January 24, 2011

"Somewhere in Hell, your hero, Richard M. Nixon, is laughing his ass off at you."

That's the subject line on email just sent to me and other bloggers to inform us of an article in a left-wing newspapers about the how right-wing bloggers dealt with the Hu Jintao visit to the White House.


SteveR said...

"your hero" Assume much?

coketown said...

Does...does the body of the e-mail follow? Or a link to the left-wing newspapers' article?

And I'm fairly certain Nixon would be laughing with us, not at us, at the circus that was the Jintao visit.

TMink said...

Nixon was a big government moderate so I guess it is the Republicans and not the conservatives who are the target.


Palladian said...

Hell is my hero? Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a dubious achievement to me.

X said...

so Nixon, who's so evil he's in Hell, and the emailer both agree that you're doing it wrong.

The Drill SGT said...

Nixon was a lot smarter on China than anybody since.

and yes, he was a crook, etc....

He was still good (and tough) on China

ricpic said...

Right, I see, so according to the lefties Nixon reached out to China because he finally saw the light and embraced the wisdom of Mao, i.e. the lefty creed. Not surprising, given that what Nixon was engaged in, realpolitik, is utterly beyond those programmed primitives.

Anonymous said...

"Somewhere in Hell, your hero, Richard M. Nixon, is laughing his ass off at you."

What do they mean "somewhere?"

We know precisely where in Hell Richard M. Nixon is. He's sitting just to the right of Satan.


Anonymous said...

Typical lefty attempt at logic.

The enemy of my enemy is my....no, that's not it. Wait!

Um, the friend of my enemy is my enemy's frien......no, that's not it either.

The enemy of my enemy's friend is my ...

Or is it the friend of my enemy's enemy's friend..

(Ah, the challenges for those who only focus on people and parties and not principals.)

Cedarford said...

1. Nixon was a patriot and did a lot of good things in his life. So if you believe in a Heaven-Hell-Purgatory system, Nixon likely did a few years in Purgatory. Then went to Heaven. Where he is proving useful, but God is keeping an eye on him.

2. Right now, Teddy Kennedy is in Purgatory, facing a longer stretch than Nixon did. His punishment is throwing slutty women into a deep vat of ice-cold scotch whiskey his lips are sewn up so he cannot drink a drop of - then having to dive in and rescue each one. And he can't fuck any of the women he rescued.
He is upset that he will be there longer than Nixon.

3. Nixon just normalized relations with China. He didn't sell out the American worker. That started with Reaganites boosting Free Trade with China, enthusiastically latched onto by the Bushies and Clinton and their Wall Street patrons under the names "New World Order" and "Globalism".

Paul Brinkley said...

Fucking Oxford comma...

Oh wait, I read that as "somewhere in Hell, your hero, and Richard M. Nixon is laughing his ass off at you."

...fucking Oxford comma...

Cedarford said...

Nixon gets taunting messages from Mao and Chou En-Lai, both roasting in hell, crowing at what Nixon's far stupider successors did.

"We own your country now! Our pal down here Chiang Kai-Shek agrees!"

Triangle Man said...

...fucking Oxford comma...

I don't think that means what you think it means. The Oxford comma comes before a conjunction.

Paul Brinkley said...

Read what I said.

coketown said...

My favorite example of the virtues of the serial (Oxford comma) is: "I'd like to thank my parents, God and Golda Mier."

Sigivald said...

Seriously, what SteveR said.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a "right-wing blogger" be very fond of President Nixon.

He's not a "hero" to The Right, as far as I can tell.

I can't imagine why not, what with the EPA, price controls, and criminal skulduggery.

Actually, at this point I'm not sure why the Left isn't embracing him.

PaulV said...

The Chinese realized that USSR was using Chinese blood in encouraging attacks on South Korea but was billing China for weapons it sold China. That enabled Nixon to reach to Chinese. I think Lang Lang did not get the joke. It was USSR joke on Chinese.

WV: lashead Lash your head to communist millstone

KCFleming said...

The addition of 'your hero' throws the whole thing off course, and fast approaching the shoals of meaninglessness.

