 $159,299 Eric Hartwig Director of Special Education Marathon Co CDEB
2010 $157,926 Steve Patz District Administrator Franklin Public Sch Dist
2010 $156,783 Norman Fjelstad District Administrator Edgerton Sch Dist
2010 $154,993 Daryl Herrick District Administrator Cedarburg Sch Dist
2010 $154,895 Kathleen Cooke District Administrator Hamilton Sch Dist
2010 $154,652 Craig Gerlach District Administrator Monona Grove Sch Dist
2010 $154,463 Stephen Murley District Administrator Wausau Sch Dist
2010 $153,681 Timothy Gavigan District Administrator Cooperative Ed Serv Agcy 01
2010 $153,466 Matthew Gibson District Administrator Elmbrook Sch Dist
2010 $152,256 Robert Crist District Administrator Wisconsin Rapids Sch Dist
2010 $152,250 Blane Mccann District Administrator Shorewood Sch Dist
2010 $152,000 James Sebert District Administrator Fond du Lac Sch Dist
2010 $150,800 Paul Strobel District Administrator Mukwonago Sch Dist
2010 $150,000 Karen Schulte District Administrator Janesville Sch Dist
2010 $150,000 Joseph Mangi District Administrator Kenosha Sch Dist

Michael said...

Garage: It will get bumpy indeed when the unions come face to face with counter protesters their default reaction will make for some very excellent tv. Looking forward to it, comrade.

Methadras said...

"this is what happens when nobody votes." Really? The unions voted and look what has happened. The obvious eludes them.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

I'm going with a sign tonight or tomorrow. My first protest sign!

What's it going to say?

"I'm a moron, please don't cancel my union protection?"

Lincolntf said...

Walker should just pull an Obama and say "We don't mind if the Teachers Unions want to come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in back."

Get to the backseat, shitbirds, Walker won.

Chennaul said...

Here's about what the military makes-( I can't find the salary annualized by the press past 2005)-

But for a rough starter -


O1 2nd Lieutenant-$35,377.20

O2 1st Lieutenant- $44,834.40


O3 Captain-$60,998.40


O4 Major- $71,204.40


O5 Lieutenant Colonel


more than 26 years $83,970.00

O6 Colonel

$59,288.40 10 +years $73,054.80

more than 26 years $102,906.00


O7 Brigadier General

$79,992.00 $94,539.60 $117,165.60


O8 Major General

$96,267.60 $110,084.40 $132,091.20


KCFleming said...

"this is what happens when nobody votes."

Shit, Wisconsin, get a clue!

Next time, get a car like Sen. Al Franken (D-MN); it's chock full o' ballots! How many do ya need?

madAsHell said...

so hell, yeah!


If you had used a capital 'H', I would have understood immediately.

MadisonMan said...

Sure is nice to be on the far west side of campus where life goes on as usual.

Heh. I missed work today though, 'cause I was parent on duty.

I also went to the Capitol late this afternoon, and the rally inside the Capitol is just immense, and it has a very joyful, positive vibe. There are lots of lame signs, and that ridiculous This is what democracy looks like chant, but overall, I was quite impressed by the size of it. Lots of people from Dane Co, Milwaukee County, Rock County. My wife was up there too, earlier, and got a hug from the head of the WI AFL-CIO.

I was happy to see the businesses around the Square doing banner business (Had to laugh at the sign for Waxing with No Appt! Walk in! Yes, go to a labor rally, and come home with a bikini wax). I stopped at Candinas and got some chocolate. Cooper's was absolutely jammed.

Chennaul said...


That list for the Wisconsin Teacher's Union salaries goes on and on like that Journey song they were singing yesterday.

MadisonMan said...

Supposed to be a big Tea Party show tomorrow. Sparks may fly. These are union meatheads, after all, who don't have any argument except a fist in your face. Thank heavens for Flip cameras and cellphones that can show everyone just who the thugs really are.

The people from out of town, of course, are the problem makers. Just like Halloween.

alan markus said...

@ Lincolntf:
"How anyone could send their kids to a Wisconsin public school knowing what kind of cretins will be teaching them is beyond me.
Can't afford a real school?
Try home-schooling."

I've been saying all along - choice vouchers for anyone who wants one. Think of the implications if enough people bail on public schools. Those teachers will be on their knees begging for a job at a private or parochial school.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Good job with the military salaries.

