Where has Michael Clear criticized violent rhetoric on the right?
It's easy to imagine he is a hypocrite, but you need to show us both sides of the coin for the charge to be persuasive. Or, are you lumping everyone into a pile and saying that any two contradictory statements from people on the left constitute hypocrisy. Again, I can imagine that the same charge is made against the right, but how about closing the circuit for us?
Golly gee, how did we know those tolerant, gentle, peace-loving Lefties would show their appreciation of alternative opinion in such a civilized manner?
PS What DaveW said. I don't care how thick-skinned one might claim to be, that does have to get to you after a while.
Poor Ann, somebody finds a blog nobody has heard of with three comments in the thread and that somehow represents "the left".
Project much?
And wasn't she lecturing us all just a couple months ago about how she couldn't be responsible for what her commenters wrote. No, if they were anti-Semitic, racist, or wished others dead, that had nothing to do with her.
So include all the libtard comments here wishing that Ann suffers a painful death.
Crack, you were a part of this. You claimed Ann's words put her in the same boat as the Westboro pukes, so by your own standard you've thrown in with the violent lefties.
What are you talking about? No-one is calling for the death of anyone. They simply note that they will be happy when you do die. I don't see what's wrong with that.
Thank God I've never read any "violent ideation" in this blog's comments. Nothing but bright sunshine and cool rationality from the conservative commenters here.
"Poor Ann, somebody finds a blog nobody has heard of with three comments in the thread and that somehow represents "the left". Project much?"
It's sarcasm that's supposed to remind you of the way lefties would find the one sign at a big Tea Party rally that referred to violence and extrapolate generalities about what a violent movement it was.
HaHa Freder shows up as clueless as always, its like a trap he can never avoid. When he wants to be serious, its just funny and when he wants to be funny, he's stupid.
"It's sarcasm that's supposed to remind you of the way lefties would find the one sign at a big Tea Party rally that referred to violence and extrapolate generalities about what a violent movement it was."
Bullshit. There is no indication that post is sarcasm. You think calling lefties hypocritical is sarcasm?
You've been called on assigning collective guilt for one anonymous comment in some obscure blog to boost your victimhood.
Fen wrote: Crack, you were a part of this. You claimed Ann's words put her in the same boat as the Westboro pukes, so by your own standard you've thrown in with the violent lefties.
OH BULLSHIT! Did Crack wish for her death or did Crack suggest she was behaving badly in her reaction to Elizabeth Edward's death? Big difference. But these lefties are merely applying her same lack of empathy towards her inevitable passing. If you can't be civil, then don't expect civility. Ann said, that Elizabeth wasn't deserving of sympathy becuase only ONE son died, because her husband had a big cok and because she was wealthy. And to sympathize with others less fortunate. So why not apply the same standard to Ann? She has a devoted husband, seems quite succesful in her life. If she should die of cancer, well a lot of others less fortunate than her also die of cancer, and she can be a pretty divisive figure. So why waste pity on her?
Ann: If you're trying to fathom the twisted reasoning behind picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral (by the Westboro Baptist Church), the hateful text is here.
Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftits for his comments re Ann.
I hope your brain didn't just explode, JR. And I hope this post taught you how to properly cite what someone actually said, instead of the inaccurate paraphrasing tricks you pull.
nn said, that Elizabeth wasn't deserving of sympathy becuase only ONE son died, because her husband had a big cok and because she was wealthy. And to sympathize with others less fortunate.
I don't believe that was what Ann said: that EE was not deserving of sympathy. OR at least that wasn't how I interpreted the comments.
To me it was more along the lines of: while EE is getting sympathy for her death, life etc, there are many others who have had more difficult lives, who are not public figures, who suffer in silence and who are perhaps more deserving of sympathy.
Just a couple of days ago , shoutingthomas was wishing for the death of all hipsters. I've had one particularly virulent commenter here wishing for MY death - when they hardly even know me or my political views.
Surely, that doesn't represent the chant of the american right? In fact, I KNOW it doesn't.
Those who feel they must turn one tweet and five commenters at some obscure site into "the left" or that one guy with the bigoted sign at a tea party rally into "the right" are just damned fools.
And no, it isn't "sarcasm" (or even particularly intelligent) to perpetuate those kinda sweeping generalizations about folks, left or right. It's just becoming that which you condemn. I expect better of both Ann and the guy to whom she links, being college professors'n'all...
And the "leftists did it to Tea Partiers so now we can do it to them" game - did your parents never teach you that "BUT HE/SHE STARTED IT" is not a winning strategy in any situation?
