January 20, 2011

"The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner hosted a dinner for the guy holding the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Winner in prison..."

"... and the media does not get the irony of this at all."


Lincolntf said...

It's the New World Civility.

Scott M said...

I betting that not only did Hu dictate (as Reid would put it) the menu for the dinner, but he also told President Obama, in no uncertain terms, that he wanted Michelle in red...or else.

The Drill SGT said...

Maybe they were just anticipating that those hacks at the Peace Prize selection committee will pick HU for the 2011 prize. After all, predicting future good deeds is their speciality.

Skyler said...

I guess it just shows that getting the Nobel Peace prize isn't all that impressive after all. If it were such a big deal, recipients would be getting some respect. I guess the last two recipients just don't much count.

Scott M said...

I would have had mountains of respect for the President (compared to the molehills I have now) if he would have gracefully declined the award specifically because he didn't feel he deserved it.

Why did he get it, if for no other reason than he's the first black American president? How demeaning is that? How paternalistic?

David said...

It's possible that they get it, but have decided not to mention the fact.

Fred4Pres said...

Ouch. Keep this up Ann and your friends might start to talk about you.

chickelit said...

Limbaugh reads my tweets: linkage

Stoked now! :)

Unknown said...

Considering the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner did nothing deserving of an award, I imagine Hu holds one in the same esteem as the other.

Scott M said...

I betting that not only did Hu dictate (as Reid would put it) the menu for the dinner, but he also told President Obama, in no uncertain terms, that he wanted Michelle in red...or else.

Maybe that's not all he wanted Michelle in...

PS Hu's either here to give The Zero his orders for the next year or he's sizing up Barry the way Khruschev did with JFK. Which is the good news and which the bad is up for grabs.

Anonymous said...

(shrug) He's the President. Breaking bread with bastards is part of his job.

kjbe said...

(shrug, too). Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Fred4Pres said...

Why did he get it, if for no other reason than he's the first black American president? How demeaning is that? How paternalistic?

He got it because it was a bitch slap to W. The black thing just made it that much richer, like fine chocollate cake.

jr565 said...

Funny, but for all his liberal bonafides Obama seems to really not give two shits about human rights. And also, Bush seemed to stress human rights very strongly.
I'm wondering if libs hated him so much because he was better at it than they were. He stole their talking points.
Of course at that point, the libs had shifted to real politik and were arguing that even if genocides were to occur we had to leave Iraq and it was better to have a strongman there anyway.
By the way, how come no mention of Darfur since Obama became president? Oh, because libs are yet again full of crap? That makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Limbaugh is the media! Why does he think of the major network talking heads and major newspaper writers as somehow being in a different line of work; he's as much of a bona fide "Media Man" as they are.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

With luck, maybe the 2010 winner can someday host a dinner for an imprisoned 2009 winner.

JAL said...

He got it because it was a bitch slap to W.

And that worked how?

More predator drones, more troops in Afhghanistan and Guatanamo still housing those Taliban and Al qaeda peaceniks!

(Mmmm... how come that last one is wrong, amd worth apologizing for, but the jailed Nobel Peace guy is China's business?)

wv behead
Now *there's* an innovative idea.
I did. not. make. this up.
I did not even see it while I was writing. wv is totally spooky.

PaulV said...

Julius, Unaware that subject and verb must agree?
Limbaugh is the medium.

Skyler said...

jr565 claimed,

And also, Bush seemed to stress human rights very strongly.

If he cared so much about human rights, he wouldn't have created two governments (Iraq's and Afghanistan's) that have no tolerance for religion.

Anonymous said...

Rush doing what he does best, distilling then shoving the hypocrisy of the left right down their gullet.

PaulV said...

JAL, freeing the people in Iraq and Afghanistan and getting Libya to get rid of it's WMDs is Bush's reward. As well as writing the best selling book.
WV whatipu: what i p u?

cold pizza said...

(shrug) He's the President. Breaking bread with bastards is part of his job.

And then he gets to go back home to China. -cp

wv - disme. go ahead, i dare you.

jr565 said...

Libs are only for human rights if it costs them nothing or if they get to beat up a republican admin with it. Once someone puts boots on the ground to address a human rights issue, then we have no right getting involved in other countries affairs and any actions are done beause we are trying to get at other countries resources. Or they make the argument that we can't deal with a dictator here if there are other dictators there. And we can't deal with dictators there beause there are also dictators here.
Unless of course the human rights event mirrors our own, and they get to bad mouth the US with it. ie. south africa. If apartheid wasn't a black white issue with whites being the oppressor, libs would care two shits about it. But even so, what did libs have to give up to fight against apartheid?
"I ain't going to play Sun City". What sacrifice. Musicians won't put on a concert there. Wow!

AllenS said...


Are you... over there?

PaulV said...

Shyler means the great white father knows best? How intolerant.

WV: duccate

jr565 said...

Skyler wrote:
If he cared so much about human rights, he wouldn't have created two governments (Iraq's and Afghanistan's) that have no tolerance for religion.

And under Sadaam it was a kite flying utopia, right? All the christians and Jews and Shia and Kurds lived in a religious utopia of free will and understanding.

