January 27, 2011

"His theme last night was wtf, winning the future," said Sarah Palin.

"I thought, okay, that acronym — spot on. There were a lot of wtf moments throughout that speech."

Watch your acronyms, people. Or the saucy ex-governor will watch them for you.


Pastafarian said...

"Saucy." Interesting choice, Althouse.

Anonymous said...

And liberals say she is stupid. LOL

Someone soon should be selling WTF t-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers with Barry's picture.

Unknown said...

When I saw that, I loved it. Very sharp lady.

And, as I said, it looks like Winning The Future may turn into The Zero's WIN button.

Scott M said...

Wasn't Win The Future ripped off from Reagan anyway?

AllenS said...

What's the fuss?

Unknown said...

Earn up to $80 / day by working only 5 minutes / day!
Don't believe? Try by yourself: http://www.vcbux.com/?r=BetaFlasher

Jon said...

Wasn't Win The Future ripped off from Reagan anyway?

No, Gingrich.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Someone soon should be selling WTF t-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers with Barry's picture.


Scott M said...

Ah...you are correct, sir.

DaveW said...

This is pretty funny stuff. Palin is dangerous to Obama. She has the ability to communicate on a level that reaches normal people (sound bites) and she's smart in the way she communicates.

She should be an asset in the next campaign whether she runs and wins the nomination or not.

C R Krieger said...

She was making good points, but it seems a little course for her.  And besides, isn't it WTFO, as in "What ... ..., Over?"

It is an acronym, or sort of, so can't we afford to spend the money for the fourth letter?

Regards  —  Cliff

holdfast said...

Wisconsin Tourism Federation?

Scott M said...

@CR Krieger

Speaking as a gamer, "wtf" is far, far more common than "wfto". If you want proof, simply go into any multiplayer shooter and start blowing away your teammates.

You'll see plenty of "WTF!!!!" just before they kick you off the server.

Anonymous said...

"Speaking as a gamer, "wtf" is far, far more common than "wfto". If you want proof, simply go into any multiplayer shooter and start blowing away your teammates.

You'll see plenty of "WTF!!!!" just before they kick you off the server."

Hey, man, I swear it was just my mouse messing up - didn't mean to shoot all you guys . . .

Scott M said...

My personal favorite is the guy that walks in front of me while I'm firing, then blaming me. You can't fix stupid. I tend to play the less forgiving shooters, though, which through sheer difficulty keep most of the kiddies away.

garage mahal said...

And liberals say she is stupid. LOL

In that interview Palin said the Soviet Union won the space race.

Anyone else think Palin looked a little older, a tad more wrinkled? Not good for a spokesmodel.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hey, man, I swear it was just my mouse messing up - didn't mean to shoot all you guys . . .

Leeeeeroy Jenkins!!!



I'm Full of Soup said...

I am having tee-shirts made that say:

Win the Future

prairie wind said...

Acronym means a word formed from the initial letters. "WTF" is, more accurately, an abbreviation. "SNAFU" and "FUBAR" are acronyms. Not surprisingly, they are just as applicable to the Obama administration as WTF is.

MayBee said...

She was making good points, but it seems a little course for her.

Joe Biden and Rahm Emmanuel made "coarse" the new cool.

And I've never heard WTFO. WTF? is everywhere.

Scott M said...

In that interview Palin said the Soviet Union won the space race.

In a marathon sense, she's sort of right. Who's renting space on who's rockets these days to get people into orbit, garage?

Scott M said...

Leeeeeroy Jenkins!!!


Gabriel Hanna said...

@Scott M:

I tend to play the less forgiving shooters, though...

I just play Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Phil 314 said...

Too clever by half.

It's not consistent with her base, conservative, value-voter (read: conservative Christian)

And that's indicative of "problem" she keeps getting into. Being clever and "smart" may work with those who already love her and those who love to tweek the opposition but it does little for her attempts to appear "presidential".

She has, however, repeatedly demonstrated her bone fides as a Fox contributor.

Anonymous said...

"In that interview Palin said the Soviet Union won the space race."

She's right, or wrong, depending on how one defines "space race."

The Germans put the first man-made object in space in 1942 (V-2 rocket).

The Russians put the first orbital man-made object in space - Barry's wonderful Sputknik. They put the first man in space, and they also put the first woman in space.

We, of course, put the first man on the moon. And then we wasted a crapload of time on a moronic space taxi.

