February 20, 2011

If you appreciate all these pictures from the rally...

... I've got more good stuff from today coming up soon. And how about buying something for yourself through my Amazon portal.

I'm buying more memory for the Panasonic camera I've been using, a back-up smaller Sony camera, and a newer model Flip camera than the one I've been using. All those links will work for you to buy things.

I've gone down to the demonstration on 7 different days now. I have 7 fair shares of abuse. I've been maxing out my cameras and I'm buying more equipment. All for you dear readers!


Alex said...

Think of investing in a DSLR. It will be the last camera you ever need.

Sofa King said...

Oooh yeah, I love my Canon T2i. After nothing but point-and-shoots, the low-light performance was a revelation.

If those are too big, consider a micro four-thirds camera. Smaller, lighter, and more compact than a full DSLR, but with the same size sensor (and superior low-light performance) as a DSLR. And smaller interchangeable lenses.

Dose of Sanity said...

Because I can't resist - Are you forced to turn to blog income to supplement your upcoming loss in the bill? :)

Just kidding - I think I'll get something.

shiloh said...

And how about showing some love by buying something for yourself

The check's in the mail ...

Having voted for McGovern in '72 and been a die hard liberal since then, didn't give $$$ to any politician until Obama in 2008 ie $75.

Got quite a ROI as he picked Sotomayor/Kagan for the Supreme Court and continues to drive wingers bat shit crazy 24/7.

All is well!

Alex said...

The portal linky isn't quite a portal but a simple list of products. It doesn't even have Althouse on the page.

former law student said...

Sorry, my last non-food purchase was shower gel. The money I'm not squirreling away for my Social Security-free, Medicare-free, stagnant stock portfolio, 25% off-peak house price, old age goes to experiences, not more junk to fill an already cluttered house.

Alex said...

FLS - one thing we can agree with is keep a Spartan household.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm buying more memory for the Panasonic camera I've been using, a back-up smaller Sony camera, and a newer model Flip camera than the one I've been using.

Serious question:

Must you and Glenn Reynolds keep telling us what you're buying? Sure, point us to deals out there, but come on - I haven't been able to buy anything for myself in over a fucking year - do you really think I want to hear of what a wonderful life you have, financially? There's a goddamned recession on.

As a college professor - and with all the shit going on in Wisconsin - we already have an idea of HOW MUCH FUCKING MONEY YOU MAKE - so what's left for you, but to not only ask us to give you more but to rub it in with everything you're getting?

Jesus H. Christ.

Alex said...

Crack - I spent $4000 on computers & electronics last year. Bite me.

former law student said...

so what's left for you, but to not only ask us to give you more but to rub it in with everything you're getting?

crack: it's just more crap her boys will have to sort through for the inevitable estate sale. "What did she even do with all these cameras?" one will ask the other.

Jason said...

"Think of investing in a DSLR. It will be the last camera you ever need."


Unknown said...

Well, shiloh/PB&J has been backing losers for a long time.

XWL said...

I just exercised my virtual 2nd amendment rights and pre-ordered Killzone 3 through the search box on this post.

Glad there's a way to show support for the work done here by both the Professor and Meade.

As far as the WI stuff goes, the rhetoric directly from WEAC's (Wisconsin Education Association Council) website is very instructive, here's a bit below:

"Individualism, the promise of individual freedom and personal happiness, has been a central tenet of the American dream and is fundamental in American society. The danger we face is that individualism, as exemplified by private school choice, may further isolate Americans from each other and undermine the conditions of freedom."

Translation: individualism is dangerous (and a touch racist), so send your kids to our schools so that they'll have a proper and good grounding in social justice (or just plain socialist) thinking.

Jason said...

Crack Emcee-

Then do something to better yourself instead of bitching on a blog how shitty you have it and how good the blog host does. You certainly dont have to be here.

End of rant.

The Crack Emcee said...

Crack - I spent $4000 on computers & electronics last year. Bite me.

No, fuck you. The computer I'm typing this on cost more than that, and I bought in 2004, dickwad!

Alex, I used to charge as much as $500 just to sing two songs with a band, but even then I didn't go around in front of others telling them what I spent my money on. What makes you think the "bling" lifestyle is disgusting but this is any better? Either way, it's conspicuous consumption and it's gross.

I don't know what kind of "American values" you people were taught but they ain't any I recognize.

Wannie said...

