January 31, 2011

Do we want Mubarak in America?

A teaser for a Bloggingheads.


MayBee said...

I no do want.

Meade said...

Downright impish.

Humperdink said...

Club Gitmo has some vacant beds.

Peter Hoh said...

Doesn't France typically volunteer to take these guys?

Trooper York said...

You got to do better than that to get anyone to watch boringheads.

Now if you stuck that pen in Frazier's brothers eye....well then I would tune in for sure.

Otherwise I will stick with something more exciting like watching paint dry.

Anonymous said...

No, send him to the Island of Misfit Toys.

Kev said...

(the other kev)

Sure, because giving the Shah asylum worked out so well.

David said...

He should to to London with his son, or Switzerland with his money.

The Drill SGT said...

he won't come here, because sooner or later the New regime would go to BHO and want their billions back (which of course are really our billions) and Barak would of course give them Mubarak's Billions, then float the Muslim Brotherhood some of our billions (I mean Chinese billions)

Even a weak Mubarak knows how gutless Barak will be when faced down by the Brotherhood...

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Imus wondered if they could still play Ahab the Arab this morning.

Anonymous said...

No. He should retire in Saudi Arabia.

We need to trust democracy, even when they vote for oppressive religious leaders.

They either want them, or they think they want them but they'll learn to not want them.

Irene said...

"Do we want the dictator that will keep the people from all the crazy things they might do and think, if they have democracy and freedom?"

Is this a "Blogginheads" with a sociologist?!

Are we there yet?!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Was there supposed to be a subject in that title?

traditionalguy said...

Hosni could be sent to a witness protection program as an old guy managing a Chick-fil-A. He looks a lot like Truett Cathy. Seriously, if Shenouda III, the 117th Pope of Alexandria, says he's OK, then he is OK. Shenouda is a special guy.

Caroline said...

I thought she as questioning the concept of an enlightened despot, as espoused by liberals like Woody Allen and Tom Freidman with his idea of "China for a day". The idea of "if only a good man like Obama had total control, think of the good he could do".

(Maybe I'm wrong?)

ricpic said...

Democracy and freedom are cool, real cool,
So let's get rid of the mean old fool;
We'll rape and pillage and steal and sack
And then we'll want the old fool back.

Automatic_Wing said...

There's not a chance that Barry lets Mublahblahblah come here.

DaLawGiver said...

Somehow.....I just knew.....Trooper would be one of the first to comment on this thread.

Anonymous said...

"You got to do better than that to get anyone to watch boringheads."

Aint that the truth.

I just hope it's not that dumb broad with the humongous nose and Moe haircut who "fake" drinks coffee during the show while she stammers trying to remember a Barack Obama talking point.

What's that dolt's name? Anybody?

DaLawGiver said...

I like the psycho blonde in the background because she reminds me of my ex wife. I am so grateful she left me 22 years ago. Wife #2,of 16 years, is the bomb. Thank you God.

Humperdink said...

The old coot was labeled today Hosni Mu Barak. Too funny. Bad enough Barry's middle name is Hussein. Now this.

Urkel will welcome him with a hearty bow...er...handshake.

Anonymous said...

"There's not a chance that Barry lets Mublahblahblah come here."

On the contrary.

Obligatory charity is one of the five pillars of Islam.

And his name is not "Barry."

It is Barack Hussein Obama.

He asks that you call him by his Muslim name, not his Christian name.

Floridan said...

Is there supposed to be a subliminal message with the pen?

Henry said...

Yes, but only if he goes on Dancing with the Stars.

rcocean said...

Yes, quite attractive there at the end.
Even for a Law Professor.

pavlova8 said...

the pen's a worry!!! I'd lose the pen in case you accidentally reveal something suggestive (freudian slip style)!!! lol

Luther said...

Sure, bring him in. Give him Biden's chair in the Senate. Would we notice a difference? Oh right, he may have more hair. Was that a cheap shot... you bet.

rcocean said...

Eli Lake is now on BHTV talking about Eygpt.

