Re: the sign that says "This is what Democracy looks like"...a friend who is a freshman in college said this morning "no, this is what mob rule looks like"!
To counter the notion that we are all middle class, I quote that famous Marxist Warren Buffett, who is well aware of the power held by the %1, "There's class warfare,all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making the war, and we're winning."
"There's class warfare,all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making the war, and we're winning."
That's hysterical, RV, considering the fact that even the poor in this country live pretty damned well by global standards. Do you suppose equality of outcomes is a human right?
How about that human right to health care you were pining for yesterday and your ducking the question of when said human can expect that right to kick in?
%1, "There's class warfare,all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making the war, and we're winning."
And who do many of the 1% support, Obama…Buffett certainly did….so this idea that the “rich” support the GOP, is foolish and overly simplistic…or that the “Rich” don’t prosper with large government…..the 1% are doing well some of them BECAUSE of Obama and this Administration.
Say R-V did you hear about Solyndra, they took in $535 Million and just went under... think any of that money went to the 1%? Who paid for that subsidy to those 1%? Why the rest of us…
Joe Buffet wasn't claiming the rich support one party over another, only that who ever is in office supports the one percent's demands. It should be fairly obvious that Obama is not going to rock Wall Streets boat for example, just as it should be obvious who benefits from killing cap and trade laws.
Joe Buffet wasn't claiming the rich support one party over another, only that who ever is in office supports the one percent's demands.
You say this, yet you consistently support giving the government ever more power over people's lives. To dictate what health insurance you buy and what kind of light bulbs you buy. Can you not see the inconsistency here?
The whole truth in a nutshell....If you support The Democratic party, your a coward, racist, and a procrastinator. All the people you support wouldn't be able to come up with just ONE shred of flesh to constitute 1 ball, let alone 2 testicles to do the jobs you are paid BY THE PEOPLE, to do. You kowtow to the UNIONS of all people, and mask your contempt for real Americans behind a shroud of doubletalk while pushing off the cliff of reason the very minorities you say you defend. How is NO SCHOOL any kind of good for the innocent children held hostage by your collective solidarity in asking people who have no money to spend for more money. Has the entire recession and it's effects on the poor just simply passed you by. According to the money you make if your unionized you haven't even been touched financially to care. I struggle to diagnose a mystery illness thats plagued me for over 4 months and you people raise hell about having to pay just a bit for your incredibly comprehensive medical plans...I'm supposed to have the freaking money to pay for yours, when I myself have none. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! And to top it all off, I have no sick days let alone vacation time, because the economy is so in the tank that all I can get is a part-time job that is supposed to pay higher than full-time bills. Then you walk the streets and literally have doctors committing FRAUD right in front of my own eyes and the eyes of the entire nation, hell the world itself, and you seriously wonder why people from overseas have such a jaded idea on what Americans are really like. Then you add the people IN the protest saying this is a teaching sure is, it teaches our children how petty, and unconcerned WITH the welfare of our nations kids our current teaching system really is in some parts of the country. Obama has made himself the ULTIMATE fool for the simple fact that his healthcare overhaul has failed to curtail his OWN PARTIES fraudulent claims of sick leave for the whole world to see. This is sickening to just watch. This country, by the misguided work of elites has broken our countries resolve when i comes to making our lives together better. It's everyman for himself, and the group is splitting up to all directions when this is obviously the time to stick together, and get the job of being the number one country in the world DONE. We have all fallen, and those still standing are just walking by as we ask for help., just like in those disgusting videos of people who have fallen on the street, as pedestrians look but just walk by. This countries morality has sunken to depths that I care not mention, and I'm supposed to be proud of how low we have gotten, sorry but shame is more what comes to mind. Shame that we fail our kids, our families, and friends by simply letting these fools run ramshackle over our rights, as if they owned us, and all we need to do is shut up and pay. Not anymore kids. You screwed up when you appeared on national TV and admitted that you were fraudulently filing a sick day. You lied right in front of our faces, and you want me to feel bad for you. Is that what teachers today stand for...lies, cheating, and screwing the common man. It sure seemed that way on TV, and in what most of the people there have been saying. And that's just the protesters, I haven't even mentioned the fact that the politicians have all voluntarily quit their jobs en mass just to show the world how I N THE POCKET OF UNIONS the democratic party really is. Yea the way thinfgs are going America is not the land of the brave any longer, but the land of the lost.Lets pray someone with sense, and decency eventually takes office and steers this ship of state back to home port. Next to the statue of our lady liberty.
"One blessing of low standards for public school teachers is that it ensures many of them are not bright enough to stage an effective protest."
Preach it, Brother James, Preach it!
And I note that he mentioned the death threat against our hostess. It is good to see this get some attention.
I still think, Professor, you should report this to the police. I doubt that it was a real threat but you never can tell. It should be in the record. It should be in his police record in case he does go off the deep end and start shooting.