Who started it is irrelevant. And improvable. What are you and I doing to STOP it? that is what matters.
I demur, Ankur. While what you recommend is admirable in the abstract it rewards the left who always unhesitatingly savages the right with the worst sort of pejoratives and, when the right retaliates, the left and other assorted "good people" (with whom I assume you would associate yourself with) counsel "civility," "good-manners" and self-censorship.
Sorry--that time has long past. "Homey don't play that.."
Fen wrote: No, I'm amused that you still can't find a post to back up your allegations.
And don't froth. It makes you look like a rabid penguin. Ridiculous.
I just replied to you in the previous post, with two long entries where I posted at least ten of your comments where I back up my allegations.As trooper suggests own up to what you said. Don't try to hind behind the fact that you were only suggesting hypotheticals.
Fen wrote: This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftits for his comments re Ann.
I hope your brain didn't just explode, JR. And I hope this post taught you how to properly cite what someone actually said, instead of the inaccurate paraphrasing tricks you pull.
I'm reading through the thread. What SPECIFICALLY are you referring to? Give me a quote.
I had a lot of trouble with that part of the discussion, because I believe we're all equally deserving of compassion. You might say that suffering is an equal opportunity employer.
Thanks, Ankur. Reminds me of the saying, "Do you want to be part of part of the problem or part of the solution."
virgil xenophon, you wouldn't believe how many times I've had a leftist say exactly the same thing to me in a left leaning blog. "The right wingers started it. We have to respond in kind - or they are getting away with nastiness".
The perception of who is better is, unfortunately, hard to be neutral about.
Again, the "who started it" path is a non starter. I am certain than for every example of leftist example you bring up, a left winger can bring up an even older incident - ad infinitum. None of that, however, stops the nastiness. If you think taking the higher road is too hard for you - that is your prerogative. You and I will continue to have a difference of opinion in that regard - and that is okay.
It's sarcasm that's supposed to remind you of the way lefties would find the one sign at a big Tea Party rally that referred to violence and extrapolate generalities about what a violent movement it was
The only problem with your "sarcasm" is the website you linked to wasn't being sarcastic at all. He was dead serious.
And no, it isn't "sarcasm" (or even particularly intelligent) to perpetuate those kinda sweeping generalizations about folks, left or right. It's just becoming that which you condemn. I expect better of both Ann and the guy to whom she links, being college professors'n'all...
Fen wrote: Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
I think you're misreading what Crack was saying. I think in fact he is referencing one of the thing I in fact said, or someone else said about Fred Phelps. I said We all know Fred Phels is an asshole for using the death of people to get his religious message out and who is completely disrespectful to people while their loved ones are being lowered in the ground. And I said don't be like Fred Phelps. Others may have similarly mentioned Phelps as well, in the context of using Edwards death to score cheap and insensitive political points and to bad mouth someone who just died of cancer. And Crack, from what I'm reading is saying, you and ann are keeping company with Fred Phelps in your insensitive bad mouthing of Edwards after her death. This is not a call for Althouse's death. This is saying Althouse and Fen are acting like little Phelps.
jr565: I just replied to you in the previous post, with two long entries where I posted at least ten of your comments where I back up my allegations.
Don't see it. Here is how you link to a thread:
<*a HREF="URL">Link Description<*/a>
<*a HREF="https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6329595&postID=7980141283180871699">Link to Althouse<*/a>
(remember to remove the *)
Also, if you're going to include someone else's words in your own post, its helps to put their words in quotation marks or italics. Otherwise, people will think those words are yours instead of mine.
Her full name and that of her employer are available here, and people come on here and post her salary and other (deeply) personal information. I'd guess you could come up with her home address with pretty minimal effort.
How are you coming up with a reading of his words that suggest that that is what he means? Unless you're talking about a different quote that I can't see, in which case, quote that and not the enntire conversation.
Fen, again I call bull. To quote Troopper: When you make a comment you should have the balls to own it. I provided MORE than enough quotes whre you in fact don't make a hypothetical that Elizabeth used her sons death or her cancer as a political prop but a statement of fact. You just then try to pretend that you were merely offering hypotheticals. Tee hee. now, you can think whatever you want, and I'm not here to say you CAN'T be a jerk about Elizabeth Edwards death. You can and you were and continue to be. See, if I think you were completley insensitive I can similarly call you on that.
