February 6, 2011

Hey, everybody mistakes 4-star generals for waiters.

"In fact, when military personnel wear their dress uniforms of short jacket and striped trousers to black-tie parties, they themselves often make jokes to each other about waiting tables. [ Four-star Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli -- the No. 2 general in the U.S. Army] wears a chestful of medals, which [Valerie] Jarrett apparently did not see."


Anonymous said...

Well, at least Gen. Chiarelli is an officer as well as a gentleman.

WV: cords.

Known Unknown said...

We are the ones we've been waiting on.

Lincolntf said...

How ignorant and unsophisticated are we supposed to think Valerie Jarrett is? She's been working in Washington for years, she knows what a freakin' uniform looks like.

Known Unknown said...

What, exactly, is the 'jewelry' tag for?

With all due respect, medals aren't jewelry.

Unknown said...

You saw this sort of nonsense when the slobs from Arkinsaw were the denizens of the White House.

The Democrat Party is nothing but the Commie Left in a tux.

madAsHell said...

She did it on purpose. It was pre-meditated, and a little wine pushed her over the line.

She's another credentialed elite, but she is as dumb as a box of rocks.

She has a job because she laughs at Obama's snarky jokes.

David said...

"Thank you for your service."

--Valerie Jarrett

john said...

"Sometime, embarrassing stuff happens. Even in Washington, folks."

CNN, ever the defuser of social gaffs committed by those steeped in New England boarding schools, University law schools, and Chicago democrat circles, in which everyone in uniform is either a chauffeur, stops traffic for your motorcade, or makes sure there's an olive for your drink.

woof said...

"It was an honest mistake that ANYONE could have made. She was sitting, I was standing and walking behind her and all she saw were the two stripes on my pants which were almost identical to the waiters pants -- REALLY. She apologized and will come to the house for dinner if a date can be worked out in March," Chiarelli wrote in an e-mail.

Lincolntf said...

"I was standing and walking behind her and all she saw were the two stripes on my pants which were almost identical to the waiters pants "

Never make eye contact with "the help", eh?

James said...

How ignorant and unsophisticated are we supposed to think Valerie Jarrett is? She's been working in Washington for years, she knows what a freakin' uniform looks like.

Uhhhh...no. She hasn't worked in D.C. before.... whe's one of Obama's crew from Chicago.

Hagar said...

Gen. Chiarelli has political talents in addition to being an officer and a gentleman.

Isn't it normal to look at a person's face when asking someone for a favor or service?

Lincolntf said...

She's got two years in DC under her belt, I'm sure she's run into hundreds of military officers in that time.

Ann Althouse said...

"With all due respect, medals aren't jewelry."

Pick an answer:

1. Althouse is opposed to tag-proliferation and tries to get as close as she can to what is needed without creating a new tag.

2. Althouse is taking an extra shot at Valerie Jarrett who didn't know the difference between a uniform and a waiter's outfit.

3. Althouse thinks medals really are a subcategory jewelry, which often has intense symbolic meaning.

James said...

She's got two years in DC under her belt, I'm sure she's run into hundreds of military officers in that time.

In dress uniform? Obviously she hadn't see them often enough.

Bartender Cabbie said...

I don't know why but for some reason this remind me of when ex football great John Riggins asked some DC bigwig for some pussy.

Lincolntf said...

If you say so. But he sure doesn't look like a waiter to me.


Calypso Facto said...

Compare the class of Gen. Chiarelli:

"It was an honest mistake" (and then inviting Jarrett to dinner)

with a politician's respect for the military:

"Call me Senator. It's just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I'd appreciate it."

virgil xenophon said...

It's in the lefts DNA. Hillary (remember husband Bills little "I loath the military" gem?) cynically, calculatedly, used (as edutcher has alluded to) military aids (jr. officers) as cock-tail waiters at WH functions to "send a message" to the Pentagon about their proper place in the WH caste system. This Jarrette thing is all of a piece--pretty standard fare..

Unknown said...

Ann Althouse said...

"With all due respect, medals aren't jewelry."

Pick an answer:

1. Althouse is opposed to tag-proliferation and tries to get as close as she can to what is needed without creating a new tag.

2. Althouse is taking an extra shot at Valerie Jarrett who didn't know the difference between a uniform and a waiter's outfit.

3. Althouse thinks medals really are a subcategory jewelry, which often has intense symbolic meaning.

Not 1 - Ann is anything but lazy.

2 - But only sort of. She's taking a well-deserved extra shot, but she doesn't believe for a second Jarrett was that smashed.

Not 3 - I believe she said her father served in WWII, so she knows those medals have a higher price tag than any jewelry.

