১২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১০

"Will Barack Obama depart as President of the United States?"

You can bet on it.

৮১টি মন্তব্য:

nikasv বলেছেন...

In 2 years(maybe)

Fen বলেছেন...


The Dude বলেছেন...

Of course he will. The only question is when.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

This is an easy question. Mr. Obama will serve as our POTUS till January 2017.

NB: The results for the election of November 2012 are already known:

Obama/Biden easily defeat the GOP (Palin, Huckabee, Romney, etc. - actually anyone or everyone).

So, to answer, yes, Mr. Obama will depart as a POTUS but not for a long time.

Lincolntf বলেছেন...

It would be astounding if Obama did not serve out his full first term. But it was astounding when he began taking over private corporations, vilifying the American people and wandering off stage in the middle of news conferences, too.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

What do they mean? It's a lock that he won't be president forever, that at some point he will depart. Do they mean resign?

Clyde বলেছেন...

My money's on 1/20/13. "The end of an error," as one T-shirt I saw on line put it.

Fen বলেছেন...

"The end of an error," as one T-shirt I saw on line put it.

Wow. Already?

Unknown বলেছেন...

At the beginning of this Administration, the question "Is he TRYING to destroy this country?", would only be answered by a few, most willing to give The Zero the benefit of the doubt. A year later, the question was always answered, and the answer was, "Yes".

A year ago, a few here opined a Zero resignation and we all laughed. Today, no one is laughing. For those who are skeptical, remember the incident where he and Michelle visited a grade school early in his Administration on a Friday afternoon. When asked what brought him here, he said, "They let us out early", which prompted some to wonder whether The Zero didn't like his job, not to mention who was really in charge.

(I think Ann may have blogged on this one)

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

There is no way in hell this guy would just quit. If at his age he still believes in socialism, then he damn well believes in hope and change too.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

The mailman who delivers to our office is a good guy but is a far left liberal who wore a hat with the date 1/20/09 in the last few months of GW's administration. I felt that was unprofessional but kept my mouth shut. And I will definitely buy one of those t-shirts and make sure he sees it. I am looking forward to that conversation!

CoffeeNut বলেছেন...

Obama doesn't like being POTUS anymore. He loves the perks, but the daily grind of governing is to much for him.

We know he is not the brilliant intellectual that so many claimed, but he is smart enough to know his limitations. He knows he is in over his head.

Just another member of the worst political class in the history of the United States.

JAL বলেছেন...

I believe that Intrade has two possible dates -- Dec 10 and the second, Dec 11 (I believe they mean BY ...)

What's happened so far is more than breathtaking.

We are lying on the ground. Wind knocked out of us, trying to find the muscles to take a breath, and have just been able to move enough to pull the lever to fire many of the supporting cast.

Without his supporting cast, the POTUS may find the rest of the play too demanding.

Or just too boring.

(The press conference was too boring the other day, obviously.)

Don't be surprised if something happens in the next 12 months. Maybe they'll have an emergency and Soros will arrange for them to call and ask him to take over the UN? That's what I have thought might happen post WH. But given that the rest of the world knows he's pretty impotent when it comes to being able to steam roller people not in crisis ... mmm ... on second thought, the UN might be the perfect fit. That and move it to Dubai.)

Fen বলেছেন...

The mailman who delivers to our office is a good guy... And I will definitely buy one of those t-shirts and make sure he sees it.

Be careful with that. I've known quite a few "good" liberals who totally lost it when their own cards were played back against them.

Getting a PO Box downtown will be a pita. ;)

JAL বলেছেন...

So nice to see AP back on board.


Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

On the Chris Matthews show today, the entire panel was giddy about how well Obama is suddendly doing. They are convinced that he has pulled at least a partial Clinton and that he is much, much stronger than he was just weeks ago. Interesting analysis, coming from liberals.

It seems to me that if someone challenges Obama in the primary, he will probably lose. But if nobody credible challenges, and if the economy picks up before November 2012, he'll probably win.

Then again, my track record in predicting election results is pretty bad.

David বলেছেন...

Depart from what?

Mortal life?

The office?

Another press conference with Clinton?

The surly bonds of earth?

Beam me up, Michelle.

Mikio বলেছেন...

Obama getting elected POTUS is the single biggest bitchslap to white racists in human history. Life is good. :^)

Mikio বলেছেন...

