৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১১

U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot, along with at least 11 others, at a political event...

... in Tuscon.

UPDATE: Dead?  That's NPR (linked by Drudge). The NYT, updated 4 minutes ago, says her condition is unknown.

ADDED: Gabrielle Giffords was the member of Congress who had the honor of reading the First Amendment when the Constitution was read on the House floor January 6th. Video
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Peaceably to assemble.

AND: Linking to my post, Instapundit says:
And judging from the comments to this post, people are already trying to score political points. Well, they kind of telegraphed this strategy, didn’t they? Remember Bloomberg making a fool of himself by blaming the Times Square bombing on the Tea Party? How about waiting until we actually know something, this time? That’s likely to be soon enough.
Yes. Please.

২৯১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   291 এর 201 – থেকে 291
David বলেছেন...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The portion of the text of the Constitution read by Representative Giffords this week.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"what would stop you from planting a number of crazy things on the net pointing in any and all sorts of directions that you might want people to think?"


And this YouTube Channel was created just 4 months ago and had only 317 views ever before today.

Glenn Reynolds said they were looking for a moment like this. Obama's OKC: "They kind of telegraphed this strategy, didn’t they?"

Instapundit links to the Telegraph:


J বলেছেন...

Peter Pan........Mein Kampf

No surprise there. Jared, log cabin teabugger GOP, in da house. Whaddya care to wager a ...baptist as well

Ratteau বলেছেন...

Florida, that facebook page is about an hour old. You got suckered...

caplight বলেছেন...

Facebook page would indicate bat shit crazy of the left.

David বলেছেন...

Shooter's favorite books:

Mein Kampf
Communist Manifesto

Upset that US currency not backed by gold.
Last words on My Space: "Goodbye Friends."

The guy is deranged.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Fox is reporting that they think that any of the social media has been taken down, so anything that you see now is likely false.

caplight বলেছেন...

sorry if I got suckered. still think he's a nut job.that explains more than anything.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Sigh, the guy appears to be bat shit crazy ... "

The guy seems to have gone out of his way recently to make himself appear to be bat-shit crazy. Like people are paying attention to how the internet is being used to research them and everything they've ever written, uploaded, tweeted, etc.

This guy has very little internet footprint except for a very few things which makes him seem crazy and all that went up very very recently.

It's deliberate how little of an internet trail this kid has.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

J said...

re 2: 20:

as I said to some of the other teabuggers around here, Jay-boy--one, Im not a demo (nor a GOPer) and two, step in the ring, ya piece of seditionist white trash scheisse


You are a silly, ignorant liberal.

Now go sit in the corner and squeal about using deaths to further a political agenda you steaming pile of scum.

Unknown বলেছেন...

FWIW, this is off Ed Driscoll: (link here)

Update (1:25 PM PST): Blogger Bookworm Room on apparent YouTube page of the suspect:

Judging by his YouTube channel, choice (a), above (i.e., crazy) may be the correct identifier for Laughner. In the 1950s, he would have been talking about Martians and mind control. In the 1700s, he would have been concerned about witches and the devil. This video is more evidence of his profound reality disconnect. Also, from his YouTube site, check out some of the books that informed his reality (emphasis mine):

I had favorite books: Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver’s Travels, Mein Kampf

Lefty? Maybe. A very eclectic list, to be sure.

The people who couldn't wait to jump might want to start polishing up those retractions.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Eli Blake's Bush-deranged rantings can be found here where he advocates that America be a place where Republicans can't exist.

Hateful rhetoric indeed.


J বলেছেন...

We The Living

O M f-ing G. The ghost of Aynnie Rand might have had something to do with it. GO GALT....GO GALT...

Now, wait for another 100 post hoc ergo propter hoc errors from the AA crypto-Randians

নামহীন বলেছেন...

J said...

re 3:17

Not quite.
IM yr worst f-ng nightmare, Mikhael Teabugger.

Actually, you're barely literate and don't understand proper English grammar...

Michael বলেছেন...

J: How funny. Hipster nightmare man. Har.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Jay: and he doesnt understand it in Spanish nor does he understand hegel--He is a worthless piece of shit--but he did challenge me to mano a mano--if he pays for my airfare I might take him up on it.--

নামহীন বলেছেন...