Whats duller, people who REALLY care about Egypt or people who just pretend to?

pavlova8 said...

Obligatory charity is one of the five pillars of Islam.

What a shame we don't have a religion like that with charity as one its pillars - oh wait, what was that swarthy middle eastern guy talking about 2000 years ago - yeah the one with the sandals???? I'll give you all a hint - initials JC.

Chip Ahoy said...

In very early Egyptian history the Heb Sed was celebrated to mark the thirtieth anniversary of a king's reign. The king was murdered during the festival, succeeded by another, and the Egyptian people got on with with a brand new king.

Obviously kings didn't much care for that part of kingship yet it was important that kings be virile. So the Sed Festival which involved processions, elaborate rituals, offerings, feasts, evolved to one of the king coming down and preforming some feat of strength like the raising of the djed, thought to be the base of a bovine spine, the symbol of strength and often used as an architectural pillar.

Thirty years is quite enough innit. Wherever Mubarak goes, historically the timing is uncanny he's lucky to make off with his life.

Sadly, this anecdote lacks flying monkeys from bums that inculcate misinformation.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Isn't it wonderful of Althouse to remind us of all the crazy things the Egyptians might do, if they had democracy and freedom! Thanks Ann!

Oh wait, wrong video.

Peter V. Bella said...

You have way too much fun!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Kev remembers '79. And he is right.

Of course, the Shah came here for medical treatment. Hopefully, Hosni, wherever he ends up, won't need any ZeroCare (while it's still legal, of course).

peter hoh said...

Doesn't France typically volunteer to take these guys?

They took Khomeini and then Bani-Sadr, which is sort of like the Swedes selling weapons to all sides in a war.

But the French have gotten out of that business. Ever since the "youths" started rioting every night.

PS You little minx.

virgil xenophon said...

There's always Paraguay..or was that Parador?

Unknown said...

One had Josef Mengele, the other had Sonia Braga.

I think I'd take the one with Sonia Braga.

Ann Althouse said...

In the clip, I am not referring to Mubarak literally coming to America in exile. I am suggesting that my interlocutor longs for an American dictator.

Anonymous said...

"I am suggesting that my interlocutor longs for an American dictator.."

You've narrowed the field down to every liberal on Boringheads.

Fred4Pres said...

And here is the Debka* take on things:

The Brotherhood is not a radical bogeyman on a par with Iran's ayatollahs as depicted by Netanyahu. Egypt's society is diverse enough to withstand a despotic theocracy as the first six days of the popular protests demonstrated.

If anyone can keep the Muslim Brotherhood in its place, albeit with a role in government alongside other opposition factions, it is the army. According to our sources, a military takeover of government is in the making, planned for an interim stage until a new political order can legitimately take charge.

* Debka can be off base on many things, but they tend to get things close to home right. Still, do not underestimate the MB, they are fine if you think Hamas is okay.

Anonymous said...

"Hopefully, Hosni, wherever he ends up, won't need any ZeroCare (while it's still legal, of course)."

Just for the record: It's not legal.

ObamaCare is unconstitutional, and thus null and void, until a stay is sought and one hasn't been; and even if a stay is sought one should not be granted.

Once a law this egregiously violative has been ruled unconstitutional it should stay that way until the government can prove its case ... not the other way round.

The harm done by unconstitutional law is is so great ... the shock to our system is so severe and irredeemable ... that laws ruled unconstitutional should stay that way unless and until the government succeeds in proving the law is not unconstitutional.

The government has the burden here ... as the government serves us. We can never have the burden.

Methadras said...

peter hoh said...

Doesn't France typically volunteer to take these guys?

Yassar Arafats wife, his children, and the billions he swiped from the US would give you an unequivocal yes.

Anonymous said...

Prof. you are smart and witty. I was thinking the other day. Is there a support group for Dictators? What would a dictator do to get rapid help? They just cannot all go to Saudi Arabia. There could be a group/high-price individuals that can take a call:

Mubarek: I need help. I want the people to support me. I want to change the balance of situation.