And no, I wasn't calling all Obama opposers racists. Obviously Obama opposers are a bigger group with white racists being a smaller group within them.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Obama getting elected POTUS is the single biggest bitchslap to white racists in human history. Life is good. :^)

See, for idiots like you, elections are about "sending messages"

Well, for some of us, the President is expected to make difficult decisions and lead.

For the 9+ million (and counting) people that have lost their jobs, life isn't so good.

But I guess for an idiot like you, that is okay because you got to feel good inside about your message to all these "white racists."

By the way moron, given this debacle, how long do you think it will be before America considers another black Democrat presidential material?

dbp বলেছেন...

I think Obama will serve-out his term and not run for reelection.

His popularity is shrinking, but there is a core of people who will always worship Obama and so he will quickly make a huge amount of money in speaking fees. Plus, as a one-termer, he remains politically relevant since he could serve again.

Plus, I don't think he really likes the job and it will not get better either, with congress trending Republican and all.

TWM বলেছেন...

The guy is barely there. He's a ghost. Jimmy Carter was more substantial. Our country is in peril.

That said, if the Dems could primary him without losing the black vote (which they need to win any election) they would do it. None of them respect him now. They know he is a loser. But they don't have any other options.

Fen বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Fen বলেছেন...

Obama getting elected POTUS is the single biggest bitchslap to white racists in human history.

Not really. Condi was. But I forget, your kind call her an Uncle Tom.

But all Obama has done is reinforce every negative stereotype of a Diversity Hire.

In above his head, can't handle the workload, grows ever more frustrated and bitter and angry, blames everyone else for his failures, files EEO complaint against America, then quits.

Diversity Hire Of The United States

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I feel most sorry for Obama's white half. Apparently, nobody supports him, and no one voted for him. The poor cracker.

Harry বলেছেন...

Mikio said...Obama getting elected POTUS is the single biggest bitchslap to white racists in human history. Life is good. :^)

The end result of the Obama presidency may be an increase in the number of white racists. By "white racists," I mean whites who are no longer willing to make every possible excuse for black incompetence rather than accept it for what it is.

AllenS বলেছেন...

It appears that Obama is tiring of the job. Having said that, here's what I think everybody should keep an eye on. Bill Clinton. If he is hanging around the White House more often, then I think Obama will not run for reelection. BJ will talk him out of running again. Obama is a fool if he thinks that he needs to take advice from either Clinton. They are not his friends.

Mikio বলেছেন...

See, for idiots like you, elections are about "sending messages"

Based only on those two posts of mine so far, what do you think the odds are that I'm politically left of center? It's basically unthinkable that I'm not, right? (Hint: yes, I am.)

Therefore, my political outlook surely overlaps quite a lot with Obama's, don'tcha think?

Thus, the election for me wasn't about "sending a message," you typically wrong and illogical right-wing twit; his racial make-up was merely icing on the cake. Most excellent icing, but still, just icing. Be angry. Go ahead. I effing LOVE it. And no, it's not petty to want to see you assholes suffer mental anguish because right-wing views are wrong-headed and in some cases even vile.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Just because everyone now understands that Obama is nothing more than a jive turkey, this is no excuse not to impeach him before his term runs out. Aside from being dangerously incompetent, his tenure has been an unparalleled national embarrassment that needs to be amended in the eyes of the world.

Christopher বলেছেন...

I just had a crazy idea. President Colin Powell (D).

GMay বলেছেন...

Hmmm, a completely unfounded/unprovable premise?


No understanding of common words like logic?


Racist projection?


Yup, standard unimaginative liberal troll. The only question is: is it a sock, or a new idiot?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

his racial make-up was merely icing on the cake.

Actually, his race is the only reason he was a candidate.

He had no relevant experience, and has proven that he knows nothing about economics & foreign policy.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Be angry. Go ahead. I effing LOVE it.

Bully for you.

Again, given this debacle, how long do you think it will be before America considers another black Democrat presidential material?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

It will take a Black conservative POTUS to undo the damage done to racial relations by Obama. The stupidity of people like MIkio would be impossible with a Black Conservative President. Although stupid always finds a way to survive - it would evolve, or "progress" if you will.

Chris বলেছেন...

It's not really a question of if or even when. Symbolically at least, he DID depart. He walked out on a press conference in a time of deep national economic crisis to attend a party. That was a gesture of abdication that will not be forgotten, even if he serves out his term. Sometimes a cigar IS more than just a cigar, and walking out on the press IS significant.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

It will take a Black conservative POTUS to undo the damage done to racial relations by Obama. The stupidity of people like MIkio would be impossible with a Black Conservative President. Although stupid always finds a way to survive - it would evolve, or "progress" if you will.