Meade said...

from Wikipedia entry on Liu Xiaobo:

Liu also published a 2004 article in support of Bush's war on Iraq, titled "Victory to the Anglo-American Freedom Alliance", in which he praised the U.S. led post-cold-war wars as "best examples of how war should be conducted in a modern civilization." and predicted "a free, democratic and peaceful Iraq will emerge." During the 2004 US presidential election, Liu again praised Bush for his war effort against Iraq and condemned Democratic party candidate John Kerry for not sufficiently supporting the US's wars. Meanwhile, he commented on Islamism that, "a culture and (religious) system that produced this kind of threat (Islamic fundamentalism), must be exteremely intolerant and blood-thirsty.” On Israel, he said "without America’s protection, the long persecuted Jews who faced extermination during WWII, probably would again be drowned by the Islamic world's hatred.

traditionalguy said...

Hu is Big Brother of the world now because he controls the largest economic engine ever created by western capital investment and science. Hu also controls nuclear weapons and space weapons . He was given this prize because he is a dictator who has succeeded at enslaving his population, controlling them to one child and no freedoms. In effect, Hu has transformed China into one big death panel.Therefore Obama sees Hu's China as the ultimate fascist success. A few self righteous Norwegians living at the end of fjords are totally irrelevant to everything.

Hagar said...


Though actually a Connecticut Yankee, W. did it with a West-Texas accent. Not acceptable.

PaulV said...

Hagar, W grew up in Texas and people usually talk like the children they go to grade school with. Why do libs go bat crazy about his accent?

Calypso Facto said...

Here's an interesting local result (maybe) of Hu's visit: The storage battery company ZBB Corp in Milwaukee has never made a profit, has had the federal gov't as its only sizable customer, and has even then managed to survive only on government grants and loans. But the company's a darling of the Eco-left because dirty batteries now have a prominent place in the "green job economy" and management donates to Democrats. ZBB even hosted an Obama/Barrett campaign rally last fall.

So, Hu announces yesterday that the Chinese will agree to buy an extra $45 billion in US exports that they wouldn't normally be interested in, and BAM, today ZBB gets contracts to sell their otherwise languishing systems to China.

Guess I shouldn't sweat it. That's what your payola buys you in a corrupt and too powerful government. It's been going on forever, right? And I'm not against selling stuff to the Chinese nor hopefully recouping those government loans nor a guy from Milwaukee catching a break. Still...

coketown said...

The media speaks Metaphor, into which Irony doesn't easily translate. Sort of like Human Rights into Mandarin.

Fen said...

"The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner hosted a dinner for the guy holding the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Winner in prison..."

Not much I can add to that.

China will take the Pacific Rim. And Iran will get the Bomb. All on Obama's watch.

Yay Diversity Hire!

Toad Trend said...


"Why do libs go bat crazy about his accent?"

Projection. They assume he's a racist hick just like their KKK democrat predecessors.

And, they assume that anyone that speaks 'intelligently' (i.e. without the southern accent, ask Joe Biden) must be smart. Bigots, one and all.

Fen said...

Libtard: If he cared so much about human rights, he wouldn't have created two governments (Iraq's and Afghanistan's) that have no tolerance for religion.

This kind of ignorant spew is common amoung Libtards. Don't waste time on them. You'll never get the Libtard to admit how idiotic his statements are. He's not interested in anything resembling honesty or truth or civility.

Toad Trend said...


"If he cared so much about human rights, he wouldn't have created two governments (Iraq's and Afghanistan's) that have no tolerance for religion."


Why don't you take a crack at explaining that one....

mesquito said...

I didn't get to Texas until I was twelve and I sound like a damn hayseed.

And I'm glad.

The Crack Emcee said...

Observations like this are why the left hates Rush.

Skyler said...

Allen asked, Skyler,

Are you... over there?

In another month or two.

Jake said...

Weren't BOTH Clintons and former President Carter (the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize Winner) also in attendance at this State Dinner?

Cedarford said...

"The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner hosted a dinner for the guy holding the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Winner in prison..."

"... and the media does not get the irony of this at all."
No irony at all. The agenda of one Prize Winner dies not have to mesh perfectly with the agenda of every other Peace Prize winner.

I doubt Kissinger and Le Duc Thou and the flaky Irish anti-mining activists see much eye to eye on antthing, without that situation being called "ironic".

Noble Algore and winner Jimmy Carter are known to consider each other idiots. I agree with both of them.

Gorbachev and Yunis would call Mother Theresa an ignorant hack, and Kofi Annan a corrupt hack.

As for the fixation on making "political dissidents" the highest priority of all foreign affairs with another nation - it was stupid when we insisted that was our #1 concern with the Soviets, with Saddam Hussein (pre- WMD obsession), with various African toilet holes, even Haiti and Cuba.

Its one of many things we care about with certain nations, but not the thing that trumps all other business.

Phil 314 said...

Irony, yes.

rhhardin said...

It's probably a translation confusion of goal and gaol.

Shanna said...

I didn't get to Texas until I was twelve and I sound like a damn hayseed.

Also, some people soak up or drop accents more readily than others. I went to school with a bunch of yankees at 18 and my southern accent got far less pronounced, but it would bounce right back when I went home.

Unless you are pretty obviously faking an accent for a place you have never lived....

Methadras said...