Skyler said...

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes the army uniforms are so hideously ugly that they are easily mistaken for a waiter's uniform.

Trooper York said...

These people really are lowlifes aren't they?

Roman said...

As Glen Reynolds would say: 'we are in the best of hands'.

To think this was a 'mistake' by Valerie Jarrett is just silly. If she really did not know better, she should have.

PaulV said...

Lincoltf, maybe he was wearing his dress blues.
Generals are politicians. Fighting men are led by noncoms and nonfield grade officier.
What did WJC staff women say about the military. What did Ms Albright say about pretty uniforms?

Skay said...

It also reminds me of Hillary and the misspelled "reset" button.

Democrats keep telling us how smart they all are.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's not "everybody" - it's civilians.

A vet would never do it.

E.M. Davis,

Medals aren't jewelry.

I rest my case.

bgates said...

Democrats keep telling us how smart they all are.

Otherwise, how would we know?

Pick an answer:

4. You made a bad choice of words.

Lincolntf said...

PaulIV, as my gnarly old Class A's would attest, I'm aware of who does what in the military.

The joke about the dress blues looking like a waiter's get-up is as old as the uniform, I'd guess.
I just don't believe she made a mistake, I think she made a wine-abetted attempt at being a bit of a subversive wit. Obviously the General wasn't going to make a scene, and she'd have a great story to tell the gals at next year's Womyn's Weekend.

Anonymous said...

At the Valerie Jarrett level of government there is absolutely no excuse for this, none.

These are the fools that the left was waiting for.

KCFleming said...

Man, if Bush had done the same th-

Ah, the hell with it.

The daily gaffe machine goes unremarked in the press, or at least unsavaged, as such a Bush error would have been.

At least she didn't betray an ally.

Automatic_Wing said...

Perhaps Val Jarrett just isn't very bright.

Kevin said...

Jarrett considers four-star generals to be of the same social class as waiters.

After all, they aren't somebody important, like a community organizer or something...

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps Val Jarrett just isn't very bright."

No ... she's just a drunk.

Lincolntf said...

" I was standing and walking behind her and all she saw were the two stripes on my pants which were almost identical to the waiters pants -- REALLY."

Now that I think about it, if I looked down and saw that crocodilian maw addressing my trousers, I'd head for the bar too.

virgil xenophon said...

RIGHT behind you Lincolntf..

Rialby said...

I'm sure the reporting would have been the same had it been Sarah Palin who made this mistake.

Rialby said...

By the way, did anyone see the Leslie Stahl interview with Aaron Sorkin this morning? There was real rage in his eyes when he was asked a light question about why he hates Sarah Palin so much. Stahl treated that sentiment like it was so much giggly fun.

Trooper York said...

Aaron Sorkin is one of the prime reasons why entertainment is so fucked up these days. He just produce mindless liberal drek day after day and year after year.

He is the Bob Wright of Hollywood.

It doesn't get much worse than that.

Rialby said...

"I have a big problem with people who glamorize dumbness and demonize education and intellect," Sorkin said. "And I'm giving a pretty good description of Sarah Palin right now."

Uhhh, THIS from a guy who got caught with crack, mushrooms and weed in an AIRPORT. Geniuses like Sorkin know that airports are the best place to bring Class A narcotics.

Trooper York said...

Anybody that got it into Maureen Dowd should not look down on anyone.

Dude has no taste.

Lincolntf said...

The misogynists on the Left, particularly the Hollywood Left, finally have a working mother (previously a Sainted and protected class) that they can beat the shit out of with impunity. So they do.
She triggers some sort of psycho-sexual response in them that's pathetic to watch. It'd be scary if they weren't such ineffectual little twits.

dbp said...

Maybe she thought she was in a four star restaurant.

AllenS said...

If the bitch had said that to Four-star Army Gen. AllenS, the next day I would have been Pfc. AllenS. And damn happy about it.

DADvocate said...

The CNN article bends of backwards to vertebra cracking lengths to excuse Jarrett's actions. I can't believe they'd been so gracious if she had been one of Bush's aides.

I wonder if Jarrett is one of those too many women who thinks everyone is there to serve them. One of the ones with the bloated sense of entitlement.

lonetown said...

Did you notice, no one ever asks a waiter which invasion route to take?

Bob_R said...

When I first read about this I thought of him wearing the typical Class A Dress Uniform. I had not thought of the silly cutaway uniform. (I think the only soldiers I've seen in that are musicians.) No excuse, but a much more understandable mistake.

Anonymous said...

"Dude has no taste."

Or sense of smell, either.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder if Jarrett is one of those too many women who thinks everyone is there to serve them. One of the ones with the bloated sense of entitlement."