President Obama just spoke. Basically hit the right notes. Bobbled a bit when he said that Rep. Giffords "was" a good friend of his, then switched to the present tense for the rest of his statement.

J বলেছেন...

re 3: 43: Put yr address up there, or show up in LA and say that to me, hijo de puta. Capichay, Jay " Larry Craig" byatch?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Democrat Marcos Moulitsas is memory-holing the "she's dead to me" rantings on his site, but people were smart enough to capture it before he airbrushed DailyKos:


TWM বলেছেন...

"This guy has very little internet footprint except for a very few things which makes him seem crazy and all that went up very very recently.

It's deliberate how little of an internet trail this kid has."

You fantasize about anything you want, but I'm going with the bat shit crazy theory until proven otherwise. Frankly, I'll be totally surprised if this is anything but a deeply disturbed young man who decided to make a statement and this event just coincided with his decision.

David বলেছেন...

The alleged shooter apparently is NOT:

A Republican
A Democrat
A liberal
A conservative
Sarah Palin
A fan of fiat currency
A Afgan War vet
A man with a job
A Christian
A Muslim
A believer in the Constitution

These facts may be disappointing to those who want to make a political point or one kind of another, but there they are.

(Nice and appropriate statement by Obama.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

but he did challenge me to mano a mano--if he pays for my airfare I might take him up on it.--


Roger J. বলেছেন...

So J man--your back making as ass of yourself--go dude.

J বলেছেন...

fuck you satanists.

How's that Jay n Mikhey stein?

You know who did this? Palin's best cronies at BloombergCo

নামহীন বলেছেন...

J said...

re 3: 43: Put yr address up there, or show up in LA and say that to me, hijo de puta.

I love that!

In a thread where leftists are maligning "conservatives" and "tea partiers" for their "violent" messages, you are trying to pick fights.

Again, you are a silly, ignorant liberal saying silly, ignorant things.

Now go sit in the corner and squeal about using deaths to further a political agenda you steaming pile of scum.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Bobbled a bit when he said that Rep. Giffords "was" a good friend of his ..."


She's alive for Christ sakes and recovering from surgery. A good friend would never have made this kind of a mistake.

He's making shit up again.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

fuck you satanists.

How's that Jay n Mikhey stein?

You know who did this? Palin's best cronies at BloombergCo

I thought the suspect was in custody ...!

Roger J. বলেছেন...

And J; pleaze: the word you were looking for was "capice"--it's Italian for "understand" in the third person--you got to get yourself a better translator program dude--you just look like a fucking idiot.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm going with the bat shit crazy theory until proven otherwise. Frankly, I'll be totally surprised if this is anything but a deeply disturbed young man who decided to make a statement and this event just coincided with his decision

I agree.

Based on what is being released about this deranged lunatic's facebook and you tube stuff, I doubt he was informed enough to know she was a member of Congress.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"This guy has very little internet footprint except for a very few things which makes him seem crazy and all that went up very very recently.

It's deliberate how little of an internet trail this kid has."

The most likely interpretation of that is that the time that he decided to start making crazy statements on the internet coincides roughly with the time that he either decided to stop taking his medications or his medications stopped working.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"The alleged shooter apparently is NOT: A Democrat"

Then why is Kos removing the damning hateful rhetoric from his site today?

Covering up is dispositive.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

What J is trying to say is son of a bitch in Spanish and having a bad time of it.

Synova বলেছেন...

"The people who couldn't wait to jump might want to start polishing up those retractions."

Retractions? In what universe?

The "most likely" scenario was always "complete nut case". Always. That several someone's decided to jump into agonized rendings of garments over the highly dangerous and violent and needs-to-be-silenced-so-that-we-may-be-safe political opposition isn't something that's going to be *retracted*.

That the portrayal of the opposition as deranged is, in itself, likely to promote violent solutions from the mentally unstable is carefully ignored. Scare-mongering over the threat of the very scary right-wing is entirely innocent of consequence.

And there will be no retractions.