Leftards don't understand irony because not only do they not like it, but it also isn't green. How must it be to be a leftard watermelon. You know, green on the outside, red on the inside? It has to be completely exasperatingly blissful to walk around in such a cognitive dissonant stupor, where every decision/conclusion you come to takes no thought at all. Where there is no moral/ethical compass, while you say yes to everything allowable if it suits your narrative. Ahhh, the life of a leftard. It must be so much fun.

The Drill SGT said...

OT: Althouse,

how about an over under pool on the number of SCTUS Justices at the SOTU speach

I'll take 4
one additional liberal to be named later :)

Moose said...

Any chance they can send Krugman back with Hu?

I mean, its clearly a man crush thing...

Anonymous said...

Skyler --

"If he cared so much about human rights, he wouldn't have created two governments (Iraq's and Afghanistan's) that have no tolerance for religion."

In what world do you live?

The Drill SGT said...

Moose said...
Any chance they can send Krugman back with Hu?

Nah, Friedman already has dibs on shotgun... whoops, used one of the uncivil words again :)

JorgXMcKie said...

"If he cared so much about human rights, he wouldn't have created two governments (Iraq's and Afghanistan's) that have no tolerance for religion."

Well, if the Left cares so much about human rights, why are they so supportive of the Palestinian 'governments' that have no tolerance for religion?

How many IQ points does an average human have to lose to become thoroughly a Lefty troll?

The Musket said...

The media does not get irony. Period.

Anonymous said...

"... and the media does not get the irony of this at all."

Oh, they get it.

They're just too busy sucking Barack Obama's cock to write a story about the irony. It's hard to type when you're deep throating.

The media is Barack Obama's fucking bitch. He owns them.

Anonymous said...

Where is the President's 1/2 brother, Mark, in all of this. He lives in China. You don't suppose he's "bundling" over there ah no that would be illegal and the money would have to be returned (or not - see Hillary) Let's see how the MSM follows this into the election.

Quaestor said...

PaulV wrote: Limbaugh is the medium.

And in this one case the medium is the message.

Tina said...

I won't place the blame on Mr Bush because I think he threaded the needle as best he could given the constraints placed in his path by progressives within the government, but the failure of Congress to allow our fighting men and women full freedom to share their Christian faith with the people of Iraq and especially Afghanistan, and the failure of our military to aggressively support the rights of Christians to follow the imperative to "preach the Gospel to every creature" is a fact, and a sad fact indeed to those who recognize Christianity as the foremost agent of genuine compassion in any society.

Skyler if you are in the service, my prayers go with you.

Roux said...

OUCH!!! That really hurt.

Skyler said...

Oligon asked, In what world do you live?

The world where our Marines are briefed to not interfere if we hear little boys screaming in a house while they're being raped, probably by an uncle. We should just accept their culture and not interfere to cause them to lose face.

The world where any religion except Islam is persecuted and because of religion women are forbidden freedoms that not one woman in the United States would do without in a minute.

The world where we conquer two nations and yet don't enforce the concepts enshrined in the Bill of Rights to allow the people of those nations to have freedom of religion, and the governments we installed are based on religion.

Yeah, that world.

Which world do you live in?

Anonymous said...

"The agenda of one Prize Winner dies not have to mesh perfectly with the agenda of every other Peace Prize winner."

What are you a fucking moron, Cedarford?

We're not talking about some esoteric philosophic difference here you fucking retard. The Chinese dictator has imprisoned the Nobel Peace Prize winner who succeeded Barack Didnothing Obama.

The agenda of the current Nobel Peace Prize winner is to stop being tortured by Barack Obama's fucking date.

This is why we can't let Democrats be in charge. As soon as we let one get anywhere near a dictator they start immediately with the bowing and the hand jobs.

God it's going to be a great day when we fire all of your fucking asses. You richly deserve it for trying to sell our country out you pusillanimous fucks.

Going to be a great day indeed.

Cedarford said...

Skyler - "The world where our Marines are briefed to not interfere if we hear little boys screaming in a house while they're being raped, probably by an uncle. We should just accept their culture and not interfere to cause them to lose face."

We can't afford to be the world's 9/11 service. We can't afford to be the local police enforcing our morality on any country we are unfortunate enough to be stuck occupying on misguided notions of unlimited magic money floating around in America for nation-building.

Our place as soldiers, present or in the past, is not to impose American culture and law on the locals. Everytime we try and go all Wilsonian, we have regretted it.

You see some scene where a woman is being beaten in Iraq for failing to do a good job on laundry or a kid is being buggered, Arab style - take it up with the corrupt cop installed by Bush's "noble purple-fingered Freedom Lovers".

Likely the cop will want a bribe to do something about it. Maybe 50 bucks, 100 bucks.
Likely the Marines don't have a scrap of the billions Bush shovelled around inside the Green Zone to deserving noble democratic Iraqi leaders or paid out as protection money to Sunni elders to stop killing Americans.
So pay the cop or walk away, knowing this is how the 3rd world functions and steep military cuts are coming because the US is broke thanks to China and Free Trade.

jr565 said...