High-priced thug: I will need 100 million in cash to change the situation in your favor. We will create confusion within the revolution. We will commit looting of the museum and blame the people who are protesting against you. This should give you an opportunity to claim that the country needs stability - which only you can provide. Ergo, you remain in power for another decade. Then your son follows.

Mubarek: Yes, this is what I need - and what Gamal needs. We have sent him to London for now. Okay, the money is no object. We get from US all the time. We will just give it to you. Just do it. And report back every hour.

High-price thug somewhere in Europe: Consider it done. I will expect 50 million in my Swiss bank (your deputy has my account) and 50 million after people get tired of protesting and you are back in full control. Sounds okay, Mr. President.

MadisonMan said...

Florida : ObamaCare : : Mick : Natural Born Citizens.

Anonymous said...

Madison -- No kidding, man. The thing that's so great about Althouse (the blog) is that the level of discourse is pretty high overall.

I hate it when these shrill people find their way in. I am humiliated that they claim to represent my side.

Phil 314 said...

Only if he has cancer and needs to come to the US for treatment.

Tibore said...

No joke, Seven. I just saw that Mr. I-Misrepresent-Court-Findings Mick called me a lefty in that other thread. Wow. Talk about clueless, not to mention not knowing who you're talking about.

I actually wonder if he's a Moby, he's that far gone.

But given that he may not be... well, yeah, I totally agree with you. These shrill idiots in no way reflect any of the conservatives I know.

Tibore said...

"Ann Althouse said...
In the clip, I am not referring to Mubarak literally coming to America in exile. I am suggesting that my interlocutor longs for an American dictator."

I don't know about your interlocutor, but as far as US citizens in general: That's too direct. Of course anybody with even a modicum of self awareness is not going to answer "Yes" to that question. That's image suicide. The actual issue is, what do people's actions indicate?

I've heard enough invective claiming imminent violence on the Tea Party's side and much moaning over "Right Wing Extremism" (i.e. the Homeland Security warning) with nary a mention of danger from ones on the left. And I've been seeing suppression from the left for so many decades now, from speech codes in college back in the late 80's/early 90s to the sort of "Group of 88" demagoguery back in the Duke lacrosse case. Many people say they'd never long for such a dictator in the US. But their actions speak far louder than their words do.

All claim they don't long for such. Only some truly mean it.

Unknown said...

Ann Althouse said...

In the clip, I am not referring to Mubarak literally coming to America in exile. I am suggesting that my interlocutor longs for an American dictator.

It depends on how seriously one wishes to take those during the '08 campaign who repeatedly used the word, "rule", instead of, "govern".

Automatic_Wing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Automatic_Wing said...

Do we want a dictator in America?

Well, it depends.

Is he going to give us free high-speed trains? And make them run on time?

Fast choo-choos are totally worth signing away your freedom, or so says wise man Tom Friedman.

virgil xenophon said...

Don't think they're not around--especially amongst the chattering classes. Remember Barbara Wa-Wa's sickeningly fawning 1977 interview with newly elected Jimmy Carter?: "Be good to us Mr. President.."

KCFleming said...

"Do we want Mubarak Obama in America?"

David said...

interlocutor (n.) An interlocutor is the master of ceremonies of a minstrel show. A blackface character, like the other performers, the interlocutor nonetheless had a somewhat aristocratic demeanor, a "codfish aristocrat".

Racism rears its ugly head again.

Wince said...

I say we smack Barak and Mubarak together like two rolls of Certs and add a golden drop of retsyn and see what happens.

Fen said...

Of all the stupid mistakes Carter made, bringing the Shah in for medical treatment was the one that crystalized Iranian hatred of America.

Fen said...

Ritmo: Iran is clearly part of the Middle East


garage mahal said...

I would have to say that I'd prefer this new outfit name themselves the "Inter-Denominational Faith-Based Democracy of Egypt", rather than just the "Muslim Brotherhood!". But hey, that's just me talking.

Fen said...