To some extent I agree. The most egregious racism seems, so far, to be in the Department of Justice. At least when it comes to voting rights, they appear to have taken an extremely race conscious approach.

I have no doubt that there are going to be some investigations by the House now that the Republicans have taken such commanding control of that chamber. And, I think that the most explosive is going to be of AG Holder and his crew. Having a policy of ignoring voter intimidation by Blacks is not going to play well with the American people. And, with House hearings on the subject, it is going to be harder for the left (including the MSM) to ignore.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Bago said:
"It will take a Black conservative POTUS to undo the damage done to racial relations by Obama".

I agree 100%.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...


Nah the mailman is a wuss. Good guy for a liberal but definite wuss.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I would suggest that the Democrats have a big problem right now. President Obama is hurting right now politically, and, as some have pointed out, may not be enjoying the actual work that goes into being President.

But who do they put up to replace him? Hillary? Maybe if the Republicans run Palin. But she is damaged goods, esp. after Wikileaks. And, it hasn't helped her case that Obama has cut her out of many of the bigger negotiations.

The problem that I see for them is that it is going to be an uphill fight all the way, if Obama doesn't run. Compound this with the lack of enthusiasm that would be likely in Black voters. Not as bad as a primary challenge, but still less than motivated.

I do see a push here by Bill Clinton being possible, as he would seemingly love to get back into the White House. And, maybe it would be worth it to see how well his wife does with her co-President, when he is the one with the skills and experience. We could have four years of marital strife, real or imagined by the press, livening up our daily news.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Obama getting elected POTUS is the single biggest bitchslap to white racists in human history.

Sarah Palin losing the vice presidency and being pushed out of the governship was the single biggest victory for liberal misogynists in human history.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

A few thoughts:

* Barring a major scandle or serious illness, the chances that Obama will resign are pretty darn slight- too tiny to really be seriously discussing. I think a lot of folks who are are blinded by wishful thinking here.

* It's possible (although still quite unlikely) that the president will pull and LBJ in 2012, either because he's miserable or because he has reason to believe that he can't possibly win. The chances are still tiny, though. Particularly given the amount of freedom he would have as a 2nd termer and lame duck.

* If he does go LBJ or resign, we'll never hear the end of it- he was pushed out, America wasn't ready for a black president, the whole run. Expect a good number of conspiracy theories, too. R. will win easily; D's will lose a good deal of the black vote.

* It's very unlikely that he will get challenged in the primary, and far less likely still that he will lose. But, if he does, that will be one of the best things possible for America. Why? Blacks will leave the Dem party in droves. The social pressure on Blacks to only and completely support Dems is a huge part of the problems associated with race in America. That changes, then perhaps we can stop looking at Blacks as some monolitic group, and start thinking of individuals instead. Blaming everything on white and conservative racism will look foolish. Our race problems would be likely to heal immensely.

One can hope.

- Lyssa

Fen বলেছেন...

Mikio: Be angry. Go ahead. I want to see you assholes suffer mental anguish because right-wing views are wrong-headed and in some cases even vile.

You're the only one here who sounds angry.

And I'm not sure how much "mental anguish" I'll suffer for laughing my insides out at Obama.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The ways are so varied that it is scary, but depart he will. It is what he leaves behind that matters. We want Barack to keep up the good job until a Sarah Palin victory removes him. We do not want him to pull any tricks like Biden resigning--Hillary appointed VP--and then Barack resigning to run as the incumbent. That would be a New Jersey move. And the worst would be a threat of a lone assassin that can be pinned on the Conservatives, but actually arranged by Soros and his International Money Cabal, God Forbid.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

how long do you think it will be before America considers another black Democrat presidential material?

A very very long time.

My prediction. Shortly before the run up to the campaign for 2012, Obama will announce that for 'health' reasons, he will not be seeking office again.

This would make him look reasonable, it would clear the way for a Democrat to forcefully campaign, and maybe even gin up some sympathy for Obama. Poor sick baby.

Personally, I'm going to continue sticking pins in the Obama voodoo doll that I have hanging in my closet. ......You can all thank me later......(joking about the doll)

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Mikio, do you left-wing loonies actually celebrate Christmas?

You're sort of left of center the way Rush Limbaugh is right of center -- technically true but understating the case.

yashu বলেছেন...