The current crop of "Progressives" is cut off from traditional rules and enforcement mechanisms of the society they are seeking to destroy and replace with their "Will to Power"(like they thought of it first). So like any criminal enterprise that cannot seek help from a legal system that restrains violence and seeks a just outcome, they are left with murder threats as their enforcement mechanism of first and only choice. This is also the story of why law and order and lawyers are a blessing, even to Trooper York, bless his heart. I remember talking with drug dealers, and they said they never killed police or innocent citizens (except for contracts out on the Drug Sniffing Dog) but they had to use the believable threat of murder to enforce their deals with upstream and downstream drug suppliers. They could not sue in court...so the murdered instead to enforce Rights. Sounds like God Father like mafia rules. That is what today's Libs are trying for: a believable threat of murder to enforce what they say are their rights.
jr565: I'm going by the Crack comment you posted. Where do you see him wishing her death?
Lets try this again:
Fen: Crack, you were a part of this. You claimed Ann's words put her in the same boat as the Westboro pukes, so by your own standard you've thrown in with the violent lefties.
Fen: Here is the thread where Crack said it:
Ann: If you're trying to fathom the twisted reasoning behind picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral (by the Westboro Baptist Church), the hateful text is here.
Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftists for his comments re Ann.
I already told you, they are in the previous conversation where you had ended by saying I owed you money. THe next two comments are my responses to you where I quote your various quotes, and show that you are doing far more than posing hypotheticals about whether Elizabeth was using her cancer and kids as political tools to garner falsse sympathy.
However, when you troll comment sections for one anonymous comment, and then blame all lefties for that is dishonest.
It's also funny the lengths Ann Althouse will go to to generate discussion about Ann Althouse.
And, no, you're not a victim. Sorry. But, yes, you are a dishonest egotist.
Leftards are dishonest by the very nature of the ideology they follow, you stupid reprobate. You are a liar, you are dishonest, and you are a proclaimed leftard. The rest writes itself.
Fen wrote: }Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftists for his comments re Ann.
Where in cracks comment from above does he wish death upon Ann? He's comparing her to Phelps and Phelps gang. She's keeping company with Phelps (because she is so ungracious and frankly heartless at the death of Elizabeth Edwards).
Hey fen, not to get too meta on you, but you don't have to put phony chars into the html like <*, just use the real html entities like < to represent < etc...
Kirk: Hey fen, not to get too meta on you, but you don't have to put phony chars into the html like <*, just use the real html entities like < to represent < etc...
Thanks. That was actually driving me nuts getting blogger to accept my false characters.
Fen wrote: Thats better. But you really should learn how to link. I'll check them out and respond to you there. Got to be honest, when I try to use what I think are html tags it doesn't always work.(Though I do see the "<a" tag as one that is acceptable.
jr565: He's comparing her to Phelps and Phelps gang. She's keeping company with Phelps (because she is so ungracious and frankly heartless at the death of Elizabeth Edwards).
Now you're getting it.
So, if Crack's standard is to lump Ann into "keeping company" with Phelps because of her comments, how is it bullshit to lump Crack into "keeping company" with violent leftists because of his comments?
Now, I think Crack's standard is bullshit, but it only seems fair that he should be held accountable to his own standard. Yes?
Kent...The ideation from the right says don't tread on me. It is a boundary setting honest statement.The ideation from the left says don't speak ideas that we condemn as dangerous. The right has to stand up against being forbidden to speak out the truth. So who causes this conflict? The ones who letting themselves be run over are the cause, because ultimately they must fight back or be enslaved. Courage to oppose AlGore's Great Hoax of CO2 poison was needed to stop the greatest robbery in history, and the threats against "deniers" became extreme death threats, remember?
This is the end result of contention, especially when one loses the argument. How many judges have been attacked by the losers in divorce cases? People like this moron can't stand to be opposed, so they strike out with hatred.
Fen wrote: So, if Crack's standard is to lump Ann into "keeping company" with Phelps because of her comments, how is it bullshit to lump Crack into "keeping company" with violent leftists because of his comments?
Now, I think Crack's standard is bullshit, but it only seems fair that he should be held accountable to his own standard. Yes?
Now which comments are you referring to where Crack is being particularly heartless about the death of someone? I'm trying to figure out which comments in particular would be parallel to Phelps's?
"you might want to take a look at Democratic Underground..."