OT but related downpage:

/via Malkin

/via Malkin

"Jon M. Huntsman Jr., the U.S. ambassador to China, sent a resignation letter to President Barack Obama on Monday, the White House said. Huntsman now is likely to explore a Republican presidential bid, according to supporters."

AST said...

We don't generally accept dictators as refugees. That's France's job.

AST said...

You know, we really should do something about people who help dictators to steal money from their own people and hide it. I'd put the CIA on that and serve notice to the U.N. and our European "friends" that we will be tracking what happens to our foreign aid. If they trust the Chinese to keep it safe, good luck with that.

Unknown said...

The palin wisdom of the day:

Toad Trend said...

Is there room for 2 dictators?

Has the Zero told us what we want on this score, yet?

Seems to me that we don't know if we want another tin-horn dictator.


Its hard for one to know.

Toad Trend said...


Chip Ahoy should make an animated .gif of Ann 'stirring the pot' for use on posts such as these.


KCFleming said...

Do we want Mubarak in America?

No, we want less Barrack in America.

Meade said...

@don't tread on James Starks

ha ha. Good idea.

OneLifeLiveIt said...

Saudi Saudi give us a wave!

Robert Cook said...

"Doesn't France typically volunteer to take these guys?"

He's our dictator, (as was Pinochet, as was the Shah of Iran, as was Hussein, and so on...), so we should offer him protection from justice in his own land, as we protect our own war criminals from justice in our land.

It's only right, right?!

lemondog said...

You got to do better than that to get anyone to watch boringheads.

Fer sure.

We don't generally accept dictators as refugees. That's France's job.

Only if from a former colony, no?

Wouldn't Egyptian dictators be British domain?

Wiki on Mubarak (name)

Peter Hoh said...

I'm surprised no one made this connection before: Mubarak: too big to fail?

BEK477 said...

There you go again witht he provativegambit.

I say YES! Let him reside in Madison, WI. He can becoeman adjunct professor of imperial studies in the UW Poly Sci department.

Maybe he can lead the fans in doing the 'JUMP AROUND' when your football next play the Golden Rodents at home.

In anycase bring him eto the USA. l

BJM said...

I think he'll go to the UK...upper class Brits are comfortable with/accepting of upper class Egyptians, Persians and Arabs. He'd be a duck out of water in the US.

Plus his wife, Suzanne, is half Welsh with a Brit passport and the family owns posh residences in the UK...the rumor mill is spinning that she's already in-country.

That is if Mubarak doesn't leave office feet-first.

Peter Hoh said...

From the Stranger's Blog, one writer passes this, from an Egyptian friend who is in Egypt:

This is the safest way. This is really a safe transition of power. I think he had a lot of pressure from America, and he has to. What he is saying is good in a political way. It means that in the next nine months the transition will be made.

I don’t know, it was so intense the last five days [starts crying].

Everything has stopped. It was so intense. Our work has stopped, everything has stopped. And Egypt, Egypt was so safe. The people has to guard all night the streets by themselves because we don’t have one policeman now in the streets, we have only army. This is harsh, and he did it. He was behind all this. We are all suspecting that he released all these prisoners to cause all this chaos.

You can’t imagine the demonstrations today. Seriously we are millions. We are walking together and chanting together and united. We [used] to make jokes about ourselves, about how passive we are, how things never change, and now I think we won’t do it anymore, because I’m not passive. And we are not bad, as we thought we are. Seriously. All people guarding our streets with baseball sticks, and they are guarding the streets all night and protecting our neighborhoods and in the mornings, people cleaning streets, and are suddenly very polite. And we don’t have any traffic anymore, and suddenly we feel this is our country and our city and we don’t have anybody to protect us. It was really positive to us. We won’t say any jokes about ourselves anymore, we feel better about ourselves. This is great. This past five days are great days. I know I sound very patriotic but what we are living is true. I’m overwhelmed...

In the speech, he didn’t sound sorry. And we don’t know what about this new government, and we are not sure if he really will not stick to his words. Our economy is really horribly affected. Tourism is our like third income and it’s really badly affected, so we don’t know really what will happen in the next phase. But for now, this is good.

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