While I also deplore the fate of women in the Muslim world, even though Iraq has it built into it's constitution that its to be based om islamic precepts, it is in no way as strict as the rules in say Saudi Arabia. That's not to say it's as open as our rules either.But maybe you can't get there from here in on step.
Prior to us removing Sadaam in additon to their being a regime that mistreated its women and dissidents, they also were a belligerent party that repeatedly defied cease fire and were a threat to both their neighbors and to us, and which continued to have a need to arm itself. If all of those are no longer the case and Iraq is simply yet another Muslim state that is beastly to it's people but which we don't have to setup no fly zones that is a step up. And having a constitution and allowing people the free ability to vote (and not in rigged elections that give 100% of the vote to Sadaam) means that they can, overtime, change their society to one that is more and more modern.
Also, while I certainly value freedom of religion, there is something to be said for the ability to organize your state the way you want it, which another form of freedom. Some other countries may not like that we have a death penalty or that we are so secular. Don't see how it's all that different.

Penny said...

"Observations like this are why the left hates Rush."

It's also why Rush is an entertainer instead of a foreign policy advisor.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

There shall be no ironies in life! Everything will conform to a standard of perfect integrity! The good shall be the enemy of the perfect!

Why can't Limbballs pop a Viagra, fly down to the Dominican Republic, and go on another sex tour? Did he run out of Oxycontins or something?

Thank God the people who listen to this destructive asshole aren't running the show.

egoist said...

Rush had driven this home a little harder (Jimmy the Carter was there too): Two Nobel Peace Prize winners have dinner with the man holding the current Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison.

mesquito said...

"It's also why Rush is an entertainer instead of a foreign policy advisor."

Had President Shortpants listened to Rush rather than his advisors, he would have learned that promising to close Gitmo was mindblowingly stupid.

Cedarford said...

Florida - We're not talking about some esoteric philosophic difference here you fucking retard. The Chinese dictator has imprisoned the Nobel Peace Prize winner who succeeded Barack Didnothing Obama.

Sorry, but so fucking what, Florida? Does the Prize have a clause that each winner is supposed to be a champion for every other winner?

Obama has to speak up for Noble Algore and Jimmy Carter when others criticize them?

Say that Europeans investigating Kofi Annan and "Oil for Food" have to lay off a fellow Peace Prize winner?

Far more important matters have to be dealt with by Obama regarding China. He was elected to be President of all of us, not transformed into "Dissident Savior" by some lefty Norweigians sitting on Fjord that thought making Obama a winner was a clever thing to do.

Deal with China on trade that is bankrupting America and destroying jobs. Deal with China in working to prevent conditions that could cause ruinous wars with N Korea or China itself in the future. Extend to China the same respect we give to other powerful, influential nations.
Then talk about your precious dissident.
Then talk about continued improvement (already underway) for practicing the Christian faith, China helping less fortunate peoples, giving more autonomy to Tibetans and Uighurs, etc.

But don't forget America and Obama has more important things on the table than your pet dissident.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Florida prefers to make Americans slaves to a Chinese labor standard and indebted to their economy than to shake their leader's hand! What an absolute horror! Diplomacy and hand shaking!!! He much prefers to sell out the American worker to their labor standards and devalue our currency to the debt we owe them than to make nice with their leader!!!

That's what integrity is all about!!1!1!!!!!1!!

Anonymous said...

" ... promising to close Gitmo was mindblowingly stupid."

Pffft ... this was the only smart thing Barack Obama did in his entire campaign.

He rolled the anti-war movement in one fell swoop with this bullshit and got elected because of it.

Doesn't matter if he was lying. He got $2 million book deals out of it. Bill Ayers ... who the fuck is Bill Ayers? Nobody.

And the anti-war pussies still suck his cock. What ... they're going to vote for a Republican? Hahahahahahaha.

They'll vote for Barack and not get a reach around.

And they'll like it like a bitch.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Well obviously integrity and principles are more important than a solvent currency, realpolitik and respect for the American worker, Cedarford. I mean, which planet did you think Florida was visiting you on?

Anonymous said...

"Florida prefers to make Americans slaves to a Chinese labor standard and indebted to their economy than to shake their leader's hand!"

Barack Obama has been on his knees sucking the cocks of every tinhorn dictator and Islamist militant he can find.

I expect nothing less from him.

He's a weak horse.

And so he's getting ridden.

Nothing surprising about that.

But let's drop the pretense that he's worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize. He's the Commander in Chief of the world's most powerful military and he can't even figure out how to order the closure of a brig.

Barack Obama is a fellating moron.

Which is probably why he has AIDS.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Obama should have just spat in the guy's face. That's. Just. What. You Do with people to whom you owe a lot of money. Obviously!

(Contardism in a nutshell).

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Sounds like you know a lot about homoerotic fellatio, Florida.

Does that reflect a habit that you happened to pick up somewhere or is it just a passing interest of yours? You seem to be quite fixated on it.

Milwaukee said...

Rush is mistaken when he speaks of the "moral compass" of the left: a moral compass requires principles and a belief in something greater than oneself. People with principles will occassionally do things to their own detriment, because that is what their principles require of them. Those on the left have no principles, no morals and no compass. Do you recall the fight at the beginning of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? Redford explains the rules to the other guy and beats him up. Those on the right play "nice" and lose. Wake up: The left has nothing greater than themselves and rules are for losers. That's why they are not bothered by voter fraud, especially when they are the ones cheating.