J বলেছেন...

fuck you jew satanist


Michael বলেছেন...

J: My God, hipster dude, you curse in Spanish. Maybe you are a cruel narco come up hipster-like from Sinaloa, Los Mochis, to bring shame on yourself and the English language. My worst nightmare.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

J: slowly son: CAPICHE Italian, third person for "do you understand?"

Lets try the Hegel again, you did so well on that yesterday

you know--the dialectic and all that shit?

Does your mother know you arent taking your nap?

Michael বলেছেন...

J: Like that "stein" thrown in. I didn't notice before. Just like that, all hipster LA, all wishing for a place in the hills, all wishing for a Venice place. Nice people in great cars everywhere and there you are Mr. Badass, Captain Badass, Hipster badass. Smartest guy in town and totally ignored.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Look J: let me explain some basic Italian pronuciation--the "ci" and "ce" are soft (Chi and Che)--The CH in italian is hard: Like "K"\\
bruschetta is brusketta--

You are just such an idiot--lord son--this isnt hard. grow up

J বলেছেন...

What we do know is that such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free society.

Yes, that's correct Prez BO.

Nonetheless, f**k you, yids of AA

Roger J. বলেছেন...

J: you really are a piece of shit that cant even navigate wiki or translation programs--come on man--grow up--

J বলেছেন...

chinga tu madre, basura de zion

ca-pee-chay? eh, entiendes?

Roger J. বলেছেন...

and BTW J: the word is actually capice (no che spelling)

Michael বলেছেন...

J: Amigo!! You are an anti-semite as well as my worst nightmare? I see. Got the short hipster hair and the skinny hipster bank account and jeans. Got the fixie. Got the antisemitism. Smartest guy in the office. Worst pay. Ignored by the dumb bosses. The capitalists. The satanists. Amigo!!! Con los pobres de la tierra Quiero yo mi suerte echar

Mi peor pesadilla

Roger J. বলেছেন...

J: god son--you are a laugh a minute--really--you obviously dont do english very well, and your command of foreign languages is even more laughable--

really boy--isnt it time for your nap?

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

John McCain's statement:

“I am horrified by the violent attack on Representative Gabrielle Giffords and many other innocent people by a wicked person who has no sense of justice or compassion. I pray for Gabby and the other victims, and for the repose of the souls of the dead and comfort for their families. I beg our loving Creator to spare the lives of those who are still alive, heal them in body and spirit, and return them to their loved ones.

“Whoever did this; whatever their reason, they are a disgrace to Arizona, this country and the human race, and they deserve and will receive the contempt of all decent people and the strongest punishment of the law.”

Roger J. বলেছেন...

You know Drill: I was trying to deflect this thread by jerking one of my favorite assholes around--figured I might be able to reduce the bullshit--alas--not so.

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

AlphaLiberal : Parasite Ghoul

mishu বলেছেন...

Isn't it obvious that A.L. wants to kill Sarah Palin?

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...


It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"That several someone's decided to jump into agonized rendings of garments over the highly dangerous and violent and needs-to-be-silenced-so-that-we-may-be-safe political opposition isn't something that's going to be *retracted*."

Yes. I doubt very seriously that AlphaLiberal will retract his attempt to paint this deranged violence on Sarah Palin's opposition to Democrat Party candidates and policies.

Indeed, I think he will continue to use this crisis as a way of bludgeoning Republicans.

It's his job.

He's paid to do this by the Democrat Party.

So, it won't stop.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Synova said...

"The people who couldn't wait to jump might want to start polishing up those retractions."

Retractions? In what universe?

The "most likely" scenario was always "complete nut case". Always. That several someone's decided to jump into agonized rendings of garments over the highly dangerous and violent and needs-to-be-silenced-so-that-we-may-be-safe political opposition isn't something that's going to be *retracted*.

That the portrayal of the opposition as deranged is, in itself, likely to promote violent solutions from the mentally unstable is carefully ignored. Scare-mongering over the threat of the very scary right-wing is entirely innocent of consequence.

And there will be no retractions.

