February 17, 2011

At today's demonstration against Scott Walker's budget plan — a sign reading "Sic Semper Tyrannis."

"Sic semper tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning 'thus always to tyrants.' It is sometimes mistranslated as 'death to tyrants' or 'down with the tyrant.' The phrase is said to have originated with Marcus Junius Brutus during the assassination of Julius Caesar. It was later shouted by John Wilkes Booth during his assassination of Abraham Lincoln."


tachyonshuggy said...

So it's cool to shout slogans made popular by Confederate separatists now? And definitely not racist?

kent said...

"Many of the letters from Wisconsin today have to do with violence: threats against Governor Walker and members of his administration, the increases in their security details, their worries about their spouses and children, and so on. I have heard from people closely connected to the threatened individuals. Their letters are hard to take."

Trooper York said...


Just be carefull Garage. Don't splint their broken leg when they show up at your door.

Remember what they did to Dr. Mudd.

You can be the next prisoner at Shark Island.

Trooper York said...

I mean it doesn't flow as nicely when you say:

"His name is Garage."

Just sayn'

chickelit said...

@Garage: There are plenty of abandoned tobacco sheds to hole up in in Stoughton after the deed.

LouisAntoine said...

This is clearly a tea-partier posing as a union member to discredit the protest. I mean, how can we tell, from a photo, what the person's real affiliation is??? Clearly anything embarrassing is a rightie plant, I mean, you can't DISPROVE that, can you??? And so on.

I am laughing my ass off watching everyone here flatly reverse all of their opinions and logic because of political affiliation. Everything that was said during the teabagger protests has now become moot, because the evil unions are protesting.

Peter V. Bella said...

So much for the lefty pleas of civility in political discourse.

chickelit said...

Thanks for translation Althouse. I would have mistranslated the phrase as "Trannys are always sick"

That's the kind of hatred and venom we're all seeing as our nation's eyes turn to Madison.

Anonymous said...

They want to assassinate any Governor who threatens their public pensions.

That is fairly common sentiment from the Democrats, if you ask me. Anyone who stands in their way faces death.

That man holding that sign is a one-man death panel.

Henry said...

LouisAntone -- Althouse calls it "civility bullshit". That's the key to the cipher.

John Burgess said...

Isn't Brutus alleged to have cried that when he was busy offing J. Caesar? Booth, as Timothy McVeigh, were only Johnnies-come-lately.

Robert said...

It is also the motto of Virginia and is on its flag. This, combined with the mob's violent eliminationist rhetoric and pictures of lynching, proves they are racist fascists.

Anonymous said...

"Sic Semper Tyrannis" is a Latin phrase racists use when they murder those they disagree with politically.

LordSomber said...

Eventus stultorum magister

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Death threats by progressives. We won't hear about any of this on the nighlty news.

Triangle Man said...

He's smiling. What are these people...on dope?

Curtiss said...

Sola lingua bona est lingua mortua.

garage mahal said...


You're assuming is A-House is posting in good faith, and not trolling for GOP Daddy links. Which is pretty obvious, she is not.

A Wingnut Welfare gig could be just around the corner! Maybe guest host for Rush? *fanning self*

traditionalguy said...

That's the most literate sign we have seen so far. It has a punch to it. The Tea Party needs to borrow it. Or maybe they can make it into "Semper Fidelis Fighters of Tyrants".

Ankur said...

So, can we say , for the record - that you guys are all against violent ideations towards political opponents?

Everyone against violent speech, say yay.

Everyone for violent speech, say nay.

Afterwards, lets tally.

AllenS said...

Sic Semper Tyrannis is some foreign commie slogan which translates in American lingo to mean Sick Temper Tantrums.

Anonymous said...

"You're assuming is A-House is posting in good faith, and not trolling for GOP Daddy links. Which is pretty obvious, she is not.

A Wingnut Welfare gig could be just around the corner! Maybe guest host for Rush? *fanning self*"

Translation: I STILL don't have anything with which to refute what Althouse has posted. So I'll mock her and perhaps she'll do what I want: "SHUT UP, Ann!!"

