I never read Instapundit. Just don't find his collection of links interesting.
I tune him out when he links to his wife, but other than I definatley enjoy a lot of his links. Oh, I also tune out everything about a camera. And the majority of the PJM stuff.
Funny, Glenn fell out of my bookmarks a few years ago even though we're probably pretty temperamentally simpatico, because I felt I was getting too many links and not enough content. One-liners aren't enough.
I still read Dr. Helen, though. And I'm glad he pointed me to a blog that I find more suited to my reading style: this one.
One of the good things about Instapundit is that it is easy to tune out the bits you don't like. That's the big advantage of the one word comments and a good eye for the lede. Lots of quick hits, good flow during the day. A good yield of links.
I probably never get to 10% of his links but there are plenty to choose from and many not political. Easy enough to check out and cover a lot of ground.
I am highly resistant to labeling. What does it do for you? Not much, and that sticky stuff is murder on the Polartech that I wear in winter.
I am very conservative on some things, and very liberal on others. (Where conservative and liberal are used in the normal sense of the word around the blogosphere).
Insty is great fun. Where else can you keep up with Popular Mechanic's latest inventions, Amazon's Special Sales, and the Tea Party's gossip all in one place.
Mad Man, at times, shows exceptional skill at logic and he, at times, expresses a dislike for bureaucratic buttinskis. But he's a liberal IMHO, no offense meant Mad Man but hard to change your spots.
OT a bit, but I bet 60 Minutes will have Arianna on way before they do Glenn Reynolds. In fact, that proves the MSM is liberal - how can it have ignored Insty all these years?
Insty is a quick read. He's to blogs what the NY Post is to newspapers. He does find a lot of interesting items. Given all the things he links to, I wonder if he is some kind of demon speed reader.....I wonder if the windfall that Huffpo just made, hasn't caused a lot of sugarplum fairies to start dancing in heads of all the well known bloggers.
There doesn't seem to be a left-side equivalent to the Instalanche. If we knew why, we'd probably know more about how conservatives differ from liberals. There is at least as much left-blog traffic as right-blog traffic-- probably more-- but stories gather momentum in different ways and at different speeds on the two sides.
On the right side, stories (like a major news outlet acting hypocritical in its portrayal of left v. right issues) tend to live or die according to market dynamics. If the story excites people, it will generate immediate links, no matter what the source. Right-side originators of stories tend to accept reality when the blogosphere deems their stories boring or unimportant.
On the left side, there's more marketing. A story (something like a 7th-grade social studies class in a public elementary school in Kansas having a paper assigned on the development of Christianity) might be marginal, but some left-side actors will push such stories, trying to get various outlets to cover it. Stories seem to bubble up more slowly, sometimes more endowed with analysis and commentary than equal-opposite stories on the right side.
Some interesting comments. What I consider one of Insty's best features--his generosity of linking--turns some people off because they want more of him and less of everybody else.
MadMan, what you may be missing is that his machine gun posting style means there's lots for everyone--even if you dislike most of his posts, there's plenty of good stuff left. Sure, most bloggers can be filed under "life's too short", but he's too influential and popular to be dismissed so easily. He's not just any blogger.
I'd like to know the source of the quote "fierce moral urgency of change." He throws it around like it's a liberal anthem, and it may well be, or have been, but still, I'd like a source.
Bob and Mickey have a definite Felix and Oscar vibe going on that makes them very watchable, in a dramatic dyad sort of way. They're the best of those diavlogs, present company excepted of course.
My whole family in Virginia is addicted to Instapundit.
(We call him "Insty" for short.)
I've e-mailed him a few times and he's used some of my funnies. The strange thing was that on two occasions, he nearly simultaneously put up something that my husband's best man had written to him - and we hadn't seen or talked to the guy for 15 years.
Instaputz is perfect for conservatives because he never explains why he likes what he does, why he thinks what he does and often, why he even links something. That's the perfect style for conservatives: Just tell us what to think, what position to hold, what to say and leave the reasoning and explanations out of it.
