January 10, 2011

"Here's a partial list of some of the incidents the left has tried to pin on conservatives."

"The Columbine shooters. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing... The DC sniper. The New York City Times Square car bomb attempt. They tried to blame that on some Tea Partier angry at the health law, then we find out that was radical Islamists. The February 2010 IRS plane attack in San Antonio. Remember that? It had to be an anti-government clown that flew that plane into the IRS office, had to be. The Pentagon subway shooter. The Fort Hood attack. The Discovery Channel hostage taker. And this guy [John Patrick] Bedell who went into the Pentagon and wanted to shoot these people up. This guy, by the way, is a dead ringer for Loughner. Amy Bishop who shot her colleagues at that Alabama college."


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Anonymous said...


On July 7, 2010, Loughner posted his assertion that the war(s) in Iraq and Afghanistan ‘is a war crime from the Geneva Convention articles of 1949.”

This guy was taking his cues from the left.

When will America be safe from the violent leftists who want to physically harm their political adversaries?

garage mahal said...

Do your buddies know you think they're retarded or were you just lying before?

My friends don't cry all the time like little babies that their feelings were hurt.

Hoosier Daddy said...

What is interesting is to contrast the aftermath of the Fort Hood shootings in which even the Chair of the Joint Chiefs lamented the greater tragedy would be if diversity became a casualty.

Looks like diversity trumps free speech now.

Hoosier Daddy said...

My friends don't cry all the time like little babies that their feelings were hurt.

Sure garage but that's not what you said. You said conservatives are thee most fucking retarded people on earth. Not that they're little babies or cry. Kind of hard to believe anything you say actually.

garage mahal said...

Believe whatever you want.

Fred4Pres said...

Oh yeah, Sheriff Dupnik, or Dumbass, or Dipshit or whatever his name is has far more culpability for these murders than Rush Limbaugh does. He is responsible for security and for public peace in Tuscon. Which was apparently sadly lacking.

Seriously Sheriff Dupnik should shut up about blame since it happened on his watch.

yashu said...

Further, Youngblood: I'll believe (for now) you're not a moby. But then you're deeply misguided. I'd make the same point to someone like 1jpb, if his disingenuousness on this topic hadn't convinced me of the futility of attempting to argue with him in good faith. Here's the thing about attempts to argue the moral equivalence angle here (by you or 1jpb-- i.e. the Frumesque RINO, concern troll, partisan hack, whatever): I'm sure you can find morally equivalent examples of "shameless exploitation" (and much worse), left and right, if you look for them; but look for them in the *MSM*-- and particularly in that sphere of the MSM which claims for itself the mantle of neutrality, objectivity, non-partisanship-- and it's obvious to anyone in the least intellectually honest, even a blind man, it's a one-way street. Denying that obvious, blatant, egregious MSM corruption (invariably one-way) doesn't help your cause. On the contrary: little by little, centrist by centrist, it will repel independents/ centrists/ loosely-partisan Dems from your side.

Even if it didn't/ doesn't. I would hope some of you (on the left, or the Frum-esque RINOS & "no label" folks) would feel at least a modicum of shame at what has transpired in the MSM in the last few days. NB, that corruption itself doesn't refute your position. I.e., merely the fact that the MSM has blatantly & shamelessly lied/ distorted the truth to denigrate those with political views different from yours, doesn't refute your political views: but if you're moderately intelligent and inclined toward the ideal of independence of thought, I would hope this incident (among countless others) would spur you toward some skepticism, provisional resistance, and (when warranted) repugnance toward the "consensus" & "conventional wisdom" you hear from the MSM. After all… that's what happened to me (mostly after 9/11).

Opus One Media said...

You left out the War of 1812, the Civil War, The First World War, the Second World War, Korea, Bay of Pigs....gosh the list is endless isn't it.

What Ann does to inflame the base is magnificently planned and executed - Post Rush....wow.

Well these noted events were not the product of the liberal side either folks which is clearly Rush's implication and perhaps Ann's super-secret message.

These are things that happen because some folks have lost their mind at one point and go nuts on us.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoosier Daddy said...

Believe whatever you want.

I believe people mean what they say right up to the point they contradict themselves.

PaulV said...

Kennedy was not done in for driving off bridge and leaving girl to drown, corrupt democrats stonewalled investigation. It was stupid look on his face when Mudd asked him why he wanted to be president and people realized that there was nothing to him. The Jewell incidence proved media and FBI had learned nothing during investigation when researcher was falsely accused and libeled

Cedarford said...