Gee, you think?

aronamos said...

Riggins didn't ask for anything but for Justice O'Connor to "loosen up." Don't conflate him with idiots.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder if Jarrett is one of those too many women who thinks everyone is there to serve them. One of the ones with the bloated sense of entitlement."

Malcokm X, in his Detroit speech "Message To The Grass Roots" characterized people like Valerie Jarret.

Malcolm X: "The house Negro lived in his owner's house, dressed well, and ate well. He loved his owner as much as the owner loved himself, and he identified with his owner. If the owner got sick, the house Negro would ask, 'Are we sick?' If somebody suggested to the house Negro that he escape slavery, he would refuse to go, asking where he could possibly have a better life than the one he had?"


Quaestor said...

I think medals are jewelry in that they are often made of precious metals (e.g. the Silver Star), sometimes contain gem stones (e.g. the Knight's Cross with Diamonds), and are often called decorations.

Medals are masculine jewelry, as are swords, daggers and rings.

The fact that jewelry is often thought of in connection with frivolity in simply because frivolous persons choose to buy and wear jewelry in the mistaken belief that by owning and wearing same confers on them enhanced prestige. This is unfortunate side-effect of personal liberty and affluence, and should not detract from the awe and respect due to members of the armed forces who have earned the right and honor to wear their country's decorations by their devotion and sacrifice.

The Drill SGT said...

"In fact, when military personnel wear their dress uniforms of short jacket and striped trousers to black-tie

It's clear that he was wearing what is called Mess Dress. It is a strong Blue with very wide gold stripes down the legs and at the cuffs. It does NOT resemble a tuxedo


Lincolntf said...

"And Jarrett would've gotten away with it if it weren't for those medaling bloggers..."

The Concrete Dog said...

long ago
whn i was a god
a young celtic man
mistook me fr
god of ovrcoming enemis
he askd to defeat
his neighbr
in a fistfigt

imagin his surpris
the nxt day
when he lernt i was
actualy th god of
laftr n kisses n
come hither looks

Beldar said...

This excuse is so pathetic that it multiplies the original offense.

The Obama Administration: Never in the annals of human arrogance has so much been expressed by so few toward so many, but with so little justification.

John henry said...

Skay said:

It also reminds me of Hillary and the misspelled "reset" button.

Its actually worse than that. It was a red pushbutton on a yellow background.

Federal Law ie; the US Code, says that a red pushbutton on a yellow background may ONLY, no exceptions, be used as an "Emergency Stop" switch.

It goes on to define the function of the switch as killing all power, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic immediately.

I don't know how the White House/State Dept can be so stupid as to give what is obviously an "Emergency Stop" button to the Russians.

OTOH, I do realize that we, the American People, could use an E-Stop right now to use on Congress and the Prez.

Day By Day nailed it:


John Henry

Synova said...

Mess dress? I had just assumed that it was the tuxedo thingy because that really does look like a fancy waiter outfit. None of the regular uniforms or mess dress look like something other than a military uniform since that's what the brass wears all the time and what people expect to see.

And *really*, have none of you ever gotten halfway through a sentence before you realized that the person you'd seen in the corner of your eye wasn't who you expected? Particularly in a crowd? Or a store? And if she saw the pant leg and started her request as she was turning her head she probably "met his eyes" about the time she said, "wine."

And yes, quite clearly Chiarelli is an officer and a gentleman.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the reporting would have been the same had it been Sarah Palin who made this mistake.

I'm sorry, but Sarah wouldn't have made this mistake!

She has, wait a minute, what's that word ... oh, yeah--


Ralph L said...

This incident brings to mind Chesterton's Father Brown story, "The Queer Feet," in which the thief Flambeau pretends to be a waiter to rich diners and a diner before the waiters while stealing the spoons. So the dining club decides to wear green coats at their next meal.

Famous line from the story, retold in Brideshead:
"I caught him, with an unseen hook and an invisible line which is long enough to let him wander to the ends of the world, and still to bring him back with a twitch upon the thread."

More elegant that "Loosen up, Sandy Baby!"

JAL said...

Mess dress here: Scroll down and click on pictures. It gives you an idea of all the other stuff that goes with it.

Also, the general officers uniform (for generals ;-) does not have curly gold braid on the sleeve -- there are stars.

See here (PDF page 152 --not the "printed" page number. Could not pull up page address.)

So maybe people do make these mistakes, but clearly she was not paying attention when the guests were introduced.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And what were the waitstaff dressed like?

Wonder if she did indeed thank the general for his service and not just the wine? (Why do I think not?)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Drunks often make mistakes like this!

former law student said...