So adding up, it seems Russia is ahead on space race events.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Scott: "I tend to play the less forgiving shooters, though..."

Which ones? I'm so bored with WoW

I'm trying out EVE right now.

traditionalguy said...

Sarah takes Obama on one on one every day. The Seven Dwarves being white men believe that they must always be polite to a black man. WTF? What about being polite to a white woman in an interracial marriage who has raised with 4 kids? The Big Men in the Big GOP never hesitate over busting Sarah's balls. I guess Sarah is guilty of being a woman in public. Palin and Cain sounds like a ticket that will beat Obama and his Media Whore Hordes.

Anonymous said...

Oops, "Sputnik" I mean.

Fred4Pres said...

Palin is getting better.

My wife's sister thinking Sarah Palin is anti semetic. No evidence to back that up, she just feels it.

Who does my sister-in-law think she is? Andrew Sullivan?

le Douanier said...

"It's not consistent with her base, conservative, value-voter (read: conservative Christian)"

And, she repeatedly took the Lord's name in vein on her reality TV show. It is impossible to believe that some Christians didn't notice that she was doing something that they teach their own kids not to do.

Awesome said...

Palin FTW!

So does "Winning the Future" no go under the bus?

Anonymous said...

"Which ones? I'm so bored with WoW

I'm trying out EVE right now."

I know how you feel about WoW. I started playing the day it was released. I made 60, 70, and 80, raided a bit,and then quit for a year, and now I'm back with Cataclysm and an 85 and sort of at the "what do I do now" point. (Not a big fan of raiding and I really don't enjoy arena pvp.)

Never tried EVE. I tried Aion, but after WoW it lacked so much.

Call of Duty seems to be my main gig now.

Original Mike said...

"Who's renting space on who's rockets these days to get people into orbit, garage?"

I'll take Russia for 20, Alex.

Scott M said...

I'm trying out EVE right now.

You're kidding! What's the toon's name and when are you on? I'll slide you some...maybe a ship or two. As they say, Eve doesn't have a learning curve, it's got a learning CLIFF. Help from a vet can be all the difference.

As far as shooters, Bad Company 2 and BF2142 are the best out there.

le Douanier said...

What has Gingrich said about WTF?

Anonymous said...

"And, she repeatedly took the Lord's name in vein on her reality TV show. It is impossible to believe that some Christians didn't notice that she was doing something that they teach their own kids not to do."

You don't think pretty much every Christian doesn't take the Lord's name in vain now and again?

Anonymous said...

"As they say, Eve doesn't have a learning curve, it's got a learning CLIFF. Help from a vet can be all the difference."

Everyone says that, and that's what keeps me away. Looks cool though.

Lincolntf said...

DBQ and/or Scott,
indulge me in a few stupid questions.
To play WoW (or sometrhing similar) what do you need? A physical disk that you buy at a "Gamestop" place, a subscription to a monthly/annual pay service, some combination of the two? Equipment beyond keyboard/mouse?

DaveW said...

EVE is good. I've played it repeatedly over the years (played, gave it up, played again I mean).

Anonymous said...

Governor Palin, getting their faces and hitting back twice as hard.

I see the lefties don't like the Governor taking Obamas sage advice,WTF?

Henry said...

Lets go to the transcript:

(1) These steps we've taken over the last two years may have broken the back of this recession, but to WTF, we'll need to take on challenges that have been decades in the making.
(2) We need to take responsibility for our deficit and reform our government. That's how our people will prosper. That's how we'll WTF. (Applause.)
(3) Maintaining our leadership in research and technology is crucial to America's success. But if we want to WTF — if we want innovation to produce jobs in America and not overseas — then we also have to win the race to educate our kids.
(4) If we make the hard choices now to rein in our deficits, we can make the investments we need to WTF.
(5) We can't WTF with a government of the past. (Applause.)
(6) From the earliest days of our founding, America has been the story of ordinary people who dare to dream. That's how we WTF.

As a master of rhetoric, the president clearly knows how to work a phrase.

Sometimes he uses it to deprecate the idiotic thing he just said (1)(4). In this case, the WTF should be seen as a device that allows him to interrupt a particular line of BS before it stinks. Nimbly, he moves on to his next point.

Sometimes he uses it as shorthand for the way his ideas will be implemented (2)(3)(5). The government can't implement anything, but it sure can WTF.