I find the idea of "damage to racial relations because of O" unpersuasive. The trouble with O is so unique to him-- his individual personality, character, ideology, deeds & words-- that the association with race (or presuming others make it) seems a red herring. What I dislike about O has nothing to do with him being black. After all, it's the left (like Mikio) who always emphasize that association, so they can interpret current politics through the prism of "racism". It seems misguided to follow their lead.

Of course, the fact that an inexperienced & unvetted O was nominated and elected President largely had to do with race, the historic significance of electing the First Black President. But "First Black President" only happens once. We're over it. Yes, the USA is capable of electing a black President; great; take that to prove whatever you wish it to prove. From now on, whether or not someone black is elected President will have little to do with whether he/ she is black; it will "prove" nothing either way about Americans' attitudes toward race-- it'll only prove something about Americans' attitude toward that particular candidate. The symbolic aura of O's candidacy qua FBP is unrepeatable. But by the same token, any of Obama's successes or failures as President aren't transferrable to future black candidates. You might as well say we won't elect candidates with southern accents after Carter.

After O, we won't ever again elect a President *just because* they're black; a candidate's race will never again be *the* reason Americans vote for them. But this doesn't mean we won't elect a candidate because they're black, i.e. that a candidate's race will be the reason Americans won't vote for them.

The cynical playing of the race card (the frivolous accusation of "racism") by this administration & its MSM enablers has certainty affected our attitude toward the race card; it's lost its effectiveness, even become a weakness. But it would be wrong to conflate our attitude toward the race card & our attitude toward race-- especially when this is what the left has been doing all along.

Given what we witnessed during O's campaign, many of us feared that during his presidency we'd see rampant use of the race card-- which indeed came to pass. But even the MSM doesn't buy it anymore. O thought he he could use the card for anything & everything because as FBP his presidency was symbolic & historic: how he fared or what he faced could conveniently be taken to "prove" something or other about race or our country's attitudes toward race. This is wrong, of course, and we shouldn't abet it by talk of the "damage to racial relations because of O". Future black candidates won't be carrying that symbolic/ historical badge; the race card won't have that special aura (and any edge left to it was dissipated by its abuse). But I think the death of the race card would make many people look more rather than less favorably on the prospect of another black candidate/ president. To me, less race card in politics means an improvement in racial relations. The demystification of the race card doesn't lead to more racism; IMO it leads to less.

If O is a bad president, that's on him, not his race. I think most Americans feel the same way. Just as my judgments of O are in no way motivated by my relations/ attitudes toward "black people"; so my experience of O does not in the least affect those relations/ attitudes-- nor any judgments I might make of future black candidates. The main influence of O's presidency on American attitudes will not be future suspicion/ resistance toward black candidates, but rather toward (1) unvetted candidates and (2) progressive, big-government solutions heralded with invocations of "hope & change".

Martin L. Shoemaker বলেছেন...

Jay said...

Again, given this debacle, how long do you think it will be before America considers another black Democrat presidential material?

A friend of mine is a black conservative who strongly opposed Obama for President. Still, on the day Obama won, he found this silver lining: "My children are growing up in an America willing to elect a black man. Most of the old barriers are gone. That's good news for them."

Six months later, the silver lining has faded away. At this point, he thinks President Obama is actually empowering racists. "My children will grow up in an America where certain people will knowingly say, 'The worst President in history was a black man.'"

Fen বলেছেন...

Six months later, the silver lining has faded away. At this point, he thinks President Obama is actually empowering racists. "My children will grow up in an America where certain people will knowingly say, 'The worst President in history was a black man.'"

Sad but true. Thats why the skinheads said they were being passive about it. They were counting on him to be a joke and for America to get it.

Its too bad he wasn't the Obama he advertised on the campaign trail. All that talk talk about bipartisanship, ending business as usual in DC, etc.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Fen said:

Diversity Hire Of The United States

I swear, I always thought that meant "Dick Head of The United States" and thought it was spot on....

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I don't understand how intrade works really, but I think it's quite believable Obama could resign. One more economic crash and he's just done with us!

He would be much happier as a world celebrity flitting from conference to conference spouting his leftist platitudes--the ones his presidency have not been revealed as dumb.

the wolf বলেছেন...

Well, Obama does appear to be the first president that feels the office is beneath him. I fully expect he is anxiously awaiting for his presidency to be over so he can take his cushy UN job, where he can utter his banal observations without interference.

Rialby বলেছেন...