I just put up a Paypal donation, Professor Althouse -- along with that, a friendly challenge to other readers to do likewise. It's been a bonanza of reportage, have enjoyed every bit of it. Look forward to more.

Alex said...

Crack - who are you to define the morality of anyone else's' consumption? Why is your musician aesthetic any better way to live then a law prof or computer programmer. You are not more valid then we are.

Alex said...

Just made a paypal donation. Great work Professor, nobody else is doing this stuff. This is real journalism!

Ann Althouse said...

"Think of investing in a DSLR. It will be the last camera you ever need."

I've had one for years. Many lenses too. How do you think I do that fisheye stuff.

It's not the most useful of my cameras because I don't carry it around all the time.

shiloh said...

Well, shiloh has been backing losers for a long time.

So true as I'm quite familiar w/the minority!, eh but, but, but having grown up in the '60s ~ never thought an African/American would be elected president in my lifetime, so after Obama's election, everything else is just gravy er icing on the cake!


And continuing to think I'm pb&j just makes you look more foolish, if that is possible ...

take care, blessings

Ann Althouse said...

"The portal linky isn't quite a portal but a simple list of products. It doesn't even have Althouse on the page."

It's not a link. It's a search box. Search for whatever you want and what you buy, having entered Amazon that way, will channel a percentage to me.

Ann Althouse said...

"do you really think I want to hear of what a wonderful life you have, financially?"

Some people ask what camera I'm using and those links show it.

I'm buying equipment for this blog project, which readers benefit from, and some people, who are buying things ANYWAY, may like to have a way to help me do what I'm doing.

Alex said...

It's not a link. It's a search box. Search for whatever you want and what you buy, having entered Amazon that way, will channel a percentage to me.

I get a list of products, not a search box when I click that link. You might want to verify you put the right one.

AllenS said...

$5 on the way through PayPal. Thanks.

The Crack Emcee said...

Honestly, is this really who you are?

Ann Althouse said...

"As a college professor - and with all the shit going on in Wisconsin - we already have an idea of HOW MUCH FUCKING MONEY YOU MAKE - so what's left for you, but to not only ask us to give you more but to rub it in with everything you're getting?"

1. I'm not a college professor. I'm a law school professor.

2. It's not my general practice to write about material goods that I purchase, restaurant food I eat, etc. etc.

Alex said...

Honestly guys, hit the donate button. This is citizen journalism at it's best. Pony up.

Suzy said...

I just bought a pooper-scooper! It's what I happened to need. But in some way, my purchase does relate to what's going on in WI and elsewhere -- it's time to clean up the "poop" in government. Ann, I've appreciated your wonderful on-the-ground reporting.

Alex said...

Crack - I buy these products for myself. How does an iMac or Nikon DSLR bling? You have a twisted view on the world.

Alex said...

Maybe you can say I buy the kind of products under "stuff white people like", but that's a far cry from being bling.

Ann Althouse said...

"I get a list of products, not a search box when I click that link. You might want to verify you put the right one."

Well, type something in the box first. If you don't, you're right, you'll get to a home-page type place, but it will have my Amazon code in it and I will get about 7% of your purchase price. It's a great way to send me some money without paying anything more for whatever it is you would buy anyway. I just can't emphasize enough (without being boring) how cool it is that you can pay me like this. All you have to do is remember to enter Amazon through my blog. That Amazon box is also always in the side bar. If you read this blog, just please do think of me when you need to buy something. Especially something expensive!

Alex said...

Ah, the Amazon search box doesn't work with Google Chrome, only IE/Firefox. Really professor, get with it. Chrome is the best browser.

Anonymous said...

I think today might be a good day to order a copy of The Federalist Papers and finally read it. Any recommendations for the best edition?

shiloh said...

Ann, many of your posters seem to love you! :) isn't that enough ...

Rhetorical question

Hey, if palin can quit her job to make a fortune, to each his/her own.

America, what a country!

The Crack Emcee said...


You have a twisted view on the world.

I'm not saying don't put up the Amazon box, or take the pictures, but what's the point in the "I'm going to but this or that" shit? I feel like I know the entire contents of Glenn Reynolds' home at this point, and his every wish and desire, but why? Who does it benefit for me to know that?

If it was merely a discussion of comparisons - one thing against another - and he said "Well, I have such and such and,..." that would be one thing, but this constant "I'm buying this" and "I'm buying that" is disgusting.

