The taped-on message there is: "If you voted for Walker, then you voted for Nazism."
February 22, 2011
At the Wisconsin Capitol today.
Photos by Meade (who also took a long video of the Tammy Baldwin/Jesse Jackson procession).

The taped-on message there is: "If you voted for Walker, then you voted for Nazism."
The taped-on message there is: "If you voted for Walker, then you voted for Nazism."
At least she got the witching floating part right. And now for something completely different...
These kids are in for a shock when they get out in the world. If they ever do.
Witches float?
That explains one of my college girlfriends.
These turds can't walk their freaking dogs without referencing Nazis. They need to get a fucking grip.
I went to high school with a bunch of very bright kids.
None of us thought we had the world figured out when we were 17.
All that's left is theater. Or is this farce?
Walker is a dicktator
How would Tammy Baldwin know?
"All that's left is theater. Or is this farce?"
All that's left is theater, but all that's Left is farce.
The last time I checked, this was America and if I want to be a Nazi and vote for Nazi's, this is the last country where I'm free to do that.
Seig Heil.
The Wisconsin Teachers are the Snooki of the news cycle. We all know they're idiots, but we keep watching anyway.
"Industrial unions are organized against the might and greed of ownership," writes Time's Joe Klein, a liberal who understands the crucial distinction. "Public employees unions are organized against the might and greed . . . of the public?"
I asked one of the "Walker / Dictator" sign holders what Walker has done to make him a dictator. Other than he was introducing legislation, and having the State Senate and Assembly act upon the proposals without Democrats participating, she didn't have anything.
I really hope she's not a political science teacher.
(The Crypto Jew)
I really hope she's not a political science teacher.
HS doesn’t have PS, it has Social Studies…she could be a Social Studies teacher? Remember, it’s all about Social Justice….
I am reminded that my son's high school poli-sci teacher claimed that Stalin and Mao were conservatives.
In fact, all the evils in American history were done by conservatives, and all good things came from liberals.
It's apparently part of the definition.
I wonder what happened to folks who protested against the government in Hitler's Nazi Germany?
State Senate today ends direct deposit for senators who miss two days in a row. Must pick up checks from the senate majority leader, on the senate floor and only during session.
Well I think she weighs more than a duck.
I think I'll go for a walk . . . .
An Irish dicktator is a french fry.
State Senate today ends direct deposit for senators who miss two days in a row. Must pick up checks from the senate majority leader, on the senate floor and only during session
My only confusion is, they said the vote in committee was a 3-2 party line vote. Are they just assuming that the democrats would have voted 'no', or what?
So much for the age of civility. This is the age of liberal hypocrisy. Angry liberal hypocrisy. The worst and most dangerous kind.
And here I though witches sank. That explains a lot.
What all that has to do with Walker and these DN's upcoming disappointment I have no idea, though.
Maybe they could add another one to the sign:
"I am a teacher demonstrating and I am not dumber than a box of rocks"
What is it with these folks and "nazism" or, more properly, National Socialism?
These folks seem almost terminally stupid.
John Henry
My only confusion is, they said the vote in committee was a 3-2 party line vote. Are they just assuming that the democrats would have voted 'no', or what?
From the linked-to article:
The vote was taken by paper ballot, which allowed Democrats to cast their votes from out-of-state.
See? They're working! How nice that they can telecommute.
See? They're working! How nice that they can telecommute.
Damn, didn't see that part on first read. Good to know. Thanks :)
Nothing makes me take more seriously someone's argument than comparisons to Hitler.
Also: Nudity. And puppets.
mmmmmm ....pie.
I voted for Nazism, which means I voted for the person in the Blue Denim jacket, apparently, 'cause that's what she (or he, I can't tell) is labeled with.
I voted for Nazism, which means I voted for the person in the Blue Denim jacket, apparently, 'cause that's what she (or he, I can't tell) is labeled with.
Nazism - it's like your ugly 4th Grade Teacher. From behind.
Well you could ask Milwaukee County how well it worked out the last time Walker fired state union employee correction officers, over the objection of the county board, because he said he had the power to do so, and hired a private firm--turns out it was a false crises, the correction officers must be re-instated and it will cost the country their back pay. Same old,same old.
Althouse, are you going to the Law School 'Teach-in' on the legal and political issues raised by the Governor’s Budget Repair Bill?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
6-8 pm, Room 2260
UW Law School
I see you're not on the list of speakers.
I don't know if that gets them back.
Liberals have set up a "defense-fund" for the badger 14.
Something like $2.8 million collected already.
Thing in Ohio is going to get all the coverage now, between Kadafi and where ever else the Rolling Revolution goes.