"One blessing of low standards for public school teachers is that it ensures many of them are not bright enough to stage an effective protest."
Yea it's not working at all is it? This has to be the ultimate nightmare for Taranto and the WSJ. A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country. Two states now say they will drop any stripping of bargaining rights. Twitter is burning up with who is funding Walker and the GOP, and why.
"They appear to becoming restless. What do we do!"
PETER V. BELLA said... has the slandering treasonous fake war hero gigolo released his discharge form? He promised to do so what was it six years ago. Must be located in the same file cabinet as Obama's long form birth certificate.
RV: seriously, how can you take the rent seeking hypocrite life insurance salesman Warren Buffet at his word. He made his fortune selling life insurance products to small business owners so small business owners would be able to pass on their business to their heirs instead of the heirs having to liquidate the business to pay estate taxes. Who do you think pays the bulk of the income taxes, state and federal in this country? Not the super rich like the gigolo Kerry, most of their income is not considered oridinary income for tax purposes. If most of your income is tax excempt muni interest and capital gains it's easy to be a pretend 'man of the people'. Just remeber it's the 'little rich guy' that pays the taxes that constitutes the bulk of the taxes that pay your salary ( I believe you mentioned you are a public sector employee) and that hire the bulk of the private sector employees who pay the bulk of the sales taxes. have some respect for the hand that feeds.
Ah. The governor there saying he's not going to support similar legislation. However, I still am against the continued "Stripping collective bargaining rights" stuff that is out there.
Wisconsin isn't taking away Collective Bargaining rights either. So, really, no different than Florida. ;)
as you probably know, libruls tend to answer questions with a question because they are so intellectually nunanced. Especially the members of the teachers union.
I'm a Shaaaaark said... I thought Wisconsin dues are automatically deducted from wages - so the state, rather than the unions, collect it.
Excellent, you just explained the heart and soul of the disputed collective bargaining agreement.
Such agreements are, in fact, immutable contracts wherein government unions automatically hold a huge advantage. There is no "bargaining" in the normal sense - it's; take it or leave it.
The best working example of such collective bargaining is currently being demonstrated by the 14 AWOL Wisconsin senators.
Hey Garbage - Swivel Servants sucking at the government teat while "working" for 9.5 months a year (with lots of holidays in there) is not the "working class". The working people are at work, paying the salaries of all the parasites and tax eaters occupying the state capital.
Just because Daniels has always been a squish does not mean you are winning.
A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country
Ah yes, when you simpletons aren't arguing that teachers should be well compensated because of the advanced degress necessary for the disciple, you're pretending they are "populist workers"
The PE unions are generally middle class, not labor-oriented. Is Taranto suggesting the Demos return to like 20s, 30s style labor-politics--maybe then the GOP-TP could return to like 20s, 30s style head-bustn?. As with most of the Teabuggers, Taranto is not interested in consistency--he's interested in effective political marketing, ala Breitfart-CO.
7: 09-- Taranto's nearly incoherent though he's got that suave rico, Roody Guiliani schtick that turns on like real estate sluts and small business types. And opposing the Teabagger does not a "liberal" make.
You can bet many of the businesses (probably even Teabuggers) in WI-land want the PE unionist cash, and the contracts to be renewed. It's mainly the A-house regs ...down in the dirty south with their usual hick belches creating problems
Lay-offs generally result in businesses closing. It's a deep one, Jaybird. Maybe like google ebonics Econ 101 for starters
Krugman's not infallible but he gets that--though Punkin- patch is not too interested in Krugman's arguments. They're following orders from Fox Hdqtrs. Get those stinking reds!
The unions aren't going up against big business, they're going up against people who pay taxes.
What is so hard for COmmunists to understand about it?
Are they suggesting that taxpayers are as evil as corporations, local governments are evil? That the working conditions under local governments is horrible, so bad it requires lavish union offices?
I am guessing they have no idea what's going on, as usual...
Democrat governments funded the unions, which in turn voted them into office.
Yes, and tax rates are hardly above BushCo days--perhaps if Walker & Co raised taxes slightly on those who can afford it--they could bring in the shekels for needed services, such as education. Your point?
Really, the teabag-libertarian has no point, except--taxes bad, State bad, regs bad. And maybe some Ayn Rand quotes! A is A, Jaybird
8-19. That's right Jay the fool. Insufficient tax revenues, due to foolish supply sider econ, ala Teabuggers and BushCo (even Reagans first term had much higher MIT rates than now).
Those "who can afford it" are already paying a disproportionate share
Yr lying once again, Jaybo the biz major trash. See previous note on Reagan's first term tax rates.--about 10% higher than present. Or don't. Why bother with truth when mendacity works? The Breitfart motto.
IN 2008: The top-earning 5 percent of taxpayers (AGI over $159,619), however, still paid far more than the bottom 95 percent. The top 5 percent earned 34.7 percent of the nation's adjusted gross income, but paid approximately 58.7 percent of federal individual income taxes.