Like I said, there's a recession on, people are losing everything - or just trying to hang on - and you guys are going on and on about none of it touches you. or, in Ann's case, how she's losing $10,000 in health insurance and I'm supposed to cry for her?

Get a clue.

The Crack Emcee said...


Hey, if palin can quit her job to make a fortune, to each his/her own.

I say "good for her", but I've not heard one word from her - not one word - about what she's buying, or planning to buy, with it.

Some people have sense.

Alex said...

Crack - interestingly enough nobody I know is hurting very badly. I guess I don't know irresponsible people who failed to save money during the good times. In fact some of the people I know are doing gangbusters right now.

Alex said...

Crack - Palin just bought her daughter a brand new house in Arizona.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack - interestingly enough nobody I know is hurting very badly.

Yea, and that lady from The New Yorker didn't know anybody who voted for Nixon either.

I guess I don't know irresponsible people who failed to save money during the good times.

Or who's wife went crazy, gave all of our money to a quack guru, and killed three people, either.

Are you really this callous and stupid?

AllenS said...

If you're not hurting financially, and you find this blog entertaining, why not send in a donation? The entertainment value of this blog is more than what I'm receiving with DirecTV. That costs me about $60 a month.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack - Palin just bought her daughter a brand new house in Arizona.

Yes, idiot, but the media (trying to make you hate her) told you that - not Sarah Palin.

Jesus, you're a dummy.

Alex said...

Crack - hey you're an anomaly with the crazy mass murdering wife. Most people in rough times right now were just plain irresponsible by racking up credit card debt instead of saving.

Alex said...

If you're not hurting financially, and you find this blog entertaining, why not send in a donation? The entertainment value of this blog is more than what I'm receiving with DirecTV. That costs me about $60 a month.

Hoo-ah! Also with the prospects of a general strike and this thing drawing out for 2-3 months the entertainment value is gonna be good!

shiloh said...

I'm a firm believer in supply and demand. As always, the marketplace will dictate Ann's fortune.

Plus likability ie Judge Judy, Oprah, Obama as many of the Republican wannabe pretenders for president in 2012 have a (((likability))) problem, to go along w/all their other problems lol

Am I still on topic!

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack - hey you're an anomaly with the crazy mass murdering wife. Most people in rough times right now were just plain irresponsible by racking up credit card debt instead of saving.

Having seen what "most" people are doing (through my job) I'd say "many" made their own beds, but hardly all of them, or even "most". But that's not my point:

There's no good that comes from flaunting wealth - especially in hard times.

Right now, Obama's family is catching shit for being on vacation, after telling others to skip it during the recession. What makes y'all any different?

Like I said, it's about being American.

Chip Ahoy said...

I get a list of products

That's a list of Amazon product categories. Once at Amazon you'll get another list at the bottom of the page of items that Amazon computer calculates will interest you based on your Amazon purchasing and search history.

(Dintjew notice I dun bot a book?)

cubanbob said...

Dear Ann,
sent you a hundred via PayPal. Enjoy the camera and thanks for the reporting and for the effort you put into the site. Come people! Pony Up!

Charlotte Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Known Unknown said...

My son's b-day is coming up. I was planning on using Amazon to get some things. I will use your "portal."

Chip Ahoy said...

Hostess, can't you get a cute little pink Hello Kitty camera backpack and take your D-50 out for hikes more often? It's totally worth it.

Tom Tucker said...

I am an idiot. How much would you get for a $400 purchase?

AllenS said...


AllenS said...

Ok, I just bought a Jeep CJ Rebuilder's Manual. Somthing that will probably prove helpful when I tear apart my 1980 CJ7 Jeep. I almost feel like I'm cheating now.

commentor said...

I prefer this direct approach to that Instapundit fella's "oh goodness me, this is a wonderful lawn chair here on Amazon that you can click" schtick.

bill sherman said...

Although it is wrongly secretive in my opinion for "crack emcee" to be sniping away without allowing his own profile to be seen, I have to agree that it is not right to ask readers to contribute (although some other bloggers certainly do).. re: "I am not a college professor I am a law school professor" may be an appropriate correction, but law professors earn as much or more as, say, a professor of literature. I believe any money accrued should be given to a charity you believe in.

AllenS said...


Have you ever heard a person say "I have a second job"?. Shouldn't that someone expect maybe a little cash for the work of that second job?