Perhaps this is why Elana Kagan and her Senate supporters are not bothered when she didn't agree that the "inalienable rights" as stated in the Declaration of Independence are something we need to keep in mind.

Cedarford said...

Dan said...
Rush had driven this home a little harder (Jimmy the Carter was there too): Two Nobel Peace Prize winners have dinner with the man holding the current Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison.

As if Rush has ever given a hoot in his life about "noble dissidents"....or Gorbachev or Kofi Annan or Kissinger...for that matter.

Kissinger and Algore and Kofi at a swank dinner hosted by some tinpot Arab dictator or Burmese general:

Noble Algore: "My, your boots are incredibly shiny, Supreme Commander!"
Supreme Commander "They are shiny from saliva and blood from stepping on the faces of ungrateful malcontents!"
Fellow Nobel prize winners Kofi and Kissinger: "How interesting! If you wouldn't mind passing the caviar, and your Mountain Reisling vintage is most subtle and refreshing, Supreme Commander!"

Anonymous said...

Hawaii's Democrat Governor Says Obama's Birth Certificate Cannot Be Authenticated


Honululu-Star Advertiser Confirms In Inverview With Governor

"It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down ...What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Reason is something greater than oneself but the loudest voices on the right unfortunately have no interest in it.

Only a self-destructive jackoff would see unreasonable behavior as principled.

Anonymous said...

"That's. Just. What. You Do with people to whom you owe a lot of money."

Weak horse.

Getting ridden.

Obama is weak.

Obama is a debtor.

Obama must appease his master.

Great optics you're drawing, dude.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It's America's money, not Obama's. And the Republicans want to throw them more of it.

But it's nice to hear about your Osama bin Laden principles. Anything new you'd like to tell me about your worldview that I didn't hear some guy say in a grainy video to his friends in a cave?

wv: quill

Anonymous said...

A strong horse would tell Hu the checks in the mail - and if he don't like that we have some ICBMs laying around that we have nothing to do with that we could use to pay the fucking bill if it comes to it.

A weak horse tries to fellate his debtor with dinner and some wine.

Obama is a fellator.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"But it's nice to hear about your Osama bin Laden principles."

Yeah, it's too bad we have a pussy for a president.

bagoh20 said...

Hu will win the prize in 2012. Even if the Chicoms need to copy their own Nobel. Knowing how the Chinese translate into English, I expect it would be called the Nobel Silence Prize, which is quite fitting.

Methadras said...

Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...

There shall be no ironies in life! Everything will conform to a standard of perfect integrity! The good shall be the enemy of the perfect!

Why can't Limbballs pop a Viagra, fly down to the Dominican Republic, and go on another sex tour? Did he run out of Oxycontins or something?

Thank God the people who listen to this destructive asshole aren't running the show.

This is civility for Sctickmo. Please do not judge him to harshly. He's only a child.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Actually, "Florida" has introduced an obsessively sexual (sado-masochistic) element to the worldview he inherited from al Qaeda. What's up with that?

egoist said...

Blogger Cedarford said...

"As if Rush has ever given a hoot in his life about "noble dissidents"....or Gorbachev or Kofi Annan or Kissinger...for that matter."

Suppose what you might say if Rush & Beck were hosting / toasting Julius Genachowski.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Civility shouldn't be the enemy of reason. Except to the unreasoned, of course. Before they barf up their Gerbers.

Methadras said...

Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...

Reason is something greater than oneself but the loudest voices on the right unfortunately have no interest in it.

Only a self-destructive jackoff would see unreasonable behavior as principled.

Not really. The ability to reason and compel those to see your reason is only trumped by those that would crush you under their heels because while they will listen, and agree with it, choose to act in eliminating you as either an enemy or competitor. You seem to think that if you can reason with your opponent they will become your ally. This is why you are a tool and always have been one.

wv = medec = something I hope you never need.

Methadras said...

Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...

Civility shouldn't be the enemy of reason. Except to the unreasoned, of course. Before they barf up their Gerbers.

Only back in your face because you would look prettier that way. With my masticated food ending up on your visage. Ah, what a picture.

jr565 said...

Conservatives4DentalHygiene wrote:
Well obviously integrity and principles are more important than a solvent currency, realpolitik and respect for the American worker, Cedarford. I mean, which planet did you think Florida was visiting you on?

that's all well and good, but then don't pretend to take the moral highground as a party. And expect those you call Nazis routinely to hold you to account for your rank hypocricy.
Why are repulicans nazis? Because fundamentally, to libs, they do not honor equal rights as defined by libs. And because they allow their capitalistic greed to overwrite human rights in other countries for our benefit.
Yet here Obama is playing the real politik for fun and profit at the expense of civil rights. Don't you think therefore that libs should get off their (INCREDIBLY) high horse and shut the fuck up about how rethuglicans are nazis?
Yet another, in the long line of charges where liberals hoist themselves on their own petard.
and tell Obama to give that nobel peace price back in the interest of real politic. .

LakeLevel said...