They're the only large-scale movement left that persistently acts in the economic interests of the middle class. . . .
This is one of the persistent lies being purveyed by the protesters. They're only concerned with their own economic interests, period. What they want puts a heavier economic burden on the non-public employee middle class, much the same as does the UAW when they cause the price of cars to rise by demanding higher pay, more benefits, etc.
As so many say, there is a place for unions. Unions helped bring about many needed changes in labor practices. But, for several decades now, they've moved into the realm of plain, old greed, get everything they can at any cost.
"A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country."
Hot damn! And about time. I was afraid we were a nation of sheep. But who will lead them? Not a bunch of self-identified old new-left self-styled progressives I hope. They simply don't have the answers. I doubt they can be co-opted and manipulated by behind-the-scenes money (as the Tea Partiers can, poor things). Demagogues are always a danger -- but then anyone who leads such a movement is automatically branded a demagogue. We don't have a positive word for the role! And of course any popular movement will be branded populist, meaning racist, anti-Semitic just waiting to jump out.
My prediction (or maybe my hope): wealthy upper-class Ashkenazis.
And when the cause gets sexy Ann will be on its side, I predict. And good for her.
Also, James Taranto thinks John Kerry is "French-looking" It's a joke, but Kerry actually does have French ancestors and spent part of his childhood in France with relatives.
PETER V. BELLA said... has the slandering treasonous fake war hero gigolo released his discharge form? He promised to do so what was it six years ago. Must be located in the same file cabinet as Obama's long form birth certificate.
Cubanbob or whatever the fuck your name is:
I have never stated the above. You, sir are a liar, a charlatan, and a fraud.
You are lower than a New York Times reporter. You cannot get lower than that. They are like whale shit, lying on the bottom of the ocean.
John Kerry is ... [t]he haughty, French-looking Massachusetts Democrat, who by the way served in Vietnam
Then Taranto asserts the US is a classless society: Outside of university faculties and Marxist fringe groups (but we repeat our self), Americans do not divide ourselves up by class
before delineating the difference between elites (such as "state employee Ann Althouse) and commoners: If any government workers are undercompensated relative to their private-sector counterparts, it is those with special expertise--lawyers, scientists, economists, top administrators. Public-sector union members mostly have commoner abilities, for which they are overpaid.
Yes, James Taranto knows exactly what everyone should be paid. How much does Toronto make, anyways?
I'm a Shaaaaark said... Not that striking. I've always subscribed to the 'Want to know what a Leftist is up to? Just look at what they accuse others of' school of thought.
As so many say, there is a place for unions. Unions helped bring about many needed changes in labor practices. But, for several decades now, they've moved into the realm of plain, old greed, get everything they can at any cost."
This is exactly right. Over time all institutions corrupt no matter how worthy the original cause. The people who successfully navigate through the power positions in an organization are those who demonstrate their ability in making the institution more powerful. My example is MADD. Their original campaign was valuable, and the continuing awareness is also important. But their goals were largely accomplished, so what now? They should cut back operations, but that would impair this fabulous fund raising monster they created. So instead they push ever more restrictive standards and greater punishment in order to claim their mission is not yet finished. And it never will be even were they to bring back prohibition.
And what do you think will happen if the anti-death penalty crusaders are successful? Will they declare victory and take jobs in the prosecutors office? No chance: they'll declare life without parole a cruel and unusual punishment and crusade against that. There will always be something they'll be against.
Did the anti-smoking people who ridiculed Limbaugh for predicting they'd go after fast food if they win quit when the smoking cases were won?
Unions are the same. Industry safety matters were a legitimate concern, hence their wide support. But now we have OSHA taking that role, and conditions are indescribably better even without it. Unions no longer have a legitimate purpose in most industries (not that they ever did for public employees - perhaps excepting police and firefighters whose jobs have significant safety risks).
The genius of the free market is to provide institutions a goal which provides value to society as a byproduct of the institution helping itself. The belief that you have to fight against that is just stupid.
If you feel that Taranto's article is intellectually sound, then essentially you are conceding that the Tea Party movement is a total waste of time, and that the electorate can't put a halt to excessive spending on public workers by electing tough bargainers. The right constantly rails at the left for selling the electorate short intellectually. Isn't Toranto doing the same thing?
Those are the people who produce everything inedible I see for sale in stores.
The transportation industry is loaded of American made, American moved products every single day. Do they ever get talked about? No. Hell, Pacific, MO, population around 5400, has an industrial park. They actual MAKE things there. They ship to other people who either sell or make other things with the aforementioned American-made things.
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Progressives are emotionally undisciplined and routinely engage in massive projection. It is because so few of them grew up with their father.
Not that striking. I've always subscribed to the 'Want to know what a Leftist is up to? Just look at what they accuse others of' school of thought.