Do you ever tip a waitress?

Almost Ali said...

Right now, Obama's family is catching shit for being on vacation, after telling others to skip it during the recession.

Well, they do love their vacations. And all the parties. And the mountains of junk-food. And AF-1. And don't forget the really cool Limo. And the tons and tons of free stuff. It's like Michelle went to sleep and woke up in welfare heaven.

Meanwhile, words can't express the contempt ordinary citizens feel for those two lowlifes.

AllenS said...

It's like Michelle went to sleep and woke up in welfare heaven.

I'm stealing that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Fine - it's only one man's opinion, but I think the attitude exhibited here ("Bite me") shows that you guys are no better than the union protesters that you hold in such contempt.

As I've said many times, you guys talk about blacks while forgetting I'm black, and you talk about the poor while forgetting I'm poor, but - while I'll always be black - I won't always be poor, nor will I always be limited to blog postings. And I forget nothing.

All of this post-divorce/murder period is a learning experience for me, with many lessons I'd rather not have received, but having done so, I can tell you it'll all be put to good use when I'm fully recovered, and I will speak of how callous I've learned the world to be.

Anyways, have your fun, it'll be short-lived - because - if there's one thing I've always known - there's no good that comes from doing wrong.

And, though I may not have the vocabulary to express it correctly right now, you guys are crossing a line into being very, very bad.

AllenS said...

So, what do you want from us, Crack, a group hug?

The Crack Emcee said...

bill sherman,

Although it is wrongly secretive in my opinion for "crack emcee" to be sniping away without allowing his own profile to be seen,...

I am hardly an unknown entity. (That profile is a few years out of date, but it's mostly accurate.) In regards to this conversation, I'd suggest you listen to "Pow!":

"I'm the junky at midnight / jonesing for more base/ watching the rich whites/ smiles upon their face / shopping at Macy's / packages in cars / fun to disgrace these / beggars outside bars / spare a quarter?"

I was making a LOT of money at that time, but, even then, I knew which way was up.

I'm still wondering if the rest of these fools ever will.

Almost Ali said...

Must you and Glenn Reynolds keep telling us what you're buying?

Different reality, theirs.

Also something to be said for repetitive advertising: It works.

But still, a little obnoxious.

Meade said...

Crack is black? I don't believe it.

T J Sawyer said...

"Chrome is the best browser."

Doesn't the fact that the version that you are using doesn't correctly handle a commonly used blogger Amazon.com link sort of disprove that?

Alex said...

Crack - you need to calm down.

Alex said...

Doesn't the fact that the version that you are using doesn't correctly handle a commonly used blogger Amazon.com link sort of disprove that?

No it doesn't. Chrome abides by all standards.

Meade said...

I think this Amazon portal purchasing thing is great and I am making this commitment: Starting today, whenever I buy something onliine, I will systematically go down the Althouse blogroll and, in alphabetical order and in succession, make purchases through each blog that has an Amazon portal. Targeted sharing of the wealth with an army-of-davids of bloggers.

Margoam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mc said...

I appreciate the window into events which you provide very very much!

Thank you and Thank you again!!!

Known Unknown said...

Ok, I just bought a Jeep CJ Rebuilder's Manual. Somthing that will probably prove helpful when I tear apart my 1980 CJ7 Jeep. I almost feel like I'm cheating now.


Had an '83 CJ7. 350hp small-block Chevy V8 and oversize (can't remember) rims. Was a beauty, but was tainted with an AMC badge and a wonky drivetrain that snapped U-joints with regularity. I miss it, but not as a primary vehicle.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...


I do understand. When you have to watch every penny, it stings to hear someone else buying luxuries. Self-discipline is its own reward, but it's still irritating to see the other guy being wasteful.

But in the case of Professor Reynolds, I don't see conspicuous consumption; I see product reviews. There's a conflict of interest there, because he makes money from the products; but it's not like he tries to hide that. (You can always tell when he either hasn't tried or even actively dislikes something someone sent him, hoping for a review: there's the polite one-line link, but nothing more.)

I tried the same thing, but didn't have the traffic to make it worth my time. Whenever I read a book and enjoyed it, I would put up a review with an Amazon link and my Associate ID. If you have some blog traffic (I don't know your numbers, but they gotta be better than mine), you might give it a try. I see that you're already in the program; and sometimes you write about music (Radiohead most recently). Throw in an Amazon link, man. You're doing the writing already, so why not take a small step to try to turn it into some cash? It might not work, but it's not a lot of extra effort.