That is, written by an academic.

Trooper York said...

Everybody knows that Nixon is not in Hell.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Nixon, to the chagrin of many on the Right AND the Left, is/was NOT a “Conservative.” Just because Ted Kennedy despised you doesn’t make you a Conservative or the fact that you’re NOT George McGovern does NOT make you a “Conservative.” Too many people, left and Right, seem to think of Nixon as Conservative because of his “enemies” list.

Naomi said...

Actually, at this point I'm not sure why the Left isn't embracing him.

I wondered that as well Sigivald. I'm currently reading Whittaker Chamber's book Witness and apparently Nixon was very involved in the unmasking and prosecution of Alger Hiss. That may be enough for the Left to never forgive someone who otherwise gave them a great framework to further their goals.

AllenS said...

When I die, I'll have to go to Purgatory. I should be out in 2 to 5 years.

madAsHell said...

You're a right wing blogger?

Who knew?

The Crack Emcee said...

Yea, the "your hero" bit threw the whole thing off, and showed the writer doesn't know what he's talking about.

We may have some sympathy for Nixon - some - but "Tricky Dick" is nobody's "hero".

Speaking of Tricky Dicks, isn't Clinton theirs?

DADvocate said...

Richard Nixon - the man who convinced me not to vote Republican for 30 years.

Rumpletweezer said...

When I was a young liberal I despised Nixon--Watergate and Vietnam. When I became a middle-aged conservative/libertarian I continued to despise Nixon--EPA, wage and price controls, national speed limit. Nixon was the perfect President. There was something about him for everyone to hate.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

You too, Rumpletweezer, Nixon steps on everyone one of the pigeon-holes into which I put myself.

AllenS said...

I turned conservative in 1973. I always thought that Nixon got a raw deal.

Anonymous said...

As a liberal, conservatives hold me responsible for Hitler, Stalin, Mao-- just for starters. Anytime anywhere someone on the "left"-- Ward Churchill, Michael Moore, any actor, anyone foreign or brown-- says anything, it is automatically attributable to me, a liberal.

Actually, some of the people here are so dumb they actually repeat the logical error of the post by talking about how all the left thinks the right holds Nixon to be a hero.

What about the vaunted con belief in individual responsibility?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Actually, some of the people here are so dumb they actually repeat the logical error of the post by talking about how all the left thinks the right holds Nixon to be a hero.

You guys don’t think we think Nixon is a Righty, you don’t think Nixon is a Righty? I’m stoopit and confused, please illuminate your posting.

Salamandyr said...


Right this moment, you're doing the exact thing you accuse "conservatives" of doing.

traditionalguy said...

Nixon was a realist. And China is Gulliver among the world of Lilliputians. Our military makes up the gap, so far. But Obama can defund our military like a slow cooked frog.

Unknown said...

Nixon did some bad things (Watergate coverup) and he did some dumb things (wage-price controls), but he was a hard-core anti-Communist. He went to China to stymie the Soviets.

Wherever he is, I'm willing to be he isn't laughing. He's telling everyone what a spineless idiot The Zero is.

Unknown said...

That should be willing to bet, not be

Known Unknown said...

Paul Brinkley:

Oxford Comma, indeed.

Irene said...

Palladian said, "Hell is my hero? Who knew?"


Ralph L said...

Nixon just normalized relations with China
He could have done that without disgustingly yukking it up with Mao and Chou. At least he didn't kiss the Commies, like JC did.

the wolf said...

If nothing else, it's refreshing to see Bush is not the only former GOP president invoked by the dingbats.

Mitch H. said...

It would be interesting to find an actual non-ironic hero-worshiper of Richard Nixon. I'd have to ask my parents, I think they were Nixon voters, but I've never heard them say a single thing in his favor.

Maybe some of the original NeoCons? A lot of them are dead. Maybe Rumsfeld? Is that ex-Plumber who had his own radio show still on the air?