Minus the accusations of spitting, of course, which marked a tidal low for anti-Tea Party tactics. Thoroughly debunked as well.
I think I thought I saw them spit.
Re: the sign that says "This is what Democracy looks like"...a friend who is a freshman in college said this morning "no, this is what mob rule looks like"!
"Striking"? Is that punny?
Taranto leaves out Josh Marshall, who's also banging the same drum as Kevin.
Article of the Year.
Throw a rock into a pack of dogs. The one yells loudest is the one who got hit.
To counter the notion that we are all middle class, I quote that famous Marxist Warren Buffett, who is well aware of the power held by the %1, "There's class warfare,all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making the war, and we're winning."
"There's class warfare,all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making the war, and we're winning."
That's hysterical, RV, considering the fact that even the poor in this country live pretty damned well by global standards. Do you suppose equality of outcomes is a human right?
How about that human right to health care you were pining for yesterday and your ducking the question of when said human can expect that right to kick in?
State begins review of excuse notes for protesters
Alinsky rules dictate that you need a boogey man, a demon, etc. and that's what the libs have tried unsuccessfully with the Tea Party.
A lie is still a lie no matter how many times its repeated.
It's political rhetoric based entirely on the concept of 'I know you are but what am I?'
(The Crypto Jew)
%1, "There's class warfare,all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making the war, and we're winning."
And who do many of the 1% support, Obama…Buffett certainly did….so this idea that the “rich” support the GOP, is foolish and overly simplistic…or that the “Rich” don’t prosper with large government…..the 1% are doing well some of them BECAUSE of Obama and this Administration.
(The Crypto Jew)
Say R-V did you hear about Solyndra, they took in $535 Million and just went under... think any of that money went to the 1%? Who paid for that subsidy to those 1%? Why the rest of us…
Joe Buffet wasn't claiming the rich support one party over another, only that who ever is in office supports the one percent's demands. It should be fairly obvious that Obama is not going to rock Wall Streets boat for example, just as it should be obvious who benefits from killing cap and trade laws.
just as it should be obvious who benefits from killing cap and trade laws
All of us. You are absolutely correct, sir. Well observed.
((The Crypto Jew)
Who do you think SUPPORTED Cap n’ Trade? Or is Exelon just a mom and pop company? Or for that matter GE and Mr.. Immelt….
Joe Buffet wasn't claiming the rich support one party over another, only that who ever is in office supports the one percent's demands.
You say this, yet you consistently support giving the government ever more power over people's lives. To dictate what health insurance you buy and what kind of light bulbs you buy. Can you not see the inconsistency here?
"Joe Buffet wasn't claiming the rich support one party over another, only that who ever is in office supports the one percent's demands..."
Is Joe Buffett Jimmy's brother?
Jimmy has Al Gore on speed dial. Big Dem contributor.
Finally, the working class strikes back against the concentrated power of Big Taxpayer!
The whole truth in a nutshell....If you support The Democratic party, your a coward, racist, and a procrastinator. All the people you support wouldn't be able to come up with just ONE shred of flesh to constitute 1 ball, let alone 2 testicles to do the jobs you are paid BY THE PEOPLE, to do. You kowtow to the UNIONS of all people, and mask your contempt for real Americans behind a shroud of doubletalk while pushing off the cliff of reason the very minorities you say you defend. How is NO SCHOOL any kind of good for the innocent children held hostage by your collective solidarity in asking people who have no money to spend for more money. Has the entire recession and it's effects on the poor just simply passed you by. According to the money you make if your unionized you haven't even been touched financially to care. I struggle to diagnose a mystery illness thats plagued me for over 4 months and you people raise hell about having to pay just a bit for your incredibly comprehensive medical plans...I'm supposed to have the freaking money to pay for yours, when I myself have none. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! And to top it all off, I have no sick days let alone vacation time, because the economy is so in the tank that all I can get is a part-time job that is supposed to pay higher than full-time bills. Then you walk the streets and literally have doctors committing FRAUD right in front of my own eyes and the eyes of the entire nation, hell the world itself, and you seriously wonder why people from overseas have such a jaded idea on what Americans are really like. Then you add the people IN the protest saying this is a teaching sure is, it teaches our children how petty, and unconcerned WITH the welfare of our nations kids our current teaching system really is in some parts of the country. Obama has made himself the ULTIMATE fool for the simple fact that his healthcare overhaul has failed to curtail his OWN PARTIES fraudulent claims of sick leave for the whole world to see. This is sickening to just watch. This country, by the misguided work of elites has broken our countries resolve when i comes to making our lives together better. It's everyman for himself, and the group is splitting up to all directions when this is obviously the time to stick together, and get the job of being the number one country in the world DONE. We have all fallen, and those still standing are just walking by as we ask for help., just like in those disgusting videos of people who have fallen on the street, as pedestrians look but just walk by. This countries morality has sunken to depths that I care not mention, and I'm supposed to be proud of how low we have gotten, sorry but shame is more what comes to mind. Shame that we fail our kids, our families, and friends by simply letting these fools run ramshackle over our rights, as if they owned us, and all we need to do is shut up and pay. Not anymore kids. You screwed up when you appeared on national TV and admitted that you were fraudulently filing a sick day. You lied right in front of our faces, and you want me to feel bad for you. Is that what teachers today stand for...lies, cheating, and screwing the common man. It sure seemed that way on TV, and in what most of the people there have been saying. And that's just the protesters, I haven't even mentioned the fact that the politicians have all voluntarily quit their jobs en mass just to show the world how I N THE POCKET OF UNIONS the democratic party really is. Yea the way thinfgs are going America is not the land of the brave any longer, but the land of the lost.Lets pray someone with sense, and decency eventually takes office and steers this ship of state back to home port. Next to the statue of our lady liberty.
