February 21, 2011

I receive a threat: "whoever video taped this has no life and needs to be shot in the head."

That's a comment on my YouTube video about the salt trucks that circled the Wisconsin Capitol yesterday, blowing horns, apparently in support of the protesters. (I blogged the video here.)

Coincidentally, last night, one of my readers sent this email to the Madison Street Superintendent:
I work in Madison, so I was delighted to read on madison.com this morning that the snow plows were out "the moment" precipitation began today.

You might want to double check whether those plows were pouring salt, however, or whether the drivers were more interested in showing their support for anti-Walker ralliers:

The Street Superintendent responded:

I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention. While it was necessary with the storm system we had yesterday to have crews working the overtime to be salting and plowing our main streets, we never should have had the trucks involved in the rally around the Capitol.

We are checking our GPS and determining the what operators were involved and will be dealing with this.

While people are free to rally and support whatever cause they believe in, it should not be done at the expense of the taxpayers such as you and I.

I thank you again,

Al Schumacher
Street Superintendent
1501 W. Badger Rd.
Madison, WI 53713
(608) 266-4681


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chickelit said...

Thuggish intimidation.

Alex said...

Do we need any more proof that unions are utter thugs and psychopaths?

Fen said...

Contact authorities and have him/her prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And sue him.

Make him an object lesson so other libtards will respect Freedom of Speech.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mesquito said...

Obviously, this happened because Sara Palin said something.

Jon said...

Iypo alert, Althouse. That should be "a" threat

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Althouse!

You know you're doing something important when you start getting death threats.

If the YouTube comment leaves you concerned and worried, I empathize with you. You should not hesitate to report the comment to law enforcement for your own protection.

Btw... I think the "shot in the head" is an allusion to the Giffords shooting in Arizona.

Chennaul said...

Ya and the other day you were calling yourself a pussy.

I'm still worried about the doctor video.

Wince said...

brent9613 commented on Hank Williams III - (EPK) -... (2 months ago) "whos the babe at 7:28!!!"

A guy leaving a comment like that three times says Althouse doesn't have a life?

Calypso Facto said...

Classy response, Mr. Schumacher. I hope you do, in fact follow through.

Calypso Facto said...

Just realized, given the post title, the Mr. Al Schumacher is the Street Superintendent and NOT the threat poster!

Kevin said...

Still want to claim that Wisconsin residents are remarkably civil? Union thugs are union thugs.

F4GIB said...

Union = goons.

A well-deserved reputation.

Grackle said...

Here is brent9613's account link. Enjoy!


Brent said...

I am definitely not Brent9613.

I am instead amazed at the amount of people that have no life and can be swayed so easily by mob mentality.

Democracy happened at the voting booth last November. The Teacher's Union lost.

Get over it.

Grackle said...

And the myspace. Check out the tattoo.


Anonymous said...

Fortunately, all of the major network television news services are carrying this story on a daily basis. Not.

Grackle said...

And the photo with the girlfriend.


Brent said...

Do we need any more proof that unions are utter thugs and psychopaths?

Only 60 - 65% are truly mentally unstable. The rest are smart enough to see an easy road and take it. All of them are taking money out of the pockets of every Wisconsin middle and lower class non-public union member.

MadisonMan said...

Hooray for GPS technology!

Grackle said...

And best of all....the picture in shorts!


Calypso Facto said...

Not shorts! Now he's REALLY gonna piss AA off.

rcocean said...

"Thuggish intimidation."

I agree, there was no need to send an e-mail tattling on the snowplow drivers. (They honked their horns and drove around a little, big Whoop).

This plus the "doctors note "scandal" - made me flashback to Junior High.

rcocean said...

BTW, isn't Youtube responsible for policing their comments?

Dale said...

Why don't these fucking teachers and friends get their asses to Cuba where they will be SOOOOOO welcome.

My bet: 90% of America would be happy to see Wisconsin teachers deported.

Chennaul said...


Male 26

De Forest Wisconsin

The Concrete Dog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chennaul said...

You caught yourself a nut on quick perusal-the music, the tattoo

Take Fen's advice.

traditionalguy said...

The Union Thugs need a Thugs Union to represent them when workplace issues arise and to increase their Thug Pay Rate. Have you ever had a Boxer's Fracture in your fingers? They are the linchpin of all unionization and deserve special protection from the Union Bosses that hire them and want to dump them after they are used up.

edward irvin said...

"...taxpayers such as you and me." I believe is correct.

Emil Blatz said...

Our salt trucks have GPs! It's a beautiful world!

Mark O said...

Weren't all the unions always headed by mobsters? The entire enterprise is suffused with corruption. Killing Ann is simply to be expected. It promotes discipline. After all, it’s really none of her damned business.

John said...

"I receive a threat: "whoever video taped this has no life and needs to be shot in the head.""

Aw, come on Ann, this is all they have in their kit bag. If they can't threaten people with death what else do they have going for them. You certainly don't expect rational argument from these people,after all they are professional educators shaping the minds of the next generation.

Fen said...

I'm alerting MSM outlets to evidence of *Tea Party* violence directed at Ann Althouse.

Its the only way to get them to cover the story.

iftheshoefits said...

This needs the widest amplification possible. Start with Glenn and I wouldn't be surprised if Drudge picks this up, then Fox, then maybe even the begrudging MSM acknowledgement. Let's get it out there.

I want to see this civility bullshit deep sixed. Let me be clear: I want the civility. I just want to see this bullshit left-wing "civility" bludgeon against the Tea Party get the complete ridicule it deserves. Bastards.

JAL said...

@rcocean This plus the "doctors note "scandal" - made me flashback to Junior High.

And these demonstrations for the last week in Madison by teachers who called in "sick" and took fraudulent doctor's notes so they could defraud the Wisconsin taxpayers and thought "We'll show 'em!!!" remind you of . . ..

wv muckfu
Not kidding.
Not in my vocabulary.
But made me laugh.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
veni vidi vici said...

Wow, what a pudgy douche!

wv: "tentslyp" -- describes brent9613 disrobing.

Chennaul said...

The guy is 26 years old that's your problem.

It pushes it for me to where...you have to at least get it on the record with the police.