The thing is, Nixon was politically pretty far to the left, albeit not as far as the Scrantons and Rockefellers and Lindsays that he despised. He wasn't a "movement" conservative, he wasn't a neocon, he wasn't a Bircher or Buckleyite or anything else. He was an opportunist who built uneasy coalitions of people, who generally had no real love for him as an icon.

His big thing was foreign policy - anti-Communism, and diplomatic realism. That became a dead, academic argument after the end of the Cold War, but his later-years association with realpolitik and detente radically alienated a lot of ideologically-motivated people on the right.

Maybe Pat Buchanan?

And apparently Cedarford...

coketown said...

Rule #72 (also the oldest rule in the book): Anyone mentioning Vampire Weekend in the context of serial commas is implored to voluntarily surrender their testicles, since they are quite obviously not using them.

traditionalguy said...

Mitch H...Nixon was such an easy to hate Ogre for his getting us into Viet Nam with no plan to win. Thank God the Democrats ended the draft and got us out of illegal Nixon's Viet Nam disaster....wait, wait , I got that backwards. And Nixon let Israel be wiped out in 1973's sneak attack by Egypt and Syria, as Kissinger told him too...Wait, wait, I got that backwards too. But it is still well known that Nixon the Knife was the baddest man in the whole mean town.

Chennaul said...

Big difference entre then and now-

Cold War.

End of discussion.

Ralph L said...

People lined up for his funeral in the rain, to the astonishment of the press.

ampersand said...

We know precisely where in Hell Richard M. Nixon is. He's sitting just to the right of Satan.

He'll have to skootch over when Hillary finally makes it down.

Cedarford said...

Mitch H. said...
It would be interesting to find an actual non-ironic hero-worshiper of Richard Nixon. I'd have to ask my parents, I think they were Nixon voters, but I've never heard them say a single thing in his favor.
More people voted for Richard Nixon than any other American poitician in his career.

Nixon is like Harry Truman - a near great President but someone afflicted with personal faults and a few notoriously bad calls. (Truman thinking he could bully the steel and coal miners post-WWII, Nixon for wage and price controls)

It was 40 years before people thought it was "OK" to praise the loathed "petty little man" Harry Truman in polite circles. Nixon appears to be on roughly the same schedule.

My prediction: JFK and Reagan go down in reputation historically over time. (Reagan for free trade and supply side economics causing long-term damage to America and it's standard of living.) Nixon, Eisenhower, and GH Bush going up.

Carter and Bush II stuck in the pits, no change.

virgil xenophon said...

I voted for Nixon and considered the Republic saved the night/wee hours of the am he was elected in '68. compared to what could have been. Nixon was a cold-war warrior and anti-communist first and foremost and all his other domestic moves were merely a sop to the left to prevent de-funding of the Pentagon budget by a truculent democrat-controlled leftist Congress FULLY willing and capable of doing so out of pique, if for no other reason. First things first. One couldn't very well deal with paring back the "Great Society" if America succumbed to the Soviets in the interim. A simple matter of priorities...

gadfly said...

Did Tricky Dick bow to Chairman Mao?

Chip Ahoy said...

How provocatively idiotic.

Here, I wanna play too.

I'm surprised the emailer could make out Nixon over their own hero, Margaret Sanger's side-splitting laughter, cracking up over the story out of Philadelphia about their other hero soon to join them across the Styx, Dr. Gosnell.

Revenant said...

Nixon did some bad things (Watergate coverup) and he did some dumb things (wage-price controls), but he was a hard-core anti-Communist.

He talked a good game. In words and deeds, though, he did more to socialize America at home, and pacify Communists abroad, than any US President of the last 65 years.

The nicest thing you can say about him is that McGovern would have been worse.

Methadras said...

Why would Nixon be in hell laughing? It isn't a cheery place.

Man and Van said...

man and van great thing

Ralph L said...

Man, try the Rahm thread.

PaulV said...