After I awake and fire up the computer, Taranto is my first read.
Roesch, careful! You stand on a precipice under which lies the chasm of belief in limited government!
Paragraph indentations, my friend. Learn to love them.
This makes it much easier to read.
What a horrible neologism.
It is striking that every lie the left ever told has turned out to be true of the government unionists...
There, all fixed. Nice and tidy.
It's also quite striking how everything conservatives said in defense of the Tea Party goes out the window when the protesters are on the left.
IMAGINE if these people carried assault rifles at their protests, like the paultards did at anti-Obama rallies.
Also, James Taranto thinks John Kerry is "French-looking." HA HA! HA HA HA HA! What a lazy sack of shit. He's a moron and if you like him, so are you.
What a horrible neologism.
My new word of the day. Sweet!
IMAGINE if these people carried assault rifles at their protests, like the paultards did at anti-Obama rallies.
I'd be more weary. The left isn't know for familiarity with firearms or those that use them.
"known" (d'oh)
IMAGINE if these people carried assault rifles at their protests, like the paultards did at anti-Obama rallies.
I don't have to imagine it - everyone remembers the Cuban Revolution.
From Taranto:
"One blessing of low standards for public school teachers is that it ensures many of them are not bright enough to stage an effective protest."
Preach it, Brother James, Preach it!
And I note that he mentioned the death threat against our hostess. It is good to see this get some attention.
I still think, Professor, you should report this to the police. I doubt that it was a real threat but you never can tell. It should be in the record. It should be in his police record in case he does go off the deep end and start shooting.
John Henry
Wisconsin's economy grew by 33% in the last 8 years while state spending increased by 77%.
Is there really anything anyone could say to defend that imbalance?
Buffet is brilliant but he is a weasel. If he loves bigger govt so much, I suggest he get out his checkbook and write a big donation to Uncle Sam.
"One blessing of low standards for public school teachers is that it ensures many of them are not bright enough to stage an effective protest."
Yea it's not working at all is it? This has to be the ultimate nightmare for Taranto and the WSJ. A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country. Two states now say they will drop any stripping of bargaining rights. Twitter is burning up with who is funding Walker and the GOP, and why.
"They appear to becoming restless. What do we do!"
Written by someone who apparently is not middle class, except in that imaginary "values" way.
(The Crypto Jew)
A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country.
More like over-paid Progressive foot soldiers turn out to protect their place at the Public Trough, don’t you?
Two states now say they will drop any stripping of bargaining rights.
PETER V. BELLA said...
has the slandering treasonous fake war hero gigolo released his discharge form? He promised to do so what was it six years ago. Must be located in the same file cabinet as Obama's long form birth certificate.
RV: seriously, how can you take the rent seeking hypocrite life insurance salesman Warren Buffet at his word. He made his fortune selling life insurance products to small business owners so small business owners would be able to pass on their business to their heirs instead of the heirs having to liquidate the business to pay estate taxes. Who do you think pays the bulk of the income taxes, state and federal in this country? Not the super rich like the gigolo Kerry, most of their income is not considered oridinary income for tax purposes. If most of your income is tax excempt muni interest and capital gains it's easy to be a pretend 'man of the people'. Just remeber it's the 'little rich guy' that pays the taxes that constitutes the bulk of the taxes that pay your salary ( I believe you mentioned you are a public sector employee) and that hire the bulk of the private sector employees who pay the bulk of the sales taxes. have some respect for the hand that feeds.
You say this, yet you consistently support giving the government ever more power over people's lives.
R-Voltaire also believes that teachers cannot be trusted to voluntarily pay their union dues.
I'm a Shaaaaaark
Florida I think dropped. It's at Politico.
Beth: What is the income range of the middle class in your view, high to low?
Ah. The governor there saying he's not going to support similar legislation. However, I still am against the continued "Stripping collective bargaining rights" stuff that is out there.