But in his inspired peroration, the president dispels with self-deprecation and sarcasm and uses the phrase to evoke the can-do spirit of America. We go to this point through a whole lot of WTF, and that's what will WTF.

Scott M said...

Don't do it, Lincolntf...don't go over to the dark side of MMO gaming. There are so many other's more worthy of your time.

That being said, all you need is a standard computer or laptop with a highspeed internet hookup. You can download the game client from the website, though by now I'm sure it's multiple gigs so figure a couple of hours. Alternatively, any of the big box stores or small gaming stores will carry Cataclysm. That, and a $15 a month fee, will get you set up.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Whenever I'm confronted with a moral or ethical dilemma, I always ask myself WTFWJD?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You're kidding! What's the toon's name and when are you on

Josune. (Basque feminine of Jesus) My 14 day trial is up and I'm debating on putting it on my credit card and dropping WoW. I DON'T need two time sinks :-) EVE is very engrossing and challenging. I like it.

I play in the morning and sometimes afternoons (when my husband is napping) Now that I'm semi retired, I have to be careful to "ration" my time.

@ Lincoln: You need to either buy the game discs or download the program to your PC. There is a monthly fee for some games. About 14$ or so. Cheap entertainment.

Henry said...

@Ignorance is Bliss. LOL. That should come in handy.

Scott M said...


I'm the same way. Played hardcore for a while from 2004 to 2006 then gave it up for fits and starts. Much like I just did for a couple of months to check out the planetary interaction, new character creator (very slick), and the Incursion expansion.

I was going to let it lapse until Incarna hits simply because I don't have a corp anymore, but I would definitely resub if a bunch of althousians started playing together...

While it's complicated, it's intuitive once you figure it out. Instead of a clickfest with ability hotbars, it's far more tactical and slow-paced...just right.

Anonymous said...

"To play WoW (or sometrhing similar) what do you need? A physical disk that you buy at a "Gamestop" place, a subscription to a monthly/annual pay service, some combination of the two? Equipment beyond keyboard/mouse?"

I'm not who you asked but what you need is a computer/keyboard/mouse and decent internet connection. You can download the game or buy it at Wal-Mart. There is a monthly subscription of $14.95 (lowered a bit if you pay semi-annually or yearly). You do need a decent video card and enough RAM to play it however so you might have to upgrade those things on your computer.

The same thing applies to EVE I believe.

First person shooter games like Call of Duty don't usually charge you a monthly subscription, but they do require a good video card and RAM.

Lincolntf said...

Thanks Scott and DBQ. It'll be a while before I start playing those games, but it's great to know that they are out there. They sound like a great diversion.

le Douanier said...

"You don't think pretty much every Christian doesn't take the Lord's name in vain now and again?"

It's a lead by example thing. She wants to be a leader. Of some sort.

And, she did it a lot in the show. Presumably this is a family show where (some) kids can look up to Palin.

BTW, I never do that. Avoiding such is a minimally difficult sign of devotion. That is, it's not so hard to avoid this.

Anonymous said...

"Don't do it, Lincolntf...don't go over to the dark side of MMO gaming. There are so many other's more worthy of your time."

It truly is addiction. Even if you shake it off, it's always there, tingling at the back of your brain every time an expansion is released.

Anonymous said...

Best line of the night.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, I never do that. Avoiding such is a minimally difficult sign of devotion. That is, it's not so hard to avoid this."

We all do our best. I'm weak that way sometimes.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I've been on a RuneScape kick recently, because it's free and mindless.

I played Rubies of Eventide until it died. Not the greatest game out there, but it was free ( notice a recurring theme here? ) and an enjoyable community of players.

traditionalguy said...

If you have Christian friends who hate you for saying a vulgar words, they are really being cheap shot,legalistic, religious, language police. Tell them they are needed in Saudi Arabia. The scripture does say not to curse people. Anglo-Saxon words for natural bodily functions are not curse words. And IMO a believer using Jesus's name is never in vain even if it sounds forbidden to you in some weird way.

Sofa King said...

You don't want to play an MMO. Don't you work enough during the day? Why would you want to take up more work and responsibility in your spare time? Playing an MMO is an obligation that requires time and patience. Save that for your real hobbies.

Do yourself a favor. Play Team Fortress 2, instead.

Sofa King said...

And if you really want to become a member of something, join the Masons.

Unless you're a girl.

Scott M said...