Maybe not, but there ought to be; I know there are several names on both sides who, if they want to question what I might say at some point in the future, will be reminded of this and how I think their ability to attack anyone else's point of view is severely compromised.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Marcos Moulitsas, owner of DailyKos, is blaming the shooting on Sarah Palin.

Here is his tweet:


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Marcos Moulitsas, owner of DailyKos and a leader in Democrat Party fundraising (notably for Harry Reid), blames the shooting on the "Fucking American Taliban."


নামহীন বলেছেন...

I was hoping that that good will and rationality would not be overwhelmed by trolls and extremists ... and I was wrong.

I do wish Althouse would reconsider her policy of not banning people.

DADvocate বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

My guess:

An assassin shoots at his target.

A whack-job shoots at his target and then follows it up with an indiscriminate killing spree.

So, I think the guy is probably a whack-job. After he hit Giffords he shot at everyone else standing there. That makes no sense except in the mental paradigm of crazy.

Blue Collar Todd বলেছেন...

The Daily Kos is blaming Sarah Palin.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

The only youtube video Loughner favorited? The burning of an American flag.


Doesn't sound like a Tea Partier to me.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I do wish Althouse would reconsider her policy of not banning people."

So, you don't believe people like Markos Moulitsas and AlphaLiberal should have the right to blame the shooting of a 9-year-old girl on Sarah Palin.

That these Democrats like Markos and AlphaLiberal should be banned from the internet and their speech rights curtailed?

I say let them speak.

Let people hear what they have to say.

People should know the types of scumbags who are running their country.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

he was a Blue Dog Democrat, for fuck's sake.

As other's have pointed out, you're a f**king idiot. Have you checked out Kos' missing post yet that Chief Mojo pointed out. The title to the post is "My CongressWOMAN voted agains Nancy Pelosi and is now DEAD to me. Wonder who that Congresswoman is. Oh! Gabrielle Giffords.

Reported favorite books from his youtube profile: Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha.

Hardly a right wing nut.

This will backfire on the teabuggers as well (assuming the perp is another pro-NRA, slack-jawed racist yokel, as appears to be the case).

So far looks like you're wrong, hater.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

A note from an Arizonan.

Gabby Giffords is highly respected by those on both sides of the aisle. Today's open meeting for constituent concerns is a prime example of how she's earned that admiration.

When I first heard of this (working this morning) my first and continued thoughts were/are:


As I've learned more about the shooter its clear there are serious mental issues. At this time I can feel fear and sadness regarding this individual. I'm glad he's in custody. I await more detail.

However, some of the comments from some of the commenters, theoretically from the left and right, are a brief glimpse of what I can at this time only describe as


In these moments Jeremiah 17 applies:

The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? (NLT)

Synova বলেছেন...

"Isn't it obvious that A.L. wants to kill Sarah Palin?"

This is the sort of disconnect I'm talking about where presenting Palin as a truly dangerous person *isn't* enabling violence, by the rules of liberals always being innocent.

It's not as if Alpha Liberal is original in this or the only left-wing blogger opening up their corner of the blog-universe to culture and nurture hatred toward Palin for saying something as perfectly ordinary as "lets target these congressional races." I'd like to know what language they consider acceptable then? Certainly not "in their faces", "punch back twice as hard", "they bring a knife, we bring a gun", or calls to "punish" your "enemies" by which definition and *in context* actually included Giffords, didn't it.

But nurturing that hatred, using this tragedy to cast blame on Palin as the murderer is what it comes down to, what is that? What is that, really, but justifying any attempt at "justice" that some bat-sh*t-crazy loon might direct her way?

That's the wonder and glory of having different standards for your own side vs. the opposition.

Because of course, AL doesn't want anything bad to happen to Palin. And intentions are more important than anything and the standard by which liberals remain innocent of truly wishing harm on anyone, no matter what they say, and conservatives are always guilty. No matter that it's "funny" to publish "hate-fuck" lists or make "jokes" about rape or movies about assassinating Bush or public hopes and wishes for regular folks who happen to work for the "other side" to die horribly of painful disease.

As it is, it makes me angry to understand that my reaction to the news that Giffords will likely live is tainted by the knowledge that her life will blunt the political opportunism of the left. Being glad of that makes me feel unclean.