No joke.

Anonymous said...

Grackle wrote: And the photo with the girlfriend.

Wow, talk about your hot chicks with douchebags.

chickelit said...

Reward your friends and punish your enemies
~Samuel Gompers

Aren't there a couple public schools in Madison named after Gompers?

Chennaul said...

This guy does not profile well.

The cops might recognize that-even if it is madison.

Fen said...

OTOH, I can have a STA Team readied in 24 hrs.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

He's nothing but a douchebag.

wv: cricrac

bagoh20 said...

Dammit! I want a death threat. That is so cool. I also wish I had no life. That would be bliss. Just imagine, you could spend your days wandering around the streets protesting and demanding stuff. Dreamy.

Roux said...

Be safe Ann....

The Dems are worthless and they hate to be exposed, even if it's by a somewhat neutral observer, which you seem to be.

iftheshoefits said...

Stay safe, Meadhouse. I would imagine the real threat here is probably fairly low with this kind of thing, but still... Make sure it gets reported to the proper law enforcement people in addition to the blog storm.

Peano said...

Althouse said: I receive a threat: "whoever video taped this has no life and needs to be shot in the head."

It wasn't nice, but a threat? I don't think so.

Suppose I said, "Whoever videotaped this is a wonderful person and needs to be given $10,000." Would you conclude that I was announcing my intention to give you $10,000?

I would have thought a lawyer could draw this distinction.

Anonymous said...

And best of all....the picture in shorts!

From the comments on that photo:
"dude myspace is gay... y r you online when you r sitting across the room .... haha homo "

Brent9613 sure has some classy friends. Homophobic too.

former law student said...

Democracy happened at the voting booth last November. The Teacher's Union lost.

There was a referendum on the teachers' union on the Wisconsin ballot last November?

Why did the professor ignore it on her blog?

Chennaul said...

He's 26.

I don't what's worse if the tattoo is real or fake.

It kind of looks like a bigger version of a cracker jack stick on.

Automatic_Wing said...

There was a referendum on the teachers' union on the Wisconsin ballot last November?

I dunno, was there a referendum on socialized medicine in Nov 2008?

Anonymous said...

I certainly think such a comment is wrong and worrisome... But how it is any different from the war metaphors you were defending last month?

iftheshoefits said...

All this will serve to do in the end is to get a whole lot more exposure for your stellar coverage of the past week's events. I doubt this was the original intent.

DADvocate said...

Hopefully this will turn out to be an empty threat. If you can identify this person, he should be prosecuted.

In the early 70s my father and the rest of the family received numerous death threats over the phone due to war protest reported in the local newspaper including my father's name and address. I just told them, "Come on over, I have my gun ready."

chickelit said...

I've heard of Brent Crude!

Anonymous said...

If this had been left on Kos's dung hill by a Tea Partier, it would be the #2 item on the news tonight after Libya.

Unknown said...

What we've seen the past week is what mob rule really looks like and what true democracy, as opposed to the rule of law.

I was afraid this would happen and my first instinct was to say, "Pull back", but that, of course is what they want.

The pseudo-sophisticates like Alex can make all the snarky "then the terrorists will have won" cracks they want, but that is the sum of it.

Don't do anything you wouldn't otherwise do. Stand tall. As I once read a quote from Pericles in a history of Merrill's Marauders, "Courage is the secret of a happy heart".

madawaskan said...

Ya and the other day you were calling yourself a pussy.

No. If there is a heroine in all this, Ann is the one. And her dear bodyguard is its hero.

edward said...

Ann, Sorry about the comment on Youtube, I am sure they thought they were being clever... in a sophomoric sort of way......

Not unlike some/many of the posts on this thread..... You can delet the nonsense can you not?

Jeanne Patterson said...

Have you notified Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush yet?

Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

@Julius: how it is any different from the war metaphors you were defending last month?

Are you fucking serious? Words like "campaign" or "targeting" in a political context are the same as a blatant call to shoot a specific person in the head?

I wish all my left-wing enemies could be so stupid. (Oops, can I still say "enemies"? Or is that word reserved for the President to describe half of the citizens of the country he leads?)

Michael K said...

Julius, did those "war metaphors" apply to you personally ?

I thought not.

Chennaul said...

Actually there is someone claiming to be his sister on the thread with a hyphenated name.

Corre∫pondence Committee said...

Peano, I think you're being a little nitpicky.

While it wasn't technically a direct threat, people really shouldn't be talking about other people needing to be shot.

If he'd said that about Obama, he'd be getting a visit from the Secret Service, and they would be right to scare the living shit out of the little punk.

Revenant said...

I disagree that this constitutes a threat. Saying that someone needs to be killed isn't the same as threatening to kill that someone.

It might be if the speaker was someone with authority, for whom an expressed wish stood a good chance of being carried out by some toady within the organization. Coming from a random idiot on the internet, though? I'm pretty sure harsher death threats were leveled against Lady Gaga for that lame "born that way" song she just released.

M. Simon said...


For your safety you need to carry a big sign that says:


WV: beive - I voted Democrat because I beive. I was taught by Democrat teachers too.

Wince said...

Suppose I said, "Whoever videotaped this is a wonderful person and needs to be given $10,000." Would you conclude that I was announcing my intention to give you $10,000?

Yes, I would.

What you're trying to point to is the low likelihood of follow through. If you were talking about your $10,000 rather than, say, the taxpayers', then I'd say it was unlikely you'd follow through.

But your comparison is to a bullet, which costs a lot less than $10,000 if you think you can get away with the crime.

Chennaul said...

Ya cripes the cops are probably going to laugh it off.

Jason said...

New tone.

Grackle said...

It is most unpleasant to be the recipient of a death threat, Professor. But you will eventually see the essential comedy of "Althouse threatened by Man in Shorts".

former law student said...

The professor was all over this kind of internet free speech a few years ago:

"The comment is a general, aimless and inane suggestion posted on a message board known for its aimless inanity..."
"AK47" fights disclosure of his name in the suit by 2 Yale law students over nasty things said on the AutoAdmit website. (PDF of motion, discussed on the WSJ law blog.)