Play Team Fortress 2

Only if you want to listen to kids chatter in your ear and play a game completely built on and around A.D.D. Not enjoyable even as a shooter. And that's coming from someone who started gaming playing the original TF.

Masons have Eastern Star for women. They take it pretty seriously. I don't know if the women get to the point where they can teleport at will like the men, but then again, I'm not a mason.

The most recent MMO's have cut out a lot of the grinding that plagued the earlier titles. For instance, in Eve, I can log in, scan out a couple of nearby star systems for other players going about their business, and then decide or not to drop in on them and ruin their day. If none are available, there are a lot of other instant-gratification activities, like playing the market, that don't require grinding.

The use of player-created in-game contracts have eliminated a lot of the drudgery tasks performed happily by newer, lower-skill, less wealthy players so that they can raise their own fortunes and start contracting out work themselves.

Eve is quite libertarian.

MDIJim said...

InstaPundit has this shtick of quoting a bad news headline and saying this is why they would rather talk about Palin.

Well, WTF, what would you rather read, another report on depressed housing sales or Palin's latest skewering of these pompous assholes?

Damn, she is witty.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Lord's name in vein


Does she drink a quart of bull's blood daily like Jack LaLanne?

Sofa King said...

Scott -

I guess it depends on why you play. After a long day at my job, one thing I definitely have a deficiency of is attention!

I have though about trying out Eve, though, for those times my mind is looking for something to engage upon. I've heard it's good.

Anonymous said...

garage, if your political opponents tried to frame you as an accomplice to mass murder, you might find yourself going gray and aging a little faster, too.

I think you've sunk to a new low on this one.

I suspect the plethora of death threats aimed at her and her children is wearing as well.

garage mahal said...

In a marathon sense, she's sort of right. Who's renting space on who's rockets these days to get people into orbit, garage?

Not the U.S.S.R, as she claimed. Because, well, you should know why.

Anonymous said...


Doesn't this IQ preening you do ever embarrass you?

After all, if you were really that smart, you would have something better to do than hang around this board.

Palin's a heavy duty mind, particularly compared to you. That's why she's in demand in the political arena... and, you're not.

Chef Mojo said...

Oh, garage! You're so cute when you niggle on semantics!

wv: dubae: I say Dubae. You say Dubai. Let's call the whole thing off!

Scott M said...

Not the U.S.S.R, as she claimed. Because, well, you should know why.

I'll see you that one and raise you 57 states.

Anonymous said...

"Not the U.S.S.R, as she claimed. Because, well, you should know why."

Again, she is correct. The Russians have more firsts in space than we do (first orbital object, first man in space, first woman in space).

We're tied with the Germans for second (Germans - first man-made object in space and US first man on the moon.)

Past that the race is still on and considering how NASA is doing lately I don't see us winning anything for a long time.

Shanna said...

Do presidents usually name the SOTU? Isn't it usually just called...SOTU?

garage mahal said...

Again, she is correct. The Russians have more firsts in space than we do (first orbital object, first man in space, first woman in space).

If she is correct, why did we even bother with putting a man on the moon, or going to Mars, or anything else? If the Soviets "won" because they sent the first man in space, it should have been over right? Of course none of this matters, it will be articles of faith whatever gibberish comes out of her mouth, no matter how silly or illogical. "Obama is , uh, like the USSR. And, and they, uh, spent a lot of money like Obama too!
He STUCK it to Obama on FOX!" Na-na-nah-na-na!"

Scott M said...

Semantic games aside, garage, (and frankly I don't care if Palin is right or wrong on this) who's riding who's rockets these days? Do you really think, the way things are going the next boot on lunar soil is going to be an American? What do you think it will do to our national morale if its not?

Anonymous said...

"If she is correct, why did we even bother with putting a man on the moon, or going to Mars, or anything else? If the Soviets "won" because they sent the first man in space, it should have been over right?"

Again it depends on how you define "space race." I believe she meant the intial race to get someone in space - which the Soviets did indeed win. And we bothered to do it because we wanted to outdo the Soviets. It was that whole Cold War competition thing you probably read about in history books.

Anonymous said...

You're very jealous of Palin, garage.

Yes, she's made you look small and insignificant.

Henry said...

This is a pretty stupid debate. First with what? Let's consider Mars.