Getting back to the topic at hand (sorry trolls, you just aint worth it), the media see no irony because those on the left (95% of the media are in that group) will deny any reality in orderto maintain their fictions, in this case the fiction that the Nobel committee and their prize are actually worth anything to those outside of the Left. Ann, nice work, we need to stand up and laugh at the Nobels and Pulitzers that are nothing more than groupthink idiocies.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Just because the fucktard above can't reason doesn't mean most world leaders can't. In fact, that's probably the reason why the fucktard above is not trusted to any position of leadership and never will be.

Although, I heard spokesperson and de facto leadership positions for the Republican Party are open to such fucktards. See the fraud who can't fire the gun she totes around in Alaska for details. (Oh, but that must be my anger toward her talking and not the fact that she can't get a single vote outside the ~40% of cons - and no one else - devoted to her to matter what!)

Anonymous said...

"Civility shouldn't be the enemy of reason."

There isn't going to be any civility, dude. We're done being civil with you motherfuckers. Now it's just about getting rid of you.

Or maybe you're not keeping up with current events, pal.

You're getting your asses kicked.

Game over, man.

Game over.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Of course, people who mock Nobel prizes and other, real forms of recognition are not trolls of any sort. They are just stickin' it to the man!

Anonymous said...

"Of course, people who mock Nobel prizes ..."

Tell us Ritmo ... how precisely did Barack Obama earn a Nobel Peace Prize running two wars and a torturing gulag where there are no trials allowed?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

There isn't going to be...

I was responding to the baby-faced troll, so get over yourself. I realize you're all about as good as a bunch of clones but do try to be respectful to your fellow troll-clone. He was the one who went on about civility.

But keep up the bar-room brawl talk. It's so manly! I almost thought that your fists are as big in cyberspace as your mouth. But just for a moment. And then I woke up.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

...how precisely did...

Ask the committee, dude. I don't speak for them, I didn't form it.

Still doesn't stop me from acknowledging its existence and importance to people without an axe to grind, though.

LakeLevel said...

They are just stickin' it to the man!

Someone has to speak truth to power. We certainly aint getting that from the people whose job it's supposed to be.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

There's that axe, LL.

Are the Nobel committee and the Democratic party in some sort of collusion with each other? Or are they just a part of some grand, global conspiracy to besmirch the honorable reputation of every Republican footsoldier who aspires to the kind of Ronald Reagan that they aren't and never will be?

Kirby Olson said...

There are 192 countries in the United Nations. Basically, every country in the world (with the exceptions of the Cook Islands and the Vatican). The only country that's not allowed in is Taiwan. Oh, and Tibet.

Bush 2 would have mentioned this.

Not the Big O.

Howard said...

When I read the quote, I thought to myself, Rush got 'em again - that's why they pay him the big bucks. I even posted it on Facebook. Then I thought I should do the internet background check that we always claim the media should do.

Two days ago the NY Times wrote, “It creates a situation where a Nobel Peace Prize laureate is hosting a banquet for a leader who is imprisoning another Nobel Peace Prize laureate,” said Michael Green, who advised Mr. Bush on Asia issues and helped plan Mr. Hu’s last visit here. “How awkward.”

As funny as it is, Rush talked himself into a situation that the liberals can easily defend against. He should be more careful. He knows better. I was sorry to have to remove his quote from Facebook.

LakeLevel said...

C4BDH your worst nightmare has come true, You Are The Establishment dude. way harsh

Anonymous said...

"Are the Nobel committee and the Democratic party in some sort of collusion with each other?"


What else would explain how a corrupt state senator from Illinois got a Nobel Peace Prize?

What precisely - exactly - did Barack Obama do to earn a Nobel Peace Prize (keeping in mind that he suspended trials for prisoners at his gulag and then kept it open [punk'd!] ... then sent 30,000 more killing machines to Afghanistan to murder more brown people).

(NB: I notice you keep refusing to answer this question.)

Fen said...

I see Ritmo brought his platoon of Strawmen.

Remember, he's one of the "smart" ones...

MadisonMan said...

I would have had mountains of respect for the President (compared to the molehills I have now) if he would have gracefully declined the award specifically because he didn't feel he deserved it.

Agreed. It would have win-win if he did that. Maybe the Nominating Committee would have been pissed, but who cares about that? He'd have been a historic figure for turning it down, for a pretty good reason, and would've seemed a little humble to boot.

Fen said...

I don't blame the man. He's been treated this way his entire career - given things because he's black and "articulate". Accepting accolades he doesn't deserve has been the pattern of his life.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Florida has stumped me. I wonder why a less bellicose president would win a peace prize? I guess when Obama isn't busy being such a softie to the foreigners he's also a warmongerer.

Behold the coherence of this view of Obama. Pay no attention to the inherent contradictions in it!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Fen sure strikes me as a knowledgeable chap when it comes to civilian life accomplishments.

bagoh20 said...

I agree that Obama blew it by accepting the prize. An incredible opportunity, but the man was just too small to take advantage of it. Of course it was considered, but "It's a freakin Nobel, man. I gotta have that."

I think most men of character in his position would have turned it down, but it requires true confidence that you are in fact more than hype. On this point he knows better than anyone and he told us all his opinion of himself. Better get what I can before they catch on. I bet this is a lifelong M.O.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

He should have just wept instead, refused the prize and protested by bawling about how that's what "the people" would want him to do. Make a symbolic gesture. Pass a bill that will go nowhere. You know, principled stuff. For the people, of course.