The "aimless and inane" thing AK47 wrote was: "Women named Jill and [Doe II’s equally common first name] should be raped."
Posted by Ann Althouse at 7:12 PM 30 comments
Tags: AutoAdmit, free speech, law, law school, lawsuits I hope will fail, pseudonymity, the web, Yale

Unknown said...

once more we see the true colors of the monsters our trade unions (and Democratic party) degenerated into.
Once forces for good, they have become deeply reactionary movements who believe the end justfies all means --- except that the end is now nothing more than maintaining the protection racket they've got going.

The sooner they land on the dust heap of history, the better.

Unknown said...

Well Ann, we all hope that your law enforcement up there, is not run by an idiot like Arizona Sheriff Dupnik.

In today's world all threats must be taken seriously.

Dupnik and company didn't. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other dear souls, took the brunt of Dupnik's dereliction of duty.

Oh sure! I get wv's such as, for Christ sakes!:


Toad Trend said...

Is a YouTube comment a threat? I've seen some pretty vile and stupid stuff there.

Not sure if this is a bona fide threat. I guess I'd feel differently if I was targeted.

The guy's obviously a Hot Pocket-eating basement-dweller.

wv - spiti

What my friend Marco says about your cannoli.

BEK477 said...

"Its Bush's fault...."

Please accept my sincere wishes that neither Meade nor you suffer any adverse consequences from the vile threats made against your life.

Maybe we can take up a collectionto buy you a Springfield .45 ACP XPD semi-auto or a Glock 17. Chicks who pack heat usually win their arguements.

Anonymous said...

Remember this?

It was what prompted the whole discussion of violent rhetoric / "war metaphors".

And it was vigorously defended by Althouse.

BEK477 said...

"Its Bush's fault...."

Please accept my sincere wishes that neither Meade nor you suffer any adverse consequences from the vile threats made against your life.

Maybe we can take up a collectionto buy you a Springfield .45 ACP XPD semi-auto or a Glock 17. Chicks who pack heat usually win their arguements.

Synova said...


I think it's possible, considering that it's stated so impersonally, that "ought to be shot in the head" is You-Tube for "Wow, a video of trucks. Boring!"

Of course, anyone who sits on You-tube and watches enough videos to discover the boring ones of trucks salting streets pretty much proved they don't have a life either.

But there you go.

Jason said...

Shot in the head?

No, no... she doesn't PRACTICE as an attorney! She's a professor! Big difference!!!

Alex said...

Who wants to bet Tony Soprano is on the payroll?

Beldar said...

I'm sorry, but not very surprised, to read about this.

Fen said...

Rev: Saying that someone needs to be killed isn't the same as threatening to kill that someone

Try it with POTUS. See what it gets you.

But yah, calling for someone to be shot in the head is SO different from threatening to shoot them in the head...

Peter V. Bella said...

Unfortunately, it is a sign of our pathetic times. There is a level of criminal insanity in political discourse today, especially among union supporters.

We are devolving to the 1920-30s where criminal thuggery was the norm, not the exception. It is a shame that so called educated people are worse than organized criminals.

This is due to the union leadership inciting, promoting, and approving of such behavior.

Phil 314 said...

Remember this?

It was what prompted the whole discussion of violent rhetoric / "war metaphors".

And it was vigorously defended by Althouse.

I knew it was Palin's fault, I just knew it!

Charlie Eklund said...

Is busting snow-plow driving union members for skipping work during a weather emergency so they could attend a protest the same thing as union busting?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Revenant said...

The professor was all over this kind of internet free speech a few years ago:

Could you explain the perceived inconsistency? She hasn't called for the YouTube commenter to be prosecuted, sued, or even identified.

She just said he threatened her. I disagree, but it isn't an unreasonable reading of his comment.

I'm Full of Soup said...

NYC & Curtis Sliwa has the Guardian Angels. We perhaps should form the Guardian Althousians. Just say the word Althouse.

PaulV said...

Julius, Stuck on stupid again. Those were register marks in ad. Google that and learn something. It seemed that Democrat ads used gun sights and targets. We love to see you whine and laugh at you.

Fen said...

We could unionize and force all the other blogs to donate Althousian Slush Fund.

DADvocate said...

Julias could you be a bigger idiot? Can you really not tell the difference between a map targeting areas of ripe for electoral victory and declaring someone needs to be shot in the head? If not, you need to seek psychiatric care for a thought disorder. You attempts at justifying and rationalizing the statement are beyond stupid.

Kevin said...

After some google searches...

I'm hesitant to disclose personal information without absolute confirmation, but there is circumstantial evidence that brent9613 was one of the people in the salt trucks.

Fen said...

Lost in this is the response of Al Schumacher, Street Superintendent, re the misuse of snow plows:

"We are checking our GPS and determining the what operators were involved and will be dealing with this.

While people are free to rally and support whatever cause they believe in, it should not be done at the expense of the taxpayers such as you and I."

Nicely done. Fast-track Schumacher for promotion.

Synova said...

Really, Kevin?

Because I'd expect someone in the salt trucks to be going, "Whoo-hoo! Look at me on the You-tubes!"

Jason said...

If true, then he has a motive.

More reason for a very pointed response from law enforcement.

The kind we should have done with the Tuscon shooter, but didn't.

PaulV said...

Politifact Wisconsin on George Will's statement to Donna Brazile on protesters. Wisconsin's own Loughter, I pray not.

PaulV said...



PaulV said...


complete link

Fen said...

but there is circumstantial evidence that brent9613 was one of the people in the salt trucks.

Keep digging. I'm kinda with Rev that this was a "please go play in traffic" response from some random beatnik.

But if he's associated with the protest or the union or the trucks, that changes everything.

Meade said...

Thanks for everyone's comments, humor, advice, etc.

I've contacted law enforcement authorities. With that and the ordinary self-defense measures we have in place, I really don't think we are in any great danger.

I'll keep a close eye on her as always.

Kevin said...

"Really, Kevin?

Because I'd expect someone in the salt trucks to be going, "Whoo-hoo! Look at me on the You-tubes!"

If my supposition is correct, Al Schumacher will be able to confirm it.

Peano said...