Sometimes it is good to have an older columnist with a long memory. Georger Will reminds us that the narrative "Haters in backwards, conservative Texas Killed Camelot", created as a storyline by liberals and the then media-dominant Progressive Jews. Victims of blood libel in Europe imported it into America as a pet weapon of theirs.

A vehicle to "capitalize politically" on a tragedy, use blood libel smearing.

Before Rahm Emmanuel, Progressive Jews in journalism and northern liberals grasped the power of using it when national focus was on a crisis to push other agendas.

It wasn't Oswald the communist, you see...It was Haters in the South, in the hate-filled city of Dallas, who all wanted Kennedy dead. (Even though Texas VOTED for JFK in 1960).

The blood smear was a well-studied weapon. And it has been turned from being on the receiving end, by victims of pograms, into one of their principal weapons in contemporary US politics. And a weapon of the larger Left past the media.

Since JFK's time, it is routine. Time will tell if they misread their opportunity and instead of successfully smearing Palin and others for actions of a deranged left-leaning creep they get blowback for their vile, exploitative libels. If they see their various urgent demands for social engineering "A nationwide gun ban is the only solution!" fail.

Leftists and Progressive Jews that brayed loudly hours after 9/11 and started blaming America and "blowback" against our HATRED for the rest of the world, the "chickens coming home to roost" - got their heads handed to them.
Gore thought Columbine gave him the winning issue of gun control against the hating haters of the backwards corners of Red States. They handed his head to him. Had he not lost his home state and Bill Clinton's Arkansas, Noble Algore would have been President.

My hope is the Progressive Jews of the NYTimes, the producers of mass media TV and Hollywood product, academia...joined with fellow leftists, push this narrative all the way to the 2000 election.

Sarah Palin the Evil Hater, the people of the South as the REgion of Hate, the hateful rhetoric of anyone that disagrees with liberal agenda as smeared with blood for the actions of a left-leaning psychotic.

The voters will reward them accordingly.
Sarah Palin is unfit to be President, IMO, but I sympathize with her and Limbaugh and other liberal, progressive Jew "targets".

Big Mike said...

What Ann does to inflame the base is magnificently planned and executed ...

We don't need the Professor; we're already mad as Hell at the left wing and MSM response to this shooting, i.e., trying to use it in a cynical effort to beat Republicans over the head for daring to compete against your side in the contest of ideas. It's you and garage and Alpha the rest of the left wing loonie fringe commentators who are keeping us good and angry. Professor Althouse is not fanning the flames; she's created a forum where you do that, and with considerable energy.

Numb nuts.

Fen said...

BigMike nails it. Libtards are ONCE AGAIN using their dead to slime and marginialize those they disagree with.

This is just another desperate attempt by the Left to smear the Tea Party.

BTW, did the partial list include Journolist Pukes fantasizing about pushing Conservatives through plate glass windows?

There are so many instances of Left wing hate speech, its hard to keep track of all of them.

Robert W. said...

Imagine this: at a future murder spree, when not a thing is known about the perpetrator, who would be blamed? Sarah Palin, for the crazed murderer must "obviously" be a supporter of hers, urged on by her "right wing hate speech".

At a press conference 48 hours later the police reveal the following:

During the crime he was wearing a series of shirts over top of one another:

1. Bush Lied, People Died.
2. Kill Pigs.
3. 9/11 was an Inside Job.
4. Death to Israel.
5. Obama Nation Rules!
6. Communism is the Way.
7. Che Guevara Rocks!
8. One Dead Conservative is a Good Start.
9. Less Reagan, More Mao.
10. Stalin was just Misunderstood.

An examination of his wallet found him to be an active member of these organizations:

1. The Democrat Party of America.
2. Socialists International.
3. The Communist Party USA.

An examination of the browsing history of his computer revealed him to be a frequent visitor to the websites of MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Daily Kos. At the latter site he was a prominent blogger regularly condemning the Tea Party and conservative talk radio.

After all of his "credentials" were revealed, who would be blamed? Sarah Palin, for her "right wing rhetoric" pushed him over the edge and radicalized him to carry out the violence.


jr565 said...

THis guy apparently targeted Gifford for 3 years, long before Sarah Palin was even on the scene, let alone put out a map with crosshairs on it. So unless this guy was able to go into the future, see the signs with the crosshairs then travel back in time and start his planning, the two have nothing to do with each other.
So why would people like Alpha Liberal spread such blood libels? Because they're political opportunists, whores and jackals? Because they can't see a tragedy occur and not start the blame game going to score political points? Patriotism may be the last refuge of the scoundrel, but for scoundrels like Alpha Liberal blood libel is the first.
have you no sense of decency sir?

jr565 said...

