January 5, 2011

At the White Ice Café...


... today is so different from yesterday.


ken in tx said...

Is that the Sun?

coketown said...

Ken in sc: No, it's a metaphor. Althouse is turning 60 soon.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It's was more like this day.

ricpic said...

Old man winter gonna swiral you up, swiral you up, swiral you up,
Old man winter gonna lef' you loster'n an orphaned pup.

HKatz said...

Speaking of yesterday (or yesteryear), Dave Barry's Year in Review for 2010 is a good read:

On the world economic front, thousands of rock-throwing rioters take to the streets of both Athens and Rome to protest punishing new austerity measures under which they would no longer be provided by the government with free rocks.

kjbe said...

Got home at 5, tonite, and it wasn't dark. Yay! First time I've noticed it...

Toad Trend said...

Good picture. I am hoping you eventually have one where you come upon a vehicle driven out onto the ice. This is seen alot along the north shore of Lake Michigan/Upper Peninsula and the hundreds of smaller inland lakes in Wisconsin.

The ice I've been on in Wisconsin in February is 24 inches or so thick and doubles as a parking lot.

I also have photos of an unlucky motorist that ventured out on a sunny day and found a slushy area that had been snow covered.

He needed a brave tow truck operator to pull his SUV from the brink of becoming a U-boat.

traditionalguy said...

With these frigid pics, how do you expect to attract a new Dean at the Law school ...unless he is an eskimo specializing in frozen tundra Law. I don't know, but I've been told, that eskimos wearing shorts get mighty cold.

Unknown said...

I assume that's a bad snow coming.

Mr Meade, you better put down the camera and whisk your wife away to a warm, safe spot.

David said...

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Phil 314 said...

This is off topic (hey I live in AZ so dreary, snow-covered scenes are irrelevant) but this article is a "canary in the mine" moment

(and put it in stark contrast with this statement from outgoing Speaker Pelosi:
"So to say we’re going to repeal it is, just as has been said by my colleagues, is to do very serious violence to the national debt and deficit")

Penny said...

As it relates to c3's link, I often wonder how much states look to each other for information on "best practices", or "worst practices", for that matter.

Anonymous said...

c3, I fear that ObamaCare may be cast in stone before it becomes apparent for all to see just how damaging to America it will be.

Retriever said...

Lovely picture.

Wince said...

Was it backward skating that created those squiggly tracks?