I bet David Gregory will use that data on Meet The Press on Sunday when he grills some union bosses [snark].

garage mahal said...

Looking forward to it, comrade.

Me too. I'll be raising hell all weekend, Ill give you a hands on report if and when I run into the grandsons of liberty, or whoever. I truly welcome their contempt.

I'm Full of Soup said...

With school choice, good teachers would be paid more due to competition for their services.

And the high paid school administrators would be out of jobs.

Almost Ali said...

NotYourTypicalNewYorker said...
I used to go to one down on 14 st. by Luchows around 1970 or so.

Hey, New Yorker, Luchows was a serious restaurant! Aside from "dining" at Tad's, however, I used to night-manage The Cookery on the corner of University & 8th. Also the Hip Bagel on MacDougal, by Bleecker - where they served stuff like "guitars" and "clarinets."

Palladian said...

"I also went to the Capitol late this afternoon, and the rally inside the Capitol is just immense, and it has a very joyful, positive vibe"

Well it's all O.K. then! As long as everyone's having a fuzzy, joyful, affirming time on other people's money! Fuck the students, what's more important is basking in the taxpayer-funded positive vibe!

Toad Trend said...

@garbage pail

"Looking forward to it, comrade.

Me too. I'll be raising hell all weekend, Ill give you a hands on report if and when I run into the grandsons of liberty, or whoever. I truly welcome their contempt."

Yeah, good on you, garbage, show what a big man you are and make demands of your fellow Americans. What a hero. Congratulations, loser.

MadisonMan said...

Palladian, would you prefer riots?

It was just very interesting to see. I had no clue what they were chanting in the Capitol, it was just too loud. If you're in Madison and haven't gone, you ought to. And buy some Candinas. Excellent chocolate.

I had to laugh at a news report I saw this morning -- some legislator complaining (couldn't tell if he was serious or not) that there were so many people in the Capitol it was hard to get work around (I believe that) and get work done. Darn those citizens for making my job tough!

Robert said...

Althouse: One of the main chants in the Capitol is: "This is what democracy looks like." And I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last [November] was democracy?

Don't you think both are examples of democracy in action?

Voting in an election is probably one of the least effective ways to participate in our democracy.

But keep asking them those questions, and photographing and videotaping them, in order to paint them in the worst light possible on your blog. And then link to right wing bloggers who say these protestors hate democracy and seek dictatorship.

Althouse's husband attended Tea Party events that had just as many extreme and Hitler-comparing signs. For example, here's some of what was going on at Tea Party rallies. Looking at those Tea Party images, it would seem the Wisconsin protestors are just doing a lefty version of the Tea Party. Did the Tea Partiers forget that Obama ran on an agenda of health care reform and he won the election?

But look how these Wisconsin protestors disrespect our flag and how they litter! Not one person littered at a Tea Party event! Says Althouse, ignoring her commenter who repeatedly has reminded her that they are required by the authorities to leave all items with sticks attached to them outside the building.

If this is all just to get revenge on those who presented Tea Party protests in a bad light, well, who started that game in the blogosphere? Instapundit and company, presenting anti-war protests in the worst light.

The anti-war protestors, who were proven correct that Americans were continuously lied to throughout Bush's War on Terrorism and invasion of Iraq. And, Bush's destruction of the U.S. economy played a large part in the turmoil, unrest, and divisions we are seeing today.

Michael K said...

I would be curious about how many of those protestors are Wisconsin residents ? This is building up to a confrontation on a national level. Obama wants because he thinks the tax payers will back down as they always have. The tax payers may have had enough.

It will be interesting to see how this turns out although I do worry about violence. If the Democrats don't come back, maybe the next step is to start passing legislation that doesn't require them. School vouchers. A ban on union representation of government employees. Maybe even a recruiting system to help school boards hire new teachers. There is no shortage now.

Chennaul said...



I bet David Gregory will use that data on Meet The Press on Sunday when he grills some union bosses [snark].

Ya there's what?

About a snowball's chance in Biden's....

Hopefully Trooper can fill in the blank.

[he's working a thread around here somewhere.]

Chennaul said...

Almost Ali

Thanks for fixing/highlighting the dollar amounts.

There's a hell of a lot more from that list.

[Blogger has a character limit-and I didn't want to spam Althouse's thread with the rest of it.]

It's sickening.

They're making more than a Brigadier General.

Hell make that a damn O8 Major General-that's a Two Star.

Rob Crawford said...