Everything in Fen's world amounts to either destroying something or falling in line behind the support of something else. Figuring out why he's for what he's for, why he's against what he's against, or what should be changed is not a permitted part of the equation. Don't expect there to be any reasoning behind it, MM, and don't take it personally. That's just Fen.
Other than that, though, I'm sure he's not a bad guy.
Because he has nothing to say. Haven't you been listening?!
What would an interview with the guy consist of?
At least a mute would attempt hand signals or something (or so one would think). A deaf person can use sign language. But Glenn Reynolds' inability to ever say much of anything makes giving him attention an exercise in pointless futility.
You probably could, however, ask him what kind of tree he would be. In fact, I think that question was made for him.
Interviewing Instapundit (how aptly named) would be like passing over an interview with Guttenberg and just deciding to interview the printing press instead. You know, the machine. Ask it questions about how it operates.
Absence of evidence is apparently evidence of absence in FenWorld.
Tim Maguire, but isn't insty just a bunch of links? Like Drudge (another site I don't visit, but that goes way back to alt.showbiz.gossip flamewards on usenet)?
I am highly resistant to people telling me what to view, either in person, in a paper, or on the internet. (Which is why I'm not seeing the movie up at West tonight which has been flogged forever by my kid's Film Study teacher. Enough already!)
Tim Maguire wrote "Some interesting comments. What I consider one of Insty's best features--his generosity of linking--turns some people off because they want more of him and less of everybody else."
I appreciate the links. I click on a small fraction of them, but he's kind of like the weather report. You go to him to get a reading on the day's big stories. He's also like the typical weather reporter in that he's got more brains than the talking heads that take up all the airtime.
I also appreciate the lack of comments. Comments here are great, but Althouse is the exception. And even great comments are 50% dross.
That's so funny, Bag. But you know that you're one of the few people on here who doesn't mind thinking about something every now and then. That closet's smaller than you think.
I visit Instapundit throughout the day, but I find it equally informative and alienating. I love when he tells us about Amazon deals, but hate when he opines on all the shit he buys, reminding me he's a rich law professor.
And, yea, an Instalaunche is great, but I don't get the impression he or his readers are particularly concerned with disturbing the narrative they have, any more than the MSM is. As I said a few days ago (on the Glenn Beck thread) there's so much news being ignored, it can get depressing to think of how out-of-touch Glenn can be to the reality of those not in his economic class, social circle - whatever it is - which further insures there's no place for anything like a real difference to emerge.
For instance, it's obvious he doesn't care about (or understands) NewAge, such as today's post on HuffPo, where he'll point out they don't pay writers, and many commentors aren't happy about the AOL deal - both worthwhile topics - but no mention Arianna makes her staff go through John-Rogers' cult training, that she's had writers involved in grisly murders, many who appear to be unhinged, and scientists are up in arms against her because she dedicates a section of her site to outright quackery (all much more important real-world issues, if you ask me). Is it necessary to mention AOL has purchased - and thus encourages - those on the funny farm? Only Glenn knows for sure.
He gave me credit for catching on to Jared Lee Loughner's NewAge beliefs (and propensity to kill) before others, but what NewAge actually means for American society and culture? What's going on beyond the obvious? How cults are looked at, and affecting us - and how such thinking leads to our societal failures - I think Reynolds could care less, preferring to focus on "nerd" shit like McBain shorts in episodes of The Simpson's.
Sometimes, I just find his choices weird. And, aside from the Tea Party stuff, short-sighted and not very important, leading to "more of the same" no matter what he focuses on. Like an Army of Davids, but they left their slingshots at home.
I am highly resistant to people telling me what to view, either in person, in a paper, or on the internet.
It's not like anyone is making you go, MM. I view it more as someone pointing out something they found interesting.
I do think it's gotten a little more, eh, corporate/ish in the last few years. The Pajamas media thing. But that stuff is easy to ignore and the nice thing is that there is a wide variety of links, science, tax policy and other political stuff, reason...
Well, Bag, if Reynolds is the antidote to knee-jerk punditry, more power to him.