Meanwhile FOX News is showing Glenn Beck having an intimate relationship with his chalk board.
So, is it just me, or is the guy with the 'DICKtator' sign a cop? Flag patch on his right shoulder, some other patch on his left - similar in style to the guy with the police-style sgt stripes in the background, ASCME shirt etc...
So much for the 'Walker is exempting the cops who supported him!" meme, I guess.
"...the correction officers must be re-instated and it will cost the country their back pay. Same old,same old."
Yup. The unions own us, and we have to do whatever the hell they say.
But maybe not anymore.
The vote was taken by paper ballot, which allowed Democrats to cast their votes from out-of-state.
"See? They're working! How nice that they can telecommute."
Well, that is complete and utter bullshit. They should be coming into work and doing their jobs.
The Republicans should make a new rule, while the brats are sulking in Illinois, that you have to be present (barring some sort of personal catastrophe or a zombie attack or something) for you to be able to cast a vote.
Otherwise, they can just hire an army of Smurfs and have them vote in proxy. And you know how annoying those little blue guys can be.
How much worse can this comedy get?
Althouse, please purchase a new camera for Meade. The image quality is not up to your usual standards.
Couldn't. Care. Less.
that you have to be present (barring some sort of personal catastrophe or a zombie attack or something) for you to be able to cast a vote.
For a Committee vote, I'm guessing the paper votes are okay rule is for the convenience of legislators who are out of town -- back home -- when the committee meets. It reduces costs, because everytime they're in Madison, they're getting a per diem.
is it just me, or is the guy with the 'DICKtator' sign a cop?
I think you're right. Maybe he just confiscated the sign from some dirty hippy after giving said hippy a sound clubbing.
The sergeant with the goatee also looks like he has an AFSCME t-shirt in his jacket pocket (or he is just happy to see Meade).
Ok, glad I'm not seeing things :)
Couldn't. Care. Less.
I believe that to be inaccurate. You cared enough to comment, so as it stands it is possible for you to care less.
Darn it I don't know where I read that $2.8 million figure-take that w/ a grain of salt.
It could have been a garage post.
Still to the point the WEAC collects $25 million annually from it's members.
I don't know exactly why the WEAC charges their members that much but it's more than enough to pay the Badger 14's expenses.
So far this year the teachers of WI for- $25 million got-
Jesse Jackson and a-drum circle.
Maybe corrections officers? They are represented by AFSCME. A view of the patch would settle it.
Hey Roeschie, it must've been his Nazi supporters that kept Walker County Exec in Milwaukee for 8 years. No other plausible reason you can think of, right putz?
@Triangle Man - could be. Not that it was important, but just something I was noticing.
Thank you so much Meade and Professor for the pictures, proving once again that hate is alive and well on the left every day. Equating an elected American to Hitler, one of the most evil people ever on the face of the earth, is either a sign of morbid stupidity or calculated malice from an evil heart.
I think the left is divided pretty much into 75/25 on the former/latter.
I wonder how long it will take the PE unions to figure out this is killing them ? Two states ? Three states ?
It looks like Obama figured it out as the DNC has gone under the bus today. Whoops !
If this hyperbole continues, I'll have to start questioning the sincerity of their rhetoric.
"I stubbed my toe--a veritable holocaust in my shoe. If my big toe was a Kurd, consider it gassed into oblivion." See? It's not only insulting to the historic integrity of the event, but makes people less likely to take you seriously.
Coketown, you're wearing Hitler shoes.
Fuck it....Walker might as well come out tonight and put on a fake mustache. Everyone says he is Hitler anyway.
I truly would love it if ONE World War II vet (like by late grandfather) would walk up to one of these asses that claims the GOP is Nazis and tell these bastards what it was actually like to fight those guys.
Sorry...its just hard to tolerate ignorance when you've heard first-hand stories of how bad Nazi Germany was.
Well, blocking access to websites inside the capitol is pretty dicktator-ish.
The Green Bay Slackers, government cheeseheads.
Oh my GAIA he took away the kiddies wi-fi!?
The humanity!
So there's a right to free Wi-Fi now? Wow, the left if finding new rights left and, er, right.
In reality the black out lasted only 30 minutes and was quickly remedied when reported. To quote CNN:
"The Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created, until they go through a software approval program that unblocks them," Werwie said. "Within 30 minutes of being notified this website was blocked, DOA circumvented the software and immediately made the website accessible."
Maybe you should go back to claiming that there is not a budget deficit, then you might at least be able to fudge some of the numbers.
"if" should be "is"
But go ahead and keep making an ass out of yourself by comparing some overpaid civil servants who are protesting to people dying in the streets in the name of freedom, it's rather entertaining.