EDH said... What you're trying to point to is the low likelihood of follow through.

No, I was pointing out the difference between saying that someone "needs to be shot" and stating an intention to shoot someone.

A lawyer should understand the difference.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Not surprised. This is what happens when you expose the leftists for what they are. By interviewing those doctors on video, you showed the whole "It was a Breitbart setup" claims to be the lies they are. Then posting video of people being paid overtime to plow and salt instead using that time to engage in union political activism on the taxpayers' dime, well that's going too far. Both those thing were the right thing to do, and that means it is bad according to punks like brent- randomnumber.

Wv:phingr. Heh.

Rialby said...

We need to form a human shield around Althouse (even though she voted for the king of the thugs). To Madison we go.

William said...

I wouldn't take it seriously, but it gives one pause. If that's what this flake thinks, what is going through the minds of those who are significantly flakier.

Rialby said...

A month ago, my friend and I were having a conversation while driving from Houston to Austin. I warned him and said, I think this teat-sucker vs. tea partier thing is going to come to head. When some group finds out that the government can no longer keep them high on the hog and another group tells them they're not paying for it, there will be violence.

He said - nahh. Won't happen. They'll never meet in the street. All that stuff happens out of the sight of the public. It will never go down like that.

Fen said...

A lawyer should understand the difference.

They do. For example, when the KKK remind their "lone wolves" that someone needs to be shot, the lawyers call them "co-conspirators" and "accessories to murder"

Peter V. Bella said...

How does one file a complaint with Youtube?

SBVOR said...


As additional evidence collection, you could also do a screen capture from the perp's YouTube account. At the moment, the comment in question is listed as the perp's most recent activity:



shiloh said...

threats against President Obama are up 400 percent from the number of threats levied against former President George W. Bush

Ann, welcome to the world of political blogging as this isolated instance of passive/aggressive lcd behavior towards you is the current reality ie norm in American politics.

ok, isolated instance/norm doesn't exactly go together lol but many people have been threatened by fools at political blogs as a keyboard in one's home/anywhere is kinda like road rage ie one's passive/aggressive personality can reveal itself under stress/anger. The internet enables/helps everyone to become totally detached from reality, if they are so inclined.

Hopefully this angry partisan is all bark, no bite and will not go postal.

Indeed, in many ways mass media has made the world of politics basically nonfunctional, eh as many libs/conservatives hate each other's guts!


On a related note, speaking of civility having just surfed the Rasmussen thread, must compliment Jeremy/Jay/Fen on their calm, rational, intelligent discussion ;)


And no, will not comment on whether you do or do not have a life ...

but if one spends all their free time on the net, you (((may))) not have a life!

carry on

former law student said...


I don't want to mischaracterize the professor's previous position, so I'm hoping she'll reconcile her present position with her previous ones. My impression is that she previously did not take seriously "threats" by internet blowhards that some third party should do something to a person.

cbinflux said...


There just happens to be a brent9613 on MySpace


nice tat
lots of 'friends' to query
same nic on ebay, newspapers/blogs, etc.

14 sellers on ebay

couldn't possibly be him...

KCFleming said...

Yer a good man, Meade.

Fen said...

Shiloh: threats against President Obama are up 400 percent from the number of threats levied against former President George W. Bush

Shiloh, your link is sourced to an Opinion Piece in the NYTs...

The Musket said...

Stay safe!

Steve Koch said...


You have to report it to the police so there is a record of it. It is really easy to trace Brent from his MySpace page.

Rialby said...

Shiloh: threats against President Obama are up 400 percent from the number of threats levied against former President George W. Bush

Written by a former Gawker editor. Well, it's just gotta be true.

cbinflux said...

Here's the money shot; Brent's face along with his prized tattoo


Rialby said...

Shiloh: threats against President Obama are up 400 percent from the number of threats levied against former President George W. Bush

Do you think he counted the play, book and movie fantasies about killing George W Bush as 1 threat or 0?

Robert said...

While I don't condone the specific YouTube comment, I did look at that video where Althouse and her ultra-right-wing tea-bagging husband spent the day trailing salt trucks in order to get them in trouble for honking their horns in solidarity for a few minutes, and I thought, "What a no-life bitch", too. "Oh, I'm just documenting this" while making sure to note the truck numbers, hoping she'd get those drivers in some kind of trouble.

No one likes a snitch, Althouse.

Althouse has spent a week walking around the protests trying to find stuff to feed to the ultra-right propaganda blogs. To be fair, she did post one little message in the middle of all this where she confessed that, for the most part, protestors were remarkably polite and nice. A confession that most of her other converage was not fair-minded.

But she has sat back as ultra-right propaganda blogs have used all her other posts in order to paint the protests as a bunch of "thugs". Not one time has Althouse chastised a single one of these bloggers, who of course never linked to Althouse's tiny post about how, for the most part, everyone was extremely nice and polite. Althouse relies on these propaganda blogs for money, so of course she'll never criticize them.

Now Althouse wants to hype this YouTube comment up as some kind of real death threat, when she knows very well it wasn't and she is not even remotely worried that it was a real threat.

Get a life, law professor. And stop being such a tool to dispicable and lying propaganda blogs like Gateway Pundit and InstaPundit.

The combo of Althouse relying on links from ultra-right blogs for hits and money and her marrying an ultra-right ideologue caused her blog to go down the drain. There used to be diversity in her comments; now it's a bunch of ultra-right barbarians.

sunsong said...

I am so sorry this happened!

Peano said...

Fen said... (A lawyer should understand the difference.)

They do. For example, when the KKK remind their "lone wolves" that someone needs to be shot, the lawyers call them "co-conspirators" and "accessories to murder"

From the Wisconsin Criminal Code: "A true threat is a statement that a speaker would reasonably foresee that a listener would reasonably interpret as a serious expression of a purpose to inflict harm, as distinguished from hyperbole, jest, innocuous talk, expressions of political views, or other similarly protected speech."

One can reasonably interpret such talk by the KKK as a serious expression of a purpose to inflict harm. I don't think the comment that Ann quoted can be similarly interpreted.

MadisonMan said...

No Anti-Althousiana tag?

Rialby said...

"No one likes a snitch, Althouse."