Yes, a very in-depth and looong look. And don't forget Daily Kos and TPM too..for sustained and extreme vituperation they're tough to beat....taken all together beats the hell out of ANYTHING proffered on the right--most of whose "negative ideations" are sporadic by anyones count, and mild indeed by comparison to those made on the left in terms of character assassination, racial degradation and outright threats of violence.
jr565: Now which comments are you referring to where Crack is being particularly heartless about the death of someone? I'm trying to figure out which comments in particular would be parallel to Phelps's
No no. Ann is to Phelps as Crack is to Violent Leftists.
I'll paint you a picture later next week. Sorry, but I've already spent a ton of time sorting you out today.
Fen wrote: No no. Ann is to Phelps as Crack is to Violent Leftists.
except the angry leftist sound more like Phelps and althouse and Fen. So in fact the only thing that Crack is mad about is your reaction to Edwards death which he views as similar to that practiced by Phelps. I don't see how his anger is really analagous to the leftits or to Phelp, but I can see how someone might feel the utter lack of empathy could fall into the same school as the lack of empathy on Phelp's part.
Crack at 9:26 PM: "None of you are worth a shit. You're mean, cruel, inhuman people and, I guess, it takes an enraged person with no family to let you know there's a benefit if it means I'll never be as callous to anyone as you guys can be to everyone. I spit on you and I spit on your graves."
Show me a quote where anyone said they would spit on Elizabeth's grave...
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"Now we see the violence inherent in the system!"
You're quick, Ann.
Thanks for the link.
Waiting for AlphaLiberal to explain these are Glenn Beck plants in 3..2..1..
Where is Treacle. LOL
This looks like a job for Team Althouse!
It must be hard to have this stuff going on. I'm sorry this happens to you. It would make me very uncomfortable.
Where has Michael Clear criticized violent rhetoric on the right?
It's easy to imagine he is a hypocrite, but you need to show us both sides of the coin for the charge to be persuasive. Or, are you lumping everyone into a pile and saying that any two contradictory statements from people on the left constitute hypocrisy. Again, I can imagine that the same charge is made against the right, but how about closing the circuit for us?
You are so inscrutable sometimes!
Golly gee, how did we know those tolerant, gentle, peace-loving Lefties would show their appreciation of alternative opinion in such a civilized manner?
PS What DaveW said. I don't care how thick-skinned one might claim to be, that does have to get to you after a while.
Poor Ann, somebody finds a blog nobody has heard of with three comments in the thread and that somehow represents "the left".
Project much?
And wasn't she lecturing us all just a couple months ago about how she couldn't be responsible for what her commenters wrote. No, if they were anti-Semitic, racist, or wished others dead, that had nothing to do with her.
Trooper York said...
Someday soon I hope to be commenting on a thread about Kathy Griffin dying of cancer.
One tweet does not make a chant from the left.
One tweet does not make a chant from the left.
What does? A call for pitchforks in the streets by a sitting senator? Or calls for UK-style violence in the streets by another sitting senator?
One tweet does not make a chant from the left.
So include all the libtard comments here wishing that Ann suffers a painful death.
Crack, you were a part of this. You claimed Ann's words put her in the same boat as the Westboro pukes, so by your own standard you've thrown in with the violent lefties.
What are you talking about? No-one is calling for the death of anyone. They simply note that they will be happy when you do die. I don't see what's wrong with that.
What does? A call for pitchforks in the streets by a sitting senator? Or calls for UK-style violence in the streets by another sitting senator?
According to Glenn Beck, The Revolution has Begun. It started yesterday.
Freder Frederson said...
Poor Ann, somebody finds a blog nobody has heard of with three comments in the thread and that somehow represents "the left".
Gee, the Lefties do it all the time.
Sauce for the goose...
Thank God I've never read any "violent ideation" in this blog's comments. Nothing but bright sunshine and cool rationality from the conservative commenters here.
Beth: Nothing but bright sunshine and cool rationality from the conservative commenters here.
Hey, at least we denounce violence from our own instead of reaching for the Tu Quoque
I don't see the point of letting petty obscure people get to you. Aquila non capit muscas
No-one is calling for the death of anyone.
Crack has.
"Poor Ann, somebody finds a blog nobody has heard of with three comments in the thread and that somehow represents "the left". Project much?"
It's sarcasm that's supposed to remind you of the way lefties would find the one sign at a big Tea Party rally that referred to violence and extrapolate generalities about what a violent movement it was.
HaHa Freder shows up as clueless as always, its like a trap he can never avoid. When he wants to be serious, its just funny and when he wants to be funny, he's stupid.
Hey, at least we denounce violence from our own instead of reaching for the Tu Quoque
Sometimes you do. Sometimes you do not.