Wisconsin isn't taking away Collective Bargaining rights either. So, really, no different than Florida. ;)
I'm a Shaaaaaark
Do you know as it stands now-
Does the state take out the union dues before cutting the teacher's checks?
Does the state take out the union dues before cutting the teacher's checks?
Not sure about Florida, but I thought in Wisconsin dues are automatically deducted from wages - so the state, rather than the unions, collect it.
Almost like the employees never see the money or miss it.
But it appears that will change ;)
Michael, we don't have economic classes in America. Didn't you read the article?
I'm a Shaaaaaark-
I don't get it-it's almost as if the unions don't trust their members to pay up.
Ghee I wonder why that would be?
Few writers have the Left's number the way Taranto does. This piece ranks alongside his postulation of the Roe Effect.
franglo should take note, but he's too busy raving.
MadisonMan said...
What a horrible neologism.
Yes, how dare we distinguish between men and women?
Next thing, we'll go back to talking about actors and actresses.
as you probably know, libruls tend to answer questions with a question because they are so intellectually nunanced. Especially the members of the teachers union.
@edutcher -- Some neologisms are better than others. Consider:
Really, any word given the prefix "blog" should not be used to describe a person.
@edutcher. I agree with you about Taranto. Over and over, he is the pin that deflates the balloon.
When I went to college there were economics classes. Have things changed that much?
I'm a Shaaaaark said...
I thought Wisconsin dues are automatically deducted from wages - so the state, rather than the unions, collect it.
Excellent, you just explained the heart and soul of the disputed collective bargaining agreement.
Such agreements are, in fact, immutable contracts wherein government unions automatically hold a huge advantage. There is no "bargaining" in the normal sense - it's; take it or leave it.
The best working example of such collective bargaining is currently being demonstrated by the 14 AWOL Wisconsin senators.
Hey Garbage - Swivel Servants sucking at the government teat while "working" for 9.5 months a year (with lots of holidays in there) is not the "working class". The working people are at work, paying the salaries of all the parasites and tax eaters occupying the state capital.
Just because Daniels has always been a squish does not mean you are winning.
"Workers Toppled a Dictator in Egypt..."
...and gang-raped Lara Logan along the way.
You know what else is interesting?
All the ridiculous lies the lefties created to maul Bush, well they all turned out to be true about Barry.
1. inarticulate? yes
2. not well read? yes
3. lacks gravitas? yes
4. beholden to corporations? yes
5. member of a bizarre religion? yes
6. can't pronounce big words? yes
7. dumb jock? yes
8. lazy and always on vacation? yes
9. got gentlemen's C's in college? yes
10. incurious? yes
And numerous more...all true about Barry, not many true about Bush.
Taranto is absolutely a great read.
It is my understanding that he quit high school. Later attended California State University, Northridge, but did not graduate.
He harpoons the left better than anyone.
A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country
Ah yes, when you simpletons aren't arguing that teachers should be well compensated because of the advanced degress necessary for the disciple, you're pretending they are "populist workers"
Must be fun, all that pretending.
Twitter is burning up with who is funding Walker and the GOP, and why.
Oh wow.
Remember when movie theaters burned up with Fahrenheit 9-11?
How'd all that "truth" work out for you bozos again?
necessary for the disciple,
Should be "necessary for the discipline"
...just as it should be obvious who benefits from killing cap and trade laws.
You mean barely-above-poverty-level coal miners in Appalachia, I presume.
@Beth, I know I must be in the upper class. I'm two paychecks away from poverty, instead of just one.
The PE unions are generally middle class, not labor-oriented. Is Taranto suggesting the Demos return to like 20s, 30s style labor-politics--maybe then the GOP-TP could return to like 20s, 30s style head-bustn?. As with most of the Teabuggers, Taranto is not interested in consistency--he's interested in effective political marketing, ala Breitfart-CO.
He explains it perfectly.
Yo libs - learn something.
7: 09-- Taranto's nearly incoherent though he's got that suave rico, Roody Guiliani schtick that turns on like real estate sluts and small business types. And opposing the Teabagger does not a "liberal" make.
You can bet many of the businesses (probably even Teabuggers) in WI-land want the PE unionist cash, and the contracts to be renewed. It's mainly the A-house regs ...down in the dirty south with their usual hick belches creating problems
You can bet many of the businesses (probably even Teabuggers) in WI-land want the PE unionist cash, and the contracts to be renewed
You couldn't name 2.
Lay-offs generally result in businesses closing. It's a deep one, Jaybird. Maybe like google ebonics Econ 101 for starters
Krugman's not infallible but he gets that--though Punkin- patch is not too interested in Krugman's arguments. They're following orders from Fox Hdqtrs. Get those stinking reds!
Lay-offs generally result in businesses closing. It's a deep one, Jaybird. Maybe like google ebonics Econ 101 for starters
Um, one could also see that these state workers (and their benefits) come from tax revenue.
Tax revenue raised by taxing businesses, income, and sales for example.