Depart how? Does this bet cover all potential departure routes?

John henry বলেছেন...

I was fully aware that it was a crackpot theory a month or two ago when I wrote about it here in the comments.

It looks less crackpot daily.

Here is my scenario:

Hilary resigns as Sec State. Needs to spend more time with her family. Or maybe falling on her sword over Wikileaks. The excuse is not that important.

Slow Joe, based on his supposed foreign policy expertise resigns as VP to become Sec State.

Hilary gets named as VP.

I think this has to happen before year end while there are still majorities to confirm Biden and Hilary in their new roles.

On the other hand, the adults in both parties might

Sometime next year, before June but perhaps earlier, Obama resigns. Maybe he has a heart attack (real or pretend) and resigns for health reasons.

Maybe, as someone suggested, he goes to take over the UN.

John Henry

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"There is no way in hell this guy would just quit. If at his age he still believes in socialism...."

Obama has never espoused socialism, your pet delusions to the contrary.

His failings as President are akin to those of his predecessor: he is a servant of Wall Street and the big banks.

Fen বলেছেন...

Obama has never espoused socialism, your pet delusions to the contrary

I *wish* Obamacare was a pet delusion.

Rob Crawford বলেছেন...

"Obama has never espoused socialism..."

So long as you ignore his history, his policies, and his statements, sure.

Ernst Stavro Blofeld বলেছেন...

I'm thinking there's a fundamental mismatch between Obama's personality and the requirements of the office.

In David Remnick's bio, he quotes Valery Jarrett as saying

So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. … He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.

Comare this with Mark Steyn's observation:

He’s the first president to give off the pronounced whiff that he’s condescending to the job — that it’s really too small for him and he’s just killing time until something more commensurate with his stature comes along.

I think they're both getting at something like the same thing, though Jarrett is laughably off-base on Obama's intellect. (125-130 IQ, tops.) He's simply not engaged. Here was a press conference to sell a package that's important to the economy and the next two years of his presidency. And he prioritizes a Christmas party over the press conference, and hands things off to noted spotlight-hog Clinton.

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Unknown বলেছেন...

IMHO, just a few people have targeted the likely outcome here. The Zero suffers from an unusually low Emotional IQ, which greatly increases his chances for a psychosomatic illness. Thus, I concur with those who stated he will suffer some form of illness that will permit him to complete his 1st term but not run for a 2nd.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Hilary resigns as Sec State. Needs to spend more time with her family. Or maybe falling on her sword over Wikileaks. The excuse is not that important.

Wow. That's really out there. Hillary's only child is a grown woman who just got married and is so far out of the house that it's not funny.

In any case...

I doubt Obama will quit the Presidency early. Yes, the job sucks, but he still gets to make speeches in front of adoring fans and that's his narcotic. If the press stops drinking the Kool-Aid then he'll just stop giving press conferences. Hell, he's done it before.

And I would be very surprised if he doesn't run for re-election. The guy CAN campaign. He does it pretty well, actually. Depending on his opponent, I don't think it will be enough to get him back into office in 2013, but he seems to love to campaign for office. Once he thinks about firing up the campaign machine (and let's face it, the media will fall back into line) he'll taste the joy he had in 2008 all over again.

VW: Unies - Like a wrestling singlet, but made for wearing underneath your Snuggie.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

he is a servant of Wall Street and the big banks.
Or is it the other way around? They're now a major cash cow for the Democratic party--and the new regulations means they'll have to buy even more protection.

orbicularioculi বলেছেন...

@Mikio... do you believe anyone here is taking you seriously? You're an example of what America has just rejected overwhelmingly.

Kansas Scout বলেছেন...

I agree with Ann and have thought so for several months. After the GOP take over things will come to light, secrets exposed and m a y b e new evidence on his birth?! I would not be surprised at all to see him leave office and the USA before 2011 is over.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

He can campaign well when he spouts platitudes, has no record to attack and people can put their own wishes and desires into his empty vessel.
Now that he has a record, not so much. We see the truth about O, and his beautiful, slippery words have thus lost their power.

caseym54 বলেছেন...

When does the UN Secretary General job come open?

Doug Fletcher বলেছেন...

Follow the twists of turns on the road to an Obama resignation!


Mick বলেছেন...

Obama is ineligible. He is not a natural born Citizen required by A2S1C5 since his father was NEVER a citizen, much less at the time of Obama 2's birth. Quo Warranto in the DC district is the constitutional means to unseat him.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hey Mick -- How come not a single judge at any level agrees with your batshit crazy and totally wrong constitutional rants?