Fen wrote:
There are so many instances of Left wing hate speech, its hard to keep track of all of them.

Its so bad that Betty Williams, who won the nobel PEACE prize wished Bush dead. Twice.
"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush. I don't know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die the anger in me is just beyond belief. It's our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life."
Just not George Bush's life apparently. But of course, she was just speaking truth to power. Not extremist speech at all.

Mick said...

You all can whine and complain about Obama and "the Left", but the "right" is just as treasonous. Both sides have allowed a Non natural born Citizen (father was never a citizen, no matter where Obama 2 was born).

Obama's eligibility IS the Kryptonite that will bring Obama down, but supposedly "knowledgable"
"law profs" and their misguided "followers" have no real backbone, nor any knowledge of the Natural Law origins of this Republic.

World Government Debt Bankers have installed this Ineligible Non Natural Born Citizen in order to employ the Cloward Piven method to bring down the US economy, government and US citizen sovereignty. They have picked Obama for a reason. He has little attachment and allegiance to this country. They have paid off and Cowed all of congress, courts and media. Althouse and Volokh could be real patriots. With their platforms, they could make enough people aware of the Usurpation and form critical mass to effect the deployment of Obama's Kryptonite, he is not a natural born Citizen. Then he could be removed from office. But alas, the "law profs" have little knowledge of A2S1C5, or they have been told to shut up. Maybe they have been threatened? I have been writing here for a good while, and Prof. Althouse has never responded, other than a post about Federalist #68, which verifies that the Chief Magistrate be a "creature of our own" (i.e born in the US of US Citizen parents), for the national security reason of the reduction in chance for foreign influence. Are you scared to respond professor. Why do you not give your thoughts on what a natural born Citizen is? Aren't you an expert?

wv: autin --- should

Mick said...

I am waiting for you to "eat me for lunch" Prof Althouse. Prove me wrong if you think am "intellectually inert". Isn't that what is done in a court of law? None of your readers (some supposedly lawyers) have proven me wrong since I have been here. I guess they are not very good lawyers.

philmon said...

"But no. The Right had to take the bait. Now they're hooked, playing the same bullshit game as the Left. "You're hateful!" "No, you're hateful!" "No, you are."

I have to say, I've seen very little of this.

I think the point on the right has tended to make by pointing out similar or even "worse" behavior from the Left has not been "No, You're Hateful" but rather, "Why is THIS 'hateful' but THAT is NOT 'hateful'?"

It's the double-standard. It's the hypocrisy.

I'm with mesquito here:

"Anyone else find it creepy that new standard what me may and may not say is: How will it affect the behavior of an obviously crazy person who may or may not hear it?"

AlanKH said...

"Anyone else find it creepy that new standard what me may and may not say is: How will it affect the behavior of an abviously crazy person who may or may not hear it? "

What does that say about the sanity of the people setting that policy?

Is the mainstream left turning into Democratic Underground?

ic said...

Here is the elitist thinking: Big govt spendings (minus the enormous percentage that politicians and the connected skim off for themselves, friends, and families) are good for the unwashed. TeaPartiers are the unwashed, they should love big govt spendings. TeaPartiers are against big govt. spendings, ergo TeaPartiers are crazy. They should either be sent to reeducation camps (the Chinese way) or spent their days in psychiatric wards (the Soviet model). Yet our hundred years old undecipherable outdated Constitution, until it's repealed, guarantees the TeaParty crazies rights to act against their best interest as decred by their betters. TeaPartiers are crazies, ergo all crazies are TeaPartiers.

jr565 said...

Philmon wrote:
"Anyone else find it creepy that new standard what me may and may not say is: How will it affect the behavior of an obviously crazy person who may or may not hear it?"

Conservatives can play the Alinsky game too. The libs set up the standard whereby any talk that could theoretically rile an insane person, or any metaphor that is derived from miltary terms is now hate speech. HOld them accountable to that standard and hang them with it. What is that, ALinsky rule #2? Make them live by their rules?

Revenant said...

I didn't ask you to prove the crime rate had fallen, but to prove when Hollywood argues that they aren't turning kids into desensitized violent people, they're right. There may be a host of other reasons the juvenile crime rate went down.

If Hollywood turns kids into violent people, the juvenile violent crime rate can only have fallen by 45% if few kids are exposed to Hollywood's output.

But if it comforts you to buy into the now century-old belief that Hollywood is ruining American youth, go right on ahead and do so.

Michael said...