This thread is worthless without pictures. Was the General wearing his dress blues? What were the waiters wearing?

Do you guys make eye contact with waitstaff as a rule? They're usually sneaking up over my shoulder.

Ralph L said...

Picture of Gen. Chiarelli, on the left, possibly dressed as a waiter.

Unknown said...

Typical of Lefties who hate the military. Deliberate.

Ralph L said...

I heard FLS's ESP.

YoungHegelian said...

You know who hired unrepentant commie Van Jones as Green Jobs Czar?

Valerie Jarrett.

You remember the young political hack at the NEA who got caught by Glenn Beck trying to drum up an illegal campaign of support by NEA funded artists for his Fearless Leader the Prez, and had to be fired?

Guess who was his boss' boss?

Valerie Jarrett.

In poltics, one's friends often do more damage than one's enemies. Just ask Bill and Hillary.

Beldar said...

@former law student: You ask, "Do you guys make eye contact with waitstaff as a rule?"

I can only answer for myself, and only with the practice taught me by my father, but he taught me it to be a rule and I've taught it to my kids too:

When someone, waitstaff or not, does something for you, you say "Thank you," and you look the person in the eyes, because otherwise the "thank you" is shallow and insincere.

Ditto when you ask someone to do something for you. It's "please" even though it may be that person's job to do exactly what you're asking. And you look the person in the eyes.

My father said this wasn't to get you better service (although it will). It's not to make the other person feel good (although it will). It's because it's the right thing to do, and it will make you feel better.

This includes drive-through windows.

Nate Whilk said...

This Robert Benchley story has been brought up elsewhere.

Benchley was leaving the Algonquin Hotel in a rather inebriated state. He walked out the front entrance, saw a uniformed man and said, "Hail me a cab, my good man." The man was somewhat offended and said, "I happen to be a rear admiral in the United States Navy." Benchley replied, "All right, then. Hail me a battleship."

JAL said...

@fls and Ralph L

You'd think the stars on the sleeves might raise a question in one's mind.

Stars, gold braid on jacket and pants . . . Mmmmm.

Methadras said...

How can you not see the fruit salad on a 4 stars uniform? She's either blind, stupid, or purposefully offensive. All the recipe required to be a leftard.

SGM Ret said...

FYI, the Army is replacing the class A uniform with a new dress blue uniform. Army announced this change in 2008. Military personnel have been changing to the new uniform since 2009. Blues have been worn with greater and greater regularity around the Pentagon and Washington DC for the last year.

Ms Jarret should have been familiar with this uniform. It is not rarely worn anymore.

John Fast said...

Ironically, I have to admit, I mistook Valerie Jarrett for a cleaning woman and asked her to scrub the kitchen floor of my townhouse. (Hey, it was an honest mistake, considering her ignorance and lack of sophistication!) I would normally be very embarrassed, but now I feel much better about it.

Roger J. said...

with respect to jewelry tag--The medals consist of awards and decorations--awards are gnenerally for long term service or shorterter term accomplish outside of combat--as a soldier you are decorated for gallantry or heroism.

Shanna said...

This article makes me think no better of Ms. Jarrett, but my impression of Four-star Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the No. 2 general in the U.S. Army, is that he is apparently a class act. Bravo, sir.

Although I don't think I would have thought less of him if he gave her hell either.

Michael K said...

At least she spoke to him. The Clinton staff told Barry McCaffrey that they didn't speak to military.

DADvocate said...

Do you guys make eye contact with waitstaff as a rule? They're usually sneaking up over my shoulder.

Yes, I do. I teach my kids to do so also. Every human deserves respect unless they prove otherwise throught their words and behavior.

Apparently FLS and Jarrett think otherwise.

former law student said...

Yes, I do. I teach my kids to do so also.

I wish I could still twist around in my seat the way I could when I was a kid. I'm pretty much limiteted to 70 degrees of straight ahead. But I will make eye contact with anyone who's within that visual range.

Milwaukee said...

While Ann is perfectly capable of explaining herself, I took
3. Althouse thinks medals really are a subcategory jewelry, which often has intense symbolic meaning.

to mean that the jewelry has intense symbolic meaning, which medals and military decorations have as well.

So, yes, Not 3 - I believe she said her father served in WWII, so she knows those medals have a higher price tag than any jewelry. Ann would know those things didn't come cheaply: they represent a life of dedication and service to our country.

Remember how we had that chart showing how few in the Obama administration had any real world business experience? I would bet they are mostly lacking in exposure to military experience as well. I haven't served in the Armed Forces, but I know people who did. I have heard stories from my father, and others. Military duty is not a joke.

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