Out of the mouths of Chicago community organizers...

Alex said...

No one likes a snitch, Althouse.

Sounds like Tony Soprano to me.

shiloh said...

My sister said to my youngest nephew when he was (2) years old, in a very angry voice, "I'm gonna kill you!"

He's now (32) years old.

btw, he was born 5/6/78

cbinflux said...

Brent (brent9613) is easily traced from from ebay as well. At least 14 sellers have his name, email addy, address, probably his ph. #, etc.


Sic' him, Ann!

Robert said...

"Hey thanks for coming out in the rain!" "I'm just a teacher trying to understand things!" Then she runs back to upload her shit and feed it to tools like Gateway Pundit to help them smear everyone.

Why don't you chastise one of these ultra-right bloggers for using your shit to smear people? You already admitted they are not being accurate.

Oh, thats right, you want more money and more hits.

Alex said...

shiloh - you are insane.

Revenant said...

My impression is that she previously did not take seriously "threats" by internet blowhards that some third party should do something to a person.

Your impression of her previous position is correct. It is your belief that she has changed that impression that fails to hold water. Has she said anything about notifying the police? Sleeping with a gun under her pillow? Anything that would indicate she considers this a serious threat?

She said she received a threat; arguably, she did. That's all she's said on the subject so far. It is the commenters here who are treating the threat as if it was serious, or at least pretending that they do.

Synova said...

What, Robert?

Was it really that bad? Pictures of the actual posters and asking people what they meant?

What, precisely, was wrong with that?

I understand that what people are *accustomed* to is the news people ignoring the fringe loonies when it's something they support and show-casing the fringe loonies when it's, oh, a Tea Party. It might hurt to have your loons in the spotlight.

But the pictures weren't even that bad, or even the people acting stupid. It wasn't the *pictures*.

If you think it was the pictures instead of the simple fact that teachers took four days out of class (so far) to act like it was the end of the world when Walker is suggesting something relatively mild and not at all uncommon in other states... that's a fact even without pictures.

And REALLY the whole point of going out and protesting is to have people SEE you.

If you don't think that what people saw is helpful, that's not Althouse's fault.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Jared Lee Loughner on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, 2007: "Die, bitch."

This comment is at least as serious as that, and should be treated as serious. If the jerk was just talking out his ass, the attention from the police will be an opportunity for him to grow up and learn that he's responsible for his words.

LifeoftheMind said...

Always take every threat seriously. Do not preempt professional judgment in evaluating this. Contact your local Law Enforcement and also the FBI. Given that this was an electronic and possibly interstate communication it should fall under the Federal jurisdiction. You are an intelligent lady and know the legal system but there is always the temptation to think such concerns are to irrational to effect you.

Please report this and do what is right for your safety and that of the public.

Alex said...

I really wonder what Althouse should have done to be more "fair" in Robert's little universe. I guess in his world, it's ok for public workers to go off duty to attend political rallies. The rest of us simply get our fucking asses fired if we did the same thing. Robert doesn't understand why Scott Walker was elected, nor the GOP given the majority in the legislature. It's all a big mystery to him.

cbinflux said...

Good or bad, depending one ones perspective, "brent9613" sure is gonna get a lot more hits on google searches by friends, new neighbors, employers...

He (brent9613) seems such a nice young man.


Synova said...

It's an interesting thing, really, when opposition becomes defined as extreme simply because it's the opposition.

Thought of in a particular way it begins to make sense that limits on public employee unions that are common in other states as well as changes in employee contributions to health and pensions that are lower than many places become "dictator", "fascism" and "Hitler" and total end of the world as we know it when viewed through the assumption that any opposition whatsoever is extreme.

If it's all extreme then it really is all the same thing and getting your union but not your cake is the same thing, totally the same thing, as slavery and gas chambers.

Anonymous said...

After checking links posted by Grackle I agree with Kevin. This guy was either driving the salt truck or knows the driver well. This should change how seriously you take the threat. Perhaps not a shooting but if this results in disciplinary action expect to have your tires slashed or some other form of retaliation. His fellow plowers may target your car for burial next storm. Be alert. Do not post where your next isolated walk/ice adventure will take place.
You felt you reacted poorly when confronted at protest. Remember, never show fear. Thugs sense fear and are emboldened by it. You would be surprised how many people back down when you look them in the eye and stand firm.

Fen said...

Shiloh: One can reasonably interpret such talk by the KKK as a serious expression of a purpose to inflict harm. I don't think the comment that Ann quoted can be similarly interpreted.

Yes, but thats not your argument. You were trying to point "out the difference between saying that someone "needs to be shot" and stating an intention to shoot someone.

Revenant said...

Hm, who is Robert? He's a little too coherent to be Jeremy, not snide enough to be Rimo, and too bitter and angry to be a newcomer.

LoafingOaf, maybe?

cbinflux said...

Yep. His first MySpace pal was 'Madison Admin'.


Please refrain from add hominy remarks.

shiloh said...

Be alert. Do not post where your next isolated walk/ice adventure will take place.

hmm, Ann's entire life seems to be an open book as she even has a wiki page.

Sollozzo: What are you worried about? If I wanted to kill you "Consigliore!" you'd be dead already.


"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."

cbinflux said...

Shiloh: One can reasonably interpret
such talk by the KKK
as a serious expression of
a purpose to inflict harm.
I don't think the comment
that Ann quoted can
be similarly interpreted.

Shiloh, when I was young
I used to call your name
When no one else would come
Shiloh, you always came
Come today

Had a dream, and it filled me with wonder
She had other plans
"Got to go," says, "she knows that I understand"
I understand

Shiloh, when I was young
I used to call your name
When no one else would come
Shiloh, you always came
Come today

M. Simon said...

Robert says:

I did look at that video where Althouse and her ultra-right-wing tea-bagging husband spent the day trailing salt trucks in order to get them in trouble for honking their horns in solidarity for a few minutes, and I thought, "What a no-life bitch", too.

So it is ultra right wing to vote for Obama?

Who knew?

WV: contati - I'm protati myself.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating incident!

Althouse, you haven't written about the reaction you're getting from fellow faculty and Madison acquaintances about the protests.