IMHO however, I'm going to have to go with my opinion that a good idea is even more powerful and positive than brief and copious bouts of attention snatching. "Look, over there!"
Strangely enough though, I can see what's worth appreciating about the guy, when put in that context.
Coolidge was the Lady Gaga of his day, but standards have moved down the slippery slope. I think Gaga found the pool at the bottom and it needs cleaning - seems to be a lot of junk floating around down there.
MadisonMan (and other Packers fans), congrats on your win! Your manhood remains in place!
I almost died during half time, accidently pulling a gigantic shelf of industrial tools and other large items (like typewriters) down upon myself, most of them hitting me in the face, cartoon-style. I'm O.K., but got knocked unconscious, which scared the shit out of everyone. Now I've got a scar over my right eyebrow, and lots of abrasions on my forehead, but otherwise, I'm fine.
Have you read the numerous articles he has written for various and mainstream media publications?
I've been reading Glenn every day or over ten years. I know what he thinks about a lot of things because of that. They may not be of interest to you but they are for a good many people.
I think Crack has some valid criticisms though a little class heavy. But for you to malign Glenn in the manner you have makes it appear jealously is more involved than substantial critique.
Now we're gettin' somewhere. I applaud this. Another regular commenter here has often gone with "Duh". For him it's commenting in its most honest form.
I am in a rut. I start every web session the same.
1. Drudge. Have to know what the news agencies say is going on.
2. Instapundit. Have to know what is really going on.
3. Althouse. Have to know what to think about what is really going on.
I add in Volokh.com and RealClearPolitics.com. Volokh for a number of reasons, including that Eugene Volokh was the one who turned me on to blogging with his legal group blog.
Jealousy? Yeah right! For years I've just been trying to figure out how to be the next LinkBot, never knowing when I'll get my break!
I'd be happy to take a look at Glenn Reynolds' more-than-one-word works. It's just weird trying to find a way to do so when what he's most known (and appreciated) for is a website full of links accompanied by nothing more than a description as brief as a Facebook reaction, delivered with the predictable regularity of the next television commercial.
Crack, Did those tools all happen to say "Acme" on the side?
Oh, bagoh! Seriously, Crack, that sounds awful. Glad you're ok.
As for your Reynolds criticism, I just think he's focused on the things he is most passionate about, just as you are. That's what makes blogs interesting to me, they aren't just what a paper thinks is important, they are what an individual thinks is important. They don't have to cover everything.
I check out Volokh from time to time, but as a non-JD, my eyes start to glaze over when the going gets technical. I also frequently frequent Hot Air. I will have to add RCP to the list.
I started reading Glenn way back when he wrote as Instapundit for Slate. Every week he'd analyze the Sunday morning "pundits" on the news shows. I was impressed by the way he'd cut right thru the bs. and focus on the way the two sides were trying to frame the debate. What questions were and (sometimes more importantly) weren't being asked. And which answers weren't really answers at all.
I still have him as my opening page in my browser. But I do miss his analyses. Now it is mainly just links. I wish he'd write more of his own. But then again, he is paid when he writes a column, but the blog is for free. So I guess I can't complain.
Yea, bagoh, they probably did. It was wild. Like having a freight train run over my face and, being unconscious and immobilized, I couldn't block any of it. I'm sure I took, at least, thirty straight shots to the face - because of the way the shelf twisted, not one of them hit my body - it was just one shot, and then a series of them in twos, threes, fives, all dead-weight heavy and straight-on, right in the face. But, remarkably, there's no swelling or anything, just a blood-clotted cut and bruises.
Libtrad_Ritmo: What if I just shortened my comment-posts, but uploaded them as frequently as LinkBot does?
Well, in light of your recent admission that you only post here to spike threads ("shitmo"), shortening your posts might double your readership to two.
(assuming you don't keep vanishing for three days everytime you get your ass kicked)
Crack... I bet that was an OSHA violation, if it happened on the job. I am praying for your thick skull and the wonderful brain inside of it. My parents used to tell me," Don't hurt yourself or we will kill you". They were a hard two some, but at least they cared.