I don't want you to die, Ann. And I am a leftie.
However, when you troll comment sections for one anonymous comment, and then blame all lefties for that is dishonest.
It's also funny the lengths Ann Althouse will go to to generate discussion about Ann Althouse.
And, no, you're not a victim. Sorry. But, yes, you are a dishonest egotist.
"It's sarcasm that's supposed to remind you of the way lefties would find the one sign at a big Tea Party rally that referred to violence and extrapolate generalities about what a violent movement it was."
Bullshit. There is no indication that post is sarcasm. You think calling lefties hypocritical is sarcasm?
You've been called on assigning collective guilt for one anonymous comment in some obscure blog to boost your victimhood.
You are engaging in a dishonest practice.
Fen wrote:
Crack, you were a part of this. You claimed Ann's words put her in the same boat as the Westboro pukes, so by your own standard you've thrown in with the violent lefties.
OH BULLSHIT! Did Crack wish for her death or did Crack suggest she was behaving badly in her reaction to Elizabeth Edward's death? Big difference. But these lefties are merely applying her same lack of empathy towards her inevitable passing. If you can't be civil, then don't expect civility.
Ann said, that Elizabeth wasn't deserving of sympathy becuase only ONE son died, because her husband had a big cok and because she was wealthy. And to sympathize with others less fortunate. So why not apply the same standard to Ann? She has a devoted husband, seems quite succesful in her life. If she should die of cancer, well a lot of others less fortunate than her also die of cancer, and she can be a pretty divisive figure. So why waste pity on her?
Fen, you're just mad that others would be as rude about the death of people you respect as you and Ann were towards Elizabeth and her passing.
"I don't see the point of letting petty obscure people get to you. Aquila non capit muscas"
Excellent point. Great quote.
Could you please give AL some lessons re being an effective polemicist?
Calm down.
Here is the thread where crack said it:
Ann: If you're trying to fathom the twisted reasoning behind picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral (by the Westboro Baptist Church), the hateful text is here.
Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftits for his comments re Ann.
I hope your brain didn't just explode, JR. And I hope this post taught you how to properly cite what someone actually said, instead of the inaccurate paraphrasing tricks you pull.
jr565: Fen, you're just mad that others would be as rude about the death of people you respect as you and Ann were towards Elizabeth and her passing.
No, I'm amused that you still can't find a post to back up your allegations.
And don't froth. It makes you look like a rabid penguin. Ridiculous.
Alpha: Bullshit. There is no indication that post is sarcasm.
Shorter Alpha: "its not you, its me"
nn said, that Elizabeth wasn't deserving of sympathy becuase only ONE son died, because her husband had a big cok and because she was wealthy. And to sympathize with others less fortunate.
I don't believe that was what Ann said: that EE was not deserving of sympathy. OR at least that wasn't how I interpreted the comments.
To me it was more along the lines of: while EE is getting sympathy for her death, life etc, there are many others who have had more difficult lives, who are not public figures, who suffer in silence and who are perhaps more deserving of sympathy.
Ann. Congrats! You're really moving up in the world!
In the meantime, I'm still working on getting my own personal troll to haunt my blog. Oh well. Maybe some day....
How do you restore sanity to an insane ideology?
Althouse Powers Activate!!!
I stand by what I said about Kathy Griffin and I don't care what anyone thinks.
When you make a comment you should have the balls to own it.
Troop -- according to wikip Kathy's parents moved to the US from Ireland. Irish women are not easily tamed.
I dealt with foul mouth nasty Irish bitches all my life fls. My aunt among the worst of them.
They think they can say anything they want and when somebody goes back at them they can't believe it.
The only way to deal with those nasty twats is to give it back to them twice as hard.
Just a couple of days ago , shoutingthomas was wishing for the death of all hipsters. I've had one particularly virulent commenter here wishing for MY death - when they hardly even know me or my political views.
Surely, that doesn't represent the chant of the american right? In fact, I KNOW it doesn't.
Those who feel they must turn one tweet and five commenters at some obscure site into "the left" or that one guy with the bigoted sign at a tea party rally into "the right" are just damned fools.
And no, it isn't "sarcasm" (or even particularly intelligent) to perpetuate those kinda sweeping generalizations about folks, left or right. It's just becoming that which you condemn. I expect better of both Ann and the guy to whom she links, being college professors'n'all...
And the "leftists did it to Tea Partiers so now we can do it to them" game - did your parents never teach you that "BUT HE/SHE STARTED IT" is not a winning strategy in any situation?