Mick: What are "World Government Debt Bankers?" Never heard the phrase. Are the banks borrowers or lenders? Is the world government secret? Is the shiny side of the aluminum foil out the outside? What is a debt banker? Are they in evidence on Pluto? Is it as cold there as it is here?

Revenant said...

Mick: What are "World Government Debt Bankers?"

They're a particularly nefarious kind of Non natural born Citizen.

Chef Mojo said...

World Government Debt Bankers have installed this Ineligible Non Natural Born Citizen in order to employ the Cloward Piven method to bring down the US economy, government and US citizen sovereignty.

Mick, I'll bet you've got issues with literacy and grammar, too.

Get some help before you hurt someone.

Unknown said...

Let us look at UC Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau ($500,000 salary) response to Gov Brown's budget.
Gov Brown Inuguration $100,000. Cal Chancellor spends $3,000,000 on consultants to do his WORK and the work of his many vice-chancellors.
Enough said liberals and conservatives!

The Scythian said...


I don't feel the slightest amount of shame about the news media's behavior in this instance or any other. I mean, I've said before in the comment threads on this very blog that news media outlets have been running a fairly textbook psychological operations campaign against their political opposition. Why I would feel shame about the news media doing something that I have been consistently critical of (even in this thread) is pretty baffling to me.

I haven't spoken highly of America's news outlets (or "consensus" or "conventional wisdom"), so I'm assuming that you're talking past me, to a strawman of your own creation.

Fen said...

mick: I am waiting for you to "eat me for lunch" Prof Althouse.

Evolve into a morsel, then perhaps she will. Until then, your rants about Obama's citizenship are less than crumbs under the table.

Hint: even IF you are right, nothing will come of it. Its like trying to reverse a bad call in the Super Bowl two years later.

Chef Mojo said...

Oh, great, Fen. Now, Mick will snap for sure.

The Scythian said...

On the off chance that anybody is still reading (or cares), I'll attempt to rephrase what I'm saying in a less confrontational manner:

Most news outlets are liberal in orientation, with editors and journalists who are activists for Progressive social change (or at least Democratic partisans). I fully expect them to shamelessly jump on a tragedy like this in an attempt to push their agenda, silence their opposition, or both.

Their behavior since this weekend hasn't surprised me. What they have tried to do is paint themselves as the oppressed victims of Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and a general climate of Right-wing extremism and hate. They have pointed to rhetoric containing "violent" metaphors for evidence of this. They have been lying by blowing things that they are not genuinely afraid of, things that have been part of our political discourse for well over two centuries, out of proportion.

What I object to is what I have seen in the comment threads here over the past few days. The tendency of people on the Right to follow suit:

"You're pickin' on me by using crosshairs on a map, I'm the victim."

"No, you're pickin' on me by referencing The Untouchables, I'm the victim."

"Nyuh-uh, you're pickin' on me, by quoting Thomas Jefferson saying that elections are revolutions, I'm the victim!"

You can't win that game. The mere act of sitting down at the table means that you've agreed to play by the rules of an obscure Italian Communist, Antonio Gramsci, so you lose.

furious_a said...

Again the Libs with their total lack of decorum and any sense of decency for the fallen -- it's the Wellstone Funeral all over again.

And nothing says "Change of Venue" like Sheriff Duffnut of Pima County:

``I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, Lou.''
--Chief Gunderson, Fargo

Fen said...

Oh, great, Fen. Now, Mick will snap for sure.

My bad. Didn't realize you were marinating him. Hope I didn't ruin your little snack.

AlphaLiberal said...

Methinks they dost protest too much.

All this denial is hilarious. You know, except for the dead people.

Jim David Adkisson, murdered two people in a "liberal" Knoxville church. Had has read Bernie Goldberg's book and credited the great inspiration Goldberg provided in his note:

This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book. I'd like to kill everyone in the mainstream media.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why folks are all wee wee'd up about the gun/knife fight thing. The whole point of complaining about this sort of speech is that you're supposed to be worried that folks will take these comments literally.

The right is NOT wee'd up about the gun/knife fight thing. We mention stuff like that only because if a conservative said that, leftards would be wee'd up about it. That's the point of bringing these things up, but being a leftie you project your way of thinking onto the right I guess.

LEXJAM said...

Here's a partial list of incidents that are rightfully pinned on conservatives: the fan of fox news who shot up a unitarian universalist church in Tennessee because he wanted to kill all the liberals in Bernie Goldberg's book; the Glenn Beck fanatic who was caught on his way to murder employees of the Tides Foundation; the murder of George Tiller (O'reilly's "Tiller the baby-killer")

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