Would be interesting to know.

iftheshoefits said...

All the equivocating about this being no big thing misses the point. We were all told last month that the standards on this kind of thing were quite clear, and this kind of speech is beyond the pale. Even veiled indirect references lead to congresspeople being shot in the head, and this is much more than a veiled indirect reference. It is quite specific, even if it's "just the kind of thing some folks do".

Condemn it without weasel words, or STFU about incivility from now on. Enough.

bagoh20 said...

Now why would you shoot someone who didn't need shooting. If they need it, the compassionate thing is to give it.

After seeing the guy's photos, I just feel sorry for him. He's just a boob with a keyboard, but this exposure could get him laid in the right circles.

Peter Hoh said...

I hope the person who posted that is identified an subject to, at the very least, a good public shaming.

PaulV said...

Shiloh, that was a discredited report from someone wanting to hype his book sales. Yes, government agencies say crap like that to increase their funding. Has anyone published a book or made a movie about an assassination of Obama like your liberal buddies did about Bush?
Why are you an apologist for this hater? Deal with your hate become is consumes you.

Chennaul said...

Well I hate to admit it but I couldn't get the pictures to load before-and he looks like a total goober.

I mean is that fair-to have reverse prejudice and go...wait he's full of shit because he's a fat white kid?

PaulV said...

Robert, are you always upset when corruption by your buddies is exposed. Why do you defend these hateful losers?

shiloh said...

Speaking of wiki, another unintended consequence of Al Gore's er Tim Berners-Lee's WWW is the current WikiLeaks where, as it turns out, nothing is secure on the internet ~ shocking!

One's IP address can easily be discovered by a novice hacker/cracker ie all their confidential info.

And Google Earth has everyone covered!

Be afraid, be very afraid!


Interesting when talking about "Big Brother" in the 1950's and Communist govts. that the U.S. govt. probably had more personal info re: "our" citizen's, than the U.S.S.R. had about theirs 'cause of our technology advantage at the time.



I'm dealing w/reality and not apologizing for anyone, many libs/conservatives at Althouse in constant need of said daily apologizing notwithstanding ... and speaking of hate consuming someone.

Deal with your hate become is consumes you.

It appears to have consumed you, eh.

take care

Martin L. Shoemaker said...


God created man, but Sam Colt made them equal. Even fat white men. I've seen some pretty out of shape guys who are still good with a weapon.

But I suspect Mead is a little better than good.

PaulV said...

I looked at the pictures and he had his laptop on his lap heating up his gonads. Good to know he will not reproduce. Darwin works again.

A "Shotgun" Gold said...

I never get death threats. Hmmm... I wonder why?

PaulV said...

Shiloh, your ignrance is dangerous. The communists at that time, like all fascists, had the children informing on their parents and teachers. Your problems is that technology has improved so that MSM can not spike all the stupid behavior of your liberal friends, The interenet has expose them in all their horror. Ask DAn Rather who tried to utter forged documents handed 60 Minutes through intervention of DNC. Sucks for you to be exposed.

Alex said...

I encourage every student to bring a cell phone with video camera to record abusive teachers.

kmg said...


Just for that, you should vote Republican for the next 10 years.

Tell them that the violent rhetoric of the far left made you do it.

Plus, when will people stop calling hard leftists 'liberals'? Is it 'liberal' to make death threats?

Gary Rosen said...

"I really wonder what Althouse should have done to be more "fair" in Robert's little universe."

Compare Gov. Walker to Mussolini? Of course comparing him to Hitler is going too far.

cbinflux said...

After further research, I called brent9613. His Mom answered the phone, and she was some kinda peeved! Says that he can't receive calls after 9pm on weeknights, and he's on resriction for two weeks anyway. Said that he's been playing on his Dad's computer again.

Like I said, she was really peeved. Don't call and get him in more trouble.

chickelit said...

Revenant said...
Hm, who is Robert?...

LoafingOaf, maybe?

All it'll take is one big Palin event. Those usually brought Loafing Oaf out of hibernation.

cbinflux said...

shoutingthomas said...
"Fascinating incident!

Althouse, you haven't written about the reaction you're getting from fellow faculty and Madison acquaintances about the protests.

Would be interesting to know."

Heh, some of her personal docs might be at wis.edu med school! Even THAT doc.

BJM said...

Disgusting, but I can't say I'm surprised. I'm amazed it took them so long.

I can tell you from personal experience that there will a subtle push back from some colleagues. Nothing overt, mind you, they are too sophisticated to engage you directly, but there will be an elephant in the room at times.

Rose said...

Roger L Simon lays it out. ...why has our left become so reactionary, so unwilling or unable to adapt to a changed world that they “act out” with all the juvenility of adolescents deprived of the family car keys? Some say it is because they have replaced religious faith with politics and I, an agnostic, see some truth in that. But there is more. Liberalism has become a mask for greed in our culture – a way of hiding excessive selfishness from others and, importantly, from the self. It’s a deflection, really....

Huge numbers are unemployed. But when asked to pull together for the good of the mean, the liberals, the ones who pay the greatest lip service to equality, say NO.

They hide behind “Union! Union! Union!” and “No pasaran!,” but it’s all a fake. When the chips are down, our modern liberals are overcome by their own sense of entitlement. Christopher Lasch’s Culture of Narcissism has infected them to such a degree reality cannot intrude.

http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerlsimon/2011/02/21/wisconsin-liberals-as-reactionaries/ ...desperately clinging to past views when they are no longer functional or even relevant...

The Crack Emcee said...

Get a grip, you guys, that's not a death threat:

"I'm going to shoot you in the head" is a death threat.

Jesus, Ann, it's like you WANT some shit to go down. And the rest of you need to come to your senses as well. Quit trying to turn feelings (which is what was expressed) into actions - they're not the same thing.

Y'all ARE a bunch of cowards - and you will get someone killed by acting like it.

Bobby Dupea said...

This Robert guy inadvertently makes minor history: when was the last time you had 'Down with the Man' drummers and chanters complaining about receiving attention?

Their minds are broken; this is like a 5 year-old throwing a tantrum and then asking for Time Out.