AST বলেছেন...

I've been confused about this because there was another shooting in Chandler Arizona on Wednesday. That perp is a felon, now in custody after a shoot out with police.

This guy, Jared Loughner, seems to be "troubled," driven mad by education at the Pima Community College if the YouTube posts in his name are from the same guy.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Gabby Giffords is highly respected by those on both sides of the aisle.

I heard my Congresswoman, Jean Schmidt, speak about this on Fox News. Schmidt described Giffords as a close friend. Schmidt is a staunch conservative. That Schmidt described Giffords as a friend speaks volumes.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Because of course, AL doesn't want anything bad to happen to Palin. "

I see no evidence whatsoever to substantiate this opinion.

AlphaLiberal says many things to encourage wackos to hurt Sarah Palin because he wishes her serious physical harm.

I believe his hatred for her knows no bounds and that he would welcome her death.

R.L. Hunter বলেছেন...

lyssalovelyredhead said...

But if he was just crazy, then did he just get lucky with that many shots?

Try this. Pick an object in the room with you and look away from it. Then quickly turn and point at it.
Notice how your finger is pointed almost exactly right at it?
Now imagine doing it with a gun in your hand.
It's called snap shooting, granted you're not going to win any gold medals at a shooting match doing it, but the chances of someone with little or no experience using a gun hitting or killing someone at close range (25-30ft.) are damn good.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...

Hey, Ann (and I pointedly refused to assign blame until I knew more in the first post I put up here, especially since Representative Giffords is a friend of mine):

You are just as guilty, in jumping to the conclusion that because the lone shooter was a nut (what lone shooter isn't?) that therefore this exonerates others. It does not, if others pushed and pushed with the rhetoric until he went over the edge. Looking at his you tube site seems to suggest this may well be the case.

The last video (in fact, entitled "My Final Thoughts: Jared Lee Lougher") is avialable here

At the 3:08 mark we have the following:

"The majority of Citizens in the United States of America have never read the United States of America's Constitution.

You don't have to accept the federalist laws.

Nonetheless read the United States of America's Constitution to apprehend all of the current treasonous laws.

Are you literate, listener?"

That is followed until the end of the video with some more anti-government ramblings, most of them talking about seizure of property and revolution and return to gold back currency and government control of grammar and the like.

Do I believe that Jared Loughner is a nut? yes.

Did I believe that Michael Griffin, Paul Hill, John Salvi, Timothy McVeigh, Eric Robert Rudolph, James Kopp, Jim David Adkisson, Thomas DeStories, James von Brunn and Scott Roeder were all nuts?

Yes I do. But a nut can be stirred up to violence by someone else's rhetoric. All of the preceding were, and what Loughner writes at the end of his video sounds disturbingly like the rhetoric we are hearing right now, and it's coming from the right.

The good news is that Loughner lived, so we will have a lot of opportunity to examine his motivation.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

Over at DU there are calls all over the place for the immediate arrest of S. Palin as an "accessory to murder." The foam and spittle level is high & rising...

Synova বলেছেন...

"The foam and spittle level is high & rising..."

It's DU.

How can anyone tell the difference?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I do wish Althouse would reconsider her policy of not banning people."

So, you don't believe people like Markos Moulitsas and AlphaLiberal should have the right to blame the shooting of a 9-year-old girl on Sarah Palin.

That these Democrats like Markos and AlphaLiberal should be banned from the internet and their speech rights curtailed?

Please try not to be an idiot. Ann Althouse's blog is not "the Internet," and she has every right to ban offensive people from commenting here if she wants to, just as she has a right to ban you from her house if you walk in the front door and crap on her living room carpet.

This is why so many people think you're a moby. If they're right, and this is the sort of thing that turns you on, get medical help.

If they're wrong, and you're sincere and functioning to the best of your capacity, get medical help.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

but the chances of someone with little or no experience using a gun hitting or killing someone at close range (25-30ft.) are damn good.

Once, sure, but multiple times? I'm certainly not any kind of shooting expert, but simply compared to other cases where nuts have opened fire into crowds, it seems like this fellow was amazingly successful.