LakeLevel said...


Coherence also includes entropy you weird apologist. Obama didn't start his Obsequiousness to foregn leaders until after he received his nobel peace prize. It unless they had a time machine (or a dumbass lefty brain), it had not happened yet.

bagoh20 said...

Refusing a prize of this "stature" that you and everyone knows you didn't earn is simply the honorable, confident and wise thing to do, unless you think he actually did earn it, which is retarded. So why didn't he do the right thing?

chickelit said...

If they hadn't given the Peace Prize to him we might still think it was worth something, despite previous winners.

He did us a favor by burying that particular "Oscar' forever.

I draw a sharp distinction between the science prizes and the Peace Prizes I don't pretend to understand the Literature Prize.

jr565 said...

Conservatives4BetterDentalHygience wrote:
Behold the coherence of this view of Obama. Pay no attention to the inherent contradictions in it!

THat's certainly what libs are doing when it comes to Obamas continuation of Bush policies. According to libs he doesn't even have to make a pretense to value human rights. His carpet bombing and escalation of wars are ignored by the very same people who called Bush a nazi when he did it. And I bet they'll vote for him again too.
We're on to your side. No principles. The louder the screaming over policy, and the more cries of Nazi and racist the more likely that you are seeking power and think you've found a weakness, or are seeking to maintain power and want to silence your critics with standard liberal hyperbole.
And we'll just laugh at the Chosen One abandon the majority of his promises one by one and slowly morph into Bush day by day. And of course we'll also laugh at the liberals chearing him as he goes. How does it feel to be such a chump?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

"Obsequiousness" is just your own self-congratulatory description. Before he was elected your freaky team members chided him for the alleged crime of being popular in other nations, for speaking to large, admiring crowds in Germany, et cetera et cetera. The admiration shown to him by the Nobel Committee is just part of the same idea here: Your jealousy and inability to tolerate the fact that non-right wingy non-Americans actually like the guy. So sorry to diverge from your efforts to elevate a part-time wet-drunk/part-time dry-drunk around the world that everyone else thinks is an asshole and yell at them for not liking him the way American beer hall patrons do. This time someone is in power that the ROW actually can stand, and you can't stand it. Too bad.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Junior wrote:

"How does it feel to be such a chump..."

when what I think he meant to write was:


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I never called Bush a Nazi and never condoned anyone who did. Is there no end to how fuzzy the thinking is? How many times do I have to say that?

Not everyone who didn't like Bush, let alone voted for Obama, thought to call Bush a "Nazi". Get a grip.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Bush was no Nazi. The Nazi's leader (Hitler) was a meth addict. Bush OTOH was just a drunk.

The Nazi's followers may have started their movement in beer halls, but that's a different story.

jr565 said...

Conservatives4DentalHygiene wrote:
Obsequiousness" is just your own self-congratulatory description. Before he was elected your freaky team members chided him for the alleged crime of being popular in other nations, for speaking to large, admiring crowds in Germany, et cetera et cetera. The admiration shown to him by the Nobel Committee is just part of the same idea here

Weren't the large crowds admiring him because he was anti Bush? Only since he's carrying on many of bushs policies what exactly are the crows so admiring of? And considering you don't actually care about actual human rights, nor escalation of wars, what exactly did you not like about Bush?

jr565 said...

Conservatives4BetterDentalHygiene wrote:

Bush was no Nazi. The Nazi's leader (Hitler) was a meth addict. Bush OTOH was just a drunk.

ANd Obama was a pot head and coke fiend. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have a heroin habit.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Refusing a prize of this "stature" that you and everyone knows you didn't earn is simply the honorable, confident and wise thing to do, unless you think he actually did earn it, which is retarded. So why didn't he do the right thing?

Because Obama never learned this. If he had actually accomplished something in his life (other than being born "black") he would know better because he would have the geniune article for comparison.

But Obama doesn't have anything like that in his history. It never occured to him that he was getting something for doing nothing, because that kind of farce is all he's ever known.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I never "didn't like" Bush, but I don't vote on the basis of likeability so much as on the basis of competence.

I don't "not care" about human rights. I just put them into perspective and prioritize according to the policies that allow the country that claims to care about human rights, to project that mission more powerfully. National interest is not just about values - especially when it comes to how power is used abroad and diplomatically.

The crowds liked Obama because they felt safer having someone with a brain rise to power. Bush "hatred" is something you over-rate. It reached significant levels, but you silly "character" obsessed cons just don't get it. The point was to have someone intelligent and reasonable enough to be competent in charge, not just "anyone who wasn't Bush".

It is a mistake to claim that Obama is dumb. You won't hurt his feelings by claiming this, so you might as well acknowledge reality and deal with it - as the president is doing.

Fen said...

RitmoSockPuppet: The crowds liked Obama because they felt safer having someone with a brain rise to power. The point was to have someone intelligent and reasonable enough to be competent in charge, not just "anyone who wasn't Bush".

Bush is more intelligent than Obama. Bush is more intelligent than anyone on this blog.

Even Obama is realizing, on just about everything, that Bush was right and he was wrong.

It is a mistake to claim that Obama is dumb

Obama is dumber than Bush.