Cargosquid বলেছেন...

He's not going to quit. He, and more importantly, Michelle, likes the paid vacations and the other perks way too much. Besides, he needs this gig to get the really important job later on....PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD

Milwaukee বলেছেন...

Fen said...
Obama getting elected POTUS is the single biggest bitchslap to white racists in human history.
Not really. Condi was. But I forget, your kind call her an Uncle Tom.

Actually, "Uncle Tom" is a black-on-black slur. Quisling might be more appropriate, but that might require some appreciation for historical background on treachery. Don't forget, the lowest level of hell is reserved for mutineers and betrayers.

When will white people get over their black-guilt? Some white folk voted for Obama so the world will know we have gotten past our racist past. Fail. As for Rice and Powell, I guess they were just pretending to be Republicans until the day came when they could show their, (can I say this?), "true colors". In the end, they caved to skin color. They can not be trusted.

How long can America afford to finance affirmative action? There is a way to help the economy.

jerryofva বলেছেন...

Mr. Cook:

I agree with you. Obama is not a real socialist. A real socialist would have opened up the GULAG for the political opposition. Have is internal political opponents murdered. Had show trials for all the wreckers and saboteurs on Wall Street. Reduced the population to starvation.

Obama has done none of that so he can't be a "real" socialist.

Milwaukee বলেছেন...

Or, at least, not yet. They've "wilded" Sarah Palin in the press, they've had mobs show up at people's homes. Soon and very soon.


Famous Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Obama has never espoused socialism, your pet delusions to the contrary

I *wish* Obamacare was a pet delusion."

- Haha - Fen FTW!

Kaitian বলেছেন...

Does this mean Obama has become a PINOOTUS (President In Name Only Of The United States)?

raf বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden: But who do they put up to replace him?

It would have to be another African-American to keep the black vote. I have had the same bad vibe as Christopher. Colin Powell is only borderline Republican. He could possibly make the switch, if his wife is over her inordinate fear of electoral politics.

wv: expin. The previous spin, now considered inoperative.

2wv:lieribe. No explanation required.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"So long as you ignore his history, his policies, and his statements, sure."

Where in his history, policies or statements do you find evidence of Obama's "socialism" (sic)?

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I *wish* Obamacare was a pet delusion."

Interesting how a Republican policy when enacted by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts becomes "socialism" (sic) when enacted by Obama.

Obama/RomneyCare is a terrible policy, a giveaway to the private insurance industry, with too few served and too little bought for the millions it will cost its customers. We need universal health care, paid for out of our taxes and available to all, as civilized countries have.

John henry বলেছেন...


I know the time with family is really out there as a reason for Hilary to resign.

I meant it tongue in cheek. It is the typical cliche excuse pols use when they resign after being caught with their hand in the till or their dick in some boy.

As I also said, the stated reason makes no difference at all.

When I first posited my theory a month or two back, I thought it was way looney. I even called it a "crackpot" theory.

A couple more weeks like last one and you will be saying how prescient I was.

John Henry

JAL বলেছেন...

Robert Cook -- I really don't know many conservatives -- or even Republicans -- who were/ are in love with Romney MA health boondoggle.

He is known in many of those circles as a -- get ready -- I'm sure this is *new* to you ---

a R*I*N*O.

Unknown বলেছেন...

It is a mistake to automatically assume that Obama is sincerely seeking a second Presidential term in 2012. Instead, this first term might be viewed by Obama as a stepping stone to the world stage. A single term of four years manages to quite sufficiently make clear his vision for America. Please try to look through his eyes: why waste time(FOUR MORE years in the oval office!) when the alternative consists of promoting himself to the next level of the political playing field .... the WORLD stage. He will be rubbing elbows with a set of folks more akin to his perspective.

Naturally most Americans believe that the greatest position in the world is Chief Executive of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States of America. "The most mighty position in the most mighty nation." Obama seems intent changing that, and regrettably he is accomplishing some of that .... after only 23 months in office with a guarantee of 25 more. Presumably this is HIS hope and HIS change.

Milwaukee বলেছেন...

I would imagine that Barack is rather disappointed in us: regardless of how many times he has explained his vision for health care reform, we just don't seem to get it. So he needs more speeches, to try to explain it one more time. With taxes, he'll let Bill explain it to us. What is wrong with these people? Barack tries talking slower and using smaller words, and we still don't get it!