"Don't look at me! Don't look at me!"

I don't know if one can generalize from this guy's confusion, but it's interesting to do so. Just as their union cannot survive if required to behave democratically, apparently neither can their protest if said protest occurs in the open. What do they have against democracy and transparency?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Brent was/is a member of the Union Local 236.

He talked of working 20 hours one December. "let it snow" Messaged HankIII on Twitter.

It could be one of the drivers responding to Ann's video, as suggested.

F4GIB said...


It seems as if the commenters have got brent9613 identified. I hope you turn him in to the Madison police for terroristic threats (isn't that a felony?).

Oops, are the police unionized?

dick said...

I like Bill Whittle's comment on Brent9631 youtube site. Good to know you have the support of people like Bill - and he is not one to pull his punches.

dick said...

Just remember the threats to Protein Wisdom blogger from that professor, even to threatening his son. Don't take chances with the nutcakes.

Mick said...

Excellent coverage Professor!

A "Shotgun" Gold said...

Crack Emcee-- That's not a threat? If you're so sure about that, then why don't you write a letter to the editor saying that the President ought to be "shot in the head" and see whether a couple of guys in nice suits appear at your door.

Blue@9 said...

Some of you appear to be overreacting. Heavily. She never said she wanted the commenter censored or arrested. In rather pointed Althousian fashion, she didn't say anything more than point it out and you all filled in the blanks.

And she's perfectly correct, it is a threat. It may not be very credible or serious in any way, but it's still a threat.

If you go up to a person and say "You should be shot," it's a rather incredible defense to say it wasn't a threat because you never said you wanted to be the shooter.

Personally I think it's funny that someone would think this way because Althouse posted a video. You know a person is a serious douchebag if he gets angry at the messenger.

Blue@9 said...

No one likes a snitch, Althouse

You see, Robert, you're the kind of douchebag I'm talking about. You should be looking at the video and thinking "Wow, that's not right. No matter what the cause, city employees shouldn't be using gov't trucks like that."

But no, instead you get in a snit about Althouse because she's daring to report something that exposes a not-so-pleasant aspect of the side you support. Fuck, if this were rogue postal employees using trucks and whatnot to support a Tea Party protest, you would rightfully call for heads to roll. But hey, it's a union protest? "No one likes a snitch."

And that, Robert, is why you are an unprincipled douchebag. If you have any sense of integrity or honesty, don't bitch about Althouse; ask yourself, 'Would I be reacting the same way if she were instead exposing the bad behavior of the right wing?'

The Crack Emcee said...

A "Shotgun" Gold,

Crack Emcee-- That's not a threat? If you're so sure about that, then why don't you write a letter to the editor saying that the President ought to be "shot in the head" and see whether a couple of guys in nice suits appear at your door.

As someone who's had guns to his head, I say, no, that's not a threat - and Ann Althouse ain't the president with a secret service detail assigned to check out any possibility. She overreacted (or was trying to gin up blog numbers, as she does) but, whichever it was, it wasn't a threat.

How many people on this very blog - including myself - has said someone "needs _____"? But has anyone done anything? No. It's expressing a feeling - not threatening an action. To act otherwise is merely being a drama queen. Which is fine for Ann - wrong but fine:

For the dudes here, it don't speak well of your masculinity or your grip on reality.

Fucking pussies.

The Crack Emcee said...

And in case you think I'm bullshitting - from my blog on 2/17/11:

we were reminiscing with an old friend we hadn't talked to in a while about the whereabouts of the brothers we grew up with, and, out of twenty (20) men, only four of us are still alive. Most of the others died from a gunshot wound to the head and - we guarantee you - not one of those bullets got there because a white man pulled the trigger.

A guy with the name "Shotgun" is this jumpy? I don't think you should be carrying, man,...

The Crack Emcee said...

And when I said, "Which is fine for Ann - wrong but fine", I meant I can understand her feelings, but that's why the men around women are supposed to be men and, cooler heads prevailing, something like this should've been seen for the nothing throw away comment that it is.

The "wrong" here is - by letting Ann's version prevail (echoed by Glenn Reynolds, which is how I heard about it) this is precisely the way women get men killed.

A few hours ago we were all laughing at the "new civility" because we knew violent rhetoric didn't cause anything. Now, because something's said about Ann, it's battle stations?

You folks have GOT to get your story straight.

Anonymous said...

If this comment had been posted by your typical limp beta male proggie then I could maybe see how it could be rationalized as non-threatening internet prattle. But seeing as it appears to come from a dull-witted and self-interested organized labor monkey, it does need to be reported.

Deb said...

We need to form a human shield around Althouse (even though she voted for the king of the thugs). To Madison we go.

When do the buses leave?

I'm just happy to see Brent is drinking "lite" beer.

Anonymous said...

Crack, If the comment was made by someone in California I would agree that it was a "throwaway comment". Based on other posting made by the same individual he may be the salt truck operator or a co-worker. That should change how you access the comment. Violent rhetoric doesn't make someone kill. Someone who feels you are f***ing with their job is another story. No, I do not think the commenter intends to shoot anyone. This was meant to let Althouse know not everyone is happy with her video reports. Depending on how things go at work some retaliation, most likely aimed at property might occur.

mrs whatsit said...

FLS, Ann's response to the comment is completely consistent with the pro-free-speech attitude she's always taken: she exposed it. She put it out there for everybody to see. That's the right thing to do with bad speech: expose it in the bright light and fresh air and send the little cockroach speaker scuttling for the darkness. If not for the "former" in your name, you might have been able to perceive that.

As for whether or not it's a threat, I'd say it falls, very carefully and precisely, just short of what might be a criminal threat -- the speaker apparently knew enough not to type, "I'm going to shoot you in the head." But it's threatening, nonetheless -- if it had been directed at, say, FLS or Julius, for something they'd posted under their real names, I bet they'd be checking their locks. What with the long, long history of union violence, and Ann's prominence in publicizing the protests during the last week -- it's close enough to the edge that I'm glad to see Meade's comment that they did report it.