One can then see that the layoffs could offset tax increases therefore saving business owners money.
One can also see you are dumb beyond belief.
The unions aren't going up against big business, they're going up against people who pay taxes.
What is so hard for COmmunists to understand about it?
Are they suggesting that taxpayers are as evil as corporations, local governments are evil? That the working conditions under local governments is horrible, so bad it requires lavish union offices?
I am guessing they have no idea what's going on, as usual...
Democrat governments funded the unions, which in turn voted them into office.
That's flat out mafia-type shit...
But hey, FOR THE KIDS!!!
Yes, and tax rates are hardly above BushCo days--perhaps if Walker & Co raised taxes slightly on those who can afford it--they could bring in the shekels for needed services, such as education. Your point?
Really, the teabag-libertarian has no point, except--taxes bad, State bad, regs bad. And maybe some Ayn Rand quotes! A is A, Jaybird
perhaps if Walker & Co raised taxes slightly on those who can afford it--they could bring in the shekels for needed services, such as education.
Ah yes, and of course you get to define who can "afford" it.
Notice how cutting spending never enters the equation.
I wonder why that is?
Your point?
You're an economic illiterate who advocates "prosperity" by having business owners pay $40 in taxes to generate $30 in sales.
You're clueless and it would benefit you to stop talking.
That is the point.
perhaps if Walker & Co raised taxes slightly on those who can afford it--they could bring in the shekels for needed services, such as education.
There isn't a revenue problem, there is a spending problem.
wow-- tweak time for E-trash.
Taxes be communistic! Posse comitatus in da house. Yr too f-ing stupid for blogging , hicks. Stick to Breitfarts, or yr fave klan sites
raised taxes slightly on those who can afford it--
Those "who can afford it" are already paying a disproportionate share.
This isn't about funding for "education" either, bozo.
8-19. That's right Jay the fool. Insufficient tax revenues, due to foolish supply sider econ, ala Teabuggers and BushCo (even Reagans first term had much higher MIT rates than now).
Insufficient tax revenues,
Keep flailing, bozo.
Those "who can afford it" are already paying a disproportionate share
Yr lying once again, Jaybo the biz major trash. See previous note on Reagan's first term tax rates.--about 10% higher than present. Or don't. Why bother with truth when mendacity works? The Breitfart motto.
Insufficient tax revenues, due to foolish supply sider econ,
Um, the state of Wisconsin was controlled by Democrats who left a $3.6 Billion dollar shortfall.
And of course "supply side econ" had nothing to do with said shortfall.
You are incoherent.
See previous note on Reagan's first term tax rates.--about 10% higher than present.
Laugh out loud funny.
I love your "facts"
Is English your 2nd language? It sure seems that way.
Yr lying once again
Something you couldn't possibly prove.
Is English your 2nd language, clown?
Anyway, I did enjoy this:
IN 2008:
The top-earning 5 percent of taxpayers (AGI over $159,619), however, still paid far more than the bottom 95 percent. The top 5 percent earned 34.7 percent of the nation's adjusted gross income, but paid approximately 58.7 percent of federal individual income taxes.
Keep flailing.
So AA's death threat gets explicit coverage in the WSJ. Cool. Just the type of thing I said needed to happen last night.
Slowly, the real story gets out there, and one by one, the regular folk are waking up.
wv: wessess - what wussess are without u.
They're the only large-scale movement left that persistently acts in the economic interests of the middle class. . . .
This is one of the persistent lies being purveyed by the protesters. They're only concerned with their own economic interests, period. What they want puts a heavier economic burden on the non-public employee middle class, much the same as does the UAW when they cause the price of cars to rise by demanding higher pay, more benefits, etc.
As so many say, there is a place for unions. Unions helped bring about many needed changes in labor practices. But, for several decades now, they've moved into the realm of plain, old greed, get everything they can at any cost.
Loved this: "There are several problems with this line of thinking. First, to talk of America in terms of "class" is to speak a foreign language."
Welcome to the new America!
Actually there has always been class in America. Remember, FDR was a traitor to his.
Take your blinders off conservative Althouse fans.
"A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country."
Hot damn! And about time. I was afraid we were a nation of sheep. But who will lead them? Not a bunch of self-identified old new-left self-styled progressives I hope. They simply don't have the answers. I doubt they can be co-opted and manipulated by behind-the-scenes money (as the Tea Partiers can, poor things). Demagogues are always a danger -- but then anyone who leads such a movement is automatically branded a demagogue. We don't have a positive word for the role! And of course any popular movement will be branded populist, meaning racist, anti-Semitic just waiting to jump out.
My prediction (or maybe my hope): wealthy upper-class Ashkenazis.
And when the cause gets sexy Ann will be on its side, I predict. And good for her.
Flash mob your Congressman.
J, do you happen to own a recently closed YouTube account?