Synova বলেছেন...

One of the earlier reports said that he was only four feet from Giffords. Other times someone went on a shooting spree they shot from a distance. Even across a room is farther than that. It sounded a bit like this fellow was standing right *inside* the crowd of people he was shooting at. It would be hard to miss and even a small caliber might pass through more than one victim.

Not that totally freaky-weird gun accuracy hasn't been known to happen, there was that guy who escaped from a courthouse in the South (the one where the Christian lady bought him drugs and talked him into surrendering) and he managed to kill every single person with a single gunshot to the head, without aiming, apparently. But that's one of those things that count as "freak event of nature" since not even extensive practice and ability would get the same result.

Mwalimu Daudi বলেছেন...

I do wish Althouse would reconsider her policy of not banning people.

On the other hand ... knowing what folks like AL are thinking is useful if a free society is to remain free. Same with the genocidal maniacs who run the AP, the DU, and DailyKos. It may not be exactly pleasant to slog through their unstable ravings and crackpot conspiracy theories, but we need to know what the present-day Hitlers, Stalins, and bin Ladens of the world are up to.

Christy বলেছেন...

Terrible, terrible, terrible.

What will this do to the willingness of Congress Critters to have open meetings with constituents?

Eli Blake বলেছেন...

Some of you who are now jumping to conclusions may want to wait too.

Even a nut has a motivation and since he's in custody we will have time to learn what it is.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

On the other hand ... knowing what folks like AL are thinking is useful if a free society is to remain free. Same with the genocidal maniacs who run the AP, the DU, and DailyKos. It may not be exactly pleasant to slog through their unstable ravings and crackpot conspiracy theories, but we need to know what the present-day Hitlers, Stalins, and bin Ladens of the world are up to.

True ... But is that what they're thinking? I'm fairly confident that at least two of the people who have posted in this comment thread are mobys.

And then there's "J" and/or "Jeremy," who seem to revel in simply being loathsome and obnoxious.

At any rate, it isn't as if the sincere ones lack other venues in which to reveal their beliefs and unattractive personalities to the world. To find out what the clever folks at Democratic Underground and DailyKos believe, one need only go read their postings on their own sites.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...


I was at the Safeway(!) in Holbrook on August 7, 2009 when then congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick was being jostled by an unruly crowd and left because of concerns about her security.

The GOP had cynically sent professional photographers to the event and ran a commercial against her in this past fall's campaign saying she had 'walked out on her constituents.'

algie বলেছেন...

AlphaLiberal said

Can we please drop the hysteria now? All the "reload," drawing targets on people, describing opponents as traitors, all of it
that we've heard for years.

Just STFU already.

There are fragile minds and hateful minds out there, damn it. Show some responsibility.

and algie replied

When you're giving others advice
not taking your own isn't nice
You just have no class
So shut up you ASS
And cease your shov'ling of scheiss

Illegitimi nOn carborundum

PaulV বলেছেন...

Sad that some of the commentators on this site are as loony as the gunman and express their hate against innocent people. By the way the gunman was not a vet, had merely applied to get into service. Likely rejected

Penny বলেছেন...

"Crazy" isn't illegal.

Dan বলেছেন...

"Who is next? Her office has been receiving threats of violence for some time."

Mmm. And you're thinking that people of other political persuasions DON'T get death threats? If so, on what do you base your conclusion?

"Chef Mojo, fuck yourself. Fuck yourself. Sarah Palin drew crosshairs on her, the right wing and Republican Party has been stoking rage in this country for a long time."

Yeah, you're right. They've been cranking out novels and plays fantasizing about the assassinations of presidents and equating the president with hitler and...oh, wait...

"Political motivation is the most plausible explanation, asshole. You're arguing this is some random grocery store shootup?"

And you're basing your immediate conclusions on exactly what?

"And you will deny it, make apologies as has happened in all the previous political murders."

Well, granted, I've been sick all day and don't feel well at all, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a single proven political murder in a long time, at least in this country.

"Who is next?"

Who knows? The point is that some asshat took it on himself to try to use not only monstrous but stupid, counterproductive and useless means to effect political change.