"The Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created, until they go through a software approval program that unblocks them," Werwie said. "Within 30 minutes of being notified this website was blocked, DOA circumvented the software and immediately made the website accessible."
Ah. Standard approval workflow stuff, or dicktator conspiracy. Same thing ROTFLMAO
Couldn't. Care. Less.
Then why did you post lol
thanx for sharing ...
Send in the clowns.
A previous poster today said let the Left continue to protest, the longer it lasts the more loons.
Spot on.
In reality the black out lasted only 30 minutes and was quickly remedied when reported. To quote CNN:
The website was working before this. So the DOA couldn't have registered it as a new website subject to blockage.
I kind of like the (im)plausible deniability of the "Dicktator" sign.
"I never called him a fascist. I called him a dick."
Scatological humor. That's what's missing from these protests.
68 years ago, Hans and Sophie Scholl and Cristoph Probst were executed by the German government for handing out leaflets decrying Hitler's war.
One wonders, although one is quite sanguine they don't, if these morons understand just how stupid the significance of this date makes them and their signs.
PS I suspect the guy in the first shot is a teacher - he obviously got the idea for the sign from Oscar Wilde or Saki and somebody should tell the one in the second that even Wikileaks concedes there were WMD in Iraq.
Blogger Jason said...
Sorry...its just hard to tolerate ignorance...
Apology accepted.
You have a couple of mentions in this WSJ article:
Michelle Malkin has a fun post.
It's the head of the AFL-CIO claiming to visit the White House 2-3 times a week, and talk to someone in the White House every day, "Every day," he repeats.
She contrasts that with the recent story revealing that six of President Obama'c cabinet members did not have a single one on one conversation with the President, either face to face or on the phone, during the first two years of the administration.
It's a leader's job to set priorities.
Nothing says serious political statement quite like felt-tipped pen on duct tape.
Can we stop using the word "Nazi"? Hitler and his crew almost never used the word. It was mostly invented by Stalin because he felt that "National Socialism", which is what the Hitler et all did call it was giving socialism a bad name.
How about referencing these people as National Socialists from now on.
Alinski rules. Don't let them use their made up labels.
I don't think the duct tape people are going to use image in an ad anytime soon.
Photos by Meade...
The next time the left holds a protest somewhere can we send Meade on assignment? I'd chip in ten bucks.
Sorry, John, "The Soup National Socialist" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Told ya. Now why don't you get on the right side of this Sumter situation and help save the real union?
That fireless chat was..... just bizarre.
That's a classy group of folks you have in Cheese land.
Peru has suspended diplomatic relations with Libya until the murder and repression of citizens stop.
Obama, call Peru.
"That fireless chat was..... just bizarre."
Here it is.
I'm not sure why he was reading so much mail.
Maybe it's because the political consultants tell these guys to speak about specific people--real life examples.
Anyway, the guy seems to have a Mr. Rogers vibe. I'm sure he'll be happy when he gets home, so he can put on his sneakers and cardigan.
"deficits don't matter" Dick Cheney
Public employees 'excessive' benefit packages are in place because state and federal employees typically receive lower wages than the private sector. Now that the economy is in a recession, resentment is being used as a tool to strip one of the few enticements that attract talented / progressive people to the public sector. These disgusting ploys are exactly why I left the republican party.
non biased report on Gov Walkers appearance please.
The Republicans should make a new rule, while the brats are sulking in Illinois, that you have to be present (barring some sort of personal catastrophe or a zombie attack or something) for you to be able to cast a vote.
Everyone remember when the Democrats got ol' Jeff Wood out of prison for the day so he could cast a vote for them? And what was that for on? UNION CONTRACTS!
This is high leftard thinking. Everyone who doesn't agree with them is a Nazi and they want to kill all conservatives/republicans. You see how easy it is to be a leftard. No thought whatsoever.
Bushman, Instapundit noted today was anniversay of the execution of 3 protesters of the Nazis
esentment is being used as a tool to strip one of the few enticements that attract talented / progressive people to the public sector.
Yes, so much "talent" in these high school class rooms.
I'm not sure why he was reading so much mail.
Walker claims he's received 19,000 emails "mostly in support" . The "silent majority" he calls them. Does he have any idea how silly that makes him look when there are 50k people out in the streets?
"That fireless chat was..... just bizarre."
Why? Are facts "weird" to you?
What was more bizarre by a long shot was that ridiculous display by Mark Miller. The Wisconsin flag as a backdrop was a nice touch, considering they are in Illinois.
Someone needs to directs these "educators" to some kind of remedial CE classes.
Specifically on Nazism.
They could start here:
The White Rose
The Daily Caller's posted its own video footage from Saturday's festivities in Madison
I know that's a little behind the times, but I regret Meadehouse didn't get to document this aspect of the citizens' uprising in its confrontation with crushing bourgeoise authority.