Crack... I bet that was an OSHA violation, if it happened on the job. I am praying for your thick skull and the wonderful brain inside of it.
Thanks (for the prayers, too)! Naw, it was at my friend's house. He feels terrible, since the shelf wasn't connected to the wall, and that's the worst of it:
Feeling like I scared the shit out of everybody.
I have a friend who's an epileptic, and now I know what he feels like after a seizure. You just want to crawl into a ball.
I read Instapundit every day for about five years -- but I started drifting away over the past year or so. I still read him a few times per week, but there is quite a contrast if you read his stuff five years ago vs what you see today...or maybe it is just me? We all evolve but I'll always appreciate the Blogfather.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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I'm guessing, without watching, that Bob is not.
Experiencing an "Instalanche" is the web's equivalent of an ORGASM. I think this happens often to you, Ann.
I had had it happen five or six times when Glenn has linked to the Ball of Whacks and some of my other products.
I'm sure Glenn is looking at the $315 million HuffPo is getting and thinking, "This could be an interesting year."
Me too!
Instapundit is on my 'speed dial' of bookmarks for sure.
Love the shtick Glenn uses with the 'They said if I voted for John McCain, Gitmo would remain open (or some other such thing)...and they were right!'
I never read Instapundit. Just don't find his collection of links interesting.
I never miss these Kaus/Bob diavlogs, they are just about the only thing worth watching on bloggingheads.
News from this diavlog: Mickey is leaving Newsweek and moving to the Daily Caller!
(The Crypto Jew)
I never read Instapundit. Just don't find his collection of links interesting.
I pity you, then...you must be an "Anti-Nerd" and one day we shall de-pantz you...
I never read Instapundit. Just don't find his collection of links interesting.
I tune him out when he links to his wife, but other than I definatley enjoy a lot of his links. Oh, I also tune out everything about a camera. And the majority of the PJM stuff.
MadisonMan: never read Instapundit. Just don't find his collection of links interesting.
Of course you don't. It would destroy the reason you self-identify as a liberal.
I admit I could have looked on a bad day, there could be a sampling issue involved, but life is too short to give blog sites second and third chances.
Fen, have I ever said I was a liberal?
yeah, it's weird about instapundit. he doesn't say much, but it is a very interesting site. of course, the selection of items communicates volumes.
Funny, Glenn fell out of my bookmarks a few years ago even though we're probably pretty temperamentally simpatico, because I felt I was getting too many links and not enough content. One-liners aren't enough.
I still read Dr. Helen, though. And I'm glad he pointed me to a blog that I find more suited to my reading style: this one.
Instapundit - because passive-aggressives need a spokesman, too.
I don't think Arianna is going to fare well at AOL.
I don't think Prof. Reynolds would do very well either.
Somebody with a flair for marketing would attempt to make it (Puffington Host/ Instapundit)....better.
....and I'm sure all that vile gun talk would be squelched!!
One of the good things about Instapundit is that it is easy to tune out the bits you don't like. That's the big advantage of the one word comments and a good eye for the lede. Lots of quick hits, good flow during the day. A good yield of links.
You read my mind too. It's doubtful the smug Bob Wright would like what he gets at Instapundit.
Mad Man - if your were polled, would you self-identify as a liberal or a moderate?
wv= ludens
I probably never get to 10% of his links but there are plenty to choose from and many not political. Easy enough to check out and cover a lot of ground.
Insty is my first blog of the morning. Because he aggregates the news that the MSM doesn't want me know about.
None of the above.
I am highly resistant to labeling. What does it do for you? Not much, and that sticky stuff is murder on the Polartech that I wear in winter.
I am very conservative on some things, and very liberal on others. (Where conservative and liberal are used in the normal sense of the word around the blogosphere).
Insty is great fun. Where else can you keep up with Popular Mechanic's latest inventions, Amazon's Special Sales, and the Tea Party's gossip all in one place.
They told me that if I voted for McCain then Ann Althouse and Glenn Reynolds would become more influential than Lawrence Tribe.
Does anyone recall an instance where MM championed a conservative position with the same vigor that Hayden or Methadras does?