Trooper York said...

The professor just posted that sign because she is interested in language. She is well known as a cunning linguist.

Wait maybe that was Meade.


Anonymous said...

As Robert notes, "Sic Semper Tyrannis" is Virginia's state motto (http://www.virginia.gov/cmsportal3/facts_and_history_4096/facts_4104/trivia_facts.html) and as we all know Virginia is for Lovers, ergo,
its a thin line between love and hate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czKgwmp91J8.

kent said...

Shorter Garage: [::wets self::]

Sofa King said...

So, can we say , for the record - that you guys are all against violent ideations towards political opponents?

Everyone against violent speech, say yay.

Everyone for violent speech, say nay.

Afterwards, lets tally.

I have no inherent problem with it. But I also have no problem hoisting people upon their own petards.

garage mahal said...

Translation: I STILL don't have anything with which to refute what Althouse has posted. So I'll mock her and perhaps she'll do what I want: "SHUT UP, Ann!!"

What exactly am I supposed to refute, when A-House made no commentary?

Ankur said...

Okay, so we have one "Nay".

more please?

kent said...

Afterwards, lets tally.

How many votes towards sheer, balls-out leftard hypocrisy do you think these several thousand pics should count for?

Show me your contemporaneous postings forcefully and unambiguously condemning any and all of the preceding, and I might conceivably play along, just for shits'n'giggles.

As it is right now, however: you're just playing with yourself.

former law student said...

Must be a Virginian: a Southern version of the Gadsden flag:


Ankur said...

Hey, I am not offering an opinion. The fact that you are imposing what you think is my opinion says more about you than me.

So..a simple...yay or nay please? like Sofa King above?

former law student said...

And don't forget Sic transit gloria mundi(Gloria got sick on the bus Monday.)

kent said...

Show me your contemporaneous postings forcefully and unambiguously condemning any and all of the preceding, and I might conceivably play along, just for shits'n'giggles.

Hey, I am not offering an opinion.

"No, I never once condemned such behavior." Gotcha.

PaulV said...

It seems that liberal denists think this was a tea party rally.
Denial is just not a river in Egypt. Makes sense with the Murbarack Walker pictures. The fact that all the union people allowed the hate speech is an inconvenient fact to be ignored. LOL!

Ankur said...

Again, Kent, you are imposing your imagination onto me. Go to this thread: http://althouse.blogspot.com/2011/02/after-all-those-efforts-to-pain-tea.html

and look at my comment at 3.04 PM to see exactly what my opinion is regarding this particular topic.

Now...yay or nay?

is violent speech okay or not? Man up and offer an opinion.

Ankur said...

In fact, I suspect the reason you are not offering your opinion is because you are afraid that if you are honest, you will be shown to be a hypocrite..and if you are dishonest, it will come out eventually and you will lose your credibility.

PaulV said...

The Great Seal of Virginia is a tribute to feminists designed by the person my high school was named after. Adopted in 1976.


Sofa King said...

Ankur, perhaps if you explained why you want to know so badly, people would be more inclined to answer your question. It seems like you are obviously building toward some kind of point, and nobody really wants to help you out with that.

Sofa King said...

You are taking the attitude of a hostile cross-examiner, and whining that your intended victims are uncooperative. Do you think this is persuasive?

Why don't YOU take a stand? Cross examine yourself.

kent said...

Again, Kent [SNIP]

As stated previously: "As it is right now, however: you're just playing with yourself."

Go right ahead and continue doing so, by all means, if that's your particular "thing."

Continually shouting out my name and imploring me to watch, however, is just so very, very... sad. And wrong.

F-A-I-L, kiddo.

Ankur said...

I like to know what people really think, Sofa King.

I want to know whether some of this outrage is real...or a political tactic.

And I don't care about what leftists do or what rightists do. I am asking the commenters of this blog. Why? because I have been commenting here for a while, and I want to know more about the people I spar with and joust with and banter with.

So - thank you for offering your honest opinion. I do appreciate it.