Instapundit and company, presenting anti-war protests in the worst light.

Yeah, showing the liars and lovers of tyrants accurately is putting them in a "bad light".

Hey, Garage -- go march and demand more people work to support you! Be a good little leech!

LTC John said...

Don't worry, you have Jesse Jackson there to valid the Struggle, Komrades!

If naught else shows what this protest is about, the good camerataxic Reverend will...

chickelit said...

Robert said...

Don't you think both are examples of democracy in action?

You know what democracy is Robert? Democracy is when I guy like you (who has obviously been here longer than your profile indicates) shows up in a disguise with an axe to grind against Althouse. Everybody has a voice, even you. That's democracy.

wv = culahism. Is that even legal?

Crimso said...

Damn, Robert, it took you an awfully long time to get around to Bush lied. Next time, just cut to the chase.

BJM said...

While the families of their students and neighbors tighten their belts and some have no belts at all, teachers demand a full ration.

Obviously Orwell is no longer required reading or these dupes would realize they are Boxer.

test said...

What a bunch of crybabies. Sample chants:

"We can't be held responsible, we're union!"

"We can't work in those conditions, only you can work in those conditions!"

"Everyone cut back, so we don't have to!"

"Pass the bill to your grandchildren, they can't vote yet!"

Orinoco said...

All the union members seem to be angry white people. Are unions inherent racists?

Methadras said...

MadisonMan said...

Sure is nice to be on the far west side of campus where life goes on as usual.

Heh. I missed work today though, 'cause I was parent on duty.

I also went to the Capitol late this afternoon, and the rally inside the Capitol is just immense, and it has a very joyful, positive vibe. There are lots of lame signs, and that ridiculous This is what democracy looks like chant, but overall, I was quite impressed by the size of it. Lots of people from Dane Co, Milwaukee County, Rock County. My wife was up there too, earlier, and got a hug from the head of the WI AFL-CIO.

I was happy to see the businesses around the Square doing banner business (Had to laugh at the sign for Waxing with No Appt! Walk in! Yes, go to a labor rally, and come home with a bikini wax). I stopped at Candinas and got some chocolate. Cooper's was absolutely jammed.

Oh wow, I'm glad you had a great time with your fellow travelers in the idiot brigades, chanting and sloganeering and all that stuff. Meanwhile, you cretins got nothing done only illustrating what real non-union working Americans think about what they see as a giant protectionist racket.

It always gets ugly when an adult tells the children their free-riding days are over and lifts the welcome mat to see what has been going on underneath it.

Unknown said...

They talk about union busting like its a bad thing.

orbicularioculi said...

I have seen the video clips and comments from the teachers in Madison. They confirm my opinion of teachers in general. They are over-paid, underworked, poorly educated drones with "certificates" allowing them to rip off the taxpayers.

There is no right to unionize for public employees. There were no public employee unions until Mayor Wagner of NYC began paying them off in 1959. There were no Federal Employeed unions unti JFK decided to allow them.

Decertify public unions. Get BACK to work or get FIRED.

Now these state Senators. Recall them and kick them out of office. Detain them when they return to the state, and escort them in handcuffs to their jobs in the State Senate.

Fine them four time their pay for the intentional misappropriation of State Funds (their salaries).

Screw the bastards, all of them.

M. Simon said...

Ann A. Says:

It's 10 times the size of the (impressive) Tea Party protest here last April, and it goes on all day, not just for a few hours, and it's been going on for 4 days, so hell, yeah!

I look forward to your report from the Saturday demos. When the working people show up.

I'd love to be there (I live in Rockford) - but I have a sick son to take care of.

WV: ansfu - you can't make this stuff up. Well you can. But I didn't.

M. Simon said...

Since some one brought up the war can any of you anti-war folks explain why there are no riots in Iraq?

Leave comments at: The Country That Isn't Barking

WV: regau - a new kind of sauce.

I waited too long.

now the WV is: nerst

How Wisconsin teachers breast feed.

M. Simon said...

Where are all the Angry Studies majors?

WV: tinglike - looks like Chinese pottery

Goalie Sanka Palin said...

One of the main chants in the Capitol is: "This is what democracy looks like." And I've been asking protesters: Don't you think what happened last October was democracy?

Democracy doesn't ONLY happen on election day -- it's an active, ongoing process. Sure, the elections were democracy in action, but so are the protests. That's pretty BASIC civics.

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