Mad Man, at times, shows exceptional skill at logic and he, at times, expresses a dislike for bureaucratic buttinskis. But he's a liberal IMHO, no offense meant Mad Man but hard to change your spots.
OT a bit, but I bet 60 Minutes will have Arianna on way before they do Glenn Reynolds. In fact, that proves the MSM is liberal - how can it have ignored Insty all these years?
Insty is a quick read. He's to blogs what the NY Post is to newspapers. He does find a lot of interesting items. Given all the things he links to, I wonder if he is some kind of demon speed reader.....I wonder if the windfall that Huffpo just made, hasn't caused a lot of sugarplum fairies to start dancing in heads of all the well known bloggers.
There doesn't seem to be a left-side equivalent to the Instalanche. If we knew why, we'd probably know more about how conservatives differ from liberals. There is at least as much left-blog traffic as right-blog traffic-- probably more-- but stories gather momentum in different ways and at different speeds on the two sides.
On the right side, stories (like a major news outlet acting hypocritical in its portrayal of left v. right issues) tend to live or die according to market dynamics. If the story excites people, it will generate immediate links, no matter what the source. Right-side originators of stories tend to accept reality when the blogosphere deems their stories boring or unimportant.
On the left side, there's more marketing. A story (something like a 7th-grade social studies class in a public elementary school in Kansas having a paper assigned on the development of Christianity) might be marginal, but some left-side actors will push such stories, trying to get various outlets to cover it. Stories seem to bubble up more slowly, sometimes more endowed with analysis and commentary than equal-opposite stories on the right side.
In related news, the incomparable The Heath Ledger is worth $43.
WV: resses - peanut butter cups for the dyslexic.
Kaus has to get the marbles out of his mouf.
Wouldn't that be resees?
If it weren't for Insta, I never would have Althouse. His blog is always interesting in its variety.
Interesting also that the 2 most "fun couples of the Internet" are so closely allied.
dont tread 2012 said...
Instapundit is on my 'speed dial' of bookmarks for sure.
And mine.
Some interesting comments. What I consider one of Insty's best features--his generosity of linking--turns some people off because they want more of him and less of everybody else.
MadMan, what you may be missing is that his machine gun posting style means there's lots for everyone--even if you dislike most of his posts, there's plenty of good stuff left. Sure, most bloggers can be filed under "life's too short", but he's too influential and popular to be dismissed so easily. He's not just any blogger.
I'd like to know the source of the quote "fierce moral urgency of change." He throws it around like it's a liberal anthem, and it may well be, or have been, but still, I'd like a source.
Bob and Mickey have a definite Felix and Oscar vibe going on that makes them very watchable, in a dramatic dyad sort of way. They're the best of those diavlogs, present company excepted of course.
My whole family in Virginia is addicted to Instapundit.
(We call him "Insty" for short.)
I've e-mailed him a few times and he's used some of my funnies. The strange thing was that on two occasions, he nearly simultaneously put up something that my husband's best man had written to him - and we hadn't seen or talked to the guy for 15 years.
The guy with the least to say about the most things is your anchor. How unsurprising and how sad.
Instaputz is perfect for conservatives because he never explains why he likes what he does, why he thinks what he does and often, why he even links something. That's the perfect style for conservatives: Just tell us what to think, what position to hold, what to say and leave the reasoning and explanations out of it.
Everything in Fen's world amounts to either destroying something or falling in line behind the support of something else. Figuring out why he's for what he's for, why he's against what he's against, or what should be changed is not a permitted part of the equation. Don't expect there to be any reasoning behind it, MM, and don't take it personally. That's just Fen.
Other than that, though, I'm sure he's not a bad guy.
how can it have ignored Insty all these years?
Because he has nothing to say. Haven't you been listening?!
What would an interview with the guy consist of?
At least a mute would attempt hand signals or something (or so one would think). A deaf person can use sign language. But Glenn Reynolds' inability to ever say much of anything makes giving him attention an exercise in pointless futility.