Leftists hate Nixon because he refused to lose the Viet Nam War.\So they kicked him out and defunded SVN military which fell to a massive blitzkrieg to a NVN invasion. Millions sufferred in SVN and more millions died in Cambodia.
Leftists hate Bush because he used the surge to win in Iraq. Only because of the threat of AQ, Ds could not cut and run like they wanted to.
The Right did not carte for Nixon's progressive policies and the Tea Party grew out of Pork Busters because W allowed ReidPelosi Congress to over spend.

Phil 314 said...

In the spirit of civility I give you this.

Well that didn't work out so well but as Dante suggested:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

(PS I didn't vote for him, too young)

Phil 314 said...

And who can forget this wonderful sentiment seen in 1973 and beyond.

Its lonely on the moral high ground

Eric said...

Hard to imagine the last president to impose wage and price controls would be a hero of conservatives.

Well, lefties get pretty much everything wrong.so why would this be any different?

Unknown said...

Earned Income Tax Credit.End of draft. Israel support .China trip. Good
Extending medicare, medicaid and food coupons ( passed to certain extent).Safety net for the really needed
Ended Vietnam war after taking the offensive for the first time
Wrongs :Epa, caffe, price regulation , abortion, Roe vs Wade,endangered species act. Salt. Distention . Prepared the bed for Carter. Watergate
All that happened in his term

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

So I guess James Buchanan is the hero of the Democratic party?

Nixon lost the war, instituted price controls, and appeased a genocidal dictatorship. There's really nothing heroic even without Watergate.

Fen said...

Typical libtard appeal to conformity.

We get it here all the time by the drive by trolls, as if they could shame us with their assertion that "the world is laughing at you".

Chris said...

40 years later and they're still going on about Nixon?

tim maguire said...

Well, if you can laugh your ass off in Hell, how bad can it be?

What about the email? I'd probably only read the article if it's short or includes graphic sex scenes, but that subject line suggests a hilarious email.

virgil xenophon said...

SALT was necessary because, from where Nixon & Kissinger stood AT THAT TIME, they were looking at a democrat-controlled pacifist Congress as far as the eye could see into the future determined to de-fund the DOD budget to the point of the functional equivalent of unilateral dis-armament--awaiting only another Democrat in the WH to make it happen. Far better to lock in rough parity while the getting was good; hence SALT. Nixon was getting the best-deal possible from a position of shaky temp American strength, because, "apres moi, le deluge."

rcocean said...

Nixon was never a conservative and regarded Reagan and Goldwater as "Right wing nuts". But however moderate (or indifferent) he was on Domestic policy he was a patriot and anti-communist. Therefore, to the left, he was "Right-wing". They hated him for Hiss and supporting Joe McCarthy and "The Pink Lady" and they never let up.

Their hatred was also based on class - just like Palin. Nixon was a square, a middle-class schmo who went to all the "wrong" colleges.

Nixon, of course, was never really the liberal nightmare, the petite bourgeois from the hinterlands. Nixon WANTED to go Harvard, he WANTED the elites to like him. He considered himself a Wilsonian Internationalist with a realistic streak.

Not a Reagan and certainly not a Wallace or Buchanan.

pavlova8 said...

Quayle learn to spell principal is the person - principle, is what I believe you meant to write! lol

pavlova8 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
madAsHell said...

Nixon is like Obama.
They both were used to sell newspapers.
They are both a fallacy of the editorial page....which is somewhere under the banner.

Although, McGovern was a complete f**king idiot. Nixon not so much.

Obama?...not as bright as Nixon.

jamboree said...

Am I the only one who doesn't care that some guy was a snarky ass at a White House dinner?

Reverse the situation - some dickwad is invited to China to perform and musically moons them, but they don't know because they don't speak the language.

Who's the jackass in that scenario?

Please...one of the worst things to adopt is other countries' culture of "humiliation gamesmanship. Muslim countries are big on it too - that's one of my favorite things about Christian/Western Culture - how BAD we are at that - I would say "innocent" of it.

Fen said...

Knowing what we do now about MSM tricks like the CBS memo-hoax, I'm thinking that everything before that needs to be tossed out, revisited and rewritten.

I don't trust the MSM's version of history pre-Free Republic.

Anonymous said...

Coketown wins the thread...twice!

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