Also, James Taranto thinks John Kerry is "French-looking"
It's a joke, but Kerry actually does have French ancestors and spent part of his childhood in France with relatives.
This has to be the ultimate nightmare for Taranto and the WSJ. A real populist worker rebellion spreading around the country.
Oh no! The government workers are going to rise up, and seize the means of seizing the proceeds from the means of production!
It's just like Karl Marx predicted, except completely retarded.
PETER V. BELLA said...
has the slandering treasonous fake war hero gigolo released his discharge form? He promised to do so what was it six years ago. Must be located in the same file cabinet as Obama's long form birth certificate.
Cubanbob or whatever the fuck your name is:
I have never stated the above. You, sir are a liar, a charlatan, and a fraud.
You are lower than a New York Times reporter. You cannot get lower than that. They are like whale shit, lying on the bottom of the ocean.
This is now war!!!!!!!!!!!
James Taranto explains it all.
He sure does!
John Kerry is ... [t]he haughty, French-looking Massachusetts Democrat, who by the way served in Vietnam
Then Taranto asserts the US is a classless society:
Outside of university faculties and Marxist fringe groups (but we repeat our self), Americans do not divide ourselves up by class
before delineating the difference between elites (such as "state employee Ann Althouse) and commoners:
If any government workers are undercompensated relative to their private-sector counterparts, it is those with special expertise--lawyers, scientists, economists, top administrators. Public-sector union members mostly have commoner abilities, for which they are overpaid.
Yes, James Taranto knows exactly what everyone should be paid. How much does Toronto make, anyways?
Alinsky rules dictate that you need a boogey man, a demon, etc. and that's what the libs have tried unsuccessfully with the Tea Party.
Alinsky trained ordinary folks to exert power over the Establishment.
The Tea Party are ordinary folks looking out for the Establishment's interests. Joe the Plumber thought he was the third Koch brother.
I'm a Shaaaaark said... Not that striking. I've always subscribed to the 'Want to know what a Leftist is up to? Just look at what they accuse others of' school of thought.
Amen to that. It's quite shocking.
No - according to a CA state representative "We don't have a SPENDING problem. We have a REVENUE ENHANCEMENT problem."
That's kinda like a "man caused disaster."
I hope we're seeing the 'death throws' of the union movement.
Exposed for all to see, "unionism" is a repugnant philosophy of greed and coersion.
The nation sees them project their cancerous hate, and are rejecting it. Keep shining a light on the cockroaches, so we may stamp them out.
Thank god we have a group working against the people who actually produce things. Otherwise things might be cheaper and more plentiful.
Close call.
"DADvocate said...
As so many say, there is a place for unions. Unions helped bring about many needed changes in labor practices. But, for several decades now, they've moved into the realm of plain, old greed, get everything they can at any cost."
This is exactly right. Over time all institutions corrupt no matter how worthy the original cause. The people who successfully navigate through the power positions in an organization are those who demonstrate their ability in making the institution more powerful. My example is MADD. Their original campaign was valuable, and the continuing awareness is also important. But their goals were largely accomplished, so what now? They should cut back operations, but that would impair this fabulous fund raising monster they created. So instead they push ever more restrictive standards and greater punishment in order to claim their mission is not yet finished. And it never will be even were they to bring back prohibition.
And what do you think will happen if the anti-death penalty crusaders are successful? Will they declare victory and take jobs in the prosecutors office? No chance: they'll declare life without parole a cruel and unusual punishment and crusade against that. There will always be something they'll be against.
Did the anti-smoking people who ridiculed Limbaugh for predicting they'd go after fast food if they win quit when the smoking cases were won?
Unions are the same. Industry safety matters were a legitimate concern, hence their wide support. But now we have OSHA taking that role, and conditions are indescribably better even without it. Unions no longer have a legitimate purpose in most industries (not that they ever did for public employees - perhaps excepting police and firefighters whose jobs have significant safety risks).
The genius of the free market is to provide institutions a goal which provides value to society as a byproduct of the institution helping itself. The belief that you have to fight against that is just stupid.
If you feel that Taranto's article is intellectually sound, then essentially you are conceding that the Tea Party movement is a total waste of time, and that the electorate can't put a halt to excessive spending on public workers by electing tough bargainers. The right constantly rails at the left for selling the electorate short intellectually. Isn't Toranto doing the same thing?
Thank god we have a group working against the people who actually produce things. Otherwise things might be cheaper and more plentiful.
There's a group working against the Chinese? Those are the people who produce everything inedible I see for sale in stores.
Those are the people who produce everything inedible I see for sale in stores.
The transportation industry is loaded of American made, American moved products every single day. Do they ever get talked about? No. Hell, Pacific, MO, population around 5400, has an industrial park. They actual MAKE things there. They ship to other people who either sell or make other things with the aforementioned American-made things.
You're being purposefully glib. Admit it.
The reason is simple: projection.
Now we know, from their own mouths, what they are.
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