The only way this makes sense is if the perp is a radical anti-gun nut who is trying (again stupidly, counterproductively and uselessly) to debase our 2nd amendment rights. Probably out of despair that at LONG LAST some of the courts have finally started to rule on gun issues with some sanity.

The worst part about this post is the comments. Abusive both ways, with a lot of really nasty stuff I could have done without even if I was feeling well. I lost some political respect for Anne when she came out for Obama in the '08 campaign (really, a vote for the Libertarian party would have been far better, and that's saying something), but continued to read her. Hey, you don't just stop reading someone because they disagree with you. But sometimes the comments are a bit hard to take, especially when it seems that they're supposed to be coming from so-called "educated" people.

No more. Sorry, Anne, maybe I'll wander back in from time to time and scan things to see if it's improved, but there are much better blogs out there for the kind of discussion I'd prefer to see. I've always found you to be respectful of other points of view and a decent writer with a flair for the humorous and unexpected, but it's passed my point of tolerance.

Dan বলেছেন...

"Who is next? Her office has been receiving threats of violence for some time."

Mmm. And you're thinking that people of other political persuasions DON'T get death threats? If so, on what do you base your conclusion?

"Chef Mojo, fuck yourself. Fuck yourself. Sarah Palin drew crosshairs on her, the right wing and Republican Party has been stoking rage in this country for a long time."

Yeah, you're right. They've been cranking out novels and plays fantasizing about the assassinations of presidents and equating the president with hitler and...oh, wait...

"Political motivation is the most plausible explanation, asshole. You're arguing this is some random grocery store shootup?"

And you're basing your immediate conclusions on exactly what?

"And you will deny it, make apologies as has happened in all the previous political murders."

Well, granted, I've been sick all day and don't feel well at all, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a single proven political murder in a long time, at least in this country.

"Who is next?"

Who knows? The point is that some asshat took it on himself to try to use not only monstrous but stupid, counterproductive and useless means to effect political change.

The only way this makes sense is if the perp is a radical anti-gun nut who is trying (again stupidly, counterproductively and uselessly) to debase our 2nd amendment rights. Probably out of despair that at LONG LAST some of the courts have finally started to rule on gun issues with some sanity.

The worst part about this post is the comments. Abusive both ways, with a lot of really nasty stuff I could have done without even if I was feeling well. I lost some political respect for Anne when she came out for Obama in the '08 campaign (really, a vote for the Libertarian party would have been far better, and that's saying something), but continued to read her. Hey, you don't just stop reading someone because they disagree with you. But sometimes the comments are a bit hard to take, especially when it seems that they're supposed to be coming from so-called "educated" people.

No more. Sorry, Anne, maybe I'll wander back in from time to time and scan things to see if it's improved, but there are much better blogs out there for the kind of discussion I'd prefer to see. I've always found you to be respectful of other points of view and a decent writer with a flair for the humorous and unexpected, but it's passed my point of tolerance.

Dan বলেছেন...

"Who is next? Her office has been receiving threats of violence for some time."

Mmm. And you're thinking that people of other political persuasions DON'T get death threats? If so, on what do you base your conclusion?

"Chef Mojo, fuck yourself. Fuck yourself. Sarah Palin drew crosshairs on her, the right wing and Republican Party has been stoking rage in this country for a long time."

Yeah, you're right. They've been cranking out novels and plays fantasizing about the assassinations of presidents and equating the president with hitler and...oh, wait...

"Political motivation is the most plausible explanation, asshole. You're arguing this is some random grocery store shootup?"

And you're basing your immediate conclusions on exactly what?

"And you will deny it, make apologies as has happened in all the previous political murders."

Well, granted, I've been sick all day and don't feel well at all, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a single proven political murder in a long time, at least in this country.

"Who is next?"

Who knows? The point is that some asshat took it on himself to try to use not only monstrous but stupid, counterproductive and useless means to effect political change.

The only way this makes sense is if the perp is a radical anti-gun nut who is trying (again stupidly, counterproductively and uselessly) to debase our 2nd amendment rights. Probably out of despair that at LONG LAST some of the courts have finally started to rule on gun issues with some sanity.

