December 11, 2010

Muttering "Fuck the President" — "was just expressing frustration from a very frustrated Member.”

 According to the Democratic congresswoman who was interrupted by those words.

I  love when a "frustrated Member" calls out for fucking.

And isn't it interesting that when the call went out to "fuck the President," Bill Clinton popped right up as the apparent President?

And we know all about his frustrated member. What?! Not fair to dredge up the ancient history of the Clinton impeachment? The NYT just dragged Richard Nixon's rotting corpse across the stage.


David said...

Next week, George W. Bush is going to Haiti.

Barack Obama will be going to Hawaii, where he hopes Michelle will F the P.

"What's been happening in Haiti?" Obama asked his advisers. "They're doing ok, right?"

Titus said...

Men need to have their cock sucked. If the woman at home can't do it the man will need to find another willing and able mouth.

Leave Bill Clinton alone. He is a man with needs.

Titus said...

And a curved cock-I read that somewhere. Not necessarily big but curved.

Lincolntf said...

I know it's a dead horse, but...

The calls for resignation, mortified public apologies or maybe even an Oprah redemption would be ringing through the nation if the f-bomb offenders had been Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Men need to have their cock sucked. If the woman at home can't do it the man will need to find another willing and able mouth.

Are you intimating that the Hildabeast isn't doing her job?

Lucien said...

Wasn't Bill Clinton really called in to discuss the Leaky-Wicks scandal?

(+ how to keep your frustrated member compartmentalized)

Toad Trend said...

"Muttering f the president..."was just expressing frustration at the continued propping-up of the empty suit, ever 'present', 'pragmatist', brilliant, post-racial, post partisan, transformative....

Fen said...

Are you intimating that the Hildabeast isn't doing her job?

No, Hillary needs her cock sucked too.

Lucien said...

Of course you can't even have congress without at least one member and at least one chamber -- and some are bi (cameral).

(But not in Nebraska)

Fen said...

*bows to Lucien*

I feel so inadequate now.

pm317 said...

wow, Ann is ANGRY that her golden child Obama got screwed.

Instugator said...

Is this breach of etiquette as bad as shouting "You Lie" in a crowded house?

Cheryl said...

I think this comment in particular is really bad. Bad on a "not respecting the Constitution" level. The Member said "F* the president," not "F* Obama." It seems beyond personal and shows a profound disrepect for the office of President from a member of a "competing" branch.

It is so far beyond "You lie" that it doesn't even compare.

GMay said...

Golly, all the libs sure are quiet on these latest Dem meltdowns. Surely one of them can spin the unspinnable.

I mean, it's got to be unspinnable when you have to play the Tricky Dick trump card.

Unknown said...

I think the theme today is SEX.

Scary is just for people who care what happens to this country (and maybe the world, in general) in the next 2 years.

Saint Croix said...

All she could think of was "phallus" and "member"?

Saint Croix said...

I'm kinda astounded at that poor woman who could only think of "member" and "phallus."

Here are 99 words for boobs, put to music.

Alex said...

I agree with her - fuck the President!

kent said...

One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.

"[T]his is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up."

Methadras said...

At least one leftard gets it right. Fuck this president and everything he stands for. His leftardation is going to be the ruination of this country. He's a buffoon, a moronic idiot who doesn't understand the first thing about governance or leadership. He thinks his orations are enough to sway the public into following his pied piperish sentiments into the great black beyond. That giant void of nothingness that his little leftard lemmings will skip into, willingly with a smile on their face, into that oblivion.

The rule of Lemnity said...

And isn't it interesting that when the call went out to "fuck the President," Bill Clinton popped right up as the apparent President?