PaulV said...

Blooger cut off end of link

Ankur said...

"So, can we say , for the record - that you guys are all against violent ideations towards political opponents?

Everyone against violent speech, say yay.

Everyone for violent speech, say nay.

Afterwards, lets tally."

That was my original comment. Where is the hostility there? Where is the cross examination? I don't think I or anyone could be any more neutral.

The hostility came out when Kent made a direct ad hominem towards me without provocation. Sorry, I don't think I need to be nice to such a person.

Ankur said...

And the fact that despite my providing him a link where I have expressed my opinion in clear terms, he still hasn't fulfilled his end of the bargain - well - enough said.

Ankur said...

"Why don't YOU take a stand? Cross examine yourself."

I have. Look at my post above where I have provided a link to another thread with a comment by me, stating my position.

But I will reiterate: my position is that uncivility in debate is useless and counterproductive. But uncivility in discourse and protests could be effective - short of violent ideation coming from ANYONE.

kent said...

Still shouting out my name, while FWAP-FWAP-FWAPping furiously? STILL -- ?!?

Seriously... kid: porno. GET. SOME.

Sofa King said...

I want to know whether some of this outrage is real...or a political tactic

Well no shit it's a political tactic. It doesn't take a political genius to see that. That doesn't automatically make it an illegitimate tactic, though.

Your framing the issue as one of "outrage" (is it obviously outrage or is it petard-hoisting?) and whether or not it is hypocritical is probably what leads people to believe that you are building towards an argument with your oh-so-neutral demands for information.

Ankur said...

"That doesn't automatically make it an illegitimate tactic, though. "

Absolutely not. Its a valid and useful tactic. And it is nice to see someone willing to be upfront about it.

Trooper York said...

Please do not be mean to Ankur. He is a visitor to our shores and
he has so much he would like to share with us.

Ankur said...

And regardless of what my real or imagined motives are, why would people be afraid of being upfront in a blog?

People can be as tactical as they like when they are protesting on the streets. Out here, I would imagine, we can be upfront about what we really believe.

w.v. treabla - female devil with three horns instead of two.

BJM said...


Why would you stoop to such a despicable level such as your boot-licking remark and jealous taunts?

Sadly, your unprovoked, crude attack on Althouse's character reveals more about your lack of same than hers.

I never cease to be surprised at how low the left will sink to undermine those they cannot control or censor.

former law student said...

Suggested theme song for teachers' protest:


Sofa King said...

And regardless of what my real or imagined motives are, why would people be afraid of being upfront in a blog?

Because they don't believe you are asking in good faith.

Sofa King said...

Suggested theme song for teachers' protest:


Sofa King said...

Even better:


Unknown said...

When the Alinskyoids get caught on tape showing their true colors (they are the part of slavery and Jim Crow, after all), it's always, "False flag", or, "Can we all get along?", or "Why won't you agree to eschew violent images?", as if they're the poor, little victims.

Those damned videocams, keep catching the Lefties doing what they always accuse the Conservatives of doing.

It's just not fair!!!

Ankur said...

If your beliefs are strong and are backed by solid logic, you should have the strength and the courage to take on "bad faith" argumentators.

Otherwise, all it says is - you're not sure of your position, or maybe you're morally relativistic, and thus afraid of getting trapped in a logical dead end of your own creation.

Seriously - how can anyone usurp you if you are consistent and you believe you are right? You can't simultaneously be afraid of expressing your true feelings while being sure you are right.

JAL said...



MayBee said...

It's petard-hoisting, Ankur.

I'm certain you know that. As you say, you've been a visitor to this blog for a while. Long enough to know it's petard-hoisting.

Ankur said...

I am sorry - commenting on a blog doesn't affect the people you are commenting on. They are out on the streets being idiots.

You might think that by making these statements about them, you are hoisting the entire left on its petard...but you aren't. I am a liberal, and your commentary is doing nothing for me - because, guess what? I agree with you that death threats are silly. One can be colorful, one can be uncivil, but for me, death threats are beyond the pale.