You probably could, however, ask him what kind of tree he would be. In fact, I think that question was made for him.
But the crucial question is: Does Ann Althouse depend on Glenn Reynolds when shopping for a blender?
Interviewing Instapundit (how aptly named) would be like passing over an interview with Guttenberg and just deciding to interview the printing press instead. You know, the machine. Ask it questions about how it operates.
Interviewing Instapundit would be like interviewing a washing machine.
"So, what's it like, constantly churning out links without any idea of what to make of them?"
"Hummmmmmmmmmmmm. Hummmmmmmmmm."
Absence of evidence is apparently evidence of absence in FenWorld.
Tim Maguire, but isn't insty just a bunch of links? Like Drudge (another site I don't visit, but that goes way back to alt.showbiz.gossip flamewards on usenet)?
I am highly resistant to people telling me what to view, either in person, in a paper, or on the internet. (Which is why I'm not seeing the movie up at West tonight which has been flogged forever by my kid's Film Study teacher. Enough already!)
Instapundit = LinkBot.
(I summed that up succinctly for the benefit of our verbally challenged conservative friends.)
Tim Maguire wrote "Some interesting comments. What I consider one of Insty's best features--his generosity of linking--turns some people off because they want more of him and less of everybody else."
I appreciate the links. I click on a small fraction of them, but he's kind of like the weather report. You go to him to get a reading on the day's big stories. He's also like the typical weather reporter in that he's got more brains than the talking heads that take up all the airtime.
I also appreciate the lack of comments. Comments here are great, but Althouse is the exception. And even great comments are 50% dross.
I am in a rut. I start every web session the same.
1. Drudge. Have to know what the news agencies say is going on.
2. Instapundit. Have to know what is really going on.
3. Althouse. Have to know what to think about what is really going on.
Insty is the opposite of Ritmo (also known here as lorem ipsum).
That's so funny, Bag. But you know that you're one of the few people on here who doesn't mind thinking about something every now and then. That closet's smaller than you think.
Anyway, glad to know I'm the opposite of LinkBot.
One thing I actually like about Instapundit-- no comments. That means no Conservatives for Better Oral Sex.
All hail our venerated leader, Linkbot!
I visit Instapundit throughout the day, but I find it equally informative and alienating. I love when he tells us about Amazon deals, but hate when he opines on all the shit he buys, reminding me he's a rich law professor.
And, yea, an Instalaunche is great, but I don't get the impression he or his readers are particularly concerned with disturbing the narrative they have, any more than the MSM is. As I said a few days ago (on the Glenn Beck thread) there's so much news being ignored, it can get depressing to think of how out-of-touch Glenn can be to the reality of those not in his economic class, social circle - whatever it is - which further insures there's no place for anything like a real difference to emerge.
For instance, it's obvious he doesn't care about (or understands) NewAge, such as today's post on HuffPo, where he'll point out they don't pay writers, and many commentors aren't happy about the AOL deal - both worthwhile topics - but no mention Arianna makes her staff go through John-Rogers' cult training, that she's had writers involved in grisly murders, many who appear to be unhinged, and scientists are up in arms against her because she dedicates a section of her site to outright quackery (all much more important real-world issues, if you ask me). Is it necessary to mention AOL has purchased - and thus encourages - those on the funny farm? Only Glenn knows for sure.
He gave me credit for catching on to Jared Lee Loughner's NewAge beliefs (and propensity to kill) before others, but what NewAge actually means for American society and culture? What's going on beyond the obvious? How cults are looked at, and affecting us - and how such thinking leads to our societal failures - I think Reynolds could care less, preferring to focus on "nerd" shit like McBain shorts in episodes of The Simpson's.
Sometimes, I just find his choices weird. And, aside from the Tea Party stuff, short-sighted and not very important, leading to "more of the same" no matter what he focuses on. Like an Army of Davids, but they left their slingshots at home.
The guy with the least to say about the most things is your anchor.
Brevity is the soul of wit after all. I rather enjoy insty's style of thought this was interesting/snarky comment/link.