Who started it is irrelevant. And improvable. What are you and I doing to STOP it? that is what matters.
I demur, Ankur. While what you recommend is admirable in the abstract it rewards the left who always unhesitatingly savages the right with the worst sort of pejoratives and, when the right retaliates, the left and other assorted "good people" (with whom I assume you would associate yourself with) counsel "civility," "good-manners" and self-censorship.
Sorry--that time has long past. "Homey don't play that.."
Fen wrote:
No, I'm amused that you still can't find a post to back up your allegations.
And don't froth. It makes you look like a rabid penguin. Ridiculous.
I just replied to you in the previous post, with two long entries where I posted at least ten of your comments where I back up my allegations.As trooper suggests own up to what you said. Don't try to hind behind the fact that you were only suggesting hypotheticals.
Fen wrote:
This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftits for his comments re Ann.
I hope your brain didn't just explode, JR. And I hope this post taught you how to properly cite what someone actually said, instead of the inaccurate paraphrasing tricks you pull.
I'm reading through the thread. What SPECIFICALLY are you referring to? Give me a quote.
JR: I'm reading through the thread. What SPECIFICALLY are you referring to? Give me a quote.
I already did. scroll up to 12:26pm
and who are perhaps more deserving of sympathy.
I had a lot of trouble with that part of the discussion, because I believe we're all equally deserving of compassion. You might say that suffering is an equal opportunity employer.
Thanks, Ankur. Reminds me of the saying, "Do you want to be part of part of the problem or part of the solution."
Hell, you even quoted the lower half of the post you're asking for...
virgil xenophon, you wouldn't believe how many times I've had a leftist say exactly the same thing to me in a left leaning blog. "The right wingers started it. We have to respond in kind - or they are getting away with nastiness".
The perception of who is better is, unfortunately, hard to be neutral about.
Again, the "who started it" path is a non starter. I am certain than for every example of leftist example you bring up, a left winger can bring up an even older incident - ad infinitum. None of that, however, stops the nastiness. If you think taking the higher road is too hard for you - that is your prerogative. You and I will continue to have a difference of opinion in that regard - and that is okay.
It's sarcasm that's supposed to remind you of the way lefties would find the one sign at a big Tea Party rally that referred to violence and extrapolate generalities about what a violent movement it was
The only problem with your "sarcasm" is the website you linked to wasn't being sarcastic at all. He was dead serious.
So to back pedal now is kind of weak.
And no, it isn't "sarcasm" (or even particularly intelligent) to perpetuate those kinda sweeping generalizations about folks, left or right. It's just becoming that which you condemn. I expect better of both Ann and the guy to whom she links, being college professors'n'all...
You obviously been reading this blog long.
It is exactly what I expect from Ann.
Fen wrote:
Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
I think you're misreading what Crack was saying. I think in fact he is referencing one of the thing I in fact said, or someone else said about Fred Phelps. I said We all know Fred Phels is an asshole for using the death of people to get his religious message out and who is completely disrespectful to people while their loved ones are being lowered in the ground. And I said don't be like Fred Phelps. Others may have similarly mentioned Phelps as well, in the context of using Edwards death to score cheap and insensitive political points and to bad mouth someone who just died of cancer.
And Crack, from what I'm reading is saying, you and ann are keeping company with Fred Phelps in your insensitive bad mouthing of Edwards after her death. This is not a call for Althouse's death. This is saying Althouse and Fen are acting like little Phelps.
jr565: I just replied to you in the previous post, with two long entries where I posted at least ten of your comments where I back up my allegations.
Don't see it. Here is how you link to a thread:
<*a HREF="URL">Link Description<*/a>
<*a HREF="https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6329595&postID=7980141283180871699">Link to Althouse<*/a>
(remember to remove the *)
Also, if you're going to include someone else's words in your own post, its helps to put their words in quotation marks or italics. Otherwise, people will think those words are yours instead of mine.
jr565: I think you're misreading what Crack was saying.
Sorry, but with all the reading comrprehension mistakes you've made over the last 2 days, you are not a credible judge of content.
Ankur, you and I are anonymous. Althouse is not.
Her full name and that of her employer are available here, and people come on here and post her salary and other (deeply) personal information. I'd guess you could come up with her home address with pretty minimal effort.
It's completely different.
Freder: The only problem with your "sarcasm" is the website you linked to wasn't being sarcastic at all. He was dead serious.
So to back pedal now is kind of weak.