As for Professor Althouse... I don't want to appear rude to the hostess, Professor, but somehow Professor Reynolds is more subtle than you. I can't explain exactly, but I often find myself following one of his links, buying something (usually NOT the linked item), and never noticing I just fell for his marketing ploy. With yours, even when you're not posting the widget like you do here, I always feel like, "Oh, yeah, I should shop Althouse and support the blog." I think the subtle approach leads me to spend more.

Marica said...

Ann- I got nuthing for you, monetarily speaking. But if you want to come down to northern MS... I'm pretty sure we could make it worth your while. MS State. Ole Miss.

HT said...

another camera. I sense this is the third or fourth purchase you've contemplated on this blog. When is it enough? I don't buy stuff online anymore. The complication and hassle of credit card fraud drove me off. It's a good decision. I'll be glad when you get back to writing about stuff that is not going on at the state capitol. From here things in WI look comparatively good and functional. I'm also tired of the WI red in all the images. I'm just not that into the issue.

roesch-voltaire said...

Crack, for me you are hitting all the right notes and I have a clearer understanding of your ethical perspective.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack - you need to calm down.

No, I do not. Just what in the fuck do you guys think we're doing here nowadays, with the Tea Party and union busting, getting rid of the Al Sharptons and other race hustlers, standing up for democracy against socialism, and all the rest? Do you think this is all some kind of game? Well, it ain't no game - we are in the process of fixing our country - and getting our values right, again, is going to be a part of it, whether you like it or not.

Call me what you want but I stand for a consistency of character, something I hear a lot of you claiming but then getting froggy whenever someone expects it of you. The Boomer's "non-judgmental" bullshit is just that - bullshit - and it's only by stepping up when it's called for and saying "This is wrong" that we'll finally be done with it's hold on our nation.

I like Ann as much as the next person here - probably more because, it's obvious, she (and Meade) allow me a wide berth - but, after all I've seen and been through, I'm going to have to see and hear actions and behaviors I can recognize as normal and trustworthy before I "calm down". Like I said, it's about consistency:

I know, if I changed my stripes - or did anything y'all thought was wrong or out of character - you'd never let me hear the end of it either.

Just look at how we all regard Andrew Sullivan or the guy from Little Green Footballs.

We're better people than this, than what we have been, I know it. And I've spent too many nights in fucking France, listening to their bullshit about us, telling them so. Now I'm back here and all you've got to say for yourselves is I was wrong? No, I'm not wrong:

It's time to grow up and be real adults who stand for something beyond ourselves.

Martin L. Shoemaker,

I see that you're already in the program; and sometimes you write about music (Radiohead most recently). Throw in an Amazon link, man. You're doing the writing already, so why not take a small step to try to turn it into some cash? It might not work, but it's not a lot of extra effort.

Will do. But, as you know, I'm not against anyone making money - I hope Ann is, or gets *rich* - it's just the constant display that rubs the wrong way. She can buy shit - I get it:

Now go shopping and shut up.

The Crack Emcee said...

And one more thing:

I've asked for donations, here and on my blog, so I can get back to making music. But you've never once heard me say I want to return to it because I either wanted to be rich, or wanted to buy a better anything, or because I'm such a goddamned good artist - it's always been because I've got something to contribute to what else we're doing here, culturally, that no one else is stepping up to do.

Personally, it'll be a crying shame if one day I wake up and - after all this time dealing with folks who can happily cough up money to rich folks who buy multiple vacations, cameras, whatever - I see someone else waltz in and steal my place in the cultural zeitgeist. I'm ahead of the curve now, but I won't always be, and when somebody finally writes me and - pointing at some other artist - says, "Is this what you've been talking about?" well, if y'all think I'm an "angry black man" now, you won't know what to do with me then, because this shit is as much in your hands as it is mine. Several people here have asked, when I get there, will I this or that? Well, if somebody else gets there first, it won't be anybody in this crowd doing shit but buying Althouse another fucking camera.

You. Must. Learn.:

I'm thinking about "us", but y'all won't help because you're thinking about something else entirely.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack, for me you are hitting all the right notes and I have a clearer understanding of your ethical perspective.