A search result for Linkbot's site describes it as follows:
"Glenn Reynolds' weblog offers opinions on current events, as well as humor and personal notes."
I prefer sites with comments, when they are like this one. I mean that in both possible interpretations.
I rather enjoy insty's style of thought...
Linkbot had a thought? When? What was it?
I am highly resistant to people telling me what to view, either in person, in a paper, or on the internet.
It's not like anyone is making you go, MM. I view it more as someone pointing out something they found interesting.
I do think it's gotten a little more, eh, corporate/ish in the last few years. The Pajamas media thing. But that stuff is easy to ignore and the nice thing is that there is a wide variety of links, science, tax policy and other political stuff, reason...
It's called INSTApundit for a reason. There is no shortage of the other kind.
Maybe it evaporated as instantaneously as the post was uploaded.
"Because he has nothing to say. Haven't you been listening?!"
I think the issue may be more your inability to comprehend.
Well, Bag, if Reynolds is the antidote to knee-jerk punditry, more power to him.
IMHO however, I'm going to have to go with my opinion that a good idea is even more powerful and positive than brief and copious bouts of attention snatching. "Look, over there!"
Strangely enough though, I can see what's worth appreciating about the guy, when put in that context.
Comprehend what, Luther? Single word thoughts?
If you want witty, single-word answer politicians, try Calvin Coolidge.
Not sure how good he was as a president, but at least he kicked ass in that department.
What if I just shortened my comment-posts, but uploaded them as frequently as LinkBot does?
Would that come across as snappy?
wv: ranted. Hahahaha.
Coolidge was the Lady Gaga of his day, but standards have moved down the slippery slope. I think Gaga found the pool at the bottom and it needs cleaning - seems to be a lot of junk floating around down there.
MadisonMan (and other Packers fans), congrats on your win! Your manhood remains in place!
I almost died during half time, accidently pulling a gigantic shelf of industrial tools and other large items (like typewriters) down upon myself, most of them hitting me in the face, cartoon-style. I'm O.K., but got knocked unconscious, which scared the shit out of everyone. Now I've got a scar over my right eyebrow, and lots of abrasions on my forehead, but otherwise, I'm fine.
At least I missed the half-time show.
"Comprehend what"
How often do you visit his blog?
Have you read "Army of Davids"?
Have you read the numerous articles he has written for various and mainstream media publications?
I've been reading Glenn every day or over ten years. I know what he thinks about a lot of things because of that. They may not be of interest to you but they are for a good many people.
I think Crack has some valid criticisms though a little class heavy. But for you to malign Glenn in the manner you have makes it appear jealously is more involved than substantial critique.
Jesus Crack! What a hell of an accident. Glad you survived in one piece.
You're right about the half-time show.
"What if I just shortened my comment..."
Now we're gettin' somewhere. I applaud this. Another regular commenter here has often gone with "Duh". For him it's commenting in its most honest form.
Crack, Did those tools all happen to say "Acme" on the side?
I am in a rut. I start every web session the same.
1. Drudge. Have to know what the news agencies say is going on.
2. Instapundit. Have to know what is really going on.
3. Althouse. Have to know what to think about what is really going on.
I add in Volokh.com and RealClearPolitics.com. Volokh for a number of reasons, including that Eugene Volokh was the one who turned me on to blogging with his legal group blog.
Jealousy? Yeah right! For years I've just been trying to figure out how to be the next LinkBot, never knowing when I'll get my break!
I'd be happy to take a look at Glenn Reynolds' more-than-one-word works. It's just weird trying to find a way to do so when what he's most known (and appreciated) for is a website full of links accompanied by nothing more than a description as brief as a Facebook reaction, delivered with the predictable regularity of the next television commercial.
I almost died during the half-time show also, but that was because of what was on the television.
Crack: Good God what a way to skip the halftime show. You could've gone outside for a walk around the block with the dog.
Glad to hear you're recovering. Wow.
Glenn Reynolds should compile a book based on all his shortest posts.
Crack, Did those tools all happen to say "Acme" on the side?
Oh, bagoh! Seriously, Crack, that sounds awful. Glad you're ok.