Seriously, I hope the freespirit in the funky two-tone denim is truly a teacher and not merely a student, from whom we might expect such display.
It'd be much more exciting to watch that from an actual *teacher*. Something about a funky teacher . . . .
These disgusting ploys are exactly why I left the republican party.
Are you sure you left them ?
Pretty factless comment.
Public employees 'excessive' benefit packages are in place because state and federal employees typically receive lower wages than the private sector.
Yes, in Mexico.
How many commenters remember how AT& ran The telephone company? They were not bound by politically correct personnel policies for racial and gender quotas, and they still rendered slow and boring one option service by highly overpaid Lily Tomlin type employees. It was the same at the TVA run under a monopoly. Today there is literally no such thing as a creative and progressive government employee.
that attract talented / progressive people to the public sector.
Love how "progressive" people must work in the public sector.
Gee, I wonder why that is?
James Taranto point of the lies the left tells about the Tea Party holding true for government unionists works for this post. The unionists are closer to Nazism than Walker. They and their Democrat cohorts undermine democracy, which was a Nazi tactic. Plus, lots of mob rule and intimidation like you know who.
Nazism was a truly horrid event. What these spoiled punks are experiencing comes no where close. They're greedy and spoiled. They don't care how much damage they do to the real middle class as long as they get their's.
Well, blocking access to websites inside the capitol is pretty dicktator-ish.
Give us the real story. How long was it blocked and why? Half hour because it was a new website that hadn't gone through the approval process.
Most large employers censor the web. My company uses a web program called Web Sense that blocks sites based on content. I had to get permission to be able to access my hotmail account. But any time a little progressive baby doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, it's Nazi Germany all over again.
When I was growing up, lots of the adults around had fought against the Nazis. I knew two men who had been in Nazi prison camps. They'd kick your ass if you called them a Nazi or walked around with a swastika.
Prepare for extra innings.
The observation that witches don't always float does not preclude the possibility of bridges being built out of them.
Very small rocks!
Lead, lead!
What is it about progressives and Nazis? They are apparently haunted by Hitler. He must appear in their fevered dreams.
ScottWalkerisBI-Curious said...
resentment is being used as a tool to strip one of the few enticements that attract talented / progressive people to the public sector.
Excuse me for a moment to digest the utterly laughable image of a progressive being enticed to latch himself/herself like a parasite to the public tit. It's almost kafka-esque.
These disgusting ploys are exactly why I left the republican party.
Really? It's ploys like this that made you leave the Republican Party? That's all it took for you to leave in disgust to become a leftard tool instead? The claim that you were ever in the republican party is dubious at best and a lie at worst. Please stop making me laugh even more than I have been all day reading the pablum that your side shits from their mouths ever since this 'fight' started.
garage mahal said...
I'm not sure why he was reading so much mail.
Walker claims he's received 19,000 emails "mostly in support" . The "silent majority" he calls them. Does he have any idea how silly that makes him look when there are 50k people out in the streets?
Can you please explain to us all how go to be so fucking stupid? Clearly, in that dark, dank, unflushed toileted, you call your mind, the millions of the other citizens of Wisconsin that support Walker and this legislation somehow have been omitted because they haven't sent him an email in support.
I had a comment my crazy laptop touch pad ate a couple hours ago.
Coming back now I still want to know what kind of talented / progressive people
who are,in this case, educators, label their elected representatives "Nazis."
As several people have pointed out today is the anniversary of the execution of some young people who had something a little more pressing to deal with vis a vis the Nazis.
And while I'm at it, what is the matter with these talented / progressive people who trivialize and belittle the memory of millions of Jews, gypsies, Christians, resistors and political opponents who were murdered by the Nazis?
I mean -- *anyone* can see the issues are equivalent and the WI talented / progressives are under incredible stress. Unto death. /s
No sympathy.
Guest Book at Epinal American Cemetery, January 27, 2010: "Bringing my sons to show them the sacrifice of all these heroes that freed us from Hell."
The more Nazi stuff I see the lower these educators and "public servants" are sinking. Not much left on the bottom of the sewer.
They need to apologize.
And go to remedial history classes.
Why is this issue still happening when I've become bored with it?
I'm tired of Wisconsin Republicans being Nazis. I want to call someone else Nazis. Where is Nazism trending?
DICKtator? Mr. Potatohead, how could you?
Does he have any idea how silly that makes him look when there are 50k people out in the streets?
Garage obviously doesn't understand either human nature, the 1/10 rule, or broadcasting in general.
Linked @ RR:
Stop the Hate!
Hey libs... I thought you wanted that
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