Thanks, r-v, glad to hear it.

bill sherman said...

to c.emcee..good you posted up your link. always liked Mingus.
to allen s. no need to be nasty, man. give your bread to whomsoever you like. if i ever meet a waitress making 6 figures or near, i'll let you know.

Republican said...

If Crack Emcee has an Amazon link, I will be happy to use it to surf and buy from Amazon.

I will be part of an Army of Crack, and leave the Davids to the show-offey glamazons.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...


Yes, Crack has an Amazon search widget, just like Professor Althouse.

He also has a blog that's often pretty good to read, but sometimes drives me nuts. Again, just like Professor Althouse.

I wish he would cite more and assert less. I'm just more comfortable with that style. And while I understand his anger, some of his angry posts are difficult for me to read.

But if you're tired of hearing Democrats proclaim themselves as the party of science, Crack will give you lots of arguments to throw back at them. Not every New Ager/enviro cultist/homeopath/crystal healer/psychic/faith healer/Shaman/quack on Crack's radar is a Democrat; but I think there are more than enough of them to counter any Democrat who yucks it up about creationism. I wonder how many supposedly pro-science Democrat candidates are willing to publicly call all these scams out as scams? I doubt they will, but Crack does.

The Crack Emcee said...

Martin L. Shoemaker,

Thanks, man. Much appreciated.

I've been blown away by how everyone saw the doctors writing fake notes and screamed "fraud" before immediately swinging into action to get them in political trouble - it's even on Drudge now - while "spirituality's" Obama-supporting low-hanging fruit (of "every New Ager/enviro cultist/homeopath/crystal healer/psychic/faith healer/Shaman/quack") can go about their fraudulent business, completely unmolested, without anyone making a political connection or putting forth any effort to do damage. They just don't see it, I guess.

As I see it, if the same attitude taken towards the doctors was applied to those particular Democratic foot soldiers, we "Army of Davids" would be done with liberalism in no time. And with a lot less fuss than we're going through now.

I don't get it. It just looks, to me, like it should be obvious.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Actually, Crack, I think it's easy to understand. A lot of people are just like the guy who laughs it off in the first half of this article. If you understand him, you'll understand them. Most of us haven't experienced the nasty consequences of cult thinking like you have, so it just doesn't register on our problem scale as strongly as it does on yours. Personal experience gives a degree of focus that third-hand experience never will; and a lot of people don't even have third-hand experience.

Almost Ali said...

A relatively mundane thread has become must-reading, thanks to Crack... & Co.

And about those cameras Ann is always buying, well, she's into photography. Some of it pretty good, too, like the night scenes from around New York City awhile back - back when she was hangin' in the Heights with her pocket Sony.

But I'm having trouble relating to Wisconsin, particularly Madison. It seems like some sort of twilight zone, where the conductor put me off at the wrong stop.

Like those two yokels driving the municipal trucks around in circles... wasting "my" salt and blasting their air-horns.

And those doctors, tempting fate right out in the open. Which kinda proves the inherent madness of crowds -or- the perceived immunity of Wisconsin.

But most of all, I expect I'll meet the Cleavers any moment, or another version of Crack's American Gothic. And every one of 'em happily, blissfully, thankfully, working for the American government.

Anyway, thanks for the ride, all.

HT said...

The pictures seem for lack of a better word overstimulated and the colors garish. What's missing are individualized expressions in the faces. The one exception that I can recall being the guy at the TP rally who AA wondered if he was a TPer or not. He had an interesting expression. Otherwise not. And of course, I guess that is not really the point of this blog. My point is, enough with the photos!

You can get used to anything, I find. But if there's money, there's no need to, I suppose. I recently bought a bike that's probably a bit too low. But it's a good bike and I didn't pay too much for it. It'll do for now, I will probably be able to sell it later on for the same price, and I'll probably even get used to it, as I've gotten used to many many things over the last year of not working.

What's going to happen to all the e-waste of the cameras, phones and computers generated? Does AA recycle and if so how? Isn't the best way to return the item to the manufacturer? Just read a USA Today article from 2002 about how there are towns in China that saw income spikes in direct proportion to the air and stream pollution from burning computer parts. But I know I shouldn't mention such things here.

AllenS said...


Mine has a 4 cylinder. I believe that it's a Chev engine. My plan is to take it apart, repair, fix, repaint, then put a snowplow on it. I'd like to retire the 1949 Farmall model H tractor that I've been using to plow snow with since 1973.

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