As for your Reynolds criticism, I just think he's focused on the things he is most passionate about, just as you are. That's what makes blogs interesting to me, they aren't just what a paper thinks is important, they are what an individual thinks is important. They don't have to cover everything.
@Bruce Hayden
I check out Volokh from time to time, but as a non-JD, my eyes start to glaze over when the going gets technical. I also frequently frequent Hot Air. I will have to add RCP to the list.
Crack, even after a concussion and the resultant brain damage you are still more literate than Will.i.am. Congratulations. Now don't do that again.
I started reading Glenn way back when he wrote as Instapundit for Slate. Every week he'd analyze the Sunday morning "pundits" on the news shows. I was impressed by the way he'd cut right thru the bs. and focus on the way the two sides were trying to frame the debate. What questions were and (sometimes more importantly) weren't being asked. And which answers weren't really answers at all.
I still have him as my opening page in my browser. But I do miss his analyses. Now it is mainly just links. I wish he'd write more of his own. But then again, he is paid when he writes a column, but the blog is for free. So I guess I can't complain.
Libtard_Ritmo: The guy with the least to say about the most things is your anchor.
Gee, imagine that. We don't need an anchor to tell us what to think.
How unsurprising and how sad.
For you, yes. You can't cope without some Dan Rather telling you what to believe.
Thanks, everybody.
Yea, bagoh, they probably did. It was wild. Like having a freight train run over my face and, being unconscious and immobilized, I couldn't block any of it. I'm sure I took, at least, thirty straight shots to the face - because of the way the shelf twisted, not one of them hit my body - it was just one shot, and then a series of them in twos, threes, fives, all dead-weight heavy and straight-on, right in the face. But, remarkably, there's no swelling or anything, just a blood-clotted cut and bruises.
We are truly resilient.
Libtrad_Ritmo: What if I just shortened my comment-posts, but uploaded them as frequently as LinkBot does?
Well, in light of your recent admission that you only post here to spike threads ("shitmo"), shortening your posts might double your readership to two.
(assuming you don't keep vanishing for three days everytime you get your ass kicked)
There goes that belligerent Fen guy, mistaking his need to act like a bully for communication.
Sometimes I almost wonder if his keyboard has dents in the shape of fists in it.
We don't need an anchor to tell us what to think.
This sentence presupposes that Fen actually has any thoughts, let alone those of his own.
"let alone those of his own."
Really, you serve as perfect example of that half sentence. Mirrors can be tough, but perhaps you should try it sometime.
Crack... I bet that was an OSHA violation, if it happened on the job. I am praying for your thick skull and the wonderful brain inside of it. My parents used to tell me," Don't hurt yourself or we will kill you". They were a hard two some, but at least they cared.
Crack... I bet that was an OSHA violation, if it happened on the job. I am praying for your thick skull and the wonderful brain inside of it.
Thanks (for the prayers, too)! Naw, it was at my friend's house. He feels terrible, since the shelf wasn't connected to the wall, and that's the worst of it:
Feeling like I scared the shit out of everybody.
I have a friend who's an epileptic, and now I know what he feels like after a seizure. You just want to crawl into a ball.
I'd like to know the source of the quote "fierce moral urgency of change."
It's a variation on a phrase Obama used in the 2008 campaign quite a bit, one he lifted from Martin Luther King: "the fierce urgency of now".
Instapundit has one terrible crime to answer for: I found this blog from a link from his site.
Therefore he is responsible for every stupid comment I made here and for my stupid blog.
The bastard.
Plus he is a giant pussy as he has never linked to me. Just sayn'
I know he rubs one out to all my Andie McDowell posts.
You know he does!
That's Right Buster!
I read Instapundit every day for about five years -- but I started drifting away over the past year or so. I still read him a few times per week, but there is quite a contrast if you read his stuff five years ago vs what you see today...or maybe it is just me? We all evolve but I'll always appreciate the Blogfather.
I hope some day that James Urbaniak includes my photo with the Professor on his very funny Analyze Glenn Reynolds' Body Language site.
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