MayBee said...

Well, Ankur, why don't you try to take a blog vote on how many commenters think they are
a)directly affecting the people protesting on the streets right now
b)think they are hoisting the *entire* left

My vote would be:
a)I don't think I'm affecting anyone protesting right now
b) I do not intend to hoist the *entire* left

However, next time someone wants to make a big deal about the right's violent rhetoric, it will be nice to be able to point at Althouse's account of these two days.

Sofa King said...

If your beliefs are strong and are backed by solid logic, you should have the strength and the courage to take on "bad faith" argumentators.

This argument is so weak it's hard for me to believe you are offering it in good faith.

Solid facts and logic are important, but that alone is no match for a skilled sophist. You of all people should know that. It isn't actually difficult to understand how someone may honestly be convinced that they have the facts and the logic but have insufficient confidence in their ability to counter bad-faith debate tactics to voluntarily arm their opponent. Clear?

AST said...

People get away with this stuff because nobody shows up to demonstrate against them. Scott Walker is the elected governor. That is not a tyrant. It's the people who use these tactics to overthrow the expressed will of the people who are illegitimate.

kent said...

Civility: Lawmakers in Wisconsin Now Being Threatened By Left-Aligned Thugs

orbicularioculi said...

I believe these public "servants" are going to be amazed at the backlash from taxpaying citizens who are fed up with their sense of entitlement.

It's OVER, public employees. You work for the taxpayers. There is no more money to finance your excessive salaries and benefits.

You don't want to pay part of your retirmement benefits and healthy care costs? Then get lost, you are FIRED!

DADvocate said...

Definitely a lot of violent imagery by those leftie Democrats. Good thing I'm not mentally unbalanced and impressionable. Plus, I could never make that jump that Booth made.

Mwalimu Daudi said...

More murderous hate by the "tolerant" Left.

The Scythian said...

Ankur wrote:

"is violent speech okay or not? Man up and offer an opinion."

OK, fine. I'll offer an opinion:

Speech is not violence. Violence is not speech. Your attempt to conflate the two by using the construction "violent speech" is a steaming load of stinking horseshit.

DRJ said...

I'm curious if there were protests and calls for violence after Obama won Wisconsin in 2008. I don't recall any but I don't live in Wisconsin, so maybe I didn't hear about it. In any event, these anti-Republican protesters sound like very, very poor losers.

Ankur said...

Sofa King, that is actually a very fair point. I didn't think of it in terms of people lacking confidence to express what they believe.

Although, I don't think confidence is a particular problem with anyone in this blog.

But then again - maybe I am lacking compassion here - but if one believes one is right, then one must have thought through their position. If one has thought through their position then that should GIVE them confidence. Lack of confidence comes from lack of thought and lack of practise in expressing. No one here has lack of practise in expressing.

Ankur said...

Youngblood, as much as I dislike violent ideation in speech, I do agree with you. Speech is not violence.

Eric said...


Why would you stoop to such a despicable level such as your boot-licking remark and jealous taunts?

You must be new here.

kent said...

This argument is so weak it's hard for me to believe you are offering it in good faith.

That's because he isn't, essentially.

It's a simple enough chain of events, really:

1.) He hops up and down, demanding we all vote, so that he can "tally." (@4:14)

2.) I say ante up a demonstration of good faith first, in the form of previous, contemporaneous postings clearly detailing his own condemnation, and that I'll be glad to play along, If and When. (@4:34)

3.) Given the choice of either demonstrating said good faith, or else simply drumming his heels on the linoleum: he has a good, old-fashioned online temper tantrum. (4:37, ad infinitum)

My initial offer still stands, if he's genuinely so desperately obsessed with knowing what, precisely, I think on the matter, and why...

... or: he can continue playing the staring, twitching Kathy Bates to my own Jimmy Caan.

[::shrugs::] Whatever. I sleep just as soundly tonight, either way.

test said...

It's so cute when leftists call for assassinations. It's not at all like Tea Partiers calling for less spending, which leads directly to violence and is thus properly shunned.

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