And Shiloh, you really, really are an idiot. Did you not read Ann's posts about the protests? She has been careful to report the good as well as the bad: not just the dishonest doctors and the Hitler signs, but also the people working to keep the Capitol clean, the non-violent atmosphere, the "nice"-ness (her word) of the protestors. Do you think that only "hard-right extremist tea-baggers" or whatever your words were tell the truth? If so, why aren't you one? What is it about truth that you don't like?

Fen said...

That's the right thing to do with bad speech: expose it in the bright light and fresh air and send the little cockroach speaker scuttling for the darkness. [Shiloh], what is it about truth that you don't like?

I think you answered your own question.

test said...

Guys, the point isn't that this particular threat is anything to worry about. The point is that this is a much clearer and more violent threat than those the leftists have used developing their narrative that the right is violent. The simple fact that they make a causal connection between political speech and violence on the right but refuse to do so between their own rhetoric and far more direct threats proves their assertions politically based.

Garage is too stupid to figure it out, but maybe somewhere there's a thoughtful leftist who will. On second thought, probably not. But there are probably apolitical people who these points will help realize how flawed the leftist worldview is.

Robert Cook said...

"Do we need any more proof that unions are utter thugs and psychopaths?"

Uh, yes.

tree hugging sister said...

Gracious! It sounds like Robert is no life, online, cranky-pants himself. Goober.

Everyone's absolutely right about reporting it, Ann, but you're the professor, so I'm sure you knew that. Your reports from ground zero of the Battle of Madison have been much appreciated, but **sigh** were sure to engender SOME sort of retaliatory "anonymous" dickweed from somewhere running his mouth. Inevitable.

That's where your defenders spring into action, like they did here and track him down. Delightful.

Shanna said...

Althouse said: I receive a threat: "whoever video taped this has no life and needs to be shot in the head."

It wasn't nice, but a threat? I don't think so.

Will someone rid me of this meddlesome Althouse!

Seriously, if this guy were in California or something I would probably say it was just nonsense, but since he seems to be in your neck of the woods, generally, I might at least get something on file. Although, since you've blogged it that probably counts.

KCFleming said...

Thumbs up for the response from Street Superintendent Schumacher.

I would hope Madison does not want to become Chicago, pervasively corrupt and thuggish, owned by unions and the Democratic machine.

I hope this dumb kid is just being an internet moron, and apologizes for being such a pinhead.

But I am actually shocked at the events in Madison over the last few days, in which Frances Fox Piven's advice to riot seemed nearly come true, where the left was veering into 1917 territory.

But things seem to be calming down, as cooler heads prevail.

So to those on the left who are determined not to go quiet into that good night, remember we're in America, not Greece or Venezuela.

And please act accordingly.

Kevin said...

It seems that brent9613 has closed his YouTube account...

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't think there's anything to worry about here. Looks more childish than threatening to me.

Freeman Hunt said...

Of course, if Althouse were far left and she received that comment, it could make the NYT as evidence of right wing hate and violent intent.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Who ever video taped this has no life and should be shot in the head."

Do we file that under Hope? Change? The New Civiltiy? or Progressive?

madAsHell said...

The YouTube account is closed.

Brent seems to have a lot of toys....ATV's, snow mobiles. I wonder how he pays for the toys? Does he work for the city of Madison?

Grackle said...

Heh. The youtube account is closed, eh? Some of his gang must have noted that he is under a bit of extra scrutiny here. Good.

Duncan said...


Try Grampa's Gun Shop on Williamson. Lots of classic firearms for sale.

Fen said...

"Do we need any more proof that unions are utter thugs and psychopaths?"

Robert Cook: Uh, yes.

I'd be happy to set you up across from a union protest, selling "don't tread on me" t-shirts.

btw, whats your blood type?

master cylinder said...

Cool Althouse~ you have managed to make it all about
YOU...taking a page from ole Sarah Paalin's playbook.
Whip up your base some more, they are almost forming stiff peaks.

KCFleming said...

"you have managed to make it all about YOU"

Death threats tend to be taken personally, for some strange reason.

Fen said...

Oh lookie what crawled out from under the sock drawer! Hiya Master Cylinder, long time no see.

Er...you've got some lint between your teeth...er no...right there...got it, good...

Ya know, the fact that so many of our lefty commenters feel the need to use sockpuppets says alot about liberalism.

Peano said...

Corre∫pondence Committee said... Peano, I think you're being a little nitpicky.

While it wasn't technically a direct threat, people really shouldn't be talking other people needing to be shot.

I was nit-picky because the writer is a law professor who knows that the term "threat" is carefully defined in law.

I agree, others shouldn't talk about people needing to be shot. By the same token, law professors shouldn't talk about receiving a "threat" when they know better.

Ann is ready enough to nit-pick others when it suits her. She might as well be the pickee for a change.

Fen said...

By the same token, law professors shouldn't talk about receiving a "threat" when they know better.

Isn't it amazing how quickly the Left has done a 180 from their talking points re the Tuscon Shooting?

Fen said...

Okay.. not so amazing. Everyone here was calling bs on day one.

But still, you'd think the "civility patrol" would have some shame.

The Crack Emcee said...

Crack, If the comment was made by someone in California I would agree that it was a "throwaway comment".

Seriously, if this guy were in California or something I would probably say it was just nonsense,...

Now I really don't know what you guys are talking about because, if this was happening in Cali, not only would I be more worried but - more likely than not - they'd already be at Ann's house, demanding she give 'em the computer passwords while strangling Meade with a Whole Foods bag. West Coast don't play. East Coast don't either. As the old saying goes:

"The strong move quiet/the weak start riots,..."

It's amazing:

Y'all out there, causin' trouble and talkin' shit, but you don't know any of this stuff. You're like kids.

Is it good to report it? Sure, but I wouldn't call it a threat (the cops are probably laughing at you) and I'd be much more concerned for Scott Walker and his family, because the Left has already crossed all kinds of ethical lines in response to his doing what he was elected to do. Bringing his kid into it, calling in "sick", the "doctors", making the kids join them - their entire process and position has been wrong. They rightfully deserve to be fired, but, as I've said, y'all''s playing "Grown-Up" - you ain't there yet.

It's nice to finally see y'all all dressed up, though, sliding around in Mommy and Daddy's big ol' shoes.

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