The USSR was first with a mission to Mars. It failed. So they were first with that too. In fact the USSR had the first six failed missions to Mars. The U.S. had the first successful mission to Mars (Mariner 4, after the failed Mariner 3). The USSR had 12 failed missions to Mars before their first success.

The USSR had the first two successful landings on Mars. Mars 3 lasted 20 seconds. Mars 5 lasted 9 days. Two years after Mars 5, the U.S. landed Viking 1 on Mars. It lasted 6 years.

Take a look.

Also check back on Joe's comment regarding Vanguard 1 and Explorer 1 in the Sputnik thread.

PaulV said...

WTF Garage, Sputnik is a reference to the USSR winning the race to put a satelite in orbit. SOS stuck on stupid is a reference to your ignorance of history. Even Obama knows that Soviet won that race, but he had better education than you. Do you know that Obama threw NASA under the bus and astronauts have the ride the Russian high speed rail to ISS?

Anonymous said...

"This is a pretty stupid debate. First with what?"

I know it is . . . but garage seems to care so I thought I'd play along.

Unknown said...

Phil 3:14 said...

Too clever by half.

It's not consistent with her base, conservative, value-voter (read: conservative Christian)

And that's indicative of "problem" she keeps getting into. Being clever and "smart" may work with those who already love her and those who love to tweek the opposition but it does little for her attempts to appear "presidential".

This is the RINO position. "By all means, let's never stand up and set the record straight on all the demagoguery, vituperation, and libels the Democrats visit on us. Let's never take the facts and ram them down their throats. Let's never show them up for the hypocrites they are.

No, let's meekly sit back and be libeled without objection. Let's never refute their lies. We should all reach across the aisle as often as we can and maybe they will sweep a few crumbs off the table our way".

PS Since PB&J is one of Kos' mouthpieces here, he is the last one to cast stones.

Bruce Hayden said...

I have to give her credit here. I thought the same thing about WTF, when I first saw it. I said, no, he wouldn't be that dumb....

In the long run though, this may end up hurting him, and helping her, more than some might think. Part of the young crowd voting for Obama was that it was the cool thing to do. But how cool is he, when he doesn't even know what WTF means (at least to most of them)? Do you really want to be the kid who tells all his friends that, no, it really means Winning the Future, whenever they use it, because that is what their really cool President said? Or, would you rather laugh at how clueless he was?

Anonymous said...

"And, she repeatedly took the Lord's name in vein on her reality TV show. It is impossible to believe that some Christians didn't notice that she was doing something that they teach their own kids not to do."

I watched all of them and I noticed how rarely she actually did say "God". It was usually "Gol" or something similar. I was impressed that the lady seems to follow even that stricture of her beliefs, "God" is so idiomatic in our language these days that many Christians don't.

Anonymous said...

Oh,and unless she's shooting up God, it's "vain", not "vein"

Phil 314 said...

If she is correct, why did we even bother with putting a man on the moon, or going to Mars, or anything else? If the Soviets "won" because they sent the first man in space, it should have been over right?

I mean why did the Packers even bother with the playoffs? They weren't first in their division. What was the point?

Unknown said...

Goddard , american launched the first rocket( 1928) credited as the pioneer by Von Braun

Unknown said...

First Marsing , you cant land in Mars Vikings
Only objects out of inner space: Voyagers and Pioneers

Anonymous said...

Goddard , american launched the first rocket( 1928) credited as the pioneer by Von Braun

First liquid-fueled rocket.

First rocket? China, centuries ago.

Anonymous said...

I think you've sunk to a new low on this one.

Nah, he's a floater. Hard to flush.

Scott M said...


Sent you an email using Eve Gate. Try to get to Placid if you can.

knox said...

No, let's meekly sit back and be libeled without objection. Let's never refute their lies. We should all reach across the aisle as often as we can and maybe they will sweep a few crumbs off the table our way

The options aren't
1. Make things like "WTF" your main talking point
2. Grovel at the democrats' feet

knox said...

By the way, I happen to think "WTF" is pretty funny. But, as C3 pointed out, it's not a presidential way to pick apart the SOTU. Palin needs to win over those of us who are not yet enamored, and at least some moderates, if she runs... and this sort of comment is not the way to do it.

Also, I happen to love her in her role as a lightning rod. She's great at it, and I agree with most of what she says. But that doesn't mean she's president material.

mariner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mariner said...


And I've never heard WTFO.

Back when most people who used it were military, it came with an O (for "over").

Now the O means Obama.