Hey Libtard, try looking at the top of this page where she says "its so hypocritical!". Get back to us when you figure it out.
the website you linked to wasn't being sarcastic at all
So? Are you saying that one can't make a sarcastic remark if our link doesn't go to a sarcastic site?
It is exactly what I expect from Ann.
It exactly what we expect of you - impaling yourself with your own sword everytime you draw it.
Libtards. Yes, they really are this stupid.
I'm fairly certain that if you would tally violent ideation for both left and right, right would win hands down.
Since you're so fairly certain about, let's see it. With graphs. Violence knows a home in no particular ideology.
On a related topic, do you think coercion is a form of violence? Or does there have to be actual physical damage?
Fen wrote:
Sorry, but with all the reading comrprehension mistakes you've made over the last 2 days, you are not a credible judge of content.
I'm going by the Crack comment you posted. Where do you see him wishing her death?
How are you coming up with a reading of his words that suggest that that is what he means? Unless you're talking about a different quote that I can't see, in which case, quote that and not the enntire conversation.
Fen, again I call bull. To quote Troopper:
When you make a comment you should have the balls to own it.
I provided MORE than enough quotes whre you in fact don't make a hypothetical that Elizabeth used her sons death or her cancer as a political prop but a statement of fact. You just then try to pretend that you were merely offering hypotheticals. Tee hee.
now, you can think whatever you want, and I'm not here to say you CAN'T be a jerk about Elizabeth Edwards death. You can and you were and continue to be. See, if I think you were completley insensitive I can similarly call you on that.
jr565: I provided MORE than enough quotes
So where are they?
where you in fact don't make a hypothetical that Elizabeth used her sons death or her cancer as a political prop but a statement of fact.
So cite them here. I even showed you how.
Why is it so hard for you to understand the difference between paraphrasing and quoting? Look it up.
The current crop of "Progressives" is cut off from traditional rules and enforcement mechanisms of the society they are seeking to destroy and replace with their "Will to Power"(like they thought of it first). So like any criminal enterprise that cannot seek help from a legal system that restrains violence and seeks a just outcome, they are left with murder threats as their enforcement mechanism of first and only choice. This is also the story of why law and order and lawyers are a blessing, even to Trooper York, bless his heart. I remember talking with drug dealers, and they said they never killed police or innocent citizens (except for contracts out on the Drug Sniffing Dog) but they had to use the believable threat of murder to enforce their deals with upstream and downstream drug suppliers. They could not sue in court...so the murdered instead to enforce Rights. Sounds like God Father like mafia rules. That is what today's Libs are trying for: a believable threat of murder to enforce what they say are their rights.
jr565: I'm going by the Crack comment you posted. Where do you see him wishing her death?
Lets try this again:
Fen: Crack, you were a part of this. You claimed Ann's words put her in the same boat as the Westboro pukes, so by your own standard you've thrown in with the violent lefties.
Fen: Here is the thread where Crack said it:
Ann: If you're trying to fathom the twisted reasoning behind picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral (by the Westboro Baptist Church), the hateful text is here.
Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftists for his comments re Ann.
Fen wrote:
So where are they?
I already told you, they are in the previous conversation where you had ended by saying I owed you money. THe next two comments are my responses to you where I quote your various quotes, and show that you are doing far more than posing hypotheticals about whether Elizabeth was using her cancer and kids as political tools to garner falsse sympathy.
AlphaLiberal said...
I don't want you to die, Ann. And I am a leftie.
However, when you troll comment sections for one anonymous comment, and then blame all lefties for that is dishonest.
It's also funny the lengths Ann Althouse will go to to generate discussion about Ann Althouse.
And, no, you're not a victim. Sorry. But, yes, you are a dishonest egotist.
Leftards are dishonest by the very nature of the ideology they follow, you stupid reprobate. You are a liar, you are dishonest, and you are a proclaimed leftard. The rest writes itself.
Fen wrote:
}Crack: What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals. Don't back away now. This is who you are.
This is Crack's standard, so it should apply to him. If he's going to group Ann with Westboro over her comments re EE, then Crack should likewise be grouped with violent leftists for his comments re Ann.
Where in cracks comment from above does he wish death upon Ann? He's comparing her to Phelps and Phelps gang. She's keeping company with Phelps (because she is so ungracious and frankly heartless at the death of Elizabeth Edwards).
Hey fen, not to get too meta on you, but you don't have to put phony chars into the html like <*, just use the real html entities like < to represent < etc...
jr565: I already told you, they are in the previous conversation
Ya, that wasn't helpful, I looked at 8 different threads for you. Nothing.
where you had ended by saying I owed you money.