The worst part about this post is the comments. Abusive both ways, with a lot of really nasty stuff I could have done without even if I was feeling well. I lost some political respect for Anne when she came out for Obama in the '08 campaign (really, a vote for the Libertarian party would have been far better, and that's saying something), but continued to read her. Hey, you don't just stop reading someone because they disagree with you. But sometimes the comments are a bit hard to take, especially when it seems that they're supposed to be coming from so-called "educated" people.

No more. Sorry, Anne, maybe I'll wander back in from time to time and scan things to see if it's improved, but there are much better blogs out there for the kind of discussion I'd prefer to see. I've always found you to be respectful of other points of view and a decent writer with a flair for the humorous and unexpected, but it's passed my point of tolerance.

Dan বলেছেন...

"Who is next? Her office has been receiving threats of violence for some time."

Mmm. And you're thinking that people of other political persuasions DON'T get death threats? If so, on what do you base your conclusion?

"Chef Mojo, fuck yourself. Fuck yourself. Sarah Palin drew crosshairs on her, the right wing and Republican Party has been stoking rage in this country for a long time."

Yeah, you're right. They've been cranking out novels and plays fantasizing about the assassinations of presidents and equating the president with hitler and...oh, wait...

"Political motivation is the most plausible explanation, asshole. You're arguing this is some random grocery store shootup?"

And you're basing your immediate conclusions on exactly what?

"And you will deny it, make apologies as has happened in all the previous political murders."

Well, granted, I've been sick all day and don't feel well at all, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a single proven political murder in a long time, at least in this country.

"Who is next?"

Who knows? The point is that some asshat took it on himself to try to use not only monstrous but stupid, counterproductive and useless means to effect political change.

The only way this makes sense is if the perp is a radical anti-gun nut who is trying (again stupidly, counterproductively and uselessly) to debase our 2nd amendment rights. Probably out of despair that at LONG LAST some of the courts have finally started to rule on gun issues with some sanity.

The worst part about this post is the comments. Abusive both ways, with a lot of really nasty stuff I could have done without even if I was feeling well. I lost some political respect for Anne when she came out for Obama in the '08 campaign (really, a vote for the Libertarian party would have been far better, and that's saying something), but continued to read her. Hey, you don't just stop reading someone because they disagree with you. But sometimes the comments are a bit hard to take, especially when it seems that they're supposed to be coming from so-called "educated" people.

No more. Sorry, Anne, maybe I'll wander back in from time to time and scan things to see if it's improved, but there are much better blogs out there for the kind of discussion I'd prefer to see. I've always found you to be respectful of other points of view and a decent writer with a flair for the humorous and unexpected, but it's passed my point of tolerance.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The juvenile left is making its usual mistake, blaming Limbaugh, Palin, the Tea Paty etc.

Moderate independents, of course, are not swayed by such silly tactics and blame games. And who wants to associate themselves with people making wildly absurd, irresponsible accusations?

And more independents are driven to the right by the desperation of the left.

Truth always, inexorably wins. It is written into the fabric of the universe. 2+2 will never equal 5. The world is constantly, slowly, imperceptibly swirling toward truth. It's why the middle ages ended and the enlightenment arose. It's why the Soviet Union collapsed and the Chinese are now avowed capitalists.

Alex বলেছেন...

Moderate independents, of course, are not swayed by such silly tactics and blame games. And who wants to associate themselves with people making wildly absurd, irresponsible accusations?

How do you know they will not be swayed by 24/7 MSM storm of blaming Palin, Beck, Limbaugh?

Alex বলেছেন...

Lefties never let a crisis go to waste.

Alex বলেছেন...

The consensus on the lefty blogs is Sarah Palin is 100% culpable.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

FWIW: Certain inevitability, an opening salvo.

Enter: Competing factions, the FBI vs. those behind the shooter. They both want a "lone" gunman, especially the FBI. But it won't be so easy, not when the bullets are flying.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Even a nut has a motivation and since he's in custody we will have time to learn what it is.

Yes, but it's irrelevant. Why should we care what his irrational motivation is other than for curiosity's sake?

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