Now go marinate. I'm bored and done playing with my food.

Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ritmo Re-Animated said...

ANd Obama was a pot head and coke fiend. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have a heroin habit.

Actually, Bush was a coke "fiend". And most people aren't so dumb as to mistake what someone does in childhood with what Bush did much later in life. Mistakes later in life are a bigger problem than kids experimenting with things, at least one of which was relatively benign anyway.

Bush couldn't temper his temptations as a governor. Any idiot who would mistake that sort of a problem with a teenager's drug taking dalliances doesn't really have much of a point to make.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It took Obama two years to realize "it's the economy stupid". In my book, that learning curve makes him President Stupid.

Freeman Hunt said...

Since we've decided to spend like addicts and have become China's bitch to fund the habit, I guess Hu gets to lock up whoever he wants.

It's hard to stand on principle when you're waiting for your next fix.

Martin said...

Paul Zrimsek said...
(shrug) He's the President. Breaking bread with bastards is part of his job

Which one are you talking about, Paul??

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Yes Fen. It would be much more exciting to jerk yourself off to cries of "Bush is the bestest, smartest, most Jesus-iest and Reagan-iest preznit evaaaar!!!! (And he can leap tall buildings and land on aircraft carriers too. What a guy.)

Bush can win arm wrassling matches with both hands tied behind his back and terrrist-trained alligators biting his ankles. We get the story. Yawn.

Freeman Hunt said...

The world where our Marines are briefed to not interfere if we hear little boys screaming in a house while they're being raped, probably by an uncle. We should just accept their culture and not interfere to cause them to lose face.

I've heard about this from other people in the services. What is up with that culture?

I'm Full of Soup said...

But to Althouse it means Obama is a concensus builder and to Ritmo it means Obama is competent.

Freeman Hunt said...

Are we seriously discussing who is smarter, Bush or Obama?

By the way, my Dad could have beaten up your dad.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I dunno Freeman but I'm sure you can find some ways to pour more money into the problem.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

They're discussing why Obama is not supposed to be as well-liked as he is.

Freeman Hunt said...

I dunno Freeman but I'm sure you can find some ways to pour more money into the problem.

I did. I gave money to missionary organizations that specialize in such regions.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

If we stop fighting for the grand cause of Obama's illegitimacy then we lose the moral and intellectual highground, or something like that. I think that's the current agenda.

If furrriners like him, then we will become like the furriners.

JAL said...

C4BDH actually believes Obama deserved(s) the Nobel Peace Prize.

That's not Priceless.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Good luck with that. I'm sure that just as soon as their rate of poppy addiction goes down past the 90% mark, they'll be well on their way to becoming Christians, maybe even good Christians. Look out warlords.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

JAL actually might or might not be able to read.

No comment on the value of that.

Fen said...

Libtard: it would be much more exciting to jerk yourself off to cries of "Bush is the bestest, smartest, most Jesus-iest and Reagan-iest preznit evaaaar!!!! (And he can leap tall buildings and land on aircraft carriers too. What a guy.)

Bush can win arm wrassling matches with both hands tied behind his back and terrrist-trained alligators biting his ankles. We get the story. Yawn.

Hey, you're the one who brought it up, not me. Why are you "jerking yourself off to cries of Bush is stupid"?

Anonymous said...

"guess when Obama isn't busy being such a softie to the foreigners he's also a warmongerer."

That's exactly right. When he's not giving fucking blowjobs to King Saud or dolling his wife up and whoring her out to give Chinese Hu a fresh boner, Barack Obama is using drone aircraft to murder people ... claiming they are "terrorists" but never actually having to prove that.

When he's not sucking the cock of the Japanese premiere (why else is he bending over that far?), Barack Obama suspended trials for the criminals at Gitmo. He stopped in-progress trials so that he could, indefinitely torture his prisoners.

Barack Obama is a war criminal who should be arrested for violating the Geneva Convention and the laws of man. He should be tried, and upon his conviction, hung.

That's what we do common war criminals.

jr565 said...

I never "didn't like" Bush, but I don't vote on the basis of likeability so much as on the basis of competence.

Yet your only criterion for Obama's competence was his likability when he delivered speeches. What competence had he exhibited when the Nobel Prize gave him his prize, or when he was wowing the international community. It sounds like likeability is your number one, if not your only, factor.

BJM said...

...he's sizing up Barry the way Khrushchev did with JFK.

The body language between the two men is so markedly different that I'm wondering who the hell at the WH vetted the photos? Hu is clearly more confident and commanding, while Obama looks alternately startled or tentative.

However, China shouldn't get too cocky, it wasn't that long ago that the Japanese were perceived to have the upper hand. We sucked them dry, their economy tanked and is still in free fall fifteen years later.

America, for all its real and perceived faults has the ability to turn on a dime. China, like the Japanese rigid production system, cannot.

Although China does have the advantage of simply eliminating unprofitable sectors/industries without any concern for expendable Chinese workers or environment.

To me, this is the real danger of the centralized system Obama desires. Once we lose our nimble market driven system we are a whale wallowing in shallow economic waters awaiting a harpoon (can I still say that?).

Rick Jones said...

I also find irony in the need to have annual peace prize Apparently the previous recipients did not have a lasting effect?

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