Thats better. But you really should learn how to link. I'll check them out and respond to you there.
Kirk: Hey fen, not to get too meta on you, but you don't have to put phony chars into the html like <*, just use the real html entities like < to represent < etc...
Thanks. That was actually driving me nuts getting blogger to accept my false characters.
Fen wrote:
Thats better. But you really should learn how to link. I'll check them out and respond to you there.
Got to be honest, when I try to use what I think are html tags it doesn't always work.(Though I do see the "<a" tag as one that is acceptable.
jr565: He's comparing her to Phelps and Phelps gang. She's keeping company with Phelps (because she is so ungracious and frankly heartless at the death of Elizabeth Edwards).
Now you're getting it.
So, if Crack's standard is to lump Ann into "keeping company" with Phelps because of her comments, how is it bullshit to lump Crack into "keeping company" with violent leftists because of his comments?
Now, I think Crack's standard is bullshit, but it only seems fair that he should be held accountable to his own standard. Yes?
I'm fairly certain that if you would tally violent ideation for both left and right, right would win hands down.
I'm fairly certain you pulled that straight out of your ass.
Kent...The ideation from the right says don't tread on me. It is a boundary setting honest statement.The ideation from the left says don't speak ideas that we condemn as dangerous. The right has to stand up against being forbidden to speak out the truth. So who causes this conflict? The ones who letting themselves be run over are the cause, because ultimately they must fight back or be enslaved. Courage to oppose AlGore's Great Hoax of CO2 poison was needed to stop the greatest robbery in history, and the threats against "deniers" became extreme death threats, remember?
I'm fairly certain that if you would tally violent ideation for both left and right, right would win hands down.
You might want to take a look at Democrat Underground before you waste time on that graph.
This is the end result of contention, especially when one loses the argument. How many judges have been attacked by the losers in divorce cases? People like this moron can't stand to be opposed, so they strike out with hatred.
This just proves the violent intent of the left. They are highly dangerous and should be arrested.
Fen wrote:
So, if Crack's standard is to lump Ann into "keeping company" with Phelps because of her comments, how is it bullshit to lump Crack into "keeping company" with violent leftists because of his comments?
Now, I think Crack's standard is bullshit, but it only seems fair that he should be held accountable to his own standard. Yes?
Now which comments are you referring to where Crack is being particularly heartless about the death of someone? I'm trying to figure out which comments in particular would be parallel to Phelps's?
Fen said:
"you might want to take a look at Democratic Underground..."
Yes, a very in-depth and looong look.
And don't forget Daily Kos and TPM too..for sustained and extreme vituperation they're tough to beat....taken all together beats the hell out of ANYTHING proffered on the right--most of whose "negative ideations" are sporadic by anyones
count, and mild indeed by comparison to those made on the left in terms of character assassination, racial degradation and outright threats of violence.
I do give credit to York for saying what he believes and sticking to it.
I read some of his blog and he's pretty funny I must admit.
Donald Douglas said...
You're quick, Ann.
I think she keeps her name on continuous google search.
jr565: Now which comments are you referring to where Crack is being particularly heartless about the death of someone? I'm trying to figure out which comments in particular would be parallel to Phelps's
No no. Ann is to Phelps as Crack is to Violent Leftists.
I'll paint you a picture later next week. Sorry, but I've already spent a ton of time sorting you out today.
Fen wrote:
No no. Ann is to Phelps as Crack is to Violent Leftists.
except the angry leftist sound more like Phelps and althouse and Fen. So in fact the only thing that Crack is mad about is your reaction to Edwards death which he views as similar to that practiced by Phelps.
I don't see how his anger is really analagous to the leftits or to Phelp, but I can see how someone might feel the utter lack of empathy could fall into the same school as the lack of empathy on Phelp's part.
Fen: "No no. Ann is to Phelps as Crack is to Violent Leftists."
Jr565: except the angry leftist sound more like Phelps and althouse and Fen. I don't see how his anger is really analagous to the leftits or to Phelp
Try this one, just for starters:
Crack at 9:26 PM: "None of you are worth a shit. You're mean, cruel, inhuman people and, I guess, it takes an enraged person with no family to let you know there's a benefit if it means I'll never be as callous to anyone as you guys can be to everyone. I spit on you and I spit on your graves."
Show me a quote where anyone said they would spit on Elizabeth's grave...
Other than Fred Phelps, of course.
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