WTF, Obama?!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Scott

Cool. I'll have to reactivate the account. (and learn a heck of lot more about how to play as a total noob LOL)

Phil 314 said...

This is the RINO position

Then call me a RINO I guess. But I don't see how her critique of the SOTU was an attempt to:
stand up and set the record straight on all the demagoguery, vituperation, and libels the Democrats visit on us

I don't see how her "WTF" joke furthers that point.

PS Don't get me wrong, i think the "WTF" play on words is funny, I just don't think it something a potential presidential candidate should do. Can a pundit do it:

you betcha

Joan said...

ijbp: "And, she repeatedly took the Lord's name in vein on her reality TV show"

Getting past the typo to the intent: what, exactly, do you think it means to "take the name of the Lord in vain"? The original meaning is to swear, falsely, "by God", or "with God as my witness." If you're swearing by God, or using God as your witness, you better keep that promise because otherwise you are taking God's name in vain.

Saying, "Oh, Lord!" or "Oh, God!" when you are surprised or upset or scared is actually a prayer -- shortcuts from "Help me, oh Lord," or "Save me, oh God!" Obviously there are many times when saying God, Lord, or Jesus Christ are disrespectful, inappropriate, or blasphemous, but saying, "Oh, God," when you're freaking out on the side of a mountain isn't one of them. It's pretty sad you can't recognize a prayer when you hear one.
The Second Commandment

opfor311 said...

Have any of you tried Lord Of The Rings Online (LOTRO)? I like it better than WoW, and it now has gone free to play. The FtP is not a bad way to try it out, and it is similar to WoW, but without anywhere as many 12-year-olds trying to impress everyone with ganking lowbees and swearing in chat.

le Douanier said...

wasdave and joan,

Thanks for the typo check.

Look, I grew up in Christian schools, and we were never allowed to utter a "God" or "Jesus" in those situations that Palin was in. And, even the "gol" or "jeez" was off limits.

I'm not saying that you can't justify these utterances as some sort of prayers.

But, that's not how I was raised. So, her language is striking to my ears. I know that other folks were raised the same way I was, so I'm sure that others were also struck by her language. You'll notice that my comment was careful to claim that 'some' Christians would have noticed, not 'all,' and not necessarily 'most' or 'many' Christians. Just some, like me.

Fen said...

Eve is quite libertarian.

Is it anything like MOO2? I've been trying to find a current replacement for that game, but have been disappointed by pretenders.

You can't fix stupid

Funny how that theme fits everywhere. In DDO our version is "you can't heal stupid"

Scott M said...

Is it anything like MOO2? I've been trying to find a current replacement for that game, but have been disappointed by pretenders.

Not at all. M002 was a great game and there really haven't been any in the 4X genre that have improved on it. MOO3 was a crime against nature. For a more contemporary game in the same vein, try Star Ruler or Sins Of A Solar Empire. The latter is a lot more polished (coming from a professional studio) but lacks the ship custimization MOO2 was so good at.

Eve is an MMO (massive multiplayer online). It's more like a space version of the Caribbean pirate era and you're one of the thousands of captains. Not to say there aren't huge MOO2-esque fleet fights, but instead of being the overall general moving pieces around like a chess game...you're one of the pieces.

Henry said...

And to think I used to play Chess by mail.

Sofa King said...

Scott -

Have you tried Galactic Civilizations II by Stardock? I think it's a worthy contender to replace MoO2.

Scott M said...

It's okay, but it's more like Civilization (Sid Meier) in Space. No customization and not much in the way of tactics. Not bad, but not a whole lot different either. Sins of A Solar Empire is also Stardock and, IMHO is a far, far better empire builder. The size of games are truly staggering and only really limited by the specs of the computer you're playing on.

Sofa King said...

It's been a while since I played Sins. I recall I had trouble getting past the early stages of the game - I always seemed to be targeted by the damn pirates.

Scott M said...

You gotta turn those damned pirates off in the options settings when you initially set up the game. I don't know anyone that plays Sins that likes that aspect of the game.

Robin said...

Palin did not say that the Soviet Union won "the space race". She said, that after Sputnik, they won "the race to space". An important difference.

Yuri Gagarin.

However, while the Soviet Union exists no longer, it is true that after the next shuttle mission, the US will no longer have a manned space launch capability. None. Zero. How do we get our astronauts